
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))09:20
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)09:24
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)09:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)09:24
DJonesI've just hilighted the spam/botnet thats just hit #u to gheraint via pm a s aheads up in case they hit other freenode channels09:34
DJonesHistory of it as far as I can see http://pastebin.com/9V6a2c1i09:44
ubottuMark_de_J called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:18
ikoniayou know he's going to be a problem14:20
ikoniaimghost: hello14:21
imghostcan you please tell me a procedure to file a bug please its a request, i did ask in ubuntu but seems like i was ignored14:22
ikonia!bug | imghost14:22
ubottuimghost: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:22
imghostikonia, thankyou :), one more question can i ask them to release pwm-cabable sensor modules for hp-pavilion?14:23
ikoniayou can make a request, but there is no promise it will happen14:24
imghostikonia, ok, exit14:24
ikoniahello Mark_de_J14:25
ikoniahow can we help you ?14:25
Mark_de_JI can talk not @ Ubuntu?14:26
Mark_de_J<Mark_de_J> hey14:26
Mark_de_J* #ubuntu :Cannot send to channel14:26
ikoniaMark_de_J: correct, as you just flooded the channel14:26
ikoniaI'll remove mute for you shortly14:26
Mark_de_JSorry. :P14:26
Mark_de_JDidnt know14:26
ikoniaI've removed the mute for you now14:27
ikoniaMark_de_J: if you don't need anything else, can you please /part this channel14:27
Mark_de_JOk, thanks.14:27
Picichrome is offtopic?14:51
ikoniadon't see why if you're trying to get it working on ubuntu14:52
DJonesIsn't Chrome from a ppa though, therefore, strictly people could argue that its offtopic in the same way as !ppa points out that they're unsupported14:53
ikoniaif it's from a ppa - don't support it, but no harm in saying it's available14:54
DJonesThats probably more what the comment was aimed at14:54
LjLmaybe people could argue that, but just declaring it is offtopic? seriously, this "ppas are bad and shouldn't be used by anyone ever" thing has never really been agreed upon by even a majority of us, i think14:55
LjLi, for one, find that app-store mentality nonsense14:56
ikoniaI find pretty much anything outside the main repos nonsense at the moment14:56
ikonia(from ubuntu and people building for ubuntu)14:56
LjLright, so only use what we decide to put in, even mentioning something else is unacceptable14:57
LjLway to go14:57
PiciI have no problem suggesting PPAs as long as the user is aware that we can't really provide support after the install is doe.14:57
ikoniaLjL: I didn't say that at all14:57
ikoniaI often make people aware of PPA's but recommend against using it14:57
LjLwell phunyguy basically did, and you seem to be saying anything not in the repos is nonsense, and i'm pretty sure that's not the case because a lot of software that i use is quite certainly not available in the repositories14:58
ikonia"I" find it14:58
phunyguyMay I interject?15:02
ikoniasorry phunyguy didn't see you there,15:02
ikoniawasn't trying to speak fro you15:02
phunyguy(I got highlighted.. ;) )15:02
phunyguyI apologize if I used a poor choice of words.  My stance is, why recommend something if the result of it will be an unsupported install?15:03
IdleOneI think what we need start doing more is to give people the help they need, but also let them know that the channel may not be able to help them later. recommending Chrome is not a bad thing (I use it, works well). Just make sure you tell me that I won't be able to get more help later in #ubuntu.15:06
PiciBecause thats what the users want? And its not like we forbid support the moment that we learn that someone has an unrelated ppa installed.15:06
phunyguyok.  I will file that nugget away.15:07
* phunyguy goes back to lurk mode.15:07
IdleOneIt might take a little longer to explain to the user, but what is the rush anyway? not like we get paid per answer. Might as well take our time and explain stuff clearly :)15:08
Picibazhang: ping16:13
bazhangPici, hi16:29
Picibazhang: Do you know why #ubuntu-ru is +r ?16:48
bazhangno idea Pici16:48
ikoniamaybe because they get a lot of trouble from hit and run guys if #ubuntu is anything to go by16:49
Picibazhang: Well.. we were talking about it in -irc, and suggested that maybe they setup a forward to a channel that explains that they need to register.16:52
PiciIts very difficult to tell people to join #ubuntu-ru if we can't communicate and we need to show them how to register.16:52
Myrtti+r has been there since time immemorial16:52
ikoniacould we not just update our factoid16:52
ikoniamake it clear they need to register, or point them at a webpage explaining it rather than setting up another channel16:53
PiciMyrtti: oh.16:53
Myrttiie. I remember having this discussion many times16:53
Myrttiit's not a new development, it's been there for years.16:54
IdleOneikonia: updating the factoid to include reg. instructions would only cause the user to issue another !factoid in #ubuntu (probably adding to his confusion?)16:56
PiciMaybe a URL with instructions then?16:57
Piciin russian16:57
IdleOnethat would be better yeah16:57
IdleOnemaybe someone could translate/create the wiki at !register into russian?16:58
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:58
=== genii_ is now known as genii

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