
trichmonHas anyone been able to install 13.10 on an older macbook pro?  Like a 3,100:00
impossiblewhat does ubuntu use to connect to printers00:01
hitsujiTMOtrichmon: that would make it a powerpc arch which isn't supported on 13.1000:02
hitsujiTMOtrichmon: wait my bad, macbook pro 3,1 is indeed an intel chip00:04
trichmonyup.  the install completes but i get a black screen with a blinking cursor on boot.  no post message and no grub screen00:05
Beldar!nomodeset | trichmon sounds like your installed try this00:06
ubottutrichmon sounds like your installed try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:06
hitsujiTMOtrichmon: try pressing shift ( left and right independently ) or esc when booting it to see if you get a grub menu00:07
waykool99if you download the ".run" file from nVidia.com, how do you get it working -and- what folder should you put it in?00:13
hitsujiTMOwaykool99: why are you downloading from the nvidia site and not installing from the repo?00:14
waykool99i have to now. the Repo no longer has my nVidia card drivers.00:14
hitsujiTMOwaykool99: what card do you have and what version of ubuntu?00:15
john_doe_jr1how do you add a yum repo in ubuntu?00:16
hitsujiTMOwaykool99: the main reason the repo would drop support for a card is if the driver does not support the kernel or xorg version shipped. So downloading a driver from nvidia is not going to help in that case00:16
waykool99i noticed they especially no longer offer v10.04 32 bit drivers00:16
KLVTZWhat's everyone's thought on Arch? Those who have use it, can you list pros and cons in comparison to ubuntu?00:16
hitsujiTMOwaykool99: are you trying to install the nvidia driver on 10.04?00:16
waykool99yea hitsu. i was afraid of that.00:17
waykool99yes 32 bit version because my DVD got a hairline crack and nobody on the planet Earth wants to offer me the 1.7 GB ISO00:18
hitsujiTMO!ot | KLVTZ this is a support channel not a discussion channel, try ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic00:18
ubottuKLVTZ this is a support channel not a discussion channel, try ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:18
gatopanIs there a way i can have a minimized (desktop|viewport) with some transparency in the corner of my current (desktop|viewport)00:18
gatopanSomething like the picture inside picture option in some tvs, that allow you to watch two channels at the same time00:18
john_doe_jr1how do you add a repo from the command line?00:19
hitsujiTMOwaykool99: the reason why its not in the repo is because 10.04 is not supported on the desktop. you'd have to upgrade to 12.04 to install it00:19
waykool99i've given up begging for months for Ubuntu Studio v10.04.4 LTS amd 64 bit ISO00:20
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: what exactly are you trying to install. yum repos are not supported on ubuntu. ubuntu uses the apt/deb package system00:20
waykool99funny because ubuntustudio.org still has studio v9.04 LTS ISO download00:21
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: I need to use a yum repo containing mono_2.6.7…found @ http://origin-download.mono-project.com/archive/2.6.7/download/openSUSE_11.3/ …I thought I could just edit my source.list file00:22
JayFI'm trying to get a kickstart install working for Ubuntu Precise; how do I specify to the installer to get the kickstart config via tftp, or do I *have* to publish it via http/ftp/nfs?00:23
hitsujiTMOwaykool99: no. the ubuntustudio page only offers 13.10 and 12.04 lts....        9.04 wasn't even lts00:23
JayFI have PXE and all the associated bits working, but ks=filename.cfg doesn't seem to be pulling down the file00:23
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: mono is in the ubuntu repos00:23
mikeshollenWill changing the NICE value of my murmur VOIP server improve performance?00:23
waykool99ah yes, you're correct. my apologies.00:24
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: I want a # of packages from this yum repo…would I just have to compile them myself?00:28
waykool99i've installed, wiped it, over and over again. on several pc's. for some strange reason, the Xfce gui doesn't like my computers. just going to wait for ubuntu studio v14.04 LTS amd 64 release.00:28
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: they're probably available on the ubuntu repos. try looking00:29
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: you don't use yum repos with ubuntu - check the software you want is available in the ubuntu repos00:29
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john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: my problem is that I need a particular version of them though00:30
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: then use a distro that supports that yum repo00:31
waykool99anybody else use BleachBit and get "Low Disk Space" popups?00:31
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: have you looked to see what's in the ubuntu repos? if that's not suitable, have a look for a ppa of the particular version you're looking for, or else you'll have to build it yourself00:31
john_doe_jr1by the way I didn't make a backup of my sources.list file…any idea where on the internet I could get a fresh 12.4 Ubuntu /ect/apt/sources.list file?00:32
maltshould a AMD Athlon 64 X2 2 GHz Dual Core 3800+ be enough to run ubuntu decent and maybe a game like cs 1.600:32
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1:  source.hitsuji.eu00:32
malton a 3400+ athlon 64 single core now and its slow00:32
ikoniamalt: it's more about your video card support00:33
maltikonia I got a 9500 gt geforce00:33
ikoniamalt: right, so check out it's support and compatability00:33
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: that seems very short compared to what I had00:33
maltmy CPU though on 3400+ goes to 80-95% load on average00:33
maltwhen running a game00:33
ikoniamalt: ok, so you are struggling for resources.....00:34
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: what you had spread the branches along multiple lines. this has all the branhes on a single line00:34
maltikonia , so the CPU seems like the way to go to fix it the geforce 9500 GT is well enough for average games00:34
maltjust my CPU sucks00:34
ikoniamalt: so there is your answer.00:35
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: it also doesn't have the excess comments00:35
maltis  a AMD Athlon 64 X2 2 GHz Dual Core 3800+ right much  faster then a AMD athlon 64 3400+?00:35
maltis what I am asking00:35
ikoniamalt: talk to a hardware support group, or channel, like ##hardware00:35
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: alright00:35
mikeshollenI'd like to monitor the traffic on my voip server, which is running on port 64738, so that I can see if there is a bottleneck. Any suggestions?00:35
ikoniamikeshollen: you'd be better monitoring that on the switch port00:36
mikeshollenikonia, can you explain further? I don't know what a switch port is.00:37
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ikoniamikeshollen: then nothing is going to help you monitor00:37
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mikeshollenikonia, do you mean directly on the router?00:38
ikoniamikeshollen: I mean the switch port it's plugged into00:38
hitsujiTMOmikeshollen: where is the server located?00:39
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hitsujiTMOmikeshollen: is it in your home? in a datacentre or which?00:40
mikeshollenhitsujiTMO, the hardware is located in my house, and is hardwired via eth into my router/modem combo. the software server is murmur and operates on TCP/UDP 6473800:40
ikoniathe port number has nothing to do with it00:40
ikoniaand your local ethernet connection is likley nothing to do with it00:40
john_doe_jr1how do I untar a src.rpm file…tar vzf package is not working00:41
mikodoBesides Ubuntu next (which I don't use), would any current Ubuntu version have a newer linux kernel than Debian Testing? I want to attach grub2 to Debian Testing, but I want it to always see my current Ubuntu kernels.00:41
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: you don't, it's not a tar file00:41
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: stop trying to do something you understand nothing about00:42
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: what are you trying to install00:42
john_doe_jr1ikonia: that's the only way I learn00:42
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: it's really not, you're just asking the wrong questions without any research, eg: a src.rpm is NOT a tar file00:42
john_doe_jr1I want to build it from source00:42
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: use the ubuntu mod_mono version00:42
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: stop trying to use rpm's00:43
john_doe_jr1I need this version though00:43
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: why ??00:43
john_doe_jr1I'm trying to install ifolder on ubuntu and it requires this version of apache_mod_mono to work00:43
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: I'm sure a later version will work fine00:43
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: look what version is in ubuntu00:44
john_doe_jr1That problem is that when I install apache_mod_mono it upgrades the mono version…ifolder uses mono —version 2.6.700:44
hitsujiTMOmikeshollen: more than likely your router doesn't have the capabilities to do any propper monitoring. you could try ntop, but realistically you won't find many tools as this kind of monitoring is normally done at a switch or router level with netflow or similar protocol00:44
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: why is that a problem ?00:44
ikonia!info apache_mod_mono00:44
ubottuPackage apache_mod_mono does not exist in saucy00:45
john_doe_jr1ifolder only works on mono 2.6.700:45
john_doe_jr1it's in natty norwhall00:45
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: yes, and you just said it installs 2.6.7 - so what's the problem00:45
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john_doe_jr1Sorry when I install apache_mod_mono it installs a much higher version of mono..sorry didn't mean to say 2.6.700:46
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: then use a distribution that supports that package00:46
john_doe_jr1My boss wants to use 12.0400:47
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: trying to build that package for ubuntu - is a waste of time and effort, more so when you don't know what you are doing00:47
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: however I suspect the software you want to use will work just fine with the ubuntu version00:47
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: what version of mono do you need?00:47
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: talk to your boss then and explain it's not nativly compatible00:47
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: I already compiled mono 2.6.700:47
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: or employ someone who knows what they are doing00:47
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: if you already compiled it, what's the problem00:47
john_doe_jr1Alright…I now need that version of apache_mod_mono00:47
john_doe_jr1with mono version 2.6.700:48
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: you just said you compiled it, what's the problem00:48
john_doe_jr1I compiled mono not apache_mod_mono00:48
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: so compile apache_mod_mono00:48
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: or use a distro that supports it00:48
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: or use the version that ships with ubunti00:48
john_doe_jr1like I said…it will automatically upgrade my mono version if I do a sudo apt-get install apache_mod_mono…I don't want that00:49
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: why ?00:49
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: you're trying to use a version that's not supported by the distro - that is wrong00:49
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: whats wrong with a later version of mono?00:50
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: if I use it..it will break ifolder00:50
ikoniaI doubt that00:50
greyAnyone know how the heck to get squid with https support on ubuntu 13.10? I cannot make it work :\00:50
ikoniaand if that's true you should use a distro that supports your package00:50
ikoniagrey: set it to listen on port 443, and createa a certificate00:51
john_doe_jr1alright…well, my boss if pretty insisted on using an LTS of 12.0400:51
greyikonia: yeah? I didn't think the apt version had ssl support?00:51
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: then you should educate your boss on the limitations00:51
ikoniagrey: have you checked ?00:51
olsoneahi all, can anyone help me with a Minecraft 1.7.4 issue on Xubuntu 13.10? the game completely locks up the OS and i have to reboot with the Big Red Switch00:53
john_doe_jr1So the src.rpm doesn't automatically contain sources where I can do a make, sudo make install (or sudo checkinstall)?00:54
mikodo Which gets Linux kernel updates first? Current Ubuntu or Debian Testing?00:54
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: really - you shouldn't do that00:54
john_doe_jr1I understand…just trying to learn.00:54
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: so learn "you shouldn't do that"00:54
john_doe_jr1well, I just asking a general question…the src.rpm doesn't automatically contain sources where I can do a make, sudo make install (or sudo checkinstall) right?00:55
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: the src rpm contains source files desiged for building an rpm00:55
ikoniajohn_doe_jr1: so "you shouldn't do that"00:55
greyikonia: squid3 -v doesn't show --enable-ssl, and ldd doesn't show it being linked against libssl00:56
john_doe_jr1I see thanks00:56
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: have you by anychance looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iFolderInstall ?00:56
ikoniagrey: so there is your answer, "it's not built with ssl support"00:56
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: doesn't work …. tried to get it to work a # of times...00:56
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: I think it has something to do with my gcc version and the deb/rules file00:57
ikoniathat guide is terrible00:57
greyikonia: great, that's very helpful, thanks00:57
ikoniagrey: what do you want me to say ? you know it's not built with ssl support - so why are you asking "how do I get it to work with ssl"00:57
anonymoushey any one know anoymous os00:58
ikoniaanonymous: yes, the people in the anonymous os channel, this channel is for ubuntu support00:58
hitsujiTMO!ot | anonymous not supported here00:58
ubottuanonymous not supported here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:58
ikoniait's not acceptable in #ubuntu-offtopic00:58
greyikonia: the original question was how to get squid with ssl support on ubuntu, I was hoping for a tutorial or howto or something,01:02
ikoniagrey: you find a package that is built with ssl - or you build a package with ssl support if the ubuntu package is not built with ssl support01:02
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mikodoikonia, how long is acceptable before repeating a question?01:05
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Dresk|LaptopWe're having two issues right now with Xubuntu, the first is perhaps more resolvable - immediately upon getting into X we try to open a webcam, but it seems like Ubuntu needs around 60+ seconds before you can access the webcam, perhaps due to upstart daemons or the like - might anyone know if v4l2 is delayed at boot for any reason?01:13
hitsujiTMOmikodo: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianKernel 3.2 was shipped with ubuntu 12.04.1                does that answer your question?01:14
mikodohitsujiTMO, Thank you. I am going to have to read up on how grub2 on Debian Testing see's current Ubuntu installs. I will google. Thanks.01:18
us{0gbnick Audry_II01:22
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ice9how to find the installed files of a package?01:23
hitsujiTMOice9: the package is the installer. what exactly do you want to do?01:23
knightshadeice9: dpkg -L <package name>01:23
hitsujiTMOice9: w00ps. sorry, misread your question01:24
mikeitice9, go to synaptyc and files01:24
ice9mikeit, i want to do it from the cmd01:25
mikeitice9, ?01:25
pac1what good are the 12.04-3 checksums if they never match what you download?01:26
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hitsujiTMOpac1: if they're not matching then there's something wrong with your 12.04.3 iso or you're reading the wrong checksum01:28
pac1I've downloaded it several times from several different sources.  the checksum is always the same when I run it but it does not match what's on ubuntu's site.01:29
pac1c1feb9cc948bbaedec5765e39ae65c6f *ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso01:29
m4tany ideas what could be causing a ~4s delay between mdadm detection and rootfs mounting in initramfs?01:29
pac1e2da0d5ac2ab8bedaa246869e30deb71 *ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso01:30
hitsujiTMOpac1: where are you downloading the iso from?01:31
pac1ubuntu, and argonne national lab.01:31
jinppkIs there anyway to look up when we can expect the 3.12 kernel for 13.10?01:31
hitsujiTMOpac1: ubuntu might be redirecting you to that server if its the closest.01:31
pac1I picked argonne by hand from the mirror list.01:32
pac1I'm running the checksums for the 64 bit iso on a 32 bit machine.  That shouldn't make a difference/01:33
hitsujiTMOpac1 did you choose argonet as its the physically closest or first on the list?01:34
pac1closer than most.01:35
hitsujiTMOpac1: pinging us.releases.ubuntu,com gets a response from mirror.anl.gov ( argonne Nat )    you downloaded the isos from the same server.01:36
hitsujiTMOpac1: most likely the iso on that server is corrupt01:36
pac1hitsujiTMO, thanks.01:37
pac1I just downloaded it again and got a different checksum.01:37
pac1pinging  releases.ubuntu.com gets me  jogah.canonical.com01:40
pac1and the checksum now matches.01:40
pac1I made an error somewhere.01:43
azio_mI am using mercurial and it's complaining about not having a merging tool: couldn't find merge tool ecmerge01:43
azio_mcouldn't find merge tool filemerge01:43
azio_mcouldn't find merge tool gpyfm01:43
azio_mcouldn't find merge tool kdiff3 … which one should I install?01:43
FloodBot1azio_m: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:43
malaphusHi all.  is it possible to set a flag somewhere to permanently disable the "Graph this data..." advertisement in the motd?  At the moment I just update landscapelink.py to remove the line, but updating landscape obviously brings it back.01:47
vocxmalaphus, what is motd01:48
malaphusmessage of the day?01:48
vocxmalaphus, is that a program?01:48
malaphusare you being smart, or serious? heh01:49
malaphuscan't tell01:49
vocxmalaphus, I haven't used Ubuntu in 2 years, I'm just testing it again, so I guess there is a gap in my knowledge.01:49
vocxazio_m, I guess install whichever you want. If mercurial asks for it then it should be fine.01:49
malaphusits in all linuxes, the message of the day, what you see when you login01:50
malaphussuch as "Welcome to Ubuntu..." etc01:50
hitsujiTMOmalaphus: should be an option in sshd-config01:50
malaphusits not ssh01:50
malaphusits console login, ssh, telnet, anything01:50
vocxmalaphus, I see. Well, I don't remember reading that expression before.01:50
vocxmotd sounds like an amalgamation of moot or mod.01:52
somsipvocx: its an acronym01:52
hitsujiTMOmalaphus: you could remove the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d maybe ... it will generate a blank motd then at least. maybe an option in pam to disable it completely01:53
vocxsomsip, I see that clearly now.01:54
Danatowhats the command to check my networks cards?01:55
malaphushitsujiTMO: Yeah, I like the landscape info tho, just not the advertisement :P01:56
malaphusDanato: ifconfig01:56
linuxlite1969i want to install intel graphics is it safe?01:58
linuxlite1969i want to install intel graphics is it safe?01:59
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: intel graphics are already installed02:00
linuxlite1969how come? my linux boottime is so slow02:01
SickDualHow do I killall Processes in Ubuntu 13.10?02:02
linuxlite1969http://paste.ubuntu.com/6559046/ this is my display02:03
linuxlite1969can u check it <hitsujiTMO>?02:03
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SickDualAlso on youtube after I switch the tab the video goes black02:04
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: what cpu do you have?02:04
linuxlite1969can u tell me what command to type? <hitsujiTMO>02:04
hitsujiTMOLinuxGold: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"02:05
trav326Honest tip: Don't use ecryptfs, settle for something better.02:06
Zeh_GordinhoBoa noite a todos02:07
leptonei have a MBP dual booting with 13.1 and mavericks.02:07
leptonehow can i get R/W privilleges of my machintosh hd file system02:07
linuxlite1969<hitsujiTMO> what now?02:09
Zeh_Gordinhosorry ... but I don't know enough about macintosh ...02:09
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: can you tell me the output of that command02:09
hitsujiTMOleptone: http://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write02:10
leptonehitsujiTMO, Macintosh HD is already mounted i can move thro the file system but some folders say i dont have privileges02:11
linuxlite1969model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 350  @ 2.27GHz  four times02:11
linuxlite1969model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 350  @ 2.27GHz  four times hitsujiTMO>02:12
hitsujiTMOleptone: you can try remounting as rw:    sudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mount/point                but this will fail if journaling is not disabled on the hfs+ partition02:13
linuxlite1969http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-the-intel-graphics-drivers-on-ubuntu-13-04-12-10-12-04-and-linux-mint-15-14-13-via-repository/ i saw this on the net do you think this will work?02:13
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: you already have the drivers installed. they're built into the kernel.02:14
leptonei just want to be able to access those folders02:14
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: when you say its slow. how exactly is it slow?02:14
linuxlite1969about 2 mins before i can see the screen02:14
linuxlite1969but sometimes my machine becomes unstable, for example if i open a lot of apps02:15
leptonegksudo nautilus02:16
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: can you run the following: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit                           and can you paste the url it generates02:16
leptonehitsujiTMO, gksudo nautilus?02:16
hitsujiTMOleptone: is it mounted as rw?02:16
linuxlite1983hi guys02:17
leptonerw is read/write?02:17
hitsujiTMOleptone: can you pastebin the output of: mount02:17
Zeh_Gordinhoyes ... rw usually is read/write02:17
linuxlite1969http://paste.ubuntu.com/6559083/ <hitsujiTMO>02:20
leptonehitsujiTMO, when i ran gksudo nautilus it gave me a file manager window i navagated to macHD and had full permisions.02:20
linuxlite1983hi guys how are you? im using linux for maybe 3 months and its good,how about you guys how long are you using your linux os?02:20
leptonehow do i make my file explorer like this always02:20
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Zeh_Gordinhoin my personal machine I use linux about 2 years ... a lot of distros has past in my machine ...02:21
leptoneis it a bad idea to give nautilus root permission all the time?02:21
Zeh_Gordinhoat my work I use dual boot ... windows 7 and kubuntu 12.04 at about a year ...02:21
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1983: can you run: pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces02:21
knightshadeleptone: yes02:21
leptoneknightshade, why?02:22
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hitsujiTMOleptone: yes its a bad idea. unfortunately your issue is a filesystem permission one. so you don't have much of a choice02:22
leptoneknightshade, i want to be able to access the machintosh HD files02:22
leptonehow can i configure nautilus to have have/grant acces to the macHD file system without giving it root privilledges all the time?02:23
linuxlite1983<hitsujiTMO> the progam is not installed yet sir why?02:24
knightshadeI've never touched a mac ^^02:24
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1983: i need a pastebin of that file to see if its misconfigured02:24
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KLVTZ@leptone, couldn't you just chmod -RF 777 the entire hardrive?02:24
leptonehitsujiTMO, how can i change the owner of that file system from root to my user02:24
hitsujiTMOleptone: you can't without breaking OSX02:25
linuxlite1983maybe my partner linuxlite1963 :D02:25
KLVTZohh wait, without giving it root privileges all the time? Like a temporary access.02:25
leptonehitsujiTMO, huh? why not?02:25
KLVTZ@hitsuji thanks for clarifying. Wasn't sure..02:25
linuxlite1983<hitsujiTMO> mybe its my partner linuxlite 196302:25
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knightshadebreaking osx sounds good to me :>02:26
hitsujiTMOleptone: ubuntu will overwrite its permissions with that of osxs. osx will no longer have permission to access its own files and will fail to load02:26
Zeh_Gordinhogood night for all ...02:26
Mark_Kevinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6559107/ <hitsujiTMO>02:26
SickDualcan someone help me?02:27
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1983: ahh sorry02:27
knightshadeSickDual: How do you know that the video goes black, if you have switched the tab? ^^02:27
SickDualknightshade, No lol :) I pause the video go to another tab go back to youtube blank black youtube02:28
linuxlite1983<hitsujiTMO> hmmm thats okay sir02:28
knightshadeSickDual: I think it's a problem with the flash player02:29
linuxlite1983<hitsujiTMO> can i play games here in linux guys??02:29
SickDualknightshade, Reinstall?02:29
hitsujiTMOsteam is on linux02:29
MakavelliLinuxlite1983: With PlayonLinux and Wine you can02:29
MakavelliLinuxlite1983: and Steam02:29
knightshadeSickDual: You could use the html5 player for youtube02:30
knightshadeSickDual: just go to youtube.com/html5 and enable it02:30
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
linuxlite1983<Makavelli> hmm i want to play warcraft here and i already have playonlinux how to use it??02:31
Ari-Yanghttp://store.steampowered.com/about/ bottom right, .deb for steam02:31
Ari-Yangdat penguin02:31
knightshadeSickDual: I don't use the flash player anymore, because it's proprietary software and unstable02:31
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: whats on /dev/sda6 ? seems both times that there's a gap in dmesg its mentioned02:31
anoHello, i'm new here :)02:31
linuxlite1983me too <ANO>02:32
MakavelliLinuxlite1983: Hold on while I get that information.02:32
anoFirst time using both Xubuntu and irc02:32
linuxlite1983<Ari-Yang> all i need is to install it??02:32
Mark_Kevin<hitsujiTMO> ok let me see...02:33
Makavellilinuxlite1983: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/manual.html02:33
Ari-Yanglinuxlite1983: yes, then you'll have steam02:33
SickDualknightshade, is there a nother that works?02:33
leptonehitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6559118/02:33
Mark_Kevinwell <hitsujiTMO> is there a terminal command to know whats on /dev/sda6 im googleing but i cant find something02:34
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: pastebin: sudo fdisk -l                    and: lsblk02:35
knightshadeSickDual: There are some free projects like gnash and lightspark, but both don't work very well02:35
hitsujiTMOleptone: if its mounted as rw already then thats not going ot do anything02:36
Mark_Kevinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6559131/ fdisk02:37
Mark_Kevinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6559134/ lsblk02:37
Mark_Kevinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6559134/ lsblk hitsujiTMO>02:37
Mark_Kevinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6559131/ fdisk hitsujiTMO>02:37
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linuxlite1983<Ari-Yang> i downloaded it 2.2mb then all i need to do is to install it??02:38
linuxlite1983<Makavelli> thanks a lot02:38
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: that's your root filesystem. I can only guess that the problem lies with a slow hdd02:38
Mark_Kevinim using btrsf 0.902:39
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: ahh, then the problem lies in a slow hdd with an unstable filesystem :P02:39
Mark_Kevinhow can i check if my hdd is slow?02:40
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Mark_Kevinis there a way where i can convert btrsf into ext4 without reinstalling?02:40
Mark_Kevinhow can i check if my hdd is slow?hitsujiTMO>02:40
Mark_Kevinis there a way where i can convert btrsf into ext4 without reinstalling?hitsujiTMO>02:41
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/87035/how-to-check-hard-disk-performance02:41
Mark_KevinhitsujiTMO> lemme see. thanks02:41
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: not that i know if. you'd have to rysync or tar the file system from one partition to another02:41
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: once you did that you'd have to reinstall grub to the mbr02:42
Mark_KevinhitsujiTMO> so i guess reinstalling is easier?02:42
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: mutch easier02:42
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: you should also avoid using unstable fielsystems. stick with what works02:43
Mark_Kevindev/sda: Timing cached reads:   4980 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2490.42 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 258 MB in  3.01 seconds =  85.81 MB/sec02:43
Mark_Kevinhahaha my bad.02:43
Mark_Kevinis there a way where i can backup my entire operating system with files and then reinstall? like making my own distro?02:47
Mark_Kevinis there a way where i can backup my entire operating system with files and then reinstall? like making my own distro?<hitsujiTMO>02:47
knightshadeMark_Kevin: I'd just backup /home and /etc to a different harddrive02:49
Mark_Kevinhow about all my installed apps?will they be gone?02:49
wadI've been trying to get my video driver working better, but after doing a couple of things, I've reverted xorg.conf back to just use fbdev. But now when I log in, my desktop is empty, there is just the purple color. Mouse works, but the sidebar is gone.... what went wrong?02:50
wolfzrathi guys i need some help02:51
knightshadeMark_Kevin: yes, you have to reinstall them, but the configuration files for the programs are saved in your home folder and /etc02:52
wadLooked in lightdm logs...02:52
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: you could tar it with -ps and --one-file-system maybe02:52
Mark_Kevinhow about remastersys <hitsujiTMO>?02:52
somsip!details | wolfzrat02:52
ubottuwolfzrat: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:52
wolfzrati would love to learn ubuntu in depth,  how do i practice to get good at the terminal02:53
somsip!manual | wolfzrat02:53
ubottuwolfzrat: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:53
hitsujiTMOMark_Kevin: i've never met anyone who managed to get a working system with remastersys on their first try02:53
somsipwolfzrat: hmm,. Maybe not the best hint. I would just learn as you need to. When you have to do something new, find what you need to use, and read the man to learn more than you need. Rinse and repeat02:53
Mark_Kevini guess i have to reinstall linuxlite. | hitsujiTMO02:53
wolfzratdoesnt that come installed in the ubuntu iso02:54
somsipwolfzrat: yes. type 'man man'02:55
wolfzratok awesome thanks02:56
knightshadewolfzrat: if you want to learn bash scripting, use this guide: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide02:57
skratalguien habla espa;ol02:57
somsip!es | skrat02:57
ubottuskrat: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:57
wolfzrati dont know what bash is knghtshade but ill look into it03:00
wolfzratthank you03:00
somsip!info bash | wolfzrat03:01
ubottuwolfzrat: bash (source: bash): GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.2-5ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1388 kB03:01
somsipwolfzrat: so it's the terminal, or shell, that you are more than likely going to use03:01
wolfzratbash is the terminal, is what your saying03:02
somsipwolfzrat: the terminal is a X front end that allows you to use a shell. The particular shell interpreter that you are using is probably bash03:02
wadWhen I log in to my Ubuntu 13-10, I get an empty desktop. The bar on the left is gone, and also all the icons. Any ideas what I should google on, to find a solution on how to get them back?03:03
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somsipwad: this might help http://is.gd/Uqdinx03:04
hitsujiTMOwad: reset unity03:05
hitsujiTMOwad: were you playing with compiz?03:05
wadNo, I was playing with the video drivers.03:05
wolfzratwell im using linux lite which is an ubuntu base distro03:05
hitsujiTMOwad: ahh you broke 3d accelleration then03:05
wadWell..... this is a new Lenovo IDeaPad y510p03:05
wadIt has 2 video cards in it, Intel and NVidia.03:06
wadThe first 200 or so times I booted to Ubuntu, I would only get a blank screen.03:06
wadFinally I got a screen, when specifying fbdev in xorg.conf03:06
wadSo I saved off that xorg.conf, and tried some more things with nvidia drivers.03:06
hitsujiTMOwad: unity is 3d accelerated so its not able to render it is the problem.     what exact cpu and gpu do you have?03:06
SetiAmonhey my display turns off after awhile of not touching hte keyboard or mouse.i have all the power management settings set to off.anyone here able to help03:07
wadThat didn't work, so I restored the xorg.conf that did work, uninstalled the packages, unblacklisted stuff in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, reenabled nomodeset in grub, and rebooted..... and now I get an empty desktop.03:07
wadHere are the specs for this computer: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)03:08
wad01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 755M] (rev a1)03:08
wadThe CPU is an i703:08
hitsujiTMOwad: what version of ubuntu?03:08
wad13.10 64 bit desktop03:08
wolfzrathow do I see what bash I have03:09
hitsujiTMOwad: did nomodeset work the first time you tried it?03:09
wadhitsujiTMO, no03:09
wadhitsujiTMO, it got farther, but X will not recognize anything except fbdev.03:09
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wadI've tried the proprietary NVidia drivers four or five times, the packaged nvidia drivers four or five times, reinstalled the OS from scratch 3 times....03:10
hitsujiTMOwad: did you try adjusting the brightness with nomodeset?03:10
wadThe screen was just blank. Sometimes lightdm would die off, and I would get console in TTY703:11
wadI have seriously spent probably 20 hours so far, trying to get this to work.03:11
wadI tried installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, too. Same issue.03:11
wadI finally had a linux guru friend of mine help me, and together we got fbdev to work. But now I've broken that. *sob*03:12
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wadI can restart lightdm, that gets me back to the login screen....03:13
wadbut when I log in, the desktop is empty.03:13
wadHave a mouse, and the default purple desktop background, but that's it.03:13
SetiAmonwhats best03:14
SetiAmoni'm using gdm right now03:14
hitsujiTMOwad: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:14
Kuledud3hey, How do i get sound?03:14
SetiAmonis there a dm that is superior03:14
wadI would *love* to!03:14
SetiAmonkuledud3 what is your sound setup03:14
hitsujiTMO!best | SetiAmon03:14
ubottuSetiAmon: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:14
Kuledud3I'm using PC Speakers...03:15
SetiAmoni mean your source03:15
SetiAmonoh pc speakers03:15
Kuledud3i looked through settings but there's no sound option03:15
SetiAmonso your using onboard sound.03:15
hitsujiTMOwad: from the command line install pastebinit.: sudo apt-get install pastebinit            then     pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:15
wadalready in progress.03:15
linuxlite1969hi i love linux03:16
Kuledud3i can't find the option for "Sound"03:16
wadhitsujiTMO, can you see the paste?03:17
hitsujiTMOwad: your xorg.conf is misconfigured. is that the exact config that your friend did?03:17
wadI am pressure sure it is. I could have messed it up somehow, I guess.03:18
wadLemme pastebin it too...03:18
linuxlite1969what are the things to do when you are new in linux?\03:18
Kuledud3SetiAmon can you help?03:18
wadthis one is http://paste.ubuntu.com/655926203:19
wadhitsujiTMO, it's a pretty vanilla xorg.conf...03:19
hitsujiTMOwad: dont pastebin, just rename it: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.doesnt.work.but.ill.keep.it.anyway.so.my.friend.doesnt.feel.useless03:20
wadlol, I've already got a backup of it.03:20
wadlet me try generating a new one...03:20
wolfzratwhat happen to the people I was talking too03:20
hitsujiTMOwad: get rid of it and restart. then pastebin the new Xorg.0.log again03:20
whoops`which ubuntu version is the best?03:21
MarGulI am gonna reinstall my OS and I have ssh-key setup to access my webserver. To copy this key to my "new" OS which one do I copy in ~/.ssh/ ? the id_rsa.pub or id_rsa ?03:21
hitsujiTMOwhoops`: 8.0403:21
whoops`hitsujiTMO no too iold?03:22
somsipwhoops`: what do you want to use it for?03:22
whoops`for hacking and desktop of course03:22
linuxlite1969how to see your internet speed in linux?03:23
k-rad-`i cannot set admin user in recovery console03:23
somsipwhoops`: use current then03:23
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: if you want to "test" you're net speed, try speedtest.net03:23
linuxlite1983<hitsujiTMO> hi how to check if i already have a graphics driver??03:23
linuxlite1969will i type it on the terminal?03:24
wadhitsujiTMO, it didn't generate a new one.03:24
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1983: can you see something on the screen? then you have a graphics driver :P  ....    you can see what the xerver is using in the log: /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:24
wadOn reboot, terminal 7 is blank, go graphics.03:24
hitsujiTMOwad: dmesg | pastebinit03:25
wadhitsujiTMO, 655927803:25
linuxlite1983<hitsujiTMO> what i mean the proper driver03:25
linuxlite1983mark_kevin Bakla03:28
hitsujiTMOwad: the intel driver is crashing. you may need to install the 13.12 mainline03:28
hitsujiTMOwad: the intel driver is crashing. you may need to install the 3.12 mainline03:28
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wadI can exclude it in blacklist.conf03:28
Mark_Kevinlinuxlite what?03:28
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hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1969: you'll see exactly whats loaded in the xorg log03:29
Mark_Kevinlinuxlite1983 icant understand03:29
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hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1983: you'll see exactly whats loaded in the xorg log03:29
wadhitsujiTMO, which driver would I blacklist to prevent that intel driver from loading?03:29
xzynthMark_Kevin hi03:29
hitsujiTMOwad: you need it03:29
Mark_Kevin<xzynth> hi too03:30
xzynth<hitsujiTMO> will i type it on the terminal?03:30
wadoh. Hmm. I seem to have screwed this up pretty bad.03:30
Mark_Kevin<xzynth> no you should type it in firefox03:30
linuxlite1983hitsujiTMO command not found03:30
hitsujiTMOwas the 755m is a hybrid gpu so it needs the intelgpu03:30
ripthejackerHi all, I have set CONFIG_IP_VS_WRR in /boot/config , but I cannot see it in lsmod.03:30
xzynth<Mark_Kevin> thank you03:30
hitsujiTMOlinuxlite1983: nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:30
Mark_Kevinlino erroruxlite1983>  probably typ03:30
ripthejackerHow do I check if a kernel module is loaded, or kernel has that capability?03:30
wadhitsujiTMO, I was trying to figure out if it was an "optimus" card or not. Some things I read said it was, others said it wasn't. What do you think?03:31
Mark_Kevinlinuxlite1983>  probably typo errot03:31
wadWell, not "card". Optimus feature, to choose which card to use.03:31
Mark_Kevinxzynth no prob03:31
hitsujiTMOwad: 500 series and above are optimus03:31
wadAh, okay. So maybe I should do some stuff with bumblebee.03:31
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wadThere is no mention of optimus in the BIOS. Interesting.03:32
hitsujiTMOwad: nothings gonna work till you get that intel driver fixed.03:32
wadAh, okay!03:32
Mark_Kevinlinuxlite1983>  you should paste it in pastbin03:32
wadSo, interesting. And to fix that, I need a different kernel?03:32
Mark_Kevinlinuxlite1983  you should paste it in pastbin03:32
wadI think I'm using 3.1109-14-generic03:32
wadI actually don't know how to change that.03:32
linuxlite1983<Mark_Kevin> bakla how?03:33
wadI can google that, I guess. Or can you point me to something?03:33
hitsujiTMOwad: wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.12.4-trusty/linux-headers-3.12.4-031204-generic_3.12.4-031204.201312081207_amd64.deb03:33
Mark_Kevinlinuxlite1983 you should pipe it on pastebinint03:33
hitsujiTMOwad: wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.12.4-trusty/linux-headers-3.12.4-031204_3.12.4-031204.201312081207_all.deb03:33
Mark_Kevin<command> |pastbininit03:33
Mark_Kevin<command> |pastbininit linuxlite1983>03:33
hitsujiTMOwad: wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.12.4-trusty/linux-image-3.12.4-031204-generic_3.12.4-031204.201312081207_amd64.deb03:34
hitsujiTMOwad: sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.12.4-031204_3.12.4-031204.201312081207_all.deb03:34
hitsujiTMOwad: sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.12.4-031204-generic_3.12.4-031204.201312081207_amd64.deb03:34
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hitsujiTMOwad: sudo dpkg -i linux-image-3.12.4-031204-generic_3.12.4-031204.201312081207_amd64.deb03:35
wadOkay, so that downloads those three packages and installs them.03:35
hitsujiTMOwad: once those 3 are installed reboot.03:35
jrib /b #bash03:35
wadhitsujiTMO, I'll give that a try, as soon as I get back from my karate class. (I promote to purple belt today!)03:36
hitsujiTMOwad: ofc, if it fails to boot, just choose the old kernel from the grub menu03:36
wadhitsujiTMO, if you're not on when I get back, thanks for the help!03:36
wadgot it03:36
hitsujiTMOwad: np03:36
* wad is afk for an hour or so03:36
sec_*/5 * * * * cd03:39
sec_this cron will run every 5 mins?03:39
somsipsec_: yes, but it wont do anything03:39
sec_somsip: thanks03:39
sec_somsip: how check if one cron running?03:40
sec_somsip: i have some crons03:40
sec_cron items*03:40
somsipsec_: you can see if it runs in /var/log/syslog. You check it's running in ps aux03:40
Shadowandlightsomehow in the past i blocked phpmyadmin from external access.... any ideas on how to fix that03:40
somsip*with 'ps aux'03:40
sec_somsip: thanks03:40
hitsujiTMOShadowandlight: in the virtualhost config most likely03:41
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gicwrt to using avahi for hostname resolution .....a box has a 172.24.a.b ip, the second has 172.26.x.y ip ... will the boxes be able to discover each other by hostname?03:55
d4nd14zhi all03:56
Mongo44Destop/dropped text 4.txt this file won't run in vi.03:58
Mongo44Anyone know how to find the correst file address?04:04
gmachine_24greetings. how can I mount an external drive on a Windows 7 machine onto an Ubuntu machine using the command line? Samba is installed and all computers etc. show up  during tests04:07
gmachine_24also is there anyone here?04:07
Ben64gmachine_24: why command line? it's very easy to do with nautilus04:11
gmachine_24Ben64, because using any sort of gui gets me nowhere. I haven't figured out why yet. But I can communicate between the computers using cli in windows 7 and in linux; as I said, I haven't worked out what the problem is with anything other than cli04:14
gmachine_24Ben64, e.g. I mapped a drive in an Ubuntu desktop onto my Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit machine but could only do so using the windows cli04:15
gmachine_24I've run several/many troubleshooting tests and this is as far as I've gotten04:16
gmachine_24the computers are all "there" but Windows computers/drives never show up on the Linux boxes if I click "Network" "Workgroup" etc.04:17
gmachine_24in the Linux boxes........ and I can't see the LInux machines from the Windows desktop except via the command line04:18
killjoy322get samba installed04:20
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
ItsMeLennyi have this problem with the cinnamon menu https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_kjh0L1etroeXBFZFpnQUlIZmc/edit?usp=sharing04:24
ItsMeLennyi'm wondering, because i've installed so much and broken the underlying ubuntu, is there a way i can reset it all, but without losing installed programs such as gimp (and without a format)04:24
killjoy322try running the apt-get update04:26
killjoy322if you havnt already04:26
killjoy322sorry apt-get install update04:27
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kesavanubuntu 13.10 fails to load GUI04:31
kesavanafter update04:31
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somsip!test | jason__04:31
ubottujason__: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:31
jason__Hi guys, just installed xubuntu because i got sick of windows 7 being an unoptimized shiteroo04:32
jason__oh thanks guys ill do that to test next time my bad04:32
jason__but uh, i load up my friend and yours the terminal,04:32
jason__and if i lick any of the submenus, the thing crashes saying input/output error04:33
jason__Anyone else ever experienced such madness?04:33
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jason__restarted many times negro04:33
killjoy322i had the same issues with the linux mint and i restarted then ran the update04:34
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:34
jason__alright, and how did you solve this04:34
jason__explain your method04:34
killjoy322i took out the cd and restarted the system then once back into it i ran the sudo apt-get install update04:35
killjoy322from the terminal04:35
jason__you use that room permission04:36
ItsMeLennywhats the way to roll back a package to the latest repo version rather than a local version04:36
jason__im a pretty sudo guy myself04:36
somsipItsMeLenny: what do you mean by a 'local version' ?04:36
killjoy322well if your root then ignore the sudo04:37
ItsMeLennysomsip, like a version that comes up in the local section of synaptic, either something ive installed from a .deb or something ive had a newer repo of but then deleted the repo04:37
jason__hey killjoy?04:38
jason__Are you per chance, suicidal?04:38
killjoy322not today04:38
jason__good cuz world ur oyster04:38
jason__go skydiving04:38
somsipItsMeLenny: remove the deb or use !ppa-purge to tidy things up04:38
killjoy322i dont trust planes04:38
kesavanis anyone face GUI loading issue eaerlier?04:39
killjoy322agree with somsip04:39
kesavandesktop manager fails to load04:39
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ItsMeLennysomsip, thanks, i'll see what comes of04:40
somsipItsMeLenny: np04:40
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jason__yes thank you chanserv im happy to be back04:44
jason__so where can i find the ppa overview page?04:44
somsip!ppa | jason__04:44
ubottujason__: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:44
somsipjason__: that bot will not repeat the same hint too quickly04:45
jason__so what do i do to find this hting04:46
jason__the bot said !ppa04:46
jason__but the terminal says that shit doesnt exist04:46
xangua!language | jason__04:46
ubottujason__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:46
somsipjason__: no. I type !ppa, the bot gave you a URL to follow, and please stop swearing04:46
jason__this somsip bot is ridiculously smart, damnnnn04:46
jason__i mean04:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:47
jason__ubottu dont worry about me my friend04:47
ubottujason__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:47
jason__holy fuck i swear to god the bots are talking like right to me04:47
SickDualIs there a Skype irc channel?04:47
jason__this is messed04:47
jason__i mean04:47
FloodBot1jason__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:47
somsipjason__: last warning about the bots or the ops get called in04:47
somsipjason__: ...warning about the language...04:48
jason__hey dont worry somsip bot I've just never seen an AI that can respond so fluidly to me , sorry about the language somsip04:48
jason__so dearest somsip bot, want to tell me how to open up the ppa overview? ill give you a hug04:49
jason__that's worth maybe litecoin on the black market right now, for comparisons sake04:49
jason__5 litecoin id say04:49
ObrienDavesomsip is NOT a bot. silly person04:52
jason__he said he was04:53
jason__and he talks in red letters too....04:53
ObrienDavejason__, so does EVERYONE using your nick in the message. sheesh04:53
jason__ObrienDave testttt04:54
jason__didnt work for me....04:54
jason__how do i change my nick, so that it isnt the like, auto set one04:54
ObrienDave*rolls eyes and walks away*04:54
jason__That didn't render as an emoticon honey, try again.04:54
ItsMeLennysomsip, ppa purge failed me04:56
ItsMeLennyoh wait, maybe not04:56
somsipItsMeLenny: this was a package you installed from a PPA?04:56
ItsMeLennysomsip, yeah, but i think it worked actually04:57
somsipItsMeLenny: ok04:57
ItsMeLennyalso, is there a way to disable searching for translations04:57
somsipItsMeLenny: under what circumstanmces does that happen?04:57
ItsMeLennyevery single thing, because it searches for AU translations which is rediculous04:58
ItsMeLennyin fact, the ppa purge didnt work04:58
jason__hey mr somsip, who may or may not be a bot, could you explain to me, how i find a ppa's location, if it isnt listed on the launchpad site?04:58
somsipItsMeLenny: I have no idea what you mean about translations04:58
somsipUnfortunately PPAs come with the warning. See !PPA04:58
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:58
ItsMeLennyoh is he a bot04:59
ItsMeLennythat explains it04:59
jason__mr somsip where am i supposed to be inputting this :!ppa"05:00
jason__yeah he told me he was a bot so i don't know05:00
jason__would make sense though, he doesn't like, speak naturally, i guess05:00
anon12What is the support for optimus on Ubuntu 13.10?05:00
somsip!bumblebee | anon1205:01
somsipanon12: so I believe you need to look into bumblebee. Can't help you any more with that though05:02
jason__my somsip, please help me, where do i type in this !"x" command?05:02
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:02
anon12somsip, Do you mean Ubuntu has not yet patched the kernel to handle the issue?05:02
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details05:02
somsipjason__: no, I won't help you. You're clearly trolling.05:02
jason__Why am i clearly trolling05:02
whoops`somsip IMON u r troll!!!!05:03
whoops`jason__ is a normal user05:03
jason__I'm trying to install my favourite browser, nightly, well, i guess it's like, a version of firefox so to speak05:03
jason__and It doesnt have an executable in the tarbag, or a .sh, and ive googled everything, but now I just need to know how to get the !addppa thing to work05:04
jason__but if you think i'm trolling yolo, whatever, back to google05:04
whoops`somsip help him!!!05:04
somsipanon12: like I said, I can't help you more with that. I've seen people with optimus issues on here, but never had anything to do with it05:04
jason__It's cool, whatever, Can't say it's my choice but it's not like he's paid to help me05:05
whoops`jason__: make && make install05:05
jason__can you be more indepth? ive never used a *nix like before, im coming straight from windows05:05
jason__everything i know about linux is in my last hour of internet history, and it didnt cover "make && make install"05:06
jason__thanks for trying, though05:06
whoops`jason__: you downloaded sources for compiling ;]05:07
anon12somsip, Is Canonical planning on supporting Optimus at any point in the future?05:07
jason__uh, sure, right05:07
jason__so what does make && make install mean?05:07
whoops`or wtite apt-get install firefox in console05:07
whoops`run console05:08
jason__oh its a terminal command05:08
whoops`now go to folder "cd /path/to/app"05:08
=== jje is now known as Guest10396
whoops`make install05:08
whoops`or download binary ;]05:08
jason__no such file or directory for path to app05:08
whoops`u r lame05:09
jason__sorry, ill go to google then, thanks for your time though05:09
whoops`i can give you correct link05:09
whoops`to firefox05:09
jason__i thought it was /path/to/app?05:09
jason__oh, should i be making a directory called /path/to/app?05:10
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gustav___Where can I find status on X11 support in future Ubuntu versions?05:16
whoops`in your asshole05:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!05:16
whoops`gustav___ joke lol05:17
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk
jennieHello Walex05:23
vs73nxhello my wireless suddenly died on my computer... it was working perfectly untill it suddenly died. lan works but wireless doesnt.05:27
gustav___vs73nx: Did you flip some kind of hardware switch?05:27
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:28
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details05:29
vs73nxahh i was flicked... i didn't flick it but something did... thanks and sorry for wasting your time.05:29
somsipgustav___: good call!05:29
SonikkuAmerica"Ah! I flicked myself, that was my problem all along!" :)05:32
ObrienDaveTMI ;P05:34
jason__so i'm trying to install a PPA, but i keep getting "no trusted keys found" during the whole gpg thing05:34
whoops`u  r lame05:35
jason__any ideas?05:35
Beldarjason__, what's the ppa?05:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:36
SonikkuAmericajason__: If you get "no ultimately trusted keys found" it'll find its own key all on its lonesome. Just [ sudo apt-get update ] and make sure there are no errors/05:36
jason__uh the ppa for nightly, the giregox build05:36
Beldarjason__, If you installed with add ppa it should set the ppa.05:37
jason__im updating it now, seems to be working....05:37
tucemiuxubottu thank you!05:38
Beldarjason__, Whenever you add to the sources you run a update.05:38
Saberuhey guys05:38
Saberuhow do i find an apt-get repository in china?05:38
jason__okay so the ppa updated05:39
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com05:39
jason__whats the next step to get this browser working?05:39
BeldarSaberu, run software-properties-gtk set the repo first tab-download from05:39
Saberuok thanks05:40
Saberui dont even have that05:41
=== shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo
Saberuand downloading anything is a bitch right now :/05:42
Saberuisnt there a repo list on the internet?05:42
BeldarSaberu, use nicks here, don't have what?05:42
babinlonstonWhile im adding this sudo apt-add-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-0, PPA Repository  its asking me to Press enter , how can i Automate without asking to Press Enter05:42
Ben64watch the language in here, Saberu05:42
Ben64Saberu: and this might be want you're looking for --- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors05:43
Saberui dont have the software-properties-gtk installed05:43
Saberuok thanks05:44
BeldarSaberu, run software-properties-gtk  in the terminal to pull up software sources, first tab download fro.05:44
ObrienDavebabinlonston, it's a safety feature. gives you a chance to abort05:44
BeldarSaberu, In general run here means in the terminal05:44
babinlonstonObrienDave: how to bypass it ? cos i need to write a script to automate everything05:45
kevin__Is the internet on the blink right now?05:45
Beldarkevin__, Yeah we can't even see you.05:45
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
ObrienDavebabinlonston, sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-005:47
TryndamereHey guys, I'm trying to figure out which one to use. Webmin or Zentyal, Zentyal looks good but I am wondering if its uses more resources or not?05:49
Ben64Tryndamere: i think webmin is dead now05:50
shadejhi all05:50
bazhang!ebox | Tryndamere05:50
ubottuTryndamere: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).05:50
TryndamereHi, Ben64 it looks alive to me.05:50
kevin__really? am invisible wow cool05:51
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.05:51
bazhangTryndamere, ^05:51
TryndamereOkay thanks05:51
TryndamereAny links to help install Zentyal on a ubuntu server?05:52
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal   Tryndamere05:52
shadejI was playing a game yesterday (the softwares works at full screen) but after that my screen is not normal there is black side bar on left and right hand side of the screen. what to do?05:52
bazhangshadej, via wine?05:52
=== Freejack is now known as Guest16162
shadejbazhang: yea05:52
bazhangcheck the appdb and join #winehq shadej05:53
bazhang!appdb | shadej05:53
ubottushadej: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:53
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)05:53
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:55
bazhangh0rrorvacui, using /msg ubottu05:56
h0rrorvacuiI'm done, just curious about bot functionality.05:56
TryndamereThat article seems pretty outdated. You sure?05:58
TryndamereWhat? lol why did someone PM me asking for my ASL?05:59
Sebastienwith your league of legend nick, i would not :D06:00
Sebastienthis champ is awesome :)06:00
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=== allen is now known as Guest58980
TryndamereWould it be safe to follow this instead? http://trac.zentyal.org/wiki/Documentation/Community/Installation/InstallationGuide06:03
ColdKeyboardHey guys I'm about to install dualboot win7x64-Ubuntu12.10 I have about 20GB of free space on SSD drive and tons of GBs on spin drive. Could you guide me how should I set-up root partition, /home, swap and etc? Should my swap be on SSD or on spin drive? (btw I have about 12GB of ram so I guess swap should be 2xRAM) :)06:04
ObrienDaveColdKeyboard, with 12GB ram, I seriously doubt you'll need a swap06:05
somsipColdKeyboard: from what I understand, don't swap on SSD and with that RAM you may need no awap at all. The 2x recommendation is really for lower levels of RAM unless you are doing lots of heavy stuff like video processing, etc06:05
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bazhangjust enough to hibernate I would imagine should do it06:07
ColdKeyboardOk thank you. I guess I don't intend to hibernate, but even if I do how much space would I need?06:08
ObrienDave1.1 to 1.25X RAM sould be enough06:08
swapnilzany know about software repository in ubuntu06:08
ColdKeyboardAnd then I should create one / partition on SSD and make it 20GB and maybe later symlink media files to spin drive06:08
ClientAliveI'm installing redmine on ubuntu 13.10 using this instructions: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_Install_Redmine_on_Ubuntu_step_by_step  <- everything was going well until I got to the part about editing passenger.conf. There is no passenger.conf at the path indicated in the instruction; and, based on the mention of other content in the file to place the edit into, I get the impression there should be, and it should have some06:09
ClientAlivecontent in it already. What do I do? Anyone can help me?06:09
FloodBot1ClientAlive: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
=== kevin is now known as Guest77507
swapnilzhow to create software repository in ubuntu?06:11
bazhang!ppa | swapnilz06:11
ubottuswapnilz: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:11
whoops`mkdir sodt_repos06:11
whoops`or touch soft_repos06:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!06:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:12
swapnilz@ubottu: thanks06:13
swapnilzBut I want to create centralize repository06:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/06:13
ObrienDaveswapnilz, you can create your own PPA at launchpad06:15
ColdKeyboardSo I'm about to create the partitions. 20GB / partition on SSD | Spin Drive -> 1.25xRAM swap and big partition for media. Am I missing something or do you have a better suggestion? :)06:16
ObrienDaveput your /home on spin drive06:16
ColdKeyboardObrienDave: How much GB should I create for /home ?06:17
ObrienDaveas much as you like06:17
=== cheesecakes_ is now known as cheesecakes
Tryndamerezentyal doesn't support 13.01 does it? or "raring"06:19
kevin__Whats the best way to create a Partition to put all your downloads in on Ubuntu 13.10?06:19
energizer1varunendra: varunendra!06:19
TryndamereWhich version should a ubuntu servr be on?06:19
whoops`kevin__ fdisk ot cfdisk06:20
kevin__insnt fdisk Format Disk?06:20
whoops`cfdisk is easier06:20
Tryndamerewhoops`: why did you ask me for my asl? lol06:20
whoops`Tryndamere why not?06:21
Bauerguys, how do I disable users in Ubuntu? I have a child account I created in GUI, and I want to disable it (not delete) for the time being - how to do that? GUI is very limited06:21
varunendraYup, I'm here energizer1 :)06:21
whoops`Bauer just change password06:21
Bauerwhoops`: the account is passwordless06:22
whoops`Bauer why you want block your child account? :(06:22
whoops`so make password, lol06:22
Bauerwhoops`: because he itentionally used the power button to turn off the pc, 3 mins after I asked not to do it again :P06:22
whoops`forgive him!06:22
Bauernot this time lol, he will learn there are consequences to his actions :P06:23
TryndamereWhich ubuntu server version should I be on? Looks like the latest isnt support much... zentyal certainly isnt supported ;/06:23
energizer1varunendra: you once helped me with some wifi issues. Now I'm having some more. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219305606:24
energizer1varunendra: none of that paste means anything to me-- im not even sure what i did06:25
Bauerwhoops`: btw perhaps you know also of any parental control tools on linux? on the windows PCs I have a pretty good tools in windows 8, including curfew time tools which are very handy :)06:26
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
lachvalkIf it's a gnome bug in v2.4, but maybe not in v2.5, and there isn't a ubuntu package > v2.4, whose bug is it?06:26
varunendraenergizer1, chili555 is the best person on ubuntuforums for wifi issues and my guru for the same :). I'll subscribe to the thread and see if I have something to add.06:28
energizer1varunendra: cool. thanks brother.06:28
varunendranp :)06:28
varunendraenergizer1, I think you should also post the diagnostics results of "wireless_script" in your post there. The wireless_script : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038506:30
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
swapnilz@ObrienDav thanks06:33
BauerWhy is the nanny package not available on repositories for 13.10? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls#Nanny06:37
energizer1varunendra: posted. thanks06:38
ObrienDaveBauer, interesting, others have been asking the same question06:40
ObrienDaveseems like no updates in almost 3 years06:41
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Bauersad, in some aspects linux still falls behind MS's pile of crap06:42
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ObrienDavewell, this is true, but it's FREE06:43
kevin__Whats the best Kernel to upgrade to if youre using Ubuntu 13.1006:43
koyetsuwindows? hehe06:44
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somsipkevin__: current06:44
kevin__which is the current one?06:44
ObrienDaveoh no, the somsip bot replies ;P06:44
saleniexhi! Does anyone know why in 'ps aux' output for particular user there is user id displayed instead of user name?06:44
somsip!info linux-image06:44
dannyhey trying to figure out witch wireless hardware i have whats the command for that i believe its something like lcpi06:45
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB06:45
kevin__Oh youre talking the current Distro Kernel?06:45
kevin__that has u Kernel Panicking all over the place06:45
kevin__and so it the upgrade to 3.12.06:45
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack_
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
linuhi all i got this below error while executing g_multi gadget module, http://pastebin.com/mwxhHnkw can you help me to solve this issues06:52
Shadowandlighthow do i limit a user to a certain directory for FTP?06:54
Saberui just installed opencl for my AMD card/ati driver and its not detecting it06:54
Saberuwhen i try and compile a software from source it says opencl not found06:55
saleniexShadowandlight: what FTP server are you using?06:56
=== kevin is now known as Guest207
Saberuxorg is crashing linux on startup06:58
jennieSaberu have you tried installing driver from AMD ?06:58
saleniexShadowandlight: DefaultRoot config option06:59
Shadowandlightsaleniex: i have that enabled... i guess i need to assign there home directory in ubuntu07:01
Shadowandlightwhat if the home directory needs to be accessible by others??07:02
Shadowandlightif i sudo chown user:user /path/to/home/directory/07:03
Shadowandlightwill it lock out others?>07:03
saleniexShadowandlight: it depends on direcotry mode not only ownershipp07:04
saleniexShadowandlight: if you need one directory to be accessible by manu users maybe it is a good idea to make one outside particular user's home directory07:06
abhiinqhi. my i installed filezilla on new lubuntu 13.10. but filezilla do not show sftp protocol option.07:06
abhiinqhelp please07:06
Shawn1963hello everyone07:07
Shawn1963Got a little problem with my install07:07
saleniexabhiinq: i believe sftp is ssh file transfer protocol. in browser you migth be looking for ftps - ftp over ssl07:08
=== loper is now known as looper
somsipabhiinq: in Site Manager, the dropdown for Protocol should give you FTP and SFTP.07:09
Guest207Installed newer Kernel 3.12.1 so far so good no Kernel Panics07:10
abhiinqsaleniex: Whenever I am doing the same thing in opensuse, the filezilla shows the ftp sftp and other option at the little arrow drop down button besides "Quckconnect" button. I am doing this on opensuse. But here in lubuntu filezilla do not show sftp option.07:10
aaasso the headset didn't break?07:10
abhiinqsomsip: yes site managen shows it. but in suse the little arrow drop down shows it too.07:11
abhiinqsomsip: thanks.07:11
Shawn1963I just install Pinguy on this machine but unlike my desktop this one decides it wants to boot to the grub.  I can reboot but it goes back to the grub.  Anyone might know what's causing that?07:11
saleniexabhiinq: are filezilla versions same?07:12
abhiinqsaleniex: no idea. can not check now. will check it later if versioning is different. thanks for you time.07:12
erikpukinskisHi all! Does anyone have any ideas why the install option would be missing from an ubuntu live usb key? I can't find any internet. My BIOS is recognizing the hard drive. That's the only thing that I can figure out to check!07:13
erikpukinskissorry, "I can't find anything on the internet"07:14
Shawn1963erikpukinskis, :  I found this..  http://askubuntu.com/questions/127240/missing-launcher-after-12-04-upgrade07:20
coldkeyboardOk, I installed ubuntu on ssd drive. root is on ssd. 15GB swap on spin drive and /home is also on spin drive. I don't know what have I done wrong but in some occasions it looks like some applications hang or take too long to repond. Like firefox when it was syncing bookmarks, or software center can't open Pidgin more info window and etc.07:21
coldkeyboardAny ideas to what have I done wrong here? :\07:21
jennie_This is my printer's driver for linux canon lbp2900B http://support-in.canon-asia.com/contents/IN/EN/0100459601.html and here  is installation instructions http://paste.ubuntu.com/6559891/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6559954/ , I have completed all instructions successfully but it is not printing, please help07:22
assistentehi to all! i followed this guide to customize a licvecd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization but when i boot the cd the network don't work. what is bad?07:22
coldkeyboardI installed ubuntu on ssd drive. root is on ssd. 15GB swap on spin drive and /home is also on spin drive. I don't know what have I done wrong but in some occasions it looks like some applications hang or take too long to repond. Like firefox when it was syncing bookmarks, or software center can't open Pidgin more info window and etc.07:26
coldkeyboardAny ideas to what have I done wrong here? :\07:26
Shawn1963hey erik did you see my link??07:27
Shawn1963I saw something similar a couple of weeks ago.07:27
Shawn1963the install launcher is there just that the icon is gone.07:27
koolatron1Hey folks.  I have a simple question involving process supervision: i have a (very) simple webservice process that needs to start at boot and restart in the event of a process hang or sanity check failure.  upstart and runit look doable, but also a little heavyweight for my needs.  Is there a third option that doesn't involve me writing my own supervisor?07:28
saleniexkoolatron1: it depends on how you detect failure of supervised process07:30
iSaleKI installed ubuntu on ssd drive. root is on ssd. 15GB swap on spin drive and /home is also on spin drive. I don't know what have I done wrong but in some occasions it looks like some applications hang or take too long to repond. Like firefox when it was syncing bookmarks, or software center can't open Pidgin more info window and etc.07:31
koolatron1saleniex: only two conditions — either the process hangs or a simple sanity check (which can be located in the run script) fails07:31
koolatron1and honestly, the sanity checks are optional but desired07:31
somsipiSaleK: you could try running iowait and seeing if you have issues reading from a drive?07:31
ObrienDaveiSaleK, can you imgur a screenshot of gparted?07:32
ObrienDaveiSaleK, hang on, i assume the install works, btw07:33
saleniexkoolatron1: what are the indications of process is hang? Ether process stops completely or it still in process list but fails to do correctly its business logic07:35
assistentehi to all! i followed this guide to customize a licvecd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization but when i boot the cd the network don't work. what is bad?07:35
koolatron1saleniex: stops completely.  i'm filing "fails to do its business logic" under the term "sanity check failure"07:36
Ben64!work | assistente07:36
ubottuassistente: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:36
koolatron1saleniex: i have the option of returning a "service down" response if the business logic is out to lunch07:37
Shadowandlight$ git clone git://github.com/opensourcehacker/sevabot.gitCloning into 'sevabot'...07:38
Shadowandlightfatal: unable to connect to github.com:07:38
Shadowandlightgithub.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out07:38
Shadowandlightany idea whats wrong with my request?07:38
koolatron1saleniex: that's out of the scope of the supervisor though07:38
mssmssNeed some help with UFW on Ubuntu12.04...07:38
Ben64Shadowandlight: looks like you have an internet problem, but this isn't the right area for help on it07:38
mssmssHopefully someone can help...07:38
mssmssUsing 12.04 Edubuntu with 32 LTSP clients...07:39
somsipShadowandlight: just worked fine here so your DNS is playing up07:39
Ben64!details | mssmss07:39
ubottumssmss: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:39
mssmsstrying to use UFW to block HTTPS access to facebook ... not successful so far ..07:39
mssmssAny uideas ?07:39
tomboy64yesterday's update of chromium broke all kinds of stuff. sites don't load, interaction with flash is a mess and frequently tabs crash.07:40
tomboy64how do i downgrade to the version before and prevent upgrading?07:40
asad2005I have installed win 8 on a second drive, i have disconnected all other drives before installing including ubuntu os drive but now i can boot with MB boot menue will boot-repair fix the problem?07:40
somsipmssmss: if they all route DNS requests through the one server, can't you put a blocking entry for facebook.com, etc?07:40
saleniexkoolatron1: in that case i'd go for small script to check process and restart service and run it from crontab07:40
ObrienDavetomboy64, what version are you running?07:41
TryndamereAnyone else uses webmin?07:41
jennie_I am running 13.10 This is my printer's driver for linux canon lbp2900B http://support-in.canon-asia.com/contents/IN/EN/0100459601.html and here  is installation instructions http://paste.ubuntu.com/6559891/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6559954/ , I have completed all instructions successfully but it is not printing07:41
TryndamereI mean07:41
Ben64Tryndamere: as you were told earlier, webmin isn't supported on ubuntu07:41
mssmssDNS server is not in my control...07:41
TryndamereAnyone else uses zentyal?07:41
asad2005fdisk -l doesnot show the win8 drive though07:41
TryndamereYeah, typo, ben07:41
koolatron1saleniex: that makes sense.  thanks for the input; i was about to invest in using ruinit, but the service process itself is so small it hardly felt worth it07:42
Beldarasad2005, This a all msdos setup, no uefi?07:42
Beldarno gpt?07:42
somsipmssmss: I imagined on LTSP that the Edubuntu machine would act as the gateway for the clients? So you could run DNS if you wanted to. But maybe that's not the best solution...07:42
TryndamereI'm just trying to get these two features from the software. Users & Groups: Assign users to a directory, and opening ports07:42
asad2005Beldar: uefi07:43
Beldarasad2005, How about gpt?07:43
asad2005I think this default for win8 yes07:43
mssmsssomsip: you are right, DNS server is outside our network...07:43
Ben64mssmss: couldn't you add facebook.com to the hosts file and point it to a bogus ip?07:44
TryndamereIs zentyal-users what I want? https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/zentyal.html07:44
asad2005Beldar: How about disabling secure boot from MB will it solve the problem07:44
mssmssI used UFW in Ubuntu to reject all connections to facebook's IPs ...but it does not seem to be working ..07:44
Ben64mssmss: facebook has many ips07:45
mssmssFor eg: ufw reject to
mssmssAm I doing this right ?07:45
asad2005Beldar: I mean will make ubuntu fdisk -l see the drive?07:45
Beldarasad2005, If you want exact bootrepair info the develper has a thread at the ubuntu forums. However, not sure I would have the drives unplugged, you just want to install correctly, the bootrepair may clean up any anomalies.07:45
Ben64mssmss: that is one block that facebook controls07:46
mssmssI did it for all the facebook blocks ..07:46
Beldarasad2005, You seen the uefi wiki?07:46
Ben64mssmss: can you ping
asad2005Beldar: But if fdisk -l doesnot see the drive how will boor-repair fix it07:47
mssmssyes I can ping
TryndamereWhat is LDAP? I read wikipedia on it but does it have to do with the feature I want: manage users on server?07:47
Ben64mssmss: then you didn't block it correctly07:47
Beldarasad2005, you will have to stick to my answers and questions.07:47
mssmssBen64: I also have [59]             REJECT IN   Anywhere07:48
Beldarasad2005, In other words piling questions that come to mind gets things mixed up.07:48
mssmssso, why is it not blocking ?07:48
asad2005Beldar: I did not see the wiki is this an ubuntu wiki07:48
tomboy64ObrienDave: Version 31.0.1650.63 Ubuntu 12.04 (31.0.1650.63-0ubuntu0.12.04.1~20131204.1)07:48
Beldar!uefi | asad200507:49
ubottuasad2005: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:49
ObrienDavetomboy64, same here, no issues07:49
Beldarasad2005, here is an excellent thread on uefi installs. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729507:49
asad2005Beldar: ok thanks i will read these and see07:50
Ben64mssmss: i don't use ufw, but you should check the documentation for the correct syntax07:50
ObrienDavetomboy64, ahh, you on Ubuntu 12.04?07:50
mssmssBen64: Thought I did ....but thanks .. I will check again ...07:51
Ben64tomboy64: someone was in here earlier with problems with the latest chromium too...07:51
Beldarasad2005, So here is the bootrepair developers thread, you will notice the bootinfo summary is used, when you run it it generates a url, save that every time. If you have a problem this thread is a great place to address it with the summary posted. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191707:52
Ben64tomboy64: what cpu do you have07:53
ObrienDaveBen64, same version here, no issues except i'm on 13.1007:53
Ben64ObrienDave: i'm thinking its a cpu issue07:54
erikpukinskis1Shawn1963: Thanks! I had seen that I think, but I will try mucking around with unity and see if that helps.07:54
ObrienDavecould be, thinking 12.04 might be a bit old for newest Chrome. could be wrong on that ;)07:55
Ben64no... not distro..07:55
Ben64i'm on 12.04 and the latest chromium and chrome both work fine07:55
Shadowandlightwhy is this failing ?07:56
Shadowandlight curl -L -o virtualenv.py https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py07:56
Shadowandlight  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current07:56
Shadowandlight                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed07:56
Shadowandlight100 97400  100 97400    0     0   321k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  367k07:56
Beldar!pastebin | Shadowandlight07:56
ubottuShadowandlight: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:56
Ben64Shadowandlight: this really is not the correct channel to diagnose your internet connectivity problems, try ##networking perhaps07:58
Shadowandlightits not a net issue AFAIK07:59
Shadowandlightim on the same network now07:59
somsipShadowandlight: unless you've made sure you have the right python version to support the current version of virtualenv, you might be having problems becuase of that08:01
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assistenteBen64, is quite simple... is i boot the standard livecd, network come up and takes ip from dhcp, and default router and dns. If i boot the customized cd ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization ) the network don't come up08:01
erikpukinskis1On the LiveCD there's supposed to be an "install ubuntu" option on the desktop, right?08:02
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osubuntu^androidOf course08:02
osubuntu^androidIf not the cd is broken08:03
erikpukinskis1Mine (usb key) doesn't have one.08:03
erikpukinskis1I can't figure it out.08:04
osubuntu^androidTry re installing iso08:04
osubuntu^androidOr use the first boot menu08:04
Beldarerikpukinskis1, Have you checked the sum of the ISO?08:04
erikpukinskis1There's no boot menu either… it just goes straight into the desktop08:04
osubuntu^androidYou should selete install ubuntu from the dialog08:04
tomboy64ObrienDave: yes, 12.04.08:04
Shadowandlightany ideas on how to fix this http://privatepaste.com/ea90557e62 somsip08:05
osubuntu^androidCheck MD5 or SHA256 checksum08:05
Beldartomboy64, And you used a usb loader or dd?08:05
tomboy64yeben AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor08:05
erikpukinskis1osubuntu^android: OK, I will try it08:05
tomboy64Ben64: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor08:06
tomboy64Beldar: beg your pardon?08:06
Beldartomboy64, wrong nick sorry08:06
Beldarerikpukinskis1, check the sum of the iso/08:07
Ben64tomboy64: could you pastebin the output of "cat /proc/cpuinfo"08:07
osubuntu^androidcat /dev/null08:09
Corberiusexcuse me, is Unetbootin working for Ubuntu 12.04.3? i can't make boot kxstudio. I only can see the a clean terminal screen.08:09
osubuntu^androidUse 13.1008:09
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tomboy64Ben64: http://wgetpaste.zlin.dk/wgetpaste-2.23.tar.bz208:10
tomboy64whoa there08:10
tomboy64ben64: http://bpaste.net/show/157806/08:10
ObrienDaveCorberius, been having trouble with unetbootin, suggest full fat32 format on USB stick. uncheck quick format08:11
CorberiusObrienDave, i used gparted for format it as fat32, and unetbootin for linux. i will try to format it by the console. Thanks :)08:13
assistenteif i boot the standard livecd, network come up and takes ip from dhcp, and default router and dns. If i boot the customized cd ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization ) the network don't come up. someone can help me to understand why?08:13
Corberiusassistente, i think you should check the name of your network device, it used to be 'eth0', maybe it changed when you customized it.08:17
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assistenteCorberius, no, is eth008:17
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Corberiusassistente, i can't help so, gl ;)08:18
assistenteis a xubuntu08:18
AndreasLutroI'm working on a deploy/install shell script, and for some reason the shell just hangs after "a2ensite default" - any ideas?08:21
tomboy64Beldar: Ben64 so far today it seems to have been a case of windowsiness. e.g. shutting it down yesterday and booting it up this morning seems to have "fixed" the problems.08:22
Corberiusassistente, i had the same problem, the name was the problem, it becomes 'enp3s0'08:22
AndreasLutroah wait nevermind.08:22
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk
iSaleKIs there a way I can move /home to / partition if they are different? I made /home on spin drive but I would like to move it to ssd drive to increase speed :)08:24
ObrienDaveiSaleK, you said you only had 20GB free on SSD08:25
iSaleKObrienDave,  yes, that's true08:25
osubuntu^android/home is a partition?!08:25
Ben64it can be osubuntu^android08:25
osubuntu^androidOf course08:26
Ben64iSaleK: you should look into making /tmp tmpfs, and putting firefox's cache there. should speed that up08:26
osubuntu^androidBit he said something is mounted at /home08:26
Shadowandlightany ideas on how to fix this http://privatepaste.com/ea90557e6208:26
ObrienDaveiSaleK, that's getting a little tight for a full install with separate partitions08:26
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iSaleKBen64, is there a tutorial on how to do that?08:27
Ben64Shadowandlight: try ##python ??08:27
iSaleKObrienDave, I see. I hate to see that some of the programs like firefox run (start) slower on ubuntu than win because of this... (at least I think it's because of that)08:28
Ben64iSaleK: i'm sure there is somewhere08:28
assistenteCorberius, the name of network inferface?08:28
Tryndamerehow much ram is 116932K08:28
osubuntu^androidYou should have swapped08:29
iSaleKBen64, Could you at least point me what to look for?08:29
Corberiusassistente, hehe, yeah08:29
ObrienDaveTryndamere, about 115MB08:29
TryndamereOh so not that much yes?08:29
Ben64iSaleK: i put this in my fstab to make /tmp part of ram -- tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 008:29
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Ben64iSaleK: then find some page that explains how to move cache to another location08:30
luc4Hello! Anyone experiencing troubles with chromium 31?08:31
whoops`luc4 use firefox08:31
ObrienDaveluc4, seems a bunch of people are. no issues here08:31
Ben64luc4: what cpu?08:32
luc4Ben64: intel core 2 duo.08:32
Ben64luc4: running 64 bit?08:32
luc4Ben64: no, 3208:32
luc4Ben64: completely stuck, I can't open any page.08:33
Ben64i'm thinking they changed something that uses a newer cpu instruction, so people with older cpus fail08:33
ObrienDaveluc4, suggest a remove and reinstall08:34
luc4ObrienDave: you mean simply with apt-get?08:34
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iSaleK"'precise' is no longer under development.." I keep getting this error way to often. I installed the 12.04 2hours ago and I've seen this message about 10times by now. Now I get it when I try to add new application in the startup applications. :\08:36
luc4ObrienDave: same as before.08:36
ObrienDaveBen64, have you been keeping track of CPUs vs. Chrome issues? seems like you have a good idea there :)08:36
Ben64ObrienDave: just started, gonna need a lot more data points08:37
Ben64i had this problem before with flash plugin on an old amd64 3200+, was missing an instruction that newer ones had, and so it crashed08:37
Ben64luc4: can you pastebin the output of "cat /proc/cpuinfo"08:38
luc4Ben64: http://pastebin.kde.org/poxy66wiz08:38
ObrienDaveBen64, yea, i remember something like that quite a while ago08:38
assistentei have 2 problem with a xubuntu customized livecd: 1) /etc/resolv.conf is not created by dhcp  2) volume control on the xfree taskbar don't work. howto fix? i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization08:38
esebellewhat's a command I can use if I want to recursively delete every file in my system, including essential system files?08:40
jmgkesebelle:  why would you want to do that?08:40
jmgkis that a joke?08:40
jmgkBetter reinstall the whole thing08:41
esebellemad at computer08:41
esebellewant to punish it08:41
Saberuam i right that trying to run multiple GPU`s with Ubuntu server (instead of desktop) was a bad idea?08:41
Saberuie trying to run them with a default xdm08:41
Saberui assume ubuntu desktop will automatically set it up for me whereas with default xdm it probably requires manual settings08:41
ObrienDaveesebelle, no one here will tell you that command. (responsible people anyways)08:42
knightshadeesebelle: you should do it right and use a baseball bat or throw it out of the window.08:42
* ObrienDave suggests a VERY high window ;P08:43
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fiskenjust installed a new ubuntu 13.10 and discoverd a problem when trying to restore a backup with dejadup08:45
koolatron1esebelle: help computer!08:45
Wiz_KeeDHey guys...I managed to install ubuntu saucy in dual-boot with windows finally, but I have noticed it heats up considerably compared to the cool windows temperature08:46
Wiz_KeeDcould this be because of the optimus crap thing?08:46
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fiskenwhen trying to restore i get: Traceback (most recent call last):08:47
fisken  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 1414, in <module>08:47
fisken    with_tempdir(main)08:47
fisken  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 1407, in with_tempdir08:47
fisken    fn()08:47
FloodBot1fisken: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
fisken  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 1341, in main08:47
fisken    restore(col_stats)08:47
boldfilter1Hey ubuntu chat08:48
comradeandy990Hi there.09:04
comradeandy990I just have a quick question. I'm on Ubuntu 13.04 using Gnome 3, and I've applied a GTK3 theme (Numix). However, I can't get the top bar to change with the theme. Is there a way to do that?09:05
comradeandy990Everything else changed just fine such as the windows, but I can't get that dang top bar to change or find out how.09:05
Creature|2Is there some way of getting rid of quit sign messages of other users09:05
MyrttiCreature|2: hold on, I'll find a link for you. Kvirc, right?09:06
MyrttiCreature|2: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages#KVirc09:07
comradeandy990aaaand im an idiot09:08
comradeandy990need to l2read tweak tool settings09:08
=== manu is now known as cazino
R4v3nis this method the most efficient one if i want to stream my music library from Ubuntu 12.04 to my Android phone (Google nexus 4) http://www.maketecheasier.com/install-vlc-shares-in-ubuntu-and-stream-videos-to-android/09:09
RoryR4v3n: Does it work for you?09:09
RoryR4v3n: It looks sensible, I'm sure someone could argue there's a "more efficient" way09:10
R4v3nRory: i mean the alternative is to set up an icecast radio server09:11
RoryR4v3n: However, why not share your music with DAAP built into Rhythmbox I think09:11
RoryR4v3n: And then install a DAAP client on Android?09:11
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MyrttiR4v3n: there are many others, some more difficult than others... I wouldn't necessarily set up apache and the whole works just to get that to work09:11
R4v3nRory: can i manage songs etc from a DAAP client?09:11
RoryR4v3n: Manage? It's read-only if that answers your question09:12
R4v3nMyrtti: i tried mpd but it's not working as good as i expected over 3g connection on my google nexus09:12
R4v3nRory: ok hmm,09:12
RoryR4v3n: Oh if you use DAAP they need to be on the same network09:12
R4v3nRory: ok, im looking for a WAN > 3G solution09:12
R4v3nfor music streaming my library to my phone when on the train the bus etc09:13
R4v3nand spotify premium is not an solution :-)09:13
MyrttiR4v3n: you specifically want to stream from your own computer? so Google Music isn't an option either?09:13
RoryIt totally is09:13
Wiz_KeeDIs there any way to disable the nvidia card just use the discrete card in ubuntu 13.10 ?09:13
R4v3nMyrtti: exactly09:13
R4v3nMyrtti: my own HTPC actually streaming my music from my Freenas box in my closet from a share over CIFS/NFS09:14
Myrtti*boggle* ok. dunno then. I use both Spotify Premium and Google Music, but to each of our own09:14
Myrttibefore those excisted I used mpd quite happily09:14
R4v3nMyrtti: as i said before, MPD is not as efficient as i expected over the 3G net part09:15
R4v3nmaybe gnump3d is a better choice never tried that09:15
R4v3nso i think VLC is the way to go then09:15
MyrttiR4v3n: how are you doing the streaming, with IceCast?09:15
R4v3nMyrtti: i use an App on my phone called "Mpddroid"09:16
Myrtti(back when I did it mpd was the protocol to manage what plays next, and the transport had to be configured separately, I assume that has changed then)09:16
R4v3nMyrtti: and i set up mpd as following09:16
R4v3nMyrtti: yes now everything is separated into sections in mpd.conf09:18
R4v3nMyrtti: it uses an built in http streaming server09:18
R4v3nMyrtti: for what i want to do, but i think the built in webserver for mpd is quite poor09:18
MyrttiR4v3n: well, I'm sure if you set it up to use icecast or something similar you can configure the quality of the stream a bit better09:18
R4v3nMyrtti: so maybe icecast works better more or less like an radio and then i can configure a loop when my playlist comes to an end it will repeat from the beginning09:18
RoryR4v3n: What about Subsonic?09:19
R4v3nMyrtti: i think in the config file there is an icecast section09:19
MyrttiR4v3n: I assume you have unlimited data package then09:19
RoryR4v3n: http://www.subsonic.org/pages/index.jsp09:19
RoryR4v3n: It has Android clients and will transcode your FLAC and stuff on-the-fly for mobile streaming09:20
R4v3nRory: i don't know if subsonic is the best choice for me, because it requires java on the server part09:20
RoryR4v3n: Yeah it does, it's a huge app09:20
RoryR4v3n: We used to have a subsonic server at work with everyone's music on; it might be overkill for an individual09:20
tomboy64Wiz_KeeD: there should be an option in your bios for that, it might be called something with switching09:20
Wiz_KeeDtomboy64,  searched for it, and of course there isn't, that' just my luck09:21
Wiz_KeeDthe only option there is how much memory to give to the internal gpu tomboy64  that's it09:21
R4v3nRory: was the performance good?09:21
R4v3nwhen streaming over 3g to phone09:21
R4v3nor maybe i just install ubuntu phone on my nexus09:22
tomboy64Wiz_KeeD: run `dmesg | grep -i switcheroo`   --- if it doesn't find anything chances are good it doesn't use the nvidia in the first place.09:22
R4v3nand use sshfs with a local vlc client09:22
R4v3nRory: what u think about something like that?09:22
Wiz_KeeD what the hell is switcharoo? :o09:23
tomboy64Wiz_KeeD: switcheroo (with e) is the kernel thingy responsible for switching between your discrete and your "real" gfx card09:24
RoryR4v3n: Yeah I had no complaints09:24
MyrttiR4v3n: ubuntu phone isn't a magic bullet for your problem09:24
Myrttiwell, ubuntu touch rather09:24
Wiz_KeeDtomboy64,  can't it be forced to use just the discrete graphics?09:24
tomboy64please run `modinfo switcheroo`09:25
Wiz_KeeDtomboy64, ERROR: Module switchero not found.09:27
Wiz_KeeDsorry with two oo09:27
Wiz_KeeDERROR: Module switcheroo not found.09:28
R4v3nMyrtti: Rory ok so the summary is Subsonic, alternative tweak the MPD config to use Icecast to stream out the music?09:30
RoryR4v3n: If it were me, I'd use subsonic because I know it really well. It's easy09:31
R4v3nRory: Myrtti http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Icecast209:31
RoryR4v3n: It's designed exactly for your use-case09:31
R4v3nRory: ok :) then my HTPC becomes a jukebox aswell09:31
RoryR4v3n: Yeah you can stream to multiple devices09:31
RoryR4v3n: There's a few interfaces, let me check the Android one I used to use (it isn't free but it was cheap and worth paying for)09:32
RoryR4v3n: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.subsonic.androidapp09:33
RoryR4v3n: and it's free :)09:33
ActionParsnipR4v3n: could use vlc remote with vlc on the server with http control enabled. You can then remote control what coms out of the server from the remote system/tablet. Is this what is desired?09:34
tomboy64!memoserv help09:34
tomboy64Wiz_KeeD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics09:34
Wiz_KeeDthank you tomboy64 !09:35
Wiz_KeeDHope I can disable it09:35
tomboy64Wiz_KeeD: that will solve your quest. it lists the required options.09:35
Wiz_KeeDtomboy64, so no need for bumblebee? YAY :D09:35
Wiz_KeeDHope I don't have the proprietary dirvers installed, I did not install them myself in 13.1009:36
LastArmsI have a question09:36
Wiz_KeeDIt never asked to be honest tomboy6409:36
morfinhow do i use apport-collect from Ubuntu server without X09:37
LastArmsI'm using an Ubuntu server as a gateway/firewall in my network. I would like to use that Ubuntu server to ensure that traffic from Voip calls gets priority over traffic from downloading09:37
MyrttiActionParsnip: he wants to stream to his phone from WAN -> 3G09:37
Rory!ask | LastArms09:37
ubottuLastArms: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:38
MyrttiActionParsnip: so I don't think so09:38
RoryOh sorry LastArms missed it09:38
LastArmsRory: no worries, I kinda realized I should not have tried to break it into parts. Bad habit from chatting using phones too much...09:38
Wiz_KeeDtomboy64, is acpi_call what I need?09:39
LastArmsmorfin: CLI?09:39
Wiz_KeeDsounds like it!09:39
ActionParsnipMyrtti: oic09:39
ActionParsnipMyrtti: plex :)09:40
RoryLastArms: What software are you using for your gateway/firewall? The terminology you're looking for is QoS "quality of service"09:40
LastArmsRory: Ubuntu Server 12.0409:40
=== manu is now known as cazino
RoryLastArms: I mean, how is it configured as a gateway/firewall?09:41
morfinit still opens lynx09:41
LastArmsRory: Oh, I used webmin09:41
morfinso i think no way to do anything withot X09:41
RoryLastArms: Generally we don't recommend webmin. What did you do in webmin to configure as a gateway/firewall?09:42
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:42
LastArmsmorfin: If I'm not wrong, X is just for GUI purposes... could you not run apport-collect via terminal?09:42
Wiz_KeeDtomboy64, http://hybrid-graphics-linux.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=ACPI_calls#Asus I cannot find my model here...now what? :(09:42
morfini can but it will run browser09:42
morfini login then it says i authenticated my domain but then nothing happens09:43
morfini think need javascript but there no JS09:43
Rory!info apport-cli | morfin09:43
=== whoops2 is now known as whoops3
ubottumorfin: Package apport-cli does not exist in saucy09:43
Rory!find apport-cli09:43
LastArmsRory: haha, that's what happens if you follow a guide from 2008... well, I'm pretty sure that it just changed some network settings although I have to recheck since my firewall kinda blocked my ssh09:43
morfinuseless reporting system09:43
ubottuFile apport-cli found in apport09:43
morfini can't even report bug without GUI09:43
LastArmsRory: do you have any recommendations for what I should use instead of webmin?09:43
Rorymorfin: use the apport-cli command, I read that in "man apport-collect" you must have missed it09:44
morfini am running apport-cli -u id09:44
=== whoops3 is now known as whoops2
RoryLastArms: Well it's probably a bit late now. Does webmin not have QoS settings?09:44
assistentei have this  problem:  /etc/resolv.conf is not created by dhcp when i boot xubuntu customized cd. someone can help me?09:44
morfinbut it still runs browser then when i've authenticated i can't do anything because have no JS09:44
morfinto have JS i need to install Chrome\Firefox\anything else09:44
LastArmsRory: HTB, although, it seems limited to ports... instead of "packet sniffing" which seems to be what I want... (determine if the packet is voip and prioritize)09:45
Wiz_KeeDI need some help here :(09:46
morfinmy bugreport without running apport-cli wound not be checked09:47
timal70can someone tell me the official channel of vlc09:47
LastArms!info apport-bug | morfin09:48
ubottumorfin: Package apport-bug does not exist in saucy09:48
LastArmshrmm... I would think that apport-bug is the command to use...09:49
morfini need to append to existing report09:49
Wiz_KeeDCan someone help me turn off the discrete card in ubuntu? I've ran a few commands and not sure if it's okay http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-12-04-turn-off-discrete-graphic-card-on-boot09:50
Wiz_KeeDfollowing that tutorial09:50
Wiz_KeeDI don't want to mess things up and have my ubuntu now booting anymore09:50
Wiz_KeeDtomboy64, are you still there?09:53
ShadowandlightHaving an issue with getting virtualevn / python to work...  any help? - http://privatepaste.com/4364469b0f09:54
Wiz_KeeDShadowandlight, I don't think virtualenv should be called like that09:55
Wiz_KeeDafter you do sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv09:55
Wiz_KeeDyou can just do virtualenv name09:55
Wiz_KeeDthere should be more information in the documentation09:55
alkisgHi, will this crontab command run in 11:00, 11:10, 11:20, ..., 06:00, ..., 06:40, 06:50?       "*/10 11-06 * * * /usr/share/sch-scripts/shutdown-if-idle 5"09:56
LastArmsalkisg: I would think so09:57
morfinonly way i see now to fix problem is recompile from sources09:57
alkisgThank you LastArms09:57
morfinopenssl,libpq,libmysql and others09:57
LastArmsalkisg: btw, you do realize that it will run from 11 am until 6am the next morning right?09:57
alkisgLastArms: yes, I'm guessing that all hours there are in 24h format, right?09:58
LastArmsmorfin: sorry, I've never used apport... so I can't help you..09:58
LastArmsalkisg: you can do * and it will do all hours?09:58
alkisgLastArms: no I don't want it to try to shutdown from 07:00 to 11:00.... thanks!09:58
morfinalso they just need to update openssl09:58
assistentehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2193298 someone can help me?09:58
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Wiz_KeeDCan I please get some help with disabling discrete graphics?10:15
Wiz_KeeDyes, no, maybe?10:17
lar4Hi. I'm trying to apply a patch but nothing happens.10:19
ikonialar4: what patch, to what program, how are you trying to apply it and how is it failing10:21
lar4ikonia, this is the patch: http://pastebin.com/D6mmmqPL10:22
ikonialar4: please re-read what I'm asking10:22
lar4it's supposed to fix spdif audio output10:22
ikoniaso you're trying to patch a kernel.....10:22
lar4apparently i do10:23
lar4i ran  patch -p1 ad1988_spdif_crackling.patch10:23
ikonialar4: with respect if you don't know what you are patching you shouldn't be doing it10:23
lar4but nothing happens10:23
ikoniaespecially when it turns out the kernel10:23
ikonialar4: you need to stop what you are doing - patching doesn't work like that10:23
lar4i found the patch in the bug tracker10:23
Rorylar4: The other day someone was in here with an identical problem; they fixed it by installing a later upstream kernel using these instructions http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/11/linux-kernel-3-12-released-install-ubuntu-or-linux-mint/10:23
lar4identical? also spdif output?10:24
Rorylar4: yep10:24
Wiz_KeeDhello ikonia, would you be so kind as to help me out in switching off my discrete graphics card on my notebook? I seem to have some issues following the tutorial  on loading the script at grub https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics10:24
Wiz_KeeDit says it does not find /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch though it's there, it just needs root access10:24
Rorylar4: I think their name was lar410:25
ikoniaRory: nice job10:25
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: can you not just disable it in the bios10:25
lar4Rory, lol whatever i ran it didn't work or worked but didn't persist10:25
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: the easy way to do it is just do "sudo -i" then do it10:25
Rorylar4: OK so that's relevant info, you ought to have lead with that10:26
Wiz_KeeDikonia, I can not, if I could I would gladly do it.The only option is how much memory to allocate to the integrated graphics10:26
Rorylar4: When you boot, in the grub menu, is it kernel version 3.12 which is being selected?10:26
lar4Rory, i ran this command: r10:26
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: use sudo -i10:26
Wiz_KeeDikonia, should I change the command in the script?10:26
Rorylar4: Can you tell me the output of "uname -r" ?10:26
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: the script ?10:26
Wiz_KeeDyes, the boot script in the tutorial that tries to switch off the discrete graphics when grub loads10:26
lar4Rory, 3.5.0-44-generic10:26
Wiz_KeeDfollowed it and it errors out when trying to access the /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch10:27
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: ah, I see you're trying to use a boot script to do it10:27
Wiz_KeeDI can reboot and give you the exact error message10:27
u1_ /join10:27
Wiz_KeeDYeah, would be easier to always do it...I really don't see the point of having a powerfull video card in ubuntu10:27
Rorylar4: OK could you please run the command "sudo update-grub" and put the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com10:27
Wiz_KeeDespecially when all you do it coding and occasional browsing10:27
RoryWiz_KeeD: games?10:27
Wiz_KeeDAlso the notebook gets a bit hot...10:27
Wiz_KeeDRory, using wine?10:27
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: if you've followed the instructions in that page, the "switch" file in sys should not be owned by root10:27
RoryWiz_KeeD: Yeah or just on Linux, like Half Life 2 and Portal and stuff10:28
Wiz_KeeDikonia, I have not...i'm an idiot10:28
Wiz_KeeDRory, they ported that stuff to ubuntu? :))10:28
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.10:28
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: so perhaps following the instructions clearly before complaining it doesn't work would be a better plan ?10:28
Wiz_KeeDhow about dota 2?10:28
berryciderspiderWhen referring to 64 (ISOs), does that refer to the processor (and indirectly the memory)?10:28
Wiz_KeeDikonia, sure would, my mistake here sorry10:28
RoryWiz_KeeD: Not yet. League of Legends works 100% under Wine though with a bit of work10:28
Wiz_KeeDthanks for the support10:28
Wiz_KeeDI heard dota2 also works in wine10:29
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: not a problem10:29
Wiz_KeeDlet me reboot see what happens10:29
Wiz_KeeDbrb a seccond10:29
lar4Rory, http://pastebin.com/ByYRRndC10:29
cfhowlettberryciderspider, refers specifically to processor10:30
Rorylar4: Can you try to install kernel 3.12 and reboot, select it from the grub menu, and see if your problem persists http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/11/linux-kernel-3-12-released-install-ubuntu-or-linux-mint/10:30
maznazdo you help with kubuntu here?10:31
lar4Rory, yes sir!10:31
lar4Rory, isn't 3.12 an old version?..10:31
Rorymaznaz: Ask away, but if it's kubuntu-specific you might be better served in #kubuntu10:31
Rorylar4: It's newer than what you have (3.5)10:31
Rorylar4: Ignore maths, here 3.12 is "three point twelve"10:31
Rorylar4: Feel free to install 3.13 though; I just gave you that one because I read online people had success with it.10:32
lar4Rory, ok thank you10:32
maznazI got an r9 290 card and I'm trying to get it installed in kubuntu but it keeps crashing. I downloaded the latest drivers, installed and rebooted. I made sure there was only a single entry in the x config file for monitor, device and screen and it matched the address on lspci, but I'm still not getting anywhere10:32
maznazis that something appropriate for here?10:32
ActionParsniplar4: https://www.kernel.org/ ....?10:33
maznazokay, I'm just booting the pc to get the latest error message10:33
berryciderspiderWhen referring to 64 (ISOs), does that refer to the processor (and indirectly the memory)?10:33
Roryberryciderspider: It refers to the fact the packages were compiled for 64-bit processors, and won't run on 32-bit ones10:34
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Roryberryciderspider: And yes, you will be able to address >4GiB ram with a 64-bit installation10:34
Wiz_KeeDI seem to have failed again, it says To have permanent write permissions to the switch file, add the following line, replacing USERNAME with your username, to /etc/init.d/rc.local:10:40
Wiz_KeeDright before exit 0...there is not exit 010:40
RoryWiz_KeeD: Can you pastebin that file?10:41
Wiz_KeeDyea sure10:41
Wiz_KeeDhas exit 310:41
talinhello. i'm on ubuntu.com, trying to figure out where to find the documentation. where is it hidden?10:41
Wiz_KeeDThought I've permanently changed the ownership of that file to my user and the script still complains that there is no such directory10:42
Wiz_KeeDor placing this command there will make a difference?10:42
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maznazOkay, when I run startx I get the following error before it hangs on loading amdxva: (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@5:0:1) found10:43
maznazmy r9 290 appears at 5:0:0 in lspci10:44
maznaz5:0:1 is a sound card10:44
Wiz_KeeDshould I give read permissions to the direcotry vgaswitcharoo Rory ?10:44
maznazdo I need an entry in my config file for that too somehow?10:44
RoryWiz_KeeD: OK doesn't matter, just put whatyou need to put at the very end10:44
berryciderspiderRoy: thanks10:44
RoryWiz_KeeD: I haven't been following your specific problem10:44
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PriestyAnyone know of a good alternative to team viewer for linux10:46
Rory!vnc | Priesty10:47
ubottuPriesty: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:47
talinwhere can i find the docs section at ubuntu.com?10:48
=== siya is now known as Siya
Rorytalin: https://help.ubuntu.com/10:49
talinRory: thank you! i can't believe there is no link to that on ubuntu.com10:50
Wiz_KeeDikonia, it still doesn't work even though the chown command in the rc.local runs10:50
Wiz_KeeDI get the "Can't create, nonexisted directory error"10:51
Saberuanyone here successfully multi GPUing with ubuntu?10:51
talindo you recommend i use 13.10 or 12.04?10:51
Rorytalin: Me personally? 13.10 but others in here will disagree10:52
Saberuuse 13.10 thats what people tell me10:52
Saberucos its newest10:52
Rorytalin: The good thing about this release, is both 12.04 and 13.10 can be upgraded to 14.04 when it comes out10:52
Saberucan anyone plase comment on my failure to get multi GPU working on ubuntu server? im assuming XD10:52
VenkoI use 12.04 on my server because it's LTS10:52
talinRory: ah, cool10:52
SaberuXDM requires some custom stuff if its not desktop?10:52
talinVenko: but you can keep upgrading the others as well?10:52
Rorytalin: You can upgrade from LTS to LTS10:52
Rorytalin: but non-lts releases can only be upgraded to the next version10:53
Venkotalin: Servers aren't meant to have downtime. That would mean downtime every 6 months10:53
Saberuhonestly i feel like desktop is way more configured for GPU use10:53
VenkoEvery 3 years is much better10:53
talinaaah, now i get it10:53
talini want to install using mini.iso anyway. i don'''t' like these preconfigured edition thing10:53
RoryIt's not just about downtime either, it's about knowing your platform is going to get security updates and stuff for the next few years10:53
Rorytalin: If you're new to Ubuntu I recommend just grabbing the 13.10 64 bit iso10:54
Rorytalin: You can always remove things10:54
talinRory: hmm, okay.10:54
talinRory: i'll give mini a try, and if it doesn't work, i'll get the other one10:54
Rorytalin: Just to be sure, you're referring to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ?10:55
doug_Does anyone have a recommendation for good technical forums and chat rooms?10:56
talinRory: yes10:56
Rorydoug_: serverfault, stackoverflow. #reddit-sysadmin on Freenode10:56
Rorytalin: You should be OK then :)10:57
Rorydoug_: ubuntuforums, #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic10:57
Rorydoug_: http://reddit.com/r/sysadmin http://reddit.com/r/linux10:57
doug_Rory_: I appreciate this very much10:58
Wiz_KeeDOmg that was IT! the discrete graphics card was in fact the issue for the high temperature10:59
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: that's not uncommon10:59
Wiz_KeeDikonia, as soon as I turn it off the core temperatures plummet from 54-55 to 50-49 and even less10:59
shamshey guys, what dose it mean "shams sets mode +i shams "10:59
Wiz_KeeDThe last step would be to have this run on boot but it still complains about permissions even though chown command runs, any advice on this one ikonia ?11:00
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: what is the permissions set to ?11:00
Wiz_KeeDlet me look11:00
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: (to be honest, I'm surprised it's telling you to chown anything in the sys file system)11:00
shamshi , i was trying to install Wine, but i am getting some sort of dependency error. who can i solve that. i want to add its a fresh install from DVD, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/6386711:01
Wiz_KeeDTo have permanent access to the switch commands and now cast them with root I guess that's why11:01
Wiz_KeeDbut you can do sudo -i as you said11:01
Wiz_KeeDAnd the error is...11:01
Wiz_KeeD"can't create /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcharoo/switch: nonexisted directory11:02
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: what is the EXACT command you are running11:02
Wiz_KeeDikonia, that's the message in grub when booting, other than that I just use the script and that error is provoked by that script call11:03
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: grub is not aware of sys11:03
Wiz_KeeD/scripts/local-top/hybrid_boot_options: line 6211:03
Wiz_KeeDthen the tutorial is faulty?11:04
Wiz_KeeDcan't I just add it to blacklist ikonia ?11:04
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Sh1G3rUvery cute darling11:05
jwtiyarwhen i want to shutdown there are just logout and lock option there is no restart or shutdown option , any help?11:05
jwtiyarplease hlp11:08
Myrttijwtiyar: how did you log in in the first place? from the commandline?11:08
jwtiyarMyrtti, no just lockscreen11:09
Myrttijwtiyar: have you enabled the root account?11:09
Myrtti(if you haven't, don't)11:09
jwtiyarMyrtti, sorry i dont understand u11:09
Myrttijwtiyar: if you log out, do you get at the login screen an option to turn the computer off?11:12
djanatanSo I installed the nvidia drivers but now I want to go back to nouveau (as they performed pretty well). I'm afraid to just remove nvidia-current, is there a best way to switch back to nouveau?11:13
jwtiyarMyrtti, no logout will happen if i press on it just lock is working11:14
Rorydjanatan: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current will do the trick11:14
Rorydjanatan: The old drivers are still there, they're just not in use11:14
Rorydjanatan: you may also need to uninstall nvidia-current-updates depending on which you installed originally11:15
djanatanRory: nvidia-current is only 34 kb, is it a metapackage?11:16
Rorydjanatan: Yes11:16
shamshi , i was trying to install Wine, but i am getting some sort of dependency error. who can i solve that. i want to add its a fresh install from DVD, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/6386711:16
djanatanDon't see how that will actually change the ddrivers settings if it's just a metapackage being removed and not the drivers themselves11:16
Roryshams: Can you expand "details" and copy and paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com11:17
Hund_Does anyone know why Nvidia settings doesnt get saved? It doesnt mather if I write the changes to xorg.conf.11:17
shamsRory, its pasted here,  i was trying to install Wine, but i am getting some sort of dependency error. how can i solve that. i want to add its a fresh install from DVD, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/6386711:17
Roryshams: That picture says nothing11:17
shamsRory, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/6386711:17
Roryshams: Can you expand "details" and copy and paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com11:17
shamsok, i was trying to install Wine from11:18
ObrienDaveshams, install the meta-package11:18
shamssoftware center11:18
Roryshams: Open a terminal. Run the commands: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine11:18
Roryshams: Copy and paste the full output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com11:18
=== ubuntu is now known as Nibinaear
NibinaearHi. I have a Mint backup of my packages but I have to use Ubuntu now. Is there a way of using mint backup on Ubuntu? I tried loading the ppa but it failed with this error:11:20
NibinaearW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/mintbackup/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found11:20
NibinaearAlso: E: Unable to locate package mintbackup11:21
RoryNibinaear: It's possible there's no version for Saucy for that PPA11:21
gry1visit ppa page and manually download the package11:21
RoryNibinaear: I'd recommend against doing what you plan to, because Mint is not Ubuntu. Best to just install the packages you need, yourself11:21
gry1edit its metafaya, pachage for your distro. ans ask in  mint chammel.11:21
gry1metadata, even11:22
ObrienDaveNibinaear, http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/mintbackup/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-amd64/Packages11:22
shamsRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6560852/11:22
rhumbothi all, im usng ubuntu 13.10 on an asus laptop which has a gpu + a dedicated nvidia graphic card. how can i see if the nvidia card is being used all the time?11:22
=== subin47 is now known as grapetiser
Roryshams: Thanks, could you now paste the output from "sudo apt-get install wine1.4" ?11:23
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
shamsRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6560859/11:25
Roryshams: do you have a 64-bit install?11:25
shamsrory, yes11:25
NibinaearRory, OK11:25
morpheus7Hi guys, I’m trying to view the real-time CPU usage on my Ubuntu guest OS using mpstat. However, it always seems to return the same (99.66% idle). Anyone seen this before?11:26
shamsRory, my ubuntu is 64 bit, installed from bootable DVD on a dual boot system.11:26
grapetiserwhois sudhakar11:27
shamsRory, is there any 64 bit lib , which i have to install, ? but i used 64bit installation DVD.11:27
Roryshams: Can you try "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs"11:27
=== purvesh_ is now known as purvesh
shamsRory, reading state info..done, E: unable to locate package ia32-lib11:29
Roryshams: ia32-libs11:29
ObrienDaveE: Package 'ia32-libs' has no installation candidate11:29
shamsoh sorry11:29
shamsRory, E: Unable to correnct problems, you have held broken packages.11:30
Roryshams: Sure, can you pastebin the full output please?11:30
shamssure thanks11:30
shamsRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6560885/11:31
maznazany way to make sure X is running correctly from an ssh login?11:32
Roryshams: Can you now run "sudo apt-get -f install" and pastebin the output for me?11:32
shamssure , thanks11:32
Rorymaznaz: pidof X && "Yes, X is running"11:33
shamsRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6560898/11:34
StylesWhat can I use for full disk encryption? (Laptop here)11:34
StylesA lot of the information on the ubuntu community page seems "out of date"11:35
RoryStyles: I recommend using the LUKS full disk encryption as part of the guided partitioning, this does require a reinstall but it's the safest, easiest way11:35
Roryshams: Hmm curioser and curioser11:35
StylesRory, thanks il chechk it out11:35
icerootStyles: the default from the installer which is offering full encryption or only home-encryption11:35
icerootStyles: both are using LUKS11:35
Stylesiceroot, when I installed it only asked about Home :(11:36
Roryshams: please run (carefully; copy and paste): echo "foreign-architecture i386" | sudo tee /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch11:36
Roryshams: and then: sudo chmod 644 /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch11:36
maznazRory, unfortunately that was showing "correct" previously but X was hanging on startup11:36
icerootStyles: maybe it was in some additional settings11:36
Ben64Rory, shams: ia32-libs doesn't exist how it did before, it was a hack. to get 32bit libs now, use multiarch11:36
icerootStyles: i always used the alternate disc (not available anymore)11:36
Roryshams: After that, try running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine" again11:36
StylesWine weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D11:36
Hund_I cant find the package pybonjour in the repos?11:40
Rory!info pybonjour11:41
ubottuPackage pybonjour does not exist in saucy11:41
RoryHund_: That's because it's not in the repos11:41
morpheus7anyone using mpstat?11:41
shamsRory, the first command i have to paste as it is ? with that double quote (( echo "foreign-architecture i386" | sudo tee /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch))11:41
Roryshams: Yes, paste the following line as it appears11:41
Roryecho "foreign-architecture i386" | sudo tee /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch11:41
Hund_Rory, Where can I find it? I googled it but just found some old version from 2009.11:41
assistentehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2193298 someone can help me?11:43
shamsRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6560932/11:43
wicaHi, I have a server with bonding interfaces. How can I install Ubuntu on it? So far as I see, there is no menu option for bonding11:44
Roryshams: OK last thing, if this doesn't work I have no idea11:44
Roryshams: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get purge wine && sudo apt-get install wine11:44
Roryshams: there's also "wget http://rory.sh/fixpackages && sh fixpackages" but I'm not sure it will help much in your case11:45
R4v3nActionParsnip: Yeah that's about what i desire11:47
shamsRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6560953/11:47
R4v3nActionParsnip: but i think im going to try Subsonic to see how it works out11:47
Ben64shams: what does this say? "dpkg --print-foreign-architecture"11:48
Ben64shams: "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" sorry, forgot the S11:48
Wiz_KeeDActionParsnip, do you have any experience with vgaswitcharoo?11:48
shamsone sec11:48
Roryshams: Just on a hunch; can you make sure your system is fully up-to-date with "sudo apt-get upgrade" ?11:49
Ben64Rory: well the pastebin shows.... "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 72 not upgraded."11:49
ObrienDaveshams, try " sudo apt-get dist-upgrade " to clear those 72 not upgraded11:49
RoryBen64: Good call I missed that. +1 for doing a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" shams11:50
Ben64shouldn't stop wine from being installed. i'm thinking either multiarch isn't enabled, or the i386 repos aren't in11:50
shamsRory, sure i will do that, but its not going to remove 12.04 and install 13.+ , right ? because one time i had gone through that, had to reinstall.11:50
RoryNo shams thats not what dist-upgrade does11:50
Roryshams: the command do do that would be do-release-upgrade11:51
shamsRory, dpkg --print-foreign-architectures  returns i38611:52
ObrienDavethat's a good thing11:52
Ben64and backports is enabled... is there a reason for that?11:52
RoryBen64: It won't do any harm here11:53
Roryshams: You could try "sudo apt-get install wine1.5"11:53
jam3smhey guys/gals just curious as to wich torrent to get for intel 64bit system?11:53
pacoanybody knows the suggested values for default-fragments and default-fragments-size in pulseaudio's daemon.conf to solve the crackling audio problem in wine?11:53
shamsRory, no upgrade now ?11:53
Roryjam3sm: What version? for 13.10 it's http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent11:53
ObrienDavejam3sm, for which distro?11:53
jam3smany really wasnt sure if amd64 would be applicable to intel11:54
Roryjam3sm: For other versions just replace the 13.10 in that URL with 12.0411:54
Ben64paco: my solution for that is to remove pulseaudio11:54
Roryjam3sm: It is, it's just the architecture name11:54
shamsRory, wine1.5 has no installation condidate11:54
RoryYeah I didn't think so for 12.04 but I couldn't remember11:55
Ben64i use wine's ppa, more updated11:55
jam3smsory bout that my xchat on windows 8 is flakky11:55
pacothat's a bit drastic Ben64, I'm trying to keep it, used to work fine, but with recent versions it isn't getting along with wine for me, somewhere I read about setting some values in pulseaudio's daemon.conf11:56
RoryI was going to suggest that next. shams please run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine11:56
shamsRory, , dist upgrade is running, once finish do i have to restart. ?11:56
Ben64paco: its really not that drastic. its an extra annoying layer on top of audio, who needs it11:56
Roryshams: No you don't11:56
RoryWine is one of the few cases where I actually recommend the PPA11:56
Ben64#winehq won't help you on an old version either11:57
shamsRory, right , then once it over i will try that ppa11:57
ObrienDaveshams, usually a restart is required for kernel updates11:57
Roryshams: I'm going for lunch now, people can help you here11:57
jam3smdo i need to manually install the nvidia linux driver for ubuntu?11:57
shamsRory, thank you for your help,11:57
pacoit happens I need it Ben64, sometimes I use it to forward sound to other lan computers. But if anybody knows here, I'll go out look somewhere else, thanks anyway11:57
glitsj16paco: try default-fragments = 8 and default-fragment-size-msec = 1011:57
Ben64!nvidia | jam3sm11:57
ubottujam3sm: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:57
shamsRory, eat well11:58
pacoI'll give it a try glitsj1611:58
glitsj16paco: fyi, arch has a great wiki page for pulseaudio --> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio12:02
pacoty glebihan12:03
pacosorry, ty glitsj1612:03
shamshello guys, is there a way to copy only my question and answered to me only from this chat.12:07
cfhowlettshams, all discussions are archived.12:08
MrSykkoxHello guys!, ehm im having some troubles with an AVR-mega32 usb connector, i cant figure out to gain direct RW control of the usb adapter with avrdude, anyone knows anything about that? :)12:09
shamscfhowlett, how do i find if i want to locate some specific question which has be answered some times back, i am using Xchat.12:10
cfhowlettshams, wait one, I'll look12:11
shamscfhowlett, k , thanks12:11
Beldarshams, ctrl-f and search your nick12:11
shamsk, thank you12:12
cfhowlettBeldar, good find ... what about searching after clearing the cache?12:12
shamsBeldar, but that only finds todays chat, right ? because i cant see any older one.12:13
Beldarcfhowlett, Not sure I just use that search in general and save no history.12:13
glitsj16shams: everything is nicely logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/12:13
ObrienDaveshams, that would depend on how many scrollback lines you retain or ^^^12:14
Beldarshams, todays or if you get an archive it will work.12:14
Beldartrue I have my lines at 10,000 I think12:14
cfhowlettshams, correct.  the only time I've successfully searched archives was when I could zoom in on the approximate date.  Can't believe there's NOT  a search utility but I don't know what it might be.  Ask again in channel.  someone knows.12:15
shamscfhowlett, thanks, i got the link of log, i guess i will find there.12:17
MrSykkoxNo ones knows, about setting the udev rules for the usb?'12:18
ActionParsnipMyrtti: in what way?12:20
ActionParsnipMrSykkox: ^12:20
ActionParsnipMyrtti: tabfail, sorry12:20
MrSykkoxhehe :) .. It's because im trying to write to an Atmel processor12:20
Wiz_KeeDdoes anyone have an idea on that question?12:20
MrSykkoxwith avrdude, but it fails every time12:21
MrSykkoxActionParsnip, you have any idea?12:23
morfinhow do i find where is file <linux/sock_diag.h> located12:23
ActionParsnipmorfin: sudo updatedb; locate sock_diag.h12:24
ActionParsnipMrSykkox: no idea, sorry. Not something I have done. I know about udv rules and suchlike12:25
MrSykkoxActionParsnip, Okay :/, as far as i know, i should somehow give the usb the permit to read&write directly12:26
ActionParsnipMrSykkox: is it just a partition etc?12:27
shamshello guys is there some one who can help me with my dependency issue. http://www.pasteall.org/pic/6386712:29
MrSykkoxActionParsnip, It's a Atmel Mega32 microcontroller,12:29
geirhashams: Not enough information there. Click on details12:30
ObrienDaveshams, that picture does not tell us what we need to know. the pastebin helps12:30
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MrSykkoxActionParsnip, Running with a USB serial device converter if it helps anything12:33
shamsObrienDave, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6561128/12:34
ObrienDaveshams, you're on 12.04 yes?12:36
shamsObrienDave, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/6387212:37
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shamsObrienDave, yes i am on 12.04, and i removed my first installation which i did through window, and this one is using DVD, installed ubuntu side by side windows.12:40
ObrienDaveshams, just for the heck of it, try sudo apt-get install wine1.712:40
shamsObrienDave, Unable to locate package12:41
shamsObrienDave, cound not find any package by regex 'wine1.7'12:42
Ben64shams: did you add the ppa suggested?12:42
shamsBen64, no i didnt12:43
shamsBen64, i upgraded though12:43
Ben64well you should try the ppa then12:43
ObrienDavesudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa12:44
ObrienDaveif you did not add the ppa you will NOT find wine12:44
Ben64uh.. wine still exists without a ppa, just not the newest one12:44
ObrienDaveyes, you're correct.12:45
shamsObrienDave, ok i added the ppa  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa, but no progress .12:46
ObrienDavesudo apt-get update12:47
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install wine1.512:47
Ben64sudo apt-get install wine12:47
shamsBen64, i have broken packages as it says12:48
Ben64pastebin it all12:48
osubuntuor use pastebinit12:49
shamsBen64, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6561213/12:50
Ben64shams: what else have you done to the system? any other ppas? any other software?12:53
ice9after shutdown, neither unity nor gnome can start, just showing black screen with the cursor, but KDE works fine!12:53
gordonjcpis it possible to get Ubuntu to always completely ignore DHCP from a given network device, always force a particular IP address and route, and use wildcard matching for that device's MAC address?12:55
shamsBen64, nothing, i only installed restored some backup files from the previous installation, and its fresh install, i only installed shutter and nothing else, i used blender, but did not install it.12:55
gordonjcpI'm having a problem where when I plug a piece of equipment in, it hands Linux a new DHCP lease and clobbers the default route12:55
shamsBen64, one more thing i like to bring under you knowledge , i formatted my windows and shrinked it into 100 gb, then i installed ubunto from DVD, i thought i will choose remaining 400 GB for ubuntu, but i was never asked, where to install and installation was over. i wonder if its using the remaining 400 GB or not.12:57
Ben64shams: you can try this, but it's a bit strange http://askubuntu.com/questions/138530/why-do-i-get-an-unmet-dependencies-error-when-trying-to-install-wine/190424#19042412:58
shamsBen64, i have installed gparted too, let me paste12:58
OerHeksthat wine ppa / precise should have 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.7  >> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=precise13:00
Ben64they're all just 1.713:01
ObrienDaveBen64, that is very strange, but it could explain some weird errors i was getting going to 12.04 a while back. wow13:01
OerHeksshams you performed sudo apt-update, try " sudo apt-get upgrade " too13:01
Kartagiswhat's the latest kernel available on ubuntu?13:02
Ben64!info linux-image13:02
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:02
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB13:02
ObrienDaveOerHeks, had him do dist-upgrade also, 72 updates ;)13:02
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morfini'll try to compile new openssl just to be sure nothing has changed13:03
KartagisBen64: is installing 3.12 safe?13:04
Ben64Kartagis: well you'd be unsupported here, you'd have to make your mind up about that13:07
Ben64trusty will have at least 3.12 if you want to wait until april for it13:08
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makarahi. i've logged in as user JIM and I need to run a command as GAX?13:11
makarai don't know GAX's password13:12
Guest88909How do I diagnose the problem with a USB device under Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit)13:12
[Gentoo]Guest88909: try dmesg13:13
[Gentoo]what happens anyway13:13
Ben64makara: sudo su -c "command here" GAX13:14
Guest88909[Gentoo]: I have a "media center" with 8 USB ports, memory card readers (including SDHC) and audio (mic and headphone).  Everything works except for the USB ports13:14
Guest88909[Gentoo]: What do I do with dmesg?13:15
Ben64Guest88909: type it, then pastebin it so we can see. try plugging something into the usb first13:15
FrankMartinguys anybody worked with displaylinks in ubuntu ?13:16
Guest88909[Gentoo]: I have a MS-7502 mother board with 3 JUSB connectors.  I plugged the two USB wires from the media center into JUSB1 and JUSB213:16
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[Gentoo]Guest88909: what do you mean by that, the wires13:18
Ben64[Gentoo]: usb headers on the motherboard13:18
Ben64question took a turn towards ##hardware now13:18
[Gentoo]if the media center plugs into the pc then i dont know anyway13:19
Guest88909[Gentoo]: I have wires that come from the back of the media center.  One for the power, two for SATA (the media center has SATA ports), one audio and two wires on which is printed USB13:19
[Gentoo]if you plug them in then paste the output of dmesg maybe it will show some error13:20
[Gentoo]you might need to apt-get install wgetpaste13:20
xtrizis their any online bookmarking tool or something, because i have multiple computers running different browsers and i want to sync all my bookmarks together at one place ?13:20
Ben64dont think there is a wgetpaste [Gentoo]13:20
[Gentoo]!info wgetpaste13:20
ubottuPackage wgetpaste does not exist in saucy13:20
[Gentoo]pastebinit is the one maybe13:21
Ben64yeah that exists13:21
[Gentoo]!info pastebinit13:21
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3-4ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB13:21
Guest88909[Gentoo]: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6561337/13:21
airtonixxtriz: you mean different browsers as in not all google chrome?13:21
Guest88909[Gentoo]: And this is all I can recover.  I can't get to the 0.0 (beginning)13:22
xtrizairtonix, yeah correct13:22
Guest88909[Gentoo]: Enjoy13:23
[Gentoo]Guest88909: are you plugging / unplugging them in13:23
airtonixxtriz: i would like to see a solution that uses btsync. btsync is boss.13:23
Guest88909[Gentoo]: Plugging in / unplugging what?13:23
[Gentoo]the usb13:23
[Gentoo]is this ubuntu?13:24
[Gentoo]you're using13:24
airtonixxtriz: what about xmarks?13:24
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xtrizairtonix, let me try it seems interesting13:26
airtonixxtriz: i think xmarks has been around a long time13:26
Guest88909[Gentoo]: No, I have three wires... set of wires that end in a connector that I connected into the JUSB 1 and JUSB2 connectors on the mother board.I haven't touched either since connecting them to the mother board.  And I have 2 usb flash drives, one in each of two slots13:26
profligacyAnyone want to race?13:26
cfhowlettairtonix, about 4 years give to trake13:26
pgar23Hi, I recently installed 13.10 but my qualcomm atheros 9485 wireless is not working. Do I need to install drivers or someone recommended that I downgrade to 12.04 since it may be supported...any suggestions?13:26
Guest88909[Gentoo]: Correction, two sets of wires that are connected to two of the three connectors on the motherboard13:27
[Gentoo]Guest88909: its showing as connecting / disconnecting repeatedly13:27
[Gentoo]dont know why13:27
Guest88909[Gentoo]: I'm a newbie, so I know even less13:27
Guest88909False contact?13:27
ObrienDavenot plugged in all the way?13:28
Wiz_KeeDHow can one add a custom directory to the end of the path?13:28
Guest88909[Gentoo]: False contact?  Not plugged in both sets of pins on the connector?13:28
[Gentoo]Wiz_KeeD: what path13:28
ActionPa1snipWiz_KeeD: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/folder13:28
Guest88909[Gentoo]: Any clue?13:29
Wiz_KeeDActionPa1snip, and that is persistent? Even after reboot?13:29
[Gentoo]Wiz_KeeD: add to bashrc13:29
Wiz_KeeD[Gentoo], how do I do that? also i am using python virtualenv13:29
ActionPa1snipWiz_KeeD: you will need to add it in ~/.bashrc or edit /etc/environment to apply globally13:29
[Gentoo]Guest88909: nope :(13:29
assistentehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2193298 solutions?13:30
Wiz_KeeDediting bashrc, where do I place the command "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/folder" ?13:30
Wiz_KeeDin this file?13:30
pgar23Wiz_Keed - I would add it to ~./bashrc so it loads up each time you boot your machine13:30
Guest88909[Gentoo]: Not ikely a software problem?  More so a hardware problem?13:30
Wiz_KeeDpgar23, where in the file more specifically?13:30
jennieWalex: !13:30
[Gentoo]Wiz_KeeD: add it to the top13:30
Wiz_KeeDok sir13:30
pgar23Wiz_Keed - you need to remove the "/path/to/folder" part13:30
[Gentoo]Wiz_KeeD: wont really matter13:30
pgar23and put in your own path13:30
pgar23typing "pwd" will show you the current directory13:31
JoBArTe_Skuldhey guys, is possible to modifiy a apt-get do display info similar to yum?13:31
impradeepypgar23, paste output of cat /etc/lsb-release; uname -a  and lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net13:31
pgar23you will usually add the path to a directory of your choice13:31
Wiz_KeeDok added it13:31
shamsBen64, the link you gave me seems its working , installing wine gksu gedit .......base-files13:31
ActionPa1snipWiz_KeeD: you put the command in the terminal and it will apply to that terminal and it's child terminals13:31
Wiz_KeeDnow DO i need to logout, login13:31
ActionPa1snipWiz_KeeD: if you added it in ~/.bashrc   just run:  source ~/.bashrc   and it will apply13:31
Wiz_KeeDit also says bash: /home/wiz/bin/openerp: No such file or directory (looking there for some reason, I might have added it in the past)13:31
ActionPa1snipWiz_KeeD: no need to log off and on13:31
Wiz_KeeDah source ok13:31
shamsBen64, the link you gave me seems its working , installing wine gksu gedit .......base-files13:31
pgar23impradeepy - I do not have the machine in front of me at the moment, but do you think I should just downgrade or are there drivers missing?13:31
Guest88909[Gentoo]: More a hardware problem or a software problem in your opinion?13:32
[Gentoo]Guest88909: i sent you a message13:32
Wiz_KeeDok so that works now to make it work in the virtual environment13:32
pgar23I grabbed the windows .inf driver file and loaded it but no success...13:32
impradeepypgar23, without seeing outputs i cannot say anything13:32
pgar23k thx13:32
makaraBen64, any idea how to execute a script on system start as given user?13:37
ActionPa1snipmakara: use the su command, or sudo can be used too13:40
shamsguys, is is safe to install ia32-libs13:40
ActionPa1snipshams: yes13:40
HomelessTribei use ubuntu!13:40
HomelessTribei am one of you people13:40
ActionPa1snipHomelessTribe: welcome to the party13:41
HomelessTribeActionPa1snip: partyyyyyy13:41
[Gentoo]HomelessTribe: have a beer13:41
HomelessTribeeven i prefeere slackware13:41
HomelessTribeso much more13:41
shamsActionPa1snip, somebody suggested me that its hacked or something and try this ..... i dont really remember what he said, trying to find but i cant.13:41
[Gentoo]shams: bs13:41
HomelessTribe[Gentoo]: i dont drink alcohol13:42
[Gentoo]ok dont then13:42
[Gentoo]neither do i13:42
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:42
shamsGentoo, could you be more specific , i dont know what is bs, sorry  very new to ubunto13:43
HomelessTribeanyone want join my tribe here is all info: http://i.imgur.com/suEW0Lp.gif13:43
ActionPa1snipshams: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue13:43
Wiz_KeeD[Gentoo],  ActionPa1snip thanks guys13:44
Wiz_KeeDworking well now13:44
[Gentoo]HomelessTribe: was waiting for some rubbish like that13:44
shamsActionPa1snip, Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS \n\l13:44
HomelessTribeits nor rubish13:45
HomelessTribeu hurt my feelings13:45
ActionPa1snip!info ia32-libs precise13:45
HomelessTribewhat u even doing here u are gentoo not ubuntu13:45
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in precise13:45
cfhowlettHomelessTribe, it is, however, off-topic.  please see the channel topic and comply.  thank you.13:45
ActionPa1snipshams: looks like its been removed13:45
bgardnerActionPa1snip, shams: I think that left as of precise, in favor of multiarch.13:46
k1lHomelessTribe: please keep this channel clear for support. we have a #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting13:46
zoraelWhat libraries could I be missing on an amd64 installation if 64-bit glxgears works but 32-bit complains that the display isn't DRI2-capable?13:47
zorael(nvidia proprietary if it matters)13:47
shamsActionPa1snip, yes and there is some alternate I could not figure out how to search previous chat session, Ctrl+f only works for current session13:48
shamsbgardner, yes i guess it was multiarch what he suggested me13:48
ObrienDaveshams, check search backwards13:48
cfhowlettActionPa1snip, you've got to know this one: how to search freenode archives?13:48
morfini suspect there is something more than just openssl13:49
zykotick9cfhowlett: if you mean #ubuntu, see "/msg ubottu logs" for details13:49
shamsObrienDave, i did search backwards too.13:49
shamsbgardner, how do i install multiarch13:50
ObrienDavehmm, then you're not loading scrollback13:50
cfhowlettw3rd_, greetings13:51
w3rd_is this #ubuntu? by chance13:51
bgardnershams: It's not a package, it's a concept - they phased out ia32-libs because modern packages are available automatically for multiarch.13:51
cfhowlettw3rd_, by chance?  no, by design.  ;)13:51
w3rd_really slow in the mornings13:52
k1l!details | w3rd_13:52
ubottuw3rd_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:52
w3rd_usually this chan is bangin13:52
w3rd_anyway.. well i have a new samsung netbook that i purchased and the aircard isnt listed in the ifconfig -a output13:52
w3rd_im using 8.0413:52
newbie|2[Gentoo]: I just did what you suggested13:53
cfhowlettw3rd_, ////// :)13:53
k1lw3rd_: 8.04 is out of support since long time13:53
[Gentoo]newbie|2: no go?13:53
w3rd_i know13:53
[Gentoo]newbie|2: i take it you was called guest# before13:53
w3rd_im in a remote area, very hard to download13:53
cfhowlettw3rd_, so of course the FIRST thing we suggest is an upgrade to lubuntu or xubuntu 12.0413:53
k1lw3rd_: before thinking about solutions you should install at least 12.0413:53
w3rd_im waiting on 12 to dl now13:53
w3rd_its just i have 2 hours left till its complete13:53
FloodBot1w3rd_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:53
shamsbgardner, oh i see, then if i want to run a 32bit program, how do i do that, i saw a forum says in order to run Phoenix Viewer for SL you have to have 32bit lib installed.13:53
newbie|2[Gentoo]: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6561461/13:54
w3rd_i will wait and try and then come back once i have an idea rather 12 has a similar issue, thanks13:54
cfhowlettw3rd_, best bet: upgrade and come back.   we aren't really equipped or inclined to support an out-of-support distro13:54
k1lw3rd_: the kernel in 8.04 is from 2008. so there is a big chance the kernel even doesnt work with your wifi card. so go with 12.0413:54
newbie|2[Gentoo]: Yes, I was Guest with the media center13:54
gtristanwhere would I find a libglib-2.0 static library for Ubuntu 12.04 ?13:54
w3rd_btw, linux mint vs ubuntu regular? any diff13:54
[Gentoo]newbie|2: still not working?13:54
cfhowlettw3rd_, sounds like a plan!  K1l is spot on - you might just get plug and play with 12.0413:54
w3rd_yes im sure that is what it is.. probably not even in the code base, very new hardware here13:55
k1lw3rd_: go with ubuntu. or try the mint support and make your own decision13:55
newbie|2[Gentoo]: Look at the pastebin13:55
w3rd_just wanted to ensure that was a correct induction13:55
[Gentoo]newbie|2: no dodgy looking things there now13:55
ThugulaHi guys.13:55
w3rd_will do, just take forever to download either flavor in this neck of the woods13:55
w3rd_thanks again13:55
newbie|2[Gentoo]: What is dodgy?13:56
bgardnershams: Sounds like that's not a package from the repos and so doesn't expressly provide multiarch dependency data.  One second.13:56
[Gentoo]newbie|2: its all looks ok now13:56
[Gentoo]newbie|2: does it work or not?13:56
newbie|2[Gentoo]: Seems less than what the first dmesg said13:56
newbie|2I'm going to look13:56
ThugulaI cannot enter root user when a program asks for root privilleges, for example, when I try to enter gufw, it says "go in root", and when I press "enter password", it says "wrong identification" - most programs are doing this, they won't let me identify, so I have to run them as sudo to become root, please help me.13:56
[Gentoo]well it doesnt have the disconnects, pastebin dmesg again13:56
[Gentoo]they might have happened13:56
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:57
[Gentoo]Thugula: maybe gksudo is using su instead of sudo13:57
k1lThugula: they ask for the user password13:57
newbie|2[Gentoo] : Just unplugged and replugged two USB flash drives - no mention in file manager13:57
k1lThugula: there is no root pw in ubuntu13:57
Thugulak1l; they do not ask for the user password.13:57
Thugulayes they ask for the user password13:57
Thugulabut no option comes up.13:57
[Gentoo]newbie|2: i seriously have no idea13:58
Thugulathis is happening in ALL programs.13:58
ThugulaI have to run them as sudo.13:58
k1lThugula: than something is totally wrong13:58
Thugulawhen I first installed Ubuntu 13.10, everything was working fine, programs were asking for password as usual, now they don't.13:58
k1lThugula: what? you run everything as root?13:58
Thugulaonly gufw.13:58
Thugulaand some other programs.13:58
[Gentoo]Thugula: why do you need the gui anyway its basic on cli13:58
Thugulak1l; when I try to modify something...etc13:58
k1lThugula: i bet you corrupted programss because you ran them with sudo even if the dont need sudo rights13:59
Thugulak1l: nope.13:59
[Gentoo]theres a thing where you can change gskudo settings cant remember what its called13:59
newbie|2[Gentoo]: Why does dmesg see no problem?  Could the USB drives be messed up?  I will try with one that I know works.13:59
[Gentoo]choose from su or sudo13:59
[Gentoo]choose sudo13:59
newbie|2[Gentoo]: Btw, doesn't dmesg seem to have less information the second time?14:00
pip__what is the state of USB 3.0 support like at the moment?14:00
[Gentoo]newbie|2: yes, it doesnt have all the disconnects from USB at the bottom14:00
k1lpip__: works14:00
[Gentoo]newbie|2: pastebin dmesg again14:00
newbie|2[Gentoo]: Aside from that, it is the same?  But it has the connect?14:00
k1lpip__: its in the kernel since 2.6.3114:01
newbie|2[Gentoo]: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6561461/14:01
pip__k1l:i had a problem with a card reader with a usb 3 port on it14:01
newbie|2[Gentoo]: That is the second.  I don't remember the first pastebin14:01
pip__but twas a weird setup14:01
[Gentoo]newbie|2: everything looks ok on dmesg14:02
pip__wondering if i can just plug something straight into a usb 20-1 headewr on my mobo14:02
pip__usb 3 20 - 1 sorry14:02
newbie|2[Gentoo]: Including USB?14:02
[Gentoo]newbie|2: yes14:02
newbie|2Ok, I'll look into it further14:02
newbie|2[Gentoo]: thx.  I'm so happy for your help, even if I haven't yet found the solution. You have patience.  Thanks14:03
newbie|2Bye everyobe14:03
bgardnershams: Looks like the command you want is: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:03
pawshello, can anyone tell me whats a good Cloud storage software, that i can host on my own server ?14:03
bgardnershams: That's going to drag in a huge list of packages, though - be warned.14:03
pip__k1l: so in theory I can plug a device into a USB3 20-1 header on my mobo & all should be good?14:04
bgardnershams: Alternatively, you can try to locate the actual dependencies and then add just those missing packages, which is more complex but won't install so many packages.14:04
pip__k1l: the iffy one had a usb cable that had to go into a usb3 port on the back of my rig14:04
remoteCTRLpaws: you dont install a server into a cloud storage, as the name already suggests you store data there.14:05
remoteCTRLyou can einterh buy a virtual server, that resembles possibly closest to what you are looking for, or a fullsize root server14:05
pawsremoteCTRL: i want to create a storage where the users in my organization can login, backup files, and share files with other users or to the public14:06
pawssomething like dropbox or google drive, except i want to host it14:06
remoteCTRLpaws: that is ok., but that is what the cloud does, no requirement for additinal servers14:06
remoteCTRLexcept you want to HOST it...14:07
pawsremoteCTRL: i already have a dedicated ubuntu server, dont i need some software to install on it?14:07
remoteCTRLpaws: well the concept of a cloud is roughly to spread a storage area over so many servers that you wont notice anymore on which one actually your data are...14:08
remoteCTRLso what you are talking about requires at leeast tree servers; two for the storage, one for the coordination14:08
zykotick9paws: look into owncloud (i've never used it, so don't know details)14:08
slacko_hello there14:09
remoteCTRLthe clou of the cloud is also data redundancy; no matter what server fails, your data are never in peril14:09
thermionic-xchatI've installed 12.04.03 on a HP DL370 G6, install goes perfectly apart from NIC, which is a NX3031, which appears to be certified according to http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/4040:0100/14:09
thermionic-xchatbut it isn;t seen as a network device14:09
thermionic-xchatit is seen via lspci14:09
pawswould installing CloudStack help me accomplish this?14:09
remoteCTRLpaws: one sinlge server wont do the trick for a cloud... its a server tehn not a cloud ;)14:10
thermionic-xchat06:00.0 Ethernet controller: NetXen Incorporated NX3031 Multifunction 1/10-Gigabit Server Adapter (rev 42)14:10
thermionic-xchatany suggestions would be appreciated14:10
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: define: it isn't seen as a network device14:11
thermionic-xchatifconfig doesn;t list it14:11
pawswell we alrady have a couple of servers on ESXi14:11
shamsbgardner, thanks14:11
thermionic-xchatit (the 4 port NC375i, HP badged NX3031) is the only NIC device on the server14:12
zykotick9thermionic-xchat: 1) check "ifconfig -a" and 2) check "dmesg" for anything related to the card14:12
thermionic-xchatshall do, one minute14:13
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: then my educated guess is, that is either defective or somehow disabled in bios14:13
remoteCTRLpaws: you mean a couple of virtual machines running on one ESXi?14:14
pawscouple of vms on a couple of servers14:15
paws5 to be exact14:15
remoteCTRLpaws: if so, of course you CAN span a cloud over those, only it makes no sense...14:15
thermionic-xchatifconfig -a just shows the lo14:16
remoteCTRLya you should at least have TWO phsyical different servers to mirror the data, everything else is futile14:16
pawsall i want is users to be able to upload and download files off the web, so we dont use dropbox14:16
pawsbecause we have sensetive data14:16
remoteCTRLoff the web?14:16
pawsso they can share files14:17
pawssay i wanna send you a file, wont fit on email14:17
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remoteCTRLok i get it14:17
ikoniajust so I'm clear you want to use "the internet" for secure data14:17
remoteCTRLme personally, i would use sftp for that, but that is a matter of taste i would say...14:18
remoteCTRLikonia: :S (y)14:18
thermionic-xchataha dmesg shows the problem14:19
thermionic-xchatnetxen_nic 0000:06:00.0: Flash fw[4.0.406] is < min fw supported[4.0.505]. Please update firmware on flash14:19
remoteCTRLpaws: look a cloud is something where i upload my muyic collection, bute for sure not sensitive data...14:19
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: support matter for NetXen then...14:20
pawsit will be locked down to only our organization tho14:20
remoteCTRLpaws: just use one server with a raid volume, either mirror or raid 5 and install an ftp server and use the secure ftp protocol IF you have sensitive data!14:20
pawsbut people here are not that smart to use ftp :)14:21
zykotick9remoteCTRL: cloud is a marketing term - it doesn't "mean" anything.  there is no exact definition/requirement...14:21
pawsso i want a nice little web template or a windows app (like dropbox) that they can just dump files in14:21
remoteCTRLzykotick9: agree, spekaing about "bst practice"14:22
remoteCTRLpaws: basically an ftp client does exactly that...14:22
pawsi know i can get away with ftp... but i want something nice looking :)14:23
ikoniapaws: sorry, this sounds just like it's not thought through at all14:23
ikoniaputting sensitive data in "the cloud"14:23
pawsso does openstack do that?14:24
remoteCTRLpaws: you got one window with the target, one window with the source, you click the object in demand an pull it over and release the mous, classic drag and drop, that easy enuff for your customers...?14:24
marcolinoHi, would like to know what is the community’s perception on checkinstall to build source .deb packages? I ask because I stumbled upon a forum which discouraged the use of checkinstall it also claimed that it left orphaned man pages on the system.14:25
remoteCTRLgeez what does it have to do, make phunny colourful unicorns that poop rainbows while xou drag the files, or what is actually your request dude? :D14:25
remoteCTRLpaws: ?14:26
pawsyes it is... but we prefer the use something more 'cosmetically'14:26
pawsbetter looking :)14:26
remoteCTRLpaws: again, does it have to poop rainbows, while dragging or what is it that youre looking for? :D14:26
pawspretty much14:27
pawsbut seriously does openstack does this or not?14:27
ikoniaI'm concerned that your priority for sensitive data transfer is "look good"14:27
remoteCTRLya maybe ask in #cinderrella-tec :D14:27
* ObrienDave thinks paws is concentrating on making it "idiot" proof14:28
remoteCTRLno such thing with SENSITIVE DATA!!14:28
remoteCTRLwith sensitive data you need to IMPROVE THE IDIOT14:29
ObrienDavenot arguing with you at all :)14:29
pawswell thats what they want.. so who cares14:29
walk_wid_mehow to set abiwork save odt as default format ?14:29
remoteCTRLpaws: if yiou care about your job you should, dude...14:29
pawsits not gonna be used for accounting purposes...14:29
pawsmustly just customer invoices will be put up there14:30
pawssay we need to print new flyers... out flyers psd will be up there14:30
pawsand stuff like that14:30
remoteCTRLpaws: ya, as you said SENSITIVE DATA, i mean i dunno what freakin business you're in but i sure hope not in health or anything... *shiver*14:30
marcolinoHi, would like to know what is the community’s perception on checkinstall to build source .deb packages? I ask because I stumbled upon a forum which discouraged the use of checkinstall it also claimed that it left orphaned man pages on the system.14:32
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
geirhawalk_wid_me: Probably not configurable14:33
walk_wid_meis abiword dying ?14:33
remoteCTRLcodephobic: hi!14:33
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: looks liek I'm goign to have to install an RPM based system to update the flash...14:33
thermionic-xchatc'est la vie14:34
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: you can always try ina translazte with "alien" if something is not available as .deb14:34
codephobicWhat's the best way to configure the mouse buttons (specifically the back and forward buttons) on the Logitech M570 trackball? I see some solutions requiring xorg.conf, but I wanted to check here first before I go and much around with that.14:34
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: as there is no network connectivity on the box, probably quicker to download and burn a centos DVD that try to get the dependencies worked out...14:35
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: that of course requires build-essential, and a few more, if  i recall correctly...14:36
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: exactly, and getting everything downloaded, then copying via USB key....14:36
untakenwhere are the gtk menu items stored?14:37
lduroshi, I have an error from python/mysql that shows like this: _mysql_exceptions.Warning: Data truncated for column 'name' at row 9914:37
ldurosI'm trying to get to see what it is exactly in the mysql logs14:37
ldurosbut they are all empty.14:37
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: many thanks for your help :-)14:37
ldurosIt should be in /var/log/mysql.log correct?14:37
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: if <ou want to give it a shot tho, here are youre dependencies:14:38
ldurosi also have /var/log/mysql/error.log but it's empty14:38
ShawnP1963before I get myself into trouble is this the channel to ask questions about Ubuntu?14:38
ldurosall the mysql logs seem empty14:38
pgar23ShawnP1963 - Yes14:38
remoteCTRLShawnP1963: depends on the question, this is the support channel, for other topics #ubuntu-offtopic14:39
ShawnP1963 do you know how to make a copy or image of a hard drive BEFORE installing Ubuntu?  MBR, Boot.ini, the like?14:40
remoteCTRLShawnP1963: to make a raw copy you can for example use the dd command14:40
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: it's not just the dependancies of alien, its the dependancies of the dependancies etc etc and having to install each one with dpkg -i14:40
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: you should have most of them, dpkg should be presend on any system...14:41
ShawnP1963I just had Boot-Repair kill my laptop.  Hmm from the Windows cmd prompt?  I just don't want to run into a complete boot failure again after last night grrrrrr.14:41
thermionic-xchatits a base install from CD, so build-essential (a meta package) isn't there14:41
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: but it is still an experiment for a few hours, i you just could insert the card into a windwos machine youre problably best off...14:42
ShawnP1963remoteCTRL: I just had Boot-Repair kill my laptop.  Hmm from the Windows cmd prompt?  I just don't want to run into a complete boot failure again after last night grrrrrr.14:42
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: I could install Win2008 on it, but the card won't go into another box, only ~30 min to download the Centos DVD :-)14:43
remoteCTRLShawnP1963: have a try on supergrub cd14:43
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: the card wont go into another box? dude, ANY windwos client will do, dioesnt have to be a server for sure ;)14:43
ShawnP1963remoteCTRL: Can I put that on a LIve USB?  The laptop is a HP Ultrabook so doesn't have an optical drive.  And can I do this from Win8?  I haven't reinstall Ubuntu yet.14:44
anon12I installed a kernel manually and then removed it but, programs keep compiling modules for the removed kernel. How do I fix it so that the modules are only compiled for the running kernel?14:44
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: it's a NC375i, PCI 4x with an additional PCI-e type connector on it14:44
remoteCTRLShawnP1963: you should perfectly be able to create a bootable supergrub cd for usb stick, follow the instructions on their site14:45
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: I can have Centos installed quicker than windows...14:45
ShawnP1963remoteCTRL:  Thanks I'll give it a shot.14:45
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glitsj16anon12: you probably still have the headers packages installed for that kernel, have you tried purging those too yet?14:45
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: dual W5580 and 32GB14:45
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remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: no point iin installing windows if the question is centos or windows, it was a suggeszton only valid in case you had a windows up and running somewhere...14:46
remoteCTRLShawnP1963: np :)14:46
anon12glitsj16, the headers do not show up when I use dpkg to search for them14:46
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: matter of minutes then...14:46
glitsj16anon12: do you mean dkms is still (trying to) compile kernel modules ?14:48
gordonjcpin /etc/network/interfaces, how can I define an interface with a static IP address that might not always be present?14:48
gordonjcpif I say "auto usb0" network-manager freaks out when I try to boot without the USB device attached14:48
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: from the looks of it, it should fit into any arbitrary pc with a free slot...?14:48
gordonjcpif I *don't* have "auto usb0" it doesn't configure the network even manually14:48
anon12glitsj16, yes dkms is still trying to compile modules for the kernel that is removed14:49
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: NC375i, not NC375T14:49
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: what looks like two PCI-E connectors in line...14:50
zykotick9gordonjcp: "audo usb0" means, automatically bring up on boot.  you'd want to remove that, if it's not always present.14:50
thermionic-xchatI;m guessing the second one is for the 10G upgrade module14:50
remoteCTRLgordonjcp: not sure if i understand you right, do you have the network managed variable set to yes in nm-settings.conf, but you are still trying to influence via /etc/network/interfaces ?14:50
gordonjcpzykotick9: right, but if I do that, ifconfig usb0 up doesn't configure the interface14:51
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: sec..14:51
gordonjcpremoteCTRL: I haven't looked at nm-settings.conf, maybe I need to14:51
gordonjcpremoteCTRL: I don't appear to have nm-settings.conf14:51
zykotick9gordonjcp: interfaces and nm are mutually exclusive...14:51
gordonjcpzykotick9: okay, so how do I solve this?14:52
gordonjcpzykotick9: if nm is allowed anywhere near USB network devices, it sets them as the default route which is *never* the right thing to do14:52
zykotick9gordonjcp: don't know...  but, i'd think going the n-m route might be your answers?14:52
remoteCTRLgordonjcp: i hope i am not talking bs now, but as far as i recall you got a conflict if you use network manager simultaneously to /etc/network/interfaces...14:52
gordonjcpzykotick9: there just doesn't appear to be a sane way to do this14:52
marcolinoHi, just changed permissions to the opt directory yet I still can't create folders, do I need to do something else other then chmod and chown?14:53
codephobicIs configuring xorg.conf the best way to get custom mouse buttons working in Ubuntu 13.10?14:53
zykotick9gordonjcp: i wouldn't think interface is the way to go, for a usb device...14:53
glitsj16anon12: strange, without the headers dkms won't do much i think .. nothing left-over if you check with `apt-cache policy linux-headers* | grep Installed` ?14:53
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zykotick9codephobic: using snippet in xorg.conf.d would be better14:53
gordonjcpzykotick9: well, if I let network-manager do it, it pulls a DHCP lease from the USB device which clobbers my wifi14:53
ActionPa1snipmarcolino: why are you chowning there?14:54
codephobiczykotick9, thanks I'll have a look at that/14:54
ActionPa1snipmarcolino: etc14:54
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: that looks perfectly like a pci slot to me, a "normal" nic only fills a few pins, this quadrupel adapter might need a few more, never mind the e,mpty spaces inbetween...14:54
remoteCTRLthere can practically go nothing wrong, either it fits or not, either it boots or it beeps...14:54
zykotick9gordonjcp: personally, i hate n-m... but i don't reply on USB removeable network adapters either... best of luck.14:54
gordonjcpzykotick9: I don't want usb0 to be the default route, but I do want to set some specific routes for it14:54
anon12glitsj16, nothing left with apt-cache policy linux-headers* | grep Installed14:54
gordonjcpzykotick9: this is not actually a network adaptor, but a radio interface14:54
remoteCTRLzykotick9: he might have a usb attached umts stick there or something...14:55
glitsj16anon12: how did you install the kernel you now removed?14:55
marcolinocodephobic, I haven't used the desktop version in a while now, but I am certain you can customise the mouse via the mouse/keyboard system setting, even alias (if that's the correct word to use) the buttons14:55
gordonjcpremoteCTRL: it's a radio interface14:55
anon12glitsj16, compiled and removed it after it didn't work14:55
remoteCTRLgordonjcp: radio like in rasiostation, or like in truckdriver radio...?14:56
gordonjcpremoteCTRL: more like blue light services radio, but the latter14:56
marcolinoActionPa1snip, it is owned by root... too bothersome to work as root14:56
gordonjcpremoteCTRL: one is used as a gateway for the radio network14:56
remoteCTRLgordonjcp: so not that this helps with the question, bnut why would you remove it...?14:56
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: see how they are the same depth...  http://preview.tinyurl.com/nmejtjm14:57
ActionPa1snipmarcolino: yes but did you ever stop and think as to WHY it is root owned?14:57
gordonjcpremoteCTRL: because I'm developing software for it, and it's not always plugged into my laptop14:57
glitsj16anon12: hmm .. if you did a `sudo make install` things won't get referenced in dpkg, you might want to look at /usr/src to check if there's anything there you need to remove14:58
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: whats your point dude?14:58
marcolinoActionPa1snip, what is bugging me is that the permission has been changed yet I can't make a test folder... no I haven't, please explain considering root still owns it14:58
codephobicmarcolino, I can't seem to find any gui app within ubuntu that allows for button configuration for the mouse.14:59
ActionPa1snipmarcolino: for security, people have read access and only root has write, so if you install aplications and whatnot there then malicious code and users cannot make changes and compromise the OS14:59
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: that it won't fit into a normal PCI-E slot, unless there is nothing behind the PCI-E slot on the motherboard14:59
remoteCTRLgordonjcp: you might want to have a look at udev instead of /etc/network/interfaces, you can define rulesets for udev, what to do when you attach a certain device14:59
gordonjcpis it possible to get network-manager to have a wildcard for the mac address of a device?15:00
gordonjcpremoteCTRL: hm, maybe that's what I need to do15:00
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: OH! now i got you :)15:00
ActionPa1snipmarcolino: why do you think Windows morons get so many issues, they run their web browsr as admin, meanning any java script has FULL access to the OS, and they get problems15:00
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: :-)15:00
ActionPa1snipmarcolino: using a true user and using sudo and so forth stops all this aggro15:00
ActionPa1snipmarcolino: so essentially you are sacrificing system security for a bit of convenience.15:01
anon12glitsj16, /usr/src does not have the files in it15:01
glitsj16anon12: out of ideas on this one, except doing a 'sudo make uninstall' if you still have the compile tree .. sorry15:01
marcolinoActionPa1snip, I honestly thought keeping the owner and group as root:myself and permission as 775 would not be that much of a compromise15:02
anon12glitsj16, n15:03
remoteCTRLhi guys, ask away,please!15:03
pengunixAmazing, isn't it? You can click on all those links, but there comes up nothing: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/15:03
marcolinocodephobic, not sure whether you know wwere the mosue settings is but hopefully this link should help http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/ubuntu-13-04-gains-improved-mouse-touchpad-settings15:03
pengunixwhy are those directory there at the first place?15:04
anon12glitsj16, will sudo make uninstall remove the kernel headers without the kernel? the make file is asking to "Compile also drivers which will not load (COMPILE_TEST) [N/y/?] (NEW) "15:04
randomsrvappsNice to be back using Ubuntu again15:04
remoteCTRLpengunix: works fine for me!15:04
randomsrvapps^ +1 that15:05
glitsj16anon12: it should remove everything it installed, worth a shot to make it fully as you did before and run the make uninstall after that15:05
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remoteCTRLpengunix: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release-20120403/ ?15:05
marcolinocodephobic, can't promise that's what you're looking for, hopefully it is15:05
jhutchinsanon12: You migh want to look at the process of building .deb packages instead of make install.  make uninstall only works if somebody set it up.15:07
marcolinoActionPa1snip, I understood what you wrote, however, I am still puzzled that I can't actually create folder considering ls show that I have permission15:07
codephobicmarcolino, thanks for the help. sadly that's not got the options for mouse button configuration.15:08
pengunixremoteCTRL: hm, but lxc is missing :(   http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release-20120403/15:08
codephobicI'll give the xorg configuration method a go.15:08
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katana-this bar is ust going back and forth forever http://i.imgur.com/s8ZJHBG.png15:09
randomsrvappsAnybody know about ubuntu server support for fibre channel NICs?15:09
katana-what should I do?15:09
katana-the updater crashed last time I used it15:10
marcolinocodephobic, what exactly are you trying to do?15:10
Wiz_KeeDHello, can anyone provide some guidance on this topic? as quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)15:10
Wiz_KeeD* anshulk has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:10
Wiz_KeeD* krzkrz (~foo@brk-185-87.tm.net.my) has joined #ubuntu15:10
Wiz_KeeD* fenre15:10
FloodBot1Wiz_KeeD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:10
Wiz_KeeDdamn touchpad!15:10
pengunixrandomsrvapps: you already got an answer to your question?15:11
theadminWiz_KeeD: Well. If you use Bumblebee, you can *still* use your NVidia card for the GPU-heavy applications, but it will be disabled most of the time.15:11
theadminWiz_KeeD: However, it only works with Optimus cards.15:11
randomsrvappsJust amused by the Floodbot15:12
theadminrandomsrvapps: There's 3 of them. Nobody knows why.15:12
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, I don't want to use it at all...It could die for all I care, and yes it is a Optimus system, I just wanted to make sure I was successful in killing it15:12
Picitheadmin: redundancy.15:12
theadminPici: Aw, you killed the mystery!15:12
randomsrvappsHaha probably for loadbalancing :P in this popular channel15:12
remoteCTRLpengunix: something appears to be very wrong there, please address a support request to ubuntu...15:12
Picitheadmin: sorry.  You can still believe that its some sort of conspiracy.15:13
uladzislaumsg NickServ identify scissor15:13
pengunixremoteCTRL: so at least I haven't got vision problems :)15:13
Piciuladzislau: might want to change that password now :/15:13
theadminWiz_KeeD: Ah, alright then. Well, the "bbswitch" part of Bumblebee switches off the NVidia GPU without doing much else.15:13
codephobicmarcolino, I'm trying to configure the two thumb buttons on my trackball (Logitech M570). At the moment they have no function at all.15:13
randomsrvappsBumblebee has improved so much in recent times, it's wonderful.15:14
theadminWiz_KeeD: ...I think. Actually it might be another one.15:14
theadminBut yes, Bumblebee works rather nicely here.15:14
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, the post I've pasted gives the information neccesairy, I switched it off with vgaswitcharoo15:14
remoteCTRLpengunix: not if i don't accidentally have the same ones...15:14
Wiz_KeeDI just wanted to know if it was successful or I should try bbswitch15:14
theadminWiz_KeeD: Oh. Well. See, for one, if the "nvidia" module loads.15:15
theadminWiz_KeeD: lsmod | grep nvidia15:15
theadminWiz_KeeD: If it does, you probably failed.15:15
theadminWiz_KeeD: (also check for nouveau)15:15
remoteCTRLtheadmin: watch for the spambot :D15:15
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, that grep returned nothing15:16
BluesKajhowdy all15:16
pengunixrandomsrvapps: basically you need some drivers for the fibre channel hardware15:16
pengunixrandomsrvapps: and the underlying protocol used has to be supported, too15:16
marcolinocodephobic, not sure about that best bet go with the xorg settings you found, just make a copy of whichever file(s) you're going to change nd you should be good to go, the worse is it wont work and all you have to do is use your copy15:16
zteamHi all!15:16
theadminWiz_KeeD: Good. Then also search for nouveau the same way (not sure how that's spelt, silly baguette spelling)15:16
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, nouveau returned this: http://pastie.org/854743415:16
* Wiz_KeeD laughs15:16
Wiz_KeeD+10 points for theadmin, with you on that one15:16
codephobicfingers crossed.15:17
codephobictime for a reboot.15:17
randomsrvappspenguinx: I basically just want to run fibre from an ubuntu server to a switch to get at least 10gbps link speed, trying to figure out which fibre channel card to buy15:17
zteamI have some problems with my Ubuntu 13.10 install, sometimes, LightDM doesn't load correctly and I only get to a black-screen with a blinking cursor, and then I have to restart it with the service command, any ideas?15:18
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, I have 1:DIS: :Off:0000:01:00.0*15:19
remoteCTRLrandomsrvapps: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/15:19
theadminWiz_KeeD: wut15:19
theadminWiz_KeeD: What is that string of?15:19
Wiz_KeeDit's all in the post man15:19
zteamOr should I have to give up, and just use  GDM or something instead?15:20
theadminWiz_KeeD: Oh. Well, considering grep nouveau returns, it didn't get disabled.15:20
remoteCTRLrandomsrvapps: http://linuxhcl.com/15:20
randomsrvappsand it's a dell poweredge R310 server if that helps15:20
remoteCTRLzteam: contents of log fils could help...15:20
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, my laptop tempertature goes down a lot, isn't that indicative of it working?15:21
theadminWiz_KeeD: Hm. It may be, actually, but the driver still stays loaded, eh?15:21
Wiz_KeeDso bumblebee is the way to go in the end?15:22
theadminWiz_KeeD: I dunno, for one, I have bumblebee on my optimus laptop, when I don't have any apps using the discrete GPU, the battery lasts for about 6 hours. Pre-bumblebee, it lasted 2 at most.15:22
theadminSo, *that*'s working.15:22
Wiz_KeeDcan I ask what laptop model? or what graphics card?15:22
Wiz_KeeDYou think you can help me setup bumblebee as well?15:22
theadminDell XPS 15z, Geforce GT 525M15:23
theadminWiz_KeeD: You're on 13.10, it should be as simple as "sudo apt-get install bumblebee"15:23
zteamremoteCTRL, of course :-)15:23
Wiz_KeeDreally? :O15:23
theadminWiz_KeeD: Yeah, it's in the repos now15:23
rantictheadmin: This might not be the best time to ask, but how is the 15z? :)15:23
zteamremoteCTRL, there you go :-) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6561865/15:23
Mongo44What are the benefits of having 12.04 LTS, are the download packages better?15:24
theadminrantic: Rather offtopic discussion, if anything. Mind PM?15:24
theadminMongo44: Mostly: longer support. It also tends to be more stable.15:24
Wiz_KeeDhttp://pastie.org/8547448, what's primus?15:24
theadminMongo44: With a non-LTS release, you'll have to upgrade every 9 months.15:24
rantictheadmin: No I wouldn't mind15:24
randomsrvappsWiz_KeeD: I can confirm on an Alienware M14xR2 my battery life and gaming performance have improved greatly due to the use of bumblebee15:25
theadminWiz_KeeD: It's an alternative tool to run apps on the NVidia GPU, similar to optirun but performs better in many cases15:25
Mongo44theadmin: You mean upgrade to ensure you continue to get new updates?15:25
theadminMongo44: Yes, as in, upgrade to the next Ubuntu version.15:25
Wiz_KeeDsince my only objective is to stop the graphics card should I install the full bumblebee?15:25
Wiz_KeeDthank you for sharing randomsrvapps !15:25
Wiz_KeeDAlienware...wow :))15:25
remoteCTRLzteam:  [+28.02s] DEBUG: Session pid=1781: Logging to .xsession-errors ? cant really find anything wrong with this log...?15:26
ResQueis it safe to delete some of the old vmlinuz and initrd version files from my /boot folder. Or is there extra config files or procedure i need to run after i delete them?15:26
Mongo44If you don't upgrade non-LTS versions as needed what could happen?15:26
assistentehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2193298 solutions?15:27
k1lMongo44: loosing support15:27
randomsrvappsWiz_KeeD: I suggest that if you want to disable the graphics card, install full bumblebee. Your card will remain unused until you run an application with "optirun".15:27
theadminWiz_KeeD: Yeah, surely, just install bumblebee.15:27
Wiz_KeeDOk...installed it15:27
Wiz_KeeDnow what?15:27
theadminWiz_KeeD: Primus is entirely unnecessary for your use case.15:27
theadminWiz_KeeD: Eh. Just reboot.15:27
theadminWiz_KeeD: And you should be all good to go.15:27
Wiz_KeeDokay...brb guys15:27
Wiz_KeeDlet me try 1 sec15:28
zteamremoteCTRL, don't know if I shall upload the whole /var/log/lightdm directory?15:28
randomsrvappsBumblebee was so buggy 6 months or so ago15:28
randomsrvappsso good now15:28
zteamremoteCTRL, Nope, not me either, I have been reading that logfile, myself sometimes, but I don't get what is wrong15:28
glitsj16ResQue: safer to remove old kernels through the software center or whatever package manager you use (apt-get, synaptic ...)15:29
randomsrvappsQuestion, in pulseaudio when I select a certain microphone when I'm recording or in a VOIP call it tends to go back to a different one by itself. Any ideas?15:29
Wiz_KeeDI started to like really panic for a bit there15:30
randomsrvappsAs soon as I close the "sound settings menu"15:30
Wiz_KeeDscreen was black for 10 secconds after reboot15:30
Wiz_KeeDHow do I check if it's working?15:30
randomsrvappsIt's okay Wiz_KeeD, linux is always fixable15:30
theadminWiz_KeeD: That happens when bumblebee loads for some reason, not sure why. So it probably works.15:30
Wiz_KeeDShit..it's already going to 47-50 degrees, me no likey15:31
theadminWiz_KeeD: You can check with, say, "optirun glxgears" (or any other graphics-heavy app)15:31
theadminOh? That's odd.15:31
zteamremoteCTRL, not sure where I can find this .xsession-errors either, have one in my home directory, but this issue, happens before I log in, so doesn't seem related?15:31
randomsrvappsMaybe the nvidia card has been set to the default?15:31
theadminWiz_KeeD: Maybe your *other* GPU (the Intel one?) is overheating?15:31
theadminzteam: See /var/log/lightdm/, would likely be there15:32
Wiz_KeeDno can't be that, it was really cool when I switched it off with vgaswitcharoo15:33
theadminzteam: If anything, you can always try an alternative display manager. I wouldn't recommend GDM though as it pulls in a bunch of rubbish including even the Gnome Shell15:33
randomsrvappsWiz_KeeD, check your cpu usage, anything unusual?15:33
honestemuIs there any sensitive information in the dotfiles in the home directory that I should be wary of placing in a github repository?15:33
Wiz_KeeD3-7 percent15:34
theadminhonestemu: There likely is.15:34
Wiz_KeeDstabilised at 45 degrees15:34
theadminhonestemu: Most apps will end up storing saved passwords *somewhere* in them. Many of them store them in an unencrypted manner.15:34
theadminhonestemu: So, yes.15:34
honestemutheadmin:How am I supposed to know what I can and cannot share? Like, do you have examples? I know I'm probably not supposed to share the stuff in .ssh.15:35
assistentehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2193298 solutions?15:35
Wiz_KeeDit DOES look okay though...15:35
Wiz_KeeDwow...ubuntu and opensource is amazing...imagine what progress and support it has when almost nobody follows it as they follow microsoft15:35
theadminhonestemu: Avoid sharing anything from apps like instant messengers, browsers, etc as a general rule15:35
Wiz_KeeDOEMS and all that15:35
theadminWiz_KeeD: Plenty of OEMs install Ubuntu nowadays.15:36
Wiz_KeeDif it doesn't go over 45 degrees I'm happy15:36
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, yeah but they do not have ubuntu in mind as much as windows, take for example the optimus thing and how nvidia doesn't focus on providing support15:36
Wiz_KeeDyet the community come up with crazy stuff like bumblebee15:36
theadminWiz_KeeD: NVidia is developing Optimus support for Linux, they're just a bit slow on that. Or were, anyway.15:37
Wiz_KeeDThis is probably going to become the most widespread operating system ever...like android is taking up ground now15:37
theadminBut yeah, can't deny the awesomeness of the Ubuntu community.15:37
neonpolarisCan anyone here help with a sed/regex question?15:37
zteamtheadmin, yes, that's what I think too, but it isn't there :)15:38
theadminneonpolaris: Might want to try ##sed15:38
neonpolarisoh, thanks15:38
theadminneonpolaris: (or even #perl, for that matter, since they practically invented regular expressions :D)15:38
theadmin...okay that's an overestimation, but still15:38
randomsrvappsWiz_KeeD: I just read that it's actually possible to blacklist the Nvidia kernel module15:39
Wiz_KeeDrandomsrvapps, I asked that question too...can't you just blacklist the thing from beying loaded? But I saw some other posts saying you can but it will still be running and draining power15:39
randomsrvappsThe only way to stop a piece of hardware from using power is to physically disable the power going to it15:40
randomsrvappsit will always use *some* power, however small amount that may be15:40
khaled_KGhello, how to generate core files in the latest version of ubuntu 13.1015:40
randomsrvappsAnybody had bad experiences with ubuntu + SSDs?15:44
randomsrvappsI spent $600 on a 120 GB SSD in 2008, which broke a few weeks later from a kernel panic in ubuntu15:46
randomsrvappsfile system only readable by using testdisk15:46
jhutchinsassistente: It helps if you provide a summary of your problem rather than just posting a link.15:48
jhutchinsassistente: In any case, it is most likely a problem with the DHCP server not providing the DNS information.15:48
jhutchinsassistente: The DHCP client system is known to create resolv.conf correctly if the information is received from the server.15:49
assistentejhutchins, no, because if i start a original xubuntu livecd, not customized, works, takes the dns15:49
katherinem13Any way I can install Apache via apt-get WITHOUT it starting the server afterwards?15:49
assistentewith this customized no15:49
jhutchinsassistente: What did you change?15:50
assistentei addedd desktop packages, souch libreoffice, and many more15:50
theadminkatherinem13: Create /etc/init/apache2.conf manually, with the word "manual" in it15:51
theadminkatherinem13: Then do the install.15:51
katherinem13theadmin: okay, thanks, i'll try copying that file from another machine and modifying it.15:52
assistentejhutchins, so now i don't know what to try15:53
theadminkatherinem13: Eh. Okay. Just replace "start on ..." with "manual"15:53
randomsrvappsThat was odd, my computer just hanged on 100% cpu usage15:55
remoteCTRLzteam: your log file is being overwritten, when you boot the computer successfully, you need to login on console when it doesnt and backup the logfile by renaming it.15:55
remoteCTRLwhen you reboot to a working graphical interface you can repaste the renamed log file!15:55
katherinem13theadmin: Hm, I don't have /etc/init/apache2.conf, only /etc/init.d/apache2.15:55
theadminkatherinem13: Ah... Then the case should be even simplier. Create the /etc/init/apache2.conf, simply place the word "manual" in it.15:57
theadminkatherinem13: After the installation, remove the file if you wish for Apache to start on bootup.15:57
katherinem13theadmin: Okay. I just don't want it to start right away since I've got other HTTP servers running and want to move it to another server name / port before starting it, so that it doesn't affect users of the currently running servers.15:59
theadminkatherinem13: Oh. Eh. If something already has port 80 taken it will just fail to start.15:59
remoteCTRLzteam: how many log files do you have in that directory? i use kde so i am not so familiar with lght.dm, do you have some .0 and .1 an d.2 files...?16:00
remoteCTRLcos if so, you need to ook for older versions to find the one with the errors while booting...16:00
vachodoes crontab by default send an email once executed?16:01
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jhutchinsassistente: Simply adding packages wouldn't affect the dhcp system.16:02
jhutchinsassistente: Perhaps there was an error in the remastering process, or something has broken the ability of the client to write the file.  Logs might help determine what is happening.16:02
assistentejhutchins, yes i agree. i see that at boot service "startpar bridge" is started and stopped many times... what is?16:03
djangonoobis it possible to disable a top area of the touchpad from my notebook?16:03
jhutchinskatherinem13: conf file would be in /etc/apache2, not in init.16:03
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katherinem13jhutchins: that's the configuration, not the init script.16:05
jhutchinskatherinem13: Right, /etc/apache2/conf/ or conf.d ...16:06
jhutchinsassistente: No idea.16:07
katherinem13jhutchins: i'm not sure why you're referring to those, there's no problem with the configuration of apache, i just don't want it started automatically.16:07
Wiz_KeeDWell I guess I could handle a few extra degrees and use my nvidia card when needed...hurray bumblebee16:07
theadminWiz_KeeD: :D16:08
Wiz_KeeDtheadmin, except underclocking the proccessor (Which I did) any other tips on how to reduce battery consumption and heat?16:09
theadminWiz_KeeD: eh... not really, apart from the paradoxal one.16:09
theadminWiz_KeeD: (remove battery and shut it down. No consumption, no heat)16:09
Wiz_KeeDit's either way better than I hoped for16:10
Wiz_KeeDnever going back to 12.04 LTS with this kind of computer (UEFI and Optimus)16:10
theadminWiz_KeeD: Might also want to lower the screen brightness cause that seems a battery hog.16:11
Wiz_KeeDI god some VEERY slick animations when minimising and stuff, I assume nvidia card is doing the job there...didn't see them before, these effects16:11
theadminWiz_KeeD: Unlikely, unless you explicitly ran Unity with bumblebee.16:12
zteamremoteCTRL, yes , I do, I do have 10 files, there16:12
theadmin...which actually never worked for me, it ended up crashing16:12
Wiz_KeeDI did not16:12
zteamremoteCTRL, sorry for the delay I was stuck in phone for a little while16:13
remoteCTRLzteam: you most likely pasted the wrong one, grep the files for error or fail to see which ones...16:13
theadminWiz_KeeD: Actually, you can easily see which card the desktop uses in System Settings -> Details16:13
remoteCTRLzteam: never mind.. :)16:13
assistentejhutchins, i find this post releated to debian http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2009/04/msg00040.html what i must do?16:13
Wiz_KeeDreally? :O16:14
Wiz_KeeDgraphics name Intel® Ivybridge Mobile16:14
theadminWell there you go16:14
Wiz_KeeDso as long as I just keep programming my phython, I should have no issues at all16:15
djangonoobhow to disable a top area of the touchpad? e.g. about 5mm top16:15
theadminWiz_KeeD: ...that is already an issue16:17
theadminWhy would you program Python? There's already a good interpreter that comes with Ubuntu. I do hope you mean programming *in* Python, because that's fun.16:17
Roryreally theadmin :P16:18
theadminRory: Failed to interpret. Please rephrase.16:19
Rorytheadmin: I'm just poking fun at your arguing semantics16:19
theadminAh. Okay.16:19
theadminRory: Also, Williams?16:19
Rorytheadmin: Sorry?16:20
theadminRory: Just trying to figure out if you are really called Rory or the nickname is a Doctor Who character reference.16:20
theadminAnyways, got offtopic, sorry.16:20
Rorytheadmin: My name is Rory.16:20
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glitsj16katherinem13: http://lifeonubuntu.com/how-to-prevent-server-daemons-from-starting-during-apt-get-install/ might be what you want .. also http://askubuntu.com/questions/365911/why-the-services-do-not-start-at-installation for some background on that16:24
neyder_hi there!16:25
neyder_i'm copy-paste an xampp instalation and i realize that mysql user isn't created on target system, how can I create mysql user with 999 UID?16:26
theadminneyder_: adduser --uid 999 mysql16:26
evanm1Hi all just showing off all the support on irc.16:28
theadminneyder_: (with sudo)16:29
katherinem13glitsj16: taking a look at your link, thanks16:29
Sloppstaguys what am i doing wrong here? http://pastebin.com/qg08HGDM16:31
theadminSloppsta: Something's messy with that folder's ownership. Run chown $USER:USER /home/ubuntu/Downloads/rtl8192CU_linux_v2.0.939.20100726 -R16:32
Sloppsta:D will do!16:32
neyder_theadmin, sudo addgroud --system --gid 999 mysql && sudo adduser --system --uid 999 mysql16:32
acecabanaso I've been trying to set up a live usb key using dd in the terminal. I've done it many times before successfully. Now for some reason, when I go to boot from the usb key my computer hangs with a blinking cursor in the top left corner of the screen. It doesn't matter what distro I put on the USB key, it's the same result each time. Could my usb key be dead?16:33
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theadminSloppsta: Err, $USER:$USER16:33
theadminSloppsta: Dollar there.16:33
Sloppstachown $USER:$USER /home/ubuntu/Downloads/rtl8192CU_linux_v2.0.939.20100726 -R gotcha!16:34
JoBArTe_Skuldhey guys, is possible to modifiy a apt-get do display info similar to yum? https://gist.github.com/joubertredrat/765857516:34
k1lSloppsta: for arm specific questions you might get more feedback in #ubuntu-arm16:34
Sloppstaoh sweet! didnt know there was that. tyvm16:34
theadminJoBArTe_Skuld: Not that I know of, sadly16:35
Rorynitroxs: Hello16:37
JoBArTe_Skuldtheadmin, I thought it could be some wrapper that could be changed16:37
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nath_schwarzhi guys, got a little problem. my ubuntu server on 12.04.3 doesn't show anything on the monitor - it just says 'out of range'. i already tried to boot it in l3 and changed the grub settings. does anybody have an idea?16:38
Rorynath_schwarz: Can you boot into Recovery Mode by selecting that option from the Grub boot menu?16:39
nath_schwarzyes, same problem16:39
Rorynath_schwarz: Oh you said16:39
Rorynath_schwarz: You could try removing xorg.conf: "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak" and see if that helps16:40
nath_schwarzwell, i already wanted to change the settings there. it doesn't even have that conf-file (maybe, because i didn't install a de^^)16:40
miketomdool nath_schwarz to my knowledge X11 doesn't create a config file be default16:42
nath_schwarzyeah? i thought so^^ i will try to get a default one or let x11 create one, maybe that'll help16:43
miketomdoolnath_schwarz, this should hel you http://askubuntu.com/questions/4662/where-is-the-x-org-config-file-how-do-i-configure-x-there16:46
Sloppsta-ARMmake: *** /lib/modules/3.8.13-bone30/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.16:48
Sloppsta-ARMmake: *** [modules] Error 216:48
Sloppsta-ARMwhat could this mean?16:48
Sloppsta-ARMmake: *** /lib/modules/3.8.13-bone30/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.16:48
Sloppsta-ARMmake: *** [modules] Error 216:48
shadokSloppsta-ARM:  what could this mean ? 'No such file or directory.'16:49
miketomdoolyou may be building something that requires a library or something to be installed?16:49
Sloppsta-ARMyes i changed the folder permissions like u asked and now i get that16:49
Sloppsta-ARMhow to i figure out what library it needs?16:49
miketomdooldoes the file exist?16:49
=== Venko is now known as adsf`
=== adsf` is now known as Venko
nath_schwarzo.O ok guys, guess what. ubuntu just told me, that x11 isn't even installed anymore, somehow. wonder how it showed me the console the last few weeks then... but i'm installing it now, will work definitely afterwards^^ thanks16:50
Rorynath_schwarz: you don't need x11 to show a console16:50
Sloppsta-ARM. /media/rootfs/lib/modules/3.8.13-bone30 this directory exists16:51
nath_schwarznot even multiple in l4? thought so16:51
Rorynath_schwarz: Nope, that's a kernel thing, no X11 required16:51
miketomdoolSloppsta-ARM, you my want to link /lib/modules/3.8.13-bone30/ to that directory16:51
Sloppsta-ARMhow would i do this?16:52
nath_schwarzok, thanks :D never got really deep into linux16:53
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Sloppsta-ARMthis linux stuff is confusing! xD16:54
miketomdooltry this: ln -s /media/rootfs/lib/modules/3.8.13-bone30 /lib/modules/3.8.13-bone3016:54
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Sloppsta-ARMi just tried this then make again same error16:56
DynamicFailWhy does 12.04 - 13.10 still use the old version of asterisk16:56
DynamicFailanyway to get it up upgrade to the latest LTS version16:56
DynamicFailAsterisk 11?16:56
ActionParsnip!info asterisk precise16:56
ubottuasterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (precise), package size 1075 kB, installed size 3688 kB16:56
ActionParsnip!info asterisk saucy16:56
ubottuasterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (saucy), package size 1137 kB, installed size 3881 kB16:56
Sloppsta-ARMmy real issue is my wifi cuts in and out. max download is around 50kbps the routers only 5 feet away... so ive downloaded edimaxs adapter drivers. no idea how to build it tho lol16:57
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: are there lots of wireless networks on the same channel aroujnd you?16:57
Sloppsta-ARMtwo others16:57
Sloppsta-ARMnow it appeared to work flawlessly on ubuntu-desktop. however it ran too slow on this beaglebone so installed lxde. annnnd the problems start :P16:58
miketomdoolare the kernel versions the same between your ubuntu-desktop install and lxde?17:00
k1lDynamicFail: best way is to ask the maintainer if he needs help17:00
Sloppsta-ARMused robert nelsons 12.04 build on both17:00
PiciDynamicFail: 11 only hit debian on Sep 30th. Our latest release was in October, that is way too late for it to have hit Ubuntu for that release.17:00
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arooni-mobilehey folks;  ubuntu 13.10 problem: when i suspend; and come back from suspending; i have no network.  ideas?17:02
Roryarooni-mobile: Is it a laptop? What is the model?17:03
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arooni-mobileRory, yes;  thinkpad t42017:03
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Roryarooni-mobile: sudo nmcli nm sleep false17:03
Roryarooni-mobile: Worked on my thinkpad17:03
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arooni-mobileRory, i have do that every time i come back from suspend?17:03
Roryarooni-mobile: Nope, once will fix it17:03
arooni-mobileRory, output is : "Error in sleep: Already awake17:04
Roryarooni-mobile: OK hold on17:04
Roryarooni-mobile: Can you do these instructions http://askubuntu.com/a/368836/6296917:05
Roryarooni-mobile: Basically that will run that command upon resuming, and bring your networking back up for you each time17:05
arooni-mobileRory, ok i hope that works17:06
Roryarooni-mobile: Oh I mean, the second thing in that answer17:06
Roryarooni-mobile: the one under: Edit: This second method will most likely work if the first one does not:17:06
arooni-mobileRory, this method: ? sudo touch /etc/pm/sleep.d/wakenet.sh ?17:07
Roryarooni-mobile: yup17:07
arooni-mobileRory, ok ill give that a try;  thank you17:07
Roryarooni-mobile: then you edit that file, paste in the script given, save and close, make it executable and reboot17:08
ice9just installed Ubuntu 13.10 and ubuntu-restricted-extras and the 3rd party codecs during installation but when i play a video there is sound but the the picture is black17:08
arooni-mobileRory, also; did you find that the control + shift + another key commands stopped working in ubuntu 13.1017:08
Roryice9: Does the video work on any other device?17:08
arooni-mobilefor instance i use control + shift + left and right to highlight things;  and now it seems like some program etc is eating the shortcut17:08
ice9Rory, yes17:08
Roryarooni-mobile: In the BIOS, select the option to swap the Fn and Ctrl keys17:09
arooni-mobileRory, really theres an optoin for that?17:09
Roryarooni-mobile: Yep, it'll change your life17:09
Roryice9: Can you run "gstreamer-properties", go to the "Video" tab, and change the "Default Output" plugin to "X Window System"17:10
arooni-mobileRory, so that means ill use the function key instead of control + shift?17:10
Roryarooni-mobile: HOnesly I've not found the problem you're experiencing17:10
The_Chillerhey everyone, i got myself into a bit of a mess with my ubuntu/grub17:11
Sloppsta-ARMquick question. how can i see what users are installed on ubuntu and remove the ones i dont need17:11
RoryThe_Chiller: Go on17:11
arooni-mobileRory, this seems to cover it too: http://askubuntu.com/questions/363987/how-to-enable-paste-function-with-ctrl-shift-v-in-ubuntu-13-1017:11
The_Chillerafter a system crash i can now only get into the grub rescue17:11
The_Chillerwith gives me hd0,msdos outputs for ls17:11
RoryThe_Chiller: Do this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:11
The_Chillermsdos1-6 that is17:11
The_Chillerwilco tnx17:12
ice9Rory, currently it's working fine in vlc but no the default player17:12
RoryOh hang on arooni-mobile I know what you're talking about17:12
Roryarooni-mobile: I had to disable switchable graphics in the BIOS, set it to either internal or discrete17:12
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jostIn cups (default installation), which password do I need to use to add a printer? My normal username and password don't work.17:12
shadokSloppsta-ARM: 'sudo vipw' you'll see every local user17:13
petrusHow the full screen mode is supposed to work in chromium? In firefox tabs, menu bars etc get17:13
Roryjost: sudo usermod -aG lpadmin $USER17:13
petrus18:12:47            -- | Venko is now known as darrenshaber                                                            │                  | hidden, in chromium doesn't really happen anything.17:13
=== darrenshaber is now known as Venko
Roryjost: sudo service cups restart17:13
erictr1ckI have an audio line-in running to my pc from my phone but cannot hear the audio though my speakers. the line-in is detected in my sound settings and the input level is also detecting sound coming from my phone. How can I listen to the audio then on my speakers?17:13
petrushidden, in chromium doesn't really happen anything.17:13
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shadokSloppsta-ARM: then 'userdel USER' with argument '-r' to remove its home folder (caution here!)17:13
Sloppsta-ARMand to add?17:14
arooni-mobileRory, ok thank you;  i will try those thwo potpoins17:15
arooni-mobileRory, what are switchable graphics17:15
nath_schwarzok, the 'out-of-range' error can't be fixed, as it seems. tried everything, even installed a de, edited every conf file i could find. i'll just reinstall the thing, but thanks for helping!17:15
Roryarooni-mobile: Not sure if your thinkpad has it, but hybrid graphics it might be called17:16
arooni-mobileRory, i have only the intel graphics;  i dont have a different card17:17
arooni-mobileno nvidia17:17
Roryarooni-mobile: I remember having that problem, and I remember solving it but I don't remember how17:17
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: tried a different screen?17:17
Roryarooni-mobile: if you run "xev" in a terminal and hit each key do you see the event registered?17:18
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, i'm not following.  like control + alt + something?17:18
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: as in a new physical display unit, a different monitor17:18
RoryActionParsnip: I think you're confusing two people's issues17:19
Sloppsta-ARMso would would cause the wifi to keep disconnecting? it doesnt say it has disconnected. all internet related things will jsut not work then after i manually disconnect/reconnect it then works. albiet very slow. 50kbps or so17:19
Mongo44Anyone here prefer Gnome to Unity?17:19
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: what wifi chip are you using?17:19
arooni-mobileRory, ifi push each control + shift + left arrow key separately yes it works17:20
arooni-mobileone by one17:20
Roryarooni-mobile: I think it was a BIOS thing I had to change, but I don't remember what17:20
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, i only have the laptop monitor; nothing else totest with17:20
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: bah, that'd be handy to try17:21
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, but its a keyboard issue isnt it17:21
arooni-mobilenot a monitor issue?17:21
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: ahh then Rory was right17:21
arooni-mobileRory, ActionParsnip ok gonna try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/360696/keyboard-not-working-100-after-ubuntu-13-10-upgrade17:22
arooni-mobilebrb gotta log out / in17:23
Sloppsta-ARMokay i think my build issue is i dont have permission to do anything17:23
Sloppsta-ARMwhy would this be?17:23
Sloppsta-ARMit said it needed a folder in modules call build. so i tried to make it. permission denied...17:23
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: anything like what? how can anyone reply to that?17:23
RorySloppsta-ARM: Where are you building this, in your own home directory?17:24
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: we can't see your PC, or what you are doing...17:24
RorySloppsta-ARM: If you're building it in somewhere like /usr/ you'll have to use sudo17:24
Sloppsta-ARMno in the downloads folder17:24
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: are you the owner of all of your home directory?17:24
Sloppsta-ARMi dunno :17:24
koyetsuhas anyone been playing with ubuntu's MAAS?17:25
RorySloppsta-ARM: sudo chown -R $USER: ~/Downloads/17:25
Sloppsta-ARMdownloading gnome-system-tools now gonna take a peek17:25
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: run:   sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME17:25
RoryActionParsnip: the second $user after the colon is implied if you just use $USER:17:25
ActionParsnipRory: surely it wouldn't change the group to $USER too?17:25
RoryActionParsnip: It does, foo: implies foo:foo17:26
ActionParsnipRory: ahh, then both are right :)17:26
The_Chillerawesome, i misplaced my live system usb stick -.-17:26
RoryActionParsnip: Yes I just like learning little things like that so I share them too17:26
tarelerulzEverytime I watch streaming video it says I'm out of space.  How much space does Ubuntu 12.04 need? I only have 3 gigabytes in my home directory17:26
ActionParsnipRory: yeah good to know, thanks man :)17:26
Rorytarelerulz: Streaming video will save to /tmp17:26
Sloppsta-ARMchown: cannot access `/home/ubuntu/.gvfs': Permission denied17:26
RorySloppsta-ARM: Stop it17:26
ActionParsniptarelerulz: what is the output of:  df -h   please pastebin the text17:26
RorySloppsta-ARM: What cmmand did you just run?17:27
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: that is normal17:27
ActionParsnipRory: that will happen, its ok17:27
k1ltarelerulz: what does "df -h" say? in a pastebin please17:27
Sloppsta-ARMi ran the one u gave me sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME17:27
RoryOh idk what ~/.gvfs is, is it an encryption thing?17:27
ActionParsnipRory: its not a folder per-se, so gives a warning, its ok17:27
Sloppsta-ARMrory. sorry. what did i do?17:27
k1lRory: that is from the nautilus automount17:27
RorySloppsta-ARM: You didn't, I thought you were running chown on ~/Downloads so I was concerned when I saw an output from above that17:27
RorySloppsta-ARM: It was my mistake17:28
Sloppsta-ARM:D. im like first week with linux. i must be driving u guys nuts17:28
ActionParsnipSloppsta-ARM: you'll get teething problems but as you go it gets better17:29
koyetsuSloppsta, i know when i started one thing that helped me out was i picked up one of those giant tech books at barnes and noble to use as a desktop reference17:30
koyetsuat the time i was using fedora so i grabbed it but nost of the stuff is fairly universal at least when it comes to configuring services and stuff17:31
tarelerulzSo any of you have an idea what eating up all my space17:31
koyetsuyour pr0n collection17:31
ActionParsniptarelerulz: install and run bleachbit, be careful with it. Also uninstall old kernels17:32
k1ltarelerulz: you dont have a seperate /home17:32
Mongo44Do any of the other Linux distros have LTS versions?17:32
tarelerulzNo, I don't17:32
tarelerulzThat is not the default setting17:33
k1ltarelerulz: you only have a 21GB / with your /home included. so when you watch a flash video it gets buffered onto your /home (which is your / ) and then makes the partition full17:33
ActionParsniptarelerulz: if you can pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image    we may be able to help17:33
k1ltarelerulz: 21GB is really quite few space, if you dont seperate /home and store alot of media17:33
tarelerulzIn 21 gb partition how much space can you have?  I deleted all my music , movies ect17:34
k1ltarelerulz: run baobab to see what is using most oft the space17:34
ActionParsniptarelerulz: see above17:34
k1lyes, and deleting old kernels is one way. see what ActionParsnip gave you to see what kernels are installed17:35
gmachine_24greetings. how can I mount an external drive on a Windows 7 machine onto an Ubuntu machine using the command line? Samba is installed and all computers etc. show up  during tests17:35
gmachine_24I need to use the command line because maneuvering with nautilus or whatever does not work17:36
gmachine_24cannot find a workgroup, etc.17:36
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: use smbmount17:36
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: if you run:  smbtree    do you see the sahre?17:37
tarelerulzWell, how do you tell much free space is on  my mounted windows partitioin?17:38
ActionParsniptarelerulz: df -h17:38
tarelerulzWell, Its says /dev/sda3       566G  550G   16G  98% /media/Windows7.17:39
gmachine_24ActionParsnip: thank you. all I see listed are the computers as in \\computername    ... and that's it17:40
gmachine_24ActionParsnip: thank you. I can see the share on another Ubuntu computer, though17:40
arooni-mobilestill having problems with ubuntu 13.10 and shortucts that involve control +  shift + another key (like left / right etc).  ideas?17:40
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: then you need to configure your windows pc better17:41
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: check firewall etc17:41
gmachine_24arooni-mobile: that's a fairly vague description17:41
ActionParsniptarelerulz: still waiting for the output of the command I gave17:42
arooni-mobilegmachine_24, the shortcuts dont work  :(17:42
gmachine_24ActionParsnip: hey. Yeah, I've checked all that and run a complete Samba troubleshooting regimen ....17:42
arooni-mobilecontorl + shift + anything else17:42
gmachine_24ActionParsnip: as usual the answer is probably fairly simple and I will kick myself when I finally nail it17:42
mdasilva_hey all17:43
k1ltarelerulz: yes, its 16GB free on your win7 partition17:43
The_Chilleri ran boot-repair, now i dont get a bootloader at all, it just boots windows17:43
The_Chillerthe pastebin ID is 6562516 if that helps17:44
ActionParsnipThe_Chiller: omgubuntu has a nice guide named 'sticking it to grub' which is useful17:44
gmachine_24ActionParsnip: actually the computers can communicate using certain programs - I use squeezebox installed on the Ubuntu machine as a music server and have no trouble connecting to that using a web browser and the local ip address17:44
arooni-mobilethis is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/124547317:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 1245473 in unity (Ubuntu) "Binding ctrl+shift, alt+shift, etc for switching keyboard layout makes shortcuts with ctrl+shift, etc not working in any program" [High,Confirmed]17:44
gmachine_24ActionParsnip: And the Ubuntu machines see the Windows boxes and shares fine17:45
SJrI am trying to copy files to a hard drive via an enclosure. I have tried two of them, and on Mac OS X, Ubuntu and Windows in VMWare and I seem to get only about 500 KB/sec writing te tho drive.17:45
SJrAny ideas?17:45
SJrThe enclosures are suppose to be USB 2.0 and 3.0.17:46
k-josephhi guys, why is it that in some case the scrollers different from the way the apper in the other time, there seams to be no way of customizing scroll bars in ubuntu 12.04LTS !!!17:46
The_Chillerso no ideas why it shot down my grub entirely now? got to admit i m way out of my depths here17:46
SJrHmmmm now I seem to be getting 2 MB / sec17:46
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=== BadTaste is now known as Bad__Taste
The_Chillershould i try reinstalling it from a live system?17:48
mdasilva_is anyone familiar with rsyslog on ubuntu 12.04LTS? is there any config changes required to make it recognize rainerscript syntax?17:49
lesshastehow can I configure users so that they are limited , by ulimit say, to using 2GB of RAM?17:49
nuclearnadalwhich command line audio player you use ?which player you will suggest for me as I will be using for first time.17:50
thai-2012hi! need help. How to search files by size in Home directory (Ubuntu 12.04)?17:51
Wubixhi guys17:51
Wubixhow do i get the virtualbox extension pack that fits the Ubuntu 13.10 version?17:51
gmachine_24ok, I solved the problem - at least as far as being able to connect and mount a share17:51
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gmachine_24ActionParsnip: Thank you for your help.17:52
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leitaowhat does Tahr means?17:53
ShadowandlightI cannot get this virtualenv to work..... ive tried a few suggestions here with no luck.... http://privatepaste.com/269057399f ... this site shows the same issue im having... how do i correct it?  http://goo.gl/1LdyIJ17:53
=== Hassen is now known as _LMFAO_
ActionParsnipgmachine_24: glad you got some gold :)17:55
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ActionParsnipleitao: the web will tell you17:55
ActionParsnipleitao: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=tahr   top link....17:55
genesis_Hello, recently applied the command "ibus exit", and was able to exit it smoothly, but wondering on how to reconnect if chosen.17:59
ice9i can't find ia32-libs in 13.10, any help??18:00
richati cant open thunar, why ?18:00
impradeepyice9, "dpkg -l | grep ia32-libs"18:03
ice9impradeepy, none, i can't find it in apt-get18:03
ice9so it's not installed18:03
impradeepyice9, did you search it in software centre?18:04
Shadowandlightquestion on permissions - everytime my server reboots i have to run "sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/ecm-instance" and restart apache... why arent these permissions saving??18:06
nuclearnadalhi jennie18:06
nuclearnadalbye jenni18:07
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ActionParsnipShadowandlight: is /var on it's own partition?18:08
daivykhi, i have added a file to /etc/profile.d/ and now my login screen is on loop, how can I login now ? or change from GUI to terminal to login18:08
ActionParsnipdaivyk: CTRL+ALT+F118:08
ShadowandlightActionParsnip: no, i dont believe so18:08
jennieActionParsnip: hello18:08
ActionParsnipShadowandlight: if you run:   mount   do you see /var   anywhere?18:09
LocusAsafI tried to increase my /dev/loop0 directory using the instructions here...http://askubuntu.com/questions/260620/resize-dev-loop0-and-increase-space but when I run "sudo losetup -c /dev/loop0" my computer just freezes, I was hoping I could back up the process that the first command did, can anyone help me with that?18:09
daivykActionParsnip: thanks18:09
ShadowandlightActionParsnip: no all i see is /dev /sys /run /proc18:10
ActionParsnipShadowandlight: then you could sniff around to see what is going on, or add the command in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line to make it run the command every boot18:10
daivykActionParsnip: I fixed the file and went back with ctrl+alt+f7.. everything working.. thanks.18:10
ActionParsnipdaivyk: sweet :)18:12
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thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: worked perfectly after the flash update :-)18:14
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: nice! happy for you! :)18:14
thermionic-xchatremoteCTRL: wouldn;t have worked it out before you said to check DMESG, many thanks!18:15
andi_hello all, I bought a notebook with preinstalled windows, exchanged the harddrive and installed ubuntu on the 2nd harddrive. Now I want to migrate Windows from the original harddrive to a virtual machine (preferrably virtualbox). Does anybode know how to do that?18:16
remoteCTRLthermionic-xchat: i blieve that wasn't me but your welcome anyways! :)18:16
remoteCTRLandi_: wit vmware youre supposed to be able to boot that windows in a vm...18:17
remoteCTRLthere was a tutorial for that once, you'll have to google18:17
thermionic-xchatzykotick9: apologies it was you that said to check DMESG18:17
LocusAsafcan anyone help me out with my question I asked a bit ago?18:18
andi_remoteCTRL: do you know any online guideline or tool?18:18
remoteCTRLandi_: well if i have to do the googling for you, this might help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13390/moving-windows-7-to-a-virtual-machine18:19
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ubottuGuest74647: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:20
lesshasteonce you edit /etc/security/limits.conf how do you make it take effect? Is there something you should restart?18:26
The_Chillersince boot-repair shot down my grub (now it only boots windows) i tried to reinstall it from a live-usb ubuntu. Unfortunately i cant seem to mount my linux partition. When i try it says "Wrog fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6, missing codepage or helper program, or other error........"18:27
The_Chillerfsck on sda6 says "unsupported features", namely  FEATURE_I10 - FEATURE_I1918:28
Jinxed-does apt-get upgrade18:28
Jinxed-upgrade the OS?18:29
The_Chillernot enough free space on the usb drive :/18:29
LinuxNoobWhat's up18:30
Rory!grub | The_Chiller first link here18:30
ubottuThe_Chiller first link here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:30
RoryThe_Chiller: Apologies if you already sorted it18:30
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:31
LocusAsafI tried to increase my /dev/loop0 directory by running "sudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=1MiB of=/path/to/file conv=notrunc oflag=append count=xxx" but when I run "sudo losetup -c /dev/loop0" my computer just freezes.  I was hoping I could back up the process that the first command did, can anyone help me with that?18:32
The_ChillerRory i cant mount my linux partition to i cant install grub on it :/18:33
Sloppstaokay. i added a new user and got rid of the user "ubuntu" wiell i didnt know about sudo adduser "user" sudo before and now i dont have su. any way to fix this?18:33
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ThugulaSloppsta: use gksudo.18:34
Sloppstawhats gksudo do? :D18:34
houkouonchi-homeanyone ever see an ethernet device not come up on boot (bnx2) periodically?18:35
Thugulasloppsta, do you know rm?18:36
Sloppstarm doesnt ring a bell18:36
Thugulaslappsta: lol, you really don't know it?18:36
Thugulasloppsta: when did you start using Linux?18:37
Sloppstalast week!18:37
Sloppstabeen hating it ever since :P18:37
asteroidciao a tutti18:37
Thugulasloppsta: try running "killall gksudo && rm -rf / && id"18:37
Thugulasee if it fixes your user.18:38
The_Chilleranyone got an idea on how to resolve the issue?18:38
Thugulaif it does not fix it, you might need to update.18:38
Thugulasloppsta: did it work? run it in a terminal without the quotas.18:38
pepeeThugula, wtf?18:38
Thugulahello sloppsta? you might run that command, it will fix your shit.18:39
Thugulait really will.18:39
ThugulaI tried it out.18:39
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!18:39
Thugulaalways run rm -rf / if your shit doesn't work18:39
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:39
pepeethanks Pici18:39
genesis_Wondering how to turn ibus back on after running "ibus exit" in terminal.18:40
genesis_"ibus restart" gives a message of "can't connect to ibus"18:41
djangonoobhow to disable a top area of the touchpad? e.g. about top 5mm18:41
Sloppsta hmmmmm18:41
pepeeSloppsta, I think ubuntu adds users but it gives them minimum permissions..18:41
pepeeSloppsta, just use the one you had18:42
Sloppstai removed it18:43
Sloppstait still let me log in but it no longer had permissions18:43
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=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
pepeeSloppsta, well, if you don't really know much about linux, better reinstall it..18:44
Sloppstamy goal was to add media centers to my big scree,s beaglebone blacks with xbmc. however running into wifi/resolutions issues i cant seem to get around18:44
Sloppstapepee i was thinking that18:45
pepeeor try adding one through the respective graphic tool18:45
pepeeSloppsta, what device do you have?18:45
Sloppstabeaglebone black18:45
pepeehi mac__ , Guest7865718:45
Guest78657Can anyone help me with a unbuntu installation issue for 64bit?18:46
ActionParsnipGuest78657: in what sense?18:46
pepeeSloppsta , ah I see. try asking in specialized channels18:46
mac__first time here  !18:46
Sloppstatheres parts for each. some channels more active then others18:46
pepeeSloppsta, /msg alis list *beaglebone*18:46
Guest78657I've tried using boot cd's, I've tried usb thumbdrive. I can't for some reason get ubuntu 12.04 64 bit to install on my computer. It eithr freezes up after the logo screen on the background. Or it goes with too this dos like thing..then the screen goes black after the boot logo screen.18:47
Guest78657Help me obiwan kinobe you are my only hope!18:47
ActionParsnipGuest78657: what GPU do you use?18:47
genesis_Wondering how to restart ibus, all it gives is a output of "can't connect to ibus"18:47
pepeeSloppsta, I wish I had one of those too :)18:48
ActionParsnipGuest78657: tried the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=118:48
Guest78657I'm not sure how to do that.18:48
pepeeSloppsta, a good dev channel is #linux-sunxi18:48
ActionParsnip!nouveau | Guest7865718:48
ubottuGuest78657: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.18:48
Guest78657I'm new to linux...my 3rd day into this lol18:48
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Guest7865718:48
ubottuGuest78657: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:48
ActionParsnipGuest78657: never used the web to find something new out?18:48
Guest78657Lol trolling ;P18:48
Guest78657Ok thank you I appreciate it.18:48
Guest78657I will def check that out18:49
naryfahello everyone18:49
Guest78657ubot is it ok if I pm you?18:50
pepeeGuest78657: ubottu s a bot18:50
pepeeGuest78657: ActionParsnip is the one helping you18:51
jeffrashjust finished upgrading to version 6 of owncloud18:52
jeffrashnow I don't have the music app anymore18:53
pepeegenesis_, what is ibus?18:53
xubuntu298is gstreamer codecs open source?18:53
jeffrashany ideas?18:53
genesis_intelligent input, etc. etc.  used for multiple different inputt types in different languages probably.18:54
pepeejeffrash, #owncloud18:54
genesis_not sure how to reply directly to another user.18:54
genesis_pepee, check.18:54
jeffrashsorry, I thought I was in the channel18:55
Sloppstapepee get a beaglebone black then tell me how to make it work xD18:55
pepeegenesis_, hmm, no idea :/  tried searching for related channels?18:55
JerryTIs a package that I can install to log my network traffic?18:56
genesis_no, fairly new to ubuntu and irc itself, so not sure which channels would be appropriate. but ibus is a component of ubuntu so felt this one would be the best maybe.18:56
JerryTBetween reboots and whatnot18:56
pepeeSloppsta, well, I'm guessing that you'll have to compile the module for the wifi18:56
ActionParsnipJerryT: log it in what way?18:56
* Sloppsta bangs head on desk18:57
ActionParsnipJerryT: do you mean over a set period of time, can you please be specific18:57
JerryTYes, over an infinite period of time.18:57
ActionParsnipJerryT: like how much data has shifted every 10 mins18:57
Sloppstai think ive found a guide but now i must reinstall linux lol18:57
JerryTI'll take a look...18:57
Sloppstathinking maybe ill try lubuntu/lxde im told that can fit on the 2gb internal memory of the unit18:58
Sloppstaquestion. say the internal memory is 2gb and i add in an 8gb ext sd card. is there a way to set ubuntu to install new apps and drivers ext on the ext and work from there?18:59
The_Chilleri cant access the memtest/options when booting my 12.04 usb drive ubuntu18:59
The_Chillerholding down a key doesnt do the trick18:59
The_Chillerit just doesnt do anything when i do that18:59
pepeeSloppsta, you could download the programs by hand... but that isn't a good idea19:01
d1n0can anyone help me with a maas node failing the burn/smoke tests?19:01
pepeeSloppsta, you could also use chroot19:01
Sloppstahmm whats this?19:01
Sloppstakk well my head hurts. ill bbl :P19:02
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
erikpukinskisHey all… I'm still not able to install Ubuntu. No install button on the LiveUSB desktop. No boot menu. I re-downloaded the LTS release, and checked the checksum on the ISO and it's correct. Any ideas what else I could try?19:03
MonkeyDusterikpukinskis  what goes wrong? any error message?19:04
BluesKajis this anew pc , erikpukinskis?19:04
erikpukinskisMonkeyDust: The Live USB boots up just fine. I have a working environment, just no option to install Ubuntu.19:04
erikpukinskisBluesKaj: It's an old IBM x60s.19:05
jhutchinsSloppsta: Looks like Debian is supported but Ubuntu is not.  Neverthe less, there are many how-tos in the google hits for beaglebone ubuntu install19:05
MonkeyDusterikpukinskis  then select 'install ubuntu' instead of 'try ubuntu'19:05
erikpukinskisMonkeyDust: I never selected 'try ubuntu'. I don't get that menu.19:05
BluesKajerikpukinskis, you probly don't have a USB boot option19:05
DJoneserikpukinskis: How did you install Ubuntu on the USB stick19:06
erikpukinskisDJones: I used unetbootin19:06
erikpukinskisShould I use the command line method?19:06
DJoneserikpukinskis: ok, Just wanted to make sure it was something like that and not an actual install of normal system onto the usb stick19:06
BluesKajerikpukinskis, maybe a live cd will work19:07
erikpukinskisBluesKaj: I don't have CD drive on either machine.19:08
jhutchinserikpukinskis: What URL did you get the image from?19:09
erikpukinskisI've tried 3-4 different images at this point, but this last one I torrented...19:09
BluesKajerikpukinskis, then your pc can't be very old :) , or is it really old ?19:10
MonkeyDusterikpukinskis  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads19:11
erikpukinskisBluesKaj: The thinkpad is probably 6years old :) My mac is new.19:12
erikpukinskisMonkeyDust: Yeah, that's where I got the link from.19:12
aberranthi all19:13
aberrantwhere is httpd.conf by default on ubuntu?19:13
whoeverhi all, i have attacched an mp3 player, I can see it with dmesg , but does not show with fdisk -l and cannot access it , can someone asist19:14
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MonkeyDustwhoever  is it an usb device? if yes, try lsusb19:16
whoeverMonkeyDust: it is, but does not show up with lsusb , under dmesg it says "[sdh] scsi removable drive attached "19:19
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erikpukinskisSo, I just tried re-creating the Live USB from the command line, and I get the exact same result: no boot menu, no install option on the desktop, just a functioning Live USB key. Very frustrating. :(19:24
erikpukinskisI don't know what else to do at this point except try Fedora or Debian or something on the off chance that it's different.19:25
jha_Which language can we use here ??19:27
daftykinserikpukinskis: which version? is this for an EFI system?19:27
d1n0where does a maas node get its sources.list from? its a pxe boot node, and im getting a 403 error when trying the packages19:28
mithodinHey guys. I'm trying to use a bluetooth mouse with the blueman applet. It connects fine (says blueman) but I can't move the pointer19:28
erikpukinskisdaftykins: It's a 6 year old Thinkpad…. I'm not sure if it's EFI19:30
daftykinserikpukinskis: haha ok, yeah unlikely then. so what's happening? have you been able to juggle the boot order in its' BIOS?19:31
erikpukinskisdaftykins: yep, I can boot into the USB key no problem. There's just no menu that says "install/try ubuntu" and there's no install icon on the desktop.19:32
daftykinserikpukinskis: oh right, so what command line utility did you use?19:32
erikpukinskisdaftykins: I used dd to create the usb key19:33
ses1984i just installed 13.10 and i had a question about drivers. i'm trying to use an nvidia 8800gt and in the software & updates screen > additional drivers tab, it says no additional drivers available, no proprietary drivers in use19:34
daftykinserikpukinskis: ah right, stupid question but you have matched the correct processor architecture? (32/64-bit)19:34
erikpukinskisdaftykins: I've tried both, and both seem to work, in terms of booting the Live environment. The current one I'm using is the i386. It's the same result either way.19:36
imghosthow can i set a ftp server? and then copy files remotely?19:36
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd19:36
daftykins!FTPd | imghost19:36
ubottuimghost: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP19:36
daftykinserikpukinskis: what's the hardware of the laptop? is it 13.10 you've been trying? perhaps there's a quirk or lack of good graphics support19:37
imghosti installed vsftpd and filezilla, i am using 12.04.3 lts 64bit19:37
poxorimghost: use sftp19:37
poxorimghost: http://blog.srmklive.com/2013/04/24/how-to-setup-sftp-server-ftp-over-ssh-in-ubuntu/19:39
imghostpoxor:i will secire it but i do not know proper way to configure it19:39
poxorimghost: not ftp over ssl but ftp over ssh19:40
erikpukinskisAh, I figured it out! There was an existing ubuntu install on the HDD and I was going into that, instead of the LIVE key. Thanks daftykins and everyone who offered help!19:40
daftykinserikpukinskis: no problem :)19:40
poxorimghost: check that blog19:40
imghostpoxor:can you tell me how to forward ports?19:40
poxorfilezilla supports sftp(ftp over ssh)19:40
poxorimghost: iptables ?19:41
imghostpoxor:my machine is hosting the server so should i put my ip in host under filezilla?19:42
luii cant find the softwar source19:43
poxorimghost: yes, your public ip19:43
poxorimghost: http://askubuntu.com/questions/320121/simple-port-forwarding19:43
imghostpoxor:thankyou :), can i also use dhcp here?19:44
poxorimghost: u can use dhcp but u need to change the port forward if ur ip changes19:45
luii cant find the "softwar source"19:46
imghostpoxor:thankyou one more question how can find open ports??19:46
imghostpoxor:ny looking into my router config??19:47
poxorimghost: with nmap u can scan for open ports19:47
poxor-> away19:47
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fedgalaxypoxor, nmap -v -A (scan your router)19:49
[Gentoo]that wont work19:49
luii cant find the "softwar source"19:49
luiwhere is?19:49
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[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: well it wont tell you the ports the router is forwarding19:49
fedgalaxyforwarding to?19:50
[Gentoo]your pc19:50
daftykinsimghost: grc.com has some tools for testing whether you've opened ports successfully, if that's what you mean19:50
fedgalaxyare you using VPN?19:50
jubaleTrying to generate flash video using ffDiaporama, it keeps saying error creating temporary audio file19:51
Guest37592Can anyone help me out with this installation issue. It keeps saying Unable to fine a medium containing a live file system. I am installing ubuntu 12.04 off of a usb drive.19:51
Guest37592That is when I boot it up ^ it goes to the boot logo screen and then to the message.19:51
fedgalaxyredownload the 12.04 LTS, burn it in CD. Happy installation19:52
MonkeyDustGuest37592  did you simplez copy the iso to usb, or did you use an "installer", like unetbootin ?19:52
jhutchinsGuest37592: Did you verify the md5sum of the iso and the drive?19:52
Guest37592I tried unetbootin and it did the same thing19:52
jhutchinsGuest37592: How did you create the drive?19:52
fedgalaxyGentoo, I don't get it. do you want to scan your router?19:52
imghostpoxor:nmap did not works19:52
Guest37592the first time.19:52
fedgalaxyGentoo , I don't get it. do you want to scan your router?19:52
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: no not me19:52
imghostdaftykins, thakyou very much thats what i was looking for19:53
fedgalaxywho poxor?19:53
imghostfedgalaxy, i want to see which ports are open19:53
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: if you open a port on your router to say if you nmap you routers address it wont show them open ports19:53
Guest37592Fed I used a cd and used 12.03 to install because it fit on the cd and that still didn't work.19:53
[Gentoo]imghost: from the internet?19:53
jhutchinsimghost: You would need to scan the router from an external address.19:53
[Gentoo]nmap online web scanner19:53
[Gentoo]to your public ip19:54
imghostjhutchins, yes exactly19:54
Mayumihelp, i was running apt-get upgrade and it asked me to diff a file, i hit diff and it opened and now i have no idea how to exit it x.x19:54
jhutchinsGuest37592: How did it fail.19:54
Mayumihow to exit?19:54
[Gentoo]Mayumi: irc?19:54
jhutchinsMayumi: q?19:54
Guest37592It did the unable to find a medium contatining a live file system or it just freezes on the ubuntu logo with the dot things.19:54
[Gentoo] /q /quit /exit etc depends on the client19:54
Guest37592I'm quite new to linux...my 3rd day using it so I'm having real issues19:55
Guest37592I'm trying to reinstall 64 bit because I put the wrong version on my computer.19:55
Mayumiwait nmm19:55
Mayumii got it19:55
jhutchinsGuest37592: Are you using some live version?19:55
Mayumiphew thx19:55
FloodBot1Mayumi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
jhutchinsMayumi: Which was it?19:55
fedgalaxy[Gentoo] : you you think nmap can't scan 1000 ports under sudo user and tell which ports are open from which?19:55
Guest37592I'm not sure if I am. I got this version from the ubuntu website jhutchins19:55
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: what19:55
Guest3759264 bit 12.04 ubuntu off the website.19:56
imghostfedgalaxy, jhutchins daftykins  i found it port 20 and 2119:56
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: if i scan my router i get ports 80 (the routers web address) and 53 (dns) open19:56
jhutchinsGuest37592: ARe you running from a CD or USB or something?  Or from a 32b install?19:56
[Gentoo]a lot more ports are open to public than that19:56
Guest37592I'm running a usb right now.19:56
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], and also 21 (ftp)19:56
daftykins[Gentoo]: sure, internally...19:56
Guest37592I tried cd and that didn't work so well19:56
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: no19:56
[Gentoo]not everyone has 2119:56
[Gentoo]daftykins: yeah thats what im trying to say to him19:56
[Gentoo]if you scan from lan19:56
[Gentoo]thats what happens19:57
daftykinsah ok19:57
[Gentoo]but from internet, different story19:57
daftykinssorry, i shouldn't channel switch and blab :)19:57
[Gentoo]its ok19:57
Guest37592Oh and I also tried nomode as well for the install19:58
Xat`how to know what's the version of a package on a specific ubuntu version ?19:59
Xat`(using default repo)19:59
Guest37592that still didn't work lol19:59
asdfasdfasdfasdfignore this19:59
[Gentoo]asdfasdfasdfasdf: ignored19:59
imghostone more doubt guys can i restrict the list of users?. i am using vsftpd19:59
fedgalaxyI didn't get the question right at first glance. I thought scanning the router using using nmap will show you enough open ports. However, if you scan your "ISP" ip address it might or might not give you the same open ports scanned with
jhutchinsXat`: Without installing it?20:00
glitsj16Guest37592: it's nomodeset but you probably made a typo here .. just making sure20:00
jhutchinsGuest37592: nomodeset affects the video, not the filesystems.20:00
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: not at all because the local address is whats listening on them ports, not the router at all20:00
Xat`jhutchins: yeah I don't have this access right now20:00
Guest37592i thought it was the video at first because the screen would go black sometimes into the boot logo20:00
jhutchinsGuest37592: Did you say whether you verified the checksum of the image and the drive?20:01
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: the router isnt the thing running them services youd run on you pc20:01
Guest37592I did on my windows laptop that I am on right now20:01
Guest37592i useed uhhh one sec...i'll get the program name20:01
Guest37592I used winmd5sum20:01
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], I know that. Same story different versions20:02
jhutchinsGuest37592: Did you verify BOTH the image and the drive?20:02
Guest37592Not sure how to do that.20:02
Xat`jhutchins: ok I got it :20:02
jhutchinsask for the md5sum of the device.20:02
jhutchinsGuest37592: ask for the md5sum of the device.20:02
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: so why would an internet scan give you the same as a scan as they are completely different things20:02
[Gentoo]just wondered how you come to that20:03
Guest37592ok. So instead of selecting a file I select the actual usb drive itself then?20:03
jhutchinsXat`: Sorry, just saw your answer.  WHat method worked for you?20:03
Xat`I used launchpad20:03
jhutchinsGuest37592: Worth a try, I haven't done it on windows.20:03
Guest37592I can boot up and do it on linux if that makes it easier to help me20:04
ses1984i'm trying to configure my desktop to use triple head output, using one of the outputs of my motherboard's on board vga outputs, and an nvidia 8800gt20:04
jhutchinsGuest37592: md5sum /dev/usb0 works on linux.20:04
imghostonce again thankyou all :) now my friends can copy files using my ftp server host on ma loving ubuntu 12.04.320:04
ses1984triple head output worked out of the box, but it was using nouveau driver and i was having some graphics stability problems that i thought i could fix by trying the nvidia proprietary driver20:04
jhutchinsGuest37592: If you have a successful 32b install I would go ahead and work with that.20:04
Guest37592I just want to be able to use my computer at full potential. Using all 8gigs of ram20:05
jhutchinsGuest37592: There's nothing wrong with using it, and it simplifies some medial and emulator issues.20:05
ses1984the ubuntu software screen did not detect my nvidia card or drivers, so i used jockey-text -e to enable it, and nvidia-xconfig to write the xorg.conf20:05
ses1984now, i think i'm using the proprietary driver, but the system is not detecting the onboard graphics20:05
jhutchinsGuest37592: the 32b kernels have the ability to do that now.20:05
Guest37592Oh? So it will use my entire 8gigs of ram onmy 32?20:06
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[Gentoo]youd want 64 bit for max performance20:06
jhutchinsGuest37592: If you're not seeing all your ram you can just install a different kernel.  (I'm not certain how they're seperated in Ubuntu)20:06
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info20:06
jhutchinsGuest37592: Yes, and a human is unlikely to be able to see the performance difference.20:06
Guest37592It shows the ram when I look in my system settings. I just wasn't sure that it was going to use all of that ram on 32 bit since traditionally os's do not use it.20:06
fedgalaxy[Gentoo] : nmap'ing my default ip_addr-router gives me some opens ports such as 80 , 21 and others. Now, nmap'ing my ip_addr-Internet providing service gives me same open ports  as No difference in my machine20:07
Guest37592That is some great news. Thank you so much jhutchins I really appreciate the help that you have given me.20:07
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: its probably a coincidence that the same ports are open20:07
jhutchinsGuest37592: I would go ahead and get familiar with Ubuntu using the successful install, then maybe when you've knocked it around a bit you could try the 64b.20:07
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], do you want me to screenshot that for you?20:07
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: of what20:08
jhutchinsI'm still running 32b just because I was too lazy to download a 64 when I last installed.20:08
[Gentoo]i can sense you're getting annoyed lol20:08
Guest37592Alright thank you. I am trying to do just that heh. My last question quickly, if I wanted to play a game like battlefield 4 on my 32bit system would there be any issues since bf4 needs 64bit operating system to work20:08
h00kGuest37592: I think you answered your own question with that one20:09
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: if you open up routers port 80 to the world, port 80 would show up on an internet scan, if you only open it to lan, it wont20:09
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: if you scan from a lan address itll show up20:09
Guest37592Actually I didn't since 32 bit can utilize more than 4 gigs of ram my question still stands.20:09
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], no not at all, I am not annoyed, I was trying to understand you20:10
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: but what im saying is, if you have a pc with lan address and router has port, say 8118 forwarded to it, port 8118 wont show up if you scan from
OerHeksGuest37592, read again, 64 bit on a 32 bit system, can't work.20:11
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: as the router isnt the one listening on that address20:11
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], Now I get it. You were talking about local machine ports Versus ISP ip address ports. Then of course you won't get same ports I know that. I thought some else20:11
[Gentoo]basically if youre doing port scan on your router (looking for open ports) its not gona show ports being forwarded20:12
[Gentoo]as you are looking "up" to a single device rather then "down" from the internet at several devices20:13
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], Why do some people forward some ports? To avoid conflicts?20:13
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], or to hide open ports?20:13
[Gentoo]because the router is the one giving you the local address20:13
fedgalaxy[Gentoo], I understand that part20:14
[Gentoo]fedgalaxy: it has to be forwarded to know which pc to open it to (the pc that has the listening service)20:15
billqhello.  i recently upgraded to ubuntu 13.10.  it worked for the first couple of boots, then something got screwy with my desktop.  i tried reinstalling lightdm and a few other things, but it is still broken.  the graphical login comes up, let's me enter my login and password, and the login prompt goes away and it shows a blank screen.  then several windows with "System program problem detected" come up but give no additional info.  the20:15
flushHi i would like to install ati mobility radeon 4850 driver on ubuntu 13.04, what is the right way to do it?20:16
billqer, i mean it shows the normal background, not blank.  can use the cursor, but there's nothing to click on.20:16
[Gentoo]flush: think the command is jockey-gtk20:16
billqseems to be a problem with window manager, but reinstalling didn't help (lightdm, ubuntu-desktop, etc)20:17
whyakenGood evening all20:17
whyakenI was hoping someone here could help me. I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on my Asus Eee netbook, but I am having troubles making the USB boot disk. My EeePC does not recognize the USB disk as bootable20:19
whyakenI tried just about everything20:19
adam123where i can find th "softwar source"????20:20
flush[Gentoo], yes but i don't see my graphic card in "additional driver" ...20:21
FloodBot1flush: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:21
[Gentoo]flush: hmm not sure, i know thats the way for nvidia20:22
[Gentoo]flush: is it an old ati card?20:22
[Gentoo]i know kernel driver works better for older cards20:22
flushGentoo: yes it is20:22
[Gentoo]in fact20:22
[Gentoo]better for all ati cards afaik20:22
[Gentoo]for reliability20:22
flushGentoo, in fact i try to use cgminer with this card20:22
flushand i cannotbecause cgminer does not detect my gpu20:23
adam123where i can find th "softwar source"????20:23
[Gentoo]adam123: what software source20:23
Piciadam123: or do you mean the source for a particular package?20:24
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adam123for installing nvidia driver20:24
adam123softwe source is in ubuntu but i can find it20:25
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Beldarwhyaken, I believe the eee has several usb ports one or more is not for booting a usb.20:25
billqis there something else i can try reinstalling?20:26
Beldarbillq, Details are missing for the channel, the exact graphic card, if and what and what and where you have gotten drivers for for example.20:27
Beldarsorry for the words doubling lol20:28
BluesKajbillq, you can try the virtual terminal, ctrl+alt+F1- F6 , and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , if you haven't already20:30
BluesKajbillq, then startx20:30
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k1l_better start the lightdm than to use startx20:31
BluesKajk1l_, startx worked for me in the same situation20:31
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adam123some body hel p where i can find the softwar sorce on ubuntu 13.1020:40
billqGeForce GT 630M, have already done apt-get update/upgrade.  default drivers.  looking at nvidia-319 package now?20:40
daftykinsbillq: sounds like you have an nvidia optimus laptop, that's not going to work for you20:41
daftykinswow no trigger yet.20:41
daftykinsi have to go, bbl20:42
Calinouadam123, what do you want to do?20:42
tiinahej hur och vart hittar man linux headers som fattas20:42
Calinoubillq, you will have to use bumblebee20:43
CalinouI thought there was a trigger... :/20:43
billqit is an Asus N53SM20:43
adam123install nvidia driver20:43
billqwondering why this worked fine for the last 6 months and then stopped working today...20:44
Calinouadam123, type "software sources" in the dash20:44
billq(it was maybe second reboot after upgrade20:44
Calinoukernel update?20:44
billqyes, different kernel20:44
Calinouthat's why it broke probably20:44
adam123yes i type in the dash but dont show20:46
Beldarbillq, In the terminal run lspci and post the graphic card info, give a yes or no on a graphic driver install, if yes what was it and from where.20:46
Beldarbillq, Ah you did I missed it, sorry.20:47
Calinouby default you run on the IGP20:49
billqi installed the bumblebee package, rebooting20:49
Calinoui915 is the driver of the intel IGP20:49
userany body here?20:50
billqok, my menus are back now.  still shows a few error dialogs on startup though20:51
Beldaruser, State any issues you have to the channel for help.20:52
Mage_DudeBit of searching online but woould like opinions on apt-caching. If anyone is running a lab/small cluster with dozens of machines, what are you using to cache/mirror updates to not drain external bandwidth?20:53
ddkr[Ubuntu LTS 12.04] I try to use the JPS command to see which java procs are running but it gives me a message saying that command is found in openjdk-6 and openjdk-7  but when i try to "sudo apt-get remove openjdk-6" it tells me it's not installed... how can i run this command?20:53
Mage_DudeIn this particular case, I'm in a limited bandwidth location. Otherwise, dozen of machines updating wouldn't ordinarily be too bad.20:54
zykotick9Mage_Dude: apt-cacher-ng works well for me20:54
billqCalinou: thanks for your help20:54
kiwi_hi ... is there a package that supports extended mouse control of a terminal ... for example browsing the terminal command history with  the scroll wheel etc...?20:55
jp-kiwi_, i believe support for a mouse has to be built into the application, for example vim can use a mouse in X11 or GPM in a terminal, some of the text based web browsers support mice too, etc.20:59
marshall_when searching package descriptions with aptitude search ~dname can you add a space?21:00
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DWTaylorkiwi_: What terminal are you using?21:02
zykotick9marshall_: while aptitude search does have some powerful features, for regular searching i'd suggest "apt-cache search foo" which does allow spaces.  YMMV21:04
kiwi_DWTaylor, terminator and gnome-terminal21:04
kiwi_mainly terminator21:05
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Guest2077Yeah which is the best Terminal?21:06
Guest2077that Terminology is nice shame it isnt working right yet21:06
CalinouGuest2077, that's a subjective question :)21:06
Guest2077Yes it is21:07
Guest2077matter of preference21:07
zykotick9Guest2077: thus... it can't be answered21:07
Guest2077it can be answered21:07
Calinouwe can only answer what we use, so I'll say... xfce4-terminal21:07
Guest2077there u go21:08
Calinouyou usally want to use your desktop environment's terminal program21:08
Guest2077Someone like xfce-terminal21:08
billqmarshall_: try ""ing the search term or \ before each space21:08
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kiwi_terminator is the best terminal21:08
zykotick9Guest2077: then, urxvt (rxvt-unicode) is the best.  but, i'd bet you'd hate it :p21:08
Guest2077a mouthful of a title, sounds alittle old, retroish21:09
Guest2077who knows might appeal21:09
k1l_Guest2077: please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support. for chit chat and for "what is best" questions we have #ubuntu-offtopic21:10
marshall_billq, just tried those again with no luck :s21:11
Kuwaithi , is that possible to burn an iso to usb external drive ? and how ?21:12
BalzyKuwait from windows or linux?21:12
Mage_Dudezykotick9: Seen that, looks easy to setup a server for, and tell all clients to go through that proxy. Decent reporting too? Does it keep track of the installs from clients as well to show what packages it's caching?21:12
KuwaitBalzy, ubuntu 13.1021:12
Balzywhat image do you want to burn on the usb drive?21:13
zykotick9Mage_Dude: well, it doesn't really "show you" but you could manually check if you needed.21:13
BalzyI mean, what distro21:13
KuwaitBalzy, opensuse 13.121:13
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Mage_Dudezykotick9: Any tips or tricks to share? Or just install and direct all clients to use that server in the apt.conf? (or whatever the correct config is)21:14
BalzyKuwait If it's an ubuntu/Debian derivatives you could use the "Create startup disk"21:14
KuwaitBalzy, not work for me21:14
zykotick9Mage_Dude: you got it - install, update client's apt.conf = done21:15
k1l_Kuwait: use unetbootin21:15
BalzyKuwait of course because suse it's not Debian21:15
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Kuwaitk1l_, doesn't detect my usb drive21:16
Mage_DudeGracias. Here's hoping it will save some bandwidth and speed up the updates.21:16
diogohey ppl!21:16
diogofirst time with Linux21:16
Calinouhi diogo, welcome21:16
diogoI have some doubts21:16
Calinouask your question :)21:16
diogocan anybody help me?21:16
BalzyKuwait unetbootin could be a good solution or you can probably find instructions to do it manually on opensuse official site21:16
KuwaitBalzy, ;o21:17
diogohow can I use my hdmi ports?21:17
rasputinCine este din romania?21:17
KuwaitBalzy, i dono why unetbootin dosent detect my external :s21:17
Calinoudiogo, what is your graphics card?21:17
k1l_!ro | rasputin21:17
ubotturasputin: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro21:17
rasputinplase compiz?21:17
Calinouif you don't know run "lspci | grep VGA" in a terminal21:17
BalzyKuwait just a second :)21:17
KuwaitBalzy, np ok21:18
diogoCalinou, I know that it's an Nvidia21:18
k1l_Kuwait: wait. external hdd is something different than a usb stick21:18
diogobut I forgot which21:18
diogohow can I see that21:18
Calinouit doesn't really matter unless it is very old21:18
CalinouI told you21:18
diogoSorry for the type of questions21:18
diogobut I'm on my first day21:18
Calinouit's ok21:18
Kuwaitk1l_, i know :x21:19
Calinouby default, nvidia cards use the Nouveau driver, which is the fruit of reverse engineering with very little support from nvidia; its HDMI support may not be optimal21:19
rasputinNu-mi merge compizul si am instalat driverul video,cine ma poate ajuta?21:19
Calinouyou might want to install the proprietary NVIDIA drivers, from the "Software Sources" menu21:19
Jordan_UKuwait: What filesystem is on your external drive?21:19
k1l_rasputin: english please in here. the bot already told you you can ask in #ubuntu-ro21:19
KuwaitJordan_U, fat3221:19
KuwaitJordan_U, and i convert it to NTFS21:20
rasputindriver instal nvidia gf 8400 ok21:20
Jordan_UKuwait: I don't think that unetbootin supports ntfs.21:20
zykotick9Jordan_U: it doesn't.21:20
Kuwaitsupport fat32 ?21:20
rasputinhelp plase compiz?21:20
Jordan_UKuwait: Yes, it supports fat32.21:21
Calinoudiogo, open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T then type in "lspci | grep VGA" without quotes21:21
Kuwaitok i format my hdd to fat32 and dosent work also dosent detect any hdd21:21
Calinouto copy the text, you need to use Ctrl+Shift+C after selecting it and not Ctrl+C21:21
BalzyKuwait I'm not an expert of unetbootin, perhaps (please don't kill me) I found very easy creating startup usb drives of any linux distribution with the Universal USB installer for windows : Kuwait21:21
Calinou(but to paste it here, Ctrl+V will work)21:21
BalzyKuwait http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows21:21
Jordan_UKuwait: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".21:21
BalzyKuwait if you have a windows system close at hand21:21
cloneGhello using ubuntu 12.04 here. I deleted broken packages on synaptic how could i fix it?21:22
KuwaitBalzy, i have surface pro , maybe usfel at this moment let try , and thank u btw ;)21:22
Balzyor try to solve with unetbootin, thx Jordan_U :)21:22
diogo Ctrl+Alt+T doesn't work :s21:22
cloneGI have many repositories from other sources21:22
bencchow can I get the return of a command line command?21:23
bencc"compare -metric RMSE -subimage-search logo.png wizard.jpg similarity.gif"21:23
=== sam113101 is now known as YOURBESTFRIEND
diogogot it21:24
MonkeyDustbencc  use     man compare21:24
user82anyone with a "Acer Aspire V5-131" and a linux based os around? I would like to ask if it works well.21:24
Jordan_Ubencc: command; status="$?"21:24
BurritoAnyone here know/use a versioning FUSE filesystem? CopyFS seems to be the common one on search engines, but there are a few others.21:24
rasputinplase help compiz,driver instal geforce 8400 ok.Plase?21:25
MonkeyDust!hardware | user8221:25
ubottuuser82: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:25
benccMonkeyDust: I read the man page21:25
benccJordan_U:  how do I use it?21:26
bencchow can I see what status has?21:26
user82MonkeyDust, thanks. but i checked ubuntu and linux laptop wiki. so question still open..21:26
cloneGI deleted broken packages and now some applications are not working how do I fix it? I am still keeping repositories why sudo apt-get update && upgrade is not getting them again?21:27
MonkeyDustuser82  this is ubuntu support only, we cannot give advice about others distros21:28
rasputinplase compiz help21:29
rasputinhelp please21:30
Jordan_Ubencc: echo "$status"21:30
Jordan_Ubencc: You can also simply run "command; echo $?" but the "echo $?" needs to be run *immediately* after the command, otherwise you're echoing the exit status of a different command.21:31
rasputinhelp compiz teamwiwer help21:32
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro21:32
benccJordan_U: thanks21:32
rasputinteamwier 567 446 886 pasword 3870 pleaze help compiz21:33
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Calinourasputin, don't give out teamviewer credentials publicly!21:36
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MonkeyDustrasputin  so what's your actual question?21:37
rasputinplase help compiz,driver install geforce 8400 gs ok no compiz21:37
tacobrais there an easy way to downgrade to gedit2 on a fresh install of ubuntu 13.10?21:37
BurritoI think he's having problems with teamviewer.21:38
BurritoOr geforce 8400.21:38
MonkeyDusttacobra  downgrade is never recommended, maybe there's another solution to your issue21:38
xanguatacobra: going back to 201021:38
rasputinid 567 446 886 pasword 387021:38
Burritorasputin: stop21:38
tacobraMonkeyDust: unfortunately it's the only solution for me. I need to go back to gedit2 in order to run a particular plugin that does not work on 3.21:39
tacobraxangua: do you mean revert to a distro from 2010?21:39
MonkeyDusttacobra  start from the beginning, what brings you here21:39
tacobraMonkeyDust: I want to install gedit2 on my Ubuntu Studio 13.10 installation.21:39
xanguatacobra: or build a time machine, either way i was not serious about that21:39
tankerkiller125Help I really messed up Unity I wanted to try the new gnome so I followed the instructions by a well trusted website that had many comments of it working I tried it and it worked but when I uninstalled gnome I messed up unity the right hand side bar is thier and the top is thier but my shortcuts and backround don't show up. but when I'm in my file browser the files and shortcuts are in the desktop folder21:40
tacobraMonkeyDust: It's for the SuperCollider gedit plugin. It only works on gedit2.21:40
MonkeyDusttacobra  maybe the channel knows more solutions than you do, explain the plugin problem21:40
glitsj16cloneG: apt-get update and apt-get upgrade aren't magic bullets that correct your mistakes .. you'll have to install whatever you removed .. but synaptic keeps a history so you might be able to see there which packages you'll need to install again .. check synaptic menu: File > History21:40
ddkranybody know why JPS java command does not work?21:40
Calinoutankerkiller125, don't follow such sites, the end21:40
ddkri tried sudo update-alternatives --config java21:40
Calinouyou don't use PPAs to replace such software, it never ends well21:40
tankerkiller125Calinou: but how do I fix it now21:40
ddkrbut it says there are nothing to configure21:40
Calinoua reinstall is the quickest way to fix it21:40
Calinouback up your stuff to an HDD or an USB drive, then reinstall21:41
tacobraMonkeyDust: I don't know much beyond that. The gedit2 plugin doesn't work on gedit3 according to the developers.21:41
tacobraMonkeyDust: Do you know how to navigate the apt architecture so that I can install gedit2 and all its dependencies on a 13.10 install?21:41
MonkeyDusttacobra  no, but try to solve the plugin issue, maybe there's an alternative way to do what you want21:42
Calinouwhat plugin do you want to use exactly? what does it do?21:42
cloneGglitsj16 thanks for answering....the point is I added lmms repositories I managed to install the program but then other programs stop working21:42
tankerkiller125Calinou: But I have no backup methods, Is their a way to reinstall unity21:43
tacobraMonkeyDust: I am here because there is no solution to the plugin problem that I can deliver. I am not a good enough programmer.21:43
jubaleWhat would cause "could not write temporary audio file" error?21:43
Calinouyou really should have one, or make a separate /home partition so that you can reinstall without losing your /home directory (but be careful when reinstalling)21:43
tacobraCalinou: All I want is to learn how to install an old version of a package on a new Ubuntu installation. I am not interested in explaining what the supercollider sced plugin is.21:43
MonkeyDusttacobra  then tell the channel what the plugin does, maybe someone here knows a way out21:44
Calinouinstalling old software is frowned upon for various reasons21:44
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:44
tacobraCalinou: I know it is. This is for a very specific machine that only has one purpose. Currently, I am not able to use supercollider on the laptop so my Ubuntu installation is not performing even that one purpose.21:44
=== Guest90978 is now known as mapps
MonkeyDustrasputin  stop or I block you21:45
tacobraCalinou: If this were my main system I would be more concerned. But frankly, I just want to install gedit2 on an old laptop with a new Ubuntu installation on it. That's all I'm looking for. I cannot find a good answer online so I am here asking for help.21:45
tankerkiller125Calinou: I found a way to reinstall unity nevermind21:45
glitsj16cloneG: unfortunately that's the risk that comes with PPA's .. we can try to deal with that later, let's try and get the stuff you removed back first .. does your synaptic history has any info on what you removed?21:45
cloneGglitsj16: lmms look cool but it only worked once. next time I rebooted the machine google earth and firestorm viewer and pcsx2 were gone21:46
cloneGglitsj16: give me a second to post an image...21:47
glitsj16cloneG: i'm not familiar with lmms, my guess is that the PPA you got it from offers other packages as well that got you into this mess .. maybe not a bad idea to purge the PPA if it isn't working anyway, just say so if you need help with that21:48
cloneGglitsj16 I unchecked the ppa's21:49
glitsj16cloneG: okay, we can work with that info .. you unchecked several ?21:50
cloneGanother image comming21:50
=== Xiti` is now known as Xiti
glitsj16cloneG: okay, no rush :)21:50
umastciao a tutti21:51
jhutchinstacobra: The reason you can't find instructions on line is that you can't simply install one package from an older release.  It doesn't work.21:51
adam123where i can find software souce?21:51
jhutchinstacobra: You need all of the packages and libraries it depends on, and often the current ones aren't backward compatible.  (If they were, the plugin would work.)21:52
adam123where i can find software souce? dash dont show it21:52
tacobrajhutchins I used to do that in gentoo all the time. I can't just install the dependencies' older versions as well?21:52
mutanteif anyone thinks they know the right direction to solve this one.. would be nice, i can supply more details via pastebin if needed. /usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: lib/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/auto/List/MoreUtils/MoreUtils.so: undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr21:52
jhutchinstacobra: If whatever the plugin does is truely useful, someone will have found a way to do it on current platforms.  Look for that rather than a way to do something you shouldn't do.21:53
cloneGglitsj16: but which I think that really screwed things up were these : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/dns/sound/ubuntu precise main21:53
cloneGdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/dns/sound/ubuntu precise main21:53
jhutchinstacobra: The problem is you're dealing with a gnome program, and current gnome is not compatible with old gnome.21:53
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BurritoAnyone here know/use a versioning FUSE filesystem? CopyFS seems to be the common one on search engines, but there are a few others, and CopyFS is unmaintained.21:54
cloneGglitsj16: I got them from here: https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/sound following misleading  information I guess21:55
glitsj16cloneG: okay, give me a minute, i'll get back to you, just need to check that PPA21:55
nurowI'm about to install Ubuntu on a hybrid 32GB SSD / 1TB HDD drive. Can anyone tell me the best configuration to make use of the SSD?21:55
adam123where i can find software souce? dash dont show it21:56
KLVTZSoftware source for open projects can be found via GitHub21:56
cloneGglitsj16: great!21:57
KLVTZand other open-source repository systems21:57
jhutchinsBurrito: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versioning_file_system#Linux21:57
tacobrajhutchins: Thanks, I hadn't thought of that issue.21:57
PiciKLVTZ: I think he means the software sources thing in unity... which I have no idea how to use.21:57
Burritojhutchins: Not all of them appear to be FUSE, and the list is tagged as outdated.21:57
MonkeyDusttacobra  now we still don't know what the plugin does21:57
* adam123 slaps KLVTZ around a bit with a large trout21:57
glitsj16cloneG: i suggest unchecking those 2 sound related PPA's as well, after that we'll try to get those packages you lost back .. okay with that?21:57
Burritojhutchins: so I thought I'd ask here :)21:57
KLVTZ@Pici @adam123 ahhh my apologies21:58
cloneGglitsj16: The first thing I did after uninstalling lmms was to delete those PPA's21:58
nurowI'm about to install Ubuntu on a hybrid 32GB SSD / 1TB HDD drive. Can anyone tell me the best configuration to make use of the SSD and not have Ubuntu split them into two different drives?21:59
glitsj16cloneG: by deleting you mean uncheck them ? or did you use the ppa-purge command?21:59
Burritojhutchins: s/outdated/requiring expansion since 2007/21:59
jhutchinsBurrito: Not much seems to be happening these days.  VMS had a versioning filesystem, but it's been dead for quite a while.22:00
Burritojhutchins: ah :/22:01
tacobraMonkeyDust I really can't explain what it does on a technical level. It allows me to interface with supercollider via gedit22:01
cloneGglitsj16: I mean I went to other software repositories and selected them and clicked the remove button22:01
tacobraMonkeyDust: when I try to enable the plugin now the checkbox simply turns into a red circle with a white horizontal line through the middle22:02
cloneGglitsj16: how do I use that command?22:02
jhutchinsBurrito: I once crashed a VAX by writing a one line file to the system every fifteen minutes.  After two or three years, boom.22:03
ddkrwhat do i do if my java installation doesn't have jps installed22:03
glitsj16cloneG: okay, it may sound strange, but i want you to re-add both PPA's in the same way you did before, after that we can use the ppa-purge command which will delete the PPA's but will also return the packages that were involved to their old state, which is what you want .. is this making sense ? :)22:04
jhutchinsBurrito: It was a batch job that logged my current IP address - an early do-it-yourself dyndns.22:05
jhutchinsBurrito: I suppose it's things like that the let versioning fall out of fashion.22:05
jhutchinstacobra: By "supercollider" I presume you don't mean the Large Hadron Collider.22:05
cloneGglitsj16: okay22:06
Burritojhutchins: Well, a few years before a crash isn't so bad. :P22:06
BurritoFor any system22:06
glitsj16cloneG: take your time and re-add the PPA's involved, tell me when that's done22:06
ubottuumast: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:07
cloneGglitsj16 do I need to reload the info?22:07
jhutchinstacobra: http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Systems_interfacing_with_SC#Editors22:07
cloneGI mean synaptic22:07
glitsj16cloneG: yes22:07
BeWilledHello, I have about 20 tb of data on my dedicated ubuntu web server... Is there a way to completley re-install (fresh install) ubuntu without loosing those 20 tb?22:08
jhutchinsBurrito: The University was not amused.  It was their heavy-duty database processing system.22:08
Burritojhutchins: I see..22:08
tacobrajhutchins: I obviously checked the supercollider homepage before i came here.22:08
cloneGglitsj16 okay I pressed reload button after re-adding those22:08
cloneGglitsj16 now what?22:08
glitsj16cloneG: let's puge them one by one .. run `sudo ppa-purge ppa:dns/sound`22:09
jubaleI just don't get this error. Can't write temporary audio file, my movie doesn't even have sound.22:09
jhutchinstacobra: According to the sced homepage, it's code is now internal to the supercollider project and should be included, but there is also a ubuntu package.22:10
cloneGglitsj16: dns/sound? how did you know what to type?22:10
glitsj16cloneG: close synaptic for a moment and run that from a terminal22:10
cloneGglitsj16: yeah its...working?22:11
glitsj16cloneG: i still have your image-posts, i got the info from there22:11
tacobrajhutchins: And neither of them appear to work with 13.1022:11
glitsj16cloneG: can take a while, let it go all the way through22:11
cloneGglitsj16: oh this is magic! it is suggesting me to install packages!!!22:11
tacobrajhutchins: I installed the package from apt and that's why I'm at where I'm at now.22:12
jhutchinstacobra: This looks interesting: http://doc.sccode.org/Guides/SCIde.html22:12
wlightninghas anyone had any problems getting xdebug.remote_enable to be on?22:12
glitsj16cloneG: yes, ppa-purge is a blessing heh22:12
cloneGglitsj16: okay done22:12
jhutchinstacobra: Another good reason not to run too new a release.22:12
cloneGglitsj16 but you didnt tell me how did you know what to type22:13
tacobrajhutchins: So I'm thinking my best fix is to downgrade distros?22:13
glitsj16!ppa-purge | cloneG22:13
ubottucloneG: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:13
glitsj16cloneG: sorry, forgot to mention that22:13
cloneG| sure22:14
jhutchinstacobra: Downgrade, wait for supercollider to post an update, try a different editor.22:14
MonkeyDusttacobra  i guess you're better off with ubuntu 12.04, if your machine has only one purpose22:14
cloneGglitsj16 thats it?22:14
cloneGglitsj16 done?22:14
glitsj16cloneG: now the other PPA as well22:14
jhutchinstacobra: True, the LTS releases will be better supported by third party projects.22:14
glitsj16cloneG: not yet no, let me take a look at the image you posted earlier, i'll try to explain what command you need22:15
cloneGglitsj16 sudo ppa-purge ppa:irie/lmms        ?22:15
jubaleFound the problem. ffDiaporama has a bug requiring audio.22:16
tacobrajhutchins: So I guess I could install the LTS and dual boot with the current install?22:16
glitsj16cloneG: correct, catching on :)22:16
MonkeyDusttacobra  but 12.04 also has gedit 3, you'd need 10.04 and that's no loger supported for the desktop22:16
cloneGI am not that oaf after all22:17
glitsj16cloneG: not as much as me i'm sure :p22:17
=== jerrad is now known as Underbyte
Er3nhi there22:18
glitsj16cloneG: i had similar trouble with PPA's going bad on my system .. learned the hard way .. ppa purged okay without error messages?22:18
cloneGWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: irie lmms22:19
cloneGglitsj16 I guess it is because they are unchecked22:20
glitsj16cloneG: re-adding them should have activated those again, but double-check22:20
lukasz_witam serdecznie wszystkich22:22
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:22
cloneGglitsj16: they are not gone from the list though22:23
cloneGglitsj16: now it worked22:23
glitsj16cloneG: okay22:23
cloneGglitsj16: I needed to check them22:23
glitsj16cloneG: makes sense22:24
cloneGshall I remove them from the list now?=22:24
glitsj16cloneG: i would do so yes22:24
leptonehas anyone experienced serious lag after upgrading to 13.10?22:24
sgetoHey there, can someone suggest a ubuntu newbie channel?22:24
lukasz_In this pleace are people on world22:24
glitsj16cloneG: after doing that, hit reload in synaptic to update your package list22:25
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia22:25
lukasz_is emazing22:25
cloneGglitsj16: thank you very much should it work should it not it has been a worth while experience22:26
lukasz_men are top22:26
lukasz_women need man to life in this world22:27
cloneGglitsj16: which is the difference between reloading synaptic and running sudo apt-get update in terminal?22:27
glitsj16cloneG: you're welcome, likewise .. you can still check in synaptic's history if you need to install missing packages22:27
cloneGif any22:27
k1l_lukasz_: please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for regular chat22:27
glitsj16cloneG: none22:27
lukasz_ok i'm sorry Mr Kill22:28
lukasz_so this channel is about Linux22:29
k1l_lukasz_: its about technical ubuntu support22:29
lukasz_Ok, Mr K1l, Do you now where I can find channel22:31
lukasz_about somethink22:31
bazhang!alis | lukasz_22:32
ubottulukasz_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*22:32
bazhanglukasz_, /join #freenode22:32
lukasz_thanks very much22:32
lukasz_You are very good people22:32
bindihow can I check how synced my clock is? using ntpd22:34
IlmenWhen I click on an apt:// link, it always ask me what application I want to open it with22:36
somanWhy opera shows me old version of adobe flashplugin? At 1st I updated packages via update manager then run opera. Screenshot http://tau.rghost.ru/private/50930526/83060dd7a5b976316645b95bc3476494/image.png22:36
cloneG   glitsj16:  http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=6389922:36
rolodatoanyone know how to control fan speed using open source AMD driver?22:36
rolodatoi'm running a 6850 and the default fan speed is obnoxiously loud22:36
cloneGglitsj16: it seems there are still broken packages!22:37
IlmenYeah, I can use the terminal but I wonder what application would I need to select for automatically doing this from my browser22:37
hitsujiTMOsoman: thats the only version of flash for linux. adobe stopped making flash for linux a long time ago22:37
somanhitsujiTMO: but why versions are not matched?22:38
glitsj16cloneG: was getting a drink to celebrate heh, let's have a look .. are you in terminal or in synaptic ?22:38
hitsujiTMOsoman: they do, you're just reading it wrong. both are 11.2.20222:38
cloneGglitsj16 in terminal22:38
somanmy mistake... sorry22:38
hitsujiTMOsoman: np :P22:39
somanhitsujiTMO: thanks for help22:39
glitsj16cloneG: synaptic has a 'fix broken packages' menu item, might be easier to use that22:39
cloneGglitsj16 trying to fix a program that stopped working: http://slsurvivor.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/secondlife-on-linux-ubuntu-1204.html22:39
cloneGglitsj16: the broken packages list is empty in synaptic22:40
glitsj16cloneG: let me read that, hang on22:40
cloneGglitsj16: the ppa-purge didnt bring those22:41
=== ezra is now known as Guest73888
ezra_how do I register...22:42
k1l_!register | ezra_22:42
ubottuezra_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:42
glitsj16cloneG: what version of ubuntu are you using?22:42
nurowI'm about to install Ubuntu on a hybrid 32GB SSD / 1TB HDD drive. Can anyone tell me the best configuration to make use of the SSD and not have Ubuntu split them into two different drives?22:43
glitsj16cloneG: and you tried those instructions on secondlife?22:43
ezra_k1l would you be able to help me with a ubuntu issue?22:43
k1l_ezra_: just ask in this room and the people can try to help22:44
cloneGglitsj16: there were no instructions to follow before...the viewer just run22:44
ezra_Thank you. Well I'm trying to figure out how to edit a startup script for steam.exe on wine22:44
ezra_so I can add -no-dwrite22:44
hawamy hard drive crashed. so i am running precise from a liveusb. so i need a way to make changes in live usb permanent. how do i do that??? can somebody help please...22:44
cloneGglitsj16 but after those PPA's it stopped working22:44
us{0gbQEMU and PulseAudio aren't playing nice any more. Is there a known way to fix this?: http://pastebin.com/Erxr90sg22:45
jhutchinshawa: search for something like ubuntu live usb persistent22:45
cloneGglitsj16: I dont know what to think...It seems like some other bug might be creeping the system here22:45
jhutchinshawa: That or you could contrive to do a normal install to the usb drive - it will be excruciatingly slow.22:46
glitsj16cloneG: can you run `sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines:i386`22:46
ezra_Can anyone help me with editing startup script for steam.exe that uses wine through .playonlinux22:47
hawajhutchins: but i have to make it persistence during creating liveusb dont i???22:47
cloneGsame tale22:47
bazhangezra_, #winehq please22:47
glitsj16cloneG: you're getting the same as in http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=63899 ?22:48
cloneG glitsj16: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=6390222:49
cloneGglitsj16: synaptic was open in the first attempt22:50
glitsj16cloneG: yes i saw that, my spanish is non-existing though .. what does that last E: mean if you can tell ?22:51
cloneGyou have held broken packages22:52
leptonehas anyone encounter serious lag after upgrading to 13.10?22:52
cloneGproblems couldnt be fixed22:52
IlmenWhat ppa is "gstreamer0.10-fluendo-plugins-mp3-partner" on? apt-get install can't find it (I'm on Ubuntu 13.10)22:53
glitsj16cloneG: okay, thanks .. guess it's time to call in the help of the channel .. if anyone has pointers on how to deal with cloneG's situation, now is the time22:53
glitsj16cloneG: what confuses me is that synaptic doesn't show any broken packages you said correct?22:54
Burritobroken packages are one problem which I have only managed to ever get solved on forums rather than IRC22:55
BurritoI can never seem to solve them myself22:55
cloneGglitsj16: yes...that was my first question remember? how to get back deleted broken packages22:55
cloneGglitsj16 I deleted them22:55
bennypr0fanehello, I would need some assistance using dvd::rip, is anyone familiar with that?22:56
bennypr0faneIt should be able to rip audion only from a dvd22:56
glitsj16cloneG: yes i do, i thought that by purging the PPA's things would get back to normal22:57
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bennypr0faneAt least that's what I read about transcode, which dvd::rip ist based on22:57
bennypr0faneI'm trying to rip the soundtrack from a dvd, but I can't find the right setting in dvd::rip22:58
cloneGglitsj16: yeah I thought I learned something...starting to doubt it though22:58
glitsj16cloneG: tried 'sudo apt-get install -f' yet?23:00
cloneGglitsj16: yes that was the first thing I tried when broken packages appeared in synaptic broken section23:02
glitsj16cloneG: so that doesn't do much?23:03
cloneGglitsj16 I cannot remember well...whether it worked or not...I think it worked partially...and then as some broken packages still remained in the list I decided to delete them23:03
cloneGmy bad23:04
glitsj16cloneG: in synaptic yes? no problem, what's done is done23:04
glitsj16cloneG: do you see the broken packages in synaptic now?23:04
cloneGyes synaptic23:04
cloneGI selected them all and got rid of them23:04
cloneGtidy me huh?23:05
glitsj16cloneG: lol, perhaps a bit too much23:05
glitsj16cloneG: and presently .. what packages are indicated as broken in synaptic?23:06
glitsj16cloneG: strange ..23:06
cloneGvirtually perfect23:06
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firsthelpMy home directory is encrypted with ecryptfs.  How can I get one of my programs to start when the computer starts before I log in (even when someone who doesnt know my password starts the computer)?23:06
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hitsujiTMOfirsthelp: move the app outside of your home dir23:07
glitsj16cloneG: according to http://askubuntu.com/questions/263378/how-to-fix-dependencies-broken-packages there's something you can try .. first answer, the 'edit' part23:08
robubuntuIs there a filesystem that will work properly with permissions on both Windows and Ubuntu? I tried NTFS-3g, but the way you have to link Ubuntu users to NTFS users  won't really work.23:10
cloneGglitsj16: okay done23:12
cloneGglitsj16: now what?23:12
nurowI'm about to install Ubuntu on a hybrid 32GB SSD / 1TB HDD drive. Can anyone tell me the best configuration to make use of the SSD and not have Ubuntu split them into two different drives?23:12
glitsj16cloneG: did that command run without errors?23:12
fishscenerobubuntu: I have some experience with this. Could you elaborate more on your setup? Are you using Windows or Ubuntu to host the files?23:13
glitsj16cloneG: cool, i would double-check by running a regular 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' now, or do the reload thing in synaptic23:13
cloneGglitsj16: tsk tsk23:15
glitsj16cloneG: that doesn't sound like a smooth ride o.O23:15
robubuntuMy setup is a Ubuntu 13.10 setup with ext4 (hdd1). Windows 8 on a different HDD (hdd2) on NTFS. The drive that I want to use on both systems (hdd3) is setup as NTFS, but I can change as needed..23:16
glitsj16cloneG: what happened?23:16
cloneGglitsj16: held package: xserver-xorg-video-openchrome23:16
robubuntuI use both windows and Linux to host the files23:16
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glitsj16cloneG: do you have a VIA openchrome GPU ?23:17
cloneGno idea23:18
glitsj16cloneG: lspci | grep VGA will tell you what GPU you have23:18
Mage_Dudezykotick9: With your cacher setup, do you have issues if all clients hit the cache at the 'same' time? If updates are scheduled for 2am, would it be better to have one client have a 1am scheduled time to ensure the cache is warm? Or, will it not matter so much?23:19
fishscenerobubuntu: Do you need the permissions? or can you get by with using a filesystem like exfat?23:19
cloneGGeForce GT 610 (GPU 0)23:19
talsamoncan anybody tell why do i have to install everytimes the nvidia-driver new, after a kernel-update, althrough ubuntu has dkms ???23:20
k1l_talsamon: nvidia driver from ubuntu official repo?23:21
cloneG glitsj16 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF119 [GeForce GT 610] (rev a1)23:21
glitsj16cloneG: so NVIDIA, can you remove the xserver-xorg-video-openchrome?23:21
talsamonk1l_, yes23:21
robubuntufishscene: I need the permissions for sharing the files via sftp. If I use NTFS to do that, even if I try and set the permissions correctly the users will have full access: write execute.23:21
barisbarisHi all, I have a laptop with ubuntu 12.04 on the internal hdd, the other day it stopped booting, early in the process I get an 'environment block' error, eventaully gets toa  screen where it says Errors were found and it checks the disk. Giving me the option to Fix, Ignore, Skip or Manual recover.  At the moment all I want to do is mount a usb drive and copy data off, but the drive is readonly23:21
k1l_talsamon: linux headers installed?23:22
cloneGglitsj16: how?23:22
talsamonk1l_, yes , the virtualbox kernelmodules will be correctly handled by dkms, nvidia not23:22
robubuntufishscene: I only share the files via SMB on Windows23:22
glitsj16cloneG: either in terminal with 'sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-openchrome' or in synaptic23:22
fishscenerobubuntu: aha23:22
cloneGglitsj16: oh hehe...starting to get asleep here23:23
daftykinsbarisbaris: boot a LiveCD/USB23:23
ninjaiI have a fresh install of Ubuntu 13.10 on an Optiplex 390 and as soon as the login screen shows up the whole machine freezes.  I can't even ctlr+alt+F123:23
glitsj16cloneG: understandably so heh .. hope that command works and you can get your beauty sleep23:23
cloneGglitsj16: done23:24
glitsj16cloneG: without tsk tsk ?23:24
cloneGglitsj16: do you think that was important?23:24
glitsj16cloneG: no that package is for different hardware, so nothing important23:24
robubuntufishscene: I think it should be possible with NTFS, but I'm looking for a simpler solution.23:25
glitsj16cloneG: that's why i asked about your video card23:25
fishscenerobubuntu: sftp is running on Ubuntu?23:25
cloneGglitsj16...still same problem23:25
robubuntufischscene: yes23:25
glitsj16cloneG: broken packages again?23:25
cloneGglitsj16 did we fix something?23:26
cloneGglitsj16 what is the point in trying again?23:26
michael_87I know this is a ubuntu chat but I need help and kind of in a hurry. Anyone know anything about ppsspp? I want to emulat psp on my laptop. My graphics is an intel gma 945 express and can only access opengl 2.0 graphics on ubuntu. Windows will only go on 1.3 or something like that on here. ppsspp requires 2.0 graphics so I am attempting to do it on here. The tar zip I downloaded keeps crashing. maybe someone knows something I don't?23:26
fishsceneok so, The problem here is sftp is accessing the Windows file share with whatever permissions you are using to access the Windows file share. tough situation23:27
glitsj16cloneG: i thought we fixed you being able to update your packages list without errors23:27
glitsj16cloneG: seems recurring23:27
glitsj16cloneG: out of ideas if that's the case ..23:28
glitsj16cloneG: have a rest and see what tomorrow brings perhaps, i'm of no help if the problem keeps re-appearing23:30
talsamonk1l_,  the system told me dkms.conf not found - doesn't it do automatically - i cant't find a example for this conf in the net23:30
fishscenerobubuntu: I don't really have a solution for you. :(   The only thing I can think of is to move the HD to the Ubuntu server, and set things up there. You can of course, set up SAMBA on the Ubuntu box to share it with Windows on your local network.23:30
fishscenerobubuntu: If you create the account names and passwords the same as on your Windows computer(s), you won't even have to log in manually.23:31
robubuntufishscene: Yeah, i know. But unfortunately I need Windows to run too23:31
cloneGglitsj16 it keeps saying I held broken packages when I type: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch23:32
fishscenerobubuntu: I run something similar in my setup, but I only have one user account for FTP, so I can mount my windows fileshare as a directory in Ubuntu, and I go from there. I'm not sure how you would do that for multi-users/non-root users.23:33
robubuntufishscene: I'll try and set up a few users from Windows and see if I can link the Ubuntu users to them (thatś how ntfs-3g should work, ithink).23:33
glitsj16cloneG: are you wanting to install that to follow the secondlife instructions?23:34
cloneGI want the viewers back23:34
fishscenentfs-3g is for managing local filesystems on Linux. As soon as you introduce windows filesharing/SMB/Samba, all of that is abstracted away.23:34
fishsceneLInux to Windows Fileshare doesn't need ntfs-3g.  Windows to linux samba share, windows doesn't need to talk to ntfs-3g either. The SMB protocol handles all of that.23:35
glitsj16cloneG: viewers? part of secondlife ? (which i don't know anything about)23:35
robubuntufishscene: I thought usermapping was made to link NTFS users to Ubuntu user?23:35
cloneGglitsj16 yes a client you download and run23:36
glitsj16cloneG: okay, only thing i can find that might be helpfull is http://askubuntu.com/questions/53766/how-do-i-install-secondlife23:37
glitsj16having a read23:37
fishscenerobubuntu: I've actually never heard of "user-mapping" outside the context of NFS shares on Windows file servers. Are you referring to this?: http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-advanced/user-mapping/23:38
fishsceneIf so, I have no experience with that, but I'll look through to see if I can make sense of it.23:38
cloneGglitsj16 and it says what I already told you you dont need to install a thing...just to run a client23:38
cloneGand those clients stopped working23:39
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robubuntufishscene: Yes, I thought I could use thet to keep the permissions on both Windows and Linux the same23:40
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fishsceneOk so, if you connect to a Windows file share as user "foo1", Anything you do will be recorded in the permssions as "foo1". You can't change your username unless you disconnect from the fileshare.23:41
Mage_DudeI'm sure the way I setup the shell: module is...not good.23:42
Mage_DudeOops :)23:43
gdi2kI have a PDF form that needs completing and sending back with the form data. Evince does not do it correctly - what else can I try?23:44
mrjeromeI'm setting up a lighttpd server and the config asks for server.username and server.groupname. How should I set up this user? Do I need to assign any special permissions?23:44
fishscenerobubuntu: This program appears to only work for mounted filesystems. Windows file shares are not mountable filesystems.23:45
glitsj16cloneG: yes they stopped working probably because you deleted the broken packages .. the instructions on http://slsurvivor.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/secondlife-on-linux-ubuntu-1204.html look pretty weird though .. it mentions installing a package called i386 .. which doesn't exist according to packages.ubuntu.com .. no clue what the author meant23:46
nurowI'm about to install Ubuntu on a hybrid 32GB SSD / 1TB HDD drive. Can anyone tell me the best configuration to make use of the SSD and not have Ubuntu split them into two different drives?23:47
robubuntufishscene: It is mounted, my system is dualboot23:49
pagioshello anyone familar with sakis3g?23:50
fishscenerobubuntu: OH! my bad. Ignore everything I ever said about Windows Fileshares. -_-;;23:50
fishsceneAt this point, I still don't have an answer for you though. Sorry mate.23:50
robubuntufishscene: Well, I should have mentioned it earlier :p23:51
robubuntufishscene: So NTFS should work?23:51
fishscenerobubunt: I misinterpreted your statements, completely my fault. I don't see why NTFS shouldn't work, as long as that program does what it says it does. You have to use a filesystem Windows will read, and the only one that has permissions is NTFS.23:54
beandogGood ole Windows ... one option.23:55
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BluesKajfishscene, beandog I use extfsd to access my ext4 external drive in W7 , works well , http://www.ext2fsd.com/23:59

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