
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
roastedhello friends05:35
roastedI dug up an article on google dated nov 1st citing that the ubuntu gnome team might not see an LTS release due to the understaffing. Is that still true or did the call for help yield positive results?05:36
roastedwhat's going on tim (tim, right?)05:36
darkxstthe call for help, yielded a lot of people offering to help05:37
darkxstbut not much more, only stratus_ss has actually done anything05:37
roastedI've recently been reading some articles on coding. I'm not in a position to offer any real help. It's quite a bummer to be honest.05:37
roastedMakes me wish I had picked up some books years ago.05:38
darkxstroasted, at lot can be done without much coding experience05:38
roastedlike what?05:38
darkxstfindind upstream patches and rebasing them against the current ubuntu packages05:39
darkxstand packaging is a whole different sport05:39
roastedis there a 101 tutorial to this? We use git at work which we push changes to to control our linux systems via puppet. I'm not sure if it's the same beast though.05:40
darkxstubuntu uses bzr, which is inferior to git imo, but has nice integration with packaging tools05:41
darkxstnot really quick tutorial, the packaging guides are massive, because there are so many different tools/ possible workflows etc05:41
roastedis the LTS still in danger?05:42
darkxstas an official LTS, yes05:42
roastedI heard Chris Fisher say on G+ he would make a call out on an episode of LAS. I'm not sure if I missed it or if he hasn't spoken up yet.05:44
roastedJupiter Broadcasting was cited #4 on the "linux advocates" list. It would be a good audience to target.05:45
darkxstmaybe, although I have my suspicions that alot of people who follow the media, are just enthusiast that don't do much apart from troll on various forums and blogs!05:51
roastedalways worth a shot though05:52
roastedall it takes is 3 sets of ears in a sea of trolls to help churn the process that much more.05:52
darkxstroasted, perhaps point Ali their way05:54
darkxsthe is more on top of that kind of stuff than me05:54
roastedI just sent JB a message inquiring about it. Chris, who runs JB, commented on Ubuntu GNOME's G+ page saying he would mention it.05:55
roastedI admittedly haven't seen a recent Linux Action Show episode though. They do like 7 different shows.05:55
roastedI can't seem to locate it at the moment...05:56
roastedG+'s search abilities is strange.05:56
roastedanyway, message sent, we'll see what happens05:57
roastedI gotta check in for the time being though... work in 5 hours... take care.05:57
darkxstok, cya05:57
ashishhi, im new to this distro but want to know how to install gnome 3.10 in ubuntu gnome ? is there any tutorial ?07:23
ashishor steps ??07:23
darkxstashish, you need to install the PPA07:27
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=== ph is now known as ph_afk
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roastedis it possible to install gnome photos yet?17:14
vince_Hi sorry for my bad english.I use ubuntu gnome and I have a problem with the preview sushi. With then driver nvidia, teh preview is all white, not with the pilote nouveau. I use nvidia driver because the fan turn at maximum speed with the pilote nouveau. thanks for your help19:31
darkxstroasted, seems we missed photos in the updates21:36
roasteddarkxst: big problem?22:00
darkxstroasted, just forgotten, uploading now to gnome3/trusty22:02
roastedHow many people do packaging to Ubuntu gnome darkxst22:13
darkxstonly a few, but we are trying to expand that22:19
roasteddarkxst: is Rico an official dev ? I see him posting commits everywhere but I haven't noticed his name on any team lists.23:03

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