
robert_ancellcjwatson, thanks for pointing that out. I bump it so we don't have lintian warnings, since that tends to hide real problems00:01
cjwatsonYou should ignore that specific warning for Ubuntu (in a wrapper or whatever if you need the output to be empty) rather than introducing this unnecessary diff00:01
cjwatsonI think you may even be able to do this in a policy file nowadays00:02
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ari-tczewrobert_ancell: new merge request with cheese is available00:42
sladenmmmm, cheese00:52
robert_ancellari-tczew, I think libcheese7 shouldn't depend on gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad - you might have picked that up from debian01:20
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: where do you see it?01:25
robert_ancellari-tczew, I'm sorry, I'm reading the diff the wrong way!01:26
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: yes, it looks like so01:26
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: however, anyway I've prepared debdiffs in LP bug01:27
ari-tczewmaybe it could be easier to read diffs01:27
robert_ancellari-tczew, uploaded01:29
apacheloggerpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/langpack-o-matic/+bug/1261206 if you could have a look at that please01:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 1261206 in langpack-o-matic "l10n Other Notifications are not localized" [Undecided,New]01:41
ari-tczewrobert_ancell: perfect, thanks!01:45
pittiGood morning05:24
Logan_pitti: Hello. :)05:39
pittiapachelogger: replied05:51
Noskcajpitti, Would i be able to have a testimonial for motu and/or xubuntu packageset? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#Testimonials06:42
pittiNoskcaj: hello06:51
Noskcajhey pitti06:51
pittiNoskcaj: were you able to sort out your internet problems, i. e. can you do test-builds now?06:51
pittiNoskcaj: I still saw quite a few untested sync requests, for example06:51
pittiNoskcaj: otherwise, I'll look at packages that I uploaded for you06:51
NoskcajMy internet is less bad (actual ADSL speed sometime now), and for the moment i'm ignoring all big packages since my laptop can build then properly. That will be fixed later this week when my linux Aus sponsorship comes through and i build my devel PC06:52
pittiinfinity: hey Adam, how are you? would you mind if I stick the "automatic fstrim" cronjob into util-linux?07:35
pittiinfinity: (debian bug 732054)07:35
ubottuDebian bug 732054 in util-linux "util-linux: Add cron job for regular SSD trimming" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/73205407:35
infinitypitti: How safe is this in detecting that it's only operating on things that it should, etc?07:36
infinitypitti: Anyhow, I wouldn't be entirely against it.  Just do it in Ubuntu for now, and I'll sync it back to Debian when lamont and I are done sorting our takeover/handover plans.07:37
pittiinfinity: fstrim itself just fails with an I/O error if the drive doesn't support it07:37
pittiinfinity: but usually we test in advance with hdparm -I07:37
pittiinfinity: "usually" because hdparm doesn't work "through" device-mapper (lvm, luks)07:37
pittiinfinity: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/scripts/fstrim07:38
infinitypitti: Does it run instantly (or near enough) on filesystems that have just been trimmed a few seconds earlier?07:38
pittiinfinity: I tested with trimmable SSD, rotational HDD, LVM, and LUKS07:38
pittiinfinity: yes07:38
infinitypitti: Cause you might catch bindmounted filesystems a few times in a row.07:38
pittiinfinity: and it doesn't run if the user mounts with "discard"07:38
pittiinfinity: it filters those out07:39
infinitypitti: I don't see that filter...07:39
pitti    REALDEV=`readlink -f $DEV`07:39
pitti    if contains "$DONE" " $REALDEV "; then continue; fi07:39
pitti    DONE="$DONE $REALDEV "07:39
infinityFair enough.07:40
infinitypitti: Yeah, go nuts and do the Ubuntu upload.  Like I said, I'll sort it in Debian when lamont and I have our ducks in a row with what's happening there.07:40
pittiinfinity: ok, thanks; just wanted to know if I interfere with some git when I do an Ubuntu upload07:40
infinitypitti: Nope.07:41
pittiinfinity: so, my idea was to add this as /usr/sbin/fstrim-auto (do you know a better name?) and link to it from /etc/cron.daily/07:41
pittiinfinity: so that we can adjust the scripts without conffile issues, and the admin can also move the link to cron.weekly or even .hourly, or drop it entirely07:41
pittior perhaps "fstrim-all"?07:42
infinitypitti: By "link to it", you mean write a job that calls it, not symlink it, right?07:42
pittiinfinity: I actually meant symlink, but I can also write a two-line shell wrapper if you prefer07:43
infinitypitti: I mean, a symlink would work, but it has the disadvantage of being completely undiscoverable if someone wants to disable it (you dlete the symlink, it's gone forever, you forget).07:43
infinitypitti: The two-liner means you can disable with an exit 0.  Or overengineer it with an /etc/default/fstrim07:44
pittiI just mostly don't want to put the entire logic into a conffile, that should be separate07:44
pittiinfinity: two-line sh WFM07:44
infinitypitti: Make it an exec, and people can still have a pretty ps without a billion forked children. ;)07:45
infinityNot like 'ps f' is ever pretty when cron is running.07:46
pittiinfinity: ok, sounds good; that'll also make it easier to change options (if we'll ever add them), or logging, etc.07:47
pittiinfinity: /usr/sbin/fstrim-all ?07:47
infinitypitti: That works.  It's not set in stone, and not worth bikeshedding over. :)07:48
infinitypitti: If 'fstrim' was something I was prone to type as a normal user, I'd whine that you're breaking tab completion for it, but I suspect this cron job will replace 99% of times people would have typed it themselves.07:49
pittijibel (CC: infinity): this morning, eglibc triggered maybe 40 autopkgtests, and I saw them as RUNNING in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html08:07
pittibut now there are only about 15 shown08:07
pittiis this intended?08:07
pittii. e. is this not supposed to show all PASSes? (because it has a few)08:07
pittiinfinity: FYI, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6582419/ (util-linux debdiff)08:09
* pitti adds debian bug ref08:09
infinitypitti: I've noticed that in the past, too, they seem to drop off.08:09
infinitypitti: Not sure if that's intended.08:10
pittiit looks like a bug08:10
infinitypitti: Why the if-guard in rules?  Do we not always build fstrim?08:11
pittiinfinity: nope, not on bsd/hurd08:11
pittiinfinity: I wanted to make the debdiff palatable to Debian08:11
pittiinfinity: that's why I don't use dh_installcron for it, but the manual install08:11
infinitypitti: Ahh, nice catch.  Thanks.08:11
infinitypitti: And even a manpage.  My hero.08:12
pitti𝚫 lintian <= 0  ☺08:13
pittior, while we are at fancy unicode, ≤ 008:13
infinitypitti: Seems to be a typo in your AUTHOR section, though.08:13
pittiinfinity: thanks, fixed08:14
jibelpitti, not intented, it is a bug. results are sorted but not in chronological order and only the last row is reported.08:23
jibelpitti, that explains the results that changed from fail to pass to fail08:24
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darkxstpitti, do your retracer get stuck on HTTP errors sometimes?09:07
pittidarkxst: yes, quite often; when that happens I just remove the lock and let it go on09:08
darkxstright although it takes me a few days to notice usually09:09
darkxstand then all the traces have bitrotted ;(09:09
darkxstpitti, why not ignore the HTTP errors?09:13
pittidarkxst: I set up the cron jobs to mail me on failures09:13
pittidarkxst: I want to avoid untagging hundreds of bugs when there is an actual bug in the code/LP regression/etc.09:14
pitti(untagging without proper retracing)09:15
pittidarkxst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6582585/09:15
pittidarkxst: the trick is the "|| tail -n 15 log/i386.txt"09:15
darkxstpitti, but these seem to come from access issues to the server?09:15
pittidarkxst: right, sometimes LP gets some hiccups, or you hit the window where it updates, etc.09:16
darkxstspeaking of LP, it is sooo slow from here ;(09:22
darkxst(unrelated to the retracer, thats in europe somehwere)09:22
sil2100popey: hi! Meeting!09:31
dokomlankhorst, mesa ping10:44
mlankhorstpong, what exactly? :p10:57
mlankhorstoic, thanks, pushed to git11:49
Riddellmdeslaur: nudge nudge, don't forget bug 125957712:18
ubottubug 1259577 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu Saucy) "Security: XML Entity Expansion Denial of Service" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125957712:18
mdeslaurRiddell: I'm still testing them, should be out today12:24
jamespagedoko, hey - any ideas on this segfault in openjdk on i386 - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/159915593/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.munin_2.0.19-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:29
jamespagedoko, amd64 is OK (only had one of those to had when I build tested prior to sync)12:29
dokojamespage, does it work with glibc 2.17?12:30
alexblighWhat is the correct way to request packaging of an existing perl package in CPAN for 14.04?12:59
alexblighLWP::UserAgent::DNS::Hosts if anyone is interested ...13:00
rbasakalexbligh: via Debian, preferably. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages13:03
LaneyYeah, you'd probably want to speak to pkg-perl in Debian13:04
LaneyThose guys have some pretty efficient ways of getting new modules in AFAIK13:04
alexblighrbasak, ok - I've already done the debian thing. Bug#732292 - just wondered if I needed to do it for Ubuntu too. thanks13:05
rbasakalexbligh: it should auto-import into Ubuntu if it lands in Debian before Ubuntu's Debian Import Freeze. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule says that's 6 Feb.13:06
maxiaojunUbuntu Packages Search down?13:44
xnoxmaxiaojun: best to report / inquire on  #canonical-sysadmin13:47
maxiaojunis that channel public accessible?13:49
maxiaojunok, it shows "known issue" there13:50
xnoxmaxiaojun: it's a community support channel on Freenode, for services / hosts managed by canonical sysadmins.13:56
xnoxmaxiaojun: it is public.13:56
maxiaojungot it13:56
xnoxmaxiaojun: looks like it is known that packages.ubuntu.com and package-importer are down.13:57
jamespagedoko, I'll try in a bit13:58
dobeywhy oh why does UOA keep causing my twitter account to not be usable (and thus friends-service to not be able to use it)?14:33
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xnoxbarry: would you be able to port lp:python-ubuntu-platform-api  to python3? it's "just" two small .cpp / compiled extensions.15:38
xnoxi'll give it a shot, but I actually haven't ported any compiled modules yet.15:38
xnoxwell not today, maybe one evening this week, or some such.15:39
xnoxbarry: actually i don't think we need it at the moment, cause there is a pure-python version as well.15:40
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barryxnox: if there's a bug #, sure, i can definitely take a look15:41
xnoxbarry: ok, thanks. well let me figure out what we need / want first.15:42
barryxnox: sure thing15:42
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Wubixhello everyone. how can i find out why a certain feature or tool (e.g. the menu driven debian installer) was dropped so i can understand the decision making process better?18:23
Wubixor are such decisions not documented for the public?18:33
stgrabercjwatson: I have an e-mail pending review in ubuntu-devel-announce if you have a minute18:34
cjwatsonstgraber: done18:36
cjwatsonWubix: it wasn't actually dropped, it's just not used to build full CD images any more, but it's still available from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ (including in a form factor that you can burn to a CD to get started and it downloads most of itself from the network)18:36
stgrabercjwatson: thanks18:37
cjwatsonWubix: I don't have a link and am doing rather too much else to track it down just now, but you should be able to find discussion of dropping the alternate image on one or both of blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu or the archives of the ubuntu-{devel,release} mailing list18:37
Wubixthis already helps a lot, thank you!18:38
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robrudobey, not sure, i'm seeing the same thing, but only on the desktop. twitter is working fine on the phone. no idea what could possibly cause that18:50
dobeyrobru: yeah i'm not even sure how to file a bug exactly. but it is very annoying, and it happens all the time for me :(18:52
dobeyrobru: and i think i have to restart friends-service after it happens for it to even work again at all18:53
robrudobey, not sure about that part. but I did notice that every time I refresh in friends-app, twitter says it's no longer authorized and asks to be reauthorized.18:54
sarnoldwas there some noise recently about twitter blocking something?18:54
dobeysarnold: this has been happening to me for at least a year, so i doubt it's that18:54
sarnolddobey: okay :)18:55
dobeyrobru: yeah i don't use friends app, just the service for @-reply notifications18:55
robrudobey, you've been seeing this for a year? I just started seeing it a couple day sago18:55
dobeyrobru: well, it's been happening as long as i've had to use friends-app and online accounts for it, yes18:56
dobeyerr, friends-service18:56
dobeysince the swtich from gwibber18:56
robrudobey, :-(18:57
dobeyrobru: :( indeed19:01
Logan_New architecture! :O19:01
NoskcajHow do i update an ubuntu packaging bzr branch to he current ubuntu release?20:09
LaneyNoskcaj: you mean a UDD branch?20:12
Laneythe only way I know of is to ask xnox to do the magic, whatever that is20:16
Laneynot guaranteed to be work20:16
Laneys/be //20:16
Noskcajxnox_, Any chance you could update lp:ubuntu/xfce4-cellmodem-plugin ?20:17
Noskcajdoko, Mind if i merge torque?20:43
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keeshm, I think lp: #1261515 is not a real bug report21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1261515 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "package libapparmor1 2.8.0-0ubuntu31.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libapparmor1 is already installed and configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126151521:15
keesubottu doesn't show the description: "asdgwsdfasdf"21:16
ubottukees: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:16
sbeattiekees: lots of people, when confronted with an apport request to report a bug for some failure they don't understand, type random goop into the description.21:19
keessbeattie: yeah, I'm familiar. it's just been a long time since I've gotten one.21:19
keesthough, I still don't understand the impulse. I would just close the window if I didn't want it. :)21:20
stgraberkees: I can subscribe you to ~ubuntu-installer if you want more of those ;)21:20
stgraber(thankfully the logs are often enough to figure out what's actually wrong)21:21
keesstgraber: haha, no thanks! :)21:22
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smoserhi. is there a place where i can get a netboot initramfs and HWE kernel that will install 12.04 HWE ?21:33
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Sarvatthttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/precise/ ? dates line up with 12.04.3 release that had raring's hwe stuff21:36
smoserSarvatt, but its not netboot. i was going to try pulling those. but will they work as netboot ?21:36
stgrabersmoser: use http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/ and then use the enablement stack you want from there (e.g raring-netboot)21:38
smoserstgraber, there is no saucy-netboot ?21:38
stgrabernot yet21:38
smoserhm.. i happen to need that.21:39
stgraberinfinity would know the details, but I know we usually only start recommending those enablement stacks when the point release is released21:39
stgraberso for saucy-netboot that'd be with 12.04.421:39
smoserstgraber, thanks.21:46
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dokoNoskcaj, please do22:40
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bdmurrayxnox_: do you have any plans to SRU the fix for bug 915626?23:12
ubottubug 915626 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "usb-creator-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV in _dbus_watch_invalidate" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91562623:12
xnox_bdmurray: yes, across all applicapable releasse. when/if I have time though.23:13
xnox_bdmurray: do you want to SRU it? / have time to do that?23:13
bdmurrayxnox_: I can make some time is it just that dbus patch in that bug?23:14
xnox_does it affect precise as well?! /me can't remember23:14
xnox_bdmurray: yeah the one-liner to call init threads.23:14
bdmurrayerrors seems to show it affecting 12.0423:15
xnox_bdmurray: yeah, and well it's reported from before 12.04 release.23:16
dokojamespage, infinity: openjdk-7 ftbfs itself on i386 with 2.1823:37
YokoZarhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev   <--- what is the "ubuntu-reviews@lists.ubuntu.com" contact mail?23:43
YokoZarI'm not sure that's even a real mailing list.23:43
YokoZarTo be clear I'm asking what the implications of setting that for the ubuntu-dev team in launchpad are23:44

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