
rsalvetiinfinity: if still around, could you approve the android-headers binary package?02:36
infinityrsalveti: Looks good, accepting.  Thanks for the fix.02:37
rsalvetiinfinity: awesome, thanks02:37
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Mirvseb128 preNEW reviewed properties-cpp on Friday10:18
rsalvetiinfinity: mind checking bug 1261393 as well? this is needed so we can update libhybris13:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1261393 in android-headers (Ubuntu) "[MIR] Inclusion of android-headers in main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126139313:40
infinityrsalveti: If it was already in main, it doesn't need an MIR.13:48
rsalvetiinfinity: the previous package was already in main13:49
rsalvetias it's not a 100% replacement, I thought we'd need a mir13:49
infinityrsalveti: Close enough.13:50
infinityrsalveti: Done.13:51
rsalvetiinfinity: great, thanks!13:51
ogra_lool, we shouoldnt build it on ppc15:06
ogra_(android-headers that is)15:06
rsalvetiogra_: android-headers is all15:08
loolI think we have to hint libhybris in15:08
loolrsalveti: checking status of android-headers15:08
ogra_rsalveti, well, we might want to limit it ... there is nothing to use them with on ppc15:09
loolit was renamed15:09
loolrsalveti: problem is that the binary package name changed15:09
loolso we have to remove  android-platform-headers | 0.1.0+git20130606+c5d897a-0ubuntu37 | trusty | all15:09
rsalvetiright, that was dropped with latest libhybris indeed15:09
loolrsalveti: was this pulled on developers' systems?  do we need some transition path?15:10
loollike a transition package15:10
rsalvetilool: nops15:10
loolI see android-headers conflicts/replaces it so I guess it's alright if it was only used in bdeps15:11
loolI guess we need archive admin to remove the old name15:11
loolthen libhybris can go in15:11
rsalvetilool: I don't get why it's saying it's out-of-date for arm64/powerpc/ppc64el15:12
* cjwatson looks at this android-headers/libhybris thing15:16
cjwatsonright, that arch list corresponds to the arches not built by the new libhybrid15:16
loolbut it's the same as before15:17
cjwatsonso it's effectively NBS, but I think one of the corner cases that doesn't show up in that report15:17
cjwatsonlool: the android-platform-headers package was dropped15:17
loolit was arch all and was dropped entirely15:18
cjwatsonindeed, but there's no publication to supersede it on those architectures15:18
cjwatsonanyway, I'll deal with it15:18
loolso britney did see android-headers was superseding android-platform-headers via Conflicts/Replaces somehow?  but that's arch: all too15:19
cjwatsonno no no  no no15:19
cjwatsonnothing to do with c/r or superseding or anything15:19
cjwatsonit's just NBS15:19
cjwatsonI've removed it from trusty, should clear itself up in a cycle or two15:19
loolgreat, thanks15:20
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xnox_yeah \o/ asterisk 11 =)22:58
xnox_it better drop sqlite2 =)22:58
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