
Logan_infinity: I just uploaded a new openmpi with the changes from openmpi1.6 in Ubuntu (except for one that was already applied).03:04
infinityLogan_: You applied the dh_shlibdeps one a bit wrong.04:25
Logan_Well, I adapted it to the new path...04:25
infinityLogan_: The whole point of calling dh_shlibdeps properly is to avoid needing to specify the path to fakeroot on the command line.04:25
Logan_Would you mind fixing it? I guess I didn't understand properly. :(04:26
infinityYeah.  Shouldn't hurt anyway as-is, but I'll fix it to be more correct, so I can bug the Debian maintainer (again) to take the proper fix instead of his hack. :P04:26
Logan_Sounds good! Also, can we get rid of the openmpi1.6 source package now?04:27
infinityWe can if it no longer produces any binaries we care about.  I'll look.04:28
Logan_No rbdeps.04:29
infinityMight have been nice to provide some upgrade paths from 1.6 -> unversioned, but meh.04:30
Logan_infinity: Actually, do we have to wait until everything depends on libopenmpi1.6 first?04:35
infinityLogan_: No.  Since nothing depends on it currently except itself.04:36
Logan_rdeps isn't giving accurate output right now.04:36
infinity(Already removed)04:36
infinityI checked the binary packages, seemed sane.04:36
infinityThe source check did indeed seem wonky.04:37
Logan_Okay. If there are any temporary dependency issues, they'll be sorted out shortly after I transition everything over so that openmpi 1.6 goes from proposed to release.04:38
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alkisgapt:// links no longer work in firefox 26/trusty, is that by choice or a bug?15:26
alkisgE.g. try https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/htop/ and then click on "available on the software center"15:30
Noskcajxnox, Mind if i merge gtk2-engines? debian appear to have fixed the automake issue20:00
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ari-tczewrobert_ancell: ping22:06
robert_ancellari-tczew, hello22:06
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: hi Robert, according to merge of seahorse. debian bug 732168 is relate to drop gnome-doc-utils. I added this one as an information about forwarded delta.22:09
ubottuDebian bug 732168 in seahorse "seahorse: drop gnome-doc-utils from Build-Depends" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/73216822:09
ari-tczewyou wrote it's not related, but it is22:11
robert_ancellari-tczew, np, when they merge that in it will appear in the changelog22:12
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: I'll add info about dropped libgnome-keyring-dev from B-D at the same bug, as well22:13
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ari-tczewrobert_ancell: about merge of cheese: you mean I don't need to mention removing patches which are applied upstream as far they weren't in Debian - why?22:34
robert_ancellari-tczew, because when you write a changelog entry after a merge, write it like you had just taken the Debian version and made the Ubuntu changes. There's always loads of small Ubuntu changes that are removed in a merge, not worth listing them all22:35
robert_ancellSince Debian didn't have these patches they don't need to be mentioned22:35
StevenKI always mention Ubuntu changes that have been dropped in a merge22:36
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: so it's enough if I write the reasons of dropped changes in bzr-merge or launchpad bug?22:36
robert_ancellOh, well I see there is differing opinions. It's not a major point anyway22:37
ari-tczewWell, it depends on sponsor what he/she expect to have in d/changelog.22:38
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: I just wanted to figure out that it wasn't my fault, as said - differing opinions.22:39
robert_ancellsure, not your fault22:39
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: next, we didn't bump Standard-Version and 99_ltmain_as-needed.patch wasn't removed by me - they are Debian changes. Look version 3.8.3-122:41
robert_ancellari-tczew, no, my point was we should bump standards-version22:43
robert_ancellari-tczew, which package for 3.8.3-1?22:43
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ari-tczewrobert_ancell: cheese22:54
robert_ancellari-tczew, don't you mean 3.10.1-1sid1 then?22:54
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: I mean 99_ltmain_as-needed.patch was removed in Debian @version 3.8.3-122:55
ari-tczewnot by me22:55
robert_ancellari-tczew, right, but they were still in your branch, but not in the debian package22:55
robert_ancellso they hadn't been bzr rm'd22:56
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: ok, I got it.22:56
ari-tczewnext time I won't forget (hopefully)22:56
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: could you sponsor bug 1259871 as well? Unfortunately I didn't find a bzr on ~ubuntu-desktop for22:57
ubottubug 1259871 in gnome-shell-extensions (Ubuntu) "Merge gnome-shell-extensions 3.8.4-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125987122:57
robert_ancellari-tczew, it's better to ask the ubuntu-gnome people for packages like that - I haven't been maintaining them22:58
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: ok22:59
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cjwatsonrobert_ancell: "we should bump standards-version" - in general Ubuntu uploads should not bump Standards-Version beyond what's in Debian, as it has negligible benefit.  http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Standards-Version23:59

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