
smoserharmw, yeah, i wanted to get one before i leave for holiday.10:51
smoserthere is an 0.3.2~pre2 (which is not really released at http://download.cirros-cloud.net/local/0.3.2~pre2/)10:52
smoseri've not done any testing on it though, so i didn't even release it as a "pre2" yet.10:52
smoserso any feedback/test you could give it would be good.10:59
harmwok, well i'll see what I can do tonight11:19
harmwthere are some good fixes, iirc not that hard to verify11:20
harmwsmoser: just me or is that ~ in the url causing bigtime 404 errors14:44
harmwah, no14:46
harmwforgot the /local14:46
harmwshouldn't it instant-reboot after resizing /?14:53
harmwi'm seeing hostroutes, excellent (so yes, metadata was fetched aswell since my hostname is correct)14:53
harmwhm, after reboot it hasn't grown to 3GB (the volume size)14:55
harmwor am I completely wrong and is growing root a step I specifically had to set/configure?14:55
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
=== ctracey|away is now known as ctracey
med_harmw, you may need to reinvoke smoser if you wanted some feedback on that 3G growth question16:49
med_I suspect after two hours he looked  away16:49
smoserharlowja_away, it should grow the roto filesystem . i think.16:50
smoseri can't imagine that that was broken.16:50
smoseri thikn you're talking about cirros, right?16:51
smoserit should have done it.16:51
med_is harmw the same as harlowja_away ?17:00
smosershoot. no.17:51
smoserharmw, ^17:51
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
smoserhm.. harmw cirros *should* grow the root partition and resize2fs it also. you should probably see something on console output if it didnt. (console output as in 'nova console-log')18:17
harmwgood one med_ , though i wasn't particularely after a quick-reply :)18:20
harmwand yes smoser, it should've done that though I didn't see it happen18:20
harmwlet me try again18:21
harmw(on a different cloud)18:21
smoserharmw, you're booting the disk.img file ?18:22
harmwyea, converted to raw and then it goes to glance18:24
harmwi remember having seen a syslog line telling it resized, just cant remember when that was18:24
smoseryou don thave to convert to raw, harmw 18:27
harmwwithout that I can't copy-on-write, and glance doesn't (yet) do it for me18:27
smoserwell glance shouldn't convert for you18:28
smoserglance image-create --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare --name=smoser/cirros-0.3.2~pre2-amd64-disk.img --file ~smoser/src/cirros/mirror/0.3.2~pre2/cirros-0.3.2~pre2-x86_64-disk.img18:28
smosernova should convert for you.18:28
smosernova should see a qcow and convert it to raw and then create qcow backed by the raw.18:28
harmwisn't nova supposed to just use whatever cinder throws at it? in my case, a glance image that originates in rbd (ceph)18:29
harmwgrowpart: mode: auto devices: ['/']18:29
harmwi have that in my userdata script, amongst some other stuff18:30
harmwthough that would probably not be needed to have cloudinit autogrow, right?18:30
smoseroh. i see.18:32
smosercinder. you did say that. boot from volume.18:32
smoseryeah. you're right.18:33
harmwyes, sorry18:33
smoserso get the cuos yeah, i would have expected that to work, but have not tested that.18:33
smoserso what steps do you do to acocmplish that ?18:33
smoser * download image, convert to raw.  18:33
smoserhow did you then upload / register a boot-from-volume image?18:34
smoseri dont know if i hcan do this with the cloud i have here.18:34
smoserharmw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6584812/ 18:34
smoserthats patebin of non-volume boot. and you see line 266 there.18:35
harmwyes, the GROWROOT:bla line is what i've seen before18:35
smoserthere could be race conditions there.18:35
harmwwell, i didn't debug it 18:35
harmwperhaps i can do that later on 18:36
harmwlet me paste the commands i'm using first18:36
smoseroh. maybe i can do this. i'll try18:39
smoserharmw, bah. i can't really test. 18:46
smoserthe cinder create for me causes error18:46
harmwi'm back in a few minutes18:56
smoserharmw, i did this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585009/19:07
smosertaking 'path 2' there. (attach a volume and populate it myself)19:07
smoserthen console-log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585013/19:08
smoserso it *could* be racy still, but it seemed to work here.19:08
smoserharmw, hm.. so i see it has failed in my instance here.19:14
harlowjaopenstack, racy, not possible, lol19:27
harmwGROWROOT: CHANGED: partition=1 start=16065 old: size=64260 end=80325 new: size=6265350,end=628141519:31
med_harlowja, openstack is racy. Danica Patrick is our new sportscar driver.19:35
smoserharmw, yea, so it does do the partition resize. that works.19:36
harmwindeed, but that wasn't on my console this afternoon19:36
smoserbut then the call to 'resize2fs' which happens from 19:36
harmwconsole also tells me the hostname is cirros19:36
smoserseems to return failure with no error to stderr.19:37
harmwhm, it didn't set the hostname 19:38
harmwwhre does cloud-init keep its log in cirros?19:42
harmwhm, looks like it received the public-hostname, though hostname is empty (in /var/run/cirros/datasource/data19:43
smoserharmw, thats odd. mine get their hostnames.19:46
harmwmine normally do to :)19:46
smoserwhat does 'hostname' say ?19:50
harmwhostname said the right thing19:50
harmwi've just booted a new instance, all is ok with this one :|19:50
harlowjasmoser is metswin:) still the login for cirros?19:50
harlowjaor was that cubwin19:50
harlowjanice, ha19:51
harmwthis new instance has a proper hostname, GROWROOT did something aswell but resizefs didn't do squat and fdisk -l does not show a fully used disk either19:54
smoserharmw, fdisk -l doesn't ?19:58
smoserthat is odd.19:58
smoserwhat does cat /proc/partitions say ?19:58
smoserharmw, so it works in 2 portions19:58
smosergrowroot runs in iinitramfs19:58
smoserand changes the parttion table19:59
smoserthen unmounts the target19:59
smoserthen pvirot root19:59
smoserthen /etc/rc3.d/S55-resizefs19:59
smoser*should* resize the filesystem "per-once"19:59
smoserand i see this functional on "ephemeral store" images.20:00
harmw/dev/vda1   *       16065     6281414     3132675   83  Linux20:10
harmw$ cat /proc/partitions 20:10
harmwmajor minor  #blocks  name20:10
harmw253        0    3145728 vda 253        1    3132675 vda120:10
harmwi've now manually run /etc/rc3.d/S55-resizefs start, and after thats done df doesn't show any change20:16
harmwthough after another second or so it does show the changed fs, as beeing bigger20:17
smoserharmw, right. it backgrounds.20:20
smoserthat is by design. (possibly bad design)20:21
smoserbut it does so because resize2fs in cirros is pretty slow.20:21
smoserat least compared to 12.10 ubuntu or later.20:21
smoserand the thoguht was that people want to run scirors on very un-performant systems20:21
smosersuch as non-kvm qemu20:22
harmwwhat bugs me is it didn't resize on initial boot, only just now when I did it manually20:22
smoseryeah. that was confusing to me too.20:22
smoseri even put debug into that /etc/rc3.d/S55-resizefs20:23
smoserto run 'cat /proc/partitions'20:23
smoserand output was correct.20:23
smoserhm.. wait a minute. i think i just saw it fail on ephemeral root20:24
smoserwhen it fails, you'll see a file /tmp/resize.out20:25
smoserthat should have stderr and stdout of the 'resize2fs /dev/root'20:26
smoserbut it doesnt20:26
harmw$ cat /tmp/resize.out 20:26
harmwresize2fs 1.42.2 (27-Mar-2012)20:26
harmwand thats it20:26
=== ctracey is now known as ctracey|away
harmwwell, new instance (again): growroot did its trick according to consolelog but resizefs only put the above in the logfile20:47
smoserharmw, its really odd. 20:48
smosercirros-per doesn't even put its marker down20:48
smoserwhich it should do even on failure.20:48
=== ctracey|away is now known as ctracey
harmwsmoser: its not putting down the marker file, indeed, it only shows this:22:18
harmwusing state_dir=/var/lib/cirros/sem, marker=once.once.resizefs22:18
harmw[once] sh -c o=/tmp/resize.out;22:18
smoseryeah, its just wierd.22:18
harmwfollowed by resize2fs [..]22:18
smoseri dont get it.22:18
harmwme neither22:18
smoserit must be something stupid22:18
harmwyea, well even after a reboot it didn't resize - so growfs isn't causing the pain22:21
harmwill see again, tomorrow22:21

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