
waykool99IDJC now comes installed in Ubuntu Studio v13.10.... had to skype with the creator back a few years ago for 3 hours to successfully install it in studio v10.04.4 LTS 64 bit00:00
waykool99but Steven Fairchild taught me a lot of UNIX commands. it was quite the honor skype'ing with him.00:02
waykool99hence, i can't wait for release of ubuntu studio v14.0400:04
waykool99LTS of course00:05
Kuledud3How do i use this OS?02:10
fibz_can i help you with something specific?02:11
Kuledud3Like, where is things? like shutdown? And yes, I'm new to Linux.02:11
fibz_app launcher (AKA "start" menu) -> log out -> shut down02:12
Kuledud3Isn't there a normal shutdown button? without logging out?02:13
fibz_or in the upper right of the screen you will see your user name, click that -> shut down02:13
fibz_that log out button presents you with options (log out, sleep, shut down, restart)02:13
Kuledud3Can i upgrade to any other linus distro's?02:13
fibz_in the ubuntu software center, you can install other version of ubuntu, like Kubuntu (kde).02:14
Kuledud3So i Don't have to shutdown my PC and play with the BIOS?02:15
Kuledud3That makes things more easy... I'm used to Ubuntu 13.10 but my Disc Wouldn't install it.02:16
fibz_i personally much prefur ubuntu studio, but thats just me.02:16
Kuledud3what does Ubuntu Studio have?02:16
Kuledud3Is there a Linux that's kinda like a mac? I'm running Linux Between Mac OSX Mavericks and Ubuntu Studio.02:17
fibz_low latency kernal optimized for high fidelity audio, and tons of publishing/editing, mixing/mastering apps02:18
fibz_eh. i've seen some screenshots of people seeting their system up like a mac but i dont know what they were running.  xfce (what studio uses) is pretty close02:19
wolfzrathi guys02:33
wolfzrati have a big question02:33
wolfzrati really want to learn ubuntu well, is there anything i can practice to learn the code and terminal better02:35
Kuledud3So Fibz_ I looked through the Ubuntu store, but i Couldn't find any other Distro's.02:38
wolfzratanyone talk here02:42
HarryHaarenyeah once in a while :)02:43
Kuledud3I need help.02:44
HarryHaarendon't ask to ask, just ask. Don't know if I can help you though, I'm not actually *using* UbuntuStudio... but i'll guess some others here are ;)02:45
Kuledud3You Installing it?02:46
Kuledud3no need for help anymore, Guess I'll stay with Ubuntu Studio02:46
HarryHaarennope. I just hang out here :)02:46
fibz_Kuledud3, if you want ubuntu, install unity and unity greeter, if you want kubuntu install kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-full, etc02:47
Kuledud3is it Unity 2D?02:48
fibz_in the login screen there is a menu for session, you can use that to switch between desktop enviornments when logging in (IE choose between studio and kubuntu at login)02:48
Kuledud3ah ok02:48
Kuledud3there's no Unity 3D02:49
fibz_Kuledud3, try searching for Ubuntu-Desktop02:49
fibz_my bad02:49
Kuledud3Nothing, But i see Ubuntu SDK02:50
fibz_edit menu-> software sources -> enable everything but the DVD02:51
Kuledud3Install that?02:51
fibz_also, when thats done, click "show technical items" at the bottom if you see that02:53
Kuledud3Don't have that02:54
fibz_k. well if Ubuntu-Desktop doesnt have any search results; close software center -> launcher ("start") menu -> terminal emulator -> type "sudo apt-get update" (no quotes) -> then open software center and try again02:56
fibz_if that doesnt work, forget software center, you can type "sudo apt-get install Ubuntu-Desktop"02:57
fibz_in terminal emulator*02:58
Kuledud3The update is still installing...02:58
Kuledud3The Ubuntu Desktop System?02:59
Kuledud3Now what else do i install?03:00
fibz_thats done already?03:02
Kuledud3Fast Internet03:02
fibz_it should have asked for a reboot when it was done03:02
Kuledud3reboot now?03:03
Kuledud3ok.. be right back then03:03
Kuledud3what now03:07
fibz_in the login screen there is a menu for session, you can use that to switch between desktop enviornments when logging in (IE choose between studio and kubuntu at login)03:07
Kuledud3there was03:07
Kuledud3I'm in the normal one though...03:08
fibz_you'll want to change it from ubuntu studio to unity03:08
Kuledud3So i need to log off now do i?03:08
fibz_if you want to switch sessions03:09
Kuledud3hm.. ok brb03:09
Kuledud3Thank you?03:11
fibz_now you can make it your own03:12
Kuledud3Another question. Where's the sound?03:12
fibz_that'd be a question for #ubuntu  I havent used unity in a while03:13
Kuledud3oh ok03:14
=== siya is now known as Siya
studio-user152someone speak spanish?20:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:56
studio-user152maya44 pci work with ubuntu studio?20:57

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