=== shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo === shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk === shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo === shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk === shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo [06:48] happyaron:ubiquity未翻译的问题怎么弄,我上次修复的bug改了相应的字符串描述,对应的翻译对不上 [06:48] happyaron:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+bug/1260181 [06:48] Ubuntu bug 1260181 in Ubuntu Kylin "The system installation interface is broadened, and text of entire disk install option is in English." [Undecided,New] === ubuntukylin is now known as ljw [07:32] penghuan: 我也得看看才知道 [07:35] penghuan: 应该是得等翻译开放之后才能修改。 [07:37] happyaron:了解了, tks! [07:38] penghuan: 还要给ubiquity打个补丁,现在还是UbuntuKylin,得加空格。 [07:38] 应该比较容易的。 [07:39] happyaron:这个UbuntuKylin它是读的.disk/info这个文件获取的 [07:40] happyaron:它是保存在cd里面的一个文件,由cjwatson修改的 [07:40] penghuan: 那就给他报个bug呗。 [07:40] happyaron:可以 [07:41] great [07:45] ?? === shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk === shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo [08:59] happyaron:刚确认了下ubiquity里面通过get_release读取${RELEASE}的时候不能正确读取Ubuntu Kylin, 它会获取name=Ubuntu version=Kylin,它是通过空格区分的,默认是第一个是name, 第二个是version [09:01] happyaron:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubiquity/+bug/1260198 [09:01] Ubuntu bug 1260198 in Ubuntu Kylin "Please change “UbuntuKylin” to “Ubuntu Kylin” in all system installation interface" [High,Confirmed] [09:01] 好的 [09:01] penghuan: 把变量用引号引起来呢? $RELEASE="Ubuntu Kylin" [09:03] happyaron:$RELEASE这个在ubiquity里面不是变量,就是一个字符串,它在代码里面会通过替换的方式换成UbuntuKylin,而这个UbuntuKylin就是/cdrom/.disk/info文件中第一个空格前的内容 [09:03] 哦。 [09:03] 第二个空格就是version [09:04] 所以我们直接改成Ubuntu Kylin的话,会得到name=Ubuntu , version=Kylin [09:04] 要改的话可能还的改ubiquity的代码 [09:05] 我再看看怎么改 [09:06] 嗯。 [09:14] happyaron:刚确认了,需要改成“Ubuntu-Kylin”,就是要让cjwatson改成“Ubuntu-Kylin”,就可以了,代码里面会把“-” 替换为空格 [09:15] 赞 [09:17] happyaron:这个bug的话应该怎么推动比较好 [09:19] penghuan: 给他写个邮件,抄一下anthony/jzheng,然后在irc上也问他一下 [09:19] happyaron:OK [09:20] penghuan: 报给ubuntukylin的那个bug,全都改成英语,然后subscribe他 [09:21] happyaron:好 === shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk === shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo [10:57] cjwaston今天动作真迅速 [10:57] bug 1260198 这么快就fix了…… [10:57] bug 1260198 in Ubuntu Kylin "Please change “UbuntuKylin” to “Ubuntu Kylin” in all system installation interface" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1260198 === shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk