
happyaronpenghuan: 为什么今天这么多变更……表示一个人跟不住你们这么多人……14:03
ypwongJackYu, hi14:34
JackYuypwong, hi14:54
ypwongJackYu, hi, for bug 1243321, do we still need to change /etc/lsb-release?14:54
ubot5bug 1243321 in ubuntukylin-default-settings (Ubuntu) "sed hacks in chroot hook script" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124332114:54
JackYuypwong, 按照上次讨论的结论,通过增加文件的方式来解决,这个就不需要了。14:58
happyaronJackYu: lsb 输出完全复原呗14:58
happyaronJackYu: 咱们的理解没差异吧14:58
ypwonguse dpkg-divert?14:59
ypwongi am referring to "通过增加文件的方式"14:59
JackYuhappyaron, 是的14:59
happyaronypwong: dpkg-divert啥呢。。。14:59
happyaronypwong: 添加文件的意思是单独在/etc/下放个别的文件。虽然具体怎么处理还得仔细商定细节。15:00
JackYuypwong, happyaron, 是的,要不放一个ubuntukylin文件夹?15:01
ypwonghappyaron, just put the file there and that's it?15:01
ypwongJackYu, 什么目的呢15:01
happyaronJackYu: 文件夹没必要,还没想好。15:01
JackYuypwong, 里面可以放一些我们需要的配置信息。15:01
JackYuypwong, happyaron, bug #1172581 在daily iso中仍然存在,需要将png文件升级一下。15:07
ubot5bug 1172581 in Ubuntu Kylin "Icon shows error in dash" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117258115:07
ypwong不是 indicator-china-weather 提供的吗?15:08
ypwongubuntu 裏的 package 没更新到最新?15:13
=== penghuan_ is now known as penghuan
=== happyaro1 is now known as happyaron

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