
dholbachgood morning07:45
dholbachhi dpm08:14
dpmmorning dholbach08:15
josehey jcastro, around?13:51
jcastrojose, yo!14:58
josejcastro: hey! I wanted to check with you when can we have a quick meeting with elfy16:26
=== Pendulum1 is now known as Pendulum
jcastrojose, I am free all day meeting wise except for a call in 30 minutes16:29
josejcastro: if elfy is free, can we do it now?16:30
jcastrolets go!16:31
joseelfy: ping?16:33
elfya few minutes16:34
elfyczajkowski ping16:35
elfyjose: I'm here now16:36
joseso, I think we're good to go16:36
elfynot much to really discuss - the only issue we've got is making sure that discourse are only creating categories with the knowledge of the loco point of contact16:37
elfyif they aren't I'd say they need to be16:37
elfythe forum is happy to close forum area for a loco - as long as it's coming from the contact point16:38
josein the LoCo Council side, we haven't been able to fully discuss this and see pros/cons, we would need a couple days to16:39
josebut in my personal opinion I think we need to do a progressive migration from one service to another16:39
elfyI agree - ish16:39
elfyif that's the case then perhaps we should wait until loco council has talked it over16:40
elfyI'm happy - and have block FC vote - to be the point of contact from our side16:40
josewe wanted to hear your opinions on this to be able to talk16:40
elfywell - our opinion is that we're happy - as the mails from me to the loco council say16:40
czajkowskiwhat is block fc vote?16:41
elfythe only thing we were worried about - and jcastro concurred - was the couple of forum areas used by loco for supprot16:41
elfyczajkowski: they're happy for me to make the decisions - we've talked amongst ourselves - at length - about the loco stuff moving16:41
joseif questions have been solved then they would've need to be solved again @ discourse16:42
elfyjose: not following that at all16:42
elfymajority of the forum loco areas are chat only - no support stuff at all16:42
elfyczajkowski: block vote is probably the wrong way to put it - but I assume you know what I mean16:44
elfybasically - we're happy for the chat stuff to move to discourse - but we need to be sure that it's not just some random person asking16:45
elfyand the loco council will need to deal with their wiki references to forum area16:45
elfyjose: you want to postpone this unti you've all discussed this - though I was under the impression that you all had16:47
joseit'd be good, we'll be doing something that will definitely help in terms of knowing if the person is a loco contact or not16:48
jcastroI usually just look up their contact name in launchpad16:49
elfyas long as the loco council is fine - then so are we - we just need then to be notified of a new discourse category and we can close and post a discourse url16:50
joseas I said, we'll try to have this discussion asap16:51
josejcastro: mind a quick PM?16:51
elfyjose: ok16:51
elfyjose: well - when you've discussed, we can finish this off16:52
joseI'm sending out an email to the team right now16:52
* elfy wanders off again16:52
elfyjose: ok - CC the FC where appropriate16:52
josethanks again!16:53
dholbachhave a great weekend everyone17:01
dpmsame here, have a fantastic weekend everyone and bye!17:08
jonomhall119, hy19:08
jonook, the draft is at http://pad.ubuntu.com/GOC1wSMNoK - can you go and poke it so it reflects the reality of how people submit a session19:09
mhall119jono: on the bullet about a sample project, we should encourage them to put it somewhere like launchpad in bzr so people can easily grab a copy19:14
jonomhall119, I don't think that should be a requirement, but an option - I just want folks to have a script19:18
jonobrb, call19:18
mhall119jono: ok, make a few edits, otherwise it looks good19:20
jonothanks mhall11919:21
josejcastro: hey, got to check the rt?19:45
jcastroyeah passed it along19:59
jcastrothe people who maintains blogs are totally backed up20:00
jcastromy stuff is also late, :-/20:00
mhall119jcastro: does rackspace support juju?20:02
mhall119or does juju support rackspace?20:02
jcastronot till january via the manual provider20:04
jcastrosame as digital ocean, linode, etc.20:04
mhall119when in january?20:25
mhall119I want to move my wordpress sites off AWS and onto Rackspace20:25
jcastrojono, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=305viYB-G1U22:28

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