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DanChapman | Good Morning | 07:21 |
DanChapman | jibel, good morning o/ how are you? Would you be able to escalate bug 1260012 it's still popping up failing tests, also the is a quick MP for the fixes to the custom install test discussed on friday if you have time could you give it a quick run over please :-) | 07:56 |
ubot5 | bug 1260012 in Autopilot "app snapshot during test setup is being set to an empty list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1260012 | 07:56 |
elfy | funny how everyone but the dev release is on firefox 26 ... | 07:57 |
jibel | DanChapman, Good morning, I'm fine thanks! | 07:58 |
jibel | I'll review the MP this morning, and ask thomi to look at this bug | 07:58 |
jibel | pitti, good morning, why did you abort autopkgtests of quagga, shotwell, samba, ...? | 08:04 |
pitti | jibel: good morning | 08:04 |
pitti | jibel: they were running for several hours, looked like a timeout, and there are lots of new queued jobs | 08:04 |
DanChapman | jibel awesome thanks, it also looks like xubuntu tests have a segfault type issue again. If there is a crash file do you download it and view it with apport-cli? | 08:04 |
jibel | pitti, ah ok | 08:04 |
pitti | jibel: I was going to restart them when the big flush of eglibc is done | 08:04 |
jibel | pitti, I can restart them now? | 08:04 |
jibel | DanChapman, there is a crash file, but it is corrupted | 08:05 |
pitti | jibel: sure, if the queue settled again | 08:05 |
pitti | this morning it was quite crazy | 08:05 |
jibel | DanChapman, I'll try to generate a better trace today | 08:05 |
pitti | oh yes, muuuch better | 08:06 |
DanChapman | jibel ah ok thanks :-) | 08:06 |
xnox | is there a way to subscribe to email notifictions of particular jobs from jenkins? | 09:29 |
xnox | in particular i'm interested in all the automated smoke testing of the images - (desktop, server) both automatic preseed jobs and autopilot (desktop only) | 09:30 |
jibel | DanChapman, is there a report for the page title bug? | 09:35 |
jibel | xnox, there is a mailing list that receives all the notifications otherwise subscription to specific jobs is done manually by the CI team. | 09:36 |
xnox | jibel: where is the mailing list? i guess i can always filter it right. | 09:37 |
jibel | xnox, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-testing-notifications | 09:38 |
DanChapman | jibel i believe there is 2 secs | 09:40 |
DanChapman | jibel bug 1066152 | 09:41 |
ubot5 | bug 1066152 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "advanced partitioning page is labeled "Installation type"" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1066152 | 09:41 |
pitti | DanChapman, jibel: just reading in #ubuntu-desktop about some regressions in ubiquity with new gtk 3.10, FYI | 10:32 |
pitti | (in case you wonder why your tests now fail, that might be it) | 10:32 |
DanChapman | pitti, thanks :-) | 10:34 |
* DanChapman joins #ubuntu-desktop | 10:34 | |
jibel | pitti, reading that too, that's one of the bug the tests have found | 10:35 |
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slickymaster | balloons: ping | 11:16 |
slickymaster | are you there? | 11:16 |
elfy | much too early I think slickymaster :) | 11:16 |
slickymaster | probably | 11:16 |
slickymaster | elfy: are you aware of anty thing going wrong with alpha1 iso tracker page? | 11:17 |
elfy | why do we suddenyly have alternates? | 11:17 |
slickymaster | and that's not all | 11:18 |
elfy | what else? | 11:18 |
slickymaster | elfy: we're not able to submit any results, the page doesn't load entirely and the section to include the hardware link, bugs detected isn't loading | 11:19 |
elfy | archived ... | 11:19 |
slickymaster | it's just loading the first table with the results of tests done | 11:19 |
slickymaster | there's no way, presently, to submit a test result | 11:20 |
elfy | there won't be - it's been archived for some reason | 11:20 |
slickymaster | LOL | 11:21 |
slickymaster | you didn't do anything wrong when you update the tracker, did you elfy? | 11:21 |
* slickymaster runs and hide under the table | 11:22 | |
slickymaster | ;) | 11:22 |
elfy | nope - iso and package trackers are seperate :) | 11:23 |
slickymaster | elfy: do you know who's the maintainer for the iso tracker page? | 11:23 |
elfy | no | 11:24 |
slickymaster | we'll have to wait for balloons, then | 11:24 |
slickymaster | it was working half an hour ago | 11:24 |
elfy | yea - and the alternates weren't there then | 11:25 |
slickymaster | nopes | 11:25 |
elfy | mmm | 11:27 |
elfy | disabled the alternates - for some reason they have ubuntu-touch as the owner :| | 11:28 |
elfy | knome balloons - possibly stgraber (though I could be wrong there - sorry if I am) - our Alpha1 iso tracker releases have all gone odd | 11:29 |
elfy | they are marked as archived | 11:29 |
elfy | we've suddenly got alternates in the list | 11:29 |
elfy | and via admin for iso tracker - they appear to be owned by ubuntu-touch release http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/products/40/edit | 11:30 |
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DanChapman | jibel, did you file a bug for the dbus no reply error? I can't remember what was said about it and can't find anything with a search | 13:19 |
jibel | DanChapman, I didn't. I wanted to collect a bit more information than autopilot fails with a dbus timeout. But no luck for the moment. | 13:35 |
jibel | DanChapman, I think the dbus exception is caused by libautopilot.so crash. Each time this exception appears there is a crash file for ubiquity | 14:12 |
jibel | (python3.3 actually) | 14:12 |
jibel | but I still cannot reproduce the crash | 14:13 |
elopio | good morning team! | 14:22 |
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stgraber | elfy: I think I fixed most of the problems | 15:12 |
balloons | elfy, in looking it seems ok | 15:12 |
stgraber | it looks like skaet manually pushed some builds to the alpha-1 milestone... | 15:13 |
elfy | stgraber: the alternates have gone - thanks for that | 15:17 |
elfy | the testcases still appear to be archived to me http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/309/builds/59197/testcases | 15:17 |
elfy | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/309/builds/59196/testcases | 15:17 |
stgraber | elfy: that's very weird... looking into that | 15:22 |
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balloons | elfy, ohh weird! this again? | 15:39 |
balloons | xubuntu causing trouble :-) | 15:40 |
slickymaster | balloons: no it's not :) | 15:41 |
balloons | hey slickymaster 1 | 15:41 |
slickymaster | balloons: it's ubuntu -qa that it is stopping xubuntu -qa from doing its work ;) | 15:43 |
balloons | slickymaster, touche mon ami | 15:43 |
slickymaster | :) | 15:44 |
elfy | balloons: yea - that again :| | 15:45 |
elfy | and I always try to cause trouble at least once a week of course | 15:46 |
stgraber | elfy: all fixed now I believe | 15:50 |
elfy | stgraber: ty - any idea what it was that caused it? | 15:50 |
slickymaster | stgraber: yes, I can confirm it | 15:50 |
elfy | and are you the right person to ping for it in future | 15:50 |
elfy | stgraber: ^^ | 15:51 |
elfy | with balloons doing the head in the sand blame xubuntu thing :D | 15:51 |
stgraber | elfy: probably. I know the code pretty well and have access to logs to figure out who broke what... (I'll need to have a chat with skaet apparently) | 15:53 |
elfy | ok - thanks :) | 15:54 |
elfy | balloons: just kidding by the way :p | 15:54 |
balloons | elfy, :-) Yes, if thing gets weird at a code/data level we have to call in stgraber :-) | 15:54 |
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DanChapman | jibel, yes it seems to be really difficult to reproduce locally. Also I've found a bug on Lubuntu running locally. It failed to create a JFS filesystem but the test only caught that the page title didn't change, :-| So that needs changing | 16:58 |
balloons | hey DanChapman ;-) We ready for tomorrow? | 17:03 |
slickymaster | bbl | 17:08 |
DanChapman | Hey balloons, yeah we should be, I have a list of bugs the tests have found, I suppose a wiki page will be a good place for them alot of the fails have been autopilot/python3.3 bugs, ive also been re-working the test spec docs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1txlHA-67BSEj5uLl4wkcjjiMEfL76Y4LszwJ1cGQSdM/edit?usp=sharing | 17:11 |
balloons | DanChapman, wow. | 17:12 |
balloons | DanChapman, using an lp tag could work as well so you can pull them up and share them easy | 17:12 |
DanChapman | balloons, yep will do | 17:13 |
balloons | seriously, good work.. I'm really pumped about this ;-) | 17:15 |
DanChapman | balloons, me too. :-) | 17:18 |
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jibel | DanChapman, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Test+analysis+and+specification+for+Ubiquity.pdf might be an interesting resource too | 17:44 |
jibel | DanChapman, balloons I used to tag bugs found with automated test with iso-testing + qa-daily-testing | 17:46 |
jibel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/TestingTypeAndBugTracking | 17:46 |
DanChapman | jibel, brilliant thanks, wish i had found that yesterday :-) | 18:00 |
balloons | jibel handing out presents early! | 18:02 |
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balloons | Noskcaj, see my mail on the -quality list. What did you want to run a testing event for again? | 19:39 |
Noskcaj | balloons, I probably deleted it by accident, but gthumb, since I've just adopted it and added 2 years worth of new releases | 19:40 |
balloons | Noskcaj, perfect, if you don't mind responding via the list and we'll get it setup as the first event :-) | 19:40 |
Noskcaj | ok | 19:42 |
balloons | do you have a date in mind? and do you have focus of triaging bugs / finding new bugs or / | 19:43 |
balloons | DanChapman, ping | 19:46 |
DanChapman | balloons, pong | 19:50 |
balloons | DanChapman, https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=canonical.com_o1icfllckuuh8c162kl8ui0bs8@group.calendar.google.com | 19:50 |
balloons | DanChapman, here's the ical: www.google.com/calendar/ical/canonical.com_o1icfllckuuh8c162kl8ui0bs8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics | 19:51 |
DanChapman | balloons, thanks mate :-) | 19:52 |
Noskcaj | balloons, Any time this month, and mainly triaging the bags that have appeared while there was no maintainer | 19:52 |
balloons | DanChapman, I intend to share it with everyone, thought I'd let you make sure it works | 19:52 |
balloons | Noskcaj, see the calendar links above, those work for you also? I wanted to provide an ical / html calendar for people to follow along | 19:53 |
balloons | as DanChapman and dkessel suggested | 19:53 |
TheLordOfTime | Noskcaj, we triage bags now instead of bugs? (loljk) | 19:53 |
Noskcaj | it makes me download a .ics, is that the intention | 19:53 |
TheLordOfTime | Noskcaj, unless you add the link into google itself yes that's what happens with ics links | 19:54 |
TheLordOfTime | google calendar* | 19:54 |
Noskcaj | TheLordOfTime, lol. It's the last day of school, i'm allowed to be retarded now | 19:54 |
TheLordOfTime | Noskcaj, never said you couldn't | 19:54 |
TheLordOfTime | i'mma gonna be screwing up text all day with one arm in a sling >.> | 19:54 |
elfy | balloons: works fine for me loaded up in orage | 19:54 |
DanChapman | balloons, works great for me | 19:54 |
balloons | excellent! ok, so the release schedule is in there, and I'll add testing events as we create them | 19:55 |
balloons | hackathons and classroom stuff can go in there too.. anything else? | 19:55 |
elfy | balloons: you might want to make Release Canindate Release less about chucking a tin of beans about | 19:55 |
elfy | and maybe release one of the Release's :) | 19:55 |
balloons | hmm.. RC release? | 19:56 |
elfy | Noskcaj: try importing into orage :) | 19:56 |
elfy | balloons: yep :) | 19:56 |
elfy | wfm | 19:56 |
Noskcaj | works fine | 19:56 |
balloons | and yes it's weird, but I wanted to differentiate between testing and well release :-) | 19:56 |
balloons | Noskcaj, ohh last day of school. awesome! | 19:57 |
elfy | yep - understood - I've got a calendar for Xubuntu package testing that's nothing to do with anyone else's schedules | 19:57 |
Noskcaj | then holidays till late January. I should finish my devel pc and be able to do some testing again in that time | 19:57 |
balloons | now, can we embed this somehow on the wiki? | 19:57 |
balloons | Letozaf_, hello | 19:58 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, hello :) | 19:58 |
elfy | embed in what wiki balloons ? | 19:58 |
balloons | elfy, the calendar.. Or should we just share the html and ical links? | 19:58 |
elfy | balloons: not embed what in the wiki :P | 19:59 |
elfy | embed in what wiki :) | 19:59 |
balloons | lol, the QATeam wiki | 19:59 |
elfy | I'm not sure you can embed cals in ubuntu wiki's | 19:59 |
balloons | Noskcaj, ok, well I wanted to be around for the testing, but it won't be possible if you do it this month for me, as I'm going to be gone shortly | 20:00 |
elfy | but I'm a bit meh about that tbh - only ever look at the release ones - the wiki's are generally just a real pita | 20:00 |
elfy | balloons: oooh - yea - you travelling my way soon? | 20:00 |
balloons | elfy, no sadly that trip was canceled.. and moved to guess where!? | 20:01 |
Noskcaj | balloons, I can postpone till next month then. As i said, i have nothing to do for 6 weeks | 20:01 |
balloons | florida, ;-p | 20:01 |
elfy | balloons: I would have guessed usa | 20:01 |
elfy | apparently it's the centre of the world | 20:01 |
balloons | Noskcaj, you are most welcome to do it without me.. it might be a bit hard for anyone who is doing the holiday thing. Jan might be best | 20:01 |
balloons | or do it yet this week | 20:02 |
balloons | I would consider those the 2 options | 20:02 |
Noskcaj | I can do it this week if you can get the call out fast enough | 20:02 |
balloons | elfy, hah.. I wish it wasn't | 20:02 |
elfy | not to the Xubuntu dev list please - at least until our alpha is done and dusted | 20:03 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, did you have time to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/music-app/add_song_and_play/+merge/198175 | 20:03 |
Noskcaj | I was going to say tomorrow but realised people need time for stuff | 20:03 |
elfy | Noskcaj: ^^ | 20:03 |
Noskcaj | ok | 20:03 |
elfy | Noskcaj: basically if you are going to be calling for testing to our lists - please always check with what else might be happening | 20:03 |
balloons | Letozaf_, no I'm sorry. I didn't look at any tests today, trying to move these other things forward before hacking on them again | 20:04 |
balloons | mm.. yea, alpha 1 testing is going on | 20:04 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, ah ok, was just wondering what those CI failures were | 20:04 |
Noskcaj | elfy, I'll wait for January then. | 20:04 |
elfy | even so - you need to check with the qa team please | 20:05 |
balloons | Letozaf_, ohh.. it failed to build somehow | 20:05 |
elfy | Noskcaj: we've got lots of planning done already | 20:05 |
balloons | I'll just re-run | 20:05 |
elfy | Noskcaj: and I mean our qa team :p | 20:05 |
Noskcaj | of course | 20:05 |
elfy | :) | 20:05 |
balloons | elfy, can you share your calendar? | 20:05 |
elfy | balloons: not really - it's on a trello board | 20:06 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, can I fix that or what ? | 20:06 |
balloons | elfy, ahh.. well we'll be sure to plan in advance. Just pipe up if we schedule something that interfere's m'kay? | 20:06 |
balloons | Noskcaj, Jan 7th at this hour work? | 20:06 |
balloons | Letozaf_, I just told it to rebuild. I assume it'll pass | 20:07 |
elfy | balloons: well - basically I've tried to make sure that I've got a plan in for Xubuntu and couldn't wait for other people to guesstimate what they were doing | 20:07 |
balloons | elfy, ofc | 20:07 |
Noskcaj | balloons, Probably. I'll have to check with my parents later since we're going to brisbane some time and don't really know when | 20:07 |
* Letozaf_ crosses fingers | 20:07 | |
elfy | balloons: http://pad.ubuntu.com/OHGoAbZPji was the last draft - though I don't use the pad anymore | 20:07 |
elfy | ther's not much in the way of gaps - and we have 4 or 5 items to land in that will need testing time - so most of the gaps are only blank on the pad - they're mostly full up in my head | 20:08 |
balloons | ahh.. so always will be something | 20:09 |
elfy | assuming they actually get there in time for testing - our team have already been told that the answer is NO if they ask for testing too late | 20:09 |
elfy | balloons: always places to squeeze thinggs in I'd guess | 20:09 |
elfy | but any calls for testing to our lists - that I don't know about are likely to get an immediate response from me :D | 20:10 |
balloons | Letozaf_, worked :-p | 20:10 |
* elfy has his 'It's hard enough to get people to test for me as it is' head on ;) | 20:10 | |
Letozaf_ | balloons, yay! | 20:11 |
balloons | Letozaf_, doing one last check on my device and I'll top approve | 20:12 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, :D | 20:12 |
DanChapman | balloons, did you chase up about the xubuntu user-session patch? The tests are still blocked by the login screen | 20:22 |
DanChapman | elfy ^^ do you have any news on this? | 20:22 |
balloons | DanChapman, I did.. The lubuntu one was fixed.. The xubuntu one had knome on it. I have full confidence | 20:23 |
DanChapman | balloons, lovely cheers. Yes lubuntu tests are going again and presenting a bug just cannot reproduce locally, attempt 21 just finishing lol | 20:24 |
elfy | last I saw was knome pinging someone re that couple of days ago | 20:24 |
DanChapman | elfy cool cheers :-) | 20:25 |
balloons | DanChapman, eeks | 20:30 |
balloons | Letozaf_, ok, 1 failure on my device.. hmm | 20:36 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, where ? | 20:36 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I re-ran the tests on image 69 and they work | 20:37 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, anyway I will re-run them | 20:37 |
balloons | i'm re-running to | 20:38 |
balloons | Letozaf_, how's it coming? | 21:23 |
balloons | did replacing things with wait_select fix it? | 21:23 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I think so, had a pep8 error ... I fixed it now | 21:24 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I-m testing on my device | 21:24 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, first run was ok, but I will run it more times | 21:28 |
balloons | Letozaf_, kk | 21:30 |
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Letozaf_ | balloons, second run ok... let's run it again :) | 21:37 |
balloons | that's the spirit ;-) | 21:38 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, :) | 21:38 |
balloons | I'll hop in after this run is done | 21:38 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, third run ok | 21:44 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I've got time for a fourth one | 21:44 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, also the fourth one worked, I think it's quite sure now the tests work :) | 21:52 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, have to go now, let me know if the tests are ok for you. | 21:53 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, night | 21:53 |
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