
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsyou can't delete the credentials for a wifi network in windows 8.100:24
daftykinsat least not graphically. i had to run "netsh wlan delete profile name=SSID"00:24
popeydirecthex: do you have The Stanley parable?00:30
MooDoomorning all07:26
* MartijnVdS listens to http://open.spotify.com/album/6Ke8YiLYx2pzt8TaDeNp1B 07:41
* MooDoo is at work tackling next years rota.07:43
MartijnVdSMooDoo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rota,_C%C3%A1diz ?07:43
MooDooyeah maybe i should send people there :)07:45
MartijnVdS"It's for the best"07:45
TheOpenSourcererMorning all.08:21
dwatkinsallo allo08:21
dwatkinscool, the BBC Micro USB adapters may be available again in the new year08:26
dwatkinsSomething useful for my little computer museum08:26
SuperMattbbc micro usb adaptor?08:50
SuperMattsounds too good to be true08:50
dwatkinsSuperMatt: details here: http://www.retroclinic.com/acorn/datacentre/datacentre.htm08:51
dwatkinsI'm still waiting for them to do another batch of them, they had run out of stock when I asked a year ago08:51
SuperMattI'm surprised the bbc micro can support such stuff08:52
dwatkinsI think it uses a ROM to present each .ssd and dsd file as a disc to the OS08:55
SuperMattI see08:55
* SuperMatt doesn't see08:55
dwatkinsmaybe the ROM just sends and receives data via the user port, and the board itself implements the FAT32 filesystem08:55
SuperMattI can't remember if I've ever used a bbc micro08:55
MooDooLast time I was on one was when I played Frak :)08:56
dwatkinsI replaced the function keys on my IBM Model M keyboard to vaguely resemble a BBC Micro / Archimedes.08:56
dvrrgood morning everyone09:13
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:13
czajkowskigooood morning09:13
MooDoomorning laura09:14
czajkowskiLaney: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+LauraCzajkowski/posts/6E2XarLSDGM09:14
Laneyczajkowski: dawwwww09:14
diploMorning all09:22
bigcalmI take it that the carrot is a toy rather than an actual carrot?09:22
diploAnyone point me in the direction of what may cause this error in messages "q 30000 above highwater mark 30000, /path/to/file"09:23
diploAlso keyboard has changed to US style even thouh it says it's UK :/09:23
diploRemove US altogether works :)09:24
czajkowskibigcalm: nope a real one09:24
czajkowskihe loves it09:25
bigcalmczajkowski: cool, cheap toys :D09:25
czajkowskioh he has them too but loves a fresh carrot it's amusing to watch09:26
Guest81453Good morning all; happy Day of Reconciliation! :-D09:27
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foobarrywhat's that?09:46
bigcalmYou all came back! It was getting cold on my own09:56
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brobostigongood morning everyone.10:31
brobostigonmorning SuperMatt10:32
MooDoomorning morning10:47
brobostigonmorning MooDoo10:54
MooDooare you well brobostigon ?10:56
brobostigonMooDoo: numb, but fine, and you?11:02
MooDooon the downward spiral to my hols :D11:03
knightwiseafternoon peeps11:21
Monotokowe have a colonial!11:26
Myrttiwell, technically I've not yet immigrated11:27
Myrttibut oh well11:27
bashrcI immigrated to planet Earth11:27
knightwiseA colonial ? Who  ?11:27
MooDooknightwise: dr who?11:27
knightwisebashrc: are you sure that was a wise move ?11:27
knightwiseMooDoo: Very clever earthling11:28
knightwiseI managed to fix my synapic pointer issue on my thinkpad last night11:28
knightwiseneeded to downgrade the bios to a previous version and then all was honkey dorey11:28
* knightwise did have to use windows to do it11:29
knightwise brrr11:29
MooDoocold knightwise ;)11:47
knightwiseHmm.. i'm trying out the ubuntu-after-install script that they have out there12:10
knightwisepretty convenient if you want to automate a workstations post-install12:10
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240211011/Avon-drops-SAP-big-bang-transformation12:47
brobostigonyummy, ham and cheese toastie, day2.12:47
popeyheh, just made the kids cheese toasties12:47
popeythey love them12:47
AlanBellpopey: that is a sizeable failure!12:51
diploThe place I used to work for have just finally got rid of it after a pretty failed install/go live12:58
diploAbout £6m in total12:59
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Ouch. $125m down the pan...13:27
foobarrywhat are we talking about? i missed a bit of the convo13:28
TheOpenSourcererfoobarry: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240211011/Avon-drops-SAP-big-bang-transformation13:29
popeyI'd be tempted to buy the bits to make a steam machine for the lounge at some point13:30
MooDooanyone plauyed with steamos yet just seing that comment of popey 's13:30
popeynot much to play with really if you're already used to steam on linux13:31
directhexpopey, now we know the basics of the os, the next interesting bit will be the controllers shipping in bulk13:32
directhexpopey, also all the steamos boxes and games announced in early jan at CES13:33
popeyyeah, looking forward to trying those new ones13:33
popeyi like the look of that one that goes on the back of the telly13:33
popeywell, i like the *idea* of it13:33
popeygolly, I have 96 linux games in steam13:33
directhexthat all? :p13:36
popeybit of a steam newb really13:36
popeymost come from humble bundles I suspect13:37
ali1234is it worth getting a motherboard with legacy PCI still?13:44
ali1234it's basically a choice between 4x PCIe and 2x PCIe + 2x PCI13:46
ormiretali1234: I'd say you only need PCI if you already have PCI cards you want to use - you're unlikely to need it for anything new.13:50
popeyor a cable to take audio from sound card to screen14:01
directhexali1234, which PCI device do you want to use?14:04
directhexali1234, i can't even remember the last time PCI made sense14:04
MonotokoPCI just reminds me we have a PCI DSS assessment in a month... ugh14:07
popeythat looks hilarious14:26
dwatkinslike KSP for cars14:30
popeysome of the ridiculous cars in the video are funny14:31
popeyvery cheap tablet14:34
popey(and probably crap)14:34
directhexbanjo kazooie: nuts & bolts for xbox 36014:34
directhexdid the "build a vehicle" thing a long time ago14:34
AlanBellbut not in the UK popey :(14:40
popeyoh, region specific.. bummer14:41
ali1234popey have you seen nextcargame?14:51
ali1234also my dad already has speakers14:51
popeyno, wow14:52
* Seeker` is worried that Boston Dynamics + Google = Skynet15:02
ballSeeker`: Not until they strap IBM Watson to it ;-)15:03
Seeker`ball: I wouldn't run that past google...15:03
ballIt's the Forbin Project all over again!15:05
ballWatson will know that Google/General Dynamics exists15:05
ball...and will demand to be spliced onto it. :-)15:05
shaunoso does this make "don't be evil" a defence contractor now?15:05
Seeker`shauno: no15:08
NET||abusehas anyone else experienced slowness after resuming from suspend?15:12
NET||abuseI think i've been seeing it for over a year,15:12
NET||abusei've gone through 12.10 to 13.10, and i still have it15:13
NET||abuseit's really frustrating15:13
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ballHmm... the Ubuntu download page doesn't make it obvious where to find .torrent files15:30
ballAh, if I click back a few times and scroll down...15:31
ballFound it15:31
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popeyNET||abuse: yes. i think it was a bug in unity panel service15:41
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AlanBellhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25402621 that is quite cheap, probably for a reason18:01
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AlanBellhttp://www.ubislate.co.uk/product.php?prodid=1 the actual product18:02
AlanBell800x480 screen resolution is pretty low18:03
diddledan__I think google must be working on a _real_ android18:31
MartijnVdSdiddledan__: they want to replace humans with something else that (a) generates money and (b) doesn't complain about privacy so much18:31
brobostigonok, interesting question, using network location, same phone, different networks, would you get different results?18:31
MartijnVdSAlanBell: 800x480? Isn't that the PSP screen res?18:32
popeythats what the Asus EEE 701 was18:36
popey6 years ago18:37
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
MartijnVdSAlanBell: http://atworkcrm.tumblr.com/post/70189084591/the-story-of-a-christmas-relationship-management18:47
MyrttiWhy do Americans write the month before the day?18:57
Myrttiit has no answers :-D18:58
AlanBellMartijnVdS: very clever20:05
AlanBellMyrtti: it is because they say it like that, today is "December 13th" to them, and not "the 13th of December"20:06
AlanBellbut they don't know why they say it the wrong way round20:06
popeythey don't say "December 13th" they say "December 13"20:15
popeyExtreme lazy ☻20:15
AlanBellah, you are right20:26
shaunoI think the more interesting question is why don't we write the month first?20:26
AlanBellyyy-mm-dd is defensible20:26
AlanBellyyyy-mm-dd is more defensible than that20:26
shaunoit seems we used to write the month first.  now we don't. and I can't narrow down the shift between them at all20:30
gordonjcpMyrtti: please do not take this as being against the Coc21:06
gordonjcpMyrtti: but are all Finnish people that weird?21:06
gordonjcpit's a work of insane genius21:07
* gordonjcp has yet to meet a Finnish person that could poke sane with a long stick21:07
Myrttiwe are creatively mad.21:38
bigcalmgordonjcp: one of my ex-gfs is Finnish. Mad as a brush21:47
bigcalmDaft as a brush21:47
directhexi need a collaborator for a community project.21:48
bigcalmIs it to play games?21:49
Myrttioooorr conspirator?21:49
bigcalmJust about to reboot to GameOS just to play A New Beginning21:49
* bigcalm wonders when OCZ will do something with my returned SSD21:50
directhexYe Olde SteamOSe. a steamos remix for older computers. BIOS-compatible, ISOhybrid based distribution21:52
bigcalmI have a couple of spare machines21:54
bigcalmAll BIOS21:54
directhexmy i7 is pre-UEFI21:54
directhexi cba doing this without users, and for that i need things i don't have time to deal with - a domain and a website, basically21:55
directhexi'm one of the few people at large who knows enough debian-installer B&I to actually do what i'm proposing. all the community solutions i've seen so far have been rubbish21:56
diploevening all22:01
Myrttithose with Google Now on your phones, try 'let's go caroling'22:08
popeythats cute22:09
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte

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