PaulW2U | pleia2: All summaries done apart from one Planet article for which the original post seems to have been deleted ??? With gonyere's arrival we no longer seem to have a problem in getting all of the summaries completed. Other summary writers will need to check-in on Saturday though :o) | 18:21 |
gonyere | :) | 18:34 |
pleia2 | yay! thanks PaulW2U and gonyere :) | 18:37 |
Pendulum | pleia2: do you want me to proofread/review or are there other things that need to go in first? | 19:44 |
pleia2 | Pendulum: would be great if you could review the summaries in the etherpad, I'll move them over to the wiki in an hour or so | 19:46 |
pleia2 | s/etherpad/google doc | 19:49 |
Pendulum | Proofreading done. Do we really need In the Blogsphere to have 2 articles on the exact same topic? (they are the only ITB articles, but it seems like it is redundant) | 20:53 |
pleia2 | PaulW2U: so I'm thinking we'll do issue 348, then skip releasing on new years eve, so issue 349 will cover 2 weeks, dec 23 - jan 5 | 22:51 |
pleia2 | I'll probably grab jose to help with that, since I'll be on my way to australia for a conference the weekend of jan 4-5 | 22:52 |
pleia2 | I'm ok with europe and africa, but going to anywhere in apac gets me confused about which way is up (and what day it is) | 22:53 |
pleia2 | Pendulum: thank you :) I added a note and we'll keep both articles (slow news week aside from phones, and it seems like both articles have interesting info) | 23:01 |
pleia2 | Unit193: care to link check? | 23:03 |
Unit193 | Caught me actually online, I'll look at the "" failure later unless you spot it. | 23:08 |
pleia2 | huh, that's odd | 23:09 |
pleia2 | seems the script has gone a bit weird, I'll just remove that link for now and follow up with jcastro | 23:09 |
PaulW2U | pleia2: all noted | 23:42 |
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