
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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=== garyposter is now known as gary_poster
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arosalesDebug question: I am hitting: agent-state-info: 'hook failed: "config-changed"'17:26
marcoceppiarosales: charm-tools 1.2.5 made it in to homebrew \o/17:27
arosalesmarcoceppi, woot!17:27
arosalesosx users rejoice17:27
arosalesre my debug question17:27
marcoceppiarosales: someone in the homebrew community helped fix the formula so it wasn't breaking everything17:27
marcoceppiarosales: shoot17:27
arosalesI am running: juju debug-hooks trac/0 config-changed17:27
arosalesand then: juju resolved --retry trac/017:28
arosalesin a separate window but now info is being shown in the tmux session17:28
arosalesgo homebrew community!17:28
marcoceppiarosales: close debug-hooks, run it without the hookname17:28
marcoceppijuju debug-hooks trac/017:28
arosalesmarcoceppi, ok I'll get that a try my previous "retry" seems to have fixed the error17:30
arosalesmarcoceppi,  "juju resolved --retry trac/0 " still gives me nothing on my debug tmux when trying to debug  agent-state-info: 'hook failed: "config-changed"'17:35
marcoceppiarosales: 1.16.5?17:36
arosalesmarcoceppi, beside juju-gui are there any other charm store charms that have tests?18:39
arosalesmarcoceppi, I didn't see wordpress with one . . .18:39
marcoceppiarosales: postgres18:39
arosalesmarcoceppi, any of them using amulet?18:40
beunonoodles775 and sidnei have worked on adding tests to a few charms18:40
beunothey may know18:40
arosalesbeuno, thanks18:40
sidneihaproxy, squid-reverseproxy, apache2, none using amulet18:41
sidneiand those are only 'unit' tests, they don't test a juju deployment18:41
arosalessidnei, gotcha and thanks for the info.18:42
arosalessidnei, do these charms all function with "juju test"18:43
sidneiarosales: never tried18:43
marcoceppiarosales: if they don't have a tests dir, then now18:45
arosalessidnei, ok and thanks for the info.  We are working on charm testing infrastructure with juju test looking in test sub dir. So we'll see how these tests arehandled18:45
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
sidneimarcoceppi: they have a hooks/tests dir fwiw18:46
lazypowerhave the docs for testing juju charms been updated?18:46
marcoceppilazypower: no :(18:47
lazypowermarcoceppi: Hit me up later this week and I'll lend a hand.18:47
marcoceppisidnei: if you made a file in tests/00-unittest you could have that bash script execute the unit tests in hooks/tests18:47
sidneimarcoceppi: definitely18:47
arosalessidnei, ah I see that for apache2 charm (ie hooks/tests/*)18:47
lazypowerI need to write tests for the errbit charm - may make for some good documentation coming from someone completely new to the system. We'll record it and transcribe into docs?18:48
marcoceppisidnei: that'd be a great test to include in addition to fucntional tests18:48
marcoceppi /me loves unit testing18:48
marcoceppiarosales: thanks for doing a review, any bit helps empty the queue is appreciated18:55
arosalesmarcoceppi, it is a very rookie review, just touching on the basics18:57
arosalesmarcoceppi, but glad to help where I can18:57
arosalessidnei, +1 for calling your testing for the test sub dir so we can test those in our charm testing automation18:59
=== ociuhandu_ is now known as ociuhandu
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== hatch_ is now known as hatch
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
InformatiQdoes every web app needs in metadata: "provides: website"?"22:21
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
marcoceppiInformatiQ: it's not a requirement, but we highly suggest it22:47
InformatiQmarcoceppi: marcoceppi but then i get "I: relation website has no hooks"23:16
marcoceppiInformatiQ: you should have some relation hookos23:38
_bjornesomeone now why im alwas get this answer in apache logfile: /MAAS/metadata//2012-03-01/user-data HTTP/1.1" 404 200 "-" "Python-urllib/2.7" on the second and so on.. the first node is function not the others.23:51

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