
ibeardsleehas anyone else had major problems with the usb-creator/ Startup Disk Creator?01:56
hadsibeardslee: Me!02:06
hadsibeardslee: I use USBNetbootin02:07
ibeardsleeI've used that as well, but that now seems to be creating it's own menu02:09
ibeardsleethe usb creator seems to be a steaming pos02:10
hadsibeardslee: THe usbnetbootin menu has been there for ages, it doesn't harm anything.02:11
hadsI haven't been able to get the Ubuntu one to work for ages.02:12
ibeardsleeit has been a while since I've had to build a bunch of USB images for the Academy02:13
Gibeardslee: I've had problems with both, but I think thats more this particular crap Sandisk USB Stick :)03:24
ibeardsleeG: It's a variety of different disk that I have the problems with.18:18

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