
widoxa frigid morning13:55
rick_h__yea, fireplace hacking today13:56
brouschMy roof started leaking yesterday. I had to go up there, clean off the ice and snow, then inside I had to belly-crawl through the attic and patch it with stinky roof patch stuff13:57
rick_h__oh joy13:58
jrwrenbrousch: OH NO!13:59
brouschSo despite my nose hairs freezing this morning, I think it is a better day14:00
rick_h__no water > water14:00
cmaloneyGood morning14:37
jrwrenNeed to get 0 B/61.8 MB of archives.15:05
jrwrenAfter this operation, 259 MB of additional disk space will be used.15:05
jrwrenHOLY CRAP! kernels are HUGE15:05
cmaloneyHas this changed recently? I thought kernels were always a bit on the hefty side.15:05
jrwreni have no idea.15:05
rick_h__yea, why they needed to auto clean those up. Amazed how big a bunch of old kernels can take up space. Especially when I used to keep a small /boot15:07
brouschhah, 10MB /boot. Those were the days15:08
jrwrenhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6583851/   NOOOO!!!!!   right as I was typing "i have no idea"15:10
cmaloneyjrwren: Ouch15:12
cmaloneyIs that a CDROM or a HDD?15:12
cmaloneyOlder machine?15:13
jrwrenno, my primary home server15:13
jrwreni probably would have crashed but my rootfs is mirrored15:13
cmaloneyTime to upgrade. :)15:13
jrwrenmaybe it is under warranty15:13
cmaloneyWhen did you get the drive?15:14
jrwrendunno, not sure which drive it is yet15:14
cmaloneyMost of the consumer drives I've seen have warranties that are either 90 days or 5 years15:14
jrwrenha! was looking for kernel boot log and noticed same error on Nov 19.15:16
jrwrenhow do I find device info for ata8 if my kernel log has rotated away?15:20
jrwrenscrolled away15:25
jrwrenanswer: follow symlinks in /sys/block/ and ask hdparm15:25
jrwrenits a samsung HD204UI15:25
jrwrenI have two of those, hdparm shows me the serial number so I know which to replace15:25
cmaloneydmesg | grep ata8 | less ? ;)15:34
cmaloneyBut that works too. ;)15:34
jrwrenno, that doesn't work.15:36
jrwrenbecuase i've been up for 50 days and iptables and other things logged so much to kernel that the boot messages are long out of the dmesg buffer15:36
jrwrenits even gone from /var/log/kern.* :(15:37
jrwrenGOOD AFTERNOON!21:12
rick_h__ugh, slippery driveway fail22:08
* rick_h__ needs to put away the summer slip on shoes22:08
jrwrenlol, yeah, BOOTS FTW!22:14

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