
ShirakawasunaHi all! I'm looking to deploy ubuntu to 10-20 servers  - most for building a small cluster, one for running a website. I'm running into an issue of not knowing which option to choose for making this a somewhat automated process (installation + management of the software). Any opinions on using MAAS vs. cobbler vs. FAI vs. anything else?00:48
jkitchenShirakawasuna: I use foreman and puppuet to manage about 30 physical servers and 70 VMs00:48
Shirakawasunajkitchen: cool00:50
Shirakawasunajkitchen: Would you recommend reading anything outside of the official docs for those tools?00:51
ShirakawasunaI'm very new to administrating more than one or two computers00:51
jkitchenI'd recommend reading all sorts of things01:11
jkitchenyou might also want to evaluate other config management tools like chef, cfengine, etc01:12
jkitchendepending on your needs / preferences01:12
jkitchenthey're all a bit different01:12
jkitchenforeman/puppet is just what I use01:12
Shirakawasunajkitchen: cool, I'll look into chef and cfengine as well01:32
jkitchenShirakawasuna: you're welcome, good luck!01:32
jkitchenyou might also want to hit up some local devops meetups01:32
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njbairI'm trying to install the Event MPM for Apache, but apparently I've got some incompatible modules installed. Any way to tell what those are?04:49
jkitchennjbair: logs?04:50
jkitchenapachectl -t04:50
njbairjkitchen: well apparently it has to do with APT, not Apache itself04:51
jkitchenoh, apt is saying incompatible modules?04:52
njbairapache will let you use buggy modules, but APT won't04:52
njbairwell no04:52
njbairit's just silently falling back to the prefork MPM04:52
njbaireven though I've installed apache2-mpm-event04:52
njbairit's not APT04:55
njbairit was the a2enmod and a2dismod scripts04:55
njbairI was working off of a crappy doc04:55
jkitchenI'm not really sure how ubuntu's apache selects an mpm to be honest :D04:56
jkitchenlooks like it sets a /usr/sbin/apache2 symlink04:56
njbairthe blog I was reading made it look like all you had to do was install the correct MPM package04:56
jkitchenin theory, yes.04:56
njbairwell you also have to a2dismod mpm_prefork, then a2enmod mpm_event04:57
jkitchenah ok04:57
njbairthose scripts have conflict resolution04:57
njbairthey look for enabled modules that are flagged as unstable with the mpm in question04:58
CryptoKingcan someone give us a hand with ubuntu server, i tried to set up static ip but something went wrong how do i get my dhcp working again05:18
lickalottCryptoKing paste the content of /etc/network/interfaces (pastebin)05:20
CryptoKingcan not ssh in05:20
CryptoKingi will paste bin what i changed to make it static, i think i know where i went wrong05:21
CryptoKingso i think  eth0 should of been eth1 on this machine05:22
lickalottI'm guessing that you didn't backup the original interfaces file?05:22
lickalottwhere is the server located?05:23
lickalottCryptoKing ^05:23
CryptoKingthats why its blank :(05:23
CryptoKingna i didnt05:24
CryptoKingany hope with out doing a fresh install ?05:25
lickalottdo you have physical access to the machine?05:25
lickalotti can send you the content of a "fresh" interface file05:25
CryptoKingthanks you would save me alot of time05:26
lickalottI actually had the same issue.  Ended up just setting it in my router as "preferred" and it dished out the same IP all the time05:26
CryptoKingyeah, i got the static working with my order machine05:26
CryptoKingand with out thinking just copied the same into new vi05:27
lickalottalways, always, ALWAYS make a backup before you mess with system files.  i learned the hard way....(rebuild)05:27
CryptoKingon new rig05:27
lickalottbeen there05:27
CryptoKingi didnt even think about looking at device name05:28
CryptoKingi just assumed with was eth005:28
lickalottanyone still here?  Still looking for a good image/backup option.  i've tried FSarchiver but can't get it to install.  CLonezilla is a pita beacuse I don't want to have to reboot everytime I want an image. (plus no one knows how to successfully get it installed on a system) and dd is just too much.  i don't want the ENTIRE content of the drive, just whats used.06:17
KLVTZI'm having trouble creating a virtual host on my Ubuntu 13.10 OS. I have created added the proper line to my hosts file. I have added the corect conf file to sites-available folder and symbolically to the sites-enabled folder. I have added the proper scipt in them and have restarted. I can use the virtual host as an address but it redirects back to my localhost. The url keeps the proper virtual host but it renders the /var/www/index.p06:32
KLVTZI can provide any documentation or scripts necessary06:32
cfhowlettKLVTZ, it sometimes (well, frequently ...) happens that this channel is quiet.  If no response is a reasonable amount of time, please return to #ubuntu and post your query06:33
KLVTZThank you, but I was formally told that #ubuntu was not proper06:33
KLVTZthey asked what the point of ubuntu-server is if no one bothers going to it06:33
KLVTZi understood that I upsetted the person :/06:34
KLVTZBut thank you for the fast reply.06:34
mmazingso KLVTZ - don't mind that bullshit from the other channel, even in the MOTD it says that server versions are supported in #ubuntu06:35
mmazingpeople in linux help channels (many times) were born with too many sticks in their ass06:35
mmazingso by the way, could you go to pastebin, or another site that you can paste text into and give us the conf file in sites-available for the vhost you are trying to set up?06:39
KLVTZThanks man! I will do that right now06:43
KLVTZAnd I do know they are a bit touchy but I don't want to upset anyone xD06:44
KLVTZ@mmazing here it is http://pastebin.com/9AK2YyDG06:48
mmazingtry changing to <VirtualHost *:80> instead of what you have06:52
TJ-KLVTZ: What do you get from "sudo apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS"06:52
KLVTZI'm going to do mmazing recommendation and then ill do yours TJ -just give me one minute -thank you06:54
mmazingand .. just in case you aren't doing this, are you "service apache2 restart" after editing conf files in sites-available/sites-enabled ?06:56
KLVTZ@TJ- this is interesting: http://pastebin.com/6B32PmCM06:58
KLVTZi just use the rest and now its say laravel.dev is not found07:00
mmazingtake out the "ServerAlias" line07:01
mmazingand restart again07:01
TJ-KLVTZ: <VirtualHost *:80> should do the trick, as mmazing said07:01
KLVTZ@mmazing, I removed the ServerAlias and restarted. It renders my /var/www folder and not my /var/www/laravel etc etc folder07:03
TJ-KLVTZ: ServerAlias won't affect this; that is just an alternate name for the vhost. Remove the "NameVirtualHost" option, the re-run the config check07:05
mmazingTJ-: i was thinking that the "laravel.dev is not found" was causing apache to not start, i guess it was a warning07:06
TJ-mmazing: My next question to KLVTZ is show us the output of "cat /etc/hosts"07:06
TJ-mmazing: KLVTZ The default host is getting the requests for which you'd expect... because the VHOST is incorrect07:07
KLVTZSo you want a cat of of my hosts?07:09
KLVTZHere is my new 001-laravel.dev.conf file07:11
TJ-KLVTZ: just to be sure that basic name resolution is configured... also "cat /etc/nsswitch.conf"07:11
KLVTZ@TJ- @mmazing here is a cat of my /etc/hosts  http://pastebin.com/9Lc4E8kq07:12
KLVTZ@TJ- here is a cat of my nsswitch.conf http://pastebin.com/E9SENWLH07:13
KLVTZIf the VHOST is incorrect, how should i change the basic name resolution. Or specifically where?07:16
TJ-KLVTZ: firstly, as you only have "laravel.dev" in /etc/hosts, you should match that in the apache vhost config file "ServerName laravel.dev" - there is no "www."07:17
KLVTZRain is falling from the heavans07:19
KLVTZchildren are exploding against walls and glitter is zooming through the air07:20
KLVTZpeople will ask who that amazing being is07:20
KLVTZan it's TJ!07:20
KLVTZbut i will also take mmazing!07:20
KLVTZdamn it was that simple07:20
ubottuTJ-,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:20
KLVTZTJ I would personally buy you a beer07:21
KLVTZif i could07:21
KLVTZThank you so much!07:21
* TJ- sips the coffee07:24
mmazingheh it was mostly TJ- :)07:26
mmazingi'm very tired07:26
TJ-mmazing: me too... woke up early (3am) and now regretting it07:27
KLVTZWhere you guys at?07:28
mmazingi've had a looooong day of family xmas and have had about the last hour of my day to deal with my computer07:28
KLVTZI'm in Cal07:28
KLVTZDamn. It's 80 here during the day07:28
KLVTZi really wish for at least rain :(07:29
TJ-UK here... 07:2807:29
mmazingit was 20 F here a few days ago07:29
KLVTZNow that's a great time07:29
TJ-And I'm wishing for sun and warmth... want to swap? :)07:29
KLVTZdamnn brrrr07:29
KLVTZYeah TJ let's switch!07:29
KLVTZMy gift for you lol07:29
mmazingwhere in cali? LA?07:29
mmazingim in kansas, i have family in san diego and LA though07:30
TJ-Ha... as long as you walk both Huskies and bath them afterwards!07:30
mmazingim ... not a fan of LA07:30
mmazingmy business partner recently moved to where i am from LA, and they are freaking out about how cold it is here haha07:31
mmazingalso, on top of my 14+ hour day of extended family xmas, i came home to my dog having destroyed my front door :\07:33
mmazinghe even had people over to feed/water/let him out07:34
KLVTZ@mmazing, I'm in irvine at the moment!07:37
KLVTZI head back to a slightly colder climate in the High Desert next week'07:37
KLVTZat least there, at night, its 15 F07:37
KLVTZI would always recommend a person who comes to visit cali to visit northern cali07:37
KLVTZits like a different stat07:38
KLVTZNorcal vs Socal07:38
KLVTZa huge difference07:38
mmazingyeah, i've driven a bit in northern california, was nice, the only part i seem to despise is LA haha07:40
mmazingi even like san diego07:40
mmazingi lived in boston for 3 years too, it's not the population density, it's the people07:40
mmazingi can't even describe it07:40
inqafter migrating a php web app i am getting redirect loop error. i have total two htaccess files one for moodle and another for jooml. first htaccess http://paste.ubuntu.com/6582362/ and second file http://paste.ubuntu.com/6582364/07:52
inqits not my code. i got this app to add some features.07:52
inqplease help me to remove this redirect error.07:52
KLVTZYour system headers are looping endlessly means somewhere in your app, your file is redirecting. How large is your app?07:58
KLVTZYour best bet is to deduct from your current app file.07:58
KLVTZI'm pretty sure a .htaccess file is preventing you, unless your rewrite rules are somehow upsetting your request. I'll take a look07:59
KLVTZpretty sure it is not*07:59
KLVTZpretty sure it is not preventing you.07:59
inqKLVTZ: app is too larg.08:00
inqKLVTZ: how do i solve this redirect loop error?08:00
KLVTZFirst off, you mention that your getting a redirect after you migtated an app?08:00
inqKLVTZ: this is not my app. i got it to extend further. so i setup test server on rackspace. original web app is on aws.08:00
KLVTZAnd it's working on aws?08:01
inqKLVTZ: yes firefox and chromium tells redirect loop08:01
inqKLVTZ: yes. i did not touched aws. becasue that is developed be previous developer.08:01
inqits working fine on aws.08:01
KLVTZAlright. Hmmm and those two .htaccess files are on aws as well?08:02
inqit exact copy of aws.08:02
inqi only changed the ip address.08:02
inqthere were many links for original aws web app in the database too. so i first changed link in database to point to new rackspace. and then migrated the web app.08:03
inqdoes changing "localhost" to "actual_ip_address" makes any difference?08:04
KLVTZare you on an SSL load balancer?08:04
inqthere is no ssl on original aws web app.08:04
inqand i dont know what is ssl load balancer.08:04
KLVTZcheck out this08:05
inqKLVTZ: but the original website do not ake use of ssl certificates. i checked with the owner. moodle has something inbuild to handle encryption.08:06
inqi read that article. but we dont have ssl.08:07
KLVTZhmmm :|08:07
KLVTZcan do you try out something? I'm not sure if it will work but put in both htaccess: RewriteBase /08:10
KLVTZand then restart server08:11
inqKLVTZ: tried rewrite base /. it still gives error this page is not redirecting properly.08:14
inqKLVTZ: does two seperate .htacces one for  moodle and one for joomla makes it complex and cause error?08:15
KLVTZAre those two htacess files in the same directory?08:20
inqKLVTZ: no08:23
TJ-inq: Increase the RewiteLogLevel and check the log to see precisely what is being done08:27
inqTJ-: ok08:27
babinlonstonGnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received. while login into my vsftpd Using ssl, How to fix it11:39
krababbelIs there a tutorial for using LDAPscripts with 'groupOfNames'? I can create groups and users using the scripts, when I objectclass is set to 'posixGroup', but not 'groupOfNames'. I have an empty LDAP directory, I just installed it.12:44
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TitoNHi i just got a dell r320 but after completed installation it stops before grub even loads.....it sits on looking for devices13:39
smbzul, Could you replace your version of ubuntu-xend-probe.patch with the one in my home on chinstrap before the official upload of libvirt-1.2.0 to Trusty, please. That should fix the libxl detection again.13:39
TitoNI did a raid 1....ended up with 1 virtual drive..... but i asume that is the problem..... maybe i should change ahci to raid instead13:40
zulsmb:  yep13:40
hallyn_rbasak: i opened bugs 1261416 and 1261419 - not sure how involved you want to be.15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261416 in auto-upgrade-testing "re-tool against (perhaps) uvtool" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126141615:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261419 in sandbox-upgrader "Switch to using downloaded cloud images." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126141915:00
rbasakhallyn_: thanks. It's on my list, though don't know how involved I can get in it. If uvtool needs features to support those use cases, I can certainly look at adding those.15:03
zulroaksoax:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/keystoneclient-refresh/+merge/19913915:13
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jamespag`zul, ?15:16
zuljamespag`:  when you get a sec https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/keystoneclient-refresh/+merge/19913915:16
jamespag`adam_g, zul: either of you have time to review my neutron and nova merges? I'd like to drop them into testing this week if possible15:17
jamespag` https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/nova/compute-plus-others/+merge/19876315:17
jamespag` https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/neutron/ml2-ovs-cleanup-fixes/+merge/19854615:17
jamespag`wait- thats me15:17
zuljamespag`:  what does ml2 mean again?15:18
jamespag`zul, am I me again now?15:19
jamespag`modular layer 215:19
zulah yes15:19
zuljamespag`:  +1 on both of them15:19
jamespag`zul, ta15:20
jamespag`zul, ta15:22
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ChillaholicHow can i pass variables to a sed command? this is not working:   sed "/$1/d" $INDEX16:17
Chillaholicforget it , wrong chat xD16:18
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sarnoldhallyn_: did you get your EPERM sorted out? were you starting the program via a strace'd shell / terminal? you might need to grand capbility sys_trace to the tracer..16:37
hallyn_sarnold: yeah thanks, got past that.16:42
hallyn_sarnold: i thought things used to be more consistent re EPERM vs EACCES16:42
hallyn_but when non-root tries to read a roto file i'm getting EACCES...16:42
hallyn_sarnold: thanks :)16:43
sarnoldhallyn_: tbh the handful of times I thought I understood the EPERM vs EACCES errors, I was probably just deluding myself :) hehe16:44
hallyn_sarnold: i'm pretty sure it used to be that EACCESS meant lsm denied it16:50
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sarnoldhallyn_: hrm, what did it mean before lsms?16:53
hallyn_sarnold: dunno :)16:54
sarnoldhehe :)16:54
hallyn_sarnold: anyway at this point i'm at a loss for why i can't get libvirt-launched qemu to do pulseaudio, and i'm out of time :(16:55
sarnoldhallyn_ :(16:55
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mdmaHi! Any guy with nagios knowledge? Last Check time stamp is incorrect...17:37
Picimdma: You may want to ask in #nagios as well.17:44
mdmaSorry no answer in nagios....17:44
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krababbelIs there a tutorial for using LDAPscripts with 'groupOfNames'? I can create groups and users using the scripts, when I objectclass is set to 'posixGroup', but not 'groupOfNames'. I have an empty LDAP directory, I just installed it.18:53
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RealKillazHi there guys20:34
RealKillazThe last couple of months we have been hit very hard by crashes of various servers running ubuntu 10.0420:35
RealKillazSome of them in different locations....20:35
RealKillazFirst question: how can I find out why a server crashed in the logs?  We've been looking and searching .. no luck20:36
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RealKillazIs there like a action plan to follow.... to find out the root cause of the crash?20:37
pmatulisRealKillaz: study linux-crashdump package20:40
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pmatulisa recent ubuntu server guide has a writeup20:41
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lickalottgents, still looking for backup options.20:47
lickalotti've messed with FSarchiver, but can't configure because of some blkid issue (no googling will help apparently).  I've done a dd copy but I don't want the entire drive "imaged" when less than 1/2 is actually used, and clonezilla is a little too intrusive (i.e. reboot to get an image).  So I'm looking for help with either other options or to install clonezilla to the hdd.20:56
phunyguylickalott, please don't crosspost :(20:57
RealKillazpmatulis, looks good thank you... will look into it21:03
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lickalottI can never get answers in here.  I've literally been asking for 3 days and the ONLY person to even say anything was you phunyguy22:56
sarnoldlickalott: check out rsnapshot, rdiff, tarsnap (not free, not locally hosted, but looks neat). check out duplicity22:59
lickalottI F*ckin love you sarnold23:00
lickalottthank you!23:00
lickalottreally?  that's specifically why I added the *23:12
lickalott^^ wasn't towards you sarnold23:12
phunyguylickalott: just because you put the *, doesn't NOT make it a swear.23:27
phunyguylickalott: so please try to keep it family friendly.23:27
phunyguylickalott: also, sidenote, did someone else say something to you about it too?23:28
phunyguybecause I didn't see it... wonder what is going on with Freenodeexample.23:28
phunyguyerr accidental paste23:28
lickalottgot a pm from ubottu.23:29
phunyguybecause I didn't see it... wonder what is going on with Freenode.**23:29
phunyguyoh, ubottu is a bot.23:29
phunyguysomeone probably sent that to you.23:29
phunyguythat is why I clarified.23:29
lickalottyeah, someone sent it.  But i'm not gonna call them out publicly.23:29
phunyguyit's all good.  Just have to keep it clean. :)23:29
lickalottit's just funny.  i could've not added the * (like most other douches on irc) but i specficially chose to do it to mask the actual word, yet I still get my balls busted over it.  Not a big deal, but there was intent to keep it clean.23:30

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