
rawanghello everyone, with maas 1.4, how to specify a specific version of kernel that nodes will use? include enlist, commision, and deployment stage?04:26
rawangConfigure MaaS to use specific image for PXE04:30
=== sfeole` is now known as sfeole
jtvrawang: for now it's always just the latest available kernel for the release series.06:00
jtv(Though we do plan to change that)06:01
rawangjtv, i have check the precise boot image, it's still 3.2 kernel (12.04.1)06:02
jtvSo you want to run with a newer kernel?06:03
rawangjtv, yes, want to run 3.11 kernel06:16
jtvI suppose a workaround for deployment would be to install that kernel on the system and reboot.06:21
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
rawangjtv, the problem is the server need 3.11 kernel for nic driver, but during enlist and commission and installation, it alway use 3.2 kernel, right?07:24
jtvYes...  you should be able to commission with a newer series, but installation would be harder.07:25
jtvThat's where it comes down to custom kernel images, which we haven't done yet.07:26
rawangkentlin, ^^08:08
rvbagmb: so there is no support for CONNECT so request (<2) apparently cannot do proper https proxying… but in maas-test we don't need "proper" proxying (i.e. we don't care if the proxy is used as a relay for the request)… so there is still hope…08:27
gmbrvba: Are you thinking a the scenario where we pre-fill the proxy cache and then only use it when running in no-internet-access-mode?08:28
gmbs/a the/of a/08:29
gmbOr am I misunderstanding?08:29
rvbagmb: no, I'm thinking about using the proxy as a relay where the *proxy* does the https connection.08:29
gmbAaah. Interesting.08:30
rvbaNot sure it's possible… but I'm looking into it…08:30
gmbExcellent, thanks.08:30
rvbabtw, I've got 2 branches up for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/az-api-list-2/+merge/198922 and https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/admin-method-2/+merge/19904908:32
gmbrvba: I'll take a look after I've had some more coffee08:32
rvbaThe second one is a clean-up jtv might be interested to review ;)08:33
gmbrvba: Are you suggesting this setup: simplestreams - (http) -> proxy - (https) -> interweb ?08:33
rvbagmb: exactly08:33
gmbrvba: That could work. We can't specify https_proxy *at all* for simplestreams, or else it breaks.08:33
gmbIf you give it an http url by accident (I just did) you get08:34
gmbsimplestreams.util.SignatureMissingException: No signature found!08:34
rvbagmb: even if it works, it will require monkeypatching I'm afraid.08:34
gmbI like a library that uses exclamation marks in its error messages.08:39
gmb"Oh no! Calamity!"08:39
* gmb is clearly wearing his early morning grumpy trousers; goes to get coffee08:39
rvbagmb: about the https proxy issue, I had another idea : simplestreams can use requests or urllib/urllib2 (see the top of the file /usr/share/pyshared/simplestreams/contentsource.py).  Maybe we can simple monkey patch simplestreams very lightly to force it to use urllib/urllib2 even if requests is available et… voilà!09:59
gmbrvba: Ooh, that's filthy. Especially considering that we're shelling out to simplestreams, not using it as a library...10:04
rvbagmb: ah!  This probably means we can't do that then :/10:04
gmbrvba: Yeah... Using it as a library would be non-trivial now.10:05
rvbagmb: maybe it would be simple.  It's worth a shot: it might be just a matter of calling the right uvtool method.10:07
rvbajtv: I'll take it10:08
gmbrvba: Well, let's get the AZ stuff done first and then we can take a look at it — at worst, it's a nice run-up-to-Christmas project for me and allenap.10:08
rvbagmb: k10:09
rvbagmb: another (much simpler) solution is this: if the sync step fail, continue anyway.  If there is a real problem (i.e. if the image is not cached already) the next step (creating the VM) will fail anyway.10:13
gmbrvba: Yeah, that might not be such a terrible way to deal with it.10:14
allenapgmb, rvba: Why are we shelling out to simplestreams btw?10:19
gmbLet's move this over to #maas10:19
rvbaallenap: we're shelling out to uvtools.10:19
rvbagmb: :)10:19
* gmb has had it beaten into him10:20
allenaprvba: Ah, okay.10:20
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roaksoaxrvba: ping17:19
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
_bjornesomeone now why im alwas get this answer in apache logfile: /MAAS/metadata//2012-03-01/user-data HTTP/1.1" 404 200 "-" "Python-urllib/2.7" on the second and so on.. the first node is function not the others.23:50
_bjorne1st node GET /MAAS/metadata/curtin/2012-03-01/user-data HTTP/1.1" 200 33593 "-" "Python-urllib/2.723:53
_bjorneim mean this: "GET /MAAS/metadata//2012-03-01/user-data HTTP/1.1" 200 12311 "-" "Python-urllib/2.723:54

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