
psivaacjwatson: infinity: if in case you have not noticed, precise d-i installs have been failing for since 20131212 with ' debconf: --> INPUT critical anna/no_kernel_modules'09:25
infinitypsivaa: ... with which d-i build?09:55
infinitypsivaa: Oh, the one Colin uploaded recently that's still in -proposed?09:56
psivaainfinity: not sure what version is being used, let me check if there is that information09:58
infinitypsivaa: Well, you should know where you're fetching it from.09:58
psivaainfinity: these are images from cdimage09:58
infinityOh, bah.  precise server images probably build with proposed enabled right now, and get the proposed d-i.09:59
infinitypsivaa: That version didn't help me any, but don't worry about it.09:59
infinitypsivaa: It'll all magically clear up when the kernels it's looking for move to updates, or there's a preseed you can use to tell it to look in -proposed (and I forget what that is...)10:00
infinityxnox: ?10:00
xnoxinfinity: ?10:00
infinityxnox: What's the cmdline pressed to tell d-i to use -proposed?10:01
xnoxinfinity: ah, yes. wiki.ubuntu.com/ enable proposed page10:01
psivaainfinity: okay, that's not very urgent for me.. was wondering if there is anyother cause than the pkges being in transit10:01
infinitypsivaa: Nah, it's just that.10:02
infinitypsivaa: But apt-setup/proposed=true should fix it.  In theory.10:02
xnoxjibel: instead of emailing me direct =) it would be great to subscribe ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com to the jenkins messages.10:02
psivaainfinity: ack,thanks. i'll try that when i have some time10:02
xnoxjibel: this list is ok to use for automated notifications, and e.g. kernel upload notifications go there and other various things like that.10:02
infinitypsivaa: BTW, do we have armadaxp kernel SRU testing sorted yet, or should I make Ike smoketest his kernels again this cycle?10:03
psivaainfinity: yes, we have. sorry dint update you. quantal is done. i am working through the precise kernel10:03
xnoxinfinity: i thought images can be switched back to building from -updates pocket, no? all the pending srus were verified...10:03
infinitypsivaa: Oh, lovely.  Thanks.10:04
infinityxnox: All the pending SRUs ever?10:04
infinityxnox: We build from -proposed in between point releases, then switch when we get close to wanting to build RCs.10:04
xnoxinfinity: =) i see grub*10:04
jibelxnox, updated10:05
xnoxinfinity: i see. hm. somehow i was under the impression that it build from -updates.10:05
xnoxdesktop are build from -proposed as well?10:05
xnoxjibel: thanks =)10:05
infinityxnox: All precise images.10:05
infinityxnox: It's just easier than people asking for one-off "can you build this with proposed to validate $foo" builds.10:06
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