
dokoinfinity, ^^^00:02
infinitydoko: I'll have a look.00:03
infinitydoko: Yeah, that's pretty clearly not GCC's fault.  hinting.00:04
infinitydoko: Though, gcc-4.8 won't migrate unless you merge gcc-4.700:05
dokojust did 4.600:07
dokoand 4.400:07
dokoand all these versions sucj00:07
infinitydoko: Any, gcc-4.8 is hinted to get over the test hump, I'm going to go catch a few hours of sleep.  Catch you in the .eu morning, probably.00:09
=== FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars
tseliothi, can an archive admin please reject nvidia-persistenced from Precise?08:05
* didrocks flushes08:14
tseliotdidrocks: thanks :)08:15
didrockstseliot: yw ;)08:15
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== doko_ is now known as doko
rsalvetididrocks: mind checking ^ when you get some time? this is a requirement for the new hybris (basically a package split, which was called android-platform-headers)09:53
didrocksrsalveti: ok, i'll do the checking, but probably in a couple of hours09:53
rsalvetididrocks: sure, that's fine09:54
didrocksrsalveti: android-headers NEWed11:10
=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa
=== peterm-ubuntu is now known as peter_lunch
rsalvetididrocks: great, thanks14:08
=== peterm-ubuntu is now known as Peter
=== Peter is now known as Guest96092
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
=== infinity_ is now known as infinity

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