
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
Ivanovbeldar, can't install multisystem, dependencies are borked, that is the reason i am trying to switch OS lol00:00
glitsj16adamjames: atheros is usually well supported in the linux kernel, never had the specific AR5523 though, if i find something usefull i'll drop it here00:00
adamjamesglitsj16: much appreciated. been a long time since i'v had this much trouble with something like this.00:01
Sebastieni do not understand how to get the PGP fingerprint out of my os to sign the code of conduct from launchpad.net00:01
Sebastiencan someone help me out, ? i just installed 12.0400:01
BeldarIvanov, You might try unetbootin or just dd00:01
Ivanovnot sure any of this, i havent used linux in years00:01
glitsj16adamjames: do you have the linux-firmware package installed? it references the ar5523 specifically on my 13.0400:02
freshminthi, is there a gui/terminal tool available for generating qrcode pdfs?00:02
bekksfreshmint: LaTeX can generate those.00:03
michagogo|cloudSebastien: in the terminal, run `gpg --list-secret-keys`00:03
BeldarIvanov, post #3 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205293900:04
Sebastienmichangogo|cloud, nothin happens.00:04
michagogo|cloudSebastien: Erm, do you *have* a GPG key?00:04
michagogo|cloudIf not, `gpg --gen-key`00:04
Sebastienits a fresh install, all updated.00:04
michagogo|cloud(I think that's the command)00:04
michagogo|cloudIf that's not the command, `gpg --help` and see what the command there is00:05
Ivanovbeldar, for <iso> i use the ubuntu iso filename?00:06
adamjamesglitsj16: appears not, how did you determine that? on your machine?00:06
BeldarIvanov, yeah00:06
glitsj16adamjames: i looked at the installed files tab in synaptic for that package00:06
glitsj16adamjames: but you can list files from packages you don't have installed through the web: packages.ubuntu.com00:07
IvanovBeldar, ok its working its butt off so hopefull this will work, if not when i reboot i will be back heh00:08
BeldarIvanov, Cool I never dd however it's pretty straight forward.00:08
adamjamesglitsj16: i dont have a gui for synaptic. i will look into the other, thanks.00:08
IvanovBeldar, yeah it seems straightforward: dd if=ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdd100:08
BeldarIvanov, I believe the dd goes just to the drive not a partition.00:09
Ivanovshould i format the stick again first?00:09
BeldarIvanov, No format it will just be on the stick I believe.00:10
Beldarjust a partition table00:10
Ivanovok i am restarting it on /dev/sdd the00:10
IvanovBeldar, its done, do i just try booting into it now?00:16
BeldarIvanov, Yeah, and remember the f6 nomodeset if needed.00:16
Ivanovi have a decent GPU, im sure it will work once it boots off the USB :D00:16
Ivanovhere goes nothing00:17
pentestercan you do a net install of ubuntu studio00:18
Beldarpentester, I would ask in #ubuntustudio if its in the repos as such then yes.00:18
Aikar_Hi - When enabling xinerama on my SLI system, with gdm I cant get to login, with lightdm i can login with all 3 monitors, but on login, desktop doesnt load. plugging 2 into same gpu and twinview is fine, but need xinerama for triple head00:19
Aikar_ive tried nvidia 313 and now on 30400:19
=== Aikar_ is now known as Aikar
sebastieni am not sure how to upload my GPG key to the key server in 12.0400:19
sebastienany help pls :(00:20
Beldarpentester, I see ubuntustudio-desktop in the repos00:20
pentesterBeldar: would I just do a ubuntu net install? Then choose that package?00:21
k1l_sebastien: http://www.wikihow.com/Sign-the-Ubuntu-Code-of-Conduct  this is a howto with pictures, maybe you have more luck with that00:21
Beldarpentester, The net install allows a base install no desktop, then run a install of that I would assume, I would do it on a reboot to the cli after the base install.00:21
sebastienit says: To do this, in Passwords and Encryption Keys, select the My Personal Keys tab, and then your key. Next, open the Remote menu and click Sync and Publish Keys... and then press the Sync button. You may need to select the Ubuntu keyserver using the 'Key Servers' button first.00:22
Beldarpentester, Unless you see it in a install option list.00:22
sebastienbut i do not find the REMOTE button.00:22
acovrigWhat do you recommend I use to convert a bunch of pngs to pdfs?00:23
pentesterBeldar: il see what pops up00:23
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acovrigI tried 'convert -quality 100 "$l".png "$l".pdf' and end up with pdfs with a bunch of white space on the right side...00:24
sebastienk1l_: http://pbrd.co/1gAwIlI00:24
sebastienthis is what i get ^ where is the "remote" button ? am i blind? :p00:24
Beldarpentester, Cool, I am assuming the desktop install works, seems logical, hehe.00:26
jmgkhi Snake2k00:26
glitsj16sebastien: you might see it on the global menu bar, move your mouse near the left upper part and it should reveal00:26
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pentesterBeldar: I just got the burn.iso00:26
nbros652anybody out there know if it's possible to get av codecs from windows (.dll, .ax files) to work in Ubuntu?00:27
sebastienoh, i think i got it.00:27
glitsj16sebastien: takes some getting used to the menu's not integrated in the app window00:27
Beldarpentester, Net loads are good they install the latest, no updates afterwards.00:27
Aikarive tried nvidia 313 and now on 30400:29
AikarHi - When enabling xinerama on my SLI system, with gdm I cant get to login, with lightdm i can login with all 3 monitors, but on login, desktop doesnt load. plugging 2 into same gpu and twinview is fine, but need xinerama for triple head00:29
Aikarif i start X over a tty, its last line is loading NV-CONTROL00:30
IvanovBeldar, no dice00:32
IvanovIt got stuck in initramfs claiming it couldn't find a live file system to load, after sitting ont he Ubuntu loading screen for a while00:33
Ivanovat least it booted this time00:33
Aikarhttp://aikar.co/db/fail.jpg   < here is screen of me trying to start X, switching TTY then back00:34
michagogo|cloudsebastien: `gpg --send-keys 89EBD8AA`00:35
michagogo|cloud(run that at the terminal)00:35
nbros652anybody know if it's possible to get av codecs from windows (.dll, .ax files) to work in Ubuntu?00:36
michagogo|cloudsebastien: Oh, wait00:36
michagogo|cloudsebastien: The Remote menu is at the top of your screen, I think00:36
rndmz_Hey guys, i need help with my Wired Network00:36
zouavehi, I have an issue with lighttpd. for some reason when I try /lighty-enable-mod mod_alias it says "unknown module", despite the fact that it's installed.00:37
rndmz_(I'm on my laptop now.. D:)00:37
michagogo|cloudsebastien: But also, another way of getting the key onto the Ubuntu keyserver is to run the command `gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys 89EBD8AA` at the Terminal00:38
sebastienya,t his i did it00:38
sebastienand launchpad sas success.00:38
sebastiennow im trying to sign the code of conduct, took me a while to read it :p00:38
michagogo|cloud(https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey seems to be a very good guide to that part)00:38
rndmz_Halp 8(00:40
faces_I've read from FoSS00:40
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faces_and the link is broken00:40
faces_working now00:40
rndmz_Fuck this00:41
zouaverndmz_: be more specific00:41
faces_I need a copy paste00:41
faces_I don't know where the words I copy do go00:42
faces_Who can I talk to?00:44
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Beldarfaces_, Details and an end goal to the channel.00:46
smokieheya guys, quick question, how can i make a batch script run at boot?00:46
cheerupcharlieCan I update to mailman 2.1.15 on 12.04?  It's currently in the repos for 13.04 but I don't waqnt to have to upgrade the whole system if I don't have to. (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mailman)00:47
Beldarcheerupcharlie, you can look for a ppa, however ppa's and installs out of release are not supported basically.00:48
IvanovBeldar, any ideas why it says theres no live filesystem to load?00:49
onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: you could try compiling from source and use "checkinstall" to install it00:50
BeldarIvanov, Not really, for me I never have a problem here so not an area I can really do more than google for info.00:51
Ivanovyeah i am trying a format, then another dd into /dev/sdd1 this time00:51
BeldarIvanov, Be sure to check the sum of the iso at some point.00:51
Ivanovhow do i do that?00:52
Beldarif it still seems to fail00:52
Beldar!md5sum | Ivanov00:52
ubottuIvanov: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:52
Ivanovyeah i should do that before i go too far lol00:52
Beldarhehe might be a good idea00:52
Ivanovyeah the sum is good00:53
Ivanovbut do i want desktop or desktop-alternate?00:53
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BeldarIvanov, Not sure what the "desktop or desktop-alternate?" would be to be honest.00:54
BeldarIvanov, The alternate in 12.04 is a cd gui install I believe.00:55
Beldarno desktop00:55
BeldarIvanov, alternate is okay, you mentioned wiping the HD I believe to install it can be done from it.00:56
Beldarjust the whole HD option will do it00:56
BeldarIvanov, or a choice of space if you want a dualboot00:57
Ivanovyeah if this fails i will alternate00:57
BeldarIvanov, It is not uncommon to see people here needing the nomodeset option, just a heads upu is all.00:57
onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: hello?00:57
Ivanovyeah grub didnt come up on my usb though it just instantly jumped to a GUI ubuntu bootscreen00:58
cheerupcharlieonetinsoldier, Yes, I'm here.  I was looking up checkinstall.  Sounds promising.00:58
BeldarIvanov, You wont see grub persay as in a regular install on a install boot.00:58
FloodBot1Rask01: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:59
BeldarIvanov, I believe it is a syslinux boot a choice screen.00:59
onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: okay. i would normally recommend that you go to "packages.ubuntu.com" to downloaded the .deb source package from 13.04. but i  can't get packages.ubuntu.com to load. it seems down right now01:00
Ivanovwell, i end up instantly at the ubuntu loading screen when i start it01:00
Ivanovdoes the drive need to be unmounted when i do dd?01:00
cheerupcharlieonetinsoldier, I found .deb packages at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mailman  Would those work?01:01
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ceciymaxiso I need to do a fresh install on my 64bits laptop. 12.04 or 13.10?01:01
onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: i don't think it has the source package(s) for mailman on there01:01
freshmintbekks, i found qrencode which is exactly what i was looking for to generate qrcode for file urls on my webspace in a bash script - work awesome01:02
onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: it may be possible to find out where a .tar.bz2 source file of mailman is on the internet and try it01:03
freshmintbekks, i believe there originally exists a python-qrencode library and it was takin from there as far as i understood. though i am not too familiar with python so the bash command is  the better way01:03
cheerupcharlieonetinsoldier, if you open up the arrow next to Quantal or Raring it gives the option to download .deb files.  Are you saying I have to have the source because the distros are that much different?01:04
onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: you can always try that. but usually it will tell you that you need to have the libc6 of the ubuntu version it was compiled upon in order to install the binary package01:05
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onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: in other words, a dependency upon the libc6 that the binary was compiled for01:06
cheerupcharlieonetinsoldier, OK.  Thanks.  Last resort I'll upgrade to 13.04.  I'll try to compile it first.  Seems a waste to update the whole system for one app.01:06
onetinsoldiercheerupcharlie: okay, good luck01:07
Beldarcheerupcharlie, Whay are you doing this?01:07
omabenahello, someone could help me with this, I'm trying to run memtest, but I get: Error: too small lower memory (0x99100 > 0x8f000)01:07
cheerupcharlieBeldar, I have a user that's using 12.04 and really wants mailman 1:2.1.15 because of a vulnerability thats ben fixed since hos current 1:2.1.14.  I don't want to spend the time upgrading the whole system if I don't have to.01:09
cheerupcharlieBeldar, he's willing to go to 13.04, but I was hoping I could drop a .deb package into his system and update the package without the hassle01:10
Beldarcheerupcharlie, The vulnerability fixed is not done with the install they have?01:11
cheerupcharlieBeldar, I'd have to check.  He says no.  Apparently one of his users (see how complicated this is getting?) discovered a vulnerability and the report that it's been addressed in the, but isn't available for 12.04.  He wants me upgrade him to 13.04, which is fine.  I just don't want to upgrade everything if I don't have to.01:13
Beldarcheerupcharlie, I would check, I see bug reports as well.01:14
BeldarI would assume any fixes would be applied to a stick lts is all01:15
cheerupcharlieMe too.  That's another reason I'm hesitant to move him off 12.04 if I don't have to01:15
Beldarcheerupcharlie, Yeah 13.04 is about to go eol as well.01:16
cheerupcharlieBeldar, so, if he insists, you think I can build from source and use checkinstall?01:17
Beldarcheerupcharlie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases I can't say on that to be honest.01:18
Beldarcheerupcharlie, someone insisting is an enabling situation I would be careful with that myself. I would have to check how well informed they really are.01:19
cheerupcharlieBeldar, I agree.  Thanks for the reminder.  I need to research this more myself bfore I make a decision.01:21
Beldarsure, no problem01:21
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lickalottgents, can anyone offer a good backup/imaging solution for Ubuntu?  I've played with FSarchiver (didn't like it) and clonezilla, but clonezilla is a little more intrusive than I wanted.  i'm looking for a linux equivalent to Acronis01:58
=== devil is now known as Guest90806
munzlickalott: acronis has a linux server package w/bare metal02:04
lickalotthi munz!  Thanks for the reply.   Any other opinons/options?02:05
munzfor real imaging, idk, i use the builtin backup for my systems02:05
lickalotttalk to me goose02:05
munzbut its not real image type,02:05
lickalottcan you rebuild a system with it?02:06
lickalottor is it just data archival02:06
munzjust data i think02:07
Beldarlickalott, If you are just trying to image/clone use clonezilla02:07
lickalottBeldar, do you use it?02:07
Beldarlickalott, On regular installs yes.02:07
lickalottI messed with it.  The "bootable" usb drive works, but it is too intrusive for me.02:08
lickalottthe install to disk option seems like a pita and from what i've read is a little risky02:08
lickalottthoughts? ^^02:08
Beldarnever failed here, research what you read, generally it is just subjective opinions, like mine is.02:09
lickalottyou installed it to the hdd and everything works fine?02:10
lickalottbasically i want to set a cron job for it.  (fire and forget)02:10
munzlickalott: it is in the repos02:11
munzclonezilla that is02:11
BeldarI have never seen any claims of risk with clonezilla, and have restored numerous installs, any real backup is more than one if your really worried.02:11
lickalotti didn't know that munz.  I just started googling and came across some stuff.02:12
munzyea i did the cd thing also02:12
munzno luck an djust now found it in the repos02:13
munzi need a good backup also02:13
lickalotti'll try it and see.  Just found a good rls of acronis too.  i'll report my opinions.02:13
munzif this is good i will be really happy :)02:13
lickalottdid you use the synaptic munz02:13
lickalotti'm running server02:13
munzi just sudo apt-get install clonezilla02:14
lickalottunable to locate package02:15
lickalotti'm on 12.04 (to maintain the LTS)02:15
Beldar!find clonezilla02:16
ubottuFound: clonezilla02:16
Beldar!info clonezilla02:16
ubottuclonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.4.9-1 (saucy), package size 794 kB, installed size 2435 kB02:16
lickalottwhats the command to search the repos for stuff?02:16
cfhowlettlickalott, apt-cache search foo02:17
munzim on 13.1002:17
BeldarI use the usb version from their site, never tried the repos version.02:17
munzjus checked my 12.04 and not there02:18
lickalotti'm going in.  I just backed up all my stuff so it won't be a huge devistation if I lose it again (cause I'll likey screw this up the first time....lol)02:23
dimitrilcIs there anybody here that can help me with setting up my DNS Server02:23
munzgoodluck lickalott02:23
lickalottwhats your question dimitrilc02:24
lickalotttks munz02:24
munznp :)02:24
dimitrilcI have the error <** server can't find ddns.local: NXDOMAIN>02:24
munz Beldar: clonezilla is just imaging like ghost right?02:24
lickalottwhen doing what dimitrilc02:25
lickalottwe need details homey02:25
dimitrilcwhen I do nslookup ddns.local02:25
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lickalottwho is your dns through?02:25
dimitrilcI just finished configuring my zone files and named.conf. Restarted named service.02:26
dimitrilcwhat do you mean?02:26
gludovicHi everyone, I am new with Ubuntu, and I have a problem with my microphone, is there anyone here who can help me please?02:26
dimitrilcI am setting up a local BIND server.02:27
cfhowlettdimitrilc, server?  #ubuntu-server02:27
lickalottgood luck with that.....02:28
lickalottthose cats NEVER talk02:28
stef1aI am trying to install packages with apt-get, but I get the following error: "Errors were encountered while processing: redmine02:30
stef1aE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"02:31
hitsujiTMOstef1a: can you pastebin the full output02:31
cfhowlettgludovic, greetings02:31
knfbnystef1a: you dont have something open like synaptic or something ?02:32
stef1ahitsujiTMO: okay: http://pastie.org/855493302:33
stef1aknfbny: i don't know; i'm just using apt-get via command line02:34
gludovicIs anyone can help me to enable my microphone?02:35
hitsujiTMOstef1a: looks like a broken package. is this from a ppa?02:36
stef1ahitsujiTMO: i honestly don't remember. i had LOTS of trouble with redmine and didn't complete the installation during my upgrade from 13.04 -> 13.1002:36
hitsujiTMOmost likely a ppa then. Not sure how to advise on that then since this is happening after an upgrade. The norm is to purge the ppa and start again. But the ppa might not be installed now that you've upgrade.02:38
stef1aokay. i'll remove redmine and then reinstall it.02:39
hitsujiTMO!ppa-purge: stef1a try to remove it with this if its a ppa02:40
ubottuhitsujiTMO: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:40
hitsujiTMO!ppa-purge | stef1a try to remove it with this if its a ppa02:40
ubottustef1a try to remove it with this if its a ppa: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:40
stef1ahitsujiTMO: ty02:42
acu2I want to connect through ssh as sudo me or root - -- remotely to a server by using Nautilus connect to server - how can I do that ? In nautilus there is no option for connect as sudo - and the remote server has no root enabled to be connected through ssh02:44
stef1ahitsujiTMO: i can't install ppa-purge bc of redmine02:45
stef1atime to just purge it by the command line02:45
hitsujiTMOstef1a: apt-get purge then02:46
stef1ahitsujiTMO: it works02:47
stef1amy next problem is that i cannot change the timezone.02:48
hitsujiTMOsudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata02:49
lickalottBeldar do I need all of the DRBL stuff to install to the system?02:53
stef1ahitsujiTMO: that kind of works02:54
astropirateFriends, are there ny new experimental "out of the box" Desktop managers out there? I am tired of whats already out there   so far the best combo seems to be  xmoand with unity2d or kde02:54
stef1ahitsujiTMO: it doesn't change the clock time in the upper right corner02:54
pachitusanybody from Mexico?02:54
hax-aloha amigos02:55
hax-como estas02:55
hax-donde esta cerveza!02:55
hax-lol oh shit02:55
hax-that wasnt spanish was it02:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:56
jmgkit was02:56
jmgkwhere is brain02:56
jmgkor head02:56
FloodBot1jmgk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
hitsujiTMOstef1a: I think that has its own independent setting in the time & date settings. either that or it only refreshes after a reboot02:56
IdleOne!language | hax-02:57
ubottuhax-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:57
stef1ahitsujiTMO: i see. i will try to reboot...02:57
otakastropirate: http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1827302:57
hax-oh my bad lol02:57
hax-I have a sailors mouth02:57
hax-and apparently sailors fingers02:57
cfhowletthax-, if we could get back on topic of ubuntu support please...02:57
hax-why of course02:58
acu2I need sudo rights to edit a file in /var/www and want to connect through Nautilus - is that possible ? If no, how can I let root login thhrough Nautilus ssh ?02:58
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hax-no sudoers file in ubu?02:58
pachitusThanks ubottu02:59
cfhowletthax-, in terminal: whereis sudoers02:59
cfhowlettdeib97, greetings02:59
lickalottcfhowlett you have any experience with clonezilla, specifically installing to the hdd03:01
cfhowlettlickalott, no experience whatsoever.  sorry.  stay and ask in channel ... someone here  will have that knowledge03:02
acu2how can I allow root to login as ssh in ubuntu ?03:03
ubottuacu2,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:03
Jordan_Uacu2: That's usually a very bad idea. What is your end goal?03:03
onetinsoldierthere is no spoon03:04
lickalotti wouldn't do it acu203:04
acu2Jordan_U to connect to a server through Nautilus and edit some files that only sudo can change03:04
lickalottas soon as you get in there just type sudo -i03:04
acu2lickalott, did you use Nautilus ?  File Connect to Server (where is that option you are talking about ?)03:05
acu2I am not talking about normal cli - that is no brainer sudo nano whatever - I am talking about connecting through Nautilus03:06
lickalottso I stick with putty.  once you've authenticated you can do that (in putty) not sure about nautilus03:06
lickalottlemme look into it03:06
Jordan_Uacu2: What files are you trying to modify? It may make sense to change their permissions to allow modification by a non-root user (or it may not, it depends on which files).03:06
acu2lickalott, putty is for windows, I have no windows machines03:06
IdleOneacu2: the proper way to edit files in /var/www would be to add your user (the one that has sudo privs) to the www group03:06
acu2Jordan they are in a webserver /var/www/mysite (probably www-data is the owner03:07
Jordan_Uacu2: Then see IdleOne's answer above :)03:07
IriezSo hey guys. I have a windows 7 install with a separate partition with a encrypted lvm with 2 volumes (root and swap). Im having a real difficult time getting grub to install the bootloader correctly03:08
IriezI've tried boot repair but it does not resolve03:08
Iriezand just did that one right htere03:08
Iriezand still no dice03:08
lickalottyou'll need to edit files on the server side03:08
FloodBot1Iriez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:08
lickalottwhat is the server running?03:08
IriezIf anyone could give me a hand I would greatly appreciate it :)03:08
cavesup y'all03:09
kreugerhey all03:09
lickalottIriez have you tried easyBCD?03:09
onetinsoldierhi cave and kreuger03:09
cavea little mouse returns.... in cogneato03:09
Iriezlickalott: no, i will search/try that now03:09
onetinsoldiercave: just contemplating how... there is no spoon03:10
kreugerim having an issue logging onto my desktop running xubuntu 12.10. tried the xubuntu channel but its pretty dead03:10
cavesup kreuger03:10
lickalottso... anyone have any experience installing clonezilla to the harddrive and setting up a cron job to clone?03:10
acu2Iriez: I think you cannot boot from a encrypted partition - usually when I have complex stuff I would have a /boot then everything else,, however for  a win linux is a different story -did not do encryption along with dualbooting -03:10
acu2kreuger describe issue03:11
IriezI need to boot into windows to use this easybcd eh?03:11
IriezAnd will it support the encrypted LVM for ubuntu?03:11
lickalottfor the first time03:11
Jordan_UIriez: I don't see how easyBCD can help you with this problem.03:11
kreugerim trying to copy paste, bare with me03:11
cavejust look around it's all good03:11
IriezCorrect, I do not think it will03:11
lickalottyour LVM is going to be largely based on the grub.  LVM doesn't put/place partition tables03:11
IriezI've read several articles in which people dual booted in this environment03:11
Jordan_UIriez: How did you try to install grub? What error message did you get when you did? Is your /boot/ part of the encrypted LVM volume?03:12
kreugerI just get the spinning icon that shows it's loading. I've tried ctrl+alt+f1/2/3/4 to try and get a terminal but cant. It happened before and I was able to get the termina03:12
IriezNo, boot is its own partition03:12
kreugerI remember trying to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but nothing would happen when I ran it, even as root. This computer has been down for so long because I keep putting it off, but I really need it back.03:12
IriezI've tried grub install from boot-repair within ubuntu, and with the boot repair rescue disc, and following the tut i pasted of the URL above with system rescue disc03:12
Iriezwhich was specifically designed for my exact scenario03:12
Iriezso super bummed it didnt work03:12
lickalottI loaded ubuntu (at one time) and fedora (on another occasion) - dual booting on a winblows box and BCD worked fine both times.03:13
kreugerI think I have LightDM on it too03:13
Iriezfrustratingly enough, i had it working03:13
Iriezand then i went and tried to truecrypt my windows 7 install03:13
Iriezto dual boot dual encrypted03:13
Jordan_UIriez: I asked three questions, so far you've answered only two of them.03:13
Iriezand thats when things just got broken03:13
Iriezand i decided to start over again :)03:13
cavegotta go brb03:14
IriezJordan: When installing grub from the ubuntu alternative cd i got errors and i do not believe it states what those errors are in the alternative cd03:14
Iriezwhen doing boot repair i follow the instructions it gives, and attempt to boot and it boots to a grub rescue screen03:14
acu2Iriez: you need to make a plain partition perhaps /boot or something - so the boot can occur - using lvm and encrypt it - I think grub does not work - again you can have windows some other ext4 partition for boot and others for lvm and encrypt - and you can encrypt them after lvm as both are abstraction layers03:14
Jordan_UIriez: What about when following the guide you linked to, http://stephentanner.com/index.php/2011/05/restoring-grub-for-an-encrypted-lvm/ ?03:14
Iriezsame with system rescue, no errors, boots to grub rescue03:14
IriezI followed that guide to a T, thought it was going to work as there was no errors03:14
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lickalottdo you have anything of importance on there Iriez?03:15
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Jordan_UIriez: OK, so you got no error messages from grub-install, but you're getting an error message (and grub rescue shell) at boot. Correct?03:15
Iriezlickalot: no, these are fresh installs.03:15
lickalottafter the encryption with truecrypt it might behove you to re-install ubuntu.03:15
IriezJordan_U: correct03:15
Iriezlickalott: I followed a very specific guide for that piece, but i ran into complications outside the guide's specifications03:16
Iriezso i figured screw the win 7 crypt03:16
kreugerany idea for my issue, guys?03:16
Iriezseems like a ultra pain in my ass anyhow03:16
Jordan_UIriez: Do you have more than one hard drive? Can you confirm that this is a BIOS based rather than UEFI based system?03:16
IriezNo, 1 SSD, i have bios set to CSM03:16
Iriezi disabled secureboot/UEFI03:16
lickalottUEFI is win8 isn't it?03:16
lickalottis this win7 on a win8 system?03:17
lickalottkreuger, restate pls03:17
Iriezwin 703:17
lickalottdumb question...but have you done any winblows updates since the ubuntu install?03:17
Jordan_Ulickalott: Windows 7 and Windows 8 both can boot via UEFI or BIOS, Windows 8 certified computers though must come with UEFI and Secure boot enabled.03:17
Jordan_U!bootinfo | Iriez03:17
ubottuIriez: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).03:17
Iriezbefore when i installed win7, and then installed ubuntu it seemed to work fine out of the box after the install, this time problems galore :(03:17
kreugerOn my login screen, I just get the spinning icon that shows it's loading. I've tried ctrl+alt+f1/2/3/4 to try and get a terminal but cant. It happened before and I was able to get the termina03:18
kreugerI remember trying to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but nothing would happen when I ran it, even as root. This computer has been down for so long because I keep putting it off, but I really need it ba03:18
Jordan_UIriez: Can you confirm that the exact grub-install command you ran at the end of that guide was "grub-install /dev/sda"?03:18
kreugerAlso, I believe I'm using LightDM03:18
Iriezjordan: I can confirm that, yes03:18
lickalottcan you ssh into it kreuger?  if so can you run an fsck -y?03:18
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Iriezafter i mounted /dev/sda4 (boot) to /boot03:18
kreugerHow would I do that?03:19
lickalottcan you ssh into the machine from another?03:19
Jordan_UIriez: OK. Please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces.03:19
kreugerIm not sure how to do it03:19
IriezJordan: Will do, thanks03:19
lickalottdid you set ssh up?   if you're at the boot screen the network is started03:19
lickalottwhat version kreuger03:19
kreugerNo Ive never set it up. And the computer only has wifi so there's no way of knowing if the internet is connected right now03:19
kreuger12.10, I believe03:19
kreugerI've got an external enclosure to try and hook it up to my laptop and see if I could just maybe change the xserver-xorg config but I have no idea if that's even the issue anymore, since I cant even get a terminal03:21
lickalottok..  so plan B.  boot from a live cd.  run fdisk -lu, find the partions for that machine (likely /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2(swap) and /dev/sda5).  See if you can mount sda1 to a folder (i.e mkdir /mnt/temp; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/temp) then fsck -y /mnt/temp03:21
kreugerLast time I tried, I couldnt get a livecd to boot either. Let me try again and see03:22
lickalottyou aren't married to ubuntu for this (sorry for my next sentence guys).  You can run a suse live CD or fedora live CD to accomplish the fsck03:23
IriezShould i have my encrypted LVM decrypted when running this script?03:23
kreugerWell I've got a couple of live cds around right now, so I'll try them first. I even made a copy of GParted Live once03:23
Iriezto give better/more accurate output ?03:23
lickalottgparted may work too.03:24
kreugerThis seems to be reading the drive but nothing is happening on the screen. it just says Boot from cd/dvd:03:24
lickalottand you hit enter?03:24
jroldancurrently running lubuntu cant do dual monitors extedend desktop :(03:24
kreugeryeah. I tried space too03:24
lickalottgotta ask kreuger...  are you sure your ide and/or sata cables are connected03:25
IriezJordan_U: www.pastebin.com/hM9jrn4Z03:26
kreugerI can double check but they were the last time I used it. I remember just installing an update and it stopped working. And like I said because I didnt need it I have put off fixing it. But now my laptop is running out of space lol03:26
IriezJordan_U: thats the results with the LVM unlocked.03:26
Iriez(since i figured that part was neccessary :)03:26
kreugerPlus, why would I be able to get the loading icon if it wasnt? Or do you mean for the dvd drive?03:26
lickalottdvd drive03:26
kreugerwell its lighting up and I could hear it spin03:27
kreugerbut ill double check03:27
lickalottthats power03:27
lickalottI've done it before that's why I'm asking.  I had power to the drive and because the bios was set to boot from CD for the boot menu, it looked like it should but when I would hit enter nothing would happen.  Ended up not having the ide cable connected03:28
jroldanIriez_U: thanks I will try it03:28
kreugeralright, double checking now. I just lost a screw from my case FML03:29
Iriezjroldan: Are you Jordan_U on a different client? *confused look*03:29
=== Hassen is now known as Low-Level
retaniusany dvd burner recommendations?03:30
retaniusi cant seem to convert to video ts, so i cant get k3b to work03:31
kreugerEverything looks fine inside03:32
kreuger@retanius try bombono03:32
lickalotti've had good luck with iHAS 124b03:32
redtraviscan anyone help? I am trying to install 13.10 on my laptop and it seems as if ubuntu dosent have the drivers for my graphics because I have tried it in UEFI and legacy and the same thing happens for both. it makes noises but I cant see anything. is there a solution?03:32
lickalottbought it for xbox "backups" but I haven't had any issues with any kind of video conversions03:32
lickalottcould be a software thing too.03:33
Carlton /msg NickServ identify grover103:33
lickalottkreuger, try another disc or a new burn03:33
kreuger@redtravis are you getting beeps?03:33
* lickalott auths as Carlton03:33
kreugerWould it be easier to pull this drive and attach it to my laptop seeing as I already have everything open03:34
redtravisnot post beeps but when I move my arrows keys as if I was running out of selections03:34
redtravisand I also hear the chime that plays when ubuntu loads03:35
lickalotthdd or dvd drive?03:35
Jordan_UIriez: You said that you only had one hard drive, yet that output shows 2.03:35
lickalottokay...changing gears.  Anyone ever play with FSarchiver?03:35
kreugermy hdd. I have an external enclosure I can put it in to connect it to my laptop. I just dont know what to do with figuring out why I cant get it to login03:35
kreuger@redtravis can you get a terminal?03:36
Carlton /msg NickServ identify grover103:36
lickalottonce you do the fdisk -lu it will tell you which partition is ntfs and which is ext2 (or LVM).03:36
kreugerDid you recommend that I fsck the drive?03:36
lickalottCarlton....you're throwing your auth password to everyone in the channel03:36
lickalottas a start, i would03:37
kreugerok give me a few03:37
redtravisnope completly black03:37
redtravisbrb I wanna try something03:37
SchrodingersScatlickalott: now he has to change it to grover2 >:(03:38
lickalottmine is tittysprinkles03:38
Jordan_UIriez: Your computer is probably booting from sdc rather than sda, and sdc's grub installation is broken. To fix this either change the boot order in your BIOS, run "grub-install /dev/sda && grub-install /dev/sdc", or both.03:39
kreugerdamn this hdd is dusty. lol03:40
lickalottanyone have any love on this - http://pastebin.com/KytJJArw03:42
redtraviswow I feel like a retard all I had to do was turn up the brightness lol03:43
lickalotttrying to ./configure fsarchiver03:43
* lickalott hand redtravis a lollipop03:43
lickalottyou can clearly see that blkid exists03:44
kreugerok Ive got my hdd connected to my laptop, looking at gparted to get the /dev block03:44
FrustratedHi, is anyone awake?03:46
kreugerhmm I get this error: ext2fs_open2: Bad magic number in super-block03:46
kreugerfsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...03:46
kreugerfsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdc03:46
kreugerThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext203:46
kreugerfilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext203:46
kreugerfilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock03:46
kreugeris corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:03:46
kreuger    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>03:46
FloodBot1kreuger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:46
kreugeroops. should use paste lol03:46
lickalottwhat was the command you typed?03:47
FrustratedI am trying to reinstall ubuntu as my main operating system, from Ubuntu 13.04 to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  I have run into an interesting problem...03:47
lickalottFS is read only Frustrated?03:47
FrustratedThe little icon that appears with the keyboard and the little man.  It keeps cycling back to that icon and never actually goes anywhere.  What can I do to fix this?03:48
lickalottkreuger sudo fsck -y /dev/sdc103:48
lickalottFrustrated format the drive with gparted (live cd/usb) and retry03:48
kreugerthanks that seems to be working03:48
lickalottyou will WANT the -y03:48
lickalottand you can't mount the entire drive /sdc  you need the partition /sdc103:49
lickalottwithout the -y you'd have to answer yes to ALL of those "fix superblock" questions03:49
FrustratedHow do I format the drive with gparted?03:49
kreugerI've never seen the -y flag. what is it?03:49
kreugerah lol03:49
lickalottif the drive is messed up there would be 100's03:49
kreugerwell hopefully it's something I can fix from here without having to wipe the drive. way too much data03:50
FrustratedI'm installing from a dvd with a burnt iso.03:50
lickalottboot to the live cd/usb.  Gparted will open automatically (after a few questions).  then select the partition you want to format (top right of the gparted window) and delete the partitions, hit apply, then create a new ext2 partition, hit apply, reboot with the ubuntu cd, install03:50
kreugerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6581701/ results03:51
lickalotttry now kreuger.  see what happens (log in)03:51
kreugerok back in a few03:52
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lickalottFrustrated, you get all that?03:52
Frustratedboot to the live cd/usb.03:53
FrustratedAt the moment, I'm looking at:  "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press key"03:54
Frustrated(1)  So I'm putting the DVD into the dvd drive.03:54
Frustrated(2)  I hit enter.03:55
lickalottno no holmes..  the gparted live cd03:55
FrustratedGparted live cd?03:55
lickalottthat's a good tool to have anyway03:56
FrustratedIn other words; I need to burn a new iso onto a new DVD?03:56
kreugerok Im up to the spinning icon screen again. Seems to be stopped there.03:56
lickalottfor all: there is an app called xboot.  You can throw a whole bunch of distros/tools/bootable apps on it and only have a single usb drive to house all of your tools.03:57
lickalotttrue Frustrated03:57
kreugerAfter about 45 seconds, the background and logo disappear, leaving just the spinning icon and the rest is black.03:57
lickalottbut when all else fails, gparted usually comes through03:57
FrustratedWhy can't I just try and wipe the old operating system with a new one?03:57
bhldevtrying to get archive.ubuntu.com, is it down for people?03:58
kreugerwhat f button do I use for a terminal?03:58
lickalottdo you need stuff off of it. kreuger or are you just wanting it until you get your laptop fixed?03:58
munznice lickalott03:58
lickalottctrl+shift+t kreuger03:58
kreugerNo Im using the laptop now. I do need whats on it, at least some things.03:58
kreugerDoes that work from the login screen?03:58
lickalottFrustrated, cause you can't get that far can you?03:58
kreugerI thought it was ctrl+alt+f103:58
xanguaFrustrated: gparted already comes in ubuntu live cd and you can just select the option to install over an existing system03:59
FrustratedWell, I can hit 'delete' and it takes me to an ubuntu screen.03:59
lickalottmaybe I misunderstood the problem...  Frustrated, i thought you couldn't get past the guy+keyboard03:59
kreugerWell I hit ctrl+alt+f1 and it goes black03:59
kreugerAnd now Im back to the loading icon04:00
FrustratedIt gives me the option to "Try Ubuntu without installing, Install Ubuntu, Check Discs, etc..."04:00
lickalottkreuger did you use LVM when you installed?04:00
lickalotttry without installing > open terminal once booted into desktop > sudo gparted04:00
lickalottFrustrated ^^04:01
FrustratedBut then I select "Install Ubuntu"... then it just keeps cycling.04:01
kreugerI dont know man. This computer is a couple of years old. I installed it off a disc, the normal way. It's just been upgraded04:01
kreugerThrough each release04:01
FrustratedThe reason why I have to reinstall the operating system is because of an issue between an NVIDIA driver and some new software that was installed on the update.04:02
lickalottmaybe throw it back on your laptop, run fdisk -lu and see if /sdc1, /sdc2, /sdc5 are LVM.  If /sdc5 isn't LVM we can get your stuff off easy.  if it is, we have some work ahead of us04:02
FrustratedUnfortunately, if I try and run the operating system.  I get a black screen.04:02
lickalottbut it's not letting you install right Frustrated?04:02
FrustratedFor some reason, yes.04:03
lickalottthe best way is to start fresh.04:03
kreugerIm pretty sure there wasn't an LVM partition. I'd rather not wipe the drive though.04:03
lickalottuse the live cd to format the drive then re-install04:03
lickalottyou won't wipe it kreuger, but we can get your stuff off and then tackle the non-working part later on once your stuff is secure04:04
FrustratedI thought that I was starting fresh with the 12.04 LTS disc.  It should just be able to boot from there, right?04:04
lickalottshould and can are 2 different things04:04
kreugerThere's too much data and not enough space on my laptop to back it up04:04
bhldevanyone else having problems with ubuntu.com?04:04
HoytHi is package.ubuntu.com dead?04:05
lickalottkreuger, so when it boots up you see the login screen or you don't?04:05
bhldevHoyt whew thought it was just me04:06
kreugerno. no login. cant get terminal. just the plymouth (I think) loading screen04:06
bhldevarchive was down a bit ago, it was back up after I changed away from google dns04:06
lickalottand you can't boot to a live CD?04:06
lickalottor just an older one won't work?04:07
lickalottcause if you can gain access to the desktop or a terminal - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair04:07
lickalottFrustrated, how long have you let the screen sit there and stew?04:08
FrustratedFor as long as 5 minutes, before....04:09
kreugerSorry no I can't get a livecd to boot. Well this one. Let me try another04:09
FrustratedGoes to little man and keyboard.  Goes to black screen.  Opens up again, Goes to little man and keyboard.  Ad inifinitum.04:10
lickalottit's not jiving with your current load.  My opinion is still to format the drive and start over.04:10
lickalottdid you install 13.04 or upgrade to it from an older release?04:11
Hoytbhldev: I can't connect to packages.ubuntu.com, can you?04:11
FrustratedI installed 13.04.04:11
kreugerok I've got an install cd to boot04:12
FrustratedShortcut to command line is "ctrl+F3"?04:12
lickalottwait 104:12
shamsI am using ubuntu 12.04, my mouse is Ligitech wireless, it had been working fine suddenly the MMB no. 3 stoped working though scrolling works fine, it has three button right , left and middle with scrol , after checking few forums and the command " xev | grep -i button " i figured out that if i tilt the scrol button to the right a bit and press then button no. 3 (MMB) works, any idea ? thanks.04:12
FrustratedI just tried to run ubuntu 13.04 again (the on my hard drive).04:13
kreugerSorry dude, not sure if youre talking to me now or not.04:13
FrustratedI'm left with a black screen and a white cursor that blinks at the top left of the screen.04:13
lickalottctrl+alt+F1 Frustrated04:13
kreugerSounds like he's got a similar issue lol04:13
FrustratedThanks.  Unfortunately, it doesn't do anything.04:13
TJ-shams: mouse is failing physically... sounds like the switches need some physical maintenance04:14
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:14
lickalottmy bad....04:14
shamstj, thanks04:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:14
lickalottkreuger, you're getting a little further than him...lol04:14
hax-oops, wrong chan lol04:14
kreugerhey bot, how exactly does that work? It's been a while since I've used irc04:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/04:15
kreuger!tab lickalott test04:15
ubottukreuger: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:15
lickalottkreuger send me your drive04:15
kreugerdamn man. Im gonna use a new tab for you. maybe thats what it meant lol04:16
TJ-Frustrated: When the system starts, are you able to access the GRUB boot-loader menu? Hold down Shift as soon as BIOS is finished initialising.04:16
TJ-Frustrated: The flashing cursor sounds to me more like a boot-order issue whereby the wrong device is being looked to for the boot-loader04:16
cfhowlettkreuger, start typing the name then hit tab for autocomplete04:17
hemangpatelHi ubuntu04:17
cfhowletthemangpatel, greetings04:17
kreugerlickalott, I've got the live cd to boot. Any ideas what to try now?04:17
FrustratedTJ-  It says:  Ubuntu 13.04... some other junk, then it moves to the white blinking cursor.  Hitting shift didn't change any behavior.04:18
=== DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
FrustratedI turn the computer off, text comes onto the screen: acpci something or another.  Shutdown in 15 seconds...04:19
hemangpatelI want to install google chrome in Ubuntu 11.1004:19
kreugerhemangpatel, you can use chromium04:19
cfhowletthemangpatel, 11.10 is out of support and end of life04:19
kreugeror maybe not04:19
TJ-Frustrated: OK, that means the boot-loader was successful and handed over to the operating system. So, you will usually see a 'splash screen' - you can do 2 things here. #1 would be to hold down shift during boot, which will get you the GRUB boot menu, then select the Advanced... Recovery boot option. That'll not use the 'splash screen' and you'll see messages from the OS that could reveal any issues04:19
hemangpatelI installed old one but i tried new version from chrom site04:19
hemangpatelbut it failed due to dependency. so it removed old ones04:20
hemangpatelSo is there any ftp for google chrome.04:20
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 9, 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.04:20
TJ-Frustrated: Hang on, so it is stuck after you did shutdown?04:20
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hemangpatelkreuger, Yes i'm using it now04:21
hemangpatelcfhowlett, Unfortunately I'm using office pc :P04:21
bhldevmy inxi is showing only the intel driver, how can I be sure that bumblebee is really working?04:21
kreugerhemangpatel, you will likely need to find a PPA that supports 11.1004:21
cfhowletthemangpatel,  .... so ... your OFFICE wants you to run an out of support, end of life distro?  disturbing ...04:21
FrustratedTJ- Stuck?  What do you mean when you say stuck?04:22
onetinsoldierhi bhldev04:22
hemangpatelcfhowlett, They just take care you can work in php. just that's it. Also my hardware is slow. Intel atom04:23
kreugerhemangpatel, have you tried downloading the deb off the Google Chrome page? Im not sure what the issue is04:23
TJ-Frustrated: You said the system was showing a blinking cursor top-left... then nothing - I interpret that as being 'stuck' (not doing anything useful)04:23
bhldevhi onetinsoldier04:23
FrustratedTJ-  Actually, I just changed the boot order to UEFI being first.  I have a grub screen now.  I just called the command line,  I have a grub command line.04:23
FrustratedTJ-  Yes.04:23
FrustratedTJ-  Yes.  Then it was stuck.04:23
kreugerlickalott, are you still here pal?04:24
hemangpatelkreuger, I tried from here. But it has dependency problem04:24
hemangpatelSo i'm asking old version list with download04:24
FrustratedCan I get rid of the video driver from the GRUB command line?04:24
siwicaI have a second screen plugged to my laptop via VGA but unfortunately I cant make anything to appear on it with the usual screen settings. Any help?04:24
TJ-Frustrated: ahhhh.... OK, so boot-order has got you further.... In which case, you ought to be able to simply choose one of the boot options and give it a go. Try a Recovery option first. If you can only get the GRUB command-line, then GRUB isn't correctly installed, and you'll need to boot from a Live image on DVD/USB to fix it04:25
hemangpatelNo worry chromium is good also04:25
kreugerhemangpatel, what dependency are you missing? have you tried opening synaptic or whatever package manager you use and searching for the needed files?04:26
siwicaIt always gives me this error: "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SettingsDaemon was not provided by any .service files"04:26
TJ-Frustrated: You can do almost anything to the kernel's command-line options at boot-time... those changes won't stick though. For that, you'd need to edit "/etc/default/grub" after the OS has started (or from a Live image) and then "update-grub" on it, to make it permanent04:26
hemangpatelkreuger, No. But i don't want to go deeply in my "Office" pc04:26
hemangpatelthanks btw04:26
FrustratedTJ-  Hmm.  Ok, I'll try and exit the command line interface.  Then I'll look for a "Recovery" option.04:27
TJ-siwica: It depends on what the graphics chip-set and driver is (Nvidia, AMD/ATI, Nouveau, etc.) as to how multi-monitor is configured... which has that system got?04:27
kreugerhemangpatel, I guess youre SOL lol04:28
siwicaTJ-: Nvidia unfortunately04:28
siwicaTJ-: I forgot what exact driver I installed though04:29
siwicaTJ-: How do I find out?04:29
TJ-Frustrated: The "Recovery" options are simply alternative boot menu entries that don't use a splash screen, show more kernel messages during boot, and run a single-user root, text-based, menu. If you get that far, you probably want to 'start network' on that menu and then go to a 'shell prompt'04:29
onetinsoldiersiwica: lspci | grep VGA04:29
onetinsoldiersiwica: oh, sorry. my bad04:30
TJ-siwica: In which case, launch "nvidia-settings" and configure the multi-monitor support there, or on very recent Ubuntu versions (13.10) the latest Nvidia drivers will support full RandR using the system display configuration applet04:31
onetinsoldiersiwica: that will show what video card you have04:31
lickalotthere kreuger04:31
onetinsoldiersiwica: how about   dpkg -l *nvidia*04:31
* TJ- is using nvidia on a laptop driving 2 GPUs and 4 screens over 3 X-screens, and it works fine04:31
kreugerlickalott, do you have ideas for me now that Im in a live environment?04:32
FrustratedTJ- Looking at the "GNU GRUB version 1.99-21ubuntu3.10"  screen:  I have options:  (1)  "Try Ubuntu without installing"  (2) "Install Ubuntu"  (3) " Check disk for defects".04:32
TJ-Frustrated: Aha! OK, this is a Live image then?04:32
lickalottrun that repair tool link that I sent you04:32
TJ-Frustrated: I thought you had an installed system that was having the issue04:32
FrustratedTJ-  Maybe.  I tried hitting Install Ubuntu and it just returned me to this same screen.04:32
siwicaonetinsoldier: It took me three days to make any driver work so I might not have the most recent one04:33
FrustratedTJ-  I have a DVD in there with an iso.04:33
lickalottTJ- he has 13.04 and is trying to "revert" to 12.04 with a fresh install.  Once "install" is selected from the menu it hangs04:33
onetinsoldiersiwica: i hear you. that's quite a bit of work you must have done04:33
TJ-Frustrated: frustrating! :)04:33
FrustratedTJ- Indeed.  :)04:34
siwicaI can open the "NVIDIA X Server Settings". However it doesnt find my second display there04:34
TJ-lickalott: Thank-you... I gathered I was missing something rather fundamental :)04:34
siwicaIt does in the Ubuntu configuration but there I get the previously mentioned error message after turning it on04:34
lickalottlike I said man, I think the "boots" are competing with each other.  i still think the best way forward for you is to start with a clean slate04:34
TJ-siwica: That's good. Other than not seeing the 2nd display, does it report good information about the current configuration?04:34
siwicaonetinsoldier: it was a pain in the ***04:34
onetinsoldiersiwica: i've been there before04:35
siwicaTJ-: yes, from what I know (resolution, ...) it seems correct04:35
FrustratedWell, I downloaded the GParted live ISO.  Now I just need something to burn it on.  The closest thing that I have to burn it on is 10 miles away.04:35
TJ-Frustrated: 'reverting to 12.04' is another way of saying 'wipe 13.04 away and replace completely with 12.04', is that your objective?04:35
alinaHow is it possible to use two fonts as Ubuntu default font, for example – as in CSS – Ubuntu, Tahoma?04:36
FrustratedTJ-  Yes.  Either that or if I can just get rid of the NVIDIA video drivers on the machine... then maybe I can still use this old 13.04 OS that I've got on there.04:36
siwicaonetinsoldier: I am tempted to try another driver but i fear to have to go through that whole process again. And that's something I want to avoid by any means04:36
TJ-siwica: OK... that establishes that nvidia settings is in control. OK, go to the "X Server Display Configuration" tab04:36
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siwicaTJ-: done04:37
FrustratedTJ-  That was how this issue got started.04:37
wikileakshello, i want to know what is the difference between "ubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386.iso" and ubuntu-12.04-server-i386.iso04:37
qpan321how do you use irc, sorry im a noob?...any guides you can point to so I can learn. I just want to use IRC to talk to people who know python :)04:37
RaviTezuHi, How to take a "screenshot" bigger than the screen? This sounds odd - but, I want to take a screen shot of a big file content(which is displayed on terminal)04:37
lickalottFrustrated you can run gparted from the live Ubuntu CD as well.  Or you can boot GParted from a USB drive04:37
RaviTezucan some one help04:37
onetinsoldiersiwica: usually, it seems that once you've found  your way around and know the ropes, it's easier to 'experiment'. but of course, caution is the better part of valor ;-)04:37
TJ-Frustrated: To avoid the nvidia drivers all you'd need do is boot to 13.04's Recovery single-user mode which gives you a root shell, and do "apt-get remove nvidia-current"04:37
lickalottRaviTezu use redirect output04:38
lickalottie cat filename > biglist.txt04:38
Frustratedlickalott  I've got a live Ubuntu DVD in my DVD drive.04:38
RaviTezulickalott: thanks for the reply. I can do that.. but this for some audit.. this has to be a screenshot04:38
TJ-siwica: OK... in the Layout graphic on the right does it show the VGA screen (as CRT-1) even if it says "disabled" ?04:38
lickalotthit "try" ubuntu. When it boots to the desktop open a terminal (or ctrl+shift+t), type gparted04:38
siwicaRaviTezu: print the file as pdf then04:39
cfhowlettqpan321, #python channel ...04:39
RaviTezusiwica: can we do that from a terminal?04:39
lickalottfind your disk kill all the partitions on it (i'm assuming its the only hdd in the system), hit apply.  Then create a new ext2 partition, hit apply.  Then just double click on the icon on the desktop to install.04:39
Frustratedlickalott:  Ok, I hit:  "Try ubuntu."  It takes me back to the GNU Grub screen.04:39
lickalottYou should be in business04:39
siwicaTJ-: It says "X Screen 0 (No Scanout)"04:40
qpan321cfhowlett, THANK YOU SOO MUCH xD04:40
siwicaRaviTezu: I guess so, but you would have to look it up04:40
FrustratedMaybe it's just some issue with my boot order...  This seems to be a sticky process...04:41
TJ-siwica: Hmmm, does it show two rectangles in the layout area representing the laptop DFP and the VGA screen?04:41
lickalottRaviTezu if you don't like the redirect output option, you could install pasteninit04:41
lickalottunless I'm missing something ^^04:41
TJ-Frustrated: It sounds very much like it. Try removing all removable media (DVD, USB) and setting UEFI boot order to prefer the primary hard disk04:41
lickalottbut it's booting from the disk right?  otherwise he wouldn't see the little guy and the keyboard.04:42
lickalottP.S. we need a name for that.04:42
siwicaTJ-: no, thats the problem. only one rectangle04:42
TJ-lickalott: If it shows "Install Ubuntu" then my guess is, it's the DVD04:42
lickalottcould be.... never thought of that.04:42
TJ-siwica: OK ... what is the make/model of the laptop? I'll do some research04:43
lickalottmaybe try a lower write speed Frustrated04:43
lickalottcept his burner is in never never land04:43
TJ-lickalott: The 'little guy with the keyboard' is, I believe, a representation of the Locale/Language options04:43
wikileaksi found the answer for my question http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/04:44
lickalott?? TJ-04:44
lickalottthe little symbols when the live CD first boots, prior to the menu?04:44
siwicaTJ-: Lenovo, G70004:45
siwicaTJ-: thank you!04:45
lickalottregardless, we should call it, the TLG screen04:45
TJ-lickalott: The installer is multi-locale aware but defaults to English... That graphic warns that you can at that point choose another language for the installer, I think04:45
TJ-lickalott: or TPG (The Pesky Gremlin)04:46
lickalott<Random> "Hey guys I'm stuck at the screen with the little guy and keyboard"  <therestofus> "You mean the TLG screen?"04:46
FrustratedTJ- I have four slots for the boot sequence.  Current order is (UEFI, ubuntu (P1: TOSHIBA DT01ac20), P3: TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-224DB, P1: TOSHIBA DTO1ACA200)04:46
TJ-Frustrated: I'd read that as a system having a DVD and 2 fixed disks, maybe one an SSD and one a hard disk?04:47
TJ-Frustrated: scratch that, I misread! So, a 2TB Toshiba hard drive, which is the preferred device04:48
FrustratedTJ-  UEFI is a DVD drive... strange... I only see one physical DVD drive.  I don't have any SSD, I don't think.04:49
lickalottso 2 DVD drives and 1 hdd?04:50
lickalottFrustrated ^04:51
TJ-lickalott: No, one of each, the preferred being the 2TB hard disk.04:51
Frustrated2 DVD drives and 2 hdd.04:51
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daftykinsboth HDD entries are labelled P1 = port 104:51
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FrustratedI only see one physical DVD drive.04:51
daftykinsthey're the same HDD04:51
daftykinsbut one is booting EFI, the other is booting legacy04:51
daftykins(at a guess)04:52
TJ-siwica: OK, I think I see the core of your issue, from other similar reports. The laptop has dual GPU chip-set (Intel + Nvidia) which requires the 'bumblebee' driver, I believe?04:52
siwicaTJ-: I tried to use it with bumblebee but couldnt make it work04:52
lickalottis it seeing the partitions?04:53
siwicaTJ-: So now I dont have bumblebee but forgot what exactly I did to make it work04:53
Frustrated(A)  Setting the one with the DVD icon on it as having the first priority in the boot sequence.04:53
Frustrated(B)  Now we are back to the little man and the keyboard continuosly cycling and never going anywhere.04:54
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siwicaTJ-: I was a lot trial and error and I was just happy to have a gui appear that I didnt care too much about it since04:54
TJ-siwica: That's fine, it ought not to be necessary. On nvidia-settings Layout tab, when you select the CRT-1 rectangle, in the associated options are you able to change its configuration from "disabled" to "Separate X screen" and upon reboot get a result?04:54
FrustratedI hit delete and I get a language menu.04:54
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FrustratedFrom here it says:  "Try Ubuntu without Installing", "Install Ubuntu", "Check disc for defects", "Test memory", "Boot from hard disk"04:56
FrustratedI can also change modes, keymap, other options, accessibility.04:56
alfonsojonI'm looking for a laptop that's at least 14 inches that comes with Ubuntu pre-installed and can run Europa Universalis 4 well.04:56
cfhowlettalfonsojon, greetings04:56
lickalottFrustrated, try ubuntu04:57
alfonsojonI'm trying to be around $300 - $600, but up to $699 will do04:57
lickalottdoes that cycle back to the same screen?04:57
alfonsojonAll of System76's options are too pricey.04:57
ubottualfonsojon,: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:57
siwicaTJ-: thats how it looks like in my case: http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/3473/i7s34z8m_png.htm04:57
TJ-Frustrated: That is either the live image running from the DVD, or... you've got the live image installed to the hard disk itself.04:57
alfonsojoncfhowlett: Already saw that, didn't help me much because none of them have product information like prices and size unless I look it up manually04:57
somsipSo I've used 'set -o vi' for ages and it works fine, but it's not in .bashrc, .bash_aliases or .profile. Where else could I have set this??04:58
FrustratedIf I hit "Install Ubuntu" it just keeps cycling between a black screen and the little man with the keyboard.04:58
FrustratedTJ-  Is there any chance that I've completely bricked this computer?04:59
kreugerwell guys, thanks for trying to help but I've got to run. I will try to be back soon for more help. Have a good one all05:00
alfonsojonAnyone have any suggestions?05:00
siwicaTJ-: And I unfortunately cant do the thing you suggested05:00
TJ-siwica: Thanks for that screenshot, that helps! I think the issue is that the laptop is currently using the Intel driver not the nvidia (in other words, the power-saving option). You should be seeing selections with monitor device names such as  "DFP-0" and "CRT-0" etc.05:00
siwicaTJ-: Ok, I see05:01
onetinsoldierTJ-: maybe he should  have a look at his var/log/Xorg.log file?05:01
cfhowlettalfonsojon, 1st generation Dell XPS 13 developer edition should now be heavily discounted.  you might get lucky05:01
siwicaTJ-: maybe this helps too: Some other day somebody told me to try it with xrand, I could extend the display to the other screen but the resolution was very bad05:02
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TJ-siwica: This is what I see for my 2-GPU 4-monitor config: http://s7.directupload.net/file/d/3473/4e4r83tv_png.htm05:03
siwicaTJ-: this looks a lot better05:04
TJ-siwica: That would make sense; I suspect your issue is the switching between the GPUs via Bumblebee. I'm not sure how Bumblebee is supposed to deal with multi-heads05:04
alfonsojonyeesh those are expensive05:04
siwicaTJ-: Ok, so I would need to install bumblebee I guess05:05
TJ-siwica: Some useful info on it that I'm reading now: https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/wiki/Multi-monitor-setup05:05
TJ-siwica: This stands out to me: "... If the port (DisplayPort / HDMI / VGA) is wired to the Intel chip, you do not need to do anything special to get external monitors to work. When the port is wired into the nvidia chip, you cannot currently expand the screen over monitors."05:06
cfhowlettR+ status on a PID from ps -x means ... what?  my google-fu failed has failed me for the last time ...05:06
siwicaTJ-:The problem is that I couldnt even get my single display laptop working with bumblbee05:06
siwicaTJ-: why didnt anybody warn me from using nVIDIA with Linux. This is all such a waste of time :/05:07
lickalottFrustrated, no.  Just sounds like an hdd/grub issue.05:07
adv_Hi all, Good Morning05:08
siwicaTJ-: Also I am having issues with my mouse cursor freezing every 5 min which I suspect to be due to the NVIDIA driver too, but thats somehow tolerable05:08
onetinsoldierhello adv_05:09
Frustratedlickalott:  Thanks.  I don't know why this won't install.05:09
TJ-cfhowlett: "man ps" then  "/PROCESS STATE CODES"05:09
adv_Hi onetinsoldier05:09
Frustratedlickalott:  The black screen keeps appearing because the computer seems to be physically restarting then running "grub?"05:10
lickalottFrustrated, you don't have another computer to burn from or a USB drive you can use for another live distro (suse, fedora, gparted)?05:10
TJ-siwica: Nvidia is probably the best for Linux support on high-end GPUs; your issue is with manufacturers wanting to include power-hungry GPUs in power-effecient devices and choosing to hard-wire two incompatible GPUs together05:10
cfhowlettTJ-, TYVM!05:10
lotuspsychjemorning to all05:11
lickalottFrustrated when you say physically, do you hear the fans kick off then back on again, or the dvd drive spin up, or the post beep?05:11
bruce-zu 05:11
lickalottfrom what it sounds like to me, the installation goes to start then sees that there is already "something" in its way and takes you back to where you started.05:12
Frustratedlickalott:  Actually, no, the fans keep going.  The dvd drive doesn't make any special noise.05:12
lickalottbut....I'm not there.05:12
Frustratedlickalott:  I have another computer to burn from.  I'm typing on it.05:12
Frustratedlickalott:  The problem is that I have no media to burn to.05:13
lickalottyeah, I really think it's the fact that there is already a distro on there.  it doesn't make sense (theoritically) but that's where my money is.05:13
TJ-Frustrated: Do you still get that installer boot menu when you've removed the DVD and any USB flash devices?05:13
lickalottusb drive?05:13
FrustratedTJ- Hmm... I'll check.  No I don't have a usb drive that can hold the requisite 4 GB.05:14
lickalottFrustrated, when i upgraded to 13.04 the entire FS was read-only.  Not sure if you've seen any evidence of that but that could be causing your issues as well.05:14
TJ-Frustrated: That would cause the symptoms you describe, since the installer would say to itself "whoops! I can't install over myself"05:14
lickalottwait..... now I'm confused. "<Frustrated> From here it says:  "Try Ubuntu without Installing", "Install Ubuntu", "Check disc for defects", "Test memory", "Boot from hard disk""  this was after you "move" stuff around right?05:15
siwicaTJ-: Yes, maybe. So you would think there is no way at the moment to connect the second display?05:16
CryptoKingcan someone give us a hand with ubuntu server, i tried to set up static ip but something went wrong how do i get my dhcp working again05:16
FrustratedTJ-  When I remove this disk, it says "Reboot and Slect proper Boot device or Insert BOot Media in selected Boot device and press a key."05:16
Frustratedlickallot:  What was the FS acronym?05:17
FrustratedFile system?05:17
TJ-Frustrated: OK, that is useful, since it suggests the Installer is running from the DVD. So it narrows down the issue to why it fails the "Install Ubuntu" step05:17
lotuspsychjeCryptoKing: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might know?05:17
lotuspsychje!dhcp | CryptoKing05:18
ubottuCryptoKing: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP05:18
TJ-Frustrated: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD#After_I_Select:_.27Start_or_Install_Ubuntu.27.2C_it_fails_to_boot05:18
lickalottfile system Frustrated05:19
TJ-Frustrated: It suggests modifying the Installer boot parameters by pressing F605:19
TJ-Frustrated: You don't have a USB storage device you could use to boot a Live image from ?05:21
FrustratedTJ-  Nope.  I don't have a USB storage device.05:22
Iriezwww.pastebin.com/hM9jrn4Z <--- my results.txt from bootinfoscript. I have a encrypted ubuntu lvm and a ntfs windows 7 partition (1 harddrive, sdc is my usb key i booted from to diagnose) I get a grub rescue loader or just a grub bash something or other boot screen on boot05:22
IriezTried boot repair, system rescue cd etc to no avail05:22
FrustratedTJ-  I'll put the disc back in the dvd drive.05:23
TJ-Frustrated: In your situation I'd be tempted to pull the hard-disk out of that system and connect it (as a slave) to my working system, and then I could work on it directly, and test its booting ability via a virtual machine, but that depends on a level of skill and experience you probably don't have access to05:23
lotuspsychjeIriez: did you try an update-grub?05:24
FrustratedTJ-  Yeah, I've never done that before.05:24
Iriezis that an additional grub program? if so, no05:24
FrustratedTJ-   I don't even think that I have the hardware on hand to connect the hard-disk as a slave.05:25
* Iriez runs05:25
lotuspsychjeIriez: no, it means updating grub==> from terminal sudo update-grub05:25
Iriezyes, i just did so05:25
Iriezit see's the correct installs05:25
Iriezand it outputted it in term05:25
TJ-Frustrated: What is the make/model of the motherboard (or laptop?) having the problem? Maybe we have some known issues about it that will help determine a workaround?05:25
lotuspsychjeIriez: try a reboot now05:26
Iriezonly error i get is on /usr/sbin/grub-probe 'error no such disk'05:26
Iriezlotus: sure!05:26
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Iriezi get the GNU GRUZB 'minimal BASH' screen05:26
Iriezon boot05:26
lotuspsychjeIriez: you can also loose win once and for good, and install ubuntu single05:26
Iriezlotus: Excellent idea, but it does have its occasional uses.05:27
* lotuspsychje never liked those freaky dualboots :p05:27
IriezFor example, with sony vegas and my editing software05:27
FrustratedTJ- I don't know what model of motherboard I have...05:27
lotuspsychjeIriez: you can replace much with ubuntu05:27
Random832It is _incredibly_ stupid that closing the lid in the middle of shutting down pre-empts the shutdown in favor of going into suspend mode instead05:27
Iriezlotus: I agree and do replace such, however that is not within the scope of what i need to accomplish05:27
IriezI unfortunately had this working already05:27
Iriezbut tried to truecrypt my win7 install too05:28
Iriezand then it got broked05:28
Iriezso i started over, repeated all my steps05:28
Iriezand somehow ended up with this muck05:28
IriezNot sure why its not booting now.05:28
IriezSo whats this minimal bash grub?05:28
lotuspsychjeIriez: can yoiu still choose a kernel into recoverymode?05:28
IvanovOkay so, guys, i am in the part of the ubuntu usb instructions here: Iriez https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/amd64/boot-usb-files.html that tell me to copy my ubuntu iso image to the usb drive and im not sure how05:29
Ivanovidk why its putting peoples names in :o wierd webchat lol05:29
TJ-Iriez: The only thing I've noticed so far in your bootinfo output is the partitions are out-of-order05:29
lotuspsychjeIriez: i would start over single boot ubuntu, and virtualbox your 7 if you wish05:30
TJ-Ivanov: Probably it misinterpreted a 'tab' character as requiring tab-completion?05:30
Ivanovdo i just cp ubuntu-blahblah.iso /mnt ? or do i need command line parameters?05:30
IvanovTJ- im not sure what exactly to do exactly tog et the ISO from downloads/ubuntu*.iso to my /mnt (flashdrive)05:31
IriezTJ: any advice on how to correct it and recheck if that is the issue?05:31
IriezI have no experience editing grub so i've been relying on posts on the internet and these rescue programs05:32
Ivanovyeah Iriez i have been trying that too to no avail05:32
Ivanovi just keep getting "cant load filesystem"05:32
lickalottIvanov, what are you trying to do?05:32
lotuspsychjeIvanov: are you trying an usb from windows?05:32
Ivanovno i am on a Debian-7 distro05:32
IvanovSteamOS, technically05:32
Iriezoh cool05:32
Iriezi can now boot windows lol05:32
Ivanovi want to switch to Ubuntu05:32
Iriezfrom my usb key haha05:32
IriezHere's the deal05:32
FloodBot1Iriez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:32
Ivanovbut i cant make it work on my usb drive05:32
IriezWhenever i run these grub updates etc, it seems to edit the grub on my usb key05:33
Iriezperhaps its just not editing the correct grub on sda?05:33
lotuspsychjeIvanov: join #debian and ask for an usb creator tool?05:33
Ivanovthe tools wont work as SteamOS dependencies are kinda borked custom versiuons05:33
TJ-Iriez: Correction would mean shuffling the partition entries; not something I'd recommend for a novice. In terms of it having an effect, it ought not to for GRUB. Your issue is that GRUB is failing to find the file-system containing its files.05:34
lickalottwait...you're just trying to boot ubuntu from a usb drive Ivanov?05:34
Ivanovthis is the step i am at now: If you used an hd-media image, you should now copy an Ubuntu ISO image[6] onto the stick. When you are done, unmount the USB memory stick (umount /mnt).05:34
Ivanovbut it just WILL NOT DO IT.05:34
IriezTJ: im thinking it has to do with the encrypted LVM05:34
Ivanovbeen doing this ALL DAY since 10 this morning i am so mad lol05:34
Iriezis it correctly setup to point to the crypt?05:34
lotuspsychjeIvanov: you cant just drag an iso to usb, that wont work05:34
lickalottdid you literally copy the .iso to the usb drive?05:35
lotuspsychjeIvanov: it needs a software to make it bootable05:35
lickalottunetbootin Ivanov05:35
lotuspsychje!usb | Ivanov05:35
ubottuIvanov: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:35
lickalottget er done05:35
Iriezlvanov: Universal-USB-Installer-
cfhowlettIvanov, unetbootin will do the job for you05:35
Ivanovthis is what i have been doing05:35
* lickalott ^5's cfhowlett05:35
Ivanovunetbootin, multisystem, these things wont install cause of borked steamos dependencies05:35
cfhowlettIvanov, although for figuring out steam OS you want to ask valve, not ubuntu05:36
Ivanovit works05:36
Ivanovwell, i dont know what magic you guys put on here but awesome05:36
Ivanovand yeah ive been in and out of here today trying to get ubuntu installed lol05:36
lotuspsychjeWelcome to ubuntu's magic!05:36
cfhowlettIvanov, that happens.  see OHE (Operator Headspace Error)    :)05:36
IvanovOH i know what i did wrong05:37
Ivanovi set debian's repository to high priority05:37
Ivanovand i think it re-downloaded the dependencies05:37
lickalotteveryone knows AOL doesn't read javascript05:37
FrustratedWell... this doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.  I should get to bed.05:37
Ivanovcause its running a good 1000000 packages05:37
Ivanovexaggerating ofcourse05:37
Frustratedlickalott, JT-:  Thanks for trying to help me.05:37
lickalottFrustrated, what did you did?05:37
FrustratedI tried following the advice on here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD#After_I_Select:_.27Start_or_Install_Ubuntu.27.2C_it_fails_to_boot05:38
lickalottsend me your drive...I'll fix it up and get it back to you.  call it your xmas present.  :P05:38
FrustratedI didn't succeed with anything.05:38
TJ-Iriez: Also, I notice that grub isn't fully installed to the hard disk, only its core image. That is causing the issue you have. My guess would be that somehow during install the installed-system GRUB was written to the USB device, not the hard disk05:38
lickalottsleep on it.  we can attack tomorrow05:38
shafoxhi, i just installed apache 2.4 in myy 12.04 LTE box. after installing it is working. now that i added one virtualhost whose config is https://gist.github.com/shadow-fox/7982749, but when i go to localhost it also serves the virtualhost with an error that is related to the php, and if i go to the virtualhost i also get the same error. so the virtualhost is routed and served in all requests that is locahost. how to get past this ??05:38
IriezTJ: I used the CD with no usb inserted on initial install05:38
Ivanovi will run unetbootin then try this again, if not i will be back, thanks for the help guys!05:39
FrustratedHave a good night sir.  Maam?05:39
TJ-Frustrated: Without being in front of the machine it is really hard to suggest much more05:39
Iriezim thinking the issue is caused because im booting from ubuntu on usb05:39
FrustratedTJ-  I understand.05:39
IriezTJ: How do I 'fully install' grub to sda then?05:39
lotuspsychjeshafox: maybe the #httpd guys might know your issue?05:40
shafoxlotuspsychje, okies05:40
TJ-Iriez: OK... so GRUB wasn't installed at all, or was subsequently partially removed. The fix is (relatively) straight-forward. From a live boot image or other Linux boot on that system, we'd create a 'chroot' mount for the poorly installation, and then inside it run 'grub-install' ensuring it writes to the correct file-system partition05:41
lotuspsychje!lamp | shafox maybe some usefull info here also05:42
ubottushafox maybe some usefull info here also: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.05:42
IriezFYI TJ i followed this tut to a T no errors05:43
Iriezand it still didnt work05:43
Iriezthough i booted the system rescue cd from usb, so perhaps booting from usb is the issue?05:43
Iriezas it creates a 'multiple harddrive' environment and confuses the installer perhaps?05:43
lotuspsychje!grub | Iriez here to restore grub05:44
ubottuIriez here to restore grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:44
TJ-Iriez: OK, I think I see your problem :)05:45
* Iriez jumps and claps05:45
TJ-Iriez: You should check my observations here since I'm a little tired, but... that guide assumes that you do *not* have a separate partition/file-system for /boot/   ... but your system does (/dev/sda3) ... so when you do the chroot mounts, /boot/ will be *inside* the encrypted file-system. At the stage of doing all the mounts prior to chroot, you need to to also do "mount /dev/sda3 /media/linux/boot"05:47
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IriezThat makes sense05:47
Iriezdamnit just overwrote this usb key too lol05:47
TJ-Iriez: Give it a try, and I'll put the coffee pot on!05:48
Iriezcheers :)05:48
mmazingwhat's the best way to search for packages, for instance, im trying to build qemu from scratch, and i get "ERROR: glib-2.12 ... is required", but i can't find a specific package with apt-cache05:48
=== tyler is now known as hello23
Iriezalso, as a general question05:49
Iriezi had to install a 'mainline' kernel (i think im saying that right) to get my wifi driver working (rtl8188ee), and i saw a doc somewhere that said that by installing the mainline that i invalidate the update process somehow?05:50
mmazinggoogling helped with the answer of "libglib2.0-dev" but i would like to be able to find the answer on my own, how can i associate glib-2.12 with libglib2.0-dev05:51
TJ-Iriez: Did you install it from the Ubuntu mainline kernel archive? I use those without issue05:51
IriezYes, i did.05:51
TJ-Iriez: Then you shouldn't have any issues with updates05:52
jribmmazing: you can just do "sudo apt-get build-dep package-that-you-are-trying-to-build-that-happens-to-also-be-in-the-repos"05:52
TJ-Iriez: updates to the regular archive kernels will be done, but by default the system will boot from the latest kernel version based on the order of placement by 'update-grub'05:53
mmazingah, well the problem was that i was using configure, i need a version that is higher than that in ubuntu repos05:53
mmazingthat's good info to have however05:53
TJ-mmazing: When looking for dependent libraries I always prefix "lib" to the package name since that is the Debian convention05:53
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TJ-mmazing: So I'd be doing "apt-cache search 'libglib.*dev" to start with05:54
mmazingTJ-: so maybe i should try "apt-cache search libglib" first?05:54
mmazingTJ-: ok makes sense05:54
TJ-mmazing: remember that apt-cache search supports regexp05:54
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mmazingTJ-: didn't know that, excellent05:55
TJ-mmazing: another tip... if you are building a more recent version of a package already in the archive, then sometimes installing the build dependencies of the archive package will do it all for you, as in "apt-get build-dep $PACKAGE_NAME"05:56
lotuspsychje!ask | Guest9059105:56
ubottuGuest90591: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:56
Ivanovso i tried unetbootin and got dumped into (initramfs) with no error...?05:57
Ivanovafter a lengthy ubuntu loading screen05:57
IriezTJ: So to clarify, I am both doing "mount /dev/sda3 /media/linux/boot" AND mount /dev/sda3 /boot ?05:58
lotuspsychjeIvanov: how long is lenghty?05:58
Ivanovlotuspsychje: about 3-5 minutes05:58
lotuspsychjeIvanov: but ubuntu usb boots correclty right?05:58
Ivanovno that is the usb booting05:59
mmazingTJ-: awesome, so build-dep just figures out dependencies to build the source for a package and installs them?05:59
Ivanover, yeah, it boots05:59
Ivanovjust doesnt start05:59
lotuspsychjeIvanov: yes ubuntu setup usb05:59
Ivanovim trying my 'alternate' iso now, since i have both05:59
lotuspsychjeIvanov: what version are you trying of ubuntu?05:59
Ivanovor whichever one is the LTS05:59
lotuspsychjeIvanov: try wait a little longer, maybe press F1 to see whats happening05:59
Ivanovwell, as i said, after the loading screen06:00
Ivanovi get dumped into (initramfs) with no error message06:00
Ivanovand no clue howt o work that06:00
TJ-mmazing: Every regular archive package contains a "debian/control" file which amongst other things declares all the dependencies of both the source and binary packages. When you do "apt-get build-dep" it will get the list of all source dependencies and install them06:00
=== kevin is now known as Guest13741
lotuspsychjeIvanov: some systems can get stuck for a while on parts of setup, endure a little06:00
Ivanovyeah but what does it do if its just sitting on (initramfs) waiting for input?06:01
lotuspsychjeIvanov: it doesnt need input there06:01
IriezTJ: Siting here at the prompt06:01
Ivanovbut thats what its doing...it pops up like it failed, only with no error message or "Debian failed to start!" message like i normally see06:01
mmazingTJ-: thanks for the info, very good to know06:01
Ivanovi just see it sitting at (initramfs) and the blinking cursor06:01
IriezSince i dont undertstand the need for mounting /dev/sda3 twice i would appreciate your input06:01
Iriezi dont know what mounting to /media/linux does in this situation... ?06:02
lotuspsychjeIvanov: its normal you get no debian warning, as you setup ubuntu from usb now..06:02
Ivanovyeah but its odd to see the (initramfs) at all, am i supposed to be seeing that?06:02
crazyhorse18hello.. ncdu and df -h report different amounts of disk space usage06:02
Iriezi did the mount /dev/sda3 /media/linux/boot06:02
crazyhorse18anyone know how to get accurate list?06:03
Ivanovnormally i only see (initramfs) prompt when i fail booting06:03
Iriezbut i dont understand what the extra mount of /dev/sda3 to /boot does?06:03
lotuspsychjeIvanov: if ubuntu setup boots correctly, it means you made usb correctly06:03
Ivanovbut i never get to setup06:03
Ivanovi get to unetbootin's menu, hit 'install', see ubuntu loading screen some, then (initramfs) out of the blue06:03
lotuspsychjeIvanov: you didnt see the purple ubuntu loading screen at usb first boot?06:03
Ivanovyeah i do see the screen06:03
Ivanovi just never make it to setup itself06:03
lotuspsychjeIvanov: then its normal06:03
TJ-Iriez: Sorry, I missed your question! You only need to do "mount /dev/sda3 /media/linux" prior to the chroot in order to have everything in place. When in the chroot it would be worth checking that "/etc/fstab" does list /dev/sda3 (or its UUID/Label) as being mounted to /boot06:04
lotuspsychjeIvanov: wait a little longer06:04
Ivanovok as long as its normal i guess i will try again yeah06:04
lotuspsychjeIvanov: after the initram, it should lead you to try/install part06:04
IriezAh, okay. So the mount /dev/sda3 /boot is not neccessary, correct?06:04
TJ-Ivanov: If you are getting the initramfs shell prompt, something went wrong. The trick is to find out what! Try adding "debug" and removing any "splash quiet" to the kernel's command-line in the boot loader menu06:05
Ivanovlotuspsychje: but then why does unetbootin have a menu?06:05
lotuspsychjeIvanov: i never used unetbootin, been on ubuntu for years now :p06:06
mychoicesomeone can help me with my usb modem?06:06
IriezTJ: i would love to check, however im unsure how06:06
TJ-Iriez: No, that should be done automatically (when the system boots correctly) via "/etc/fstab" - if that entry is missing it could explain why an "update-grub" didn't work as expected (since it'd just create/write to a /boot/ directory inside the encrypted file-system06:06
Ivanovhm well i guess i will try again06:06
IriezTJ: Could you please expand on the command required to see that fstab outputs sda3?06:07
Iriezim looking in a file browser and do not see a fstab in /etc06:07
TJ-Iriez: To check, once inside the chroot, do "grep '/boot' /etc/fstab" - if nothing comes back, you'll need to add a line to that file06:07
lotuspsychje!ask | mychoice06:07
ubottumychoice: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:07
IriezTJ: I just ran "grep '/boot' /etc/fstab" and it outputted nothing06:08
TJ-Iriez: to obtain the UUID of a file-system you can do (as root) "blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/sda3"06:08
TJ-Iriez: OK, so that needs fixing too!06:08
mychoicehow if the usb modem doesn't automaticaly detected ?06:08
IriezTJ: Great progress! :)06:09
Iriezim just happy im getting somewhere, lol06:09
IriezI've been messing with this damn grub for too many hours now :)06:09
Rahailhi i know its not ubuntu thing i am haivng some issue with remastersys when trying to create iso from my current ubuntu can some one help ,e06:09
Rahailit run as live cd i dont get option to install06:10
Rahailsome people said something with ubiqutiy06:10
Rahail.. is ee when i am making iso i get this msg on log06:10
RahailRemoving the ubiquity frontend as it has been included and is not needed on the normal system06:10
cfhowlettRahail, remastersys is no longer maintained.  consider your options.06:10
Rahailthis ubuntu1206:11
Rahailthere is no other way to get with remastersys06:11
TJ-Iriez: Here's a command that can generate the required line for you. DEV=/dev/sda3; BLKID="blkid -o value -s "; echo "UUID=$($BLKID UUID) /boot $($BLKID TYPE) defaults 0 2"06:12
IriezTJ: after running that command i redid the grep command to make sure it outputs info and it did not06:13
TJ-Iriez: To pipe that line directly into "/etc/fstab" add the following to the end of that line (including the 2 greater-than symbols):  >> /etc/fstab06:13
Iriezafter running the command it outputted all sorts of hashes/addresse06:13
Iriezah, okay06:14
IriezThats what was missing :)06:14
TJ-Iriez: That command was only showing the info to you to prove it worked... adding the pipe will **append** it to the file06:14
Iriezyou know, this is great06:14
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
IriezIm finally starting to remember all the linux stuff I learned 10 years ago06:14
IriezIts very slowly coming back :)06:14
TJ-Iriez: I *know* that feeling ... I'm like that even after a couple of months :)06:14
Irieznow i just run the grub-install /dev/sda yes?06:15
Iriezi almost rebooted hahahaha06:15
Iriez(and i checked, it outputs the info now from fstab)06:16
TJ-Iriez: Yes... and afterwards, let me give you some commands to tidy up the unwanted grub files in the root file-system, to avoid any confusion later!06:16
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Guest34238
Iriezdreaded bash minimal prompt :(06:17
Iriezshould i re-run the bootinfoscript?06:18
TJ-Iriez: Yes... and afterwards, let me give you some commands to tidy up the unwanted grub files in the root file-system, to avoid any confusion later!06:18
TJ-Did you reboot already?06:18
Ivanovso now i saw an error this time06:18
TJ-Iriez: Grrr!06:18
Iriezi know :-/06:18
Ivanovit wasnt able to find a live file system06:18
TJ-Iriez: What error?06:18
Iriezno error06:18
Iriezjust throws me to the grub minimal bash06:18
Guest34238change destop06:18
TJ-Iriez: Is the USB bootable device still connected?06:18
Irieztook it out :)06:19
TJ-Iriez: OK, then I suspect what happened was GRUB used the wrong device-map from the chroot and wrote to the USB stick's /boot/grub/ instead. Get back into the chroot and lets clean things up. When you do, initially do *not* do the "mount /dev/sda3 /media/linux"06:20
Iriezsure, 1 min06:20
TJ-Iriez: Instead, go into the chroot and lets clean out the existing /boot/grub/ from the root file-system06:20
TJ-Iriez: Then, you can "exit" the chroot, do "mount /dev/sda3 /media/linux", re-enter the chroot, and sort things out06:21
abcHow to change launcher to drop down menu06:21
TJ-Iriez: brb... going to put that coffee pot on!06:21
abcHow to change launcher to drop down menu in Ubuntu-Linux 12.04.01 LTS06:21
mmazingon a side note - building qemu from scratch takes for goddamn ever06:23
IriezTJ: okay, im in jail06:23
KLVTZ I'm having trouble creating a virtual host in ubuntu 13.10. I have added the proper line to /etc/hosts, I added a conf file to sites-available and I made the sym link to sites-enabled. I06:23
KLVTZ          have added the appropriate lines to the conf file and have restarted my server. But when I log on to my new virtual host it works, but it doesn't go to the document root i indicated. Instead it goes to06:23
KLVTZ          my default localhost on the browser. I mean the url is my virtual host but its showing my localhost root index.06:24
Iriez(and i did not mount sda3 to /media/linux/boot)06:24
lickalottwtf is the point of ubuntu-server??  Everyone comes here for answers anyway06:25
lickalottanyway, I'm out.  g'night all06:26
KLVTZMy apologies. I did not know there was a seperate channel involving server development for ubunty06:29
KLVTZI will leave and enter that chat06:29
KLVTZthank you06:29
IriezTJ: I hope its french vanilla coffee.06:38
IriezThats my favorite.06:38
boldfilter1Hey ubuntu chat06:44
TJ-Iriez: sorry I was so long... its breakfast-time here :)06:45
IriezIts quite alright.06:45
IriezIm still a hour away from bed time06:45
TJ-OK, where are we at? What's done/not done?06:47
Iriezim in chroot06:47
Iriezawaiting your cleanup instructions06:47
Iriezi've mounted everything already06:47
Iriezexcept for sda3 to /media/linux/boot as you said not to.06:48
TJ-Iriez: OK ... so lets discover if there's some GRUB files in /boot/ that ought not to be there, and if so, remove them. "ls -la /boot/grub/" ... if you get any results that means we need to remove the directory using "rm -rf /boot/grub"06:49
Iriezoh yea06:50
Iriezlots of results06:50
TJ-Iriez: OK, "exit" , do the mount, re-enter the chroot06:53
TJ-Iriez: Then we'll check that grub-install does its job correctly06:53
Iriezokay done06:54
TJ-Iriez: Now check that there's a /boot/grub/ directory "ls -la /boot/grub/"06:55
mychoiceis there any other option except wvdial for usb modem that doesn't  detected06:55
Iriezyea, lots o files06:55
Iriezbut there should be right?06:55
Iriezsince i just mounted /sda3 to /boot06:55
Iriezso its showing me everything on sda3 right now yes?06:55
TJ-Iriez: Yes, just checking something has been previously written there06:56
Iriezah, i get it06:56
Iriezwe were mounting over a spot that already had files in there06:56
Iriezand the installer was just installing the crap that was already in there06:56
TJ-Iriez: Yes. the root of /dev/sda3 it /boot/ which contains the kernel and initrd images06:56
TJ-Iriez: when using those unmodified instructions that didn't account for the separate /boot/ the files were written into the encrypted root file-system06:57
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TJ-Iriez: So, now, we've sorted that out but we need to ensure that - because the running OS is on the USB - that grub-install doesn't use that instead of the hard disk06:58
TJ-Iriez: GRUB has the concept of a device-map which we need to make use of06:58
Iriezyes, for the lvm06:58
Iriezwill i need to clean up the boot files out of the encrypted lvm too ?06:58
Iriezor does it not matter since its not a bootable partition06:58
TJ-Iriez: You've already done that; the encrypted file-system is the one mounted to /media/linux/ - or ought to be!06:59
Iriezoh yes, correct07:00
Iriezsometimes im not really understanding what im doing. Good that the light bulb goes on sometimes.07:01
nbros652anybody know if it's possible to get av codecs from windows (.dll, .ax files) to work in Ubuntu?07:01
TJ-Iriez: Inside the chroot regenerate the device map using "grub-mkdevicemap" then check it using "cat /boot/grub/device.map" and tell me/pastebin what it shows07:03
saleniexI have  problem with PPP on broadband modem. In logs i see "/usr/sbin/pppd: unknown host: /sys/devices/pci0000"07:04
saleniexhow device might be releated with host?07:04
Iriezit has my HD and my USB in there07:05
TJ-Iriez: show me the output07:08
Iriez(hd0) /dev/disk/by-id/ata-crucial.....id string...07:08
Iriez(hd1) /dev/disk/by-id/usb-_usb_flash_memory_id string here -0:007:09
babinlonstonhi all, is there any IRC for vsftpd ?07:10
TJ-Iriez: OK, so we need to ensure it uses hd007:10
babinlonstonyes i got vsftpd07:10
Iriezi like vsftpd!07:10
Iriezi still use it on one of my servers07:10
airtonixsigh ftp? really? /facepalm.07:11
IriezTJ: I had a long talk with bash and told it to use hd007:11
Iriezbut i dont think that will work.07:11
IriezTJ: Thats my way of saying07:15
Iriez"I dont know how to tell it to use hd0"07:15
TJ-Iriez: And I'm trying to find an article I wrote on it for this since my memory has also gone!07:15
Iriezah cheers07:16
MarGulIs uniscan legal to use to test a website? I havent fully set up my own server yet and want to try out and see how it works07:18
jjb123Hey everyone, I have a smb question if anyone has time. I have a Ubuntu server that runs an SMB server on my network. It uses security = USER which should make it use system accounts for auth. I recently changed my main account's linux password and now I can't log into samba anymore. I can still log in with another account that I did not change the password for. Is there anyway to flush or reset SMB? I tried searching around but couldn't 07:22
Kartagisjjb123: did you change your linux user's password or samba password?07:23
jjb123Kartagis: Linux user's. I can log in with the user via ssh & other services that use the account password but not through samba.07:25
jjb123Kartagis: I tried restarting the service and restarting the server.07:25
Kartagisjjb123: change your samba password as well07:25
TJ-Iriez: OK, do a "grub-install" and pastebin all its output. If the system has Internet access you can install a helper "apt-get install pastebinit" and then do "grub-install 2>&1 | pastebinit"07:27
cfhowlettMario___, greetings07:28
redGoddoes anyone here know how to remove the cap on the volume?07:28
Mario___Hola Cf.. tengo una consulta sobre la instalacion de Ubuntu.07:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.07:30
Iriezsorry TJ07:32
Iriezi totally missed your line07:32
TJ-Iriez: I just realised, I didn't check *which* logical device name those device maps map to... can you do "ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/*" and pastebin the output?07:32
Mario___ok  i need some help... i want to install ubuntu but now i just have an empty usb..  what do i do?.. just copy the files from the iso file to the usb?07:33
startxhow I install vlc from terminal ?07:33
TJ-Iriez: We need to ensure that /dev/sda currently isn't the USB and is definitely the HDD, since those names are sometimes determined by the BIOS/firmware boot order07:33
Iriezyes sec07:33
imghost!vlc | startx07:33
ubottustartx: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs07:33
imghoststartx, sudo apt-get install vlc07:34
aeon-ltdMario___: did you want this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick07:34
startxthanx imghost07:34
imghoststartx, :)07:34
Mario___Ok.. i will see thanks a lot aeon...07:34
IriezTJ: there ya go!07:35
startximghost error msg"unable to locate package vlc"07:36
imghoststartx, what version are you on?07:37
startxxubunt 13.1007:37
TJ-Iriez: OK, that confirms sda is the HDD... so you can do "grub-install /dev/sda 2>&1 | pastebinit"07:39
TJ-Iriez: the output should tell us where it wrote to... if not, we have to add some 'verbose' option07:39
Iriezit says it cannot find pastebinit07:39
Iriezfor apt-get07:39
TJ-Iriez: what Ubuntu version?07:39
Iriezcan i just do grub-install /dev/sda >> temp.txt07:40
Iriezthis is system rescue cd based on gentoo07:40
TJ-Iriez: You can do "grub-install /dev/sda 2>&1 >/tmp/install.txt" (which also redirects stderr to the file)07:40
startxsudo apt-get install vlc error msg"unable to locate package vlc "07:41
jefersenim trying to install this project from github - https://github.com/grangier/python-goose07:41
startxanyone help07:41
jefersenbut im getting an error with giving the correct admin rights or something07:41
Iriezno error reported07:41
fidel__startx: what gives: apt-cache policy vlc?07:41
Iriezinstallation finished07:41
Iriezthats all that got written to install.txt07:42
jefersenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6582334/ can someone help?07:42
TJ-Iriez: OK, can you pastebin the generated "/boot/grub/grub.cfg" ?07:42
startxfidel__ cauldn't find any package by regax "vlc"07:42
Iriezgrub.conf  ?07:43
TJ-jefersen: You'll need to prefix the "pip ..." command with "sudo "07:43
fidel__startx: and apt does work for other packages?07:43
TJ-Iriez: what version of GRUB is it? I assumed its grub207:44
startxno anyone07:44
fidel__startx: i am getting offered 2.0.8-1 0 via: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/universe07:44
TJ-startx: Do you have the "universe" repository enabled?07:44
fidel__startx: so apt isnt working in general - not only regarding the vlc poackage right?07:44
aeon-ltdjefersen: in addition to TJ- , were you supposed to use something like fakeroot?07:44
IriezTJ: 1.99-21ubuntu3.907:45
TJ-Iriez: OK, so it should be "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"07:45
IriezTJ: www.pastebin.com/hUpQ98q107:45
startxfidel__  thx07:45
fidel__startx: if so - check your sources in /etc/apt07:45
IriezTJ: there's only a grub.conf in /boot/grub/07:45
imghoststartx, sorry i got disconnected07:45
Irieznot a grub.cfg07:45
startxfidel__  :ok07:45
startximghost:no problem07:46
TJ-Iriez: huh?? that's for Gentoo too! Is this an Ubuntu or Gentoo installation in the chroot?07:46
Iriezthats the odd thing07:46
Iriezthis is indeed on the system rescue cd07:46
Iriezwhich says its gentoo07:46
Iriezso, im assuming its gentoo07:47
startximghost& fidel_ I am updating 'sudo apt-get update'07:47
Iriezthe article we've been referecing the whole tut is written in this system rescue disc07:47
TJ-Iriez: AHHHH! You're supposed to be showing me the file from *inside* the chroot! To get to it from outside you need to do "cat /media/linux/boot/grub/grub.cfg" :)07:47
Iriezso i've been inside this system rescue cd :)07:47
startximghost& fidel_ after I ll try to install vlc07:47
Iriezah, haha, okay thanks07:47
TJ-Iriez: Sorry, I assumed all commands were inside the chroot07:47
skdfwhy vlc so slow?07:47
Iriezhrm, there's no grub.cfg in there???07:48
* Iriez brain hurts07:48
startxskdf: update your vlc.I think07:48
Iriezim looking in /media/linux/boot/grub/07:49
Iriezgrldr.img, grubenv, gzio.mod07:49
Iriezin order, but no grub.cfg ??07:49
Iriezso strange :-/07:49
Iriezi *AM* inside the chroot ...?07:50
skdfi thinknnew vlc is full s07:50
Iriezi apologize, i used emelFM2 to look at /boot07:50
skdfhttp://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living why my sity sucks in russia?07:50
Iriezwhich i should have realized was outside jail07:50
Iriezbut, im in the correct dir now and there's no grub.cfg07:50
imghoststartx, vlc installed?07:51
startximghost:currently i m using 'sudo apt-get update' after i will try to install vlc07:52
imghoststartx, ok07:52
LigHGreetings. I have one machine with 12.04 LTS where kernel 3.8.0-33 boots to LightDM, but kernel 3.8.0-34 gets stuck in text mode. How can I discover the reason?07:52
Guest13741"This cahbinet ministah...he always travel on the wrong side of the boarder"07:52
b100dyh311what's the error message?07:53
LigHMe? ... Stays with blank screen and blinking cursor top-left.07:53
TJ-Iriez: You're runing "grub-install ..." whilst inside the chroot, yes? as in, you've done "chroot /media/linux ..."07:53
imghostLigH, did you try any other de?07:53
LigHI set up Gnome-Classic.07:54
LigHTHere are other machines where kernel 3.8.0-34 boots fine.07:54
IriezTJ: yes07:54
imghostLigH, paste the output of cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf07:54
TJ-LigH: Can 3.8.0-34 boot to a single-user recovery session ?07:54
Iriezand I just re-did the process to reverify07:54
TJ-Iriez: OK, then something is not correct07:55
LigHimghost: http://paste.frubar.net/1582707:56
IriezTJ: maybe i should be doing this with grub2?07:56
LigHTJ-: Can try ...#07:56
Guest13741Any versions of Linux Kernel that are better to work with over others.  Probably one of the older builds its just which lol07:56
skdfSteamOS better Ubuntu?07:57
cfhowlettskdf, better for games, yes07:57
LigHRebooting, testing recovery mode...07:57
skdfand for all other07:57
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cfhowlettskdf, suggest you actually do some research at http://store.steampowered.com/steamos/07:58
TJ-Iriez: You have grub2, the naming convention for the package is from the days of the change-over from GRUB v1 to v207:59
Iriezoh, haha, okay08:00
hianhifHello folks, i've come across a problem i just cant seem to solve. My graphics gets laggy 40-60 seconds after i log in to my desktop. And my FPS in games have dropped dramatically. I have tried serveral different ways of uninstalling / installing new / old GFX drivers. None of which makes a difference. I have tried several of my backups all presenting the same problem (tho they where not there before) Which leads me to conclude that08:00
hianhifi have somehow "added" the problem by installing something, since restoring my system too an earlier state has no effect on things that was not there before but are there now!  Any advice and or help is appreciated.  Ubuntu 12.04 Proprietary ATI drivers (Tried several different flavors) AMD radeon HD 5850.08:00
TJ-Iriez: If *nothing* was written to /boot/grub/ then it is going somewhere else... which makes me think the chroot config mount-points may not be correct after all08:00
IriezThe most frustrating part of this is i had the damn thing working the night before the last08:02
Iriezbut i got so excited about having a dual boot dual encrypted setup that i had to go and ruin it08:02
imghostLigH, there?08:02
Iriezi just dont understand why it didnt setup correctly when i did it this time around08:02
LigHTJ-: Recovery menu appeared. After "resume", booting continued, tty login briefly appeared, X.org boot prepared, then stuck in blank text mode. After pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del, "acpid exited".08:02
imghostLigH, reboot will not slolve your problem, use dpkg-reconfigure lightdm08:03
TJ-Iriez: Let's find out what config it generates. Inside the chroot (of course!) do "/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig > /tmp/grub.cfg" and pastebin that file08:03
shafoxchrome freezes on 12.04 and hangs up the box totally. have to hard restart every time .08:03
Guest13741Which Ring does the Linux GUI reside?08:03
LigHimghost: After booting into runlevel 2 or 3?08:04
TJ-LigH: Good, that confirms the issue isn't with the newer kernel or initrd. If imghost suggestions don't solve it, if you are using proprietary graphics drivers you may need to rebuild the binary bits to match the new kernel if that failed during kernel installation08:04
Guest13741the gui always crashes first08:04
IriezTJ: www.pastebin.com/aw0xXU9808:04
LigHTJ-: Yes, porprietary nvidia-319, I believe...08:05
imghostLigH, did you try to switch graphics card?08:06
TJ-LigH: It could be an nvidia kernel shim issue but I'd expect that to cause a simple Xorg failure not a hang. If all else fails, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if the X server is starting and/or getting stuck08:06
LigHDo I have to boot 3.8.0-34 in runlevel 2 or 3 to reconfigure dpkg, or may I run it now, having booted 3.8.0-33?08:06
imghostLigH, first clear me did you try to switch your graphics cards?08:07
LigHimghost: How? Do you expect me to own several graphic cards?08:07
imghostLigH, you said nvidia08:07
TJ-Iriez: That is weird, it didn't find the Linux installation so didn't create a grub menu entry for it.08:07
skdfSteamOS hav better fps?08:08
IriezTJ: super weird08:08
imghostLigH, paste the output of lspci -v | grep -i vga08:08
IriezUhm, this may be a stupid question but08:09
TJ-Iriez: I think I'm getting lost! Terrible not having remote access ... flying blind deaf and without arms and legs!08:09
Iriezif the partition is logical instead of primary, it will still see it yes?08:09
TJ-Iriez: Yes08:09
Iriezand lvscan shows both root/swap partitions08:09
TJ-Iriez: Logical partitions are just a way to get more than 4 partitions into a partition table that can only store 4 entries, but chaining to additional partition tables08:09
Iriezim not seeing the files that need to be here08:10
Iriezin /dev/lvm/root08:11
Iriez(which is my partition for the OS08:11
LigHI have a GeForce 9600 GT for several years now, and I always use current proprietary nvidia drivers. But I just discovered that no driver is activated, possibly due to the known issues with kernel 3.11 (void not ignored).08:11
LigH01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G94 [GeForce 9600 GT] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])08:11
IriezI see Desktop, a kernel, pictures, public, etc08:11
jefersen(aeon-ltd) what do you mean by TJ-08:11
Iriezbut not the usual stuff, like /etc08:11
Iriezit must have been a bad install08:11
Iriezim very confused however08:11
Iriezas in my ubuntu usb boot08:12
Iriezi could see the files!?!?08:12
Iriezbut on this OS, i cannot08:12
TJ-Iriez: Lets go back and try something slightly different. My tiredness is misleading us! "exit" the chroot, "umount /media/linux/boot", re-enter the chroot, "mount /dev/sda3 /boot" then "grub-install /dev/sda" then "ls -la /boot/grub/" and "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and pastebin it08:12
LigHI should remove the 3.11 kernels.08:12
Iriezhrm, says target busy for umount boot08:13
TJ-Iriez: That sounds like you're seeing a /home/ mount !!!08:13
IriezTJ: indeed it does08:13
jefersen(TJ-) thanks for that!08:13
IriezTJ: nm got it unmounted08:13
imghostLigH, kernel loads defaults modules, if you want to use proprietary divers then you need to put that module08:13
IriezTJ: what would cause it to mount /home instead of / ?08:14
imghostLigH, otherwise kernel will load by default open source08:14
TJ-Iriez: Well, that is the mount commands you issue prior to chroot ... if you choose the *wrong* root file-system from the LVs and mount it to /media/linux/ that would explain alot!08:15
Iriezokay, well lets take a step backwards08:15
TJ-Iriez: I suggest we reboot and start again and I see/follow along command-by-command to check what is happening?08:15
Iriezwhen i run lvscan08:15
Iriezi get /dev/lvm/root and /dev/lvm/swap08:15
Iriezi mounted /dev/lvm/root to /media/linux08:16
Iriezif i cd to /dev/lvm/root right now08:16
Iriezi get the /home dir08:16
Iriezso...what on earth is going wrong08:16
Iriezshould i reboot?>08:16
Iriezalso, i have a internet connection on this08:17
TJ-Iriez: That sounds ominous - sounds like you've lost the root FS08:17
Iriezwhich is weird.08:17
Iriezbecause it was there in my other boot in ubuntu08:17
Iriezi recall seeing all the normal dirs in /08:17
Iriezeh well im gonna reboot and check08:17
TJ-Ok, what does "ls -ls /dev/mapper/" show?08:18
Irieztoo late lol08:18
TJ-Iriez: I'm wondering if you forgot the LUKS open step08:18
Iriezno, i did not08:18
Iriezi typed in the pass08:18
TJ-Iriez: no harm... we need to start from a clean base by now08:18
Iriezone thing i did notice08:18
Iriezin that guide it shows output after typing the luksOpen08:18
Iriezi never get output?08:18
Iriezno errors tho08:19
LigHimghost: I know, there are OpenSource drivers with little accelleration. But proprietary drivers with good accelleration fail to install with kernels v3.10+, baybe this failure also disabled them for kernels where the installation still worked.08:19
TJ-Iriez: After opening it, it contains the VG ?08:19
LigHSo I will remove 3.11 kernels.08:19
LigHThen the prop. drivers should install successfully again.08:19
IriezTJ: sorry, VG = ?08:19
TJ-LigH: No they don't, but you need to use the Xorg-edgers PPA to obtain the very latest nvidia drivers. I use 3.12 with nvidia-33108:20
TJ-Iriez: LVM Volume Group08:20
LigHI'll wait for that until Ubuntu offers updated packages. I don't need bleeding-edge kernels.08:21
IriezTJ: after entering the pass i do vgscan and it shows my lvm (named lvm)08:21
Iriezso i vgchange -a y lvm08:21
Iriezand lvscan shows /dev/lvm/root and /dev/lvm/swap08:22
Iriezhrm, mounted root to /media/linux and now its showing the FS08:23
Iriezmaybe it will work this time?08:23
TJ-Iriez: The correct root FS?08:23
TJ-OK, do the mount of /dev/sda3 from *inside* the chroot08:23
TJ-Iriez: not outside, as I said previously08:24
Iriezokay, sure roger08:24
imghostLigH, ok, but i think latest kernels comes with better hardwares support :)any way its your machine your choice08:24
LigHIt's not the latest hardware anyway.08:25
LigHIt used to work well for a good time.08:26
IriezTJ: i ran grub-install /dev/sda after mounting sd3 to /boot08:26
Iriezand i get no such file for cat /boot/grub/grug.cfg inside chroot08:26
Iriezand yes, i mounted sda3 inside chroot08:27
TJ-Hmmm.... is there anything in /boot/grub/ ?08:27
Irieztons o stuffs.08:28
TJ-Iriez: Is "grug.cfg" a typo or is that the actual filename you tried to 'cat' ?08:28
Iriezgrub.cfg does not exist.08:28
Iriezgrubenv and then gzio.mod08:29
TJ-Let's try finding out which packages are installed in the chroot: "dpkg-query -l 'grub*'08:29
Iriezthat gives me a > prompt08:29
Iriezmissed the last '08:29
Iriezpastbining, sec08:30
MadkissWhat happened to packages.ubuntu.com?08:31
lyhevery one there ?08:32
TJ-Iriez: That's good; everything I expect to see08:34
TJ-Iriez: does the chroot have 'strace' ? ("which strace")08:35
MadkissAlso, I installed Kernel 3.13.0 on my Ubuntu machine, and now, while trying to install DKMS modules, I get "kernel package linux-headers-3.13.0-031300rc3-generic is not supported"08:35
Madkissis there a newer version of dkms available somewhere?08:35
lyhexcuse me .who knows the amarok?08:36
Iriezi get output when i do strace -v08:37
Iriez--version does nothing08:38
TJ-Iriez: OK, let's trace what grub-install gets up to.08:38
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TJ-Iriez: "strace -f -e trace=file grub-install /dev/sda"08:39
TJ-Iriez: hang on08:39
TJ-Iriez: "strace -f -e trace=file grub-install /dev/sda 2>&1 | tee /tmp/strace.log"08:39
TJ-Iriez: that way you get to see the output and capture it08:39
Iriezoh ya08:39
Iriezlots of output haha08:39
TJ-Iriez: Every file access call to the OS08:39
TJ-If its 'big' and won't fit in a pastebin we'll have to upload it to a binary repo08:40
Iriezseems to fit08:41
Iriezah snap08:41
Iriezsec getting url08:42
Iriezand as much as im beyond exceedingly grateful for your time and assistence, im falling asleep here and wont last much longer. Im becoming a grandpa and tend to nod out past midnight now lol08:44
Iriezi figure that might take you a while to trace08:44
Jordan_UIriez: Are you still getting a grub rescue shell at boot?08:44
IriezJordan: yup08:45
Jordan_UIriez: What error message do you see before the rescue shell?08:45
TJ-Iriez: OK... missing link hehehe ... do "update-grub"  !!08:46
Iriezyou got the file?08:46
TJ-Iriez: yes, just been reading it08:46
Iriezand did update.08:46
IriezJordan_U: TJ here seems to be the master of grub and is finding every needle in these gigantic haystacks08:47
IriezStill not sure whats going on however.08:47
TJ-Iriez: except the one that matters... I'm tired and got tunnel vision!08:47
TJ-Iriez: "execve("/usr/bin/grub-mkimage", ["/usr/bin/grub-mkimage", "-d", "/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc", "-O", "i386-pc", "--output=/boot/grub/core.img", "--prefix=(,msdos3)/grub", "biosdisk", "ext2", "part_msdos"]"08:49
Jordan_UIriez: What is the output of "ls $prefix/" from the rescue shell?08:49
TJ-Iriez: That confirms it is using partition 3 as the prefix08:50
IriezJordan: stuck in chroot on a rescude disc at the moment08:50
Jordan_UIriez: Also, booting from Super GRUB2 Disk (either burned to a CD or dd'd to a USB drive) should allow you to boot your system.08:51
IriezJordan: Even with a encrypted LVM?08:51
TJ-Iriez: Yes, since the decryption occurs during Linux kernel/initrd08:52
Iriezcool, i will check it out08:53
Iriezdo you think that will help me resolve the issue?08:53
Iriezor as just a bypass?08:53
Jordan_UIriez: Yes (and for the record, grub does support reading from LUKS encrypted volumes).08:53
TJ-Iriez: Bypass.08:54
IriezI knew that it does, but just thought that it needed to know beforehand that there was a crypt setup to appropriately trigger the crypt unlocking portion08:54
IriezTJ: thanks for the clarification08:54
IriezAnd yea, dont need a bypass08:54
IriezI need it to boot as normal :)08:54
TJ-Iriez: On my systems I even have the /boot/ partition LUKS-encrypted08:54
IriezTJ: hah!08:55
Iriezgotta encrypt that grub!08:55
Iriezsuper secret files there! :P08:55
TJ-Iriez: No... simply to prevent alternate OS booting/snooping in the event the laptops are lost08:56
Iriezmakes sense08:56
IriezTJ: is there any chance we could continue this on in 18 hours?08:56
TJ-Iriez: OK... I've duplicated things here. 'grub-install' is doing the correct thing...08:56
Iriezunless you see some progress :)08:57
TJ-Iriez: "update-grub" is the culprit (via grub-mkconfig) if it isn't writing /boot/grub/grub.cfg08:57
Jordan_UTJ-: A missing grub.cfg would not bring Iriez to a rescue shell, just to a grub shell.08:58
Iriezyou know whats awesome08:58
IriezTJ: grub.cfg exists now08:58
Iriezafter that last update08:58
TJ-Iriez: OK, are the entries in it correct?08:58
Jordan_UIriez: Are you really getting a prompt like "rescue> " at boot, or is it one like "grub> "?08:59
TJ-Iriez: pastebin that, then if OK we can focus on the boot time issue as Jordan is talking about08:59
IriezNo, still no linux OS08:59
IriezJordan: I get a GRUB GNU 'minimal bash' prompt08:59
Iriezis the cfg09:00
popassyhow do i know if my router is wps enabled?09:00
TJ-Iriez: OK, that suggests the kernels are missing. Show us "ls -la /boot/"09:01
Jordan_UIriez: Is the prompt, the text on the screen just before where you input new commands, "rescue> " or "grub> "?09:01
Iriezpopassy: run the command 'wash'09:01
Iriezit will show all WPS enabled devices within range09:01
IriezTJ: grub and lost+found is in /boot09:02
TJ-Iriez: OK, there's the problem! "   dpkg-query -l 'linux*' | grep '^ii'  "09:02
popassyit says failed to open wlan0 for capturing Iriez09:02
TJ-Iriez: Kernels need installing!09:02
Irieztry mon009:02
IriezTJ: woohoo!09:02
Iriezpopassy: have you set wlan0 into monitor mode?09:02
popassyIriez: how to do that09:02
TJ-Iriez: for some reason I assumed but didn't ask to check if they were present. I suspect the mix-up with the /boot/ mount may have caused that, since they'd have been written into the encrypted LVM not /boot/ file-system09:03
Iriezpopassy: airmon-ng start wlan009:04
bulletfreaknted technologies.[not verified in body]09:04
TJ-Iriez: In the chroot "apt-get install linux"09:04
popassyIriez: and to remove monitor?09:04
Iriezunable to locate package linux?09:04
Iriezairmon-ng stop wlan0 ?09:04
TJ-Iriez: Arggh, 12.04 isn't it!09:05
Iriezwe are in gentoo09:05
Iriezsystem rescue cd?09:05
bulletfreakits must be 100.409:05
bulletfreakrelease cycles ftw09:05
TJ-Iriez: The system in the LVs we're rescuing, it's 12.04 isn't it?09:05
Iriezyes :-/09:05
Iriez12.04.3 LTS09:06
Iriezdid a alarm bell just ring in your head?09:06
bulletfreak1. the newest ubuntnuuuu verison09:07
TJ-Iriez: try "apt-get install linux-image" ... but "linux" is a virtual package that depends upon "linux-image" so should have been found09:07
bulletfreakit adds smiley faces as all the icons09:07
DJonesbulletfreak: Do you have an ubuntu support question? If so feel free to ask it09:07
ubottubulletfreak,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.09:07
Irieznot linux-image either?09:07
Iriezsame deal, packge not located.09:08
Iriezwould this be easier inside ubuntu?09:08
Iriezi can boot my usb install09:08
TJ-Iriez: OK.. sounds like more than a simple boot issue here... lets check the package archives: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"09:08
TJ-Iriez: No difference - as long as we're inside the chroot and there's network connectivity09:09
TJ-Iriez: "This paste has been removed!"09:10
TJ-Iriez: incomplete URL I think09:10
Iriezyup missed tha tj09:11
Iriezthat j*09:11
FloodBot1Iriez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
Iriezu moms a flooder.09:11
TJ-Iriez: That looks OK... just to be sure do a "apt-get update" so the db is up to date09:11
Iriezapt-get is broke09:12
Iriezits not resolving anything09:12
Iriezbut my browser works fine09:12
Iriezuhm dns isnt resolving09:12
Iriezwithin terminal09:12
TJ-Iriez: name resolution inside the chroot? OK, you need to bind mount the rescue system /etc/resolv.conf09:12
TJ-Iriez: "exit" the chroot, check the rescue has a resolver "cat /etc/resolv.conf" that looks sane09:13
IriezTJ: im so sorry but i gotta crash. We will have to continue this tomorrow. I've been down this rabbit hole before and it just keeps chasin ya09:13
TJ-Iriez: OK ... you're only one step away!09:13
Iriezi'll stay then lol09:13
TJ-Iriez: show me the sysrescue's "/etc/resolv.conf"09:14
Irieznameserver is my router09:14
TJ-Iriez: If it looks sane, we mount it into the chroot09:14
TJ-Iriez: "mount --bind /etc/resolv.conf /media/linux/etc/resolv.conf"  (I recall correctly!) and then back into the chroot and try "apt-get update"09:14
Iriezsays is a symbolic link to nowhere09:15
TJ-Iriez: let me check it here, I may have mis-remembered09:15
tsimpsonnot mount just cp or hard link09:15
tsimpsonactually resolv.conf is a link these days, probably easier just to copy it09:16
TJ-Iriez: As tsimpson says, you can simply copy it in there for now. From outside the chroot "cp /etc/resolv.conf /media/linux/etc/resolv.conf"09:16
TJ-tsimpson: This is Precise so it might be a hard file09:17
Irieznot writing through dangling symlink09:17
Iriez.....thats a odd error09:17
TJ-Iriez: "rm -f /media/linux/etc/resolv.conf09:17
TJ-Iriez: "rm -f /media/linux/etc/resolv.conf"09:17
Iriezgot it copied09:17
tsimpsonif you're using chroots it's generally easier to use schroot (and it'll handle all that for you)09:17
TJ-Iriez: OK, give it a shot09:18
FrankMartinPaying 50$ for One, who enables my DisplayLink on Ubuntu09:18
FrankMartinPayment: PP, Wire, WU09:19
cfhowlettFrankMartin, cash in advance09:19
FrankMartinhahha gotta be kidding09:19
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cfhowlettfrank_, now that we've cleared that up ...09:19
Iriezokay TJ, its installing09:19
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Iriezrun grub install after?09:19
TJ-Iriez: Yay! After the kernel is installed, do "update-grub" to regen the grub.cfg09:19
Iriezah k09:19
Iriezstill only win 7 loader, but it shows 2 linux images now09:20
Iriezalong with it09:20
Iriezboot/vmlinuz and /boot/initrd.img09:21
TJ-Iriez: Can you pastebin that grub.cfg?09:21
TJ-Iriez: It sounds like we *may* be done09:21
Iriezhrm, looks it09:22
Iriezthere's some linux stuffs in there now :)09:22
TJ-Iriez: lemme see! I need some positive news :)09:22
TJ-Iriez: then I may go back to bed for a few hours :)09:22
TJ-Iriez: Looks good: "Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-57-generic-pae"09:23
TJ-Iriez: Give it a spin :)09:23
* Iriez spins09:23
Iriezwe have launch!09:24
TJ-tsimpson: Isn't schroot Debian-only? The rescue image is Gentoo09:24
TJ-Iriez: It's working?09:24
Iriezfunny how things end up being the simpler aspects09:24
Iriezlike 'update kernels first'09:24
Iriezyes :)09:24
TJ-Iriez: Thank *huskies* for that!!!09:24
Iriezor wait09:24
TJ-Iriez: don't you dare!09:24
Iriezim getting a stall on boot though, thats strange09:24
Iriezstopped at a 'BusyBox' screen09:25
TJ-Iriez: No it isn't; I'd hazard a guess there's some problems with that install after what we've seen!09:25
Iriezwell, I can always go and reinstall to that partition09:25
Iriezre-create the lvm and everything the same09:25
Iriezand choose to not f with the bootloader09:26
Iriezand i think it will be okay09:26
* Iriez hangs head09:26
TJ-Iriez: That suggests maybe that cryptsetup's cryptab entry may not have been copied into the initrd (have you seen the LUKS pass-phrase prompt ?)09:26
tsimpsonTJ-: it shouldn't matter what's inside the chroot09:26
IriezNo, no prompt09:26
Iriezand yea, it stalled right before the prompt, so your probably right09:26
TJ-Iriez: OK, so the probable issue now is to ensure the root FS has a correct /etc/crypttab... that's for after you've got some sleep though09:27
TJ-tsimpson: Ubuntu is inside, Gentoo is outside :)09:27
IriezTJ: I hope you got a bitcoin wallet, because im going to send you a donation for help.09:27
Iriezthanks for the several hours tonight, haha :)09:27
TJ-Iriez: Remember this bit: In the initrd, the crypttab entry is in, I seem to recall...09:27
Iriezim not remembering nuthins :P09:28
IriezIRC however will.09:28
TJ-Iriez: .... /conf/  ... can't remember the precise name of the file or if in a sub-dir of that or not, but it isn't in /etc/ as you may expect09:28
Iriezyes, the plot thickens09:28
Iriezthanks so much09:29
* Iriez ZzzzZZzz09:29
TJ-Iriez: however, when the kernel was installed "update-initramfs -uk all" should have sorted that out for you09:29
nick787hi guys, i'm trying to write an sh script to loop through a file and figure out the value of each byte, what tool could I use for that?09:33
Jordan_Unick787: What is your end goal?09:37
Ivanovhey guys, random dumb question but now that i got ubuntu installed, how do i upgrade from 12.x to the latest 13.x?09:47
cfhowlettIvanov, either torrent and install the newest version or attempt the distro upgrade from the software center.09:48
Ivanovsoftware center, thanks09:48
Ivanovhow do i do that though?09:49
Jordan_U!upgrade | Ivanov09:49
ubottuIvanov: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade09:49
dns53Ivanov   update-manager can do it, update-manager -d  for dev releases   or do-release-upgrade for console installs09:49
=== chemist is now known as chemist^
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:52
chemist^I have a problem... i have an USB stick from which i can read all files but cannot delete, move the files... and i can not format the drive ... is this a faulty usb stick?09:54
icerootchemist^: write protected?09:54
chemist^iceroot i don't think so...it's not mine ...it belongs to a friend of mine09:55
chemist^and i don't think he made it read-only09:55
chemist^he told me he was using it normally, adding and deleting files09:55
chemist^and all of a sudden, cannot delete anymore09:55
chemist^iceroot how do i change it? .. right click - properties does not work for me... i change the permissions and still can not delete files09:58
chemist^i may have found the cause of the problem09:58
chemist^it's some corrupted files ... there's a folder there called PIONEER ... and some odd file types in it09:59
chemist^when i try to change the permissions for the stick... it gives an error stating that permissions could not be set for the mentioned files/folder09:59
chemist^how do i get rid of corrupted files on a usb stick in order to reformat it? please help anyone10:01
chemist^it says "cannot change permissions" ... why the f*** not???10:01
icerootchemist^: maybe its a ntfs stick and you are not using ubuntu (or something else which is not using ntfs-3g) with normal ntfs you can not write on ntfs, only with ntfs-3g but when you are using ubuntu this should not be the problem10:02
Rorychemist^: You can format it regardless of what's currently there10:02
SwedMikechemist^: you don't need to remove files in order to format the stick. there might be a permission problem, but it hasn't got anything to do with deleting files.10:02
cfhowlettchemist^, try doing so with sudo to override permission blocks?10:02
Rorychemist^: What happens when you try to format it using the Disk utility included in Ubuntu?10:02
chemist^it gives me an odd error10:02
Rorychemist^: ...go on10:02
chemist^i tried the disk utility and the gpardet10:02
Rorywhat error?10:03
=== SwedMike is now known as SwedeMike
Xat`when I'm installing samba4 package from Ubuntu LTS repositories, I get an error : http://pastebin.com/9U60Hj4R10:03
RoryXat`: Can you paste the command you ran, along with the full output?10:03
chemist^and i do use ubuntu and have ntfs-3g installed correctly10:03
RoryXat`: That looks like just part of a longer output10:03
chemist^the filesystem of the stick is fat3210:03
Xat`of course Rory10:03
chemist^and it doesn't work on windows too10:04
Rorychemist^: It's possible actually pysically broken? Also does it have a read-only switch on the side?10:04
chemist^yes that was my guess....that it's simply broken10:04
gordonjcpchemist^: USB stick?  What make?10:04
chemist^no it doesn't10:04
chemist^very simple usb stick10:04
chemist^think xtra 8gb10:05
Rorychemist^: you could try running "sudo badblocks -wsv /dev/<device>"10:05
chemist^ok wait10:05
Rorychemist^: that will wipe the drive, so get the device name right !!!10:05
Rorychemist^: if you're at all unsure, don't run it, instead run "sudo fdisk -l" and pastebin the output so I can see which device is which10:06
gordonjcpchemist^: I've sent back about six or seven Sandisk USB sticks, which failed by just reporting that they were read-only10:06
gordonjcpthey are notorious for it10:06
Xat`Rory: here's the output : http://pastebin.com/2JN3s2Ze10:08
un0000gordonjcp, did the sticks say read only all the time or just at random? cause I have this problem as well and I never thought it could be a sandisk failure sign10:08
RoryXat`: can you please run "sudo apt-get purge samba4" then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install samba4"10:08
gordonjcpun0000: all the time10:09
gordonjcpthe moral of this story is, don't buy name-brand USB sticks10:09
gordonjcpinsist on cheap non-name Chinese crap10:09
Xat`Rory: what's the problem ?10:09
Xat`installation during installation process ?10:10
Xat`problem *during installation process ?10:10
RoryXat`: Not sure, but that's a good first step in case of a package that won't configure correctly10:10
chemist^Rory i am sure which drive is the usb :D don't worry10:12
chemist^it's sdc110:12
chemist^i just need to unmount it first10:12
chemist^sorry, had to go downstairs for a minute10:12
Xat`Rory: now I'm getting this after I asked me for some basic samba4 configuration : http://pastebin.com/yVP9BVn110:12
Rorychemist^: Here's information on the command you're going to run, including what each argument does https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/badblocks#Testing_for_Bad_Sectors10:12
RekogWhy browser no work in Ubuntu?10:12
Rory!details | Rekog10:13
ubottuRekog: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:13
Jonathan___hello, i just installed kubuntu 13 on my desktop, it show my wifi network under connections, but when i type in the password it won't connect, does anyone have an idea??? Please help!!!10:13
RoryJonathan___: What wireless device do you have? Can you please put the output of the command "lspci -v" onto http://paste.ubuntu.com10:13
RoryRekog: That's not actually ubuntu, that's just a mockup to show people what it looks like10:14
chemist^Jonathan___  maybe u have the MTU set wrong10:14
Rorychemist^: It's more likely just a broadcom device with terrible drivers10:14
chemist^or a hardware button that disables wireless perhaps? :D10:14
Rekogits no Web OS?10:14
Rory!ubuntu | Rekog10:14
ubottuRekog: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:14
Jonathan___so do i type what u have in quotes in a terminal10:15
Rekogmany OS work in browser10:15
RoryJonathan___: Type the following line as it appears:10:15
Xat`Rory: i'll do what it says ;)10:15
Rorysudo apt-get -y install pastebinit && lspci -v | pastebinit10:15
RoryJonathan___: Then give me the URL10:15
chemist^why does the usb stick have a boot flag?10:15
RoryRekog: Ubuntu is an operating system like Windows or OSX10:15
chemist^is that usual for all usb memory sticks?10:15
Rorychemist^: That's not uncommon10:16
Beldarchemist^, no swearing or acronyms of.10:16
chemist^or did my friend did something stupid without knowing it :D10:16
Rorychemist^: if you ever booted from it10:16
Rory!ot | Rekog10:16
ubottuRekog: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:16
chemist^Beldar lol... ok sorry10:16
chemist^some ppl are really sensitive :P10:16
chemist^Rory not me...10:16
Ben64it is the channel rules, chemist^10:16
Beldar!language | chemist^ channel rules10:16
ubottuchemist^ channel rules: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:16
chemist^and my friends lacks knowledge to do so :)10:17
chemist^yes yes i already said sorry10:17
chemist^keep calm10:17
RekogUbuntu Web will work in browsr?10:17
Beldarchemist^, then made a snarky remark.10:17
gordonjcpI find the term "family-friendly" to be deeply offensive10:17
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:17
willbradleymade a script for automatically pinging from the systray: https://github.com/zyphlar/pinger10:17
mayojoin #android10:18
chemist^Rekog oh man...this will take forever10:18
chemist^3 min. elapsed10:18
Beldargordonjcp, Of course you do all you know is arguing.10:18
Jonathan___rory it says ubable to locate pastebinint10:18
RekogWhat with Ubuntu touch?10:19
ubottuRekog,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:19
RoryJonathan___: you ran sudo apt-get install pastebinit ?10:19
Jonathan___i cant get to the internet on it10:20
Rorychemist^: Run it overnight10:20
RoryJonathan___: Not even with a cable?10:20
chemist^Rory ok will do that...any other faster method of searching for the problem?10:20
gordonjcp!attitude | Beldar10:20
ubottuBeldar: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:20
Jonathan___no because the modem that we use is in my landlords appartment, so i dont have access to it10:20
chemist^hahaha :D10:21
Jonathan___i am communicating with u through my laptop10:21
Rorychemist^: You could just run "sudo badblocks -v /dev/sdc1"10:21
RekogUbuntu touch will work on the netbook?10:21
RoryRekog: It depends which netbook, there are a lot of them10:21
Beldarhehe, I love the ignore10:22
chemist^Rory ok...but i do not have any issues with reading from it10:22
Xat`whe installating samba4 on Ubuntu LTS i get this problem : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba4/+bug/109134810:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 1091348 in samba4 (Ubuntu) "Error loading module '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so': /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:22
RoryJonathan___: OK so if you could run "lspci | grep Net" and copy out what it says yourself10:22
RoryRekog: Without further information, (acer make a lot of laptops) all I can say is, it will almost certainly "work"10:22
RoryRekog: But you might find specific things like wifi have an additional step before they are working10:23
Jonathan___it says: 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)10:24
RoryRekog: You could just download it and try it out on a LiveUSB to see10:24
chemist^if you have ADSL with ppp you will need to provide an username and password when connecting10:24
RoryThanks Jonathan___10:24
cfhowlettRekog, for details of #ubuntu-touch, go to #ubuntu-touch10:24
Jonathan___your welcom10:24
Rekogflash drive?10:24
Jonathan___thank you10:24
chemist^but wifi with dhcp should do the trick nowadays10:24
Rekogwhy livecd? i want normal install10:24
RoryRekog: The Live USB includes the installer10:25
RoryRekog: So once you have verified it works, you can do the installation10:25
RoryJonathan___: Is this Ubuntu 12.04 or Ubuntu 13.10?10:25
chemist^Jonathan___  are you trying to connect a desktop computer or a laptop to the wifi network?10:25
Rekogthen i need 2 USB?10:25
Jonathan___its a desktop and it is Kubuntu 13.1010:25
RoryRekog: No, you need a single USB flash drive. You copy the Ubuntu image to this flash drive using a program that does that, and then you boot from it10:26
chemist^ok... you sure you typed in the correct password? :D10:26
RoryRekog: Then, you run the installer and install Ubuntu to the hard drive in your netbook10:26
RoryJonathan___: triple-check the password is correct10:26
chemist^Jonathan___ one of my friends have a .... "bad" software on his adsl modem/router10:26
Rekogthen i need make resize partition10:27
chemist^and i had to open the admin page10:27
chemist^set another channel10:27
Jonathan___i did, and i opend the network connections on my laptop to check that they match and they do!10:27
chemist^and restart the router...then it worked ok10:27
RoryRekog: Do you want to dual-boot Ubuntu with the current OS on your netbook? or do you want ubuntu to be the only OS?10:27
chemist^same problem...typed in the password and got the error: error while authenticating10:27
RoryJonathan___: Can you go to Edit Connections, find the wireless network in question10:27
chemist^it's a badly-made firmware10:27
Rekogdouble of cose10:27
RoryJonathan___: Make sure the key is correctly saved there, and tick the box saying "available to all users"10:28
Jonathan___i did and it is10:29
chemist^Jonathan___ if what Rory said will not work for you....trust me, call your landlord and tell him to reset the modem/router10:29
RoryJonathan___: Could you test with another network? You might be able to make a wireless hotspot if you have an Android phone10:29
chemist^i had many issues with these new modem/routers ... they all suck :D10:29
RoryJonathan___: That would tell us if it's only that wifi network which is causing a problem10:29
chemist^the software on them is usually faulty10:29
Yawnie_Hey everyone10:30
RoryJonathan___: Could just wait til everyone's out, turn the router off and on again :)10:30
chemist^Yawnie_ hey10:30
chemist^Jonathan___  yes...try it with your phone... and another network too... maybe it's not your computer's fault10:30
Jonathan___i have an android but i cant use it as a hot spot, its not part of my service plan, but my laptop and my wifes laptop are running the same os, and they are able to connect10:31
Yawnie_New Ubuntu user here, hard drive died, replaced it, and the #s on my COA for Windows 7 wore off the sticker. Sure is something to get used to.10:31
RoryJonathan___: It's not part of your service plan, so disable 3g before you do it. You can still make the hotspot even if you can't access the internet through it10:31
chemist^maybe your landlord has a limited number of dhcp clients10:31
RoryJonathan___: You only need to see if you can connect to the wifi10:31
MonkeyDustYawnie_  the question being?10:32
Yawnie_Anyone on here use haguichi?10:32
RoryJonathan___: Settings -> Wireless and Networks -> Tethering & Portable Hotspot10:32
chemist^Jonathan___ isn't there any open wifi at your current location?10:32
Jonathan___ im checking now though to make sure10:33
chemist^Rory it finished10:34
chemist^the badblocks10:34
Rorychemist^: Was there any output?10:34
chemist^no errors10:34
jefersenwhy is youtube showing a black screen?10:35
chemist^Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)10:35
chemist^jefersen it works well 4 me10:35
Rorychemist^: Can you try this: "sudo mkfs.ext2 -c -v /dev/sdc1"10:35
Yawnie_black screen how?10:35
Roryjefersen: What browser?10:35
Jonathan___ok so i have a modem thats turned on, but its not connected to any service, however my computer did connect to it!10:36
jefersen(rory) mozilla10:36
Roryjefersen: Do you have Flash installed? (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras)10:36
chemist^Rory why do i keep using the read-only check10:36
chemist^when reading is fine10:36
RoryJonathan___: OK so try turning your router off and on again10:36
chemist^i have problems with writing and deleting files10:36
Rorychemist^: The command I gave will create a new filesystem on the device, I'm mostly interested in any errors it produces10:37
Rorychemist^: Since you never gave me the "weird error" you get10:37
chemist^yes well...sorry i had to go afk10:37
chemist^and when i came back, you had a new advice ready 4 me :D10:38
mayojoin #android10:38
Yawnie_So, I guess that's a negative on if anyone here uses Hamachi/Haguichi. Cause I have a question or two about it10:38
Jordan_Umayo: /join #android10:38
MonkeyDust!ask | Yawnie_10:38
ubottuYawnie_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:38
ubottuYawnie_,: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:38
chemist^what's the command i forgot.... for pastebin .... was it "command | pastebin"10:40
chemist^or ubuntubin10:40
chemist^can't remember10:40
MonkeyDustchemist^  pastebinit10:40
chemist^MonkeyDust hehe thanks10:42
jefersen(Rory) thanks rory, that seems to have solved it10:43
jefersen(Rory) btw, have you used citrix before?10:43
Roryjefersen: no10:44
RoryNo problem, glad I could help :)10:44
jefersen(Rory) damn, so you probably wouldn't be able to help me with that right10:44
Roryjefersen: No idea, ask your question and find out :)10:44
Yawnie_Alright, so I just installed Hamachi with the Haguichi GUI interface, hamachi says I'm connected yet when I try to connect to a server my friend runs via Haguichi, no matter how I type it, it says "Network not found". On Windows this was not a problem. What am I doing wrong?10:45
MonkeyDustjefersen  type ro and then press tab, see what happens10:45
chemist^Rory should i paste the dmesg output when trying to format it with gparted and get that weird error?10:45
jefersen(MonkeyDust) where?10:45
MonkeyDustjefersen  here, in the irc channel10:45
jefersenlol, thanks10:46
jefersenthats much better10:46
jefersenMonkeyDust: sweet10:46
chemist^:D lol10:46
chemist^2 bad irc is dying in my country10:46
chemist^i used to chat through irc 15 years ago :D10:47
Yawnie_I haven't used IRC since about 200810:47
Jonathan___i have a wireless dsl modem, is there any way i can make it connect to the network wirelessly?10:47
chemist^yeah...i had a lot of timeout too :D10:47
chemist^Jonathan___ a modem connecting to a wifi network?10:47
chemist^why would you do that?10:47
Jonathan___its a wifi modem, if i can make it see the network, then i can share the same connection10:48
chemist^Jonathan___ how many wifi users are connected to your network?10:49
jefersenRory: so i'm trying to download this - http://www.citrix.com/downloads/citrix-receiver/linux/receiver-for-linux-130.html10:49
the-noobhi, having problem with a startup script10:50
Roryjefersen: trying to? what's stopping you?10:50
Rory!details | the-noob10:50
ubottuthe-noob: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:50
chemist^Rory seems like no errors10:50
chemist^Jonathan___ that means...you and 2 other ppl?10:50
Rorychemist^: OK so now if you unplug and replug your drive, can you put files on it?10:50
the-noobusing Ubuntu 12.04, I've create a file in /etc/init.d/ to start Gearman and don't know how to pass extra options to daemon10:50
Rorythe-noob: I strongly recommend using Upstart10:51
Rorythe-noob: Here's an example https://gist.github.com/c4milo/94090910:51
the-noobit works with DAEMON=/usr/local/sbin/gearmand but I need to pass an option like -l (log) /var/log/gearman.log10:51
chemist^Rory no...neither put files onr deleting any10:51
Jonathan___if i install window 8 back on there it connects with no problem, but i am tired of windows everything!10:51
the-noobhm, ok10:51
Rorythe-noob: why not then DAEMON="/usr/local/sbin/gearmand -l /var/log/gearman.log"  or am I missing something?10:52
the-noobtried that .. and it says..10:52
jefersenRory: i get an error in the ubuntu software center, saying wrong architecture 'armel'10:52
Roryjefersen: You downloaded the ARM build10:52
the-noob /etc/init.d/gearmand: 3: /etc/init.d/gearmand: -l: not found /n start-stop-daemon: option '--exec' requires an argument10:52
jefersenRory: what am i supposed to dl?10:53
kbniHi. :)10:53
Roryjefersen: What's the output of "uname -i"10:53
the-noobbut I'll try upstart10:53
Rorythe-noob: Did you put it in quotes? DAEMON="...10:53
chemist^Jonathan___  .... so before when u had windows installed....you could all connect simultaneously ? all 3 of you?10:53
jefersenRory: x86_6410:53
Roryjefersen: That's the version you need to download, not ARM10:54
Roryjefersen: Click on "for 64 bit systems", you're looking at "form ARM processors"10:54
kbniI was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for what I want from iproute. I have two interfaces (eth0,wlan0) which are both behind a different gateway. I have two default routes set, but I can only ping -I whatever-interface-is-first-for-default-route10:54
jefersenRory: oh man, i feel so stupid now10:54
Roryjefersen: Not as stupid as I did the time I needed to check the usage of "echo" and I ran "echo --help"10:55
kbnii.e. ping -I eth0 does not work, but ping -I wlan0 does. I want to be able to initiate connections from both. Can someone tell me what I am looking at doing here so I can look it up?10:55
Yawnie_I have a problem with Ubuntu 12.04, I can not increase or decrease the brightness of my screen. It won't work if I go into System Settings and manually change it there, nor will it work with the keyboard10:55
jefersenRory: lol, whats that? seems beyond my knowledge10:55
Roryjefersen: usually running "some_command --help" will print a brief usage of the application. echo is a program which prints to the screen whatever you give it. so "echo --help" just print "--help" and I felt like a fool :P10:56
jefersenRory: ohhh, lol!10:56
jefersenRory: so i tried the 64-bit deb and i'm getting this error: Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs10:58
Jonathan___does anyone have any ideas???10:58
Roryjefersen: Are you trying to install on 13.10?10:59
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jefersenRory: yes, is that a problem?10:59
=== Amar is now known as Guest63647
Roryjefersen: It's probably expecting you to be using the LTS version, 12.0410:59
jefersenRory: oh... so that means i can't install it?11:00
Roryjefersen: You can, but it'll be a little more complicated11:00
jefersenRory: so on the website it says "Receiver for Linux 13.0"11:00
kbnimy iproute was sucky. and is sorted now. :)11:00
Roryjefersen: As in, the version of Citrix Reciever is version 1311:01
chemist^Jonathan___ there is probably a driver issue with your wifi card11:01
chemist^try using another one11:01
jefersenRory:  oh..11:01
chemist^or download and install some fresh drivers perhaps?11:01
jefersenRory: can you please help me install this? else i'll have to install windows...11:01
Jonathan___another card11:02
Jonathan___ or driver11:02
the-noobRory: thanks, using upstart worked ok11:02
Rorythe problem is jefersen that the .deb package has ia32-libs listed as a dependency, which hasn't been a thing for a while now11:02
Jonathan___but i can connect to my modem i just cant connect to the one thats provided for us by my landlord11:02
Roryjefersen: Hang on, did you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo#Citrix_Receiver_13.0_on_Ubuntu_13.10_64-bit11:03
jefersenRory: as in its been discontinued on the latest versions of ubunut for whatever reason11:03
Roryjefersen: I googled "Citrix Reciever 13.0 on Ubuntu 13.10" and that was the first result11:03
Roryjefersen: you're welcome11:03
jefersenRory: ok, let me have a go :)11:03
chemist^Rory my friend said that he gave this usb stick to a friend who formatted his computer and put windows on it..... so he might have set permissions so that only he can change the content of the stick11:04
chemist^Rory is there any way to overwrite permission settings in ubuntu?11:05
Rorychemist^: you've made a new filesystem, whatever happened in Windows is gone11:05
chemist^but i still can not modify (rename) or delete files11:05
jefersenRory: on a separate note, is chrome only executable from terminal11:05
Rorychemist^: What happens when you try to copy a file to the drive ?11:05
chemist^the paste button is greyed out11:05
chemist^and when i check the properties button11:06
=== nemesis is now known as Guest72789
chemist^it says owner write&read11:07
=== Guest72789 is now known as Lujaw
chemist^and the others "forbidden"11:08
=== edwin is now known as negev
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Rorychemist^: OK can you go to Disk Utility, try to format it as FAT?11:11
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chemist^Rory: W95 FAT32 (Bootable)11:15
chemist^partition type11:15
chemist^as it is now11:15
bccdon't suppose there is any staff about?!11:15
Rorychemist^: it shouldn't be that now, you formatted it as ext2?11:15
DJonesbcc: Freenode staff or Ubuntu irc staff?11:16
Beldarbcc, freenode or ubuntu channel?11:16
Rorychemist^: earlier you said you tried formatting it with that tool but got a "weird error", could you reproduce that?11:16
Rorybcc: Why, what do you need?11:16
chemist^now i unmounted it11:16
bccRT ticket needs pushing forward11:16
chemist^and format it as FAT11:16
chemist^nothing happened11:16
k1lbcc: ask in #ubuntu-irc for RT issues, thanks11:16
DJonesbcc: If its an IRC issue, can you join #ubuntu-irc and give details there11:16
chemist^Rory Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)11:17
trippcan someone help me with a noob-ish problem? :)11:18
Rory!ask | tripp11:18
ubottutripp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:18
Sebastientripp, yes, shoot.11:18
troophi, can i install ubuntu offline, without updates?11:18
Rorychemist^: can you run: sudo mkdosfs /dev/sdc -s 128 -F 32 -I11:18
Rorytroop: Yes11:19
Sebastientroop, yes.11:19
Rorychemist^: note that's /dev/sdc not /dev/sdc111:19
Rorytroop: The updates during installation are just to save time afterwards. It's not required; you can install with just the installation medium11:19
subhojit777is there any good desktop environment that will consume low resources and will also provide good interface like Unity. I have Ubuntu 13.0411:20
Jordan_URory: Why are you having chemist^ create a filesystem on a whole device rather than a partition?11:20
troopim asking because i dont have stable connection right now, im using quoted 3g connection :(11:20
RoryJordan_U: I'm not.11:20
RoryJordan_U: the -I flag will create a single partition11:20
RoryJordan_U: man mkdosfs11:20
cummsengive got ubuntu serve running with some directories exported with rw. I've mounted it on my client running ubuntu but the folders and files appear as if they are all owned by root:root when on the server it's owned by an account with the same username and id as the client...11:20
Rory!lubuntu | subhojit77711:20
ubottusubhojit777: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.11:21
Jordan_URory: That doesn't seem to be what the man page describes "-I" as doing, though it isn't the clearest language.11:21
subhojit777thanks.. I have Lubuntu but it does not provides good and easy UI like Unity. Or do I have to configure it?11:22
Rorysubhojit777: you could try Xubuntu which uses XFCE11:22
cummsengsubhojit777, cinnamon, xfce, lighter than unity but not lightest possible11:22
trippcase: i want to install unbutu on a laptop (i5 2.5, 8gb ram, 2gb video nvidia, 120 ssd, 750 gb sata) also want win7 on the rig.11:23
jefersenRory: i've installed it but it seems like it is crashing for some reason11:23
tripp a. should swap partition be 1-st on ssd a1. when running win7 can i use the partition for win swap?11:23
subhojit777Rory, cummseng thanks11:23
Hassenin the ubuntu live cd,there the mouse cursor is invisible :O11:23
Hassenwhat's that?11:23
Beldarsubhojit777, lubuntu has a bit more config adjusting.11:23
Jordan_URory: To me it looks like the -I switch turns off mkdosfs's refusal to create a filesystem on a whole device, a reasonable refusal given that doing so is generally a bad idea. Why do you think that the -I option creates a partition table?11:24
subhojit777ok.. I guess I will try Lubuntu.. more configurable means more customizable11:24
cummsengsubhojit777, you chould just apt-get install xfce, cinnamon etc before completly wiping your install11:25
Roryyes, they are synonyms11:25
Rorysubhojit777: you can "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"11:25
subhojit777Rory, yes desktop environmentis what I am talking about. But I have identified another problem having too much de's is Ubuntu, when you select a DE in login screen you cannot scroll down and select the desired DE11:26
subhojit777I guess this is a bug, right?11:26
Jordan_URory: I just confirmed, -I does *not* create a partition table.11:27
Jordan_Uchemist^: If you haven't already, do not run the mkdosfs command that Rory gave you. It's bad practice to make a filesystem on a whole device rather than a partition.11:28
RoryMy mistake, I misread some instructions11:29
Rorychemist^: Jordan_U is correct, although it won't actually do any harm. Use the command as above, but without the -I, and use /dev/sdc1 instead of /dev/sdc11:29
xtrizwhen i am doing sudo update-grub my other operating system is getting detected but it's not showing up in grub11:32
xtrizhow can i fix this ?11:32
prxHi, I just brought my laptop back from sleeping, and my secondary language disappeared, anyone aware of the issue and its solution?11:33
wizard01hi friends. where can i find a cracked copy of the linux11:33
Sebastienwizard01 on www.ubuntu.com11:33
prxlol n1 wizard0111:33
=== Hassen is now known as Low_Level
trippi'll try asking again11:34
wizard01plase help the blocked tpb11:34
Beldarwizard01, cracked, it's free11:35
k1l!warez | wizard0111:35
ubottuwizard01: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:35
wizard01hi motasem11:35
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct11:35
zacariasAre there any performance issues if I install some kde apps (Dolphin, Gwenview)? Because of the fact that they imply the installation of a lot of kde dependencies11:35
motasemh r wizard11:35
wizard01how can we help you?11:35
trippdual boot, unbutu and win7 - if i create swap partition on ssd (for unbutu) can i assign it as win swap when running win?11:35
wizard01yes tripp. no problem11:36
k1ltripp: no11:36
trippcan you link me please to some doc?:)11:36
chemist^Rory will do that now11:38
prxwho wants to answer this11:38
Beldarzacarias, dependencies should not cause problems the install of the apps will tell you if so11:38
chemist^Rory ok...it gave me no output11:39
asad2005I have enabled show desktop in unity tweak and now i can not remove it from panel is there away around this ?11:39
chemist^only the light on the usb stick blinked a couple of times11:39
Beldarzacarias, if you have a sub set of hardware now be careful.11:40
chemist^Jordan_U Rory what now?11:40
wizard01can i get siri if i install ubuntu11:40
Rorychemist^: Now try copying files to it11:40
Rorywizard01: No, siri is for iphones11:40
chemist^deleting files still doesn't work11:40
chemist^Rory nope...still greyed out11:41
wizard01Hi Guest74433 how can we help you?11:41
chemist^i tried to open the folder with nautilus as root11:41
chemist^and in the terminal i got a reply when i tried to delete a file11:41
chemist^(permission denied)11:41
Jordan_Uchemist^: How did you mount the partition?11:42
wizard01you need to have permission to delete the file11:42
chemist^Jordan_U it automatically mounted when i clicked on it11:42
chemist^wizard01 yes...how? :D11:42
chemist^Jordan_U that is not the issue, cause in windows it does the same11:42
chemist^reading is flawless11:42
chemist^but cannot write to the disk11:43
chemist^and cannot rename or delete files11:43
chemist^cannot change permissions11:43
Jordan_Uchemist^: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".11:44
chemist^"Could not change permissions for .... "11:44
chemist^Jordan_U when i do what?11:44
Jordan_Uchemist^: Open a terminal, run "dmesg", and copy and paste the output it produces to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com .11:45
chemist^i know how to do that :D i thought it must be run before issuing the command with errors11:46
chemist^dmesg | pastebinit11:46
chemist^Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/6583028/11:46
Jordan_Uchemist^: Well, that certainly looks like a hardware issue. If there isn't a write protect switch of some kind on the drive I think you'll just have to buy another one, though it would be interesting to see if it reports any S.M.A.R.T. status.11:49
knifebunnytest it with smartctl maybe11:50
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iszak_I am using this example preseed https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt and I set d-i pkgsel/upgrade select none to full-upgrade but it doesn't do anything, what should it do?11:53
chemist^i don't have any experience with smartctl11:53
jefersenI'm trying to copy a .cer file to /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla11:53
chemist^Jordan_U my guess was that it was a hardware issue since the beginning11:53
chemist^any other thing i could try to be certain?11:54
jefersenI'm trying to copy a certificate file .cer to /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla and im getting this problem - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6583053/11:55
jefersenPermission denied11:55
chemist^use the sudo command11:55
chemist^for copying the file11:55
chemist^sudo cp filename /destination/filename11:55
knifebunnychemist^: try sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX11:55
chemist^instead of X i use c1 right? :D11:55
chemist^or just c11:56
iszak_or sudo !! if it was your last command11:56
knifebunnychemist^: whichever is the disk in question, i havent followed the entire convo11:56
knifebunnychemist^: but it should give you a print out of basic smart data of the drive, if you get an output then smartmontools is installed, if not you should install it and it can report about your drive, do short and long tests, etc11:56
knifebunnychemist^: just /dev/sdc as its the drive itself not the partition we are testing11:56
chemist^command not found :D11:57
knifebunnychemist^: try apt-get install smartmontools11:57
chemist^have to install it i guess?11:57
chemist^ok done11:57
chemist^i'll retry noow11:57
chemist^/dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x1307:0x0165 (0x100)]11:58
chemist^Smartctl: please specify device type with the -d option.11:58
knifebunnychemist^: is it a USB device ?11:59
chemist^an USB memory stick 8bg11:59
chemist^should i unmount it first?11:59
njsgdoes ubuntu have any tool to unpack or read squashfs, version 2 filesystems?11:59
shafoxi am on ubuntu 12.04, it freezes a lot while google chrome is open for max 10 mins. i have to hard restart every time. any solutions for this type of irritating issue ??12:00
chemist^shafox use firefox... chrome sux :D12:00
chemist^knifebunny any ideas?12:01
knifebunnychemist^: usb devices might be more difficult to test with smartctl, if its a memory stick it probably doesnt contain any smart data unlike a physical hard drive does so smartctl probably cant help you12:01
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chemist^ok ;D12:01
knifebunnyshafox: is it only when you leave google chrome open12:01
chemist^thanks anyway12:01
wizard01sorry we couln't help chemist12:02
shafoxchemist^, well i am using firefox but chrome has web inspector that i need to use. firefox sucks in this regard.12:02
Jordan_Unjsg: You should be able to just "sudo mount -o loop /path/to/squashfs.image /mountpoint/"12:03
shafoxknifebunny, yes i guess so, i have not run google chrome for quite some time, and its working great. but as soon as i open chrome it freezes12:03
knifebunnychemist^: i always put smartmontools on all of my systems because it can pre-emptively notify you if a drive is going bad, you need to edit config to get it to send to your preferred email though as it just delivers to "root" by default12:03
chemist^firefox has that too...12:03
njsgJordan_U: no, that won't work12:03
njsgJordan_U: that is squashfs version 412:03
chemist^knifebunny it's not mine12:03
Jordan_Unjsg: And it's not backwards compatible?12:03
knifebunnyshafox: is using 'chromium' any different? maybe its a plugin12:03
chemist^it's owned by a friend of mine....using windows12:03
shafoxchemist^, firefox's firebug is nt that great wrt to chrome's web inspector IMHO12:03
chemist^shafox ok if you say so12:04
chemist^i don't know what IMHO is :D12:04
Yawnie_Huh, Smartmontools, huh, wished I knew about that a couple weeks ago12:04
shafoxknifebunny, chrome not chromium, removed every plugins still that issue arises12:04
njsgJordan_U: no, it's not12:04
Jordan_Unjsg: Where did you get a squashfs2 image from?12:04
njsgJordan_U: from a squashfs2 filesystem12:04
knifebunnywill we get free beer for the help when you finally fix it, chemist^ ? haha12:04
chemist^knifebunny haha 6 pack12:04
knifebunnyshafox: is it just the application that freezes or the entire computer?12:04
shafoxIMHO: In My Honest Opinion12:04
chemist^tnx :)12:05
shafoxknifebunny, the entire system.12:05
njsgshafox: actually, it is "in my humble opinion"12:05
Jordan_Unjsg: What created the squashfs2 filesystem?12:05
chemist^knifebunny although...i doubt i will get the thing working again12:05
shafoxnjsg, thanks for correcting.12:05
njsgJordan_U: a GNU/linux system12:05
Jordan_Unjsg: What GNU/linux system?12:05
njsgJordan_U: somehow with an older version of squashfs in the kernel, it seems12:05
njsgJordan_U: no idea of what to call it12:05
wizard01shafox you may need a new computer12:06
shafoxknifebunny, any ideas ??12:06
shafoxwizard01, it was working great, until i restored it.12:06
wizard01what version did you restore?12:07
knifebunnyshafox: maybe its something executing in a particular tab, does it still happen if you open it up and leave only a blank tab and nothing else ?12:07
wizard01is that the same version as before?12:07
jefersenanyone knows how to copy + paste a file from terminal12:07
shafoxknifebunny, it happens when i try to open a new blank tab and a new link tab12:08
shafoxwizard01, yes same version12:08
wizard01is this a fresh install or a restore from a previous backup?12:08
rosco_yHow do I enable my wife to access mysql on my ubuntu machine, from her windows 8 machine?12:08
shafoxwizard01, restore from a previous back up. i have dell laptop which was preinstalled with ubuntu , so i reinstalled it from the restore dvd .12:10
wizard01maybe some drivers are missing from the restore disk. you will have to telephone dell12:11
shafoxlike what driver ?? any specific ones /?12:12
Jordan_Unjsg: Have you tried "unsquashfs" yet?12:12
asad2005How can i change the date and day format in status to be english12:12
wizard01I don't know what hardware you have12:12
dhqhey , just a lil help how to i connect using a ".ovpn" file config with open vpn in commang line12:12
wizard01shafox: best thing is to call dell12:13
wizard01they will send an engineer over to fix it for you.12:13
shafoxwizard01, ok.12:13
shafoxthanks anyway :)12:13
CosmicBdhq does that .ovpn have the certificates bundled with it ?12:14
wizard01my pleasure. on a scale of 1 to 10 could you please say how satisfied with ubuntu support you are. ta.12:14
shafoxi am from India, i dont think they will do that here.12:14
njsgJordan_U: yes, and that fails with errors12:14
Jordan_Unjsg: Could you pastebin the error messages?12:14
dhqCosmicB: yes12:14
njsgJordan_U: it is not clear to me whether ubuntu's version of unsquashfs is the complete thing or if it has been stripped down12:14
njsgJordan_U: "Bus error"12:14
dhqshafox: i believe they have this service in india, i used it once12:15
raubI was upgrading a machine (12.04) and during logrotate upgrade I got12:15
raubtrying to overwrite `/etc/cron.daily/logrotate', which is the diverted version of `/etc/cron.disabled/logrotate'12:15
shafoxdhq, ok12:15
Jordan_Unjsg: Is there any other output from unsquashfs?12:16
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asad2005How do i change date format without affecting timezone?12:16
CosmicBdhq there is a way  to convert that file or something, I did something similar a couple weeks ago, can't find the link right now. But see http://askubuntu.com/questions/187511/how-can-i-use-a-ovpn-file-with-network-manager  + google 'how to conecrt .ovpn' or something, it's not that difficult12:16
CosmicBto find help12:16
raubHow to fix that?12:16
wizard01raub: don't worry about it. it's a minor issue12:17
=== Guest90806 is now known as devil_
dhqCosmicB: in google i only find the entire syntax help not how to use .ovpn12:17
njsgJordan_U: compiling it myself still results in the same thing http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iBRWkLaa12:17
njsgbut I did see something in the code that made be a bit wary...12:17
CosmicBdhq check the link I posted,12:18
CosmicBdhq look like it should support  sudo openvpn --config ~jrg/Documents/vpn-config.ovpn12:18
dhqyeah just having a look at that now :)12:18
njsgI seriously hope unsquashfs checks for the right endianness...12:18
dhqwill try it on my ddwrt when i get home12:18
raubwizard01: I dunno. I did a remove --purge and then a reinstall and got cat: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: No such file or directory12:19
raubi.e. file went away12:20
wizard01it's a script that runs daily to rotate your logs. you may need to reinstall it12:20
Jordan_Unjsg: I doubt that it will work since grub's module is named "squashfs4.mod", but I'm curious if "grub-mount /full/path/to/squashfs.img /mountpoint/" will work (I expect the grub folks to be cognisant of endianness issues).12:21
raubwizard01: I meant when i reinstalled it I got that original error and the file is gone12:21
wizard01raub: ah. did you try "apt-get -f"?12:23
wizard01raub: if that doesn't work, just don't worry about it.12:23
raubI did that that12:23
wizard01It's not a big issue anyway, just don't worry about it.12:23
raubwizard01: I actually do worry alot. The cron.d/logrotate file is not there12:23
raubI do need logrotate; I had it configured to rotate daily in a specific way12:24
wizard01just type "touch /etc/cron.daily/logroate" then "apt-get -f" and if that doesn't work just don't worry about it.12:24
Jordan_Unjsg: I'm curious how this turns out. Would you mind keeping me updated?12:24
JoBArTe_Skuld2hi guys12:25
wizard01hi JoBArTe_Skuld212:25
JoBArTe_Skuld2how to I enable VGA1 on my ubuntu?12:25
rosco_yHow do I enable my wife to access mysql on my ubuntu machine, from her windows 8 machine?12:25
njsgJordan_U: If i remember, sure, although I've given up on lurking in user support channels in freenode12:25
JoBArTe_Skuld2on liveCD, xrand shows displayport and VGA1 normally12:25
JoBArTe_Skuld2but in my ubuntu, VGA1 is missing12:25
njsgJordan_U: did you install the correct video drivers?12:25
wizard01rosco_y just don't worry about it, your wife doesn't need acess to mysql12:26
DJones!behelpful | wizard0112:26
ubottuwizard01: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.12:26
rosco_ywizard01: :PPP :)12:26
wizard01ubottu: I only give good advice12:27
ubottuwizard01: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:27
wizard01ubottu: i didn't12:27
TitoNHi i just bought a dell r320 server and i wanted to run a raid 1 on it so i created 1 virtual disk from the 2 disks and set it to raid 1....i install ubuntu server 12.04 lts but after completed installation to the virtualdisk it just gets stuck at loading boot device in bios12:27
raubwizard01: /usersr/sbin/logrotate is not there. Can I worry now?12:28
TitoNShould i run tje disks in achi or raid?12:28
wizard01raub: Why do you want to rotate logs anyway?12:28
raubls: cannot access /usr/sbin/logrotate: No such file or directory12:28
wizard01raub: it causes more wear and tear on your hard disk12:29
=== toristor is now known as Piper|Away
ikoniawizard01: please stop with bad advice12:29
ikoniaraub: you do not have log rotate installed12:29
ikoniaraub: or you are looking in the wrong location12:29
rosco_yI should simplify--I can do the connect to mysql, what I really need is to network our machines12:29
raubikonia: when I tried to upgrade, I got trying to overwrite `/etc/cron.daily/logrotate', which is the diverted version of `/etc/cron.disabled/logrotate'12:29
rosco_yhow do I network a windows 8 machine and a ubuntu machine (both desktops)12:29
JoBArTe_Skuld2if i reinstall a xorg-server from a liveCD is a good idea?12:30
wizard01rosco_y are the plugged in together? do you know the ip addresses?12:30
ikoniaraub: ok, why is that a problem ?12:30
wizard01is your firewall enabled?12:30
raubikonia: so I tried to reinstall it.12:30
raubikonia: I used remove --purge and then reinstalled but not it is not there anymore12:30
wizard01is mysql listening for connections from remote machines?12:30
rosco_ywizard01: Thank you I know the addresses, and my wife if connected via wireless12:30
rosco_yI just don't even know where to start12:31
ikoniaraub: actually look if the binary is there12:31
raubikonia: ls: cannot access /usr/sbin/logrotate: No such file or directory12:31
rosco_yI've always hated networking problems until now, when it might be really helpful :(12:31
wizard01rosco_y: did you read the manual?12:31
rosco_ywizard01: no.  can you recommend one?12:31
raubikonia: and that is after I did apt-get -f install logrotate12:32
wizard01rosco_y: no sorry12:32
rosco_ywizard01: me too :(12:32
ikoniaraub: is that where the binary is meant to be ?12:32
wizard01rosco_y: just don't worry about it. Why do you want your wife to access all your data?12:32
raubaccording to the other machines and the package file list, yest12:32
ikoniaraub: ok, so check the status of that package in the package manager12:33
rosco_ywizard01: actually, I want to write software against the db from my wife's machine--it was just an easy way to pose the question12:33
jonjohello, can anyone help me with this? driver Linux console keyboard wanted to post scancode 90 outside of [0, 0]! ?? Think I need some form of keybindings for Xfbdev12:33
jonjoI have a custom keypad and have added the keybindings to my kernel config, the keys work with evtest12:33
wizard01rosco_y: just install it on your wifes machine12:33
wizard01job done.12:33
=== wizard01 is now known as wizard007
rosco_ywizard01: I could do that, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a database12:34
raubikonia: dpkg -l | grep logrotate returns nothing12:34
ikoniarosco_y: what's actually stopping you - what's the problem you are facing,12:34
ikoniarosco_y: then it's not installed12:34
ikoniarosco_y: sorry that was for rosco_y u12:34
ikoniaraub: then it's not installed12:34
rosco_yikonia: ty, my problem is that I don't know where to begin networking the machines -- apology accepted :))12:35
ikoniarosco_y: are they currently networked out side of mysql, yes/no12:35
raubikonia: apt-get -f install logrotate is not installing it12:35
ikoniaraub: why are you using -f12:35
rosco_yikonia: no, if they were networked, I believe my problems would be solved12:36
JoBArTe_Skuld2how to I enable VGA1 on my ubuntu? on liveCD, xrand shows displayports and VGA1 normally, but in my ubuntu, show only displayports, but lshw show all VGA cards12:36
rosco_yI just want a nudge in the correct direction12:36
ikoniarosco_y: ok, so you'll need to either directly connect them together via a cat5 cable with rj45 connection, or via a switch/router/hub12:36
raubikonia: just in case there is a file it is not able to overwrite or something. But, here is without -f : http://pastie.org/private/nghgmb8xiclun1rydbosg12:36
rosco_yikonia: just connecting via wireless from windows 8 machine to router that I'm using on ubuntu side doesn't work?12:37
rosco_yI do have a router, but I've never used it12:37
ikoniaraub: I have no browser access at the moment so can't read that, but I'm guessing you have an error12:37
ikoniarosco_y: ok, so connect the other machine to the same router12:37
raubIt is just the original error thingie12:37
ikoniarosco_y: bang - you're done12:37
ikoniaraub: so fix the error, -f is not a magic "fix all"12:37
raubI did not want to fill the channel with the output of running apt-get install logrotate12:37
raubikonia: how to fix the error then12:38
rosco_yikonia: I don't have the router connected, would I have to run a ethernet cable from her machine to the router?12:38
raubTHe error is dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/logrotate_3.7.8-6ubuntu5_amd64.deb (--unpack):12:38
raub trying to overwrite `/etc/cron.daily/logrotate', which is the diverted version of `/etc/cron.disabled/logrotate'12:38
ikoniarosco_y: just connect the second machien to the router, via cable or wifi, whatever you want12:38
ikoniarosco_y: "directed" ?12:38
raubikonia: and that is enough for it not to install logortate12:38
ikoniarosco_y: sorry not you12:38
imghostraub, your machine is 64bit?12:38
ikoniaraub: what do you mean the "diverted" ?12:39
raubimghost: yep12:39
raubikonia: that is what the error message says, not me12:39
ikoniaraub: is the file /etc/cron.daily/logrotate there ?12:39
Jordan_Unjsg: Have you tried grub-mount yet?12:39
rosco_yikonia: I'm confused--how would I connect Windows 8 to router via wifi?12:39
ikoniarosco_y: you said you are already connected to it12:39
njsgJordan_U: looking at strace, the error seems to be in a memory area allocated by unsquashfs, not in the file. as in, it does not seem to be an error a bad file could cause12:40
njsgunless they are trusting random values from the file12:40
rosco_yikonia: I understand, I meant to say "I have a router", not that "I am using a router"12:40
raubikonia: nope because I did a purge first12:40
ikoniarosco_y: how are you currently connected to the internet12:40
ikoniaraub: make that file then - or reboot to make sure your package clean up is finished12:41
rosco_yikonia: my bad, I was thinking of a switch I think--yes, I am using a router12:41
raubikonia: I tried adding manually the file but that did not work. SO I am rebooting12:41
rosco_yit's a linksys 2.4 type thingie12:42
ikoniarosco_y: ok, so connect the other machine to it then12:42
ikoniarosco_y: and you're done12:42
Jordan_Unjsg: Have you tried grub-mount yet?12:42
njsgJordan_U: yes, fails, "unknown filesystem"12:42
rosco_yit is connected, in that it can get on the internet using it, should I now be able to see her machine from ubuntu?12:43
ikoniarosco_y: correct12:43
rosco_y(and visa-versa)12:43
rosco_ycool--but we have to join a common network, is that correct?12:44
ikoniarosco_y: you are on a common network if you both connect to the same router12:44
rosco_yikonia: this is comming across as being way too easy--how do I "see" her computer from my ubuntu?12:45
njsgif you connect to the internet, you end up being in a common network either way12:45
njsgunless your ISP does some weird NAT thing12:45
ikoniarosco_y: what ever application you want,12:45
rosco_ywow, I'm way out in a haze, and I can't find the shore here12:46
rosco_yis there a terminal command that would list the windows pc?12:46
ikoniarosco_y: don't worry about that - just "use" the machine12:46
ikoniarosco_y: connect how you want to connect, using the applications you want,12:47
rosco_yikonia: thank you, I'll work with that for a while ::))12:47
raffyhi flood12:49
raffyhelp me?12:49
ikoniaraffy: ask an ubuntu question ?12:49
rosco_yikonia: I thought of telnet, but that would only open up access to the db on ubuntu inside of the command shell, correct?12:49
rosco_yoh, I think the lights are turning on now12:50
raffyhelp me with peppermint12:50
rosco_yI'll just use my ubuntu ip address within my code, when connect to mysql12:50
ikoniaraffy: peppermint is not ubuntu12:50
rosco_yikonia: thank you very much--this does give me something to work with :)12:50
k1lraffy: please see the peppermint support. this is plain ubuntu support12:50
ikoniarosco_y: no problem12:51
raffyhelp me with peppermint?12:54
ikoniaraffy: "no" - this channel is for ubuntu support ONLY12:54
ikoniaraffy: please don't ask again12:54
k1lraffy: http://peppermintos.net/  that is the peppermint support. ask there12:55
raffypeppermint comes from ubuntu, my problem is that it does not turn off the computer ....12:55
jiridoHi i read this : Growl For Linux supports some display plugins. For linux, you can use NotifyOSD as display to notify the Growl. I understand it as notify-osd can be made to call growl whom then display the popup? or is it the other way12:55
DJonesraffy: This channel only deals with the official releases of Ubuntu, for 3rd party variants, you'll need to contact their own support networks12:56
anasxHi All!12:58
oswinHi all, can someone tell me how I can disable tracker-store on a specific disk ?12:58
raffyI am a programmer with the ability to hackers, how do you solve the problem with ubuntu12:59
raubikonia: I rebooted and still have the same issue12:59
JoBArTe_Skuld2how to I enable VGA1 on my ubuntu? on liveCD, xrand shows displayports and VGA1 normally, but in my ubuntu, show only displayports, but lshw show all VGA cards13:00
k1lJoBArTe_Skuld2: which video card? (maybe a hybrid card?)13:01
ikoniaraub: you need to fix the package manager then13:01
JoBArTe_Skuld2k1l, I have onboard and offboard VGA13:01
JoBArTe_Skuld2this is runs normally a days ago13:02
JoBArTe_Skuld2but in one update, the VGA1 not found13:02
raubikonia: how to do so?13:02
JoBArTe_Skuld2lshw shows normally both cards13:02
JoBArTe_Skuld2but xrandr shows only 2 display ports from offboard VGA13:02
k1lJoBArTe_Skuld2: which cards? it is a lot easier to help if you are specific13:02
JoBArTe_Skuld2k1l, I will get here13:03
ikoniaraub: your going to have to work terror as unil I get web access it's going ot be hard for us to share data13:03
JoBArTe_Skuld2k1l, https://gist.github.com/joubertredrat/798665313:03
raubikonia: I understand. Imight have to goback to the 10.04 snapshot then13:04
ikoniaraub: that seems huge overkill13:04
k1lJoBArTe_Skuld2: i am not familiar with amd video cards. but install the fglrx and that should work with both cards. then use the catalyst control thing to use the vga13:05
raubikonia: you do not know where I work13:06
ikoniaraub: don't see how that matters13:06
JoBArTe_Skuld2k1l, but fglrx can control both VGAs?13:06
JoBArTe_Skuld2I was mind if i reinstall xorg by liveCD solves the problem :(13:06
k1lJoBArTe_Skuld2: most times the vga/hdmi are cabled to the dedicated video card13:07
BluesKajHey folks13:07
JoBArTe_Skuld2k1l, I will try here13:08
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zacariasWhat do I need to do so that dolphin (and other kde apps) use the system-wide icons, instead of oxygen?13:13
killerhey , where can i ask ubuntu dev questions13:13
oswinbtw, I was wondering about what is done in Ubuntu to improve user experience with trackpads on notebooks : is there something planned or will this be improved with Mir ?13:13
Roryoswin: what do you mean?13:13
Roryoswin: you mean hardware support?13:14
oswinRory, trackpad configuration is actually a real pain, no other choice than configuring manually xinput, no way to have a smooth scrolling, no possible differentiation of mouse or trackpad, no touchscreen support (I mean software, like using a touchscreen should make scroll a webpage like a tablet instead of selecting text like a mouse)13:16
oswinRory, for me it's a very big default for ubuntu usage on laptops13:16
Roryoswin: Hmm, I've not found that. There's a GUI for configuration in the system settings13:17
Roryoswin: to configure sensitivity, change scrolling type etc13:17
RoryThere's work being done on touch though13:17
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RoryThe trackpad on my Thinkpad works as expected, including two-finger scrolling13:18
oswinRory, yes, but with very limited possibilities : there not even a way to specify a scrolling by pixel size (instead of number of lines)13:18
RoryThat would be an application setting though13:18
Roryfirefox etc13:18
oswinRory, touchscreen works very good out of box, but only the bottom layer (driver)13:19
oswinRory, I would love a kind of "input manager" UI taht allows to make a lot of things, like choosing which device you want as input (trackpad, trackpoint, mouse, touchscreen, webcam) with highly customisable parameters for each and global behaviour (like opening the launcher one some specific gestures)13:22
Roryoswin: Do you know Python?13:22
TitoNTrying to install ubuntu server on a dell poweredge r320. It installs fine but it hangs before ubuntu get a chance to load13:22
RoryTitoN: Can you select a recovery option from the Grub boot menu?13:22
oswinRory, mmmh just a bit, why ?13:22
TitoNI got discs in achi running raid1.....should i set discs to raid instead of achi?13:22
TitoNI dont even see grub13:23
TitoNIt sits on looking for units to load13:23
RoryTitoN: That's 100% a hardware thing, yes if you're using RAID you need to configure your raid card correctly and make sure the boot device is correct13:23
killerhey , where can i ask ubuntu dev questions13:23
TitoNI created a virtual disc but i guess that was wrong13:24
RoryTitoN: You might get more specific answers in #ubuntu-server13:24
TitoNthank you13:24
Rorykiller: #ubuntu-app-devel13:25
JoBArTe_Skuld2k1l, don't work :(13:26
cariverihi:) How to burn a audio disk plus data files?13:32
diverdudeHey there, does any of you guys run ubuntu on a lenovo X1 carbon?13:35
cariverionly lenovo E13513:36
Rorycariveri: I believe it has to be one or the other13:36
Rory!anyone | diverdude13:36
ubottudiverdude: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:36
diverdudedoes anybody like to use lenovo X1 carbon with linux?13:37
Rorydiverdude: I doubt that's your question13:37
Rorydiverdude: Why do you want to know? What actual support question do you have?13:38
Lunar_Lamp!gq | diverdude13:38
ubottudiverdude: Are you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.13:38
Rory!details | diverdude13:38
ubottudiverdude: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:38
Lunar_Lamp(for example, you might be asking: "is the lenovo x1 carbon fully comatible with linux?" or "has anyone managed to get the wireless card working on my..." )13:38
diverdudeRory: i dont have a question. I just want to know if ubuntu is running smoothly on that machine or if it have quirks with controlling CPU fan or utilizing graphic card or enabling the fingerprint or other dead annoying issues which ubuntu had with my previous lenovo13:39
Rorydiverdude: I can't vouch for that exact laptop, why don't you google the model and the word "ubuntu"? a lack of results is probably a good thing because it means people aren't posting problems ;)13:39
Rorydiverdude: However, I have a Thinkpad and it's flawless13:39
osbinHDgood morning :) probably :) im a new in linux and got problem like that13:41
osbinHDE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/13:41
osbinHDE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)13:41
osbinHDE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?13:41
jribosbinHD: you should show the line right before13:41
RoryosbinHD: In future, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste multiple lines, it avoids spamming the channel. what command did you run to produce that error?13:42
RoryosbinHD: That can happen when the update manager, or software centre are running, can you check that both of those are closed13:42
oswindiverdude, I have severall freinds that have experienced ubuntu on X1 carbon : seems to have a very poor trackpad support. No idea about fingerprint and wifi  and graphics semmed to work well13:43
oswindiverdude, No idea about fingerprint but wifi  and graphics semmed to work well13:43
Rorydiverdude: Generally there's very few laptops where Ubuntu simply won't work; the hardest thing you might have to deal with is wifi13:44
uduyyHi all, how are you. Newbie Ubuntu user here13:44
RoryHello uduyy13:45
raubTalking about laptops, how do I get pen pressure to work under gimp in a X61 running 13.04?13:45
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osbinHD<Rory> try to restart13:45
frog_Hi. Is there a way, how i can delete/mute L/R out of a video file? And when is there a program that can work a stack?13:45
osbinHD<Rory> one moment mate13:45
Roryraub: Try installing wacomcpl13:46
raubRory: I believe I installed it but must have missed something. I will check it later13:48
zaphodis42hello, can I know if it is possible to install Ubuntu Desktop and Server on the same computer?13:48
geirhazaphodis42: quite possible13:49
osbin<Rory> nothing changed13:49
DJoneszaphodis42: Yes, you can dual boot between them quite easily, or install Desktop and then run Ubuntu Server in virtual box13:49
zaphodis42Alright, I'll check that. Thank you!13:50
geirhazaphodis42: or use the same install for both13:50
Picizaphodis42: Server and Desktop are the same OS with different default packages.13:50
Roryosbin: Nothing changed... after you did what?13:50
osbinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6583484/ here is lines13:50
osbin<Rory> closed all porgrams13:50
Piciosbin: you need to prefix your command with sudo13:51
rosco_yCan I disable internet access on a ubuntu machine so I can let my 4 year old daughter play on it?13:51
AmijaiI need urgent assistance!13:51
Rory!ask | Amijai13:51
ubottuAmijai: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:51
osbin<Pici> thanx :) thats all :) i did it13:52
AmijaiI started to install ubuntu on a computer with Win7 on it and almost deleted the whole disk by choosing Linux Swap for the entire HD13:52
oswinDamn how can I stop tracker-store ?13:52
rosco_y(I want to create an account for her, in which the computer doesn't have internet access when using that account.)13:52
RoryAmijai: Did it already apply those partition changes?13:53
RoryAmijai: IE have you already clobbered your disk?13:53
AmijaiI was able to recover using TestDisk, but now when i enter sudo /fdisk -l it shows the partition ID as 7 but when I try to install it shows as Linux Swap13:53
RoryAmijai: Can you put your sudo fdisk -l output on http://paste.ubuntu.com13:53
AmijaiRory, I did, but I was able to recover and boot to Windowa 713:54
rosco_yso rephrased: Can I disable internet access on a single account13:55
rosco_y(Question marks included at extra cost)13:56
oswinrosco_y, yes it is possible, search the internet for a complete answer, like : http://askubuntu.com/questions/102005/disable-networking-for-specific-users13:56
rosco_yoswin: thank you very much!13:57
oswinrosco_y, or others here : https://www.google.ch/search?q=ubuntu+disable+internet+access&oq=ubuntu+disable+internet+access&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.8793j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&qscrl=1#q=ubuntu+disable+internet+access+user&qscrl=113:58
uduyyDo people really ask here before googling it? Wow13:59
uduyyI thought questions here are the most difficult ones13:59
wildonn guidance on chat for python13:59
Piciwildon: #python13:59
wildonchecking news14:00
Amijaihow do i paste a PNG of what I get in GParted14:00
RoryAmijai: Take a screenshot, upload to imgur.com14:00
AmijaiRory, did you see the fdisk post?14:01
RoryAmijai: Did it have my name on the same line?14:01
RoryOtherwise, no, cos I'm in a few channels and only really watch my highlight log14:01
rosco_yoswin: Thank you very much--both of your links are huge :)14:01
Roryrosco_y: http://rory.sh:41443/46W14:02
AmijaiRory, http://i.imgur.com/5lIZDjp.png14:03
RoryOK Amijai what you should do is right click the swap, select disable swap14:03
RoryAmijai: Then right-click it and select delete14:03
RoryAmijai: Then, you can use the Ubuntu installer, and select the Guided Partioning option to install into the free space14:04
AmijaiRory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6583563/14:04
RoryAmijai: Reboot in-between actually14:04
AmijaiRory, Thanks, I have to step out for a10 mins, brb14:05
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MehrzadFrom what I understand from the ubuntu installation guide it requires a disk re-partitioning before installation. Is it true?14:14
raubWhat is the file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock for?14:18
gordonjcpraub: what is any lock file for?14:19
raubi mean, if it is the lock file for apt, shouldn't it be deleted after it rans?14:19
Beldarraub, If you have two installers open it will lock, or stop a install while running.14:19
raubAlos, its date is Dec  7  201114:20
RalliasIs it just me or is packages.ubuntu.com offline right now?14:20
raubRallias: you are not the only one14:20
geirhaRallias: the file itself is not a lock. First one to open the file gets the lock14:20
Ralliasgeirha, Check your tabcom14:21
geirhaRallias: err, sorry14:21
RalliasIt's okay.14:21
raubgeirha: shouldn't it report a more current date then?14:21
geirharaub: the modification time of the file means nothing in that regard. It never gets modified.14:22
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AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem14:23
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:24
=== e11bits_ is now known as e11bits
R4v3ndoes anyone know a good alternative to subsonic, someone here recommended me that software because i want to stream music from HTPC > WAN > 3G > Google Nexus 414:24
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R4v3nBUT i found out now that Subsonic has started taking payment for their "premium" after 30 day usage14:25
R4v3nand im wondering if anyone know a better alternative? alternatively if it's not for the Linux plattform ?14:25
raubSo, back to my logrotate question, shouldn't i see files in /var/cache/apt/archives? http://pastie.org/private/yidymjsh2h4eyavnxxw8a14:27
MonkeyDustR4v3n  is that a media player?14:27
zumpi cant access port.ubuntu.com on ubuntu arm.. help14:28
R4v3nMonkeyDust: well it's more of a music streaming server14:29
geirharaub: move away the files it complains about14:29
R4v3nMonkeyDust: what i want to do, is to stream my .mp3 library over the internet to my Google Nexus 414:29
R4v3ni already tried music player daemon (MPD) but it's not efficient for me14:29
R4v3ni get poor performance with the software14:29
wildoni want to get python chnl14:30
k1l_zump: maybe the servers are down. just wait a bit14:30
Piciwildon: /join #python14:30
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem14:30
Piciwildon: you need to be registered and identified to join though.14:31
Pici!register | wildon14:31
ubottuwildon: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:31
PiciR4v3n: mpd can output to shoutcast.14:31
R4v3nPici: well that's also an alternative to set up a shoutcast server14:31
R4v3nPici: but then again it's a disadvantage for me to radio stream out my music library, subsonic would be gold worth14:31
R4v3nthe thing is im wondering if their premium license "destroys" the abillity to play what song i ever like from my library on my phone when outside somewhere14:32
AmijaiI'll try again: I have a 320GB HD with Win7 on the entire disk. I booted from an Ubuntu LiveUSB to install Ubuntu along side Windows. I chose the  partition and set it as Swap by mistake and hit continue. I realized the mistake and stopped it. I ran TestDisk in CLI and scanned the HD. It found the NTFS partition. I changed the type from D (Deleted) to P (Primary). I saved the changes. I copied the backup boot sector and rebooted. Windows work14:32
Amijais just fine. I booted to Ubuntu LiveUSB again. I chose "Something Else and the partition shows a linx swap. When I list the partition in a terminal it shows as NTFS. I want to resize the partition to make room for Ubuntu. Can't. Ideas?!14:32
Amijaifdisk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6583563/14:33
neyder_hi there, how can I instalas dnsmasq server on ubuntu 12.0414:33
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neyder_apt-get install dnsmasq gives me that this packages doesnt exists and it's replaced by dnmasq-base14:33
AmijaiGParted: http://i.imgur.com/5lIZDjp.png14:33
raubgeirha: ls /etc/cron.*/logrotate shows no files14:34
bsdbanditim trying to set up users to authenticate to active directory using kerbose keytab file when trying to ssh into my servers im getting the following errors now  ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host14:35
BeldarAmijai, I would pull out what you need from the windows install and reinstall it, having it read differently like that is not good.14:35
wildoni need too no how to use feedparser14:35
geirharaub: Odd. In that case the error message is very misleading14:35
AmijaiBeldar, But it works in windows14:35
mhm5000__I have SSH problem14:35
mhm5000__anybody could help?14:36
AmijaiBeldar, Only the GUI partitioning apps see it as Swap14:36
BeldarAmijai, sure, do what you want but I would reinstall.14:36
BeldarAmijai, You should have an image of that windows anyway.14:37
mhm5000__ 14:37
mhm5000__ 14:37
mhm5000__ 14:37
FloodBot1mhm5000__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:37
AmijaiBeldar, How do I create an image?14:37
MehrzadWhat's the benefits of installing on ext4 against ntfs?14:38
k1l_Mehrzad: ubuntu is designed to work on ext filesystem.14:38
AmijaiBeldar, Is it possible to use dd to copy the partition, repartition the drive and put the copy back?14:38
DJonesMehrzad: NTFS is useless for Linux, it doesn't have the appropriate permissions, so its not likely to work very well (if at all)14:38
BeldarAmijai, many ways, acronis has a free one, you get one free one on any windows 7 install up to pro where you can do as many as you want, many cloners out there.14:38
Mehrzadk1l_: meaning it works faster on it?14:38
MehrzadDJones: Ah14:39
k1l_Mehrzad: it measn you dont get a ton of problem s on it14:39
Mehrzadk1l_: ah14:39
haxxpopcan ubuntu 10.10 still run command "sudo apt-get update" ?14:40
k1l_haxxpop: nope14:40
DJoneshaxxpop: No, its EOL so the repositories won't exist anymore14:40
wildonhow do i code in python14:40
k1l_haxxpop: its not supported since quite a while now. so better make a plan for a new install of a still supported ubuntu version, like 12.04 or 13.1014:40
Mehrzadbetween 12.04 LTS and 13.10 which would you recommend for installation?14:41
_KryDos_hello guys. Please tell where I can find the input field into "Friends" application? :D I can't find it14:41
Mehrzadk1l_: Thanks14:41
k1l_Mehrzad: depends on your needs. LTS got 5 year support., the others need  to be updated at least every 9 month14:41
haxxpopis there a way to install new version by using SSH ?14:42
MehrzadWell, then 12.0414:42
k1l_!eolupgrade | haxxpop14:42
ubottuhaxxpop: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:42
mohamednaijaThe exit status code '126' says something went wrong:14:44
mohamednaijastderr: "sh: 114:44
neyder_hi, in 12.04 how can I make when I share my internet connection (shared network in NM) clientes see my computer as an local domain called SERVER intead an odd ip number
neyder_i'm trying to use dnsmasq, but it isn't installable trought apt-get , so i don't know how can I do that14:47
mohamednaijabonjour, j'ai un pb avec le bundle Knp_Snappy14:48
Pici!fr | mohamednaija14:48
ubottumohamednaija: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:48
somsipSo I've used 'set -o vi' for ages and it works fine, but it's not in .bashrc, .bash_aliases or .profile. Where else could I have set this??14:48
mmazingi've recently built qemu 1.6.1 from scratch on ubuntu 12.04, and now my virt-manager says that my KVM module isn't loaded or that qemu isn't installed14:50
mmazinglsmod | grep kvm yields "kvm" and "kvm_amd" but virt-manager can't seem to see it14:51
`compdocmmazing, from scratch? what does that mean?14:51
phunyguymmazing, is there a possible group you have to be a member of?14:51
mmazingfrom scratch meant that i didn't use apt to install it, i compiled the latest version14:52
mmazingphunyguy: it was working before this so i don't think it's a group issue and i'm running it as root, i had to upgrade the version for unrelated reasons14:52
phunyguyok, was just a thought.  Good luck.14:53
mmazingwell, i compiled 1.6.1, 1.7.0 is out so i might try upgrading to that one14:53
mmazingphunyguy: thanks14:53
raubmmazing: I thought to be easier to build you rown package than installing from source14:53
mmazingoh, i've never made a package, i usually just "./configure" "make" "make install" when available14:54
raubYou are still using the version you want but keep all dependencies happy14:54
MehrzadDoes ubuntu installer have partition editor?14:55
DJonesMehrzad: Yes it does14:55
mmazingMehrzad: try14:55
raubmmazing: did you remove the original ubontu package before compilion your own?14:55
neyder_Mehrzad, yes just use advanced parttion14:55
DJones!gparted | Mehrzad14:55
ubottuMehrzad: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:55
mmazingraub: no :\ i guess i should try to clean it off and try again?14:55
iszak_Does anyone use Ubuntu 13.10 as a production server?14:55
iszak_Because it's short EOL and all14:56
mmazingiszak_: personally, i will only use LTS releases for production / or even development for that matter14:56
DJonesiszak_: Probably some do, although I'd expect most people running servers to stick with LTS releases for production servers14:56
raubDJones: it depends on what you want to do. I believe you can reach parted14:56
raubiszak_: I second what the others said; just use LTS for servers14:56
iszak_DJones: mmazing that's what I thought.. but I want newer packages e.g. Apache 2.414:56
phunyguyiszak_, it all depends on if you have a valid reason to, I guess.14:56
MehrzadAnd it can format the parition I want with ext4 and for swap?14:56
raubI have a few 11.10 boxes that are being a pain int he ass because of that14:57
iszak_and I could use a PPA but I guess I don't trust the maintainer.14:57
phunyguyiszak_, it is possible the PPA maintainer also maintains the 13.10 packages14:57
phunyguyjust a thought.14:57
raubMehrzad: thebwtdefault installer will aloow you to do that14:57
so_hi all, i have probleme with wifi, when i try to connect the systeme aske me mdp (wpa) and when i write and click ok, the message reappaires but the mdp is good, so i don't know how resolv that (sorry for my english)14:57
iszak_phunyguy: perhaps.. still a risk.14:57
mmazingiszak_: is there some specific functionality that you want from apache 2.4?14:57
raubjust tell it to do custom or whatever14:57
iszak_mmazing: some of the modules + async IO14:58
Mehrzadraub: Thanks14:58
phunyguyraub, please try to keep language clean as well.  Thanks14:58
=== devil is now known as Guest98851
RockingRockeri need halp14:58
phunyguyRockingRocker, what can we do for you?14:58
MonkeyDustRockingRocker  let's hear it14:59
RockingRockerI am downloading Ubuntu dor the 1st time14:59
RockingRockerand i want to know how to do all teh stuff14:59
RockingRockerand since my PC is brand new14:59
RockingRockeri'm a bit worried x)14:59
raubMehrzad left; i worder if the desktop allows you to do partition the same way you do in the server install14:59
MonkeyDustRockingRocker  so what's your suestion14:59
phunyguyRockingRocker, before the Floodbots get in an uproar, try not to use the enter key so much.  :)15:00
RockingRockerIs ubuntu 13 safe to install and won't harm my pc?15:00
MonkeyDustRockingRocker  it's safe15:00
phunyguyRockingRocker, define safe15:00
mmazingraub: do you think apt-get remove <package> will be sufficient since i did make install without removing it before?15:00
phunyguy!manual | RockingRocker15:00
ubottuRockingRocker: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:00
RockingRockerYou mean like I can install it and just ley it go and it will work like a charm?15:00
MonkeyDustRockingRocker  safer than that OS from Redmond (i forget the name)15:00
yash069RockingRocker: is it came with Win8 preinstalled15:01
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yash069i mean did it come15:01
RockingRockerWin 7 updated to Win 8 then 8.115:01
raubmmazing: I dunno, but you could try to forget reinstall (-f) and then remove. And then compile your own stuff. I am just owrried that there are conflicts here15:01
yash069okay, does it have UEFI ?15:02
mike-irssiRockingRocker: Debian is to Ubuntu as Microsoft is to Windows15:02
RockingRockerbcuz i know afriend that installed ubuntu 12 and it screwed his PC up and had to buy a new one15:02
iszak_mmazing: DJones raub what are peoples thoughts on using Ubuntu and Debian together? and use whatever is the latest inbetween cycles?15:02
k1l_RockingRocker: just use your brain when it comes to the formating and repartionating section in the installer. if you tell the installer to use the whole disk it will erase windows15:02
k1l_RockingRocker: that is a lie. ubuntu cant harm the pc, that its not working anymore15:02
RockingRockerokay thank you guys :D15:02
mike-irssiRockingRocker: thank Debra and Ian ;)15:03
RockingRockerbut is GRUB2 compatible with win815:03
mmazingiszak_: i'm not sure i understand, do you mean switch distros as they come out?15:03
k1l_RockingRocker: yes15:03
iszak_mmazing: well if say Ubuntu 12.04 is out then Debian 7 is released I'd use Debian 7 until Ubuntu 14.04 comes out15:03
RockingRockerOk because i red a forum where a guy could not see GRUB2 coming up15:03
RockingRockerlast minute of wait until Linux ;)15:04
yash069RockingRocker: emm, because he had UEFI15:04
RockingRockerand I don't?15:04
k1l_iszak_: there is a new ubuntu every 6 months. i would not change in that time15:04
RockingRockerbut i have Win815:05
iszak_k1l_: I'm talking LTS15:05
RockingRockerCan I use pendrive linux to put the iso on my thumb drive?15:05
mmazingiszak_: i've never tried to switch distros on a running environment, but i'm sure there are people here who have :)15:05
RockingRocker(Ubuntu 13.10)15:05
k1l_iszak_: ubuntu and debian differ in quite a lot issues. you can switch, but i dont think that is an advantage15:05
iszak_mmazing: not on a running environment, but for any new servers.15:06
iszak_k1l_: well I use an abstract layer for provisioning (puppet) so I'm not sure I'd notice it as much15:06
iszak_Seems like a pain though.15:06
yash069!UEFI | RockingRocker15:06
ubottuRockingRocker: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:06
k1l_iszak_: and even LTS gets updates with enablement stack etc15:06
iszak_k1l_: they get security fixes, not new versions.15:06
RockingRockerok thank you15:07
mmazingiszak_: i would just worry about introducing changes and bugs that you don't know about when doing sweeping system changes like that15:07
k1l_iszak_: read about the enablement stack, please15:07
gustav___Having some packet loss with an USB NIC. Any ideas?15:08
iszak_k1l_: it's not the kernal or X stacks I care for.15:08
mmazinggustav__: has the computer been in sleep mode or suspended?15:08
gustav___mmazing: No.15:08
TuxguyWhere can I get the -ugly-multiverse repo from?15:09
gvikaskc\server irc.dal.net15:09
RockingRockerok time has come, i now have linux on my usb :D15:10
RockingRockerbrb when installation is done15:11
mmazinggustav__: just to make sure, have you restarted? sometimes i get weird network issues that are fixed by a reboot15:11
TuxguyThis app needs gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, but I can't find that exact combo15:11
gvikaskcsir, i have to remove and add my printer every time i restart my pc15:11
gustav___mmazing: Have now. Looking for the problem.15:12
mmazinghmmm, i have apt-get remove and purge all of the packages i installed the other day, and qemu is still there :\15:13
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gustav___mmazing: Nope. Still there.15:13
mmazinghow should i go about removing this and starting from scratch15:13
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mmazinggustav__: it could be bad hardware, does the same USB NIC get packet loss on other computers?15:14
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:14
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gustav___mmazing: Doesn't seem to be any packet loss when there's low through-put.15:17
gustav___Seems like the normal USB NIC problem I've seen before.15:17
mmazinghmm, i'm not familiar with any regular problems with ubuntu and USB NICs, so this has happened before to you and solved before?15:18
gustav___It happened, not in Ubuntu, and not solved.15:19
rosco_yHow do I share my HP Laserjet with a Windows 8 machine on the Network?15:19
gustav___Basically threw the NIC in the trash, I think. But the built-in NIC's port is damaged, or the cable is damaged... so I need a replacement.15:19
mmazingevery year or so i have to buy a new router because it eventually starts dropping packets en masse15:20
gustav___I think that the problem is in the USB on the motherboard. Some kind of bottle neck.15:21
gustav___Clueless as to how to configure it.15:22
RockingRockeri'm back15:23
=== umer_ is now known as xe56
RockingRockerI did boot Ubuntu from my USB and now I wanna dualboot it with 8.1 so I did click Install Ubuntu and i choosed "Install alongside them" and now it says Windows 7 as biggest partition and not Windows 8.115:24
njsgJordan_U_: no luck with ubuntu, and one of the images seems to have some other problem. The one that is ok mounts on the same kind of linux distribution that created it.15:26
RockingRockerHelp? "I did boot Ubuntu from my USB and now I wanna dualboot it with 8.1 so I did click Install Ubuntu and i choosed "Install alongside them" and now it says Windows 7 as biggest partition and not Windows 8.1"15:26
=== penghuan_ is now known as penghuan
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:27
yash069RockingRocker: still u have windows 7  ?15:27
RockingRockerOnly 815:27
MonkeyDustRockingRocker  maybe 8.1 is too exotic for the installer and it thinks it's 715:27
RockingRockerwhen I click "Show smaller partitions" I have Windows 7 loader wich has 400GB and Windows 8 loader that has 300MB15:28
mike-irssiRockingRocker: mine identified as Vista--once you get ubuntu installed you can use grub-customizer to change the title15:28
RoryRockingRocker: Agreed. It's just cosmetic15:28
RockingRockerOh ok15:28
RockingRockerBut the space shown on the Windows partition is the free space of the whole space?15:29
mike-irssiRockingRocker: probably, you'll want to resize that15:31
RockingRockerIf I give ubuntu 120 GB and 320GB on Windows will it be ok?15:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 120 in Launchpad itself "removing acoli from my languages list and saving gets me a system error" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12015:31
k1l_RockingRocker: i suggest you boot windows and shrink that windows partition from the windows disk utility in systemsettings.15:32
k1l_RockingRocker: after that you can partition that new free space for the ubuntu installation15:32
mike-irssiRockingRocker: i have half that but i'm only using this as a desktop15:32
RockingRockerYeah but the question is that if the space allocated on Windows is the WHOLE space (Containing my stuff) or just the free space I can play around with?15:33
mike-irssiRockingRocker: resizing won't let you partition used space--i believe15:34
RockingRockerOk so thanks guys, brb when Linux is installed.15:34
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MonkeyDustthe struggle of a linux beginner, reminds me of how i used to be years ago15:37
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:39
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daleany idea why im getting invalid mac addresses when trying to PXE boot a maas node?15:42
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d1n0in the maas.log i see a invalid mac address... in the oops file i see a pxe template error15:44
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zumpi corrupted my file system so im trying to use a live usb. but busybox drops me into initramfs saying that its unable to mount that exact same file system.. help?!16:00
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Aikar_Hi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem16:01
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AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem16:03
DarsVaedahi, can you order Déjà Dup to delete older backups instead of waiting till the space is gone?16:03
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iptablezump try fsck, I believe it's part of busybox. It really depends on how you corrupted it and what you want to do with that now16:05
zumpiptable: if only it was part of busybox :( thats the only thing i want to run16:06
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glitsj16DarsVaeda: you might look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/73163/how-do-i-delete-old-backup-files16:12
Novus2So I maybe dumping windows today16:13
Novus2the last program I loved using is going leach mode,.. photoshop requires subscription to use now16:14
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Novus2at what point during the install can I use the traditional interface and remove unity16:16
MonkeyDustNovus2  no need to remove, simply install something else, then logout, switch, login16:17
CarlFKI am moving /home to a 2nd drive, so /dev/sdb1.  what should the fstab line look like?  copying / gives me:   /dev/sdb1 /home/               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       116:17
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Novus2MonkeyDust what do you mean? I just don't want it period16:17
Novus2I don't hate it,. I just don't want it16:18
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MonkeyDustNovus2  yes, but it's a pain to remove it, simpler, faster and easier is to simply install something else16:18
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Novus2what is the something else?16:18
FireMedic /nick FiremanEd16:18
PiciNovus2: or choose to download an Xubuntu or Lubuntu or Kubuntu disk image.16:18
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MonkeyDustNovus2  lxde and xfce are poupular16:19
MonkeyDustNovus2  like so: http://i.imgur.com/3N5f6.jpg16:19
Novus2well i don't have a slow computer by any means16:20
Novus2it's prolly faster then most people's here16:20
Novus2so I don't really need a light weight version16:20
MonkeyDust!notunity | Novus216:21
Novus2I liked Gnome 2,.. how does it compare to gnome 3?16:21
MonkeyDustNovus2  fallback mode is very similar to gnome216:21
AntiquaNovus2,  gnome2 = dead   vs. gnome 3 = alive16:22
Novus2anyone play STO?16:22
=== LindyThing_ is now known as 18WAFC38I
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:23
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=== SuperLag is now known as Guest51477
korst3nHi.. i accidently copied over /root/.ssh/ folder among with some other folders under /root/ of some other system, and now i can't seem to log in to the server - tells me "permission denied". any ideas how i can fix this remotely?16:24
=== jordan_ is now known as jordan
Novus2does linux mint have te access to the ubuntu repos?16:25
raubkorst3n: can you login as another user?16:25
korst3nraub: i tried but i can't16:25
DJones!mint | Novus2 You're probably best asking their own support network about that,16:26
ubottuNovus2 You're probably best asking their own support network about that,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:26
raubkorst3n: is that a vm?16:26
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Novus2ah ok16:26
korst3nraub: unfortunately not.. it's a server without monitor, and it's about 300km away from me.16:26
Novus2see here is the thing16:26
Novus2i loved ubuntu 9.1016:26
raubkorst3n: I think you might have a bit of an issue now16:26
Novus2anyway,.. I also have a AMD driver would that be an issue?16:27
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raubyoung001: really need to be able to login as another user or console16:27
raubyoung001: sorry; that was not for oyu. Just tab completion at work ;)16:28
korst3nguess i'll keep trying.. thanks!16:28
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Guest68025is it possible to recover a ntfs partition using only live ubuntu?16:39
nick787Guest68025: yes16:41
Guest68025nick787 : how can i do that?16:42
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nick787Guest68025: google mount ntfs16:42
MonkeyDust!recover | Guest6802516:44
ubottuGuest68025: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:44
LeMikehello. awk always gives me the complete line of a file and not just the pattern. why could that be? `awk '/(\w*)/ { print $1 }' foo.txt` one line looks like "abc/def"16:44
=== Megadawg is now known as Superdawg
llutzLenn1e: awk -F '/'16:45
llutzLeMike: ^^ default delimiter is space16:46
LeMikeuh yeah16:46
LeMikethanks llutz . anyway i don't get it. got what i need now but why my pattern doesn't work. dunno ...16:47
HeathHayleHas anyone here used macbunutu?16:48
llutzLeMike: "abc/def" is one word, so pattern matches.16:48
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HeathHayleCan I have some help with macbubtu?16:48
llutzLeMike: if your line doesn't contain any whitespaces, awk matches the whole line because it sees it as one large word16:49
llutzLeMike: thus you have to specify -F for  a field separator different from whitespace16:50
OerHeksHeathHayle, macubuntu theme can wreck your system, and is not an official package16:50
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jigal1where can i find php 5.3.3-7 in the apt lib?16:53
lucidohello, has anyone been able to get neverwinter nights 2 working?16:55
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MonkeyDustlucido  is that a game?16:57
pdkllucido, crossover16:57
frog_when i try to install ubuntustudio in virtualbox i get this message: http://imgur.com/SNSNRll16:59
frog_What am i doing wrong?16:59
MonkeyDustfrog_  you need the i386 vresion, not the amd64 version16:59
d1n0any idea why im getting invalid mac addresses when trying to PXE boot a maas node? in the maas.log i see a invalid mac address... in the oops file i see a pxe template error17:00
d1n0then, when the node pxe boot's.. I am seeing a 403 error when downloading packages17:00
frog_MonkeyDust: that means not 64 but 32bit version?17:00
MonkeyDustfrog_  indeed17:00
frog_MonkeyDust: ok thanks for the fast help!!!17:01
HeathHayleCan anyone help me with macbuntu?17:01
lucidoMonkeyDust, pdkl, hehe, yes it's a game, I got it working now with playonlinux17:02
kostkon!anyone | HeathHayle17:02
ubottuHeathHayle: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:02
HeathHayleDoes anyone here use macbunutu?17:02
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:05
MonkeyDustis macbuntu even supported here?17:05
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OerHeksMonkeyDust nope, and as macubuntu theme can wreck your system, stay away from it17:07
HeathHayleWhy can it wreck your system?17:08
OerHeksHeathHayle, it is nt just a set of icons and a background, it is full of scripts to make it look/feel ike mac.17:09
phunyguyI wouldn't go as far to say it is unsupported... but good luck getting support... if that makes sense.17:09
HeathHayleOerhks Yer I know17:10
phunyguyI doubt anyone wants to touch that with a 10 foot pole.17:10
HeathHayleAm I using it just need help with one thing on it apart from that its great17:10
phunyguyHeathHayle, what is the actual issue?17:10
HeathHayleThe pannel at the top is black and not like macos17:11
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phunyguyoh... does the macbuntu team have a bug reporting tool?17:11
fsf-freeWelcome to ##fsf-free, a channel for discussion of all free software and Internet freedom related things! :-)17:11
phunyguyfsf-free, ???17:12
HeathHaylephunyguy: Not sure17:12
phunyguyHeathHayle, that may be your best option.  Like I said, I doubt anyone in here can or want to help you17:12
OerHeksoriginal macbuntu is designed for xfce xubuntu, maybe the gnome3 panel is not supported (yet)17:12
jigal1where can i find php 5.3.3-7 for ubuntu17:12
HeathHayleWhy dont they want to help me?17:13
fsf-freeWelcome to ##fsf-free, a channel for discussion of all free software and Internet freedom related things! :-) Are you banned by gnu or fsf channel ops for no reason ?? Join this channel! We are kick/ban free17:13
llutzfsf-free: stop spamming here17:13
HeathHayleOerHeks: Oh so if it install xfce xubuntu insted it would work?17:13
OerHeksHeathHayle, i guess so, yes.17:14
JazzSo I am very new to Ubuntu and Linux in general. If I want to stream via DLNA it is easier to set up just a media server or run through Plex/Serviio or the likes?17:14
phunyguyHeathHayle, it is entirely possible17:14
fsf-freellutz, ok17:14
HeathHayleOh ok thanks guys will install that insted17:14
OerHekssudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop #logout and change DM17:15
phunyguyjigal1, good question... what version opf Ubuntu?17:15
HeathHayleOerHeks: Oh would that work?17:16
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phunyguyjigal1, that looks like a really old version of PHP... no?17:16
phunyguyjigal1, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/5.3.3-7ubuntu117:17
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HeathHayleOerHeks: Can I PM you?17:17
phunyguyJazz, that all depends on the device you are streaming to17:18
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HeathHayleOerHeks: Can I?17:18
jigal1phunyguy: yep17:19
HeathHayleIs it ok to change Linux destros  via terminal?17:19
jigal1I need to configure a box for it17:19
phunyguyHeathHayle, perfectly fine, in teh ubuntu world except for a few minor things.17:20
HeathHayleOh cool17:20
jigal1phunyguy: how can i uptain that with apt-get?17:20
phunyguyjigal1, looks like the last supported version of ubuntu for that package is natty (11.04)17:20
phunyguywhich is EOL.17:20
jigal1hmmm ok so I can't even get it anymore17:20
phunyguywhich means, you probably can't (very easily)17:21
phunyguyif you can find the .deb for it on the site I linked, you can try it out, but I doubt it will work.17:21
phunyguy(dependencies, etc)17:21
HeathHaylephunyguy: Oh one problem the distro I can using is for non-pxe but will this one be that I am downloading?17:21
phunyguyHeathHayle, what?17:21
phunyguyare you talking about the apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, or are you downloading an ISO?17:22
jigal1phunyguy: so I gould beter upgrade to 5.3.5 first or so17:22
phunyguyjigal1, I have no idea17:22
HeathHayleDownloading via apt17:22
phunyguyoh... it is just a package containing the xubuntu desktop17:22
phunyguyPXE should still work fine....17:23
phunyguyunless you are PXE booting an image which will be wiped upon restart17:23
HeathHayleCool what display manager do I use gdm or lightdm ?17:23
jigal1hmm ok phunyguy I would like  version 5.3.24 can I get that with apt-get?17:24
HeathHayleThanks for your help17:24
fever308How do I get adobe flash? When I press download it says it can not be found17:24
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phunyguyjigal1, what version of Ubuntu?17:24
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phunyguy!info php precise17:25
ubottuPackage php does not exist in precise17:25
HeathHayleSo whats the difference between ubuntu and this distro?17:25
Pici!info php5 precise17:25
phunyguy!info php5 precise17:25
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.9 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB17:25
FloodBot1phunyguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:25
IdleOnefever308: install flashplugin-installer17:25
phunyguygetting closer.17:25
HeathHaylephunyguy: What?17:26
phunyguyHeathHayle, xubuntu is ubuntu with the XFCE desktop17:26
phunyguyUbuntu uses Unity.17:26
fever308IdleOne: Where is it located, is it using the terminal cause I just tried and it didn't work.17:27
HeathHayleBut only if you install unity17:27
jigal1http://packages.ubuntu.com/ seems to be down17:27
IdleOnefever308: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:27
HeathHayleYou can install gnome on ubuntu17:27
phunyguyHeathHayle, if you installed regular Ubuntu, you get the Unity desktop (with the icons on the side), if you install Xubuntu desktop, you get XFCE, which is a more traditional desktop.17:27
fever308Idleone: I get this Package flashplugin-installer is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:28
IdleOnefever308: what version of ubuntu are you running?17:28
fartfaceI'm trying to dualboot Windows and elementary, and after the install, it boots straight to Windows, there's no grub.  I've burned another disk, a boot repair disk, which came up with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6584400, since there's only one disk installed, I'm guessing it installing grub to /dev/sdb is where it bunged up and I should reinstall grub to /dev/sda, am I right there?17:28
HeathHaylephunyguy: i did the min install of ubuntu so I picked gnome17:28
K0HAXI have Kubuntu, because KDE is fun. :P17:28
fever308I think 11.0.4 I forgot what cmd is it to check again?17:28
IdleOnefartface: ask the elementary channel17:28
implementationHey guys. I've got an ubuntu installation in a virtual machine, and i've got a running snapshot where i am logged in, but i can't remember my password. is there a way to reset it, that does not involve shutting down the vm and mounting the vdisk manually?17:29
IdleOnefever308: run: lsb_release -a17:29
fartfaceIt's based on Ubuntu, the same thing happens with ubuntu.17:29
MonkeyDustfever308  what's the outcome of   cat /etc/issue17:29
fever30812.04.4 LTS17:29
HeathHaylephunyguy: i did the min install of ubuntu so I picked gnome17:29
IdleOnefartface: based on is not equal to. ask the proper channel17:29
phunyguyHeathHayle, please be patient and stop repeating yourself.17:29
phunyguyso you are on gnome.  That would also explain why it doesn't work.17:29
MonkeyDustfever308  there's no 12.04.417:30
HeathHaylephunyguy: i used the min install and installed gnome17:30
phunyguyxubuntu will probably be a better fit.17:30
raubimplementation: not that I know of; ypu need to shutdown for it to reset the memory state amongst other thingies17:30
fever308that's what I get17:30
HeathHayleOh isnt macbuntu for gnome then?17:30
fever308Package flashplugin-installer is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:30
IdleOnefever308: try sudo apt-get flashplugin-nonfree17:30
phunyguyHeathHayle, I do not know.17:30
=== JoshuaP is now known as JoshuaP-afk
fartfaceOK, here, I'll rephrase my question...17:30
IdleOnefever308: try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:30
fartface I'm trying to dualboot Windows and Ubuntu, and after the install, it boots straight to Windows, there's no grub.  I've burned another disk, a boot repair disk, which came up with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6584400, since there's only one disk installed, I'm guessing it installing grub to /dev/sdb is where it bunged up and I should reinstall grub to /dev/sda, am I right there?17:30
IdleOnefartface: too late.17:31
HeathHayleOh I thought you said thats why its not working?17:31
implementationraub: damn, that's what i feared. thank you anyway.17:31
fever308E: Unable to locate package flashplugin-nonfree17:31
IdleOnefartface: Please use the proper support channel. We have no idea what elementary may have changed or not.17:31
phunyguyHeathHayle, I am trying to help.  I don't know much about macbuntu, but I was helping you get Xubuntu working.  I cann't be any more help than that17:31
IdleOnefever308: you do have multiverse enabled?17:32
raubimplementation: if it makes you feel any better; i wish I could do that too. Maybe harass the libvirt/kvm crowd and tell them if they do not make that work you will sing?17:32
HeathHayleThats cool you have been great help!17:32
HeathHayleThats cool you have been great help!17:32
MonkeyDustHeathHayle  if you like the Mac interface, try Pear OS, they have their ow support channel17:32
HeathHayleOh ok cool17:33
Novus2So can I install gnome 3 in ubuntu?17:33
phunyguy!info flashplugin-installer precise17:33
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (precise), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)17:33
implementationraub: it's not even kvm, but virtualbox. at the time i created that one, i did not even know kvm -- that's also the reason why i forgot the password :D17:33
phunyguy!info gnome-shell | Novus217:33
fever308Idleone: Well I started with Linux last week so I don't know what that is, I should tell you this cause this is why i couldn't do a lot of things, I have armel architecture17:33
ubottuNovus2: gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.4-0ubuntu5 (saucy), package size 285 kB, installed size 1000 kB17:33
raubimplementation: usually if you did not make any changes since last snapshot, just go back to it and all will be well17:34
fugutive221Hi folks17:34
HeathHayleThanks guys for your help17:34
raubIn vitualbox I have killed a vm in a rather nasty way and then reverted to last snapshot and all was well17:34
fugutive221When doing unsquashfs open2.img I get the following error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on open2.img17:34
implementationraub: the snapshot does work well, but with a password i do not know ^^17:35
IdleOnefever308: hmm, not sure if that changes things. ok, open up the Software Center and check in the settings, make sure you have multiverse repository enabled (the little box needs to be checked)17:35
phunyguyIdleOne, fever308, flash is only available on i386 and amd6417:35
fever308ahh k17:35
IdleOnephunyguy: fever308 in that case, multiverse won't help17:35
phunyguysays so in the info I triggered17:36
fever308Thanks anyway guys17:36
phunyguynp.  :)17:36
IdleOnefever308: sure thing, sorry.17:36
IdleOnethanks phunyguy :)17:36
phunyguyI need food.  bbiab all!17:36
fugutive221Could somebody help me please?17:36
Guest85754fugutive221: what I've found (as a frequent needy newbie), is if you ask a question and wait awhile, someone usually comes along with he17:37
Guest85754If in doubt, ask your question again from time to time, but be patient17:38
Guest85754How do I share a mount point with a windows pc on the network?17:39
IdleOne!samba | Guest8575417:39
ubottuGuest85754: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html17:39
Guest85754NFS ?17:39
Guest85754IdleOne: ty :)17:40
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puff`Good afternoon. So, on the advice of many here, I tried out bumblebee, which requried upgrading to 13.10.  I installed everything and then rebooted... how do I know if it's working?17:42
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=== puf is now known as puff
VlperXargh I can't find how to fix my issue17:43
eutheriahi, with nvidia drivers above 304 is anyone else experiencing ctrl+c or d not working?17:43
VlperXso much google and no answer17:43
mdmaHi! Any guy with nagios knowledge?17:44
eutheriamdma: try the nagios channel17:48
mdmaSorry but no answer in nagios....17:49
digitalwritehi is bash still important?17:52
is2b007does anyone know how to format a drive that is "busy"17:52
digitalwritepeople seem to use python or perl now17:52
digitalwritewhy is that?17:52
pcGuest85754 try to configure samba properly or use built in menu for sharing17:53
phunyguydigitalwrite, they all have their place.17:59
TuxguyMy webcam 'works' in cheese, etc. But I can't find it using lspci or lsub. Any other way to detect it? i tink there is an issue w/ the driver..... the image is really fuzzy and dark17:59
AshleyD1985Hi, can anyone assist me here?  I'm trying to set a persistent environment variable in my ec2 userdata script.17:59
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AshleyD1985sudo export FOO=BAR does not work...18:01
AshleyD1985Should I just edit the ~/.bashrc file, and then source it?18:01
AshleyD1985but will it stay on the machine if nobody is logged in?18:01
AshleyD1985That's where I'm not clear.18:02
llutz!find pyephem18:02
ubottuPackage/file pyephem does not exist in saucy18:02
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Wassimaide moi18:06
mike-irssiAshleyD1985: /etc/bashrc is where i would but an alias, i don't know about your question tho sorry18:07
AshleyD1985I just want to set PYTHONPATH somewhere persistent18:08
zykotick9mike-irssi: just curious, do you actually have a /etc/bashrc file?18:08
AshleyD1985sorry, PYTHONSTARTUP18:08
mike-irssizykotick9: negative, i have a bashrc.something18:08
AshleyD1985mike-irssi: I have that file bash.bashrc as well.  If I append a sudo export PYTHONSTARTUP=mystartupfile, is that I all I have to do?18:12
AshleyD1985mike-irssi: Or do I have to source the file in my startup script as well?18:12
mike-irssiAshleyD1985: i would think you could drop sudo for that particular variable18:12
yahyaarory I got it fixed18:13
AshleyD1985And, will it persist across user sessions?  Okay, I'm not quite sure when to use sudo, but that's a separate problem. =)18:13
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yahyaathis is jonathan18:13
_KryDos_hello. can someone help me please. Is it possible to write extension for unity like gnome3 extensions?18:15
yahyaadoes any one know how to get handbrake18:16
flound1129anyone use ferm quite a bit?18:16
flound1129I'm trying to disable connection tracking for certain connections, however when I try to save it tells me:18:17
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
flound1129Notice: The NOTRACK target is converted into CT target in rule listing and saving.18:17
flound1129then it barfs and fails18:17
murgerohey guys!18:20
murgerohow is everyone?18:20
AshleyD1985bleh, case of the mondays...18:20
mike-irssiAshleyD1985: stapler18:20
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AshleyD1985Love that movie!18:21
HeathHayleOerHeks: Why do you say that macbunutu doesn't work on ubuntu?18:21
zykotick9yahyaa: check of a PPA, i believe there a few choices for handbrake there (see "/msg ubottu ppa" if you are not familiar)18:21
yahyaaok thanks18:23
eHAPPYany suggestions on a better way to find my largest files/directories than "sudo du -h /var --max-depth=1"18:25
zykotick9eHAPPY: you might want to check out ncdu18:26
zykotick9!info ncdu18:26
ubottuncdu (source: ncdu): ncurses disk usage viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10-1 (saucy), package size 39 kB, installed size 111 kB18:26
=== Myrth_ is now known as Myrth
* puff 18:28
fever308How do I get java for chromium on ubuntu?18:28
mike-irssifever308: icedtea i think18:28
HeathHayleDoes anyone here use macbuntu?18:28
HeathHaylephunyguy: How do I uninstall xbuntu?18:30
mike-irssifever308: might need openjdk too18:31
fever308I have openjdk18:32
fever308how do I install icedtea I got the tar.gz and extracted it18:32
mikubuntuam trying to rescue NTFS files on my friends custom box. she has 3 - 1 Terrabyte drives (i guess her C: drive) that were 'deleted' from her win 7. i put a live ubuntu in and successfully booted ubuntu. all the missing NTFS files appear in the file manager. my problem is how do i, or is it possible to restore these files so that win7 will see them.18:32
fever308what do I do now?18:33
mike-irssiapt-get install icedtea-7-plugin18:33
mike-irssior just icedtea-plugin18:33
mike-irssifever308: np18:34
HeathHaylePkunyguy are you still there?18:35
mike-irssimikubuntu: test-disk18:35
Jordan_U_mikubuntu: So from Ubuntu's perspective nothing is wrong? Can you pastebin thee output of "sudo fdisk -l"?18:35
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eHAPPYzykotick9 thanks! that was perfect18:39
HeathHayleHow do I remove xbuntu when i added it via teminal?18:40
mikubuntumike-irssi: Jordan_U_ ok, first line of output is 'invalid option -- '1'18:40
MonkeyDust!pureubuntu | HeathHayle18:41
ubottuHeathHayle: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu18:41
mike-irssimikubuntu: can't be sure because you say the files are in tact.. is it just not booting18:42
zykotick9eHAPPY: glad to help18:42
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partybeanHow to install TightVNC on ubuntu 13.10 ?18:43
mike-irssimikubuntu: i would unmount and run testdisk, recover the filesystem if it was formated or get a rescue disk for windows and fixmbr18:43
rivoI am trying to update myubuntu. Im using version 2.04, but I get error  The package system is broken.18:43
mikubuntuJordan_U: thats right, that's what i was just thinking, that it's boot file is corrupted, and its a win7 boot file18:43
rivoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  libqt4-opengl: Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2) but 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 is installed                Depends: libqtgui4 (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2) but 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 is installed libqt4-svg: Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2) but 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 is installed             Depends: libqtgui4 (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2) but 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 is installed18:44
rivoAny suggestions?18:44
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
rivoI have tried  following commands : "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install -f"18:47
fartface I'm trying to dualboot Windows and Ubuntu, and after the install, it boots straight to Windows, there's no grub.  I've burned another disk, a boot repair disk, which came up with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6584400.  I've tried reinstalling grub2, and reconfiguring, but grub still won't show up--does anyone have any ideas?18:47
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mikubuntumike-irssi: are you still suggesting the unmount, test, and recover from above? and if so, how :)18:49
zykotick9rivo: could you paste.ubuntu.com the output of "apt-cache policy libqtcore4"?18:51
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HeathHayleMonkeyDust: That site is missing commands isn't it?18:54
mike-irssiinstall testdisk and then follow the prompts18:55
mike-irssimikubuntu: if you she has space you can reinstall 7 and not lose a thing18:56
RoryHello ch1p18:59
=== prashant123456 is now known as prashant_123456
ch1ptail: cannot watch `/tmp/x11vnc.tray.PCLyxn': No such file or directory tail: cannot watch `/tmp/x11vnc.tray.PCLyxn': No such file or directory     while executing "close $channel"     (procedure "read_client_info" line 25)     invoked from within "read_client_info $client_tail"     (procedure "read_client_tail" line 5)     invoked from within "read_client_tail"18:59
prashant_123456hello all19:00
MonkeyDustHeathHayle  what you can try: backup, then: sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-desktop (to remove the meta package), then: sudo apt-get autoremove19:01
jmgkHello prashant_12345619:01
prashant_123456jmgk: yes19:02
jmgkwhat help do you need prashant_12345619:02
prashant_123456jmgk: i am not here for help i am testing my irssi so thats why and glad that its working19:03
HeathHayleMonkeyDust: Thanks I will try that19:03
jmgkcheck your pm prashant_12345619:03
jmgkfor a test19:03
jmgkI use irssi swell19:04
prashant_123456jmgk: actually i am using irssi for the first time and dont know how to check pm19:04
rivozykotick9 for you: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6584982/19:04
mike-irssiprashant_123456: ctrl+p19:04
jmgkprashant_123456:  there should be a little number flashing ..19:04
jmgkas the channels are you in is labeled 1 2 3 4 5 619:04
jmgkand extra pm windows are 7 I thnk19:05
jmgkmike-irssi:  is good at this :P19:05
zykotick9rivo: did you manually install some kde package from DEBs or something?  why do we see "100 /var/lib/dpkg/status"?19:05
prashant_123456jmgk: yes i got it19:06
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )19:07
zykotick9rivo: oh, nevermind - that's normal!19:07
rivozykotick9: you are right, i did install dbs file what i found from forum19:08
zykotick9rivo: ok, second request - "apt-cache policy libqt4-opengl"19:08
zykotick9rivo: BAD idea!19:09
zykotick9rivo: i mean the installing debs manually from forum link19:09
zykotick9rivo: hummm, sorry, i don't have any suggestions - or know where the problem is... but your admitting to manually adding DEBs suggests some version dependency is messed up.  hope you can figure it out/find a fix, best of luck.19:12
rivoWell, I tried the udate manager first tho, got the packet system is broken error. Details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585033/19:13
rivodid mine every possible forum for info,noluck. I might just reinstall19:14
onetinsoldierrivo: what did you hack? .deb files?19:15
hitsujiTMOrivo what version of ubuntu are you using?19:15
HeathHayleMonkeyDust: i have tried that and it didn't work19:15
rivoim using 12.0419:15
onetinsoldierrivo: i know of a file you  hack to get around the problem. but keep in mind, it is hacking!19:15
fbbdevHi! How can I compile programs to run with glibc 2.11 on ubuntu 13.04 (GLIBC 2.17)? I know I can do this in a chroot environment with Ubuntu Lucid or similar distributions: is this the only way?19:16
onetinsoldierrivo: i know of a file you *could* hack to get around the problem. but keep in mind, it is hacking!19:16
hitsujiTMOo.O is packages.ubuntu.com down or is it just me?19:17
rivoonetinsoldier, im listening19:17
DJoneshitsujiTMO: It has been down today19:17
onetinsoldierrivo: okay, hang on a few moments19:17
glitsj16hitsujiTMO: has been down since last night19:17
fbbdevhitsujiTMO: same for me19:19
fbbdevhitsujiTMO: host unreachable19:19
onetinsoldierrivo: okay.  cd /var/lib/dpkg19:20
MehrzadHow can I add winxp to grub?19:20
fbbdevMehrzad: can't you just use update-grub with os-prober?19:21
fbbdevMehrzad: it should find winxp by itself...19:21
Mehrzadfbbdev: What's update-grub?19:21
rivokeep going19:22
onetinsoldierrivo: sudo cp -v status status.bak19:22
fbbdevupdate-grub is the script that generates grub.conf on ubuntu19:22
onetinsoldierrivo: i'd like confirmation of everything. in my opinion i consider this to be a sensitive operation19:23
fbbdevMehrzad: if you're running a normal ubuntu install, try 'sudo update-grub'19:23
hitsujiTMOrivo, ok, seems what the version of libqtcore4 you have installed is correct for 12.04. it's libqt4-opengl and libqt4-svg that are behind. what exactly are you installing?19:23
rivookei, as you wish'19:23
onetinsoldierrivo: okay, ty19:24
rivohitsujiTMO i was installing updates19:24
onetinsoldierrivo: although i guess it isn't that sensitive since you are willing to reinstall if necessary ;-)19:24
PDilyardmy computer just went to a black screen and then flashed a green fuzzy screen every few seconds. I had to hold down the power button to shut it off19:24
Mehrzadfbbdev: I don't how what to add to the script19:24
hitsujiTMOrather than doing that hackery you can manually wget the correct versions and install them19:25
onetinsoldierrivo: okay, what text editor do you use? vim?19:25
Mehrzadfbbdev: I don't know what to add to the script19:25
rivoonetinsoldier Yeah, I really dont mind anything, I am already fucked anyway19:25
onetinsoldierrivo: roger that19:25
onetinsoldierrivo: what text editor do you use? vim?19:25
PDilyardthis exact thing hasnt happened before but similar things have happened19:26
PDilyardubuntu seems to be less stable than windows19:26
rivoonetinsoldier well, whats the default?'19:26
onetinsoldierrivo: whatever it is, you need to use it as sudo/root19:26
rivookei, will root19:26
onetinsoldierrivo: are you familiar with using any text editor in linux?19:27
hitsujiTMOrivo, onetinsoldier before ye go that crazy route, can I suggest something much safer?19:27
onetinsoldierhitsujiTMO: sure19:27
Mehrzadfbbdev: Is there any other practical solution?19:27
fbbdevMehrzad: You don't need to change anything if you're running the default ubuntu installation19:28
rivoNot really, im not at all familiar with linux. To be clear, I have very limited knowledge about linux19:28
rivoSo talk to me like im 10 year old19:28
fbbdevMehrzad: just run 'sudo update-grub' in the terminal and it should find it19:29
Mehrzadfbbdev: How to get winxp back to the boot menu then?19:29
Mehrzadfbbdev: Is that all?19:29
MonkeyDustrivo  there's edubuntu for children your age ;)19:29
onetinsoldierhitsujiTMO: it's just that i saw someone say that he hacked .deb files. to get that to work, from my experience, requires another hack19:29
Mehrzadfbbdev: I ask beacuse I should reset before I can try it19:29
fbbdevMehrzad: That's all, if you didn't change grub.cfg manually19:29
Mehrzadfbbdev: thanks19:30
scotsguyhow do i remove menu fromside of ubuntu and make it like ubuntu 120.419:30
hitsujiTMOrivo: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubunut/pool/main/q/qt4-x11/libqt4-opengl_4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb19:30
IvanovHey guys, i am trying to install fglrx but not sure what version of drivers i need19:30
rivoMonkeyDust indeed there is19:30
Ivanovmy steam installation kept telling me they were out of date when i installed them via ubuntu so should i try to get them from AMD's website?19:30
rivohitsujiTMO your link is not working19:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:31
hitsujiTMOrivo: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/q/qt4-x11/libqt4-opengl_4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb19:31
PriceyIvanov: ^19:31
hitsujiTMOrivo sorry, misspelled ubuntu19:31
hitsujiTMOrivo: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/q/qt4-x11/libqt4-svg_4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb19:31
IvanovPricey yeah i did that and it just keeps telling me my driver is outdated when i try to start steam gameds19:32
hitsujiTMOrivo: sudo dpkg -i libqt4-opengl_4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb19:32
hitsujiTMOrivo: sudo dpkg -i libqt4-svg_4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb19:32
hitsujiTMOrivo: then: sudo apt-get if install19:32
hitsujiTMOrivo and pastebin the output19:32
onetinsoldierhitsujiTMO: have you seen the following that rivo posted? --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585033/19:33
llutzhitsujiTMO: -f install19:33
rivoroger that19:33
hitsujiTMOonetinsoldier: yes, I'm getting him to pull the correct latest versions from the repo manually19:33
Ivanovthe issue is they all report to steam as being outdated19:33
onetinsoldierhitsujiTMO: okay, cool19:34
hitsujiTMOrivo: then: sudo apt-get -f install19:34
Ivanovand the expirimental-13 branch just doesnt let steam even start, gives me a GL error19:34
hitsujiTMOllutz: ty19:34
=== Guest4837 is now known as devil_
PriceyIvanov: You went through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ?19:35
Ivanovi am trying the additional drivers thing again19:35
Ivanovbut the issue is it shows three "expirimental" branches19:35
PriceyHmm, maybe they are outdated compared to amd's.19:35
Ivanovand none have version numbers19:35
Ivanovyeah thats why i figured, do i just go to amd and get them like i used to on windows?19:35
hitsujiTMOivanov: what gpu do you have?19:35
IvanovAMD Radeon HD6790 1GB19:35
Ivanovnot great but definately supported :P19:35
hitsujiTMOyeah, the latest driver in ubuntu should be perfect considering that valve target precise19:36
IvanovhitsujiTMO it doesnt work that way for me19:37
MacJonesCan I download apps from Google Play from my Samsung Galaxy s4 in Pakistan?19:37
Ivanovi tried the 'normal' installation at the top of the list and it refused to install19:37
Ivanovi had to install "(post release updates)" version first, and thats when steam started giving me errors19:37
=== PriceChild is now known as ggreer
=== ggreer is now known as PriceChild
hitsujiTMOIvanov: is this by anychance with an early access game?19:38
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem19:38
Ivanovno, its steam in general19:38
Ivanovsteam gives me the warning/error on startup19:38
hitsujiTMOIvanov: do you have fglrx installed now?19:39
Ivanovit says it is but it is not19:39
Ivanovfglrxinfo gives me errors19:39
hitsujiTMOIvanov: can you pastebin the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:39
Ivanovuh, yes19:39
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
Ivanovnow i just got the strangest popup19:40
Ivanov'precise' is no longer under development, but technical support is still available19:41
Ivanovguess its a crash reporter?19:41
scotsguyhow do i create short cuts on desktop from launcher pannel19:41
rivohitsujiTMO Well, i am using 32bit not 64 bit version. So your files are useless19:41
Ivanovhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6585143/ my paste as well19:41
rivoonetinsoldier Do you want to continue? :p19:42
onetinsoldierrivo: sure... but hitsujiTMO might be able to get it straightened out now that he knows you are using 32bit19:44
hitsujiTMOrivo: my apologies. heres the correct set of debs http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585163/19:44
IvanovhitsujiTMO: did you get the paste you asked for?19:44
=== mehmet is now known as supertuxx
hitsujiTMOivanov: i did. looking now19:46
ice9I installed cinnamon but when I open the application menu or right click to open popup menu from the cinnmon panel, the whole desktop freezes19:46
onetinsoldierIvanov: the problem starts here in your pastebin   41.000] (EE) fglrx(0): atiddxDriScreenInit failed. Probably kernel module missing or incompatible.19:46
Ivanovwell, how do i install these drivers?19:47
rivohitsujiTMO Okei, thanks mate, will try. If its not helping, I am going probably reinstall19:47
Ivanovdo i just go to AMD and get AMD's latest?19:47
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
Ivanovi know the card will work with fglrx if i use the (post-release update) option19:47
Ivanovit even launches steam19:47
Ivanovbut steam complains its outdated19:47
Ivanovand thats what i need to fix19:47
onetinsoldierIvanov: does steam fail to start up?19:48
onetinsoldierIvanov: when you have working, but older, fglrx driver installed?19:48
Ivanovno it starts fine19:49
Ivanovit just complains that drivers are outdated19:49
onetinsoldierIvanov: okay. it's probably  not an actual error, but just a warning, which you could just ignore19:49
Ivanovyeah and normally i would19:49
Ivanovbut doing independent game development, uptodate drivers are very vital19:49
onetinsoldierIvanov: oh, i see19:50
qpan321Hi, I am new to IRC. I was in the #python channel and I get this:#python-unregistered :Cannot send to channel19:50
qpan321what does it mean?19:50
ezra-sqpan321, register your nick with freenode to be able to talk there19:50
Priceyqpan321: Did you read the /topic ?19:50
Ivanovonetinsoldier: how does updating drivers work on linux anyways, is it still automatic like it was on windows?19:51
qpan321sorry, i don't know what you mean by /topic...where do i go to register and is it complicated?19:51
onetinsoldierIvanov: i'm personally don't know how to solve this problem. i  was just pointing out where the problem shows up in the log file19:51
Ivanovoh thats fine, i just want to figure out how to update the drivers19:52
llutz!register | qpan32119:52
ubottuqpan321: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:52
rivohitsujiTMO  and onetinsoldier Thank you for your help. hitsujiTMO way of updating manually did the work.19:52
qpan321thanks everyone, I will go and try it now19:52
willbradleydoes anyone else have this thing where their computer will randomly freeze but the mouse still moves? seems like compiz crashes, maybe during alt-tab19:53
HeathHayleIs this web site a joke ? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntuprecise19:53
onetinsoldierIvanov: i have installed the lastest drivers from ATI before following the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI tutorial. but it's been a very long time since i have done that.19:53
willbradleythere are open issues on launchpad but no fixes19:53
Ivanovonetinsoldier: but do you use the driver manager built in or do you just get them from AMD?19:53
onetinsoldierrivo: great! glad yo got it solved thanks to hitsujiTMO19:53
PiciHeathHayle: no?19:54
onetinsoldierIvanov: i usually run the latest version of ubuntu and just use the ubuntu packaged fglrx driver19:54
hitsujiTMOIvanov: Seing a few odd errors in the log. You're getting some crashes in libc19:55
onetinsoldierIvanov: like right now, i'm running Ubuntu 14.04 ;-)19:55
onetinsoldierIvanov: but, of course, i wouldn't recommend 14.04 for a developer that needs as stable a platform as possible19:56
HeathHaylePici Cos those packages are just a word program and there is only 4 when I upgraded it installed like 150mb etc of packages19:56
Ivanovhm maybe i should go up from 12.04 to 13.x then19:56
Ivanovbut im not sure how19:56
Ivanovtook me twod ays just to get ubuntu on the machine at 3AM this morning19:57
Ivanovfirst it was steamos with broken ass dependencies, not a good first-linux-distro19:57
Ivanovevery dependency had some +bsos or +steamos version tag that killed 90% of programs id try to install19:57
gordonjcpIvanov: tried to install on what?19:58
Ivanovon my machine19:58
Ivanovsudo apt-get install etcetc19:58
gordonjcpon which OS?19:58
gordonjcpokay, and you were installing from what repository?19:58
Ivanovall the libraries and dependencies are custom built with +bsos or +steamos version tags that break most programs that require specific dependencies19:58
Ivanovfrom Steam's official, and Debian wheezy19:58
gordonjcpso, you've got pre-alpha software19:59
Ivanovi managed to get her to Ubuntu now19:59
Ivanovso no19:59
Ivanovthat was how i got to the situation i'm in now19:59
Ivanovwhere im stuck with no graphics drivers, but atl east stuck in ubuntu19:59
HeathHayleHow do I go from xbuntu back to ubuntu? And delete the packergs20:00
hitsujiTMOivanov: if you're thinking of upgrading, i'd do a clean install of 13.1020:01
onetinsoldierIvanov: i'd do what hitsujiTMO just said... clean install of 13.1020:01
gordonjcpIvanov: sounds like you have a mix of packages from different repositories20:01
gordonjcpIvanov: and one of them is known to be fundamentally unstable20:01
=== mickn_ is now known as mickn
nocsyhello I know it's not the right room but I already asked #music; can you help me to find this track ? https://slashb.alwaysdata.net/20:02
MonkeyDustIvanov  open a terminal and paste this line   sudo apt-get install pastebinit;sudo apt-get update|pastebint     and paste the url here in the channel20:03
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: you in a hurry?20:03
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay20:04
Ivanovhmm my only repositories are ubuntu's official20:04
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: Xubuntu is a bunch of 'xfce' packages i believe20:04
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: hang on a few moments20:05
Ivanovbut maybe a fresh 13.10 install would benefit me20:05
Ivanovi want to update anyway20:05
Ivanovleast now i can skip all the problems, just make an alternate-boot usb stick since it took me two days to figure out thats the only i can do it, since live images/EFI doesnt work20:06
Ivanovthanks guys, back soon20:06
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: is this package installed??   dpkg -l xfce420:07
michagogo|cloudIs the package search page down?20:08
HeathHayleHow do I check?20:08
HeathHayleIn package mansger?20:08
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: the command i gave -->    dpkg -l xfce420:08
john_doe_jr1I have a script that I need to run but I'd like to pass data to the script using another script…any ideas how I go about doing that?20:08
=== qpan321 is now known as qpan
HeathHayleNot sure I have got what looks like a string table20:09
MonkeyDustjohn_doe_jr1  what scripting language?20:09
john_doe_jr1MonkeyDust: bash20:10
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: do you know how to copy and paste the output?20:10
MonkeyDustjohn_doe_jr1  ok, better ask in #bash, i guess20:11
HeathHayleIt says un xfce4 ver none description none20:11
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: for instance, on my machine it looks like the following...    un  xfce4                          <none>               <none>               (no description available)20:11
john_doe_jr1MonkeyDust: alright thanks20:11
HeathHayleYer it looks like that20:12
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay, so that's what yours looks like too then, i take it20:12
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: do you know how to copy and paste the output from your terminal?20:12
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: if you are reffering to bash, inputs are gotten with the $1, $2, $3, etc vars . $0 refers to the script called. $@ is an array of the vars (inlcuding $0) and ${1+$@} would refer to the array of inputs minus the the script filename20:13
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hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: obviously you should be using quotes when reffering to those vars, e.g., "$1", "$2", ${1+"$@"}20:14
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay. you put your  mouse cursor at the point your want to start copying. then hold down the left mouse button while moving the mouse to 'highlight' what it is you  want to copy20:14
=== qpan is now known as qpan123
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: then you  place your mouse cursor on your irc chat client and middle click20:15
john_doe_jr1hitsujiTMO: could u give me an example?20:15
michagogo|cloudDoes anyone know why packages.ubuntu.com is down?20:15
HeathHaylei will have to upload it to a photo server cos I am using irc on my ipad sorry20:15
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: does this command show the package as being installed?   dpkg -l xfdesktop420:15
Calinouuse a mirror, michagogo|cloud?20:16
onetinsoldiermichagogo|cloud: i had the same issue all day yesterday20:16
michagogo|cloudCalinou: Do you know of any that are updated with changes as of today or yesterday?20:16
qpan123Hi, I still no sure about registering with freenode. Sorry I am new to IRC. So I typed in /nick <nickname> and irc says you are now known as <nickname>. But I still get this in #python channel: <llutz> !register | qpan32120:16
qpan123<ubottu> qpan321: Information about registering your nickname: #python-unregistered :Cannot send to channel20:16
qpan123do i need to go to their website and register...?20:17
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay. i use aptitude. would you mid installing and using it for the package operations?20:17
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MonkeyDustqpan123  type /join #freenode, aske there20:17
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: mind*20:17
HeathHayleIts safe to use isnt it?20:17
qpan123monkeydusk ok thanks20:17
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: play around with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585321/20:17
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: yes20:17
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: sudo apt-get install aptitude20:18
HeathHayleYer thats fine then20:18
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay, let me know when it's installed20:18
koellWhy does shotwell freeze on importing pictures?20:18
mike-irssiqpan123: /msg nickserv help20:18
HeathHaylei have already got it apranty20:18
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay, good. are you in xfce right now?20:19
HeathHayleNope do you want me to be?20:19
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: no20:19
john_doe_jr1is there an open source ldap query tool out there?20:19
HeathHayleThats what I thought20:19
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.20:19
MehrzadI want to add winxp to grub20:19
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: just curious, what are you in right  now?20:19
MehrzadAnd, sudo update-grub didn't work20:19
MehrzadWhat should I do?20:20
xangua!puregnome | HeathHayle: How do I go from xbuntu back to ubuntu? And delete the packergs20:20
ubottuHeathHayle: How do I go from xbuntu back to ubuntu? And delete the packergs: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu20:20
HeathHayleonetinsoldier: Can I pm you?20:20
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay20:21
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: sure20:21
mike-irssiMehrzad: grub-install20:21
Mehrzadmike-irssi: Also, what is the standard way to access terminal?20:22
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr1: btw, if you're writing scripts that are called during boot, you need to make sure they are dash safe, even if they begin with #!/bin/bash20:22
mike-irssiMehrzad: ctrl+alt+t20:22
mike-irssiMehrzad: or alt+ctrl+f1, alt+f7 to get back20:23
Calinoumichagogo|cloud, no idea20:23
Mehrzadmike-irssi: thanks. what after that?20:23
michagogo|cloudIs there a log somewhere of package uploads, syncs from Debian, etc?20:24
mike-irssiMehrzad: find where your hard disk is and then grub-install /that/location20:24
Mehrzadmike-irssi: what if I say it detects my windows 7?20:27
mike-irssiMehrzad: can omit it with grub-customizer20:28
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Mehrzadmike-irssi: I don't want to omit any of the os's. I want to add my windows xp to the list20:30
Mehrzadmike-irssi: should I still local the harddisk?20:31
MonkeyDustMehrzad  it's "chainloader" line, moment20:31
mitch-_hi, I have a suspend question regarding Ubuntu 12.04LTS and VMWare Workstation 9...20:31
mitch-_or I guess really, if anyone can tell me how to log the amount of power used while in suspend so that I can compare some different situations20:32
=== Luy1n is now known as Luyin
MehrzadMonkeyDust: okay20:34
HeathHayleonetinsoldier: So what do I do now?20:35
onetinsoldierokay HeathHayle... try     sudo aptitude remove xfdestop420:35
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: i believe it will show that it will want to remove a buch of stuff... doorbell here. brb20:36
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=== z3roblock_ is now known as z3roblock
mike-irssimitch-_: i used gnome-power-statistics to look at my battery20:37
HeathHayleonetinsoldier: Nope it just removed that one package20:38
mike-irssimitch-_: i've seen it hum around 4 watts when unattended20:38
mike-irssior so20:38
mitch-_mike-irssi, does that have a log/compare feature? i'm worried that when i close the lid on my laptop, if i leave VMWare WkStn going, is it using up the battery or is it actually suspending the VM as well?20:38
mitch-_i never have to resume the VM so i suspect it's eating my battery alive20:38
mitch-_mike-irssi, but I will try getting that now, thank you by the way!20:39
MehrzadMonkeyDust, mike-irssi: what after all?20:39
MonkeyDustMehrzad  windows is too long ago, don't remember, don't find it... it's a "chainloader +1" line in grub20:39
terabit_hi! I'm new to IRC. Can somebody explain me how it works?20:39
mitch-_mike-irssi, did you mean gnome-power-manager ?20:39
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem20:40
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay, roger that. hang on a moment20:40
mike-irssimitch-_: no.. it's standard with ubuntu20:40
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MehrzadMonkeyDust: okay. you mean grub.cfg?20:40
mike-irssimitch-_: can right click the battery and there's a graph20:41
mitch-_mike-irssi, D: you're amazing!20:41
mitch-_holy boob! this is great!20:41
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=== kevin is now known as Guest52604
z3roblockirccloud is useful?20:42
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay, do    aptitude remove xfwm420:44
HeathHayleIts only doing it one at a time when I installed it installed loads so this is going to take forever isn't it?20:46
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: how's it going?20:46
xangua!pureubuntu | onetinsoldier HeathHayle20:46
ubottuonetinsoldier HeathHayle: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu20:46
HeathHayleSo I have removed that one20:46
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: well, i thought that would uninstall a lot of it. but  apparently not. let's have  a look at xangua 's suggestion20:47
onetinsoldierxangua: thank you20:47
HeathHaylei have but that only removes abiword doesnt it thats only one program20:47
lickalottgents, still looking for good backup/image options to backup my machine.  Any opinions?20:48
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:48
HeathHayleHow can sudo apt-get remove abiword abiword-common abiword-plugin-grammar abiwo  delete more then just abiword?20:48
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: you'd need to copy the entire line. it's a  very long line. but i see a lot of packages in that line that i don't think need to be  removed.20:49
eaxxaeHeathHayle: No20:49
HeathHayleBut its just got abiword in it20:50
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: it's got a whole lot more than that20:50
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: it's scrolls a long way to the right20:50
HeathHayleOh yer sorry guys it doesnt do that on my ipad sorry20:51
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem20:51
bazhanglickalott, clonezilla20:51
bazhangAikar, what about with xrandr, or arandr if you need a gui20:52
lickalottI've messed with it, but I don't want to have to reboot everytime to get an image.  Have you had any experience installing to the hdd bazhang?20:52
Aikarbazhang: I cant get them to seem to show the other displays, at least arandr20:52
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: do you want to use it? i am still willing to give you a command of my own if you  want, that might remove most of xfce in one shot20:52
Aikarthey are dimmed out in the menu drop down20:53
mike-irssiAikar: i'm not positibe, maybe you need to blacklist neauvea20:53
HeathHayleonetinsoldier I have just pasted that in to termail now20:53
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: okay20:54
HeathHayleonetinsoldier: Can I pm you again a mo20:54
onetinsoldierHeathHayle: sure20:54
=== Xirre_ is now known as Xirre
Aikarmike-irssi: hmm, interesting thought, im at work atm so cant try it20:55
ch1phey all21:02
ch1ptail: cannot watch `/tmp/x11vnc.tray.PCLyxn': No such file or directory tail: cannot watch `/tmp/x11vnc.tray.PCLyxn': No such file or directory     while executing "close $channel"     (procedure "read_client_info" line 25)     invoked from within "read_client_info $client_tail"     (procedure "read_client_tail" line 5)     invoked from within "read_client_tail"21:02
ch1pthats my error with vncx1121:02
Pssbn8 all21:02
=== ben2 is now known as mercutio
randomcppis it just me or cloning code from github is really slow?21:05
amireldorI'm having trouble with the keyboard layout 3rd level. It worked before, but no more. I'm on 12.04.21:06
amireldorIt seems like any key I set on the keyboard layout options menu for the 3rd level does not activate the third level.21:06
=== kindjal_ is now known as kindjal
Mehrzadhow can I get the windows borders of firefox back?21:08
Calinoumike-irssi, they are running the nvidia driver already21:09
Calinouit won't help...21:09
TJ-Iriez: Any progress ?21:09
MAFI have red5 on my server for live streaming, red5 supports rtmp protocol (1935) but doesn't have any authentication by default. Is there any way for make this feature with other program?21:09
CalinouAikar, unless you use nvidia-xconfig, no xorg.conf is generated21:09
Calinou(you should not use nvidia-xconfig, it is terrible)21:10
=== Piper|Away is now known as toristor
ch1pany ideas?21:10
TJ-MAF: see for example http://code.google.com/p/red5/source/browse/java/example/trunk/authdemo/src/org/red5/demo/auth/Red5AuthenticationHandler.java?r=433521:11
fbbdevHi! Is there a way to build programs on ubuntu 13.04 (glibc 2.17) and have them runnable with glibc 2.11? I know about building in chroot environments, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.21:12
MAFTJ- Thanks but i'm beginner on ubuntu and red5, how i should do that?21:12
TJ-MAF: hire an expert :)21:13
MehrzadI am getting errors on "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer". (gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received) Can anyone help?21:13
IvanovHey guys, im installing Ubuntu 13 finally and need advice on how to partition my system for it21:14
MAFTJ- is there any way to open and exit it's port?21:14
mculp_hi, I lost my administrator password, and I logged into recovery mode / root and changed it via passwd. now that my passwd is changed, it accepts my log in, but then it goes to a black screen, flashes something about "plymouth" then goes right back to the login screen. any ideas?21:14
Ivanovi have three internal hard drives, /sda, /sdb/ and /sdd and i am not sure how to partition them21:14
Ivanovshould i seperate /home?21:15
fbbdevIvanov: do you have another os on those drives?21:15
Ivanovno all drives are going to ubuntu21:15
MonkeyDustIvanov  sounds RAID to me21:16
TJ-Ivanov: Depending on how vital it is, you might consider pairing two drives into a raid mirror (RAID-1) to host vital stuff such as /home/21:16
IvanovTJ- Monkeydust: i have ZERO clue about that, or how to manage it21:16
MonkeyDustIvanov  separate /home is always handy21:17
Ivanovright now i just had /sdd1 for my /, /sdd5 for 10GB Swapspace21:17
Ivanovand /sda1 was mounted on /seconddrive21:17
Ivanovand /sdb1 was on /thirddrive21:17
Ivanovit was a hackish solution but it had worked21:17
ch1panyone familiar with x11 vnc21:18
Ivanovbut id love to have a more unified use of the drives, maybe even a seperate /steam partition to contain my steam installation and its games instead of having it all in ~/.steam21:18
osbinhello one more time :) installed kde interface ...how to swich to it?21:18
Ivanovi believe 'kubuntu-desktop' opens that21:18
Ivanovidk last time i used ubuntu it was version 4.something lol21:18
k1losbin: chose that in the login screen. when clicking on the ubuntu icon next to the nick21:19
ChogyDanIvanov: please don't use enter as punctuation21:20
xanguaIvanov: having a separate home partition is always useful21:21
Balzyhello! Is there someone who could help me to solve a heating problem with an asus laptop?21:22
osbin<k1l>thanx mate i will try21:22
SteveBellhi all. my smb.conf file is write protected. which command would I need to apply to get that editable again?21:22
ChogyDan!lvm | Ivanov21:23
ubottuIvanov: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:23
TophSteveBell,,, sudo gedit smb.conf doesn't work?21:24
Balzyanyone with that issue / willing to help?21:24
mculp_hi, I lost my administrator password, and I logged into recovery mode / root and changed it via passwd. now that my passwd is changed, it accepts my log in, but then it goes to a black screen, flashes something about "plymouth" then goes right back to the login screen. any ideas? I think it may be due to encryptfs -- is there a second password I need to change?21:25
jmgkhi all21:25
omg_scoutBalzy: This more an issue for technical staff21:26
omg_scoutBalzy: All you can do by yourself is cleaning it inside.21:27
Balzyomg_scout it's quite new and clean inside, I opened it a 3 month ago21:27
andyfiedBalzy: there are some known issues with some laptops, i'd suggest searching the forums21:27
Balzyomg_scout I've been googling for months with no result, where could I ask?21:28
omg_scoutBalzy: Use the warranty, then. Not much you can do yourself, in my opinion. Most manufacturers make overheating laptops now, so this is why I always go for graphic card free laoptpos21:28
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TJ-mculp_: Yes... the encrypted home password is 'wrapped' up (encrypted itself) using your log-in password, so if that changes, you need to update the wrapper password too21:29
omg_scoutI also had this problem with few laptops, could not do much on my own21:29
SteveBellToph if I sudo gedit smb.conf I just see an empty file21:29
HoldenHi guys, can anyone tell me if a recent version of audacity can play back .opus files?21:30
mculp_TJ-: ugh, i forgot my password -- suppose im fucked21:30
andyfiedbalsy: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=408 search through here before asking, someone else might have the same model as you21:30
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andyfiedBalzy: do you have the latest ubuntu? some of the problems are fixed in updates21:31
SteveBellToph: very strange previously I was able to edit the smb.conf and save changes. now that no longer works. I opened that file via dash back then21:31
hitsujiTMOBalsy, what gpu do you have?21:31
mculp_TJ-: i think i had like 45 bitcoins in my wallet in my home dir :/21:32
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BalzyhitsujiTMO 2 gpus, Ati radeon and the "usual" integrated intel gpu21:33
Balzyandyfied I'm currently running kubuntu 13.0421:33
TJ-mculp_: You *did* save the private key file as the tools urged you to, when you created the encrypted home?21:33
hitsujiTMOBalzy: have you installed the proprietary drivers or, are you on radeon driver?21:33
mculp_TJ-: not sure, i can't remember setting this up at all21:34
andyfiedBalzy: ati has known issues with some of the driver... yeah, what hitsujiTMO said :D21:34
Balzy_andyfied, hitsujiTMO sorry I had some connection issue21:36
Balzy_now I'm back21:36
hitsujiTMOBalzy_: have you installed the proprietary drivers or, are you on radeon driver?21:36
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TophSteveBell,,, what works for me is      sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf21:37
Balzy_hitsujiTMO currently no, cause when I installed them they messed up with kde21:38
hitsujiTMOBalzy_: then most likely the issue is power management with the ati card. This unfortunately isn't improved until the release of kernel 3.1321:39
SteveBellToph that did the trick. thanks!21:40
spsDoes the software center icon always have a loading sign on it?21:40
Tophnp,,, you just need to include the path21:40
Balzy_hitsujiTMO mine is 3.8.0-33 shall I try to update?21:40
hitsujiTMONo, I would Not recommend using an unstable kernel. You'll need to wait for it to be released or use the fglrx driver21:41
Balzy_hitsujiTMO, I there a way to deactivate and not use the additional video card?21:42
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Balzy_I'm not running gpu intensive applications on this laptop21:42
hitsujiTMOAFAIK, Not unless you can deactivate it in the bios. You could possibly try blacklisting radeon driver in the kernel if you're not using it21:43
Balzy_hitsujiTMO okay I'll check the bios first!21:44
randomcppwhat are devhelp alternatives for documentation browsing?21:46
* LvMises waves21:47
LvMisesHey all21:47
Calinouhi, ask your question21:48
MrJeromeI'm having trouble with lighttpd... When I run lighttpd -f -t /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf it says failed: no such file or directory but the file is there I can open it with a text editor21:49
TJ-MrJerome: Is it the conf file being complained about, or one of the directives in that file?21:51
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: What do the -f and -t flags mean?21:51
sergiobenrocha2someone knows why wubi is in ubuntu iso?21:51
sergiobenrocha2I thought that wubi is discontinued21:51
v1c3Would please anybody have a lookat this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/1251222 It slows down ubuntu and leads sooner or later to a systemcrash because the log is getting bigger than 18 Gigabytes!!! This is a major Bug. Please have a look at it! Thats why ubuntu is slow!21:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1251222 in Indicator Date and Time "indicator-datetime stops the disk from spinning down" [Undecided,New]21:52
TJ-hitsujiTMO: "-f <conf-file>" "-t" test config and exit21:52
amireldorcan I get a Super+<type app name> in Unity, like GNOME-Shell?21:52
MrJeromeit's saying the conf file doesn't exist21:52
hitsujiTMOso your using the -f flag and ginveing it the file -t ?21:53
amireldori mean, to switch to active application, HA21:53
MrJerome-f means which conf file to use and -t means test the conf file and exit21:53
TJ-hitsujiTMO: MrJerome: I was waiting for someone else to mention that :)21:53
nexus4Wubi is with 12.04 for long term installs on windows 821:53
funkyhey people21:54
funkyhow I can make process an auto start21:54
funkyso when I start server it starts?21:54
sergiobenrocha2but it is in ubuntu trusty daily too, the wubi21:54
funkydo I create sh script?21:54
hitsujiTMO!upstart | funky21:54
ubottufunky: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:54
sergiobenrocha2nexus4, I thougt canonical was drop wubi21:55
nexus4Yes not as long term package! Long term distro will still use package unless removed.21:56
MrJeromeOk yes I fixed that and it says syntax OK.21:57
MrJeromeBut the server still will not start21:57
MrJeromeit says it starts, but when I run lighttpd status it says No configuration available21:57
sergiobenrocha2nexus4, yes, but it is still in daily build of trusty, and it is still in 13.1021:58
sergiobenrocha2i don't understand this21:58
nexus4This above explains wubi dropped by 13.0421:58
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: can you post the conf, sounds like its incomplete then21:58
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: how exactly are you starting lighttpd?21:59
MrJeromeThe config should be ok it says Syntax OK and I was using the same file successfully earlier today22:00
MrJeromeI tried /etc/init.d/lighttpd start   and also lighttpd -f <conf file path>22:00
MrJeromeIt says it starts OK but must die right away without error message22:00
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: An empty cnfig file can have OK syntax too22:00
MrJeromethe file I point it to with -f option is not empty22:01
ZorinI want to reproduce my exact system and settings, internet settings, files, sound setup exe. should I use remastersys ? how do I do this?22:01
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hitsujiTMOMrJerome: I'm not saying ti is, i'm saying it may be missing some important directive22:02
usrb1nHello everybody. I need a tip because I can't find anyway to solve this. My laptop hard drive has passed away today. I've got a copy of my work just yesterday so I was really lucky.22:02
TJ-MrJerome: Maybe another instance is already running and has claimed the port?22:02
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zbrkcbrhi guys how can I write an iso to a usb stick with terminal22:02
nexus4See .exe in file if not folder is still in distro seen this months ago with no files.22:03
usrb1nI have another hdd that I'm using as external hdd with 200gb+ of file and now I need to use that one to install the OS.22:03
usrb1nThe hard drive is not divided, it's just one partition for 500gb. Is ther any way to temp install ubuntu there without formating it and loose the 200gb of backups ?22:03
usrb1nI can't use a live cd because I don't have a CD drive. So I was thinking in a way to just put the files on the disk22:04
usrb1nOr like wubi does22:04
hiddeni have been trying to update libboost22:04
usrb1nI've tried wubi but it won't boot if I don't have windows installed on that hdd22:04
MrJeromeif I run /etc/init.d/lighttpd status it says lighttpd is not running22:04
hiddenall day, literally all day22:04
so_hi, i want to now model of my graphic cards. can you help me?22:06
andyfieddon't get ati22:06
k1lso_: type "lspci" and see the line with VGA22:06
nexus4Haven't played with Ubuntu Linux in 6 months! Just play with gnome 3, Cinnamon and unity! Just for fun. Otherwise openbox and arch Linux22:07
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: so php5-cgi is installed and fastcgi you've ran: sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi && sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php   ???22:07
sergiobenrocha2nexus4, thanks, it seems that trusty not use wubi anymore.22:08
sergiobenrocha2but 13.10 use wubi22:08
so_the command is " type "lscpci " ? because when i write that he tell me: lspci is /usr/bin/lspci22:08
TJ-MrJerome: enable logging, See http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Server_errorlogDetails22:08
k1lsergiobenrocha2: dont use wubi at all22:08
TJ-so_: "lspci -nn | grep VGA"22:08
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: I did just reinstall php today I need to run those commands?22:09
Beldarsergiobenrocha2, what is your end goal here?22:09
sergiobenrocha2k1l, yes, i know, i never use wubi. It has a lot of problems22:09
nexus4Sergio must be image!22:09
mouz\lexhey guys, what is this coffee cup application on statusbar? http://i.imgur.com/SB4XV.png22:09
sergiobenrocha2Beldar, i thougth trusty was using wubi yet, sorry22:09
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: you'd need to enable them to enable the mod_fastcgi22:09
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: do you have a link to the docs for that?22:10
Beldarsergiobenrocha2, You know the trusty channel is #ubuntu+1  ?22:10
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hitsujiTMOMrJerome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lighttpd%2BPHP22:10
k1lmouz\lex: see if its explained in here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/what-application-indicators-are-available22:10
mouz\lexthanks :)22:11
TJ-Probably a Starbucks tie-in :p22:11
k1lmouz\lex: its caffeine, a disable screensaver indicator22:12
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: I installed both from source http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/tutoriallighttpdandphp22:14
Ice_StrikeIn /etc/network/interfaces i have static IP and then i restart the networking it work fine22:14
v1c3Would please anybody have a lookat this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/1251222 It slows down ubuntu and leads sooner or later to a systemcrash because the log is getting bigger than 18 Gigabytes!!! This is a major Bug. Please have a look at it! Thats why ubuntu is slow!22:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1251222 in Indicator Date and Time "indicator-datetime stops the disk from spinning down" [Undecided,New]22:14
Ice_StrikeIn /etc/network/interfaces i have static IP and then i restart the networking it work fine... however when i restart the server - it did not set to static IP?22:14
hiddencan anyone help me with this issue please, been trying all day:22:15
hiddenE: Unable to locate package libboost1.48-all-dev22:16
hiddenE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libboost1.48-all-dev'22:16
MrJeromeEven if I remove the fastcgi stuff from lighttpd.conf it still won't start22:16
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: "<MrJerome> I tried /etc/init.d/lighttpd start   and also lighttpd -f <conf file path>"   are you running these with or without sudo?22:17
MrJeromewith sudo22:17
andyfied /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS22:18
Ice_StrikeIn /etc/network/interfaces i have static IP and then i restart the networking it work fine... however when i restart the server - it did not set to static IP?22:19
hiddencan anyone see me22:19
hidden<hidden> can anyone help me with this issue please, been trying all day:22:19
hidden<hidden> E: Unable to locate package libboost1.48-all-dev22:19
hidden<hidden> E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libboost1.48-all-dev'22:19
andyfiedhidden: we can see you22:21
hitsujiTMOhidden, what version of ubuntu?22:21
nexus4Hidden yes, just debating with self if anyone else could see problem and fix it or leaves is at dead end. Need to reinstall distro.22:21
xanguav1c3: first, askubuntu is not to report bugs; second, I saw a previous bug report about the panel service freezing and consuming a lot more RAM it is supposed to use witch was solved by enabling the proposed updates and updating unity panel and gtk322:21
hidden12.04, i updated from 10.x to 11.x then 12.0422:21
k1l!helpfull > nexus422:22
hitsujiTMOhidden: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list22:22
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: ok it is something with fastcgi22:22
MonkeyDusthidden  it means the package does not exist22:22
hiddenoh right i'm using22:22
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: the server runs fine when I remove fastcgi section from lighttpd.conf22:22
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: something must have happened when I reinstalled PHP22:23
MonkeyDust!find libboost | hidden22:23
ubottuhidden: Found: libboost-chrono-dev, libboost-chrono1.53-dev, libboost-chrono1.53.0, libboost-date-time-dev, libboost-date-time1.53-dev, libboost-date-time1.53.0, libboost-dbg, libboost-dev, libboost-doc, libboost-filesystem-dev (and 172 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libboost&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all22:23
hiddenarchive.ubuntu.com MonkeyDust, was impossible to use it with 10.x before22:23
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: check to make sure the bin path is correct22:23
nexus4K1 more then one set of eyes here22:23
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hiddenwhats the best source list for 12.04?22:23
MonkeyDusthidden  what's the outcome of    cat /etc/issue22:23
hiddencat /etc/issue22:24
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: How do I do that?22:24
MonkeyDusthidden  in a terminal screen22:24
hiddenUbuntu 11.10 :/22:24
SteveBellI'm having problems with setting up samba share for an ext hdd connected to ubuntu. this is what I'm using in the smb.conf file: http://pastebin.com/4hmB8Z4m22:24
MonkeyDusthidden  11.10 is dead, hence the error22:24
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: ls -l /usr/local/bin/php-cgi22:24
hiddeni upgraded it from 10.something22:24
hitsujiTMOhidden, you need to upgrade to 12.0422:24
SteveBellI do see the drive appear when connecting from os x but when I click on the drive no content shows22:24
hiddenhitsujiTMO, i'm sure i did22:25
MonkeyDusthidden  first upgrade to a supported release, then ask again22:25
hiddenlike i did 10>11>1222:25
hitsujiTMOhidden: your system says otherwise22:25
MrJerome-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8025648 Dec 16 11:53 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi22:25
hitsujiTMOhidden, you ugrade 10.10 > 11.04 > 11.10 > 12.0422:25
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MonkeyDusthidden  frsh install is faster, easier and cleaner (backup first)22:26
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hiddenthanks hitsujiTMO. MonkeyDust i would do a fresh install but already took 2-3 steps might aswell try finishing22:26
hitsujiTMOhidden. you just need 1 more upgrade22:27
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: what about: ls -l /tmp/php.socket22:28
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MrJeromeno such file but I feel like that would only be created on a php request22:30
fbbdevHi! Is there a way to build programs on ubuntu 13.04 (glibc 2.17) and have them runnable with glibc 2.11? I know about building in chroot environments, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.22:31
MrJeromeOk here's something... I can't run php from command line because it says error while loading shared libraries22:31
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: o.O. and how did you install php?22:32
MK42#apt-get install php ?22:33
MrJeromefrom source.. it can't find libpq.so which is for postgresql22:33
hitsujiTMOMK42: well that's how you NOT install php :P22:33
MrJeromeI think if I can get that fixed it will work22:33
MK42O.O.... !22:33
LordNedHey all, I'm trying to install Xubuntu Desktop x64 v 12.10 onto a USB drive, and when I attempt to boot after install I get the "Gave up waiting for root device." - I've tried waiting and then typing exit but that doesn't work.22:34
LordNedI know this is technically the Ubuntu irc and not Xubuntu, but #xubuntu is pretty slow right now22:34
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BeldarLordNed, Full install or just loading the ISO?22:34
CalinouLordNed, 12.10?22:35
LordNedBeldar, full install. I have two jump drives, one which I live booted XUbuntu to, and the other which I installed XUbuntu on.22:35
CalinouLordNed, it is fine to ask in #ubuntu for that... but why 12.10?22:35
ke_Is it possible to turn off the retarded scrollbars?22:35
Calinouit will soon be EOL22:35
MK42use version LTS ... 12.04 for example!22:35
LordNedCalinou, following a slightly old install guide, wanted to match version numbers with the guide in case anything went wrong :p22:36
ke_The little widget that appears at the window edge22:36
hitsujiTMOLordNed: can you pastebin the grub.cfg?22:36
CalinouLordNed, you shouldn't do that though22:37
LordNedhitsujiTMO, How would I get to it? I did run boot-repair from the Live version and this is the output from that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585714/22:37
CalinouMK42, no22:37
MK42Why not Calinou ? This not resolved tihs problem D but ... !22:38
mikubuntuoh, i see cheryl_c is still checked in to the channel22:38
LordNedCalinou, should I grab 13.10 and try that?22:38
Calinouit's better to install 13.10 instead of 12.1022:38
Calinoudon't install 13.04 either, it'll be soon EOL22:39
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ch1pa2Dec 16 14:39:04.751 [Error] Reading config failed--see warnings above.22:40
ch1pa2why did ubuntu install an older version?  of tor22:40
LordNedAlso Xubuntu takes forever to install from one USB drive to another. I wish there was a faster way! (No CD drive :( )22:42
k1l!tor | ch1pa222:42
ubottuch1pa2: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl22:42
glitsj16ke_: several options to do that http://askubuntu.com/questions/34214/how-do-i-disable-overlay-scrollbars22:44
ch1pa2i did this22:44
TJ-LordNed: If the system has plenty of RAM, create a tmpfs 'ram-disk' bigger than the USB target device, then copy into the ramdisk first, then write out from it. That allows the USB to move data more efficiently when multiple ports on the same bus are involved.22:44
schproodle\join #xfce22:44
ch1pa2apt-get install tor22:44
LordNedTJ-, only 2gb RAM on the machine, target USB device is 8gb! :p22:44
k1lch1pa2: read again the bots message and follow the link in that message and then read what its about22:45
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hitsujiTMOLordNed: Not seing anything particularly wrong with the config. can you link the tutorial you used?22:46
ke_glitsj16: thanks22:46
LordNedhitsujiTMO, the installation from the tutorial is just "Install Xubuntu to USB1 via Pen Drive Linux installer. Live Boot that and install it to the other drive and create 3 partitions for / (5500mb), Swap (315mb), and the rest for /home/"22:47
LordNedand then the other instructions are for installing some software after Xubuntu is running.22:47
LordNedIt looks like it's trying to boot the right UUID too as root, so I'm not sure why it's having issues. About to go spend another 2 hours installing Xubuntu 13.10 to see if that helps.22:48
MrJeromehitsujiTMO: Thanks for the help today, I need to install PostgreSQL but I at least found the problem22:48
LvMisesI was curious, I'm running 12.04 and I noticed I can't use my middle mouse key to scroll up and down pages in Firefox.  Is this an option that isn't available or do I need to install or modify something within firefox?22:48
hitsujiTMOLordNed: anychance you can take a photo of the exact srror when it drops to initramfs?22:49
LvMises(when I press it, not actually scroll with the wheel)22:49
hitsujiTMOMrJerome: sweet. One of the many reasons why I always prefer to stick to the packages where possible :P22:49
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LordNedhitsujiTMO, http://hastebin.com/retowubamu.vhdl except with my uuid instead (I checked with blkid22:50
LordNedI've waited ~two minutes at that point, typed "exit" and hit enter and it just drops me right back there.22:51
hitsujiTMOdo you get a list of drives with "ls"?22:52
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hitsujiTMOLordNed: one thing I can think of is that the usb host driver is not loaded into intramfs22:53
LordNedhitsujiTMO, wouldn't it have to be loaded for blkid to be able to get the partitions off of the drive?22:54
debfani have a question about running ubuntu on my HDD22:54
debfanis it okay if I don't install Windows on it?22:54
Physicistdebfan: go on..22:54
strikermgtHi, speak spanish?22:54
k1l!spanish | strikermgt22:54
ubottustrikermgt: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:54
k1ldebfan: yes that is ok22:54
debfanor can i create a NTFS partition and leave it22:54
debfanand install ubuntu on another parition22:54
hitsujiTMOLordHavoc: It may be loaded on the live but might be missing from the install. It's certainly the case for 13.10 with some usb host controllers22:55
k1l!dualboot | debfan22:55
ubottudebfan: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:55
hitsujiTMOLordNed^^ even22:55
strikermgtThanks c;22:55
LordNedhitsujiTMO, I'm running blkid from inside intramfs. If that wast he issue, do you know what the fix would be?22:56
debfanbut, i might have windows on another HDD22:56
debfanso, i wouldn't need it on my 'ubuntu' drive22:56
hitsujiTMOahh, if thats the case then its prob ok. what are you getting from "ls"22:57
anotherjesseWith pubkey auth, I CAN ssh into a Saucy locked account (shadow has !) but I CANNOT ssh to a Precise box with locked account (fails with account locked errors).   - is there an option for SSH that allows ssh regardless of shadow password lock-ness?22:57
TJ-LordNed: I'm wondering if it might be a udev issue, since udev is reponsible for creating the /dev/disk/by-*/ symlinks ... is there anything at all under /dev/disk/* ?22:58
LordNedhitsujiTMO, can I get back to you on that in two hours :p - formatted the wrong jump drive when I went to put 13.10 live installer on my other one.22:58
LordNed So I have to install 13.10 now before I can resume trouble shooting, Hooray! :-/22:58
hitsujiTMOLordNed: lol, np btw, this is the bug i'm reffering to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/123819422:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238194 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Saucy) "keyboard doesn't work to enter password with encrypted partitions ubuntu 13.10 saucy" [Critical,Fix released]22:59
LordNedIt's not an encrypted filesystem if that helps22:59
hitsujiTMOLordNed: the bug hasd notyhing to do with encrypted filesystems. It just gets noticed by those with encrypted filesystems as they need usb support in initramfs.23:01
hitsujiTMOLordNed: if you get the same problem let me know and I can talk you thru the fix if it is the driver problem23:02
LordNedhitsujiTMO, thank you, very much appreciated!23:02
TJ-LordNed: Did you try adding "noapic" or "nolapic" to the kernel command-line in GRUB, and then booting? That can often solve issues with flakey interrupt controllers23:02
LordNedTJ-, I did not23:03
TJ-LordNed: When you've got the re-install done its worth a try, since what you're looking for is a reason that the device isn't being found by the kernel.23:04
sha0_i need to install radeonhd, can you help me'23:05
sha0_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Heathrow PRO [Radeon HD 7850M/8850M]23:05
sha0_intel 64bits23:06
LordNedTJ-, at this point I'm just kicking myself for not having a CD drive ;)23:06
hitsujiTMOLordNed: its faster to install from usb than cd atleast23:07
firmware92hey guys im new to ubuntu, where is this windows dir [User Profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache  in ubuntu linux, i cant seem to find it23:07
LordNedhitsujiTMO, I don't think so on these two particural USB drives, takes me over an hour without updates ::/23:08
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: if you're looking for the eqivalent, cache dir, it's prob in ~/.cache23:09
TJ-LordNed: Are you doing a minimal or net-install? That is a good way to shorten the install time23:09
LordNedTJ-, just choosing "Install XUbuntu" - can I trigger a minimal install from a live disk?23:09
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: yup ~/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache23:09
TJ-LordNed: The installer images for net install are separate23:10
firmware92hitsujiTMO: THANKS :)23:10
hitsujiTMOLordNed: More than likely its slow write speeds on the target usb is the problem23:10
LordNedTJ-, ah23:10
hitsujiTMOyou can only boot a minimal iso from cd not usb23:13
hitsujiTMOunless maybe you try it with DriveDroid23:13
LordNedhitsujiTMO, yeah I saw that, gonna pass on it and just install a desktop one23:15
sha0_is radeonhd working on ubuntu?23:19
hitsujiTMOsha0_: what exactly is the problem? and what gpu do you have?23:20
sha0_hitsujiTMO: i cant use gnome becouse my 3d doesnt work23:21
hitsujiTMOsha0_: what exact gpu do you have?23:21
sha0_im using fbdev driver23:22
sha0_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Heathrow PRO [Radeon HD 7850M/8850M]23:22
hitsujiTMOsha0_: is it an 7k or 8k gpu that you have?23:22
sha0_i think this have 2 gpus23:22
sha0_which driver can i useÇ?23:22
sha0_instead of fbdev23:23
sha0_radeonhd is not maintained23:23
sha0_and latest versions dont use it23:23
hitsujiTMOyou will prob need the fglrx. Radeon doesn't currently support 8k and has partial support for 7k.23:23
LordNedhitsujiTMO, Whee, new problem! Tried to make a Live USB for Xubuntu 13.10 (instead of 12.20 I was on) and I get (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem23:24
hitsujiTMOat initramfs, what do you get from lspci?23:25
sha0_hitsujiTMO: but there is a bug reported on fglrx, people are uninstalling fglrx :/23:25
sha0_i will try it23:25
LordNedhitsujiTMO, /bin/sh: lspci: not found23:25
hitsujiTMOLordNed: /usr/bin/lspci23:26
LordNedstill not found (this is initramfs on a failed live boot btw, not an install)23:26
hitsujiTMOLordNed: I've a feeling its the same issue. SO this is the sam usb you installed to right?23:27
LordNedhitsujiTMO, No this is a second jump drive that I was able to live boot 12.20 from23:27
hitsujiTMOLordNed: what are you getting for "ls"23:28
LordNedhitsujiTMO, dev, scripts, conf, usr, cdrom, root, etc, lib, sys, casper.vars, var, sbin, lib64, proc, casper.log, run, bin, init, tmp23:29
hitsujiTMOso its mounting root at least. not usb host issue23:29
LordNedusr only has "share" and "lib" inside, which is why we can't find /usr/bin/lspci23:29
beandogWhat in the world did you do ..23:31
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LordNedI don't know :D Should I try putting 12.20 back on instead of 13.10? :/23:32
beandogEither way you'll have to do a reinstall.23:32
hitsujiTMOLordNed: main thing is to verify the iso first.23:32
sha0_restarting xorg ..23:32
* beandog probably shouldn't jump in halfway23:32
lickalottlol ^23:33
hitsujiTMOLordNed: can you md5sum the iso file https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes23:33
hitsujiTMOLordNed: also, do you have an android phone?23:34
LordNedhitsujiTMO, I do have android phone. Nexus 4 running Android 4.423:34
LordNedChecking the MD5 now23:34
hitsujiTMOLordNed, if it's rooted you could try DroidDrive23:34
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LordNedWhat's that do hitsujiTMO ?23:34
hitsujiTMOLordNed: It will turn your phone into a virtual cd drive. Mounts the Iso in droiddrive and emulates a cd device over the usb23:35
LordNedhitsujiTMO, Interesting. I'd have to re-root, just upgraded from 4.3 and lost root.23:35
LordNedDo you think it'd solve the issues with the 13.10 not booting live? (Still getting the md5 sum to check the iso)23:36
LordNedyup, md5sums match.23:36
hitsujiTMOLordNed: possibly, if the iso checksum checks out ok.23:36
hitsujiTMOLordNed: also have you tried disabling legacy usb support?23:37
hitsujiTMOLordNed: or enabling it if its disabled23:37
LordNedI have not, I will go do that now.23:38
hitsujiTMOLordNed: that sometimes causes problems depending on manufacturer23:38
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LordNedhitsujiTMO, heh, that's not going to work ;) - Both USB drives disappear from the boot menu with that disabled23:39
hitsujiTMO:P and, fast boot is disabled right?23:40
shanahani can't view a webpage i made locally using chrome, like it won't show index.html correctly. it will with firefox though23:40
shanahanit's webGL stuff, three.js23:40
LordNedhitsujiTMO, correct. Gah, complications!23:42
koellshanahan: which crhome version?23:42
hitsujiTMOLordNed: only other thing i can think of is dodgy usb23:42
LordNedMaybe it's time for DroidDrive23:42
shanahankoell, Version 31.0.1650.6323:43
koellshanahan: so what do u see? just a blank page?23:43
hitsujiTMOshanahan: set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false23:43
shanahankoell,  i tried this flag  "google-chrome index.html --allow-file-access-from-files"  and it still doesn't work, no i see the basics of my page23:44
Ice_StrikeI am getting mount error(22): Invalid argument when I execute: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxx,noperms,uid=nobody,gid=users  // /mnt/Media23:44
shanahanhitsujiTMO, what url in chrome is that again? i used to know it i know what ur talking about23:44
LordNedhitsujiTMO, got into GRUB on the live-boot CD by enabling UEFI something... seeing if i can launch the "Try Ubuntu" option... failing that I'll try the "install Xubuntu" one :p23:45
hitsujiTMOshanahan: about:config23:45
shanahanhitsujiTMO, webpage not available... wtf23:45
shanahani am the only user23:46
hitsujiTMOo.O soryy, its changed since i've last had to did in23:46
LordNedNope, full circle back. Grr.23:46
koellshanahan: for such future heavy things i often use chrome nightly builds as a standalone browser. just set there any flag23:46
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Stealthysquick one: packages.ubuntu.com will it be up soon does anyone know? or is there an alternate somewhere?23:49
hitsujiTMOshanahan: try loading chrom with --disable-web-security23:50
LordNedhitsujiTMO, do you think another Linux flavor other than Xubuntu might give me better results?23:51
firmware92command line question, when specifying an output file, i want the name to be name then the time it was outputed, is there a easy way to do this, i googled it and i dont think im searhing for the right thing23:52
hitsujiTMOLordNed: you'll certainly get different results with another flavour23:52
MonkeyDustStealthys  https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/23:52
LordNedhitsujiTMO, I'm looking for a lightweight one to eventually run headless23:52
LordNedSuggestions on which flavor? :)23:52
TJ-firmware92: echo "my file contents" > $(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).dat" is probably what you want23:53
StealthysMonkeyDust: thanks that will work :)23:54
AvengerLivesLordNed what will your headless system serve?23:54
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hitsujiTMOfirmware92: echo "moo" > "cow-`date %T`.txt"23:54
LordNedAvengerLives, It's for a mining rig, so it needs to have a GUI front end (for graphics drivers)23:54
tux31what is minimum requirement for ubuntu 12,0423:54
AvengerLivesHave you considered Debian?23:55
hitsujiTMOLordNed: Debian might be worth a try.23:55
LordNedAvengerLives, I'll take anything that'll install/run off of an 8gb usb drive :)23:55
AvengerLivesyou can load 7.2 Standard and load the X enviroment of your choice23:55
xangua!requirements | tux3123:55
ubottutux31: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu23:55
AvengerLivesFor backend machines I have yet to be disappointed.23:56
AvengerLivesalso, relatively seemless repository crossover with Ubuntu.23:56
AvengerLivesthat is less you concern, but a good comfort23:57
LordNedhitsujiTMO, I'm going to give Xubuntu 12.20 another shot and trying noapic23:57
LordNedand then I'll go give Debian a shot.23:58
AvengerLivesGood luck23:58
firmware92hitsujiTMO: dose it matter if its a script? the line is going to be going as follows avconv -i ./download ~/Music/untitled/"download-`date %T`.flac"23:58
TJ-firmware92: "date %T" is a syntax error23:58
firmware92TJ- how would you recommend to do it?23:59

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