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Logan_Noskcaj: For Bug 1259459, have you considered the armhf thing in our delta?05:38
ubottubug 1259459 in openmpi (Ubuntu) "Sync openmpi 1.6.5-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125945905:38
Logan_I'm not sure if building "using blcr" is fixing an FTBFS or just optimizing...05:39
NoskcajLogan_, yep, I've asked here for someone to confirm it's fixed, but both debian and upstream now support armhf05:40
Noskcajor did i missed something.05:40
Logan_Okay, I'm not sure if it was just a "does it support it" issue.05:40
Logan_I'll sync. If it fails to build, I'll try to reinstate that part of the delta.05:40
Noskcajany chance you could give me a testimonial for MOTU or xubuntu packageset? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj05:41
NoskcajYou seem to see everything i ever do wrong though05:41
Logan_Noskcaj: Haha, just looking out for you. :) I'm a bit concerned about the Internet issues and not testing before building - you would do that before uploading, right?05:49
NoskcajLogan_, definitely. When requesting syncs, i'd found it a bit easier to go for quantity, but since i'd actually be uploading i'll check better. Plus my devel pc get's here this week so build time is less of an issue05:51
Logan_Okay. I want to see more quality sync requests first before I endorse, as I think that it's important (especially if you want to become a MOTU) to be able to check for issues before requesting a sync or a merge.05:52
Logan_Being a MOTU gives you a lot of power, and it is very easy to slip up. I want to make sure you're ready and contributing enough quality syncs/merges.05:53
Noskcajmakes sense05:53
NoskcajIs there any chance you could sponsor some xfce stuff for me since both our devs are really busy?05:54
Noskcajhttps://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-terminal/0.6.2-4ubuntu1/+merge/197447 and https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-power-manager/merge/+merge/19851505:54
Logan_Noskcaj: One sec, lemme take a look.05:59
Logan_cjwatson: Mind creating a transition for me on the tracker? :)05:59
Logan_(Or giving me access? :O )05:59
Logan_Noskcaj: I feel like I did an xfce4-terminal merge recently.06:01
* Logan_ checks the change log.06:01
Logan_...yep, I'm not crazy. :P06:01
Logan_Noskcaj: Uploaded xfce4-terminal. Hope I didn't fuck it up.06:15
Logan_bar merges are hard, bro. :P06:16
NoskcajHow can i make http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ realise trusty is now the devel release?08:20
NoskcajCan someone please look at http://mentors.debian.net/package/qgis since it fixes the ubuntu delta and (should) fix the current ftbfs08:48
maxiaojunreading http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/patch.1.html , the bullet points are presented as "+o"?11:15
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Noskcajtumbleweed, you mind taking a look at http://mentors.debian.net/package/qgis since it fixes the ubuntu delta and (should) fix the current ftbfs19:17
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pvl1hello everyone! where/how does ubuntu store the apps menu19:53
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Logan_xnox: Would you mind creating a transition for me? (Or adding me to the team? ;P )22:49
Logan_Actually, just the former, since you're not an admin on the team. I want to track the openmpi transition that I just created.22:49
Logan_libopenmpi1.3 -> libopenmpi1.622:50
infinityLogan_: When you synced openmpi from Debian, you should have checked for Ubuntu patches on opemmpi1.6 and ported them over.23:23
infinityLogan_: Specifically the arm64 port, but there may be other bits.23:24
Logan_There wasn't an arm64 port of openmpi.23:25
Logan_There's an open bug against a Linaro team for porting 1.6.x to arm64, though, if that's what you're referring to.23:25
Logan_infinity: ^23:26
infinityLogan_: look at the openmpi1.6 source package.23:26
infinityLogan_: We had the port in the archive already.23:26
Logan_...oh, wasn't aware of that source package. I looked at Bug 1134820 before syncing, which seemed to indicate that an arm64 port was still in progress.23:28
ubottubug 1134820 in Linaro AArch64 cross-distro work "openmpi 1.6.x needs porting" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113482023:28
infinityLogan_: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/153910913/openmpi1.6_1.6.4-2ubuntu1_1.6.4-2ubuntu2.diff.gz23:28
Logan_Okay, I see that now.23:29
Logan_Should I bring over doko's changes to the openmpi source package so that we can drop openmpi1.6?23:29
infinityLogan_: Yeahp.23:30
Logan_Do we have any other openmpi source packages, while I'm at it? :P23:31
Logan_Looks like that's the only one. Alright, I'll do that after dinner.23:31
Logan_My apologies. I'll be more careful next time with checking for versioned source packages before creating transitions. :P23:31
infinityThere may have been a delta there from me for how dh_shlibdeps is called too.23:32
Logan_I'll make sure everything is carried over.23:32
infinityLogan_: Well, in that case, it was somewhat obvious from the changelog of openmpi, which used to be openmpi1.6 :)23:32
infinityLogan_: Anyhow, no harm done if we fix it.23:32
* Logan_ hides.23:32
Logan_Haha, there go my ambitions for core-dev for the time being. ;P23:33
xnoxLogan_: there are plenty of core-devs unaware of the transition-tracker ;-) so don't worry about it.23:36
xnoxLogan_: added opnempi tracker, copied from debian. do check if it looks ok, once it's generated.23:40
Logan_Thanks. :)23:40

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