[00:03] Unit193: i think before i can actually merge your stuff, we have to branch off a new version [00:03] trunk is still pointing to saucy [00:05] ochosi: Likely. I saw that, yeah. [00:05] (This is my form of avoiding a bug report.) [00:05] gotta see whether i'm allowed to do that [00:05] so far mr_pouit was handling that [00:05] god i really don't like bzr [00:06] Unit193: i also prefer that to a bugreport btw [00:06] \o/ [00:06] ochosi: Simple, have bzr autoimport and work with git. :----D [00:10] yeah, i'd really prefer that [00:11] I'd not be able to merge anymore, though. [00:12] yeah, there'd have to be a new merge request against the correct series i guess [00:12] as soon as i have read up on the docs on how to do that [00:14] I'd presume you can retarget. [00:26] andrzejr: it seems like the wrapper3 branch breaks the panel's background settings in general and not just for the gtk3 indicators, can you confirm that? (e.g. alpha or setting a background color) [00:37] ali1234: have you noticed that as well? ^ [00:37] (just to rule out any packaging problems) [01:35] ochosi: I haven't been able to use alpha since the wrapper3 branch [01:36] hey bluesabre [01:36] hey ochosi [01:36] yeah, as i know/remember now it's a known issue (see recent backlog in #xfce-dev) [01:36] gotcha [01:37] btw, next week we should start patching xfce4-power-manager with some sort of light-locker support [01:37] well, that and logind i guess [01:38] what issue are you thinking of specifically? [01:38] i thought powermanager uses xflock to lock the session? [01:39] it does, but I think there was something we wanted to add to it [01:39] so as long as that is patched, all locking should work fine (light-locker autolocks on suspend) [01:39] (I just don't remember what) [01:39] :) [01:39] i guess basic 1) logind stuff would be good [01:40] and 2) a way of setting X11's screensaver timeout [01:41] also, I don't know when it started working well, but indicator-datetime is definitely A-OK with my panel atm [01:42] ah [01:42] nice to hear [01:42] gotta try that one then [01:43] evolution-data-server-common is a bit of a nasty dependency though, no? [01:44] yeah, definitely [01:44] hm, doesnt work so well here [01:44] the time-layout isn't configurable easily [01:44] might be a custom one that I picked up from the cinnamon ppa [01:44] and the application links are all broken [01:45] true [01:45] its not perfect :D [01:45] just not as crashy as it used to be [01:48] hehe [02:14] ochosi: what do you mean? [02:16] i set the panel background to an image: only the indicator plugin background changed [08:03] DanChapman: welcome to a real channel :p [08:03] hey DanChapman [08:04] elfy lol :-D [08:04] hey Noskcaj I see you have had another go with autopilot :-) [08:04] DanChapman: you had any luck getting autopilot working with our apps ? [08:04] has anyone ... [08:04] * elfy has been afi a bit [08:05] elfy are you about later? I wanted to talk to you about exactly that [08:05] * DanChapman has the dreaded school run to deal with [08:05] I'm off to work in 30 minutes - back ~4ish till late [08:06] shall I ping you? [08:06] DanChapman, My autopilot attempt ending in transmission-gtk and xfce both no supporting autopilot, so good work me [08:06] elfy, If i'm around, ping me too. And i think ld eran is also interested in testdrive [08:07] Noskcaj: lderan should be interested in autopilot, not sure what the crack is with testdrive - but yea I'll ping anyone I think should be aware [08:08] oops, i meant autopilot. [08:08] stupid brain [08:09] elfy yeah ping me i'll be lurking in the shadows all day today so when ever your free :-) [08:09] Noskcaj: I've got one of those too :) [08:10] DanChapman: okey doke [09:24] ali1234: i meant this commit, as i later realized: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/commit/?id=ac4c4e70e7312d133ae3a6885412aa41d9fb11cf [10:39] morning all [10:41] morning [10:50] ochosi: read the logs of what you've discussed with jjfrv8 about xfdesktop, yesterday [10:51] slickymaster: ah good [10:52] ochosi: today's is dedicated to xfdesktop. I'm putting my wiki.community side project with knome on hold ;) [10:52] awesome! :) [10:53] i'll try to be available in what is the afternoon here [10:57] elfy: sounds good, ping away :D [13:12] ochosi: abiword ruler broken in trusty, the ruler is partially hidden by a plain grey area [13:50] hello [13:51] nvidia-331-updates is not a bumblebee dependency? [13:51] for trusty? [13:55] well, bumblebee-nvidia [14:28] brainwash: meh, again? [14:29] they should really stop breaking that stupid ruler [14:31] ochosi: greybird and orion are affected, so it's likely that more/all themes are [14:31] brainwash: dunno what version of greybird (i assume you mean greybird?) you have, but i just fixed this a few months ago (again): https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/commit/490f43a76c292652da1f7245f36aa85a64cf273b [14:32] if you can, please show me a screenshot of how it looks [14:32] so i can say for sure that it's a theme issue [14:32] or even better: find a theme with which it works [14:33] does it look like this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shimmer-themes/+bug/1043508/+attachment/3282601/+files/abiword.png [14:33] Ubuntu bug 948128 in abiword (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1043508 Abiword Ruler Text and Ticks White" [Medium,Fix released] [14:33] no [14:33] the ruler is fine actually, but the top part is covered behind a grey area [14:34] wait a minute [14:35] also noticed that a right click on the window button panel item opens the context menu, but it's positioned strange, not where you clicked, but from the center of the window button and it's aligned to the left side [14:35] new? [14:35] yeah [14:35] or was it that way all the time? [14:35] hm, well [14:35] tbh i never use abiword [14:35] so i wouldn't really know [14:36] i only install it when i have to fix theming bugs in it [14:36] but this doesn't really sound like a theming bug in a way [14:37] well, I opened to it to debug the xfwm4 "bug" (does not switch between windows of the same application, e.g. Abiword) [14:40] ochosi: http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/abiword.php [14:45] it disappears and reappears occasionally when switching themes [14:49] and this also did break greaybird-git now [14:49] the gtk3 panel indicator item [14:50] it's partially transparent now :D [14:51] did you restart abiword after changing themes? [14:51] no [14:51] gtk3 apps mostly don't work with switching themes without restarting them [14:51] in gtk2 that works, but with gtk3 apps you have to restart them [14:52] otherwise you get all kinds of funky artifacts [14:52] ok, but it's broken initially [14:52] and switching themes does fix it occasionally [14:52] weird [14:53] well it's abiword... [14:53] uses lots of weird code and widgets [14:53] =S [14:53] it's a good reason to discuss whether we should really include it by default in 14.04 [14:54] or maybe switch to an opt-in model for libreoffice (if that's at all doable in ubiquity) [14:54] knome: what do you think? ^ [14:54] oh man, the libreoffice discussion again :) [14:56] :> [14:56] bbl [15:47] ochosi, meh [17:30] ochosi: do you feel like taking a look at this new ruler issue? or should I just file a report against abiword and gtk3 (3.10)? [18:40] ochosi: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:usage#background and http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:usage#icons items of the http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:usage are done, just remaining the http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:usage#menus item to be done [18:40] ping me if you feel there's something that needs changes [18:41] jjfrv8: ^^^ [18:46] bbl [19:00] DanChapman: I'm sort of about now [19:36] brainwash: well tbh it doesn't really seem to be a theming issue, so not my department ;) [19:39] i'd file a regular bug vs abiword and gtk3.10 [19:39] or possibly just abiword [19:40] it worked in unity and lubuntu (only started it once) [19:40] so something strange is going on [19:41] well, why do I even care about an app which I only open/close and don't use at all [19:41] I'm not seeing anything odd with abiword here [19:41] and libreoffice is getting better and better [19:42] could it be caused by the gtk3 indicator panel item?! [19:46] nah, that's rather unrelated [20:44] brainwash, ochosi, that menu positioning is another issue with gtk3, and also related to "windows-less" widgets [20:44] hey andrzejr [20:44] hi [20:45] andrzejr: ok [20:45] ochosi: I know, I need to test and verify it [20:46] but elfy cannot confirm it and it does work in unity and lubuntu [20:46] so maybe an issue in your setup [20:47] like what? I've installed the gtk3 indicator panel item [20:47] which also behaves weirdly [20:47] andrzejr: it's strange though, we also use eventboxes in parole, i didn't notice any changes with the move to gtk3 [20:49] andrzejr: i mean stuff like not drawing any background or making the background of the underlying widget transparent [20:49] but maybe that's the problem with gtk2+gtk3? [20:50] ochosi: So, that's a won't fix type thing? :/ [20:51] Unit193: you mean the panel background stuff? [20:51] Aye. [20:52] it's marked as FIXME in the code [21:08] ochosi, maybe that's because of the way the panel handles transparency [21:10] possible [21:10] i'm tempted to ask "how does it work?", but i don't wanna waste your time [21:13] maybe you're right and it's best if nick takes a look at it [21:15] I've been looking into it (background and menu positioning) for quite some time and failed. I roughly know what is going on (so I have added a workaround) but I don't know how to fix it properly. [21:16] you could sum up your thoughts in an email to nick, he seems to respond to those more actively than to irc lately [21:21] bbiab [21:26] done [21:29] good night all [22:09] ali1234: A chance you'll give the option to disable zoom support in Window Manager Tweaks? [23:20] Unit193: i don't know how to make options [23:21] ali1234: it's not terribly hard, this would be an example (it's a bit noisy and does other stuff too, but i think you'll get the idea): http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/commit/?h=ochosi/tabwin&id=142904be056f9d469726848c61d8ff33e97fae4c [23:44] hello [23:44] anyone? [23:44] !hello [23:45] heh. [23:45] bumblebee-nvidia from trusty has a dependency problem [23:45] hmpf, we should add a factoid for that... [23:45] ochosi, i added one at least for #x! [23:45] i'll ask ubottu [23:45] thanks knome [23:45] bumblebee-nvidia should depend on nvidia-331 or nvidia-331-updates [23:46] is it better to try in ubuntu+1 channel? [23:46] yeah [23:46] ok [23:46] we're not involved with this kinda stuff at all tbh [23:46] i mean the whole nvidia packaging [23:46] why not file a bug report on launchpad? [23:46] !hi | ochosi [23:46] hmm. [23:47] :] [23:47] !hello | ochosi [23:47] ochosi: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu-devel! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [23:47] because my system has lot of stuff that not is official [23:47] !hi | ochosi [23:47] * knome slaps ubottu [23:47] !usage | ochosi [23:47] ochosi: Hi! I'm #xubuntu-devel's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [23:47] !hi | ochosi [23:47] huh? [23:47] hehe [23:48] well it should work. [23:48] seems you gotta teach ubottu a lesson [23:48] sergiobenrocha2: so? does that matter? [23:48] !hi [23:48] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu-devel! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [23:48] yep. [23:48] just some surge protection probably ;) [23:48] sorry for the mess.