
bacmorning benji12:46
benjimorning bac12:47
rick_h__you all get some snow? well, benji 12:47
bacbenji i'm about to ask for an update to manage.jujucharms.com.  should i wait on anything from you?12:47
rick_h__https://twitter.com/Earth_Pics/status/412390440936415232 is crazy12:47
benjibac: nope12:47
benjirick_h__: nope, no snow here12:48
bacrick_h__: ha, at first i thought those were snow pyramids in TN based on your question to benji.12:49
rick_h__heh, well you know how they love their TN landmarks12:49
benjiwe do have one pyramid: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_Arena12:49
bacbenji: great, government subsidized bass pro shop.12:52
benjithey forgot to ask me whether or not they should do that12:52
bacbenji: not quite as grand a failure as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryugyong_Hotel12:53
benjiheh, yeah12:53
benjimaybe pyramidal development is a bad idea; the originals were tombs, after all12:54
bacbenji: i've heard BPS are quite the bullies, usually demanding free land from shopping centers since they are such a draw12:54
bacgood deal if you can get it12:54
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
frankbanmorning benji: thank you for the great review, I updated the branch accordingly, would you like to take a look at the changes/comments?13:04
benjifrankban: good timing, I'm looking at it now13:07
frankbancool thanks13:08
benjifrankban: explanations and changes all look great, thanks!13:12
benji(I commented on the review too)13:12
frankbanbenji: great! thank you13:13
bacbenji: hmm, we haven't updated the mongo charm on manage.jjc in several revisions ... so now they don't want to update it b/c the diff is too big and scary.13:17
benjibac: hmm; can we update it one revision at a time?  (we'll have to test that particular combination to make sure it's cool)13:18
bacbenji: they introduced changes after 29 that were not pushed back upstream, so now the merge has trivial conflicts which cause panic.  i'm going to replicate what they've done and upgrade staging from my local charm.13:20
gary_posterjujugui, smallest possible review that has an actual change, and very quick QA? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/2313:37
bacgary_poster: i'll do it13:37
gary_posterthanks bac13:37
bacgary_poster: sorry but i don't know how to get this version for qa.  where would i find the url to pull from?13:40
gary_posterbac, I use the instructions in the hacking doc--see "Helpful Git tools and aliases".  In this case, given that I've set up "juju" as my remote for the official trunk, I would use ``git qa-pr juju 23 qa-gary`` after having set up that alias13:41
gary_posterSetting up the "juju" remote is also in that doc, bac: "git remote add juju git@github.com:juju/juju-gui.git"13:42
gary_posterwow, not only can I delete the comments of others, I can actually edit them.  That is *awesome*. 13:44
rick_h__gary_poster: yea, everyone is an 'admin' level so I think we've got super powers13:45
gary_posterall reviews of my code from here on out will mimic bac's comment: "Code looks superb. LGTM."  I might occasionally choose different superlatives13:45
rick_h__dealing with trying to fine grain it would be a pain otherwise because the permissions aren't super fine grained13:45
gary_poster:-) cool rick_h__ 13:45
bacgary_poster: those are limited to one line deletions13:45
gary_posterbac, not if I can edit everyone's review, they 're not!13:46
bacoh, excellent13:47
bacgary_poster: ok, 'git status' shows that i have an unpushed version from friday.  i thought my branch landed and got merged.  now i wonder if something didn't make it through.13:47
gary_posterbac, uh.  I only pretend to  know what's going on because I can paste things from the hacking doc. Ask rick_h__ ? :-D13:48
gary_posterbac, though...13:48
gary_posteryou may not need to worry if it is in the main branch13:48
gary_posterjuju/juju-gui develop13:48
rick_h__bac: there's another alias I sent around friday that I've not put in the docs yet to help with that. 13:49
rick_h__bac: it means that your branch landed in remote juju, but in your own remote (your username) it's not been pushed13:49
bacrick_h__: looking at github i can't find a changelog.13:49
rick_h__so you can correct it with a `git push origin develop`13:49
rick_h__bac: it's the 'commits' heading13:49
rick_h__    # Update the develop from juju13:50
rick_h__    juju-sync = "!f() { git checkout develop && git pull juju develop && git push origin develop; }; f"13:50
rick_h__bac: ^ will give you a new command `git juju-sync` which will pull any updates to the main repository and then push them up to your own develop fork13:50
rick_h__assuming your remote is 'juju' (unlike hatch)13:50
bacrick_h__: i ran that and got conflicts which seems unlikely.13:54
rick_h__bac: ok, did you hve uncommitted changes?13:55
bacrick_h__: i mean it is just supposed to update my repo from the version where i made some post-review changes13:55
rick_h__if you look at that command, it changes your current branch to develop13:55
rick_h__which if you've got uncommited changes could cause a conflict between WIP and the updated branch13:55
baci'm almost certain i do not13:55
* rick_h__ ponders if it should do a git stash first or something13:55
rick_h__bac: sorry, then I don't have enough info to diagnose. What branch are you sitting on, is the conflict in something that was changed recently? 13:56
bacrick_h__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6583528/13:57
bacrick_h__:  i was in my fix-stuff branch from friday.  after running the juju-sync it shows i'm in develop13:57
rick_h__bac: you've got the wrong project as your origin. Sorry13:57
rick_h__it's looking at the jenkins-github-lander repository, not juju-gui13:57
rick_h__From github.com:juju/jenkins-github-lander13:58
rick_h__it should be what gary_poster posted: git remote add juju git@github.com:juju/juju-gui.git13:58
bacrick_h__: how'd i do that?13:58
rick_h__bac: maybe I did a bad paste?13:59
rick_h__sorry, I've got both in my history jumping between projects lately13:59
bacrick_h__: from HACKING13:59
bac    git clone https://github.com/juju/jenkins-github-lander.git13:59
rick_h__or I've got a typo in the docs :/13:59
bacyeah, i meant to ask about that but just trusted it13:59
rick_h__it's updated14:00
rick_h__yea, that was fixed last week. The HACKING docs are updated for it. Sorry about it14:00
rick_h__bac: so use the github link ^ to remove the remote and re-add it14:00
rick_h__bac: then you should be able to `git juju-sync`14:00
bacrick_h__:  i think i need to first revert the changes from that juju-sync14:04
bacrick_h__: 'git revert'  seems to want options that i can't make sense of14:06
rick_h__bac: `git reset --hard HEAD`14:06
rick_h__bac: git revert is about generating a diff to revert a file to an earlier rev usually14:06
benjibac: do you know anything about charmwolrd and proof?  Charmworld has a config for proof port but (apparently) doesn't bother to actually start anything on that port.14:09
rick_h__benji: it's used for the ingest process. So that it can talk to localhost vs the root port 80 url14:09
rick_h__localhost chamrworld runs on 6543, but when you hit it via the cli tool it's the apache proxied proces on 443 (https)14:10
benjirick_h__: yep, I got that14:10
rick_h__benji: so I'm guessing it's not set because the ingest process gets it from the currently running app config? the port in the ini that the app runs on? /me hasn't looked in a while14:14
bacthanks rick_h__, that cleaned up my mistakes14:15
rick_h__bac: sorry about that :/ I need to hand out 'thank you for beta testing' stickes to everyone 14:15
=== benji_ is now known as benji
bacrick_h__: fwiw HACKING is missing a closing quote on the qa-pr definition.14:21
rick_h__bac: thanks, will update with the docs card on deck.14:22
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
bacgary_poster: qa done.  the deleted header does not get rendered.  congratulations.14:26
bacyou can delete with the best14:26
gary_posterbac, my pride knows no bounds.  Thank you. :-)14:26
bacsorry it took me the better part of the morning to get there14:26
gary_poster:-) np14:27
rick_h__jujugui small test update review please https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/2414:29
rick_h__jujugui note this requires a manual upgrade of mocha-phantomjs which is installed globally in the HACKING doc and will not auto update. `sudo npm install -g mocha-phantomjs@3.2.0`14:29
rick_h__bac: I'm not seeing the missing quote, did you mean on another line? https://raw.github.com/juju/juju-gui/develop/HACKING.rst 15:06
bacrick_h__: it must've been in a prior version15:07
rick_h__bac: ok cool. thanks for double checking15:07
bacrick_h__: you could s/stick-headers/sticky-headers/ while you're there.  just noticed it.  :)15:08
rick_h__bac: thanks, will do15:08
rick_h__jujugui one quick note, you can often tweak docs straight from the webui. Go to https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/HACKING.rst for instance and notice the 'edit' link next to 'raw/blame/history'. It allows you to edit inline for a quick drive-by without going through review/landing. 15:10
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
benjimarcoceppi: I thought my recent branch had been merged into the 1.2 branch but I don't see it there or on trunk15:42
marcoceppibenji: let me check, it was merged15:42
benjiI'm looking at bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/charm-tools/1.2/15:43
marcoceppibenji: OH I remember now. There was a discrepency between the repos, I had meant to merge after getting the git stuff sync'd with bazaar again but it must have slipped my mind15:45
marcoceppibenji: I re-organized the project on the way back from a conference a month or so ago, it just never made it in to bazaar15:45
=== makyo_ is now known as Makyo
rick_h__jujugui call in 6 15:54
* rick_h__ is lost without the normal warnings15:54
* gary_pos` is having issues15:54
=== gary_pos` is now known as garyposter
* bac is a-ok15:55
marcoceppibenji: your changes will be merged and release with 1.2.615:55
benjimarcoceppi: cool, thanks15:56
* garyposter is having MS hate flashbacks, while trying to get password fixed15:56
garyposteraccount.live.com says it needs to authenticate me by emailing or texting or calling15:56
garyposterI have it text me15:57
garyposterit gives me a code15:57
garyposter"That code didn't work. Check the code and try again."15:57
garyposterI have it call me.15:57
garyposterit gives me a code15:57
garyposter"That code didn't work. Check the code and try again."15:57
* garyposter so happy15:57
=== garyposter is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterjujugui call in 215:58
=== hazmat` is now known as hazmat
bacbenji: before the netsplit i offered to pair on the stuck bundle if you want.  going to eat now, though.16:23
gary_posterluca__, hi.  thank you for relation line image.  When someone clicks on relation in box (fourth example down) what happens?  Note we can take them to a relation inspector page for either side, so we may want to allow directing to both sides.  Also, remember that a single name is actually insufficient to describe the relation...and we need to show relations erroring on one side or the other16:25
gary_posterluca__, maybe worth a quick call to expand on that?16:25
Makyorick_h__, lgtm16:27
rick_h__Makyo: thanks, sorry, almost self-reviewed but meh16:27
benjibac: If we don't care to diagnose the issue we can just run bin/dequeue to get rid of it.16:29
benjiI have a copy of the data that is stuck if we want to attempt a local repro (which is what I would try if we want to diagnose the issue)16:29
bacbenji: if that's the case why not fix manage.jjc now and then diagnose locally now or if it happens again?16:30
bacs/or/or later/16:30
benjibac: that would be fine with me; the only reason not to would be if we really want to know why it is happening we need to be sure we can repro before clearing it16:31
bacbenji: i'll let you mull it over while i eat lunch.16:31
bacand it won't be liver16:31
bacor tripe16:32
benjiI don't think its worth tracking down now, so a simple dequeue is good with me16:32
benjitwo great tastes that are better together16:32
benjidarn, now I'm hungry16:32
luca__gary_poster: If you are free for a call now I can answer your questions, also, we need to talk about the stuff we've discussed with Mark16:38
gary_posterluca__, cool, let's do it.  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpienfehsrht2ggbiqk9i0og?hl=en16:38
rick_h__Makyo: gary_poster one thing to think about with that networking, I'd keep in mind the possibility of people trying to do poor man's cross env relations that way. One big environment, multiple networks, working on an HA distributed setup17:02
rick_h__gary_poster: or frankban avail for a pre-imp on the charm change for updating to pull from git?17:37
* gary_poster not17:37
gary_postercalls calls calls :-)17:37
frankbanrick_h__: sure17:38
rick_h__frankban: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpim4h6nlsceotisgs317kdo?authuser=1&hl=en17:39
benjirick_h__: at this point I'm considering wiping and re-indexing ES, is that 1) insane 2) easy?17:56
rick_h__benji: 2)17:57
rick_h__benji: sec, I can get you the RT that had the commands used to clear things out17:57
benjithe options weren't mutually exclusive, but that's good to hear :)17:57
benjithat'd be great, thanks17:57
rick_h__benji: well, I'd go for 3) :(17:58
benjirick_h__: 3?17:58
rick_h__benji: 1) insane 2) easy 3) :(17:58
benjirick_h__: I'm working on the "make CI run the local browser tests" card and I've looked over the jenkins-github-lander code a bit but I don't see the obvious place to make my changes.19:02
rick_h__benji: it should just be in the jenkins job config19:04
rick_h__benji: so login and go to http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/juju-gui/configure19:04
rick_h__and add steps to the "Build" shell commands that run19:04
rick_h__the idea is that the command must exit non-0 and then the rest of the system should kick in. 19:05
rick_h__it would need it in both the juju-gui and juju-gui-merge builds19:05
rick_h__benji: for testing, there's a link on the page once you've logged in for "Build with parameters" to manually trigger a build. It just needs some git reference to know what you want to build19:06
rick_h__benji: just putting 'develop' in there or a sha string should work19:06
benjirick_h__: would you mind if we add a "ci-check" make target?  It is nice that the actual test running bits stored in Jenkins are straight-forward and I'd like to keep it that way.19:06
rick_h__benji: yea, works for me. Maybe a saucelabs specific target?19:07
rick_h__or you want to ci-check vs check? 19:07
rick_h__I was thinking we'd keep the same make check but then after make check succeeds do a second 'make saucelabs' or something so that it keeps with local dev practice19:07
benjirick_h__: I was going to make ci-check first run check and then the in-browser tests19:07
bacjujugui: feeling unwell with what seems to be two competing headaches.  going to lie down.19:09
benjibac: darn; feel better19:09
rick_h__bac: good luck die headaches die19:09
Makyogary_poster, let me know if you have a moment for a call sometime in the next little bit.19:33
gary_posterMakyo, ready when you are.  lemme know/20:16
MakyoNow's good.20:16
hatch_terminal in devtools http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/devtools-terminal/20:24
=== hatch_ is now known as hatch
hatchsomeone was sitting on my nickname :/ 20:33
hatchbac hey are you around?20:45
bachatch: what's up?20:46
hatchso I ended up picking up a new MBP but Ubuntu looks like total garbage, all blurry and stuff20:46
hatchHow did you get yours to look good?20:47
hatchapparently windows 8 now has charms... https://www.evernote.com/shard/s219/sh/1ca90ff7-0b47-4bf2-a631-639873211aeb/fd8f3960433b917b405afc95d23bc0b3 20:50
bachatch: you mean in a vm?20:54
hatchbac well right now I'm running 12.04 in a parallels vm to even see if it's possible, then once I get that up and running I'll attempt to install it on metal20:54
hatchis yours in a vm?20:54
bachatch: yes, i'm using fusion.  and it does not support retina very well.  it is usable but it ain't retina.20:55
hatchohh I thought that you ended up getting the retina to work20:56
hatchat the high resolution it looks good but its soooooo small heh20:56
hatchand any smaller it just gets blurry20:56
hatchhopefully Trusty will add high dpi support20:56
baci use 1920x120020:57
benjirick_h__: I reversed course on the ci-check thing since I was able to make test-browser behave nicely enough to just add it to "check": https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/2720:58
bacthere was a high dpi discussion on warthogs.  i think the outcome was not before unctious uakari20:58
hatchHmm I'll try that res21:01
hatchthat would be funny if that's what 14.10 is called21:02
hatchbasically 'greasy monkey' :P21:02
hatchwell 1920x1200 still looks blurry but it's better than it was before :) 21:04
gary_posterhouston I mean rick_h__ , we have azure account liftoff21:13
Makyogary_poster, looks like we're go for within the quickstart session, but not outside of it.  Will put in some text for instructions regarding that.21:25
gary_posterMakyo, great!  sounds like a reasonable way forward21:26
evilnickveitchMakyo, what was that thing we needed to do to make Inkscape icons for charms show up in the GUI properly? It seems to have dropped off the instructions21:42
rick_h__benji: awesome21:44
rick_h__gary_poster: rgr working on creating an account for the list21:45
Makyoevilnickveitch, save as optimized svg, check enable viewboxing. https://code.launchpad.net/~makyo/juju-core/enable-viewboxing/+merge/18035421:45
evilnickveitchMakyo, thanks! I'll make sure it doesn't get lost this time21:45
gary_posterrick_h__, you mean on existing box?21:46
rick_h__gary_poster: so is the password just SSO?21:46
rick_h__gary_poster: well I got an email to verify my email address from MS so assumed it's related?21:46
gary_posterrick_h__, for azure?  no, unfortunately not.  shared creds.  trying to send emails.  21:47
rick_h__gary_poster: oh, that went to the list no me directly, gotcha21:47
Makyoevilnickveitch, charmworld now does this automatically, per https://code.launchpad.net/~makyo/charmworld/svg-viewbox/+merge/180400 so I don't know if it's strictly necessary. gary_poster c/d?21:47
gary_posterjujugui, if you get an email today from MS about verifying your email, you probably don't need to.  check that it is from the new list.  If so, I am handling it21:48
gary_posterrick_h__, check mail21:49
rick_h__gary_poster: got it21:52
rick_h__benji: installed x11-utils and rerunning your tests. 21:55
rick_h__benji: hmm, it wants local firefox. so will have to chat on it21:57
rick_h__benji: or I'm mis-understanding. I thought this was to trigger saucelabs tests21:59
gary_posterbenji and rick_h__ , goal is saucelabs when run from jenkins, right?21:59
gary_poster+1 rick_h__ 21:59
MakyoPretty hard to push to lp when you moved your SSH keys aside :T22:04
* Makyo dogwalks briefly, will get tests cleaned up and propose after.22:04
benjirick_h__ and gary_poster: I must have misunderstood "Hook up browser sandbox tests with Jenkins" but its not a big worry because making it run the tests in saucelabs should be a one-liner change.22:04
rick_h__benji: ok cool22:05
benjiI'll take a look at it tomorrow.  Have a good evening all.22:05
rick_h__benji: night, thanks22:06
gary_posterI'm running away also22:06
gary_posterbye all22:06
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away

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