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danjghello, whenever my laptop gets hot, it is automatically forced tp shut down, is there any way to disable this feature?02:25
Hassendanjg, disassemble it and clean it up02:26
danjgI don't understand...02:26
Hassendanjg, especially the CPU spot,where you find the Fans,etc02:27
danjgclean it up?02:27
cfhowlettdanjg, screwdriver, open, clean vents02:27
Hassendanjg, clean your laptop,open it's lower cover and clean it02:27
Hassendooooh...I need better english skills02:27
danjgthe fan is broken02:27
Hassendanjg, LMFAO02:27
danjgso I don't think cleaning it would have much effect02:28
Hassendanjg, what makes you sure about that?02:28
danjgbecause it stopped suddenly with a puff of smoke and hasn't ran since02:28
cfhowlettdanjg, so DON'T turn it on!02:28
danjgdon't turn my laptop on?02:28
Hassendanjg, when using your laptop,put it on a flat sold surface so it gets cooled with the air around the lower laptop's body02:29
Hassendon't use it on e.g pillow02:29
cfhowlettdanjg, seriously, what are you thinking.  It has a fan cuz high temps are bad.  BAD for electronics02:29
danjgik, but I can't help it02:29
Hassendanjg, go to the computer-repair sho and replace the fan02:29
danjgI would just like to use my computer for more then 10 mins at a time02:29
Hassenfans are essential for PCs02:29
Hassenortherwise you will smell burned stuff02:30
cfhowlettdanjg, buy a replacement fan or start saving now to replace the whole thing.  Fan is cheaper by the way.  Do you also keep driving your car when the "check oil" light comes on?02:30
danjgI don't have a car02:30
danjgso, back to the question, there's no way to do that?02:30
Hassennah.. danjg seems to be a cute little kid :)02:30
Hassenwhy driving cars02:31
Hassendanjg, aren't the lines we were writing enough???02:31
cfhowlettdanjg, puff of smoke is a sign from god that you're doing it wrong ...02:31
Hassencfhowlett, nie one02:31
Hassen*nice one02:31
danjgyes, I understand that, but I really don't want to repair a $20 laptop02:32
danjgand I would like to get all I can out of it02:32
cfhowlettdanjg, it's smoking and you want more?  good luck with that.02:32
danjgI just came to see if I could disable it, but if you don't want to help me... :(02:33
cfhowlettdanjg, trying to laugh WITH you here.  Since you're treating the lappy as a disposable/replaceable unit, do what you want and plan for the very sudden death which, based on your user habits, is sure to come soon.02:33
Hassenwow..I would think SERIOUSELY about it once i see a 'smoke' in the whole movie02:35
danjgit isn't smoking02:36
Hassenthen what?drugging?02:36
Hassenor burning?02:36
danjgit works fine, just the fan doesn't02:36
Hassendanjg, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude02:36
* Hassen throws his keyboard on danjg ...but the keyboard is broken while danjg 's head seems health02:37
* cfhowlett thinks this THIS! is why I check into IRC instead of watching television02:37
danjgthanks for the laptop advice, but I just would really like to know how to disable the auto-shutdown02:38
HassenI think that i'll make videos about my adventures in IRC02:38
Hassenit will be a good idea for youtube world!02:38
cfhowlettdanjg, auto shutdown is there to prevent immediate/serious damage to your unit ... and it would be irresponsible and potentially legally liable of us to help you disable a SAFETY FEATURE!02:39
Hassendanjg, watch   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS3ZxOtTD5A02:39
Hassenthat's how to do it02:39
danjgI didn't see any mention of turning off the feature in the video...02:42
danjgbut thanks anyway :/02:42
kreugerhey all02:54
cfhowlettkreuger, greetings02:54
kreugerIm having some trouble logging into my desktop which is running ubuntu 12.10 (I believe)02:54
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:55
kreugerI just get the spinning icon that shows it's loading. I've tried ctrl+alt+f1/2/3/4 to try and get a terminal but cant. It happened before and I was able to get the terminal. It seems to be a driver issue?02:55
kreugerAlso, I think I've got LightDM on it02:55
kreugerI remember trying to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but nothing would happen when I ran it, even as root. This computer has been down for so long because I keep putting it off, but I really need it back.02:59
kreugerany ideas?03:04
cfhowlettkreuger, suggest you bring the query to #ubuntu ... more eyes in the channel03:07
kreugerok thanks03:08
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Guest89688anyone alive?04:32
Guest89688im guessing 64 bit intel isnt supported? :/04:33
Geoff1000Morning chaps, is there a good 'expose' like program?07:45
Geoff1000I used to use scale on compiz which worked quite well but I don't use compositing any longer07:45
Geoff1000as speed is the name of the game07:45
koegsGeoff1000: skippy-xd07:50
Geoff1000it's slow for me and I can't work out how to expose all the windows for a single app07:51
Geoff1000in the Compiz app, I could do this - I tend to have loads of terminal windows open07:52
Geoff1000and recognise which is which by the content, something I could do with a thumbnail07:52
xubuntu255my software center opens and then closes before it finishes loading08:37
xubuntu255i get this message08:37
xubuntu255E:Malformed line 41 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)08:37
xubuntu255can anyone help me?08:37
koegsxubuntu255: would you nopaste the file /etc/apt/sources.list?08:38
koegs!paste | xubuntu25508:38
ubottuxubuntu255: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:38
elfypastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list08:39
elfyfrom a terminal08:39
elfysorry koegs - missed your post ...08:39
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jarnosthunar makes me mad11:57
jarnosI don't know, if I should cry or laugh11:59
jarnosIf you disable menubar in menu, how do you enable it thereafter?12:00
jarnosThere are much more issues with it, but I like its custom actions.12:01
Sysido you get view-submenu if you press Alt V?12:02
koegsctrl + m should work12:03
jarnoskoegs, thanks12:03
jarnosOtherwise, I find pcmanfm more robust, intuitive and less buggy than thunar.12:06
koegsi like thunar most for no obvious reason12:06
jarnosAs long as I can remember, thunar has had problems in auto-mounting USB drives.12:08
jarnosSeveral years! So basic function. Never have had that issue with pcmanfm.12:09
koegsnever hat mounting problems with thunar12:09
SysiI've never had issues with mounting, unmounting has been blocked by thumbnail daemon couple times12:10
jarnosCould it be that I have both pcmanfm and thunar installed? Does their automounting systems somehow interfere each other?12:12
jarnosThunar's auto-mount works if and only if I have enabled it in pcmanfm's preferences!12:17
jarnoskoegs, there should be GUI way to enable menu.12:18
jarnosI added some new bug reports about thunar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_re13:21
jarnossorry, too long url13:21
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Dan_DOk, not to be stupid, but i appear to have replaced the battery icon at the top right with a bluetooth icon. Owing to a lack of having bluetooth, and a need to see my battery life, how do I replace it?18:28
well_laid_lawnDan_D:  did you change icon sets ?18:30
Dan_DNot as far as I know18:31
Dan_DI just noticed the two were switched18:33
Dan_DI still cannot even find a way to configure at plugin at all...18:38
fartfaceI'm trying to dual boot xubuntu and windows 7.  The installer goes through fine, but then it just boots straight into Windows, no grub menu.  When I try to run the boot-repair, I've got a paste from it, but it didn't seem to have any effect, I still can't see grub.18:42
fartfaceEven when I manually try to install grub, nothing shows up, it just carries on and boots straight to Windows.18:43
fartfaceAnyone have any ideas?18:43
ObrienDavereboot, then press F8, see if you get a dual boot menu19:14
ObrienDaveF8 after post19:15
ObrienDavelol, that's what I get for snoozing ;P19:16
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zbrkcbrhi guys I need help how can I write an iso file to usb with terminaal21:46
LordNedHey all, I'm trying to install Xubuntu Desktop x64 v 12.10 onto a USB drive, and when I attempt to boot after install I get the "Gave up waiting for root device." - I've tried waiting and then typing exit but that doesn't work21:58
LordNedThis is the output from boot-repair http://paste.ubuntu.com/6585714/ which didn't resolve my issue when I took the reccomended action.22:01
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daiatlus79Hello all!!22:42
daiatlus79How is everyone?22:43

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