
sebastienoh hi.01:05
=== sebastien is now known as Sebastien
Sebastieni would like to know if its possible for me to get a ubuntu/member cloak please. ( https://launchpad.net/~seblemery )01:06
Sebastieni will idle a bit in here, im cooking supper for my friends, ill brb :)01:10
PiciSebastien: I'm sorry, only people who are members of the Ubuntu Members team on launchpad are eligable for an Ubuntu cloak.01:21
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember01:21
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership01:22
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag01:22
Sebastieni see.01:22
Sebastienso helping out in #ubuntu-qc in french is not enouh? :"(01:23
PiciPerhaps it is, but you'd need to apply for membership.01:31
Sebastienoh, awesome :)01:31
IdleOnePici: the first link is the correct/new one01:42
IdleOnethe wiki recently got a face lift01:43
IdleOnewhat I mean by correct is more direct01:44
SebastienThank you Pici, i filled up all the requirements, and edited the pae to add mself to the next meeting.02:12
Sebastiencan i idle in here?02:12
Sebastienpae/page *02:12
Sebastienmself/myself  -.- (i don't know what is wrong with my fingers tonight)02:13
bccany staff about? I need to be a hassle and push forward ticket #2357211:18
AlanBelldid you want #freenode instead?11:18
AlanBellso, which ticketing system is that then?11:18
AlanBellwell I can't view that ticket, perhaps you want #canonical-sysadmin11:20
bcc okay thanks11:21
Myrttiwhich staff are we talking about?11:21
k1lcanonical server staff11:22
bccticket has been sorted :D11:22
Myrttibecause freenode uses RT too...11:22
Myrttigot a bit confusing there for a moment, and I've not had my tea yet11:22
* AlanBell puts the kettle on11:23
* bcc one second cup of coffee already :|11:23
Myrttimy on-vacation-from-his-real-job tea-elf left to have the Volvo looked at and to have a haircut :-/11:24
MooDooMyrtti: you need to stamp out that problem straight away ;)11:27
Tm_TMyrtti: I can do hair cuts, real cheap too!12:22
Myrttiyou're a bit far away, dear12:23
Tm_Tthat is true, for now12:23
MooDoojust make him put a bowl on his head, use that as a guide, works well enough.12:24
MyrttiMooDoo: it works beatifully for kids, but not for adults...12:26
Tm_TMooDoo: that's pretty far from how I would do it12:28
DJonesHaircuts..Isn't that were you get a set of clippers and just shave your head on 0 setting to hide grey/bald spots12:28
Tm_Tafter me there wouldn't be any hair to protect with bowl12:28
Tm_TDJones: I thought I was supposed to hilight greys and balds12:28
MyrttiDJones: ... it's the thing I've avoided for 4 years12:28
DJonesOver the years, I've gone from having a ponytail that reached my waist, to having a clipped on a 0 I just didn't want to look like Francis Rossi12:30
MooDooDJones: or terry nutkins ;)12:39
DJonesMooDoo: :)12:39
MooDoonumber 1 for me all over12:39
DJonesNUmber 1.... Hippy, go with a 012:40
MooDooDJones: did that once, looked like a peanut with glasses ;)12:41
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