
yahyaadoes anyone know how to set your default browser in kubuntu so it will stop looking for rekonq, I removed it and installed firefox!!!00:00
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: soryu forgot thew +. you should specify the full path to date for scripts00:00
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: /bin/date00:00
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LvMisesWhat's a good movie soundtrack to listen to?00:01
firmware92hitsujiTMO: im kinda a derpy new nooby user, what dose it mean for full path?00:01
ikoniaLvMises: not an ubuntu issue00:01
LvMisesWhat's a good movie soundtrack to listen to on Rhythembox, in Ubuntu?00:01
ikoniaLvMises: not an ubuntu issue00:01
bpdsHello everyone!00:02
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: depending on how the script is being called, there may not be a $PATH set. so the system may not know to look in /bin for the date command. same with avconv. you can find the full path by typing: which avconv00:02
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: as in the full path for the date command is: /bin/date00:03
Gelosis it possible to connect multiplay vlans by trunk to ubuntu and create virtual nics ?00:03
firmware92hitsujiTMO: my gosh, i may give up on useing the cli to convert my media files, any gui apps that can do what my script is doing?00:03
ikoniaGelos: yes, bonding and tun or bridge devices00:03
bpdsAnyone know how to get an Ralink rt3090 card working with kernel 3.11.0-14-generic?00:04
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: its not a difficult thing to do at all. If you're calling the scripts yourself then there is going to be a $PATH set.00:04
firmware92hitsujiTMO: i was exec them via thunar00:05
onetinsoldieranyone recommend a good image upload site?00:05
TJ-Gelos: yes, you can use 802.11ad00:05
firmware92hitsujiTMO: should i call it from bash?00:05
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hitsujiTMOfirmware92: then you're fine. It's just if you want to start automating it then you might want to fix such issues/00:05
Gelos@ikonia what packages would i have to use? vlan ?00:05
ikoniaGelos: package ? it's part of the kernel00:06
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: just start the script with: #!/bin/bash and it will always be called with bash. In userspace the default shell is bash anyhow00:06
Gelosto associate each vlan to each virtual nic?00:06
induzI m using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS-Lucid ... how can I add Lexmark x4550 printer to it as lexmark does not have Linux dri00:06
ikoniaGelos: correct00:06
LordNedhitsujiTMO, is there any issue with using 5500mb Ext4 partition for /, 315mb Swap, and the rest in Ext4 for /home/?00:07
firmware92hitsujiTMO: so your saying that  my   `date %T`  sould be  `date+%T`00:07
Gelosso using this (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/vlan#Installation) is not needed?00:07
hitsujiTMOLordNed: no, but I'd wouldn't seperate /home for such a small install00:07
ikoniaGelos: no idea what that is00:07
ubuntunoobhello all i have a question00:08
hitsujiTMOfirmware92: `date +%T`00:08
firmware92hitsujiTMO:  kk thx00:08
ubuntunoobhow do i change into a different folder in termail00:08
TJ-Gelos: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding00:08
Gelos@TJ- thank you!00:08
nagerstI have some problems with the kms driver. How do i set terminal resolution to 1920x1080@60hz as it should be.00:08
k1l_ubuntulog: "cd /new/path/"00:08
hitsujiTMO!manual | ubuntulog you kinda need this00:09
ubottuubuntulog you kinda need this: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:09
ubuntunoobwhat you mean /new/path??00:09
k1l_ubuntunoob: it could be /home/user/Desktop00:09
nagerstubuntunoob: likely /%makeupyourown%/00:09
ubuntunoobok i want to go to my  downloads folder how do i do that00:10
LordNedhitsujiTMO, thanks. Also I unplugged the network cable since XUbuntu installer ignores the unchecking of "install updates" lol00:10
k1l_ubuntunoob: "cd Downloads"00:11
ubuntunoobit sayes bash: cd : downloads: no such file or directory00:11
k1l_and keep in mind, that its case sensitive and you can use the "tab" key to let the name complete. just make a "cd Down" and hit tab 2 times00:11
ubuntunoobso i open up a terminal and type what sudo su00:12
k1l_ubuntunoob: no, never00:12
ubuntunoobthen... what00:12
Gelos@TJ- I'm trying to connect couple of vlans by trunk to a single NIC (eth0)00:13
k1l_ubuntunoob: you never need sudo su.  that is the beginning to most problem situations.00:13
induz I m using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS-Lucid. How can I add Lexmark x4550 printer to it as lexmark does not have Linux driver for it??00:13
firmware92thanks for the help guys00:13
k1l_ubuntunoob: just type "cd Down" and hit tab 2 times. that will complete the name and then hit enter00:13
ctraceyhey folks...question about package verification.  I am using my own PPA, but one of the packages is not verifying ...anyone think of a reason that may be?00:13
yahyaasome of my gui's look strange, like wierd colors, can anyone help???00:14
ctraceythese were all built via launchpad obviously00:14
Gelos@ikonia in my case I have few vlans that needs to be connected to a single NIC00:14
Physicistyahyaa: Weird collor? Can you be a lil' more specific?00:14
ubuntunoobno such file or directy00:14
ubuntunoobi just need to get into my downloads folder how do i do that?????????????//00:15
k1l_ubuntunoob: "ls" shows all possible folders00:16
funkyguys where I can find pcre.h or the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library?00:16
Physicistubuntunoob: Bash is used to run executables files.00:16
funkyI tried apt-get install pcre its yet to woek00:16
k1l_ubuntunoob: important is, that you dont do stuff with sudo. that will change the user and you will not see the stuff you downloaded as your user00:16
AvengerLivesin terminal type: cd ~/Downloads00:16
PhysicistAvengerLives: Exactely..00:17
ubuntunoobahhhhhhh it sayes no such file or directy wtf00:17
AvengerLiveswhat is the output of these commands: cd /home; ls -al00:18
k1l_ubuntunoob: what does "pwd"  give you?00:18
Physicistor /Home - cd ~/00:18
AvengerLiveseven cd ~00:18
glitsj16funky: you can search where that is located and which packages has it through: sudo dpkg -S pcre.h00:18
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: please open a fresh terminal and type the command: ls -al00:19
GelosThanks everyone problem solved00:20
turtlehey guys00:20
ubuntunoobok now what:00:20
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: this will list everything in your user directory00:20
turtlei have a problem00:20
funkyglitsj16: dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *pcre.h*.00:20
AvengerLivesdo you see the list?00:20
mustafa_Hello turtle00:20
funkyits required to install vanity address generator00:20
pklohohow do I check the chipset for my pcmcia card in my laptop? LSPCI does not display information on the card00:20
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: is Downloads one of the items?00:20
turtlehow can i remove the skype notification icon from the panel00:20
trismfunky: libpcre3-dev00:21
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: now type cd "Downloads"00:21
turtleits really messing the fung shuei of my whole appearance00:21
trismfunky: you could use apt-file if you wanted to search packages in the repo, dpkg -S only searches installed packages00:21
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: so long as "Downloads is exactly as it appeared on the list (caps etc00:21
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: once you have done that you should once again issue the : ls -al command00:22
AvengerLivesthat will list your Downloads00:22
ubuntunoobomg!!!! i didnt do the capital D00:22
ubuntunooblol it worked00:22
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: I'm very glad00:23
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: Remember, Unix Systems care about capitalization, unlike Windows00:23
AvengerLivesWhich is far superior if you ask me due to the robust possibilities....00:24
omigasunubuntunoob: unix is case sensitive00:24
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: I hope you enjoy Linux as much as we do.00:24
ubuntunoobthanks everybody00:24
AvengerLivesubuntunoob: NP00:24
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resizt0rwhen i start the ubuntu livecd it tries to connect many times claiming it is "assigning ip address" but then eventually it just quits trying00:25
MarGulI am reinstalling my OS and I have ssh-key set up with my webserver. Is it the id_rsa or id_rsa.pub that I should backup and put in to my new OS?00:25
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funkytrism cheers! :D00:26
resizt0rubuntu has worked on this machine in the past with no special configurations00:26
nocterna1MarGul: You will need both, I believe.00:26
hitsujiTMOMarGul: both, but mainly id_rsa ... you can regen a .pub from the private key00:26
AvengerLivesresizt0r: sounds like a dhcp issue00:28
nocterna1MarGul: the .pub file goes in your servers ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file... and your ssh client will use the private portion - id_rsa.00:28
resizt0rin my router i have dhcp setup to assign this machine the same IP at all times00:29
MarGulnocterna1: Thanks, I will backup both of them but that was what I figured. Thanks :)00:29
nocterna1resizt0r: do you have multiple NIC's on this PC. maybe 'eth0' is no longer the same?00:30
zingchananyone have an idea why I cannot get access via any service from outside my network? firewall is disabled for testing. ports fowarded. ontop of that, my centOS servers work just fine00:31
zingchananything I am missing?00:31
AvengerLivesresizt0r: the static ip that you are hoping to achieve should be setup on the machine itself rather than the router00:31
AvengerLivesresizt0r: by this i mean you should modify the Network Settings either through the GUI or by modifying the /etc/network/interfaces file00:32
AirstrikeIvanovHey guys - i just got ubuntu 13 installed finally and trying to set up 32bit libraries, specifically "ia32-libs" and "ia32-libs-gtk" but apt-get is giving me a major runaround on it about other packages instead, what do i do?00:32
karstensragewhere is the proper place to add a mime type00:33
karstensragedo you edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/mods-available/mime.conf?00:33
resizt0rNo it only has the onboard NIC built into the motherboard00:34
PhysicistAirstrikeIvanov: Can you paste the output?00:34
resizt0rthis is a pic of my dhcp setup00:34
TheLordOfTimekarstensrage, depends on the package, are you talking about Apache's mime types?00:34
nocterna1resizt0r: if it worked before... then make sure your MAC address is still the same (not that it should change...)00:34
resizt0rhow would i know if it changed00:35
nocterna1resizt0r: but any reason for using DHCP reservation instead of using static IP addresses?00:35
AvengerLivesStatic Ip makes more sense00:35
resizt0rwell last time i had linux installed it was a hassle with changing ip's00:36
AvengerLives# The loopback network interface00:36
karstensrageTheLordOfTime, yes00:36
AvengerLivesauto lo00:36
AvengerLivesiface lo inet loopback00:36
AvengerLives#The primary network interface00:36
AvengerLivesauto eth000:36
AvengerLivesiface eth0 inet static00:36
FloodBot1AvengerLives: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:36
resizt0rsince the other pc's in the house access files off this pc regularly00:36
nocterna1resizt0r: your router DHCP reservation will have the MAC address, on your new livecd boot, type '/sbin/ifconfig' and compare the two entries00:36
AvengerLivesThat output was an example /etc/network/interfaces file00:37
resizt0ri cant do that when i boot ubuntu00:37
resizt0rbecause it wont connect to the router00:37
resizt0ri could copy it down first i guess00:37
kenetikHello, I've got a Dedicated Server running Ubuntu 13.04 with Remote KVM capability. I'm currently trying to access it and receiving a rather nasty message. Screen Shot: http://i.imgur.com/XglbhaG.png | Quoting the error: "fsck from util-linux 2.20.1 /dev/cciss/c0d0p1: clean, 235410/36618420 files, 6034011,146467854 blocks Skipping adding existing rule The disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present. keys: Continue to wait, or00:37
kenetikPress S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery. | (Apologies for typos in that.) | I have attempted 'waiting' for hours, with no progress, I've also skipped, and am unable to do anything really. // Any advice on a resolution for this?00:37
karstensrageTheLordOfTime, so is that where i add a type for apache mime types?00:37
TheLordOfTimekarstensrage, give me a moment, I think i read somewhere it uses its own mime.types thing, as well as another mime.types thing in the system...00:37
karstensrageoh ok00:37
nocterna1resizt0r: ah, only one computer available.  That'd make things a little more difficult.  Go old school - paper and pencil as you mentioned.00:37
karstensragethere is /etc/mime.types00:38
resizt0ri have more pc's00:38
zingchananyone have an idea why I cannot get access via any service from outside my network? firewall is disabled for testing. ports fowarded. ontop of that, my centOS servers work just fine00:38
resizt0ri can go get a laptop00:38
kenetikzingchan: Can you access outside from the computers? Just not outside to the computers?00:39
LordNedThis probably explains why the XUbuntu install takes so long00:39
nocterna1zingchan: default gateway set correctly?00:39
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LordNed"xubuntu kernal: [18000.971213] Write-error on swap-device (8:16:1056)00:39
zingchandefault gateway is set. it's a minecraft server thats being setup. centOS currently runs mine and it works fine with the same ports fowarded00:39
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zingchanI shall double check real quick, I cannot even get SSH access from another network00:40
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nocterna1zingchan: that's usually a default-route/gateway issue: not being able to access host from other networks.00:40
resizt0rim currently downloading Ubuntu 13.10 for this testing, does standard ubuntu with unity have better multi-display options than kubuntu/xubuntu?00:40
zingchandoes some sort of default route need to be set in the OS00:42
zingchancan't imagine why there would need to be00:42
zingchaneverything works fine on my LAN00:42
nocterna1zingchan: only if youre using static IP addresses, otherwise your dhcp server will assign it (if you DHCP server is configured correctly).00:42
zingchanI have a static IP setup and my ports fowarded to that IP00:43
zingchanset the ip, netmask and gateway in /etc/network/interfaces00:43
nocterna1zingchan: then yes, you have to set a gateway.00:43
nocterna1try 'netstat -rn'... you should have one line with a destination of
zingchanyeah, destination to my router IP00:44
nocterna1zingchan: and you can ping from this machine?00:45
nocterna1can you ping :)00:45
zingchaneverything works fine internally. the minecraft server I can access on the LAN, ssh on the LAN00:45
zingchanpings just fine too00:45
TheLordOfTimekarstensrage, yeah, I think you might try editing /etc/mime.types first... if that fails, then either mod_mime, or define the mimetype in the site's .htaccess00:45
nocterna1zingchan: ok, so routing is good.  How did you disable your firewall?00:46
zingchanI shall check my 2811 router configuration for the ports foward and I am not derping up the access list00:46
zingchansudo dfw disable00:46
TheLordOfTimekarstensrage, AFAICT it *is* possible to define the mime-type for a specific site alone, and not Apache-wide, by using the .htaccess, with the syntax formatting of: "AddType MIMETYPE .extension"00:46
zingchansorry, ufw00:46
TheLordOfTimekarstensrage, (for example: AddType video/quicktime .qt .mov )00:46
zingchandunno if this is related, but everytime the server reboots, I need to set a nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf.00:47
nocterna1zingchan: I haven't using linux firewall in 6+ yrs, but what does 'iptables -L -v -n' show00:48
nocterna1zingchan: there should be three default chains, all set to policy ACCEPT.00:48
nocterna1zingchan: INPORT,FORWARD,OUTPUT I think00:49
zingchanall are set to accept00:49
AvengerLiveszingchan: based on your need to reset a nameserver, i believe you have a conflicting process and interfaces file; i.e. your Network Manager might be trying to manage your network and overriding your interfaces and resolv.conf files00:49
nocterna1what port is your minecraft running on?00:50
AvengerLivesThere are a few articles concerning this resolv issue on Google00:50
nocterna1zingchan: do a 'netstat -nat | grep <minecraft-port>'00:50
zingchanusually I have 3 running, ports 25535, 25575, and 25585.00:50
nocterna1zingchan: pick on of them, or check all three.00:50
zingchanstarting a server now00:51
Zorincopied "Documents" folder to desktop via "home" > "right click folder" > "copy to" > " desktop"    but new documents only show in home folder "but not in the copied folder now on the desktop"00:51
Zorinplease help00:51
zingchanset to listen00:51
AvengerLivesZorin: are you familiar with symbolic links?00:52
nocterna1zingchan: should be ok, that means it's listening on all interfaces on the machine.  Sometimes some services start on localhost/::1 only.00:53
nocterna1Zorin: AvengerLives stole my line! :}00:53
AvengerLivesyou could try this with the terminal:00:53
Zorinno I have wondered the diference between "make link" and "copy"00:53
induz lexmark x4550 on Lucid ??00:53
induzis there a driver for it00:54
nocterna1zingchan: I need to step away for about an hour.  Not sure what the issue is... nothing simple or anything I can think of now! :)00:54
zingchanall good, thank you very much for your help00:54
induzdont know how to add this printer00:54
zingchanI'll keep looking into it00:54
AvengerLivesZorin: ln -s ~/Documents ~/Desktop/Documents_Shortcut00:54
induzanyone could help00:54
nocterna1zingchan: you said other boxes work fine... are they using the same ip address and ports?00:54
Zorindo I need to link them instead of copy them to the desktop?00:55
AvengerLivesZorin: this creates a symbolic link to your desktop00:55
AvengerLivesZorin: yes00:55
nocterna1zingchan: you an only forward a port to one addresses ata time.00:55
AvengerLivesZorin: linking is like a redirect00:55
AvengerLivesZorin: copying to the desktop is a mistake due to ram limitations00:55
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zingchandifferent IPs, same ports but I only have one port forwarded to the IP00:55
AvengerLivesZorin: Make sense?00:55
ZorinThank you that makes sense.00:56
AvengerLivesZorin:  NO glad to help00:56
AvengerLivesZorin: NP*00:56
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nocterna1Zorin: a symbolic link is to files what a hyperlink is to the web00:56
ZorinAwesome! :)  ttyl00:56
pklohodoes ubuntu read pcmcia?00:57
zingchanI am a CCNP, so I am sure my actual network of routers/switches is setup as it should be00:57
ClientAliveI accidentally deleted the entire contents of /var on my ubuntu 13.10. Please, can someone tell me is there a way to replace the default content?00:57
zingchanand if not, I am a complete idiot :P but I did check that first00:57
ClientAliveQuestion... Is the content of /var in the 13.10 iso the same as that in the final installation?00:58
LordNedStiiilll waiting on this install :(00:58
ClientAliveOr... would the contents of /var be regenerated upon a reboot?00:59
ClientAliveOr could my system be unbootable now bc of the missing content?00:59
LordNedI think "Copying Files..." has frozen :/01:01
AvengerLivesClientAlive: does you system run apache2 or other services that employ the /var directory?01:01
AvengerLivesClientAlive: more to the point; are you aware of the previous contents of your /var directory?01:02
AvengerLivesIn terms of bootability - I don't know, but I would consider backup of my /home directory before giving that a go01:03
otak_ClientAlive: /var contains all logs, some configuration, all package management, I think you need it01:04
ClientAliveAvengerLives: It does run apache2, but the way I found out about the problem was by trying to install something. And, no, not sure what it's content exactly. I have mysql, apache2, was trying to install redmine the other day but ran into a prob with it. I do recall that the contents of /var were only about 7 or 8 dirs and maybe a couple hidden dirs.01:05
otak_it also contains some lock files and your crontabs01:06
AvengerLivesClientAlive: otak is correct about the logs being located there by default.01:07
ClientAliveAvengerLives: If I could get my hands on the default content and dump it back in there I think I would at least hava an opperational system. If thinkgs like apache or mysql, konversation, whatever - didn't regenerate, I could deal with that later01:07
michagogo|cloudClientAlive: I suspect you'll find apt-get et al are unhappy01:07
AvengerLiveswell the default folder structure is thus: drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  140 Jun 21 08:05 .01:08
AvengerLivesdrwxr-xr-x 1 root root  320 Dec 16 07:59 ..01:08
AvengerLivesdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root    3 Jun 21 08:12 backups01:08
AvengerLivesdrwxr-xr-x 1 root root  260 May  4  2013 cache01:08
AvengerLivesdrwxr-xr-x 1 root root  540 Dec 16 07:59 lib01:08
AvengerLivesdrwxrwsr-x 2 root staff   3 Apr 19  2012 local01:08
FloodBot1AvengerLives: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:08
ClientAlivemichagogo|cloud: Yes. Cannot run software center or do apt-get install * from command line01:08
za-0x71http://0x71.org/category/0x71-xc-our-true-jesus-church-hacker-music/ We hope after you heard this you all will repent. come to True Jesus Church http://www.tjc.org , Peace01:10
AirstrikeIvanovdoes anyone know how to get i386 apps to work on amd64 installations of ubuntu?01:10
HeathHayleCould I install pear os via apt get?01:10
nocterna1zingchan: I'm back for a bit... still no luck? :)01:11
otak_LordNed: packages.ubuntu.com is down for me01:12
LordNedotak_, wrong ping I think ;)01:12
HeathHayleDoes anyone know?01:12
otak_http too01:13
BeldarHeathHayle, It is a whole OS you have to install it from an iso01:13
HeathHayleOh ok thanks is it any good do you know?01:14
AirstrikeIvanovdoes anyone know if dpkg --add-architecture i386 is wise on my 64bit system to install 32bit packages?01:14
BeldarHeathHayle, Never tried it, I would be most concerned for support if that was a general need is all.01:14
zingchannocterna1: still no luck indeed01:15
HeathHayleOh I am just trung to get a mac look on linux01:15
resizt0ri have the pc that wont assign ip address booted on the ubuntu 13.10 livecd01:16
zingchanI've been double checking that my network is fine, as I thought it's setup as it should be01:16
resizt0rthe mac address matches the mac address my router shows01:16
HeathHayleHow do I strip back a ubuntu distro to minimal?01:16
nocterna1zingchan: so you mentioned centos working fine (first off, nothing wrong using that... :)01:16
nocterna1zingchan: Is that centos machine using the same ports for its MC?01:16
nocterna1zingchan: same IP address as well?01:17
zingchanyeah I know, but ubuntu is a lot more efficient for MC01:17
BeldarHeathHayle, the desktop looks basically like the fallback and a cairo-dock in ubuntu01:17
zingchandifferent IP, centos is .146, ubuntu is .9601:17
zingchancentOS machine is shutdown while I am trying to do this01:17
nocterna1zingchan: no worries  - just a thought.  Besdies this is #ubuntu instead of #centos :)01:18
HeathHayleOh does it not worth it then I am trying to get macbuntu to work but having problems01:18
zingchanyep, I've heard from a bunch of my buddies to switch over as it's more efficient01:18
nocterna1zingchan: hehe, I don't really care either.  I'm more of a gentoo person on 'server' type setups.  Never played MC myself anyways!01:20
nocterna1zingchan: So the centos install was using the same IP address and ports as this ubuntu install?01:21
zingchandifferent IPs, same ports but centOS is shutdown01:21
sn33zyi have ubuntu 12.04 with a broken ethernet card.  i am trying to set up my hotspot and i know how to set it up on the host... but I am having trouble connecting a guest ubuntu 12.04 to the ad-hoc providing computer01:21
zingchanwhile I am trying to connect outside the network. so there are no port conflicts01:21
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zingchanboth are forwarded, but only one server is running using those ports. never seen this be an issue before01:22
BeldarHeathHayle, If you want support here, you might consider what's in the ubuntu repos is all, in general linux offers a wider app base and is free and mostly open source, much cooler than apple in my opinion01:23
nocterna1zingchan: I don't think your router can send the -same- port to two computers inside your network.01:23
HeathHayleLol fair enough how to I make my linux verson a miniumal version?01:23
dunpealHow come does Ubuntu 12.04 not have $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defined?01:24
zingchanhmm let me test this out by using 2559501:24
BeldarHeathHayle, making it from what you have not sure, but you can do a net install and add just what you want on top- of the base.01:24
nocterna1zingchan: what kind of router are you using, anyways?  dd-wrt, openwrt?01:25
zingchanhehe, cisco 281101:25
zingchancisco IOS01:25
nocterna1zingchan: nice:  ZBF or CBAC?01:25
sn33zyi click the adhoc network on the guest and it doesnt do anything01:25
BeldarHeathHayle, what release do you have as of now?01:26
zingchangood ole access lists01:26
nocterna1zingchan: I used to have 2811, but with ZBF it could only ~16mbps.  I bought a 3825 cheap on eBay last year!01:26
HeathHayle12.04 LTS01:26
zingchanI'd love to switch to my 3825, I have it in my CCNP lab setup01:26
zingchanframe relay switch01:26
zingchanthey sure are cheap now01:26
resizt0ri'd just love if ubuntu would connect01:27
resizt0rat all01:27
nocterna1zingchan: all G1 stuff is pretty much EoSS now, so flood of hardware coming out on eBay.01:27
pandabearHi, I just updated and my firefox is no longer working01:27
nocterna1zingchan: have you looked at 'sh ip nat tran' while trying to connect from 'outside'?01:28
BeldarHeathHayle, on this site lower left panel is playing around, there are full meta package desktop lists if needed. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/01:28
HeathHayleBeldar: 12.04 LTS01:28
resizt0ris there another ubuntu channel someone can recommend01:29
zingchanI have not yet01:29
zingchantrying a different port01:30
pandabearI changed my /var/www/html to be owned by firefox01:30
zingchanand I'll do a debug while I'm at it on the router01:30
pandabearand I can't stilll access it01:30
fishsceneresizt0r: For what? There's #ubuntu-server and that's about it.01:30
BeldarHeathHayle, The lists are for removing the desktops and installing another, if you look closely the new desktop install is at the end of the list. One could put whatever they want there within reason.01:30
resizt0rfor assistance01:30
nocterna1zingchan: yeah, 'debug ip pack det <acl>' with acl having your port in it should work01:30
fishsceneThis is the channel you are looking for01:30
resizt0ri've asked my questions here, on several occasions01:31
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HeathHayleBeldar: No i want to strip back my install to miniualm01:31
resizt0ri cant be the only person on the internet who has had a problem with ubuntu not assigning ip address01:31
resizt0rsomebody has to know what the problem is01:31
resizt0rand how to fix it01:31
fishsceneresizt0r: This is a 100% volunteer channel. If there's someone who is knowledgable and willing, they'll respond. In the meantime, there's not much you can do besides google.01:31
BeldarHeathHayle, miniualm?01:31
resizt0ri've googled for the last 2 weeks01:32
BeldarHeathHayle, and minimum means?01:32
fishsceneresizt0r: Is Ubuntu running as your DHCP server?01:32
pandabeardoesnt the government assign internet ip address?01:32
HeathHayleNot much stuff installed01:32
resizt0rno, im just trying to get it to work on my desktop01:32
fishscenepandabear: Nope01:32
=== matthew_ is now known as tankerkiller125
resizt0ron a standard home network01:33
resizt0rnothing special01:33
pandabeari thought the us government assigns the ip address01:33
HeathHayleLike the stuff you get when you use the mini.iso01:33
nocterna1zingchan: btw, we ditched last of FR about a year ago here.  Sometimes I miss it still.  MPLS is nice too, but...01:33
resizt0ron a pc that used to be running xubuntu 12.04 with no special configurations01:33
fishsceneresizt0r: Is this a fresh install? upgrade? Was it ever working before?01:33
BeldarHeathHayle, Still not really a definitive answer is all. If you want gui's you need some sort of X.01:33
tankerkiller125Can I get help with my ubuntu install I lost the menu icon in the very top right hand side of the screen and I don't know why and even after a syastem restart uit won't come back01:33
resizt0rfresh install, has run xubuntu in the past, most recently win701:33
pandabearDo i need to reinstall to get firefox working?01:33
HeathHayleBut but obvs I have got packages I dont want etc01:34
nbros652Is it possible to take A/V codecs from windows (.ax & .dll fles) and use them in Linux? I would like to play back videos from a security camera system, but the videos do not use a common encoding.01:34
fishscenepandabear: http://www.icann.org/en/node/114508201:34
fishscenenbros652: The only method I know would somehow be through WINE. Other than that, I'd wager "no".01:35
ClientAliveis there a channel for ubuntu develpers?01:35
fishsceneYou can try installing the proprietary program through WINE to try to play back the videos01:35
nocterna1nbros652: I'm no sure about the .ax/.dll part... but there are many windows codecs available until linux.01:35
nbros652fishscene: Thanks, I tried that... so far no luck.01:35
zingchannocterna1: MPLS is great. I only use FR for the cisco courses. not until the CCIE level do you really get a full lesson on MPLS01:35
nocterna1nbros652: chances are it may 'just work' unless it's really way out there in left field :)01:35
fishscenenbros652: Name of the program?01:35
nbros652nocterna1: Not part of the normal windows codecs01:35
fishsceneor codec?01:35
tankerkiller125Linux has one of the largest codec supports I know try searching the codecs online and the appstore01:36
nbros652fishscene: It's some Chinese system... I can't remember the name.01:36
nocterna1nbros652: trying mediainfo 'filename' and see what is spits out :)01:36
BeldarHeathHayle, Did you see the macbuntu iso download?01:36
nbros652tankerkiller125: The codecs were quite difficult to find for Windows. I've not had any luck with Linux.01:37
fishscenenbros652: You'll probably need to examine the video file to figure out what codec it is reporting it uses.01:37
HeathHayleYer but thats a unsupported distro now though isn't it?01:37
tankerkiller125nbros652: what were the codecs called01:37
nocterna1zingchan: like many things, the cisco courses/exams are aways behind the real world.  I believe they will drop some of the older technologies soon or later :)01:37
pandabearI want to be linux certified.  I have a MCSE.01:38
zingchanCCENT is now covering more advanced things like OSPF. so they are now catching up, at least a little bit. pretty awesome01:38
tankerkiller125cisco has a new program I'll be using next year at my career center. Yah computer tech class01:38
HeathHayleBeldar Yer but thats a unsupported distro now though isn't it?01:38
otak_HeathHayle: did you know you can install different window managers and try them, without changing what you have now01:38
zingchanCCNA goes into the very basics of BGP now01:38
nbros652tankerkiller125: G722ACEC.dll, H264VDEC.dll, HikDataDump.ax, HikFileSource.ax, and a bunch of other Hik* files, some .ax some .dll01:39
nocterna1zingchan: I took CCNA a few years ago... now I don't have time for CCNP or one of the myriad of CCIE certs one can get.01:39
BeldarHeathHayle, unsupported here, but would be on the ubuntu forums and the ##linux channel. You might if you don't mind doing config hacks remove the desktop you have with that site and install lxde and tweak from there or another even lighter desktop.01:39
HeathHayleOtak_ what do you mean01:39
nocterna1I took the CCIE challenge exame @ Cisco Live this year (Orlando) and passed... so that was a pleasant suprise!01:39
ClientAliveIs there a channel for ubuntu developers01:39
fishsceneA google search for "G722ACEC.dll" yields absolutely *nothing*. I think I discovered the end of the Internet01:40
tankerkiller125try in the serminal mediainfo <filenamehere>01:40
zingchanwow that is impressive. I am slowly studying for CCIE now01:40
zingchanalthough I've been a bit lazy01:40
HeathHayleWhat install lxde on my distro at the mo?01:40
AdamBInfinityDoes .Xresources do anything in 13.10? I have tried setting my *background: #FFFFFFF and it doesn't recognize01:40
nbros652nocterna1: mediainfo simply gives the complete name and file size... nothing more.01:40
nocterna1nbros652: whoa!  Never run across that before! ;/01:41
nbros652fishscene: like I said, it was hard getting it to play in Windows.01:41
BeldarHeathHayle, wipe the desktop you have with the package list at the site I gave you then install lxde and tweak away.01:41
fishscenenbros652: Did you try what tankerkiller125 said?01:41
nbros652nocterna1: yeah, I'm banging my head on this one. To make matters worse, the player that I found to work listed nothing for the codecs either.01:41
nocterna1nbros652: most of the time, things 'just work' under linux when you install the 3rd-port codecs... they don't ship with ubuntu due to licensing.01:41
HeathHayleAnd do you think lxde with work with macbuntu?01:42
tankerkiller125Have you tried vlc01:42
BeldarHeathHayle, No idea.01:42
otak_ClientAlive: you can msg alis list *ubuntu*01:42
nbros652nocterna1: you refering to trying wine?01:43
AdamBInfinityDoes .Xresources do anything in 13.10? I have tried setting my *background: #FFFFFFF and it doesn't recognize01:43
nocterna1nbros652: any chance you can drop a file on dropbox somewhere for me to grab and have a crack at?01:43
tankerkiller125try downloading VLC01:43
HeathHayleLol I think its to do with the qtk version is the problem01:43
fishsceneI'd be interested in examining this file too01:43
nbros652tankerkiller125: vlc wouldn't even play it in windows01:44
nocterna1nbros652: nope. no wine/emulation involved in what I was thinking about.01:44
BeldarHeathHayle, Personally I don't bother much with a customized desktop, I do use the gnome shell with the cairo dock and synapse though, so I use not all the options on it.01:44
nbros652tankerkiller125: didn't work in linux either.01:44
Beldar!es | alfonsovz01:44
ubottualfonsovz: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:44
fishscene!es > alfonsovz01:44
ubottualfonsovz, please see my private message01:44
nocterna1nbros652: I forgot what the ubuntu package is called.  But on install I check the box 'install 3rd party files during install'.  This grabs several things I believe.01:44
nbros652nocterna1: give me a sec.01:44
tankerkiller125nbros652, mmm sounds interesting did the system have an installation disk01:44
nbros652nocterna1: I'll upload to skydrive and put link here.01:45
=== joe2 is now known as ice799
tankerkiller125How do I take a screenshot01:45
otak_HeathHayle: otoh i love openbox, but Beldar has advised me in the past so i repect his opinion01:45
nbros652tankerkiller125: I wouldn't know. It was installed long before I started working here.01:45
HeathHayleWhat is openbox01:45
tankerkiller125nbros652, Ah ok01:45
DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: Is it just the background that is not set or does your .Xresources not work at all?  Also, what program are you trying to affect with it:  urxvt or xterm?01:46
fishsceneHeathHayle: http://openbox.org/01:46
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: I imagine that it is my entire .Xresources as that is the only thing in it at the moment. I'm trying to affect gnome-terminal.... so xterm01:46
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: and I've also done the whole xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources01:47
tankerkiller125can someone help me with this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B94YIwPEFnAkcjE0eVBfd0V4RGs/edit?usp=sharing01:47
HeathHayleOk cool all I was is a mac os x style desktop for linux01:47
tankerkiller125Top Right corner no dropdown menu01:48
DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: I'm not sure the gnome terminal will obey Xresources.  It has its own config.  You set the colors withing gnome terminal.01:48
nbros652tankerkiller125, nocterna1, fishscene: Here's the link to the codecs I have: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=FE14EC11850C49E3!117&authkey=!AFEmslxinrok9rM&ithint=folder%2c.ax01:48
tankerkiller125nbros652, I almost wanna say it's a H264 codec but if VLC can't play it then it can't be01:49
fishscenenbros652: What about the video file itself? (Note: DO NOT SHARE if it is sensitive)01:49
nocterna1nbros652: is this is the codecs or a sample of the video?01:49
DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: Not in a gnome environment right now. But I know there is a place where you go in gnome terminal to set all 16 colors.01:49
nocterna1nbros652: what fishscene said - only if it's possible.01:50
nbros652tankerkiller125: I'm wondering if its a customized variation of a h264 codec.01:50
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: I'm using gnome-terminal but my $TERM is xterm? I figured that means I'm just on top of an xterm emulator01:50
tankerkiller125nbros652,  I'll take a look01:50
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: but either way, if I open an xterm terminal.... the background is not white as expected01:51
nocterna1nbros652: do these files contain audio?  g722 is an audio codec.01:51
nbros652nocterna1, fishscene: Let me see if I can find a video that wouldn't be a problem. brb01:51
tankerkiller125mm accoring to a colleague on skype it may be a mpeg 2 encoding01:52
tankerkiller125Old School01:52
DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: Not sure on that but since gnome terminal has its own configuration I would be pretty sure it won't obey .Xresources.  So you have to use its own config tool.01:53
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: trying to get Solarized in gnome-terminal/Vim is becoming a nightmare! Thank you anyway01:53
tankerkiller125gtg really quick01:53
sn33zyi click the adhoc network on the guest and it doesnt do anything01:54
sn33zyi have ubuntu 12.04 with a broken ethernet card.  i am trying to set up my hotspot and i know how to set it up on the host... but I am having trouble connecting a guest ubuntu 12.04 to the ad-hoc providing computer01:54
fishscenempeg2 is easily handled by just about every media player out there. I'm assuming you've installed gstreamer codecs?01:54
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DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: Funny you mentioned solarized and vim.  I tried installing the same thing this very day.01:54
DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: And yes...its a nightmare01:54
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: I'm starting to think it's impossible. I can get the colors matching except my bolds aren't correct. This makes my *.html look all grey because they utilize bolds01:55
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: I can remove bold and it works perfect.... but I am persistent and want it EXACTLY how they have it on the site haha01:55
DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: I spent about half an hour playing with it, and it wasn't quite right.01:56
AdamBInfinityDWTaylor_: I've been trying since Friday. Losing my mind over here.01:56
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DWTaylor_AdamBInfinity: Agreed, it never looks like the pics on the website.  LOL.01:56
tankerkiller125fishscene, Can you help me out a little01:56
fishsceneInstalling gstreamer codecs?01:57
sn33zyhas anyone seen my question?01:57
tankerkiller125fishscene, LOL no diffrent guy  um the top right menu on the bar ontop in't thier anymore how would I fix01:58
fishscenesn33zy: No IP address at all? Not even something like: 169.254.x.x?01:58
sn33zywhen i click on an adhoc network nothing happens01:58
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sn33zyubuntu doesnt event try to connect (12.04) fresh install fishscene01:58
nbros652nocterna1: I was able to get these videos to play in Windows on qqplayer (a chinese video player). QQPlayer automatically downloaded the codecs, and these are the files it downloaded. I'm looking for a video to put in the folder as well.01:58
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nbros652nocterna1: I just asked ... the files do not have audio.02:00
fishscenesn33zy: Just out of curiosity, have you tried rebooting the computer? If so, perhaps check to see if there are any proprietary drivers you can use (I've found sometimes those work a LOT better when it comes to wireless cards)02:00
nocterna1nbros652: Only heard of QQ itself - the chinese-version of MSN messanger/ICQ/AIM :)02:00
sn33zyfishscene, already rebooted multiple times02:00
^guapo^8] sn33zy: when i click on an adhoc network nothing happens02:00
^guapo^[02:58] ••› embed-ns [~phil@blk-89-229-172.eastlink.ca] entra02:00
^guapo^[02:58] ••› renebarbosa [~rene@unaffiliated/renebarbosa] entra02:00
^guapo^[02:58] ·•• embed-ns es ahora phil-ns02:00
^guapo^[02:58] sn33zy: ubuntu doesnt event try to connect (12.04) fresh install fishscene02:00
FloodBot1^guapo^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
^guapo^[02:58] nbros652: nocterna1: I was able to get these videos to play in Windows on qqplayer (a chinese video player). QQPlayer automatically downloaded the codecs, and these are the files it downloaded. I'm looking for a video to put in the folder as well.02:00
^guapo^[02:58] ••› jmgk [~jmgk@pool-71-120-31-50.washdc.fios.verizon.net] entra02:00
jmgk^guapo^: ?02:01
=== yc| is now known as yc|BAL
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:01
jmgk^guapo^: stop doing that for everyone02:01
jmgkstop it02:01
fishscenejmgk: Guap is a bot02:01
^guapo^[os dire algo]02:01
fishscene!ops | ^guapo^02:01
ubottu^guapo^: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:01
jmgkhe's not a bot02:01
^guapo^[vayanse al carajo]02:01
nbros652nocterna1: that's right. They have a whole slew of applications. Another big one is wechat for mobile devices, but I digress...02:01
FloodBot1jmgk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:02
^guapo^[ hagan algo por sus vidas]02:02
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:02
jmgk^guapo^:  stop sending me messages02:02
^guapo^[ no me toques mis cosas]02:02
sn33zyis there a way to download all of the recent updates for a computer that has a broken ethernet card?02:02
^guapo^[vayanse con el diablo]02:03
tankerkiller125what was with ubotto02:03
jmgktankerkiller125:  its still here I think02:03
jmgknot sure who ^guapo^ is02:03
^guapo^[soy ^guapo^]02:03
tankerkiller125what the hell was it though talk about spam02:04
^guapo^[y tu eres mi criado]02:04
nbros652tankerkiller125, fishscene, nocterna1: I dumped a video (.mp4) in the folder as well. Here's a direct link: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=FE14EC11850C49E3!126&authkey=!ACM5ZNWRRW-nkPE&ithint=file%2c.mp402:04
jmgktankerkiller125:  beats me02:04
tankerkiller125nbros652, ok02:04
fishscenenbros652: Thanks, we'll take a look02:04
^guapo^8] sn33zy: when i click on an adhoc network nothing happens02:05
^guapo^[02:58] ••› embed-ns [~phil@blk-89-229-172.eastlink.ca] entra02:05
^guapo^[02:58] ••› renebarbosa [~rene@unaffiliated/renebarbosa] entra02:05
^guapo^[02:58] ·•• embed-ns es ahora phil-ns02:05
^guapo^[02:58] sn33zy: ubuntu doesnt event try to connect (12.04) fresh install fishscene02:05
^guapo^[02:58] nbros652: nocterna1: I was able to get these videos to play in Windows on qqplayer (a chinese video player). QQPlayer automatically downloaded the codecs, and these are the files it downloaded. I'm looking for a video to put in the folder as well.02:05
FloodBot1^guapo^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:05
^guapo^[02:58] ••› jmgk [~jmgk@pool-71-120-31-50.washdc.fios.verizon.net] entra02:05
^guapo^[02:58] ‹•• jmgk [~jmgk@pool-71-120-31-50.washdc.fios.verizon.net] cierra [Changing host ]02:05
nbros652tankerkiller125, fishscene, nocterna1: I have also tried QQPlayer in wine with no luck.02:05
jmgk^guapo^: stop it02:05
dbbhi all - I tried adding a line for precise-backports  but there are only a half dozen packages there?02:05
jmgkcan someone get rid of this guy?02:05
* fishscene stabs VLC. Who's bright idea was it to hide codec info when VLC isn't highlighted??02:06
^guapo^[vete a hacer cosas utiles]02:06
^guapo^[eres un payaso]02:06
^guapo^[quiero romper este server]02:06
jmgk^guapo^:  knock it off02:06
sn33zyfishscene, can you tell me the all the packages that i need to update that are related to networking in ubuntu?02:06
nbros652fishscene: Codec info seems to be hidden on any program I use when examining these vids.02:06
^guapo^[sereis humillados]02:06
sn33zyfishscene, b/c i can tether but it is slow as molasses02:07
^guapo^[sin piedad]02:07
dbbeg  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse02:07
fishscenenbros652: Looks like VLC only sees MPG1/2/3 audio on that file. My guess is it's highly proprietary or encrypted. It's going to be hard to figure this out without knowing the name of the program/device that made this.02:07
dbbmy first try was  http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/ubuntu precise-backports main02:07
^guapo^[sois payasos]02:07
^guapo^[sin vida]02:08
jmgktankerkiller125:  who is Guapo?02:08
dbb.. but that didnt work at all.. complained about duplicates in i386 vs amd6402:08
^guapo^[autenticos lameculos de los jefes]02:08
fishscenesn33zy: standby. Internet is stupid slow right now02:08
fishscene!en > ^guapo^02:08
ubottu^guapo^, please see my private message02:08
nocterna1nbros652: yeah, the header looks different then other mp4 I have :|02:09
^guapo^[os voy a decir una cosa]02:09
^guapo^[y si no sabeis español]02:09
^guapo^[os jodeis]02:09
^guapo^[eso era]02:09
fishscene^guapo^: Language?02:09
nbros652fishscene: the company name listed on the files is HangZhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd.02:09
^guapo^[dicho de otro modo tu eres un chupatintas fishscene]02:10
^guapo^[igual que los monguis que alberga esta red]02:10
jinppki have two questions, first is there any way to find out when kernel 3.12 will be released for ubuntu 13.10? Second, in 13.10 when i try and connect to a vpn it says the connectino failed because the vpn service failed to start, any ideas as to how to fix that?02:10
fishscenenbros652: http://www.hikvision.com/en/download.asp  I take it you've found this already.02:10
dbbHow ouwld anyone even discover what is in a precise-backports PPA ?  I am so lost on launchpad02:11
^guapo^[sois autenticos deprimentes]02:11
dbbare there different precise-backports ?   is it possible that there are only a few packages in one over another ?02:11
^guapo^[vidas deprimentes monitor enfrente]02:11
^guapo^[deberiais hacer cosas utiles]02:11
^guapo^[reflexionad en ellas]02:11
fishsceneSn33zy: For some reason, I can't load any official webpages related to networking packages for Ubuntu.02:12
^guapo^[en vez de estar aqui como monguis]02:12
nbros652fishscene: How did I miss that one. I'll putz around there and see if I can find anything.02:12
^guapo^[sois unos chupaculos]02:12
^guapo^[os van a dar por atras]02:12
^guapo^[ humillaos]02:13
^guapo^[vuestras vidas son deprimentes]02:13
fishscenenbros652: There's some mention of capture cards made by that company. Is it possible we are looking at raw capture files? If so, you'll need to convert them out of that format somehow.02:13
locolocoevenin' y'all!  trying to get Unity to talk emacs/bash key commands... Backspace with Ctrl + h, anyone?02:14
nbros652fishscene: that may be my problem. If worst comes to worst, QQPlayer will transcode.02:14
nbros652fishscene: that's just a lot of trancoding.02:14
nocterna1nbros652: no luck on my part, yet :|  I need to leave soon too.02:14
^guapo^3:05] @FloodBot1: ^guapo^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
^guapo^[03:05] ·•• FloodBot1 pone modo [+zq ^guapo^!*@* ]02:14
^guapo^[03:05] nbros652: tankerkiller125, fishscene, nocterna1: I have also tried QQPlayer in wine with no luck.02:14
^guapo^[03:05] ‹•• philipballew [~philip@ubuntu/member/philipballew] cierra [Ping timeout: 260 seconds ]02:14
^guapo^[03:05] ••› Onixs [~Onixs@] entra02:14
^guapo^[03:05] ••› dbb [~chatzilla@c-98-248-250-141.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] entra02:14
FloodBot1^guapo^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
nbros652nocterna1: Thanks for the help.02:15
fishscene^guapo^: le recuerda la conversación en-asunto sobre Ubuntu Ayuda. Se trata de un único canal Inglés. Para Español, intente # ubuntu-es02:15
dbb(I /ignore 'd that nick when I signed on.. )02:15
^guapo^3:05] @FloodBot1: ^guapo^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
^guapo^[03:05] ·•• FloodBot1 pone modo [+zq ^guapo^!*@* ]02:16
^guapo^[03:05] nbros652: tankerkiller125, fishscene, nocterna1: I have also tried QQPlayer in wine with no luck.02:16
^guapo^[03:05] ‹•• philipballew [~philip@ubuntu/member/philipballew] cierra [Ping timeout: 260 seconds ]02:16
^guapo^[03:05] ••› Onixs [~Onixs@] entra02:16
^guapo^[03:05] ••› dbb [~chatzilla@c-98-248-250-141.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] entra02:16
FloodBot1^guapo^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
^guapo^[03:05] ••› kaxing [~kaxing@] entra02:16
^guapo^[03:05] ·•• Clones [bafu kaxing] [2]02:16
fishscenedbb: Good idea. Thanks for the tip. I had forgotton about that.02:16
FloodBot1^guapo^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
somsip!ops | guapo02:17
ubottuguapo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:17
^guapo^03:17] ubottu: guapo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:17
WOODMANi have a question if i may ask....i have a linux system....i have a thumbdrive file and im trying to burn it to a backup disc.....but its like when i right click on the thumbdrive file.....and normally (move to disc or copy to disc...from my former microsoft days....) i am noticing that move to disc is not an option02:17
WOODMANand also when i play around with it...as i can open it with kate editor....but if i play around kate crashes....but that still doesnt solve my problem that there is no burn to disc option.....02:18
WOODMANi take it i have to do something in software manager and get a program to do this? can i get advice please02:18
locolocojono: great seeing everyone's favorite community manager in the forum!02:20
nocterna1nbros652: dod you assgin the .mp4 extension or is that how the system creates them?02:23
nbros652nocterna1: that's how the system creates them.02:23
=== Sleepnbum is now known as Guest41616
fishsceneI have a hardware video capture device that creates what looks like a standard video file, but it is not. I have to export it or open it with special extensions for certain video editors. It whomps, but it works.02:25
fishscenenbros652: This looks a lot like what I deal with.02:25
nbros652fishscene: the system is a multi-camera system that records to a central location. I know there is channel information and probably some other information embedded as well.02:26
nbros652fishscene: It looks like their page has players for windows and mac as well as filters for windows media player.02:28
nbros652So far nothing I can get to work on linux.02:28
fishscenenbros652: My friend, you have run into the great proprietary problem.02:29
locolocofishscene: no luck with http://libav.org/avconv.html ?02:29
nbros652fishscene: That's what I was afraid of.02:29
fishscenelocoloco: Are you referring to my video capture device or nbros652's video file?02:30
nbros652fishscene: libav.org may be a bit beyond me. I'll check it out.02:31
nocterna1nbros652: I just tried that mp4 and manually specified all each codec (using a FOR loop).  No joy :|02:31
locolocofishscene: pardon, nbros652's video file.02:31
nocterna1nbros652: using avconv02:31
nbros652nocterna1: Thanks02:32
nocterna1nbros652: what I find odd is that this QQplayer was able to find the right codecs and someone devypher the header in that file!02:32
nocterna1nbros652: what kind of systems is this from anyways, if it's ok to share?02:33
fishscenelocoloco: No worries. Just clarifying. :)  That looks pretty complex, and we're dealing with a lot of unknowns about the video file. (we don't even know the codec).02:33
v1c3Hello!  Would please anybody have a lookat this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/1251222 It slows down ubuntu and leads sooner or later to a systemcrash because the log is getting bigger than 18 Gigabytes!!! This is a major Bug. Please have a look at it! Thats why ubuntu is slow!02:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1251222 in Indicator Date and Time "indicator-datetime stops the disk from spinning down" [Undecided,New]02:34
nocterna1locoloco: I tried a manual '-codec:v <codev>' and passed each codec available to me... not made a hit.02:34
fishsceneQQplayer may have a deal with the company, or may have grabbed the stuff needed to play it back on Windows and made it easy for everyone to use.02:34
nbros652nocterna1: all I know about the system is that it's a multi-cam ip based system. It's a Chinese install and Chinese hardware from the Hikvision company.02:34
nocterna1nbros652: there ya go... Chinese government is in on it!02:34
nbros652nocterna1: when aren't they? ;)02:35
nocterna1nbros652: ...my point exactly... :|02:35
fishscenelol. Due to restrictions the Chinese government has placed, I've seen a LOT of companies "home brew" their own solutions, completely incompatible with industry-standards.02:35
locolocofishscene: nbros652: had success using avconv to deal with the troublesome avchd; it was a long-shot suggestion... :)02:36
nocterna1fishscene, nbros652: yeah, and maybe be a simple matter of creating an offset - but enough changes to make it non-standards...02:36
nbros652nocterna1, fishscene: And that's what my fear was from the beginning02:36
nocterna1nbros652, fishscene: based on the filenames in the DLL's it seems as if it's using h.264 atleast (in one form or another).02:36
fishsceneohok. I must've missed something somewhere.02:36
nbros652fishscene, nocterna1, tankerkiller125: It appears the windows player from the company runs in wine. I get a horrible flicker, but it's a start.02:40
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nocterna1nbros652: did a quick google on the company name... and looks like they do 'hardware 264 encoding'... but obviously not using an open standard.02:41
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nbros652nocterna1: Thanks.02:42
=== Guest71701 is now known as whoever
nocterna1nbros652: they have SDK's for linux 32/64-bit on their site though... :)02:42
Jayhohey could someone tell me how i would delete and add entries to my sources.list file through terminal?02:43
nbros652nocterna1: I'll check that out.02:43
fishscenenbros652: Not sure if my memory serves correctly, but in WINE, there may be an option to substitute or use native Windows dll's. Might try plugging in those DLL's you have and see what happens. o_o02:44
nocterna1nbros652: they also offer a format coverter under their 'tools' section.  It's an EXE though... so obviously Windows-based.02:44
scuba323hello everyone! I have an Ubuntu VPS. I had it on for the last two weeks and I was using  Google two step for ssh logins. Now after a quick reboot PuttY is no longer asking for the code and my password is wrong. Could someone help me. I am locked out :/02:45
cgeDoes anyone know who I should contact to get the wiki to stop continually spamming me with change notifications I can't unsubscribe from?02:46
nbros652nocterna1: Yeah, and QQPlayer will already do the conversions for me if I have to go that route..02:46
cgeIn bug 1130352 someone said to contact "IS" but I'm not sure who or what that is.02:46
ubottubug 1130352 in Ubuntu Website "can't unsubscribe from wiki pages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113035202:46
fishscenecge: dang that's an old bug. Never dealt with. :(02:47
scuba323nevermind, rebooted :P02:48
cgefishscene: yes, getting back into things has been a mess for me; the SSO and wiki changes really weren't done with much thought toward older accounts.02:49
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
we6jboIs there a way to read an external harddrive's serial number in Ubuntu?02:50
JayhoCoulod anyone tell me how i would add and delete entries from sources.list file through terminal?02:52
nocterna1nbros652: have to go now.  ttyl (if you're around).02:52
Stanley00Jayho: you can use nano, an editor02:52
nocterna1nbros652: Good luck... and happy transocding!02:52
JayhoStanley00: awesome thank you so much02:53
nbros652nocterna1: thanks02:53
somsipwe6jbo: sudo lshw -c disk | grep serial (but you'll have to fine tune from there)02:53
nocterna1nbros652: http://roundup.libav.org/issue895  :D02:54
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locolocosomsip: we6bo:  or try  hdparm -i /dev/sd*02:55
we6jboThanks somsip02:56
we6jboI dont know if I typed that twice02:57
troopcan i see which charset does system use from terminal03:00
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casperfootroop: I believe UTF-8 normally03:01
troopokay, then do you know changing xchats charset setting? because i cant see my language's chars03:02
PJUSThey, i need some help with ubuntu reapir or something on my laptop03:02
PJUSTcan someone pm me? its with the "GNU grub version 2.00-13ubuntu"03:03
somsipPJUST: just give details here and if someone can help you they will03:03
casperfootroop: not sure but try http://xchat.org/encoding/03:03
PJUSTok well, i had ubuntu dual booted on my laptop for a while, didnt use it too much but opened once in a while to update.03:03
PJUSTrecently tried, i got a screen reading this:03:04
somsip!pastebin | PJUST03:04
ubottuPJUST: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:04
PJUSTGNU grub version 2.00-13ubuntu   Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else Tab lists possible device or file completions    grub>03:05
PJUSTand thats all i know03:05
somsipPJUST: this is the grub prompt. A similar issue is reported here. I'm no expert on grub, so you might need to research more around this: http://is.gd/HhtT2Y03:06
somsipPJUST: eg: a search for 'ubuntu grub prompt on boot' gives loads of possibles, but like I say, I wouldn't want to suggest something without really knowing more myself03:07
=== Guest41616 is now known as Sleepnbum
PJUSTyea, this guy is basically getting what i had. mine worked longer though. guess im learning tonight :) thanks for the recomendations, i couldnt find that page with google. its a start03:08
cgePJUST, check the fedoraproject link from there. That's a recoverable problem, usually, it's just annoying.03:08
somsipPJUST: yeah - it seems to be solvable like cge says, but dig around and see what you find, and try asking again later as its not very busy here at this time so you might get better advice later03:10
profligacyIs this an official channel?03:11
PJUSTi havent troubleshooted in depth in a while, so ill have fun lol :I03:11
cgePJUST, essentially, grub, which manages the initial kernel and initramfs loading, has lost/messed up its configuration. That could be indicative of all sorts of problems, from a simple configuration error to the partitions having major problems.03:11
somsipprofligacy: yes03:11
cgePJUST: those commands list how to set up the boot manually.03:13
nearsthello beloved ubuntu's03:13
PJUSTthe problem is the disk managment in W7 doesnt even show the partition i had made, now it only shows the 900 some gigs03:13
PJUSTi think ill chkdisk and go from there03:13
jblackI'm attempting to install ubuntu on a macbook pro 11,2.  The screen, though, is corrupt. Plugged in monitors work, though. Any advice?03:14
nearsthi AlecTaylor Meiko03:14
AlecTaylorMeiko: How's it going?03:14
AlecTaylor+nearst :P03:15
fishscenejblack: Is that with retina?03:15
jblackyes, it is03:15
nearstAlecTaylor, nothin much. just try to help some ppl who asking :D03:15
fishsceneI remember a while ago phoronix.com mentioning that drivers for retina display were in deplorable condition. I don't know anything further than this.03:16
Sebastieni love the translucid terminal on ubuntu, is there a way to have a similar one on windows ?03:16
AlecTaylornearst: All good :P03:16
jblackOk. Do you think forcing a lower resolution might help, and if so, how can I get the install to do so?03:16
somsipSebastien: that's one to ask in ##windows03:16
nearstSebastien, stick to ubuntu :P03:16
Sebastiennearst, i cant.03:17
Sebastiennothing is compatible.03:17
fishscenejblack: nvm. That article is over a year old.03:17
AlecTaylorHow do I add a wildcard directory to my PATH? - I want `/opt/tested/*/bin/` in my path.03:17
nearstAlecTaylor, add wildcard? use softlink ?03:18
jblackfishscene:  ok03:19
fishsceneAlecTaylor: It appears you can't directly use a wildcard like that. I found some information here: http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/38031-copying-multiple-directories-using-wildcard.html03:19
somsipAlecTaylor: this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157273403:19
jblackI'm trying out an install anyway. I'm hoping there's a fresher xserver in the repo than the iso. =)03:20
dbbhi all - I tried adding a line for precise-backports  but there are only a half dozen packages there?03:22
dbbeg  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse03:22
dbbare there different precise-backports ?   is it possible that there are only a few packages in one over another ?03:23
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
forehandI'm having trouble understanding what or how to set the gateway for a dhcp server.   Should the gateway be set to the ip address of the dhcp server?03:24
nearstis it safe to upgrade from precise to raring ?03:24
somsipforehand: it depends on your network topology. Is the DHCP server a router or something?03:25
somsipnearst: some people always reinstall, other upgrade with varying degrees of success03:25
motherbrain sudo apt-get install libtotem-dev03:26
motherbrainReading package lists... Done03:26
motherbrainBuilding dependency tree03:26
motherbrainReading state information... Done03:26
motherbrainE: Couldn't find package libtotem-dev03:26
FloodBot1motherbrain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:26
somsip!find libtotem-dev03:26
ubottuFound: libtotem-dev03:26
somsip!info libtotem-dev03:26
ubottulibtotem-dev (source: totem): Main library for the Totem media player - development files. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 13 kB, installed size 417 kB03:26
forehandYes, I am trying to setup an ubuntu server that has two network cards.  Cable modem into one, wireless roter into the other.  i want that box to be the dhcp server for any other computers connecting via wifi and I want that server also routing their internet traffic.03:26
somsipforehand: with my limited knowledge of these things, it seems like that server is the gateway then03:27
levi-worleyforehand so you want a firewall kind of03:27
nearstsomsip, yea. i still got karmic and precise. intel graphic work best at raring atm :s03:27
fishsceneforehand: Set the gateway to the LAN (non-router) NIC IP address03:27
somsipnearst: I tend to follow reports of issues just after a release and got the impression that some drivers were more stable under precise. But I don't recall specifics03:28
forehandfish:  I am not sure what the LAN NIC is.  Is that the ubuntu box I described above?03:28
fishsceneGateway = The device seperating your network from an external network (your ISP). This is a generalization of course, but for this scenario, this works.03:28
motherbrainOk so when compiling rythmbox I get this  ./.libs/librhythmbox-core.so: undefined reference to `totem_pl_parser_write_with_title'03:28
motherbrainnow configure has a few settings for totem but I don't know how to resolve this issue with them03:28
forehandsomsip: so if I want to make  that the gateway I am not sure what to set the gateway IP to since the ip of that box is dhcp'd from my cable provider.03:28
somsipmotherbrain: compiling packages is not really supported here. You might need to contact rhythmbox authors direct03:28
motherbrainor turn off useing totem03:29
somsipforehand: 'dhcp auto' will automatically set the gateway if it's provided by the DHCP server IIRC?03:29
forehandfishscene: Ah, thanks.03:30
nearstsomsip, yea. that one is from x-swat.03:30
somsipnearst: then you might need to investigate elsewhere as xswat PPA is not supoted here03:30
motherbraindoes anybody know how to resolve this issue .  I am currently on  2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux03:31
forehandsomsip:  I am talking about my dhcp server configs gateway setting.  My gateway has it's gateway set automatically from my isps dhcp.   I am trying to figure what gateway my other pcs should be.  I understand it should be the ip of my gateway, but since that IP changes I am not sure what to set it to.03:31
forehand*should use03:31
nearstsomsip, indeed. :)03:32
somsipforehand: youir other PCs see the wifi NIC on a different network from the cable modem IP. If your other PCs get their DHCP info from the new server you are setting up, it will broadcast the IP for the WiFi NIC and all should be good03:32
motherbrainDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS03:33
=== megafeet is now known as RubanXing
kenetikanyone got a good tutorial for booting from an iso file with grub?03:37
xanguamotherbrain: 10.04 desktop is not longer supported, only the server03:39
nearstkenetik, try this. upubuntu.com/2012/11/how-to-boot-iso-file-from-your-hard.html03:39
kenetiknearst: ty03:39
motherbraindamn this software is changing so quick that I cann't even compile a project without having to up grade the whole system every 3 months03:40
SystemRhi guys, quick question, so i have 2 motherboard, same model, i'm thinking of installing ubuntu onto usb on one of the motherboard, and then clone it to another usb and plug it in to the 2nd motherboard03:40
SystemRwould that work?03:40
SystemRi'm cloning using dd03:41
somsipSystemR: linux is usually pretty good with this sort of thing - swapping hardware around. Difficult to say for sure until you try it03:41
xanguamotherbrain: 10.04 was released almost four years ago03:41
motherbraintotem 2.30.203:42
SystemRsomsip, i'm wondering about the uefi, gpt, and certificate issue when cloning an installation03:42
SystemRlong time ago it works with hard drive03:42
SystemRbut i don't know about usb'03:42
somsipSystemR: no idea about uefi or gpt to be honest03:43
SystemRi'm giving it a try now, see if it works03:43
SystemRwill post back here03:43
motherbrainhow would one tell with configure not to uses the reference totem_pl_parser_write_with_title03:46
somsipmotherbrain: you really would be better off contacting the authors direct...03:46
LordNedhitsujiTMO, i-don't-know-how-many-hours-later, I've got XUbuntu reinstalled, it seems to boot past where it was last time (I see the Xubuntu logo and the loading bar ping-pongs back and forth for a while) and then... black screen with no output :-/03:46
xanguamotherbrain: for your own good upgrade to a supported ubuntu release03:47
xanguafor your sake*03:47
=== polo is now known as Guest33887
somsipmotherbrain: if you insist on trying to build it, there is an IRC channel for #rhythmbox on irc.gnome.org03:47
motherbrainis there an simply apt-get way for that since I don't want to go to distro watch and burn an iso and install it03:48
motherbrainto get a new version /upgrade my linux version. I just want a gnu project that I can build with out issues so I can test debugging it in emacs03:49
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LordNedhitsujiTMO, correction... it stays at a black screen for about ~4 minutes and then it logs in and I have a desktop now ^o^03:50
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
RoadKoangeez did I hit list or join a chyaan03:53
locolocohow can I get Ctrl+h to act like the Backspace key system-wide? Works as expected in Terminal but nowhere else (HUD, web browser etc.)04:01
somsipowl: do you have a support question?04:01
SystemRdoes anyone know how to re-add uefi boot entry?04:02
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
owli just learning about packaging for deb04:03
owlbut when i try04:03
owlthis part -> 6.2. Starting a Package04:03
owlat bzr dh-make hello 2.7 hello-2.7.tar.gz04:03
owlbzr: ERROR: command 'dh-make' requires argument TARBALL04:03
owlit shows that error04:03
owlanyone can help?04:03
somsipowl: that's not really something that's supported here, but if you search for that error message (ERROR: command 'dh-make'...etc) there might be something that will help you in the results04:05
RoadKoanowl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/+bug/97674804:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 976748 in Ubuntu Packaging Guide "wrong advice on http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html" [Low,Fix released]04:05
RoadKoanubotta got it04:05
RoadKoanterr ubottu04:06
onetinsoldierowl: there's  also an ubuntu-dev channel04:08
SonikkuAmericaonetinsoldier, owl: #ubuntu-devel04:11
owlok, thanks04:12
onetinsoldierkinda what i said04:12
motherbraincurious what is the difference between .lo and .a (achived with .o files)04:15
motherbrainis .lo just the name given to archived object files04:15
motherbrainno a days04:15
motherbrainno = now04:16
lotuspsychjemotherbrain: where did you find those files?04:16
motherbrainwhen I am compiling an version of rythmbox 0.12.8 with success finally04:17
lotuspsychjemotherbrain: maybe here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5895649/difference-between-a-o-and-lo-file04:17
onetinsoldierdlocate -S /usr/lib/libbfd.a; binutils-dev: /usr/lib/libbfd.a04:19
onetinsoldierthere's a good number of .a files installed on my sys04:19
sjd_zeus#join #ubuntu-cn04:21
motherbrainthat link actually does not explain the difference between .a and .lo but I think I can guess when .a are full of .o files then it would be safe to rename them to .lo files04:25
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onetinsoldiermotherbrain: have you tried the 'file' command on  a .lo file?04:25
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onetinsoldiermotherbrain: have you tried the 'file' command on a .lo file?04:29
jblackfishscene:  Trusty handles macbook pros, 11,2. =)04:30
forehandhow do I PM someone?04:31
forehandis it /m nick msg?04:31
lotuspsychjeforehand: /query nickname04:31
forehandthanks lotuspsblabla04:31
Guest44381hey quick question here i got ubuntu 32 running through virtual box and i got it on the iso.  Its now on the welcome screen where i can either try it or install it but I cant see the mouse when its directed on the pop out welcome screen. What am I doing wrong?04:32
jinppkCan i find out when the 3.12 kernel will be released for ubuntu 13.10? it contains better suppoert for my hardware so i am eager to get it...04:32
lotuspsychje!tab | forehand04:32
ubottuforehand: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:32
forehandguest: unplug mouse, plug it in again?04:32
forehandthanks again lotuspsychje04:32
Guest44381i am using a labtop so mouse is on my comp04:32
Guest44381and it wont let me disable mouse integration for some reason04:33
forehandI am trying to setup a box as my router and dhcp server.  In the dhcp config I am not sure what ip address to set the gateway to.04:33
forehandguest: can't you get along without a mouse.  tab?04:33
nearstforehand, well... class C should be ok im guess ;)04:34
lotuspsychje!dhcp | forehand04:34
ubottuforehand: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP04:34
Guest44381i dont see why i shouldnt be able to use it without a mouse04:34
Guest44381im using a mousepad on my laptop but my cursor is not shown on the screen and im not sure why04:34
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
forehandguest: I'd try to get installed and then find the right driver for your touchpad.04:37
forehandnearst: are you messin with me?04:38
forehandguest: did you try using the tab key to highlight whatever button or textbox you needed?04:39
Guest44381forehand: i got it i just had to reboot must of been a bug04:40
Guest44381thanks though04:40
forehandGuest44381: :)04:41
forehandI am trying to setup a box (BOX) as a router and dhcp server.  I am not sure what ip address to use for the gateway in the dhcp server config.  I think it's supposed to be the ip of BOX.  Right?04:42
somsipforehand: if you set the clients as 'dhcp auto' they should set the gateway automatically04:43
Guest44381forehand: I got it up and running, is there any way to access my documents from my host computer?04:48
forehandsomsip- so I can skip specifying the gateway in the dhcp config altogether?04:50
somsipwhat dhcp config are you referring to?04:50
forehandsomsip: /etc/dhcp3/*.config04:51
forehandsomsip: er  .config04:51
forehandsomsip: I MEANT .conf04:51
somsipforehand: and what tutorial or guidance notes are you following for this?04:51
Abhijithi. i assigned a password to root user. but still for many actions where root user authorization is required the system only accepts the original non root sudo user account password and not the root password.04:52
forehandsomsip: looking for it...04:53
lotuspsychje!sudo | Abhijit04:54
ubottuAbhijit: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:54
forehandsomsip: can't find it.  Know of a good one for a basic home network?04:54
somsipforehand: the first two tutorials I get for this make no mention of having to set a gateway in dhcp3.conf http://is.gd/JUhVU5 http://is.gd/5xgi6i04:54
Abhijitlotuspsychje, i do not want the sudo. hence i assigned seperate password to root.04:54
lotuspsychje!root | Abhijit04:55
ubottuAbhijit: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:55
Abhijitlotuspsychje, nvm.04:55
=== JoshuaP-afk is now known as GameOver
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=== GameOver is now known as Guest23660
forehandsomsip: I'll follow it.  Thanks.04:57
=== Guest23660 is now known as JoshuaP
forehandsomsip: Do I have to "specify a WINS server" if I am going to have windows clients?05:01
somsipforehand: I'd suggest you get dhcp working one step at a time and then figure out your netbios entries later05:03
babinlonstonAny one there to help me ? facing issue with  vsftpd using ssl  , Error:GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received. ,Error:Could not connect to server, This is the Error I'm Facing05:13
kenetikbabinlonston: Are you connecting from an ubuntu computer? Or trying to connect to an ubuntu server?05:15
somsipbabinlonston: two different sources confirm this is worth looking at http://is.gd/TXhrOt05:16
babinlonstonConnecting from a Ubuntu 12.04 Using filezilla, to a Ubuntu Server 12.0405:16
IriezHello all! Could anyone assist with a boot issue? My ubuntu is not running the crypt to load my encrypted LVM at boot....it gets stuck05:16
babinlonstonEven Tried in Centos 6.4 Server too same issue facing05:16
Iriezto clarify, grub correctly has selected the OS but its not prompting me to enter my pass for the encrypted lvm05:18
babinlonstonsomsip: i have Configured for local user , so i can't Use ssl_ciphers=HIGH05:19
babinlonstonsomsip:  And now im getting GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received05:20
somsipbabinlonston: this looks similar and is solved http://is.gd/SpDAIR (have you tried searching for any of this yourself?)05:20
locolocohow do I map Ctrl+h act like Backspace in Unity HUD?05:20
babinlonstonsomsip: from yesterday morning I'm Facing this issue and struggling at last I'm here now05:21
somsipbabinlonston: well if you've searched thoroughly, I'll stop searching for you then05:22
troophi, i copy my developing folder to /home/username/here  but i give this error05:22
troop.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable05:22
Scrillneed help...i installed ubuntu on my new dell laptop and now i'm having issues with the windows side and intel rapid tech05:22
troopi tried this:  chmod 755 /home/username/here  nothing changed05:23
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=== Guest62861 is now known as lujaw
Scrillneed help...i installed ubuntu on my new dell laptop and now i'm having issues with the windows side and intel rapid tech05:24
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somsip!patience | Scrill05:25
ubottuScrill: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:25
kenetiksomsip: Good call.05:26
somsiptroop: you need to change the permissions on the *content* of /home/username/here. That would be chmod -R 755 /home/username/here05:26
LordNedBlack screen while booting up, yaaaay....05:27
somsiptroop: but it's possible the ownership migth need changing too05:27
kenetikLordNed: What kind of computer? What vid card? What version of Ubuntu05:27
LordNedkenetik, sorry, I'm just griping cause I've been at this for 12 hours now :)05:27
somsipScrill: these are tricky as people here might point you to ##windows, and people there might point you here. Persoally, I have no idea...05:28
troopsomsip, i changed, but my webpage comes empty :/05:28
somsiptroop: check your apache error log05:28
Scrillk..where can i learn about using linux?05:28
somsip!manual | Scrill05:29
ubottuScrill: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:29
LordNedRunning Xubuntu 12.10, got it installed and it booted once, then I installed the amd drivers (fglrx-updates, fglrx-amdcccle-updates, fglrx-updates-dev... booting just takes forever I guess05:29
LordNedBecause now I have a black screen with a cursor05:29
LordNedLike a mouse cursor, not a flashing _05:29
somsipScrill: the idea being, you follow the link and read it05:29
kenetikAh, let me know when boot up is complete. If your speaking to me say name: LordNed: I often go AFK and come back, that way I'll know I was called.05:31
LordNedkenetik: Okay that booted up with no desktop drawing (black screen), and then the "Information avaible" popups.05:31
troopsomsip, http://pastebin.ca/250887205:31
LordNedkenetik, I can ssh into the machine so all is not lost!05:31
stalkedbyexneed help removing smbios and getting clean boot05:32
somsiptroop: the cache directory is not writeable to www-data user. You need to read about moving apache webroot to a home directory and make sure you understand what permissions changes are involved05:33
somsiptroop: starter http://is.gd/6VWTt805:33
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:34
ObrienDavedrat, what is that GRUB setting?05:34
somsipObrienDave: to do what?05:35
troopsomsip, thanks im reading05:35
ObrienDaveLordNed, you need something like nomodeset in GRUB. can't remember the command right now. (lack of coffee)05:36
LordNedObrienDave, It appears that X no longer starts on boot after installing the AMD Catalyst Drivers05:36
stalkedbyexI have an HP ENVY and cant do anything with it everything is blocked, and i have isolinux with com.32 boot and everytime I get almost fixed someone changes config so I cant do anything any help would be GREATLY appreciated 11 months of this05:38
kenetikLordNed: sweet, so what are you trying now?05:40
LordNedkenetik, considering if I should run sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade05:41
LordNedk, I'll let you know how it goes. So glad I installed ssh.05:42
terrasapieni'd rather run: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:44
IriezIf my ubuntu gets stuck at initramfs when trying to load, how can i tell it to run the unlock crypt/password prompt?05:44
LordNedkenetik, I assume after sudo apt-get upgrade I should reboot?05:56
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kenetikLordNed: Yah, to see if you have the same issues after booting, hah.06:04
LordNedkenetik, ok cool. Waiting on a really slow package for Firefox at the moment, 13 minute eta alone on that >__>06:04
kenetikcool lemme know results06:05
kenetikI'm trying to catch Grub in a ~1 second window from a remote kvm, fml.06:10
BAMbandahow can I place a directory "install/bin" into my $PATH variable06:11
BAMbanda(I know the full path to the "install/bin")06:11
terrasapienBAMbanda, PATH="$PATH:/install/bin"06:15
somsipBAMbanda: in one of your startup files (~/.bashrc for example) put "PATH=$PATH:install/bin"06:15
jefersengreetings fellow ubuntuners06:17
DeadLegionAnyone know of an offline site archiving app that will archive EVERYTHING on the site?06:17
jefersenanybody familiar with django?06:18
jefersenlooking for an eclipse equivalent for python on ubuntu06:18
somsipDeadLegion: wget will do a simple recursive scrape06:18
somsipjefersen: pycharm maybe06:18
DeadLegionsomsip, yeah but it does not get everything.06:18
IriezIf my ubuntu gets stuck at initramfs when trying to load, how can i tell it to run the unlock crypt/password prompt for my encrypted LVM?06:18
somsipDeadLegion: what specifically do you want that it doesnt get?06:18
jefersensomsip: i'm a beginner, is that recommended?06:19
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
somsipjefersen: I use it, but do very little python06:19
DeadLegionfor one thing embedded youtube videos06:19
somsipDeadLegion: youtube-dl06:19
jefersensomsip: hmm06:19
DeadLegionI want a backup of irongeek.com06:19
somsipDeadLegion: are you the copyright owner?06:19
DeadLegionSomsip the site is massive06:19
DeadLegioncopyright owner of what?06:19
somsipDeadLegion: or irongeek.com content?06:20
shafoxi am having some issues regarding the while opening chrome after some time the system freezes and also getting this [  681.362431] [drm:gen6_sanitize_pm] *ERROR* Power management discrepancy: GEN6_RP_INTERRUPT_LIMITS expected 16070000, was 16000000 error on dmesg . Does upgrading the kernel to the latest stable will fix this ?06:20
jefersensomsip: the professional edition which includes web development isn't free06:20
DeadLegionNo I'm not, I don't need to be to download for personal use.06:20
somsipjefersen: that's right06:20
jefersensomsip: do you use professional?06:20
Jordan_Ujefersen: What features do you want in an IDE?06:21
jefersenJordan_U: not sure but i want to develop a full fledged website that runs using python06:21
somsipDeadLegion: well, there is a big copyright notice on that, but maybe if you contact teh site owner and it is okay for personal use, they'll zip it all up for you06:21
somsipjefersen: ah - free, not 'without cost'. Yes, pycharm is not open-source.06:22
DeadLegionsomsip, if you can browse the site it's for public use, if I were downloading content and somehow profiting from it in a commercial way that's when copyrights would come into it, otherwise it's no different from browsing the site.06:22
somsipDeadLegion: the owner of the site is the best person to make that call. Anyway, I've tried to help with recommendations but this chat is veering OT now06:23
DeadLegionAlso I don't think they can zip up externel youtube videos06:23
DeadLegionsomsip, my question was whether you knew of a app that can do this, you told me what I already know, obviously you can ask the owner.06:24
memandjefersen:  I'd recommend looking at virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper and some of the great python/django plugins that are out there for vim06:24
nik_is there a gui for changing keyboard layout? my esc key is dead but i wanna rebind kpenter to work as escape key06:24
jefersenmemand: is that recommended for beginners?06:25
somsipnik_: in GUI or in terminal?06:25
nik_i prefer gui, somsip , but if i must i will use terminal06:25
somsipnik_: xmodmap will map it for use in terminal. Not sure what Unity is using nowadays for a GUI remapper so maybe someone else can chime in06:26
nik_there is app called something like sharpkeys that i used in windows7 partition for rebinding and i did it in 10 seconds06:27
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest867
memandjefersen:  you can use any editor you'd like but if you are going to spend significant time coding (and you will, if you are just starting out) I very much recommend learning vim. As for virtualenv(wrapper), yes. That is the way to go06:29
jefersenhow do you "manually remove a package"?06:29
jefersenmemand: ok, i'll have a look06:29
somsipjefersen: sudo apt-get remove {packagename}. Sometimes 'purge' is more tidy than 'remove'06:31
somsipjefersen: well, always more tidy I think06:31
memandjefersen:  http://vimeo.com/m/699992706:31
EminentDomainfascinating... utorrent for ubuntu is missing some very crucial features06:32
EminentDomainvery disappointed06:32
jefersensomsip and memand: cheers guys!06:32
somsipjefersen: np06:33
BeldarEminentDomain, I happen to have the worlds smallest violin what would you like to here?06:33
memandEminentDomain: ?06:34
jefersensomsip: E: Unable to locate package django06:34
EminentDomainmemand, the ability to add rss filters06:35
somsip!info python-django | jefersen (though it may not be as up to date as installing from the site)06:35
EminentDomainobviously not the place for it06:35
ubottujefersen (though it may not be as up to date as installing from the site): python-django (source: python-django): High-level Python web development framework. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.4-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 5338 kB, installed size 43147 kB06:35
eimishi. anyone here to help? I've got an asus n56vz lappie. 1) when I disable my discrete graphics with vgaswitcheroo, kernel panics after a few minutes. 2) when I download a (zip) file with chromium and click to open it, it always opens through chromium. Distro: ubuntu 13.10 x86_x6406:35
EminentDomainjust did all this switching my server over to ubuntu server and then disovered what i wanted to do wasnt gonna work06:36
EminentDomaintrying out qbitorrent right now to use if thats better06:36
jefersensomsip and ubottu: bash: !info: event not found06:36
somsipjefersen: I don't know what you;re doing now06:37
jefersensomsip: i just entered that in the terminal lol06:38
jefersen!info jefersen06:38
ubottuPackage jefersen does not exist in saucy06:38
shafoxreposting :: i am having some issues regarding the while opening chrome after some time the system freezes and also getting this [  681.362431] [drm:gen6_sanitize_pm] *ERROR* Power management discrepancy: GEN6_RP_INTERRUPT_LIMITS expected 16070000, was 16000000 error on dmesg . Does upgrading the kernel to the latest stable will fix this ?06:38
=== jdavis_ is now known as keplr
jefersen!info somsip06:41
ubottuPackage somsip does not exist in saucy06:41
jefersen!info python-django06:41
ubottupython-django (source: python-django): High-level Python web development framework. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.4-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 5338 kB, installed size 43147 kB06:41
memandjefersen:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT1A1KKf0SI06:42
KI7MTshafox, you could try disabling APCI check at boot, use cat /proc/cmdline to see if ACPI is set to off, if not add it to grub config, then update grub and reboot.06:46
KI7MTACIP not APCI .. sri06:46
shafoxKI7MT, this is what i get BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-57-generic root=UUID=fe4efee2-1bb4-42df-bad4-95344ce75e49 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=706:47
KI7MTadd acip=off after splash, then update grub.06:48
nik_how can i test if remapped Escape key is working? :D06:48
memandnik_:  press it?06:49
shafoxKI7MT, the grub is at /etc/default/grub ??06:49
KI7MTmake a backup first.06:49
thief_and_a_liarscrolling facebook, I get "borders don't fit within the image" all the time, and firefox crashes06:50
shafoxKI7MT, there is whole lotta lines . where should i add06:51
KI7MTon the line you posted above, right after splash06:51
nik_memand, but where would Escape key effect be clearly visible?06:52
=== guest958 is now known as JanoV
somsipnik_: run 'xev' in a terminal06:53
memandnik_:  a maximized YouTube video. Or if you have no DE then vi06:53
KI7MTshafox, before you reboot, and after sudo update-grub, check the cmdline again to make sure you have it correct.06:53
somsipmemand: vi, vi! Always with the vi ;-)06:54
memandsomsip:  well I can't think of many things that vim does not make bettet06:55
memandKinda like Bacon06:55
somsipmemand: I use it too. It's not a criticism :)06:56
nik_memand, DE then vi?06:56
nik_you mean the text editor?06:56
nik_well it seems it works.06:58
memandnik_:  if you don't have a DE (Desktop Environment) i.e. you can not check it on YouTube or something similar, you could test it in VI yes06:59
nik_i have full unity destop06:59
KI7MTshafox, just fyi, I'm not running  the 57 kernel, using 43 here, but I remember a bug in .40 that caused this error, and the later upgraded kernel fixed it.06:59
nik_state 0x10, keycode 104 (keysym 0xff1b, Escape), same_screen YES,07:00
nik_    XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 907:00
memandGotta go wake up (read: annoy) my roommate now07:00
memandHave fun07:00
shafoxKI7MT, it wont break or anything right ??07:00
cyberputzyou cant even use ascii youtube ? O.o07:00
jefersenmemand: thanks, that helped!07:00
nik_keycode 9 is my normal ESC key that doesnt work. reported dead. but i guess i dont need to rebind escape key now when it is binded to kpenter?07:01
KI7MTshafox, it shouldn't break anything, but that's why you make a backup first.07:01
KI7MTshafox, you could do a dist-upgrade, and that will also put you on the latest kernel as well, but updates everything.07:02
shafoxKI7MT, it didnt work. the cmdline shows the same output07:02
KI7MTyou update grub ?07:02
shafoxupdate-grub update-grub2 both07:02
KI7MTdaft question but, did you sudo edit the .cfg ?07:03
shafoxyeah obv07:04
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
KI7MTshafox, chk grub.cfg and make sure it's on the default kernel, not recovery, /proc may get updated after the reboot. then reboot the box.07:07
KI7MTshafox, if all else fails, do the dist-upgrade to get the latest kernel.07:08
shafoxKI7MT, every time i change and do a sudo update-grub it reverts back to defaul07:08
KI7MTshafox, hold on one.07:09
somsipshafox: what file exactly are you editing?07:10
shafoxsomsip, ^^07:11
somsipshafox: try /etc/defaults/grub.cfg07:11
KI7MTthat may be wrong07:11
KI7MTrr. may have to do the defaults, my bad.07:11
shafoxsomsip, there is no grub.cfg file in etc/default/ only grub file there07:11
KI7MTshafox, that's what UB help says too, /etc/defaults07:12
Pilot_ausHi all. Can someone with a bit on hardware knowledge help me pic a cpu?07:12
somsipshafox: that's the one. I didn't check before suggesting it. No .cfg ont he end07:12
kenetik$ locate grub07:13
shafoxsomsip, still didnt get the result same as previous one07:13
somsipshafox: I don't understand what that means. I came in halfway through without knowing what you're trying to do, but suspected you were using the wrong file07:13
KI7MTshafox, in /etc/defaults/grub .. then GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acip=off"07:14
shafoxreposting :: i am having some issues regarding the while opening chrome after some time the system freezes and also getting this [  681.362431] [drm:gen6_sanitize_pm] *ERROR* Power management discrepancy: GEN6_RP_INTERRUPT_LIMITS expected 16070000, was 16000000 error on dmesg . Does upgrading the kernel to the latest stable will fix this ?07:14
Pilot_ausNot sure if i should be looking at amd fm2 or am3 or intel. I need it to be budget :) and run virtualization07:14
shafoxKI7MT, i did that only.07:14
KI7MTthen sudo update-grub07:14
KI7MTthen check the cmdline agian and it's still not there?07:15
shafoxnopes. it still shows the default one that the one i started with07:15
somsipshafox: how are you editing the file?07:15
shafoxsomsip, sudo vim grub07:16
somsipshafox: k. Seems fair07:16
Zorinneed help with two issues im having. 1. qjackctl picks up xruns every few seconds with no aplications running. purging and reinstalling seems to fix this for a short period of time, "min-hrs" but then the issue is back. this is with realtime checked, 3 periods/buffer, 512Frames/period 48000 sample rate on a hp pavilion DV6 laptop 2. how do I get GTK-recorsmydesktop to like jack?07:16
KI7MTyeah, but we're pulling the cmdline from /proc which may get updated at boot.07:16
shafoxwill give a try hang on07:17
KI7MTshafox, if yoru sure the /default.grub is ok, then rboot the box.07:17
linuxlite1969hi guys i cannot install mysql in my linux can anyone help me please07:18
KI7MT... sri .. /etc/default.grub07:18
somsiplinuxlite1969: what have you done so far?07:18
shafoxKI7MT, that one i have to change ??? i thought /etc/default/grub07:18
KI7MTwhy is this thing putting a period where I put a slash .. think my KB is hosed up.07:19
shafoxok ok07:19
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
linuxlite1969somsip> hmmm i download sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client then it says Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:19
KI7MTyes, /etc/defaults/grub .. add the acip=off, save, sudo update-grub ..reboot. then check cmdline again07:19
somsiplinuxlite1969: just sudo apt-get install mysql-server and it should pull in all other dependencies07:20
scheurihi everyone...I have a little issue with the latest patch for linux-headers 3.2.0-57...I can not install them, because I supposedly have no space left on device (tells me apt-get -f install), tons of kerlnels in /boot, can not delete them, becaus the headers-dependency failed....anyone an idea what I can do (and no, I have about 2 GB space left on / and no seperate /boot partition)07:21
shafoxKI7MT, rebooted. How do i know the issue is fixed ??07:21
KI7MTdmesg -k |grep GEN6_RP07:22
KI7MTif your still getting the error, bet option is to upgrade the kernel unless your well versed in hackign on kernels.07:23
shafoxKI7MT, the cmdline again shows the same shafox@archon:~$ cat /proc/cmdline07:23
shafoxBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-57-generic root=UUID=fe4efee2-1bb4-42df-bad4-95344ce75e49 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=707:23
KI7MTThats really odd, editing the defaults should have placed acip=off in the /boot/grub.cfg .. not sure why that is not happening corrctly.07:24
=== KacanuH_ is now known as KacanuH
KI7MTshafox, see para: 8 on this link, unless I've steered you wrong, that should have worked: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup07:26
shafoxKI7MT, [   19.062517] [drm:gen6_sanitize_pm] *ERROR* Power management discrepancy: GEN6_RP_INTERRUPT_LIMITS expected 16000000, was 1206000007:26
shafox[   24.949823] [drm:gen6_sanitize_pm] *ERROR* Power management discrepancy: GEN6_RP_INTERRUPT_LIMITS expected 16070000, was 1600000007:26
KI7MTthen para 9. sasy acip=off should appear.07:26
KI7MTshafox, that makes sense, as acip=off is not actually off, so it's had no affect on the kernel boot, thus your still getting the error. I dont know why grub is not getting updated.07:28
shafoxwell it aint happening in my case07:28
shafoxcan i compile the latest stable kernel from kernel.org in my ubuntu 12.04 ?07:29
KI7MTshafox, personally, I wouldnt' recommend that unless your well versed in custom compiling, best approach is sudo dist-upgrade07:30
=== Romance is now known as Romancer
shafoxKI7MT, i did a sudo dist-upgrade .07:32
shafoxthere is nothing to update07:32
shafoxor upgrade :)07:32
KI7MTshafox, well, that' means there's an issue with the .57 kernl itself.07:33
KI7MTin which case, you can live with it until the next patch comes out, or install a previous kernel.07:34
=== Guest40081 is now known as ponbiki
TuxBlackEdoWhy is it that I can boot from my 16gb usb flash drive no problem but I can't off my 4tb seagate hdd?07:39
cfhowlettTuxBlackEdo, that's a perfect question with no answer because you've provided none of the details needed for analysis07:41
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:41
Zorinqjackctl picks up xruns without any applications running. purge and reinstall helps for a few hr. but then xruns.... cant get more than mid 20-30ms of latency . my DV6 laptop should do way better than that. should I revert from lowlatency kernel to regular kernel?07:41
LordNedkenetik, finally done with sudo apt-get upgrade. Time to restart and see what happens!07:41
kenetikLordNed: Good luck, seemed like more than 13 min07:42
LordNedkenetik, yeah that took me an hour to actually install the updates after downloading them. The write speeds on this USB drive are abysmal. Boots take 5+ minutes too07:43
LordNedAlso it hangs on shutdowns - is it safe to hard-crash it after running sudo apt-get upgrade?07:44
LordNedOh, didn't hang that time. Cool.07:44
mike-irssishafox: you said grub reverts? i had that problem too, i used grub-customizer and it just worked07:45
KI7MTIm still baffled on why it's reverting in the first place, though I must admit, I dont do allot of custom edits to the grub.cfg07:46
KI7MTIn his case, the real solution to the problem is probably beyond the scope of the this channel, more suited to the kernel Guru's and probably a bug report.07:49
LordNedOkay same issue kenetik - Xubuntu boots (see the bar that goes back and forth) and black screen for a long time and then I get a login screen, but it looks like X isn't running as I can't run "sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --odgt"07:52
siwicaI have downloaded and unziped Aptana so that the directory now includes an excecutable binary and other stuff. Where am I supposed to move the whole stuff?07:52
siwica(in the file system hierarchy of linux?)07:53
TuxBlackEdoOkay so I install ubuntu on my 16gb flash drive and it gets detected and boots off the usb when I select it to boot from the bios. However when I have ubuntu installed onto my external 4tb drive and I try to boot off of it, the bios doesnt even see the drive...07:53
somsipsiwica: if you've done it that way, wherever you want. Convention would suggest /opt with symlinks to the binaries in /usr/local/bin07:53
kenetikLordNed: ps aux | grep x07:54
TuxBlackEdoand I am beginning to suspect this may not be an ubuntu related error. I may as well have windows installed on the external drive, computers just don't want to boot from this external drive I have (I have verified this across multiple computers)07:55
LordNedkenetik, http://hastebin.com/hifupocije.m07:55
kenetikyah x isnt running07:56
KI7MTsomsip, siwica this is a little dated but /opt is what the guys over at stack say too: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14484057/how-do-you-install-aptana-on-ubuntu-12-04-107:56
LordNedI assume X is crashing (or having issues booting) kenetik - ever since I installed the amd catalyst drivers (which has a line about modifying the x config07:56
LordNedIs there a place I can find out why07:56
kenetikcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf >> paste it07:56
somsip!fsh | KI7MT siwica07:57
ubottuKI7MT siwica: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier07:57
LordNedkenetik, give me a couple mins, rebooting again (re-ran the setup for the Catalyst drivers to see if that'd help, don't think it will)07:57
TuxBlackEdoscrew it07:59
TuxBlackEdoi give up07:59
KI7MTI have things like Intel / Portland compilers / MXE etc in /opt but also use /home/username/bin .. far to many ways to skin that cat :-)07:59
ObrienDaveTuxBlackEdo, I have several external USB drives, never could get one to boot Linux. USB stick, no problem07:59
KI7MTWhat's TuxBlackEdo trying to do that's not working?08:01
ObrienDaveuse an external USB drive to boot a distro08:01
LordNedDoesn't matter, he left :p08:01
ola2what does upgrade grub do08:02
ola2means what does it change in grub08:02
KI7MTHmm, that should work, it's tested like gozilian times in the Ubuntu QA group08:02
edmonami connected08:03
edmonat&t just had a 3 minutes outage, thankfully freenode has high ping threshold08:04
KI7MTola2, it updates any changed made to your boot parameters, like, a new kernel or splash screen edits etc.08:04
KI7MTchanges ..08:04
ola2kernel module or kernel algorithms08:04
ola2means way of functioning or increase functionality08:05
ola2what does it changes08:05
KI7MTdon't know about algorithms but different kernel options yes.08:05
ola2than you08:05
LordNedkenetik, contents of xorg.conf: http://hastebin.com/gatagipixu.cmake08:06
TuxBlackEdowait this may help08:06
TuxBlackEdowhat does it mean when gparted says "Partitions have beeen written but we have been unable to inform the kernel, probably because it is in use, as a result old partitons will remain in use. you should reboot now" weird thing is i can reboot however many times i want and it will always say this dumb error whenever i launch gparted08:06
logical_hi ppl, is there a way i can set somehow when i right click on desktop or in folder and go create new document that it shows me the ability to create an libre office writer or spreadsheet, i dont want always to go menu->libre writer then save as and then choose the place where to save  ??08:06
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, measn your volume is mounted, to write partitions changes ot a volume, it must first be unmounted08:07
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cfhowlettlogical_, can need to set the save locations in writer settings08:07
kenetikwhat kind of vid card?08:07
LordNedkenetik, two Radeon 7950's ATI08:08
logical_i dont understand?08:08
TuxBlackEdoKI7MT, I am not operating on the partitions08:08
KI7MTsri abt the typos, my KB is not doign what I tell it :-)08:08
TuxBlackEdogparted says it on launch ALL THE TIME08:08
LordNedif I run "sudo aticonfig --lsa" it reports "0. 04:00.0 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series" (and the second one), so it's seeing them.08:09
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, you can make changes to a mounted partition, if you need to do that, boot from a LiveCD, run gparted from the CD then make your changes.08:09
KI7MTyou can't make .. ..08:09
kenetikLord gimme output from startx08:09
cfhowlettlogical_, tools > options > libreoffice > paths > edit ...08:09
TuxBlackEdoKI7MT, I have restarted my computer many times, gparted ALWAYS says that error08:09
LordNedkenetik, it's thinking - while it does that, the screen is actually displaying a login screen (which is odd because I set auto-login to true on install) - I assume this is a not-x fallback?08:10
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, lets start from the beginning .. what are you trying to partition / re-partition ?08:10
LordNed"xauth:  timeout in locking authority file /home/mewtin/.Xauthority08:10
LordNed" is the return from startx kenetik08:10
LordNed"X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting" - sudo startx?08:10
kenetikare u root?08:10
LordNedI don't think so08:11
kenetiksudo rm -Rf /home/mewtin/.Xauthority08:11
TuxBlackEdoKI7MT, because I formatted a usb flash drive, and installed ubuntu on it, my computer recognizes that and boots right up. I do the same with my external usb hard drive and BIOS doesnt recognize it as a startup device08:12
LordNedkenetik, ran that then tried to startx again, same issue.08:12
kenetikhmmm im stumped bud08:12
LordNedkenetik, is there any sort of error log for X?08:13
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo,  ... ok .. when you boot up do you have both the USB flash drive and the external USB drive connected?08:13
kenetikcd /var/log should be X.*.log08:14
LordNedOh wait here's X trying to boot now that I ran it as root08:14
TuxBlackEdoKI7MT, no sir, i do one at a time08:15
logical_cfhowlett I am there but what should i edit?, i am new to linux08:15
LordNedhttp://hastebin.com/fujodiriyu.coffee kenetik - it's just looping "No protocol specified" now08:15
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, this may not be UB related at all then, but when  you boot wiht jsut the external USB HD, as you said the BIOS does not identify the drive at all ?08:16
kenetikDunno pimp.08:16
LordNedkenetik, well thanks for the help anyways, I guess I'll just bash around things until I hit something that works ;)08:16
LordNedMight try reinstalling X08:16
siwicasomsip: KI7MT: thanks! this helps!08:17
TuxBlackEdoKI7MT, what I meant was the BIOS doesn't identify it as a boot device08:17
TuxBlackEdobut I have used other external drives before and they boot just fine08:17
ObrienDaveTuxBlackEdo, did you set the partition as bootable?08:18
TuxBlackEdoObrienDave, the installer did it, i confirmed it with gparted08:18
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, Ok, one other quesiton, if you boot from the USB (key) flash drive and you plug in the external USB Hard Drive, does Ubuntu see the drive?08:18
somsipsiwica: np08:18
TuxBlackEdoKI7MT, yes ubuntu will see the drive08:18
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TuxBlackEdoI know what the solution is... get a new external hard drive, this brand may just have some kind of flag which makes it impossible to boot off of?08:20
ObrienDaveseriously doubt that. I have all WD and they wont work either08:20
somsipTuxBlackEdo: are you trying to boot from one big 4TB partition?08:21
TuxBlackEdo1 big ext408:21
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, sounds liek a BIOS issue to me, but, when booted from the USB Key, you could then use gparted to partition the drive, and further install from a LiveCD, making sure of two things, one the UDB HD is unmounted first, then install grub to the USB HD mbr.08:21
hiddenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6587775/ anyone know whats wrong with my ubuntu?08:21
somsipTuxBlackEdo: then you need to use GPT or make smaller partitions08:21
logical_hi ppl, is there a way i can set somehow when i right click on desktop or in folder and go create new document that it shows me the ability to create an libre office writer or spreadsheet, i dont want always to go menu->libre writer then save as and then choose the place where to save  ??08:22
KI7MTsomsip, just curious, why smaller?08:22
ObrienDaveTuxBlackEdo, MBR doesn't support larger than 2TB08:23
somsipKI7MT: split into 2TB for home, 100MB for /boot, rest for / (whatever) then the MBR limit is worked around08:23
somsipTuxBlackEdo: http://is.gd/DKr0Mw08:23
TuxBlackEdoookay thanks guys i think this is what I needed08:23
TuxBlackEdo<3 somsip ObrienDave KI7MT08:24
somsipTuxBlackEdo: but short answer (given I know nothing about GPT) is to partition in a structure that will help you later when something dies. One big partition is the most brittle style of partitioning08:24
admin1_dupa dupa08:24
admin1_świgut dupa08:24
somsipadmin1_: do you have a support question?08:24
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KI7MTsomsip, Ahh ok .. love this place learn something every time I drop in. I didn't know there was an MBR limit, I alway either use auto sizing or 100MB for /boot08:25
TuxBlackEdowhy doesn't the installer stop me from creating a 4tb single boot partition08:25
somsipKI7MT: yeah - technology has just overtaken old standards, that's all. I don't know why the installer is dumb08:26
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, I dont know, I need to look into that myself.08:26
TuxBlackEdothanks again08:26
lostsoul8898s/join #windows08:26
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hiddenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6587775/ anyone know whats wrong with my ubuntu?08:28
hiddenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6587775/ anyone know whats wrong with my ubuntu?08:28
hiddenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6587775/ anyone know whats wrong with my ubuntu?08:28
FloodBot1hidden: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:28
hiddencan anyone help plz i can't install anything i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6587775/08:29
hiddentrying to install libboost 1.48 all dev08:29
LordNedhidden, jesus christ stop asking, if someone knows they'll reply.08:29
LordNedkenetik, going with plan B: Reinstall X, purge AMD Catalyst drivers, reboot,t hen reinstall Catalyst drivers08:30
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KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, One other thing, what are you using to do the installation, a LiveCD / ISO CD?08:30
Zorinis my internet (wifi) interfering with qjackctl causing xruns? I get xruns about every 30 sec. for seemingly no reason at all.  why I ask --->   http://www.linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=710408:31
TuxBlackEdoI actually used VMWare to load the iso to install it to the HDD08:31
ObrienDavehave you installed it that way before?08:32
hiddeni'm having the EXACT same problem as this guy https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/218608 if you check his last messagge you would know, it hasn't been resolved08:34
tejuhi gavin : Can't open /dev/sdb1 exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?  ...i got this error when i executed pvcreate /dev/sdb1 ...do u know how to fix this?08:37
ObrienDavehidden, it seems to be solved: http://www.linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7104#p2055008:39
ObrienDavehidden, sorry08:39
ObrienDaveZorin ^^^^08:39
ObrienDaveZorin, it seems to be solved: http://www.linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7104#p2055008:40
tejuObrienDave: i got this error when i executed pvcreate /dev/sdb1 ...do u know how to fix this?  Error: Can't open /dev/sdb1 exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?08:40
ObrienDaveteju, sorry, no clue on that one08:40
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, ok, so this is a VM install, not a native install to the USB HD08:41
naithello there ! i have this problem http://oi41.tinypic.com/2z3td76.jpg can someone help me?08:42
TuxBlackEdowait no, actually I dd'ed the iso to a flash drive and installed from there to the HDD08:45
tejunait: do u have a LIVE CD?08:45
ObrienDavethat should work08:45
KI7MTTuxBlackEdo, Ok, so you source install device is the USB key and the destination is then USB HD .. I would try, if you can, just a CD ISO / LiveCD form your CDROM and only the USB HD connected to the machine, assuming you do not have an internal HD installed . connected, and select use the whole drive (USB HD that is)08:47
naitteju, doesn't run on this machine...08:48
ObrienDavewhat doesn't run?08:50
KI7MThidden, I've seen problem wiht lib6 and old kernels form multiple distro upgrades, I don't know is that's what you've done or not, but  form one LTS to the next is ok, but once your past that, things get really complicated.08:50
naitthe live cd08:51
naitno sorry now is working O.o08:51
hiddeni think i got my sources et bad KI7MT08:51
hiddendeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main restricted universe08:51
hiddendeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates main restricted univer$08:51
hiddendeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted unive$08:51
cfhowletts = $ ????08:53
naiti have to use grub-install?08:53
tejunait: i got this error when i executed pvcreate /dev/sdb1 ...do u know how to fix this?  Error: Can't open /dev/sdb1 exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?08:53
KI7MThidden, that would do it, but figuring out what sources you need is no easy task. That's a bit beyond my abilty.08:53
hidden12.04 precise08:53
KI7MThidden, did you have 10.04 installed previously?08:54
KI7MThidden, somethignwent wrong in the distro upgrade it seems.08:54
hiddennot sure what to do08:55
hiddensecond vps i ordered with this shit problem08:55
hiddenand timing is essential i'ma end up ordering another one :/08:55
hiddenwasting too much time trying to fix it08:56
KI7MThidden, how did you upgrade form 10.04 to 12.04?08:56
hiddenwell the usual way, to 11.x and then 11.x again i think andf then 12.0408:56
jefersenwhat is wing at 9:09? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5VlpgEVVg408:57
cfhowletthidden, you know you could also download 12.04 and do a clean install  bypassing all those 11.x ...08:57
snypWhy does ubuntu come with the syslinux package installed? can i just remove it?08:57
* snyp is trimming ubuntu up a bit08:57
KI7MThidden, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade & sudo apt-get autoremove  .. then sudo do-release-upgrade ?08:57
KI7MThidden, cfhowlett  .. if it's a remote VPS, could be tough.08:58
hiddeni just did do-release-upgrade08:58
snypi used uefi+gpt, so i can remove the syslinux package right?08:58
hiddencfhowlett, hows that?08:58
cfhowlettKI7MT, d'oh!  right.  didn't see that part08:59
cfhowletthidden, ignore.  I didnt' know you were doing a remote vps08:59
snyp(actually, leave that, i should just remove other stuff and not deal with syslinux package. let it stay)08:59
KI7MThidden, for servers, I dont like doign re-lease-upgrades, but that's just.  You could ask you host to install 12-04 server for you unless you ahve some way of accessing the container without going through the server OS09:01
owlhow to solve, package-contains-info-dir-file usr/share/info/dir.gz09:07
owllintian error09:07
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack_
Roryowl: Can you please provide more details: what did you do to produce that error, what ubuntu version are you running?09:07
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Roryowl: Where are you seeing that error?09:08
owli'm building a package09:08
RoryPlease paste the command you ran, along with the full output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and share the URL in this channel09:09
owlpart 6.4. Next Steps09:09
owlbzr builddeb -- -us -uc09:09
stritowl, he means you should paste it into paste.ubuntu.com. Not in the chat. :)09:10
owlNow running lintian...09:10
owlW: hello source: bad-homepage dwiprabowo.com09:10
owlW: hello source: missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright open source (paragraph at line 5)09:10
owlW: hello source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.2 (current is 3.9.3)09:10
owlW: hello: wrong-name-for-upstream-changelog usr/share/doc/hello/ChangeLog.O.gz09:10
owlW: hello: wrong-bug-number-in-closes l3:#nnnn09:10
owlW: hello: readme-debian-contains-debmake-template09:10
owlW: hello: description-contains-duplicated-word asdf asdf asdf asdf09:10
FloodBot1owl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:10
owlW: hello: description-starts-with-leading-spaces09:10
owlW: hello: unknown-section jos09:10
stritawww, too late.09:10
somsipstrit: he was on earlier too. I think he's new  to all this :)09:11
stritsomsip, probably. That's why I tried to tell him before ho flooded. :)09:11
somsipowl: yay :)09:12
RoryI did say, use paste.ubuntu.com I have little sympathy really09:12
RoryPlease paste the command you ran, along with the full output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and share the URL in this channel09:13
Roryowl: I can't see an error there09:13
owlis E: means error and W: means warning?09:13
stritowl, yeah, I should think so09:14
RoryOh yes sorry I missed that09:14
Roryowl: Does your package contain a file which will be extracted to /usr/share/info/dir.gz?09:15
owli'm not sure09:16
Roryowl: Is this software you wrote, and are trying to create a deb package for?09:16
owli just follow the step at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html09:17
Roryowl: see the big yellow box here http://lintian.debian.org/tags/package-contains-info-dir-file.html09:18
owlalready saw it09:18
owlbut don't really understand09:19
Roryowl: It means somewhere in your package there is a file (probably in the usr/share/info) directory called dir or dir.gz, you need to remove it09:20
KI7MTIt would appear the compressed file is generated automatilly, and is present already, so you need to get rid of it first.09:20
owlyes, i already remove it and execute the command again, but shows the same output09:21
owlbtw, this the complete output http://paste.ubuntu.com/6587986/09:21
KI7MT:-) yeah, what Rory said :-)09:21
Roryowl: When you say you remove it and execute "the command" again, which command? just the lintian one?09:23
owli execute "bzr builddeb -- -us -uc" every try to fix the "E:"09:24
Roryowl: I'm not sure then, can you try joining the channel #ubuntu-appdev09:26
Roryerr not that channel, wait09:26
KI7MTmay want to ask in ubuntu-app-devel ... they probably the best channel for that one.09:26
Roryowl: /join #ubuntu-app-devel09:26
iulhkanybody know about mondo disaster recovery, if i have backup of complete linux server iso saved then how can i use this iso image at new server ?09:27
owlok thanks :)09:27
KI7MT:-) your too fast for me Rory .. Im on a slow Inet connection :-)09:27
andyfiediulhk: you might need to mount it as a VM, let me see what i can find out09:28
shah0516hello, I am facing mouse cursor freeze issue with my ubuntu 13.10 unity, it freezes at random time and mousebuttons and touchpad on my lappy doesnot work! previously I used to go into mouse settings and disabled/enabled touchpad to make it work. Now, restarting system only makes it work..09:30
andyfiediulhk: i found this: https://fuerstnet.de/en/using-mondorescue-restore-server-image-vmware09:30
cfhowlettiulhk, also see the #ubuntu-server channel09:31
andyfiediulhk: "allows to boot from its corresponding floppy disk image and to restore the ISO image to another machine"09:31
shah0516can anyone please help me on this? i tried switching to xfce but I had no luck.. it freezes at random times09:31
stritshah0516, maybe your hardware is failing? My touchpad goes in and out at random times because it's an old laptop. :)09:32
andyfiediulhk: Mondo has a few mailing lists for support, but i realise that may be a bit slow for anyone mid disaster...09:32
shah0516strit: may be :) I did not face this issue in windows7 (on dual boot) is there any way to check any log file/something to see if something triggers this?09:34
stritshah0516, /var/log/syslog might show something, if you can find your way around in it all. :)09:35
KI7MTshah0516, did you install xface on it's own or use the install Xubuntu-Desktop ?09:36
shah0516thanks strit! will check on next freeze... @KI7MT: I installed using "sudo apt-get install xfce4"09:37
stritshah0516, np, hope you solve it. I gotta log off now, my train is at my station any minute now. :)09:38
KI7MTshah0516, may want to try the full xubuntu-desktop and also ask the folks in Xubuntu, as they know Xface inside and out.09:39
shah0516thanks.. will try that!09:40
SilmarilionHi, is it possible to install ubuntu on already created luks partition?09:45
KI7MTSilmarilion, yes, you can do a side by side (dual boot) or boostrap in a chroot and install that way, easiest way is using the LiveCD and install side-by-side09:48
the_drowHi guys I have a three monitors setup (one laptop screen and two monitors) and the mouse isn't being transfered from one screen to another correctly. I'm running 13.10.09:54
the_drowIt's something with the sticky edges.09:56
the_drowWait, no it isn't.10:00
KI7MTthe_drow, have you tuned of the sticky option?10:00
the_drowKI7MT: yup it still doesn't help. I can't move my mouse between the screens.10:00
the_drowKI7MT: and when I can the pointer moves to the wrong screen10:01
KI7MTThere's a couple bugs written up on this, not sure which is the most current one yet.10:01
the_drowShould I try to upgrade to xorg edgers and see if it's resolved?10:03
KI7MTthe_drow, there's some settings in Compizconfig Ssettings Manager > Ubuntu Unity Plugin >> Experimental Tab10:03
KI7MTI dont have multiple monitors to test with.10:03
the_drowKI7MT: I can't find it.10:04
KI7MTIt's in the Software Center, CompizConfig Settings Manager10:06
the_drowKI7MT: I don't see the experimental tab10:09
KI7MTIt's the third TAB on mine, but I only have the laptop monitor listed.10:11
the_drowthe third tab is menus on Ubuntu Unity Plugin10:12
RoryWhy does middle-click change the webpage in Firefox to a previous page (it's not the Back behaviour, as I have to click Back to go to the page I want to be on) and how can I stop it?10:16
RoryI'd rather use midle-click and drag to scroll10:16
RoryI believe this was the behaviour in older versions10:16
afidegnumhello, pls how do I create an ISO (CD image) file via SSH ?10:19
KI7MTthe_drow, you may also need the compiz-plugin-extra package10:20
the_drowKI7MT: I can't find it10:21
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Roryafidegnum: What do you mean? What are you trying to do?10:22
ola2pppl this is urgent10:22
ola2plz tell me how to disable usb storage on ubuntu10:22
ola2means for all users even root10:22
ola2disable system so that no pendrive is detected10:23
ola2and used10:23
Roryola2: You won't be able to stop root from enabling it again10:23
ola2thats ok10:23
ola2tell me10:23
hiddenwhats the easiest way of making ssh key for vps10:23
Roryhidden: ssh-keygen10:23
Roryola2: I googled "Ubuntu disable usb storage"10:24
ola2i google too found the not working solutions10:24
Roryola2: echo "blacklist usb-storage" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf10:24
ola2Rory: solutions didnot work for me like blacklist.conf10:24
Roryola2: What is the output of "lsmod | grep usb-storage" ?10:25
ola2Rory: there is no utput10:26
ola2but in ui it is showing pendrive and i can copy/paste data10:26
Roryola2: Have you rebooted after performing that action?10:27
ola2thats why im asking for help10:27
KI7MTthe_drow, when you open CSSM, in the Filter box enter "Unity", then under Desktop select Ubuntu Unity Plugin10:27
Roryola2: Can you please let me know the output of the command "cat /etc/issue" ?10:28
the_drowKI7MT: Got it, there's no experimental tab10:28
KI7MTdod you install the extra package ?10:28
ola2Rory : it shows Ubuntu 12.04 LTS /n /l10:28
the_drowKI7MT: As I said, I can't find it.10:29
KI7MTthe_drow, sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-extra10:29
the_drowKI7MT: I know... Ubuntu says it's not there10:29
the_drowKI7MT: Yes, I did apt-get update10:30
ola2Rory : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS /n /l10:30
the_drowKI7MT: It should be sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins10:31
KI7MTthe_drow, not sure why it's not there, I just installed CSSM then the plugin extras and the Exp TAB is under Unity plugins.10:31
snadgethis is totally the wrong place to be asking this.. but i think i may be having an issue with libc in saucy10:31
snadgehexchat, firefox and chrome seem to randomly trigger it10:32
Roryola2: Can you please edit the file /etc/rc.local [ gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local ] and add the line "modprobe -r usb_storage" without the quotes, before the "exit 0" line10:32
Rorysnadge: Do you get an error?10:32
the_drowKI7MT: sudo apt-get install compiz-plugin*s*-extra10:32
ola2Rory : Sir ,i did that too10:32
KI7MTthe_drow, there's several plugings, compiz-plugins and compiz-plugins-extra10:33
KI7MTseveral plugins .. ..10:33
the_drowKI7MT: Still no experimental tap10:33
the_drowKI7MT: brb10:34
Roryola2: Can you please show me the output of the "lsmod" command?10:34
RoryPlease paste the full output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and share the URL in this channel10:34
ola2Rory : just wat a sec10:35
ola2Rory : pastebin.com/qHNFB8wS10:36
Roryola2: OK I can see the usb_storage module is loaded - can you edit your blacklist.conf file again, but change "usb-storage" into "usb_storage"10:37
ola2Rory : ok10:37
Gr1mmy wallpaper suddenly changed black and white in xfce.I found that that I should reset my  background settings in dconf but where would I find this ?10:38
RoryGr1m: Go into Desktop settings (where you set your wallpaper) and make sure the Saturation slider is set to 1, not 010:40
oaulakhi recently install windows 8 on diffrent partition but now my ubuntu is not booting up10:41
Gr1mRory: It worked I thought it was the setting in dconf. Thanks10:41
the_drowKI7MT: back10:41
oaulakhwhat should i do?10:41
Rory!grub | oaulakh first link here10:41
ubottuoaulakh first link here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:41
Rorynp Gr1m10:42
oaulakhhow i recover it?10:43
ola2Rory: doesnot works10:43
the_drowAll I need is that the pointer will move the second screen when it's on the left side of the screen and the laptop screen when the pointer is on the right side of the main screen10:43
snadgerory yes i do: [ 5719.809049] traps: hexchat[3980] general protection ip:7fb148cf391c sp:7fff0ac716e8 error:0 in libc-2.17.so[7fb148c70000+1bd000]10:43
ola2Rory : any idea10:44
KI7MTthe_drow, Im not sure why your not seeing the exp-tab .. that's all I installed was those three packages and the Unity Plugins is under Desktop10:44
Roryola2: Can you please pastebin your output of "lsmod" again, (after you have rebooted of course)10:44
KI7MTThe the 3rd tab os the exp-tab10:44
Roryola2: Can you also please pastebin the contents of your blacklist.conf file10:44
Wubixhello everyone. could somebody tell me how i fix the empty repo list in yum when installed via apt-get on ubuntu?10:44
RoryWubix: Why are you installing yum?10:45
Wubixbecause i need it10:45
RoryWubix: on Ubuntu?10:45
Wubixcan we please focus on my problem?10:45
OerHeksWubix, ubuntu uses apt-get, yum is not supported.10:46
RoryWhy do you need it?10:46
ola2Rory : pastebin.com/nKmfaFuD10:46
ola2i need it to make device control10:46
Wubixi installed yum from the ubuntu repository so when its in there i suppose its supported10:46
Rorynot you ola2 lol10:46
imghost!info yum10:46
ubottuyum (source: yum): Advanced front-end for rpm. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.4.3-2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 801 kB, installed size 3201 kB10:46
Roryola2: The usb_storage module is still loaded, you need to add "blacklist usb_storage" to your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file10:46
Roryola2: That is the answer, until you do that it won't work10:47
Wubixok, this is chicken shit10:47
Rorytroll or idiot?10:47
KI7MTthats' a good way to brick you system, as the dep versions different in yum and apt10:47
OerHeksWubix indeed, yum is in the repo's, i wonder what fool did that.10:47
imghostWubix, why are you trying to install .rpm on ubuntu?10:47
RoryHe's gone10:48
KI7MTinstalling an RPM is not a problem, version control and deps are the problem.10:48
ola2Rory:any idea10:49
Roryola2: Can you please put the contents of your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file on http://paste.ubuntu.com10:49
Roryola2: I've repeatedly told you exactly how to fix it10:49
ola2ok Rory : im doing that now10:49
ola2Rory : www.pastebin.com/5ZTnZMXg10:51
the_drow_KI7MT: I just switched the cables and the HDMI screen is now the main screen. The order is now correct and the mouse travels between screens correctly. I have no idea why is that10:51
Roryola2: OK you can reboot, or you can run "sudo modprobe -r usb_storage"10:52
KI7MTthe_drow_, pass, I dont either, I know there were several bugs written on it, and the solutions all pointed compiz fix.10:53
KI7MTthe_drow_, maybe you should submit a bug on launchpad, just to document the fix.10:54
RoryHello collo_kg10:57
collo_kgI try to install chrome on ubuntu 12.04 for one day and I get the following error:10:57
collo_kggoogle-chrome-Stable: Depends: libnss3 (> = 3.14.3) but 3.14.1-0ckbi1.93ubuntu. must be installed10:57
Rorycollo_kg: Can you please open your Software Properties or Software Sources program, and ensure the Universe repository is enabled10:57
Rorycollo_kg: then run the command: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install10:58
KI7MTYou need sudo apt-get install libnss3-1d10:58
Roryapt-get -f install should do that10:59
Roryif not, then yes install that manually10:59
collo_kgI tried this command, but I always have an error10:59
RoryPlease paste the full output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and share the URL in this channel10:59
KI7MTAgreed, but using -f is generally not a good ideas if you can avoid it.11:00
collo_kgI also tried manually, I downloaded the package11:00
Rorycollo_kg: I mean, please can you enable the Universe repository, then run the commands "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install" - if you still get errors please put them on http://paste.ubuntu.com11:01
RoryIf I can see the full output (including apt-get update so I can see what repos you're using) I can definitely fix it11:01
KI7MThe may also need:  libgconf2-4 libxss1  .. build-dep is a good good option.11:02
collo_kgthank's Rory , I'll try11:03
Roryinstalling a downloaded deb doesn't bring in the dependencies. that's what apt-get is for. if you attempt to install a deb manually that has dependencies which aren't installed, it will remain in an inconsistent state. apt-get -f install will fix this by pulling in dependencies (that's what apt-get is for)11:04
KI7MTHmm I guess the quesiton would be, why install the .deb insted of using the repo version?11:05
RoryBecause there isn't a repo version11:06
Rorynot of google-chrome-stable, only chromium-browser11:06
KI7MTCould he not just sudo apt-get build-dep chromium-browser .. ?11:07
KI7MTAhh . ok, got it.11:07
Rorybuild-dep pulls in the dependencies required to build the source package11:07
Roryit's only for compiling software11:07
Abhijithi. i set aliases in "terminator". when i restart system then the alias do not exist. help please. 12.04 ubuntu11:10
PessimistAbhijit, set aliases in ~/.bashrc11:10
AbhijitPessimist, what is the root- home folder? i mean where is bashrc of root?11:11
PessimistAbhijit, root account is disabled in ubuntu as far as I know11:11
AbhijitPessimist, I know. I enabled it.11:12
KI7MTRory, wow, I been under the impression, why I do not know, that -f == --force the install, not solve deps, my bad, sri for confusing things.11:12
PessimistAbhijit, login to root and cd $HOME11:14
AbhijitPessimist, got it. its on /root11:14
RoryKI7MT: By itsself with no arguments, it will forcibly install packages from the repositories which are needed, and that you didn't actually specify11:15
RoryKI7MT: So you aren't wrong11:15
nekohi everybody11:15
Rorycollo_kg: Status?11:15
nekois it normal that running something like 1000 simple update query take like 10 sec.  ?11:16
collo_kgI always have an error, I give you a sign when I finish. thank you11:17
Pessimistneko, this is ubuntu support not whatever sql server you're running11:17
nekoah oups11:17
nekosorry thought i was on #mysql11:17
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Rorycollo_kg: OK but you could show me the error11:20
imkunalHowdy buntu's ??11:21
Roryimkunal: Was that a support question? :S11:21
imkunalRory: maybe ;)11:22
rpi84hi, could someone help me please, http://pastebin.com/YWHb7KSX, it is impossible for  me mount SATA cd-rom in Ubuntu 12.04, already tried some forums but no succes11:23
imkunalrpi84 : whats' the problem ??11:24
k1lrpi84: put a disc in it11:25
Roryrpi84: You're trying to mount /dev/scd0 also, whereas your device is /dev/sg111:25
rpi84disc is in, if i try mount dev/sr0 mnt/cdrom i get: no medium found11:26
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rpi84there was win xp on pc, cdrom was ok, but no with ubuntu doesn't work11:27
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rpi84status= nodisc i see, but disc is in, ubuntu found cdrom, so it is possible that optical device is broken? or shoud be possible bad bios setting ect..?11:29
ActionParsniprpi84: if you run:  sudo lshw -C disk; sudo lshw -C drive      do you see the drive11:30
KI7MTYou could also sudo lshw -short | grep /dev/11:32
rpi84disk is ok, drive any list http://pastebin.com/4TJGxhug11:33
imkunalanyone tried fifa 13 on ubuntu 13.10 via playonlinux/wine ??11:35
k1l!wine | imkunal better ask the wine specialists11:35
ubottuimkunal better ask the wine specialists: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:35
framacHi guys I'm thinking to upgrade to trusty but I need to disable the extras repositories, what are the implications of that action?11:37
OerHeksframac, do you mean restricted-extra's metapackage?11:38
framacOerHeks: no, I mean the Independent repository11:39
k1lframac: trusty is not final until april 2014. support in #ubuntu+1 for that until then11:40
OerHeksframac, upgrade will disable ppa's AFAIK11:40
k1lyes, all 3rd party repos11:40
framac@kll thank you11:41
framacOerHeks: yes, but the extras repository is not a ppa11:41
rpi84KI7MT: lshw -short | grep /dev/ nothing on list11:42
KI7MTTrusty is changing by the minute, you probably better off installing it in a VirtualMachine or something and playing around that way v.s. upgrading.11:43
KI7MTrpi84, what aboutL ls -l /dev/{cd,dvd}*11:45
rpi84KI7MT:  i get his: http://pastebin.com/6zR5jSS911:47
KI7MTrpi84, that looks to me that the device is present, but doesn't have a mount point.11:49
KI7MTrpi84, mount  /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom-trst -t iso966011:50
k1lplease try another disc11:51
k1land make sure its not empty11:51
KI7MT.. sri .. /media/cdrpm-test -t iso966011:51
venkatHello i have installed Ubuntu 12.04 successfully. Before removing installation media power failure. After that i can not BIOS and boot also. please some one help me...11:51
Roryvenkat: That isn't related to Ubuntu, if you cannot even access the BIOS11:51
ola2Rory: problem solved11:52
ola2plz can anyone help me11:52
ola2where is root password stored in ubuntu11:52
ola2means in which file11:52
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:52
k1lola2: there is no root pw. and the pw is not stored in plain text11:52
LjLola2: passwords aren't really "stored" anywhere, their hashes are11:52
venkatHow can I get Boot11:52
framacHow can I tell wich packages are in a repository of ubuntu?11:53
menaceframac: "apt-cache policy"11:53
ola2ok so iwll convewrt hash to password11:53
ola2could i11:53
Roryframac: http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:53
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Roryola2: /etc/shadow11:53
rpi84KI7MT:  i get> connect only for reading ...> no medium found in /dev/sr0 , is this way right /dev/sr0?11:53
ola2when i type sudo it asks for password then howcome password doesnot have value11:53
framacmenace: if I want to know what packages are in the independent repository11:54
Roryola2: That is *your* password, not roots11:54
ola2Rory:its in hash11:54
ola2is there way to conert it11:54
Roryola2: Correct, obviously!11:54
Roryola2: No11:54
Roryola2: There is no root password11:54
menaceor you debmirror the complete repository11:54
Roryola2: This isn't something you can argue about, it is just true11:54
ola2ya i know thats my password11:54
framacRory: what about the independent repository11:54
ola2but can i convert this password11:54
venkatRory please help me11:54
ola2i want to know this password11:54
Roryframac: You can use "apt-cache search packagename" on your pc11:54
Roryola2: You can't see user passwords in plain text11:54
Roryola2: You can change your password with the "passwd" command11:55
ola2ya ya where11:55
LjLola2: the entire *point* of having it hashed is so that it can *not* be converted back11:55
KI7MTrpi84, sr0 is the device, but maybe the rom itself is not working properly.11:55
ola2LjL : i want to retrieve this password11:55
Roryola2: You have forgotten your password?11:55
LjLola2: you can keep saying that and ignoring what you're being told, or you can listen11:55
venkatRory : where can i get help?11:55
ola2suppose i have root access then how can i know this password11:55
ola2i have a parental lock app11:55
framacRory: the thing is, I'm planning to upgrade to trusty, but because I need to disable the extras repository I need to check if I have something installed from that repository, but I dont know how to do that, any thoughts? thks11:56
ola2i want to know users password11:56
k1ljust set a new pw in recovery11:56
LjLola2: i'm not really sure we want to help you bypass parental lock11:56
LjLola2: but even if we wanted to, really, this is intended so that you cannot reverse the hash11:56
Roryola2: You can set a new password with "sudo passwd username" - replace username with the username of the account you want to change their password11:56
ola2so that i can control device access of child11:56
Roryola2: for example "sudo passwd fred"11:56
ola2Rory : i dont want to set password11:56
Roryola2: You cannot see what the password is, of course11:56
rpi84KI7MT: ok, thanks lot for helping i will  try another CDROM if i will find some11:56
KI7MTrpi84, the hardware being identified or listed is one thing, being able to read / write is another, it may not be working properly.11:56
Roryola2: That would be ridiculous11:56
ola2i just need to know it11:57
LjLyou can't.11:57
Roryola2: What is the name of the account you want to know the password for?11:57
Roryola2: type in "sudo passwd sid" and then set a new password. then you will know what it is11:57
Roryola2: problem solved11:57
ola2Rory : suppopse if child changes password then11:58
Roryola2: You can prevent individual users from running sudo11:58
ola2Rory : i just have an app to run on ubuntu and have acces root11:58
ola2i will  make a payload type app11:58
ola2which will control childern11:58
Roryola2: You cannot see users passwords11:59
Roryola2: Obviously11:59
Roryola2: This discussion is over11:59
ola2suppose im root then how to know password11:59
LjLola2: you can't. stop asking.11:59
k1lola2: stop it11:59
ola2if im root then can i know passwd of a user11:59
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k1lthe answer is not changing just because you ask 100times12:00
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rpi84KI7MT: it's possible it was broken during short trip, but computer works ok, anyway it's curious. because in windows xp works before one week now it isn't12:02
oquidavehow do i control the numbering of usb devices? my ubuntu 12.04 has inconsistent numbering. http://pastebin.com/P6UnMPsR it gives /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, /dev/ttyUSB3 instead of /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, /dev/ttyUSB212:02
rpi84KI7MT: if i have no chance try if cd rom is ok, anyway thanks, looks for HW error12:04
KI7MTrpi84, could be the disk media try different disk as k1l suggested, but the device looks like it's identified correctly..12:05
KI7MToquidave, create persistant udev rules for the devices.12:06
rpi84KI7MI: already try cd, dvd and disk with ubuntu installation, what i used for thic pc ...always the same .. no disk12:06
KI7MTrpi84, from wehat you've show us, it looks to be configured and mounted correctly.12:07
brodulIs there an option to start ssh on the server iso and then isnstall ubuntu  via ssh.12:07
adscwhy do you want an ubuntu server in the first place?12:08
rpi84KI7MT: i was changing discs ongoing, almost everytime when i get NO DISC message .. really i try more variations12:10
adscbrodul: this might be relevant: http://askubuntu.com/questions/155847/how-to-install-ubuntu-12-04-via-ssh12:11
broduladsc tnx12:12
KI7MTbrodul, It's not simple, but I do it for several USB devices. They are called persistent udev-rules .. you can find examples in /etc/udev/rules.d12:13
brodulAll I have is a NIC12:15
KI7MTbrodul, Example: KERNEL=="ttyUSB*",ATTRS{modalias}=="usb:v0403pB810d0500dc00dsc00dp00icFFiscFFipFF”,12:15
brodulso I can run the image in my VirtualBox to "blindly" move along and start ssh and ipv6 link local12:15
KI7MTbrodul, SRI i been sending infor to you by mistake, appologies.12:16
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mayoIs there android development channel?12:23
adscyep, #android-dev12:26
xevworkI'm creating a preseed file for Ubuntu Server. When it runs my preseed/late-command, the UI shows a progress bar at 21% with the message "Running preseed..." - is there any way to affect the percentage shown there so that users don't think the preseed has frozen?12:29
JuJuBeeAnybody willing to help me with a find command using sed?  http://pastebin.com/6uxTi0G712:31
kryptohi how can i install 32 bit packages in 64bit ubuntu 12.0412:31
JuJuBeeThe command is not working and I cannot figure out what is missing argument for -exec...12:31
JuJuBeekrypto: need to install ia32-libs12:32
node111who knows any tools in linux like wirelessmon in Windows?12:32
ActionParsnipkrypto: just install them as usual, the multiarch ability in your OS will pull in the deps (may be a lot)12:33
KI7MTxevwork, I don't think so, unless you write your own wrapper script with a progress indicator, but you could ask the ubuntu-server folks, they may have better guidance.12:33
HiddenKnowledgeHi! Does anyone here know where to get 'apt' in ubuntu? (Not apt-get)12:33
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: whereare you getting ia32-libs from?12:33
ActionParsnip!info apt12:33
ubottuapt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version (saucy), package size 1209 kB, installed size 3341 kB12:33
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: repo12:34
ActionParsnipHiddenKnowledge: its in the replos12:34
HiddenKnowledgeThat's apt-get..12:34
HiddenKnowledgeI mean the java one.12:34
ActionParsnip!info ia32-libs | JuJuBee12:34
ubottuJuJuBee: Package ia32-libs does not exist in saucy12:34
ActionParsnip!info ia32-libs raring | JuJuBee12:34
ubottuJuJuBee: Package ia32-libs does not exist in raring12:34
ActionParsnip!info ia32-libs precise | JuJuBee12:34
node111aircrack-ng cant show signal's quality, i want to know dbM etc.12:34
ubottuJuJuBee: Package ia32-libs does not exist in precise12:34
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: where are you getting ia32-libs from?12:34
ActionParsnipnode111: iwlist does, if memory serves12:35
MoonUnit`node111, kismet is the only other tool i know of12:35
qumquotWhat's a good DNS I can run on a linux virtual machine?12:36
ActionParsnipqumquot: dnsmasq12:36
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs (ubuntu 12.10)12:36
ActionParsnipqumquot: bind12:36
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: ubottu showed its not in the repos anymore12:37
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: ->  ia32-libs is already the newest version.12:37
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: strange, its showing in packages.ubuntu.com12:37
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: my mistake12:37
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: no worries12:37
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: maybe ubottu needs to run:  sudo apt-get update ;)12:38
HiddenKnowledge!info apt eclipse12:38
ubottu'eclipse' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable12:38
HiddenKnowledge!info apt precise12:38
ubottuapt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.16 (precise), package size 1072 kB, installed size 3106 kB12:38
HiddenKnowledgeNo, not that one >__<12:38
star_pronefor the unity environment, ubuntu is using unity3d, as in http://unity3d.com/12:40
Pessimiststar_prone, lol, no12:40
node111i have tried # iwlist wlan0 scan, but i dont know why all ssid's quality are same.12:41
the_drow_Does anyone know a nice tool that sets my wallpapers to a random one from the web?12:42
jellownode111: I presume you've tried airodump-ng12:43
xevworkIn the Ubuntu Server installer, is dialog or whiptail drawing the windows?12:43
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:44
qumquotWhat format is a network adapter ID in?12:44
charismahey guys12:44
charismanew user here12:44
KI7MTxevwork, some of both, whiptail is Debian mostly, Dialog is for things like Tasksel12:45
KI7MTThey both do the same thing, ncurses gui's in xterm.12:45
xevworkKI7MT: I see. I'm trying to provide feedback during my preseed/late_command script so the user doesn't think it's frozen. Is there a wrapper for the curses GUI like the in-target and apt-install wrappers?12:46
alumno_you will die12:47
MegaCatHi there, just testing my IRC client. Can someone just answer this message?12:47
KI7MTxevwork, the progress indicator in both are really useless, unless you code (wrap) it properly, most likely a simple Bash or Perl script.12:48
xevwork:D Hi there, MegaCat12:48
xevworkKI7MT: That's my plan. I just can't find a whiptail or dialog binary in the installer.12:48
ActionParsnipMegaCat: yes we see you12:48
AndreasLHey guys. How can I force a specific LightDM session from the command-line (ssh session)? I tried dm-tool, but it complained that it wasn't running within a desktop manager12:49
MegaCatHi! I'm using X-chat. How do I answer you xevwork?12:49
MegaCatSo that you understand that I'm talking to you.12:49
LjLalumno_: please stop12:49
KI7MTxevwork, cant find it in the installer code or cant fine the packages?12:49
alumno_SHUT THE FUCK UP12:50
LjL!ops | alumno_12:50
ubottualumno_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!12:50
xevworkMegaCat: You just did, but it can help to start a line by typing a few characters of the user you want to talk to and hit tab. Most clients will highlight lines starting with your own nick, so it makes it easier for people to notice that you're speaking to them.12:50
MegaCatxevwork, So this is an answer to you then?12:51
MalsasaHello, is asking about Qt packaging problem in Ubuntu polite here?12:51
KI7MTxevwork, if your referrign to the Alt-Installer, that't Whiptail until yo get to the additional options,  then that is Dialog.12:51
gordonjcpKI7MT: 73 de MM0YEQ12:52
MegaCatxevwork,  When answer me it's like MegaCat:12:52
n1ckn4m3I'm face dwith some hurdles getting my Surface Pro 2 work well with Ubuntu12:52
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 64811 in Input Devices "Microsoft Surface type cover 2 assigned to hid-multitouch, "No inputs registered"" [Normal,New]12:52
xevworkMegaCat: That's just because my IRC client does it differently. The colon vs the comma doesn't make a difference.12:52
dscastrohi guys12:52
n1ckn4m3problem is with the type cover 2, works fine during install but not at all on first boot12:52
MegaCatxevwork, Okey, thanks! :D12:52
n1ckn4m3any way to make ubuntu use the reduced HID drivers that it uses during install?12:53
star_proneI have a problem with vmware on ubuntu 13.1012:53
xevworkMegaCat: You may have to configure Xchat to automatically highlight. I use Quassel, so I'm not sure about Xchat.12:53
dscastroi'm facing ubuntu crashes on xenserver12:53
dscastroit's about spinlock.c, do you know what is it?12:53
glitsj16Malsasa: sure you can ask here, but #ubuntu-packaging has people who deal with that on a daily basis12:54
xevworkKI7MT: Yeah the part I'm looking at now seems to be a dialog window. However, there's no dialog binary in the installer environment. It must all be done with libraries?12:54
star_pronewhen I open it, it says that some modules have to be installed in the kernel, and then when it starts, it doesn't list the virtual machines anymore12:54
Malsasaglitsj16: oh, thank you for pointing me.12:54
k1l!cn | ubunbo12:54
ubottuubunbo: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:54
dscastroglitsj16: thaknks12:54
MegaCatxevwork, When we are talking our conversion is highlighter automatically (red). BTW why are you using Quassel, I mean like features and stuff?12:54
KI7MTxevwork, I'm not sure. I have it installed on my laptop let me look.12:55
xevworkMegaCat: I use Quassel because it's QT-based and I use KDE, so it integrates a bit better with my desktop environment.12:55
MegaCatxevwork, Okey, thanks! :D12:56
MegaCatxevwork,  BB12:56
KI7MTxevwork, it's a binary, /usr/bin/dialog .. maybe Whiptail is used throughout and they just used the dialig.rc for coloring, but there almost identical in coding.12:56
xevworkKI7MT: That's not present in the install environment for me. I'm booted in the Ubuntu Server (12.04.3) installer on the second terminal.12:57
KI7MTxevwork, Whiptail is also installed in Ubuntu by default, so if you want Dialog specifically, have to install it after.12:58
Wiseusing lubuntu lxkeymap gives me index out of range error how do I change to swedish keyboard in the OS from terminal?12:58
xevworkKI7MT: Thanks. I was looking for it in the install image, but just realized that if I'm running a late_command during a preseed, I'll have the in-target command available and I can run whiptail that way. Thanks a lot!13:01
KI7MTxevwork, I dont have a server-install CD handy, but Im pretty sure the install uses Whiptail for all the user interaction / input items.13:02
xevworkKI7MT: It does, which is why I'm perplexed. 'find -name whiptail' turns up nothing.13:03
RoryKI7MT: isn't it /bin/whiptail ?13:03
muchdogehow do I get hlep?13:03
xevworkRory: Nope.13:03
KI7MTxevwork, I think so on the install CD that would make sense.13:04
Ben64muchdoge: you'd need to ask13:04
Rory!ask | muchdoge13:04
ubottumuchdoge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:04
Rory!details | muchdoge13:04
ubottumuchdoge: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:04
xevworkKI7MT, Rory: Boot the Ubuntu Server ISO in a VM, got to the second terminal and start searching. If you can find it, I'll totally high-five you.13:04
Silmarilionwhen I install a program wich has installer.run will I be able later to remove it with apt?13:04
Roryxevwork: cannot find it with "find / -name whiptail" ?13:04
RorySilmarilion: No13:05
xevworkRory: Only the files that have been installed in /target13:05
lutfihow to install photoshop in ubuntu 12.04?13:05
Rory!wine | lutfi13:05
ubottulutfi: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:05
SilmarilionI thought so.. This is bad because most of the packages in comunnity are out of date...13:06
muchdogeJust installed Ubuntu 13.10, first time using ubuntu. My tower has a Nvidia card on the board, and I have a AMD HD6770 plugged into the pci-e slot. Ubuntu doesn't seem to be able to see the AMD card, and when I try to install drivers they don't detect it. What do I do?13:06
RorySilmarilion: what app are you trying to install13:06
MadkissI am trying to install Ubuntu 13.10 on a Lenovo X121e. TTBOMK, that notebook doesn't support EFI or UEFI.13:07
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
Ben64!away > Thor|Away13:07
ubottuThor|Away, please see my private message13:07
MadkissYet, the installer tries to create an "EFI BOOT" partition and tries to mount something to /boot/efi afterwards13:07
xevworkHm. All the whiptail output I try to create in a late_command is probably going to be captured to the log instead of displayed on the terminal.13:07
Silmarilionthe usual for programming netbeans, eclipse, lampp (xampp) etc...13:07
KI7MTxevwork, binarys are probably in the compressed image, and you'd have to extract it to see what all is there, not on the CD wehre the apps are housed.13:07
RorySilmarilion: The repositories are there for a reason. You might find Ubuntu 13.10 has newer versions than 12.0413:08
Rorymuchdoge: Can you see possible drivers to install in the Additional Drivers tab of the Software Sources program?13:08
muchdogeRory: only for the Nvidia13:08
xevworkKI7MT: I'm in the terminal during install, which means I'm inside that compressed image.13:08
sdahi all, I would like to be able to connect to my desktop with another device (another desktop, laptop, tablet) and be able to choose what resolution use, and be able to connect multiple user at the same time. VNC is not good for do that, any idea?13:08
Rorymuchdoge: Can you show me the output of the command: lspci -v13:08
RoryPlease paste the full output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and share the URL in this channel13:09
xevworkKI7MT: Booted into it. Not just mounting the ISO...13:09
muchdogeyes....hold on....I just type that exactly into terminal right?13:09
KI7MTxevwork, I'll have to dig on that one a bit. Maybe in the ramfs or something ?13:09
xevworkKI7MT: This is all moot anyway, since I realized that all late_command output gets captured to the install log. So, whiptail won't display on the screen.13:09
Rorymuchdoge: you can do this to make it easier: "sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; lspci -v | pastebinit"13:10
Rorymuchdoge: that will give you a URL to give me13:10
MalsasaHello, I am packaging my Qt app on Precise. I create the single executable with Qt Creator and package it using dpkg --build. But lintian says just single error: unstripped-binary-or-object. I have ggogling for that and read Debian Packaging Guide, but I can't figure out how to solve this. It seems .deb packages on many KDE packages (yes, Qt too) doesn't have this type of error. Any suggestion for me? Thank you.13:10
KI7MTxevwork, ok .. yeah, you'd have to be able to redirect IO for the progress indicator to work.13:11
Rory!who | muchdoge in future13:12
ubottumuchdoge in future: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:12
muchdogeah, sorry rory! how do you do that vertical slash?13:12
Rorymuchdoge: the same way you did it to get that URL13:12
muchdogeer Rory:how do you do that vertical slash.13:13
KI7MTOk, time to cash out,  catch u later13:13
muchdogeI just did a copy paste13:13
Rorymuchdoge: it's pipe, shift + the-key-to-the-left-of-z13:13
xevworkKI7MT: Thanks for brainstorming with me.13:13
Romancei have installed JRE 1.7 but my firefox say no JRE is found, how do i fix this?13:13
muchdogeRory: Thanks! I hope you can help me!13:13
Rorymuchdoge: Is the PCI slot enabled in your BIOS?13:13
MalsasaRomance: sure, have you installed icedtea plugin?13:13
muchdogeRory: I dont know how to find out on this OS.13:14
Rorymuchdoge: It's not an OS thing, it's in your BIOS13:14
Rorymuchdoge: I ask because Ubuntu does not see it at all13:14
RomanceMalsasa: icedtea is bundled with openJDK right? i uninstalled openJDK13:14
Rorymuchdoge: So it either isn't plugged in or it's disabled in the BIOS somehow13:14
muchdogewell....lets say its not...how do I turn it on?13:14
muchdogeits deffenitely plugged in...I get video thru it.13:14
KI7MTshort answer, ldconfig13:15
MalsasaRomance: install it separately. Search by Synaptic.13:15
Rorymuchdoge: You plug your monitor into the graphics card, or the port on the motherboard?13:15
muchdogeRory:its def plugged in, so I know its working.13:15
RomanceMalsasa: ok thanks i will check on it13:15
muchdogeRory: I can plug into ether, and both work.13:15
Rorymuchdoge: Do you know the model of your motherboard?13:16
muchdoge:Rory er.....negative Capitan.13:16
Rorymuchdoge: Did you build the PC yourself? Or is it pre-built, if so what's the model of the PC?13:17
=== zz_dino82 is now known as dino82
Rorymuchdoge: Is Ubuntu the first OS you've ever had on this PC, or do you also have Windows?13:18
muchdogeRory: I had windows before13:19
muchdogeRory: also, most of it is an 2 year old E-machine....im trying to find the original case to tell you what model.13:19
Rorymuchdoge: What did you say the AMD pci-e card was?13:19
muchdogeHd 677013:20
muchdoge:Rory HD 677013:20
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
RoryI mean... I don't know what to say. It's not a driver thing, ubuntu simply does not see that device at all, exactly as if it wasn't plugged in. is your monitor connected to the video output on the graphics card, or the video output on the motherboard?13:22
=== arsdragonfly1 is now known as arsdragonfly
muchdogeRight now, mother board. I can restart it and use the AMD if you think that will make a difference.13:22
RoryYes, and while you're restarting, go into your BIOS and double-check the PCI-E slots are enabled and at 16x speed13:23
muchdogehow do I do that with Ubuntu?13:23
Rorymuchdoge: it's not an Ubuntu thing13:23
muchdogewindows is no longer installed13:23
Rorymuchdoge: it's before any OS boots, you press a hotkey to access a menu13:23
RoryIt's not a Windows thing13:23
MalsasaMy problem (Qt packaging) just SOLVED by using command: strip --strip-unneeded EXECUTABLENAME. Lintian says no error. Thank you.13:23
muchdogeRory, ah, what key would that be?13:23
Rorymuchdoge: I don't know what it will be on your system, but it's usually F2 or Del13:23
muchdogegot ya.13:24
muchdogeok ill be back!13:24
RoryOK gl13:24
muchdogety so much!13:24
muchdogeI do you use BTC?13:24
=== Malsasa is now known as Guest70251
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
chverma79can anybody read me13:42
Piciyes, hello13:42
=== pcdummy_ is now known as pcdummy
Rorymuchdoge never came back. Some say he's trying to find his BIOS hotkey to this day13:43
zomGreg-mThe legend grows13:44
Abhijithow to install rails 4 on ubuntu 12.0413:46
gordonjcpAbhijit: have you tried typing that phrase verbatim into Google?13:47
snqlhttp://google.com/?q=how to install rails 4 on ubuntu 12.0413:47
RoryAbhijit: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=how+to+install+rails+4+on+ubuntu+12.0413:48
RoryI know "google it" isn't really recommended but...13:49
iptableAbhijit tried this PPA? Not sure which v it will give you. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-rails/+archive/ppa13:51
Abhijitgordonjcp, snq Rory i tried searching. but i ddnt use googe. so the another search engine ddnt gave me all those results. and the one with rvm was ignored by me. actually i was in the shock on not having rails 4 in default repo. but thanks anyway. iptable i wil look into it.13:54
Wiseusing lubuntu lxkeymap gives me index out of range error how do I change to swedish keyboard in the OS from terminal?13:54
pawswhat is a good tool to track network traffic in an organization?13:57
Abhijitpaws, netstat and vnstat13:58
pawsAbhijit: i am looking for something like mrtg but that can track all the computers in my network13:59
Rorypaws: It needs to be something you install on the gateway13:59
pawsagh there is no tool that i can install on everyone's computer and send the stats to my server?14:00
Rorypaws: Oh I see14:00
Rorypaws: Yes you can use something like Nagios14:01
pawsi will look into it14:01
=== DavidGeb- is now known as DavidGebler
Abhijitpaws, search for "auditd" and "monit"14:04
Rorykenetik: you accidentally joined #ubuntu, this is the Ubuntu support channel14:07
kenetikRory: Did you happened to read the post? The server is running Ubuntu.14:08
Rorykenetik: Not any more, you installed Centos instead14:09
Rorykenetik: Yes I read the post: "After successfully initiating the CentOS installation..."14:09
kenetikI run Ubuntu on my home computer, laptop and most of my servers. I've helped people in this channel before, wasn't expecting to have to deal with a smart ass. If you don't want to help, don't.14:09
Rorykenetik: You have 50% of a centos install, and 0% of an ubuntu install14:09
Rorykenetik: It's nto that I dont want to help, it's that #centos is the right place to get it14:10
kenetikRory: Great, preciate the assistance. You've been so much help.14:10
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:10
pawsRory: does nagios have to sit on the gateway?14:14
Rorypaws: No, nagios server can sit on any server14:16
RoryIt is possibly overkill, take a look at Abhijit's suggestion above. Nagios is a complete monitoring tool, bandwidth is just a part of it14:16
pawsthis is kind of what i am looking for14:16
pawsi looked up Abhijit's tools too.. but nagios is kind of what i was looking for, except i dont understand how it will pull stats from other computers14:17
Picinagios/icinga doesn't have any sort of computer detection mechanisms built in either.  You would need to define each computer manually.14:17
Rorycorrect paws. if you want it to just automatically monitor traffic on the network without ant client-side configuration you will need to look into something for the gateway14:18
pawslet me read over their manuals14:18
pawsthanx a lot Rory & Pici :)14:19
Rorypaws: you will need to install an nrpe client on each machine and configure it with a plugin to report bandwidth. that's why I mentioned it might be overkill14:19
Rorypaws: It's sort of enterprise-level14:19
=== d3fc0n is now known as Guest93465
PbwizkidHello all14:22
flaviennHello there14:23
=== embed-ns is now known as phil-ns
=== djD3f is now known as d3fc0n
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem14:50
=== Koma is now known as rebecca
=== Styles_ is now known as Styles
MonkeyDustAikar  in ubuntu?15:01
=== rebecca is now known as Koma
AikarMonkeyDust: yes.15:01
AikarMonkeyDust: have you seen this problem before?15:03
MonkeyDustAikar  no, i had to look up what sli is15:04
coolmousei can't open i cann't open http://wiki.meego.com/ARM#OMAP415:05
coolmousei am in china15:05
compdoccoolmouse:   The requested URL could not be retrieved15:06
compdochttp://wiki.meego.com/ is not a working website15:07
coolmousethank you15:07
imghostcoolmouse, may be its busy right now try reloading15:07
geirhacoolmouse: wiki.meego.com doesn't exist, perhaps you typoed it?15:07
MonkeyDustcoolmouse  try meego.wikia.com15:08
imghostcoolmouse, try https://meego.com/community/wiki-015:08
frog_http://imgur.com/pB2HLhV: this message i get when i try to open a big (17000x1912pixels) jpg panorama made with hugin. What am i doing wrong?15:09
peyamThe user bar i ubuntu is way to big15:10
le_nekoi supposed it doesn't fit in ram15:10
peyamwhere the close, minimize buttob is15:11
frog_le_neko: ive got 16GB15:11
peyamfrog_, what is the issue?15:12
frog_peyam: http://imgur.com/pB2HLhV: this message i get when i try to open a big (17000x1912pixels) jpg panorama made with hugin. What am i doing wrong?15:13
Aikarthough I am currently running ubuntu 13.04 because I cant upgrade :/ I get a "could not calculate upgrade" error. would 13.10 have any real chance at improving xinerama?15:13
peyamfrog_, i suck at this15:14
peyamAikar, you have recently install a program?15:14
Aikarpeyam: no, my issue is that i have a new system, but Xinerama fails. I was running twinview before, but now that wont work since each monitor is on a different GPU15:15
flaviennpeyem: right click your desktop and select change desktop background and select the behaviour tab and it has options to auto hide the launcher and to scale it if thats what you were talking about.15:16
Aikarand twinview only works on same GPU15:16
dondopaDoes anyone uses Google calendar? how do I make an event repeat every two months on any day?15:16
dondopaIt is currently set to"Every 2 months on the fourth Sunday"15:16
dondopaCouldnt it fall ona day like monday,tuesday etc.15:17
Aikarreally wondering if i should just try to disable 2 of the cards and try to use the one card only that has 2 dvi and 1 hdmi, but i dunno if all 3 cables will fit15:17
dondopaWhy does it repeat on every sunday15:17
Aikarbut then id have 2 beastly cards unused15:17
flaviennHow many displays? my video card only does 2 at once :( lol15:18
Aikar3, maybe more later >_>15:18
Aikarthe fact I can run like 8 is interesting haha15:18
JStalinI must admit that 13.10 is giving me serious headaches. I'm using it on three machines (home, work, and my wifes computer) but its definitely less stable that 13.04 was. Often freezes, errors during startup, things not working. Thankfully I haven't updated my mothers machine to 13.10 yet, and I guess I won't until 14.04..., just wanted to share :P15:18
flaviennwhat kind of cards?15:18
Aikar.. lemme preface that I bought this from a friend, and he used the oddball as a dedicated physx card, but 2x 595 GTX and 1x 480 GTX15:19
peyamJStalin, welcome to the club. that's why im waiting for 14.04 why sont u use debian15:19
Aikarso, 5 GPU's15:19
Aikarthis system def qualifies for "Gibson" title15:19
Aikarhe spent 6k building it15:20
Aikar(and I told him not to)15:20
JStalinand another error :P15:20
phunyguyJStalin, you may lost updates for a few months if you wait.  IIRC support for 13.04 is only 9 months.15:21
flaviennAhh lol ya makes sense now i have a measly gtx 570.15:21
JStalinphunyguy: but I still will be able to upgrade to 14.04 later, right?15:21
phunyguyJStalin, I doubt it15:22
phunyguyalthough I have been wrong before15:22
phunyguyJStalin, you may be able to upgrade to 14.04 early... but the path would be 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.04 I think15:23
=== EagleScreen is now known as Guest81826
phunyguyI am not sure how long it will take then to cut off the upgrade path15:23
JStalinpayam: and debian, well I got used to stable systems (since winXP) , I don't like the idea of moving everything all the time, and even if I could do it for my machines, I don't want to reinstall everything for my women :P15:23
JStalinphunyguy: so I guess my mother will receive another Christmas gift :P15:24
phunyguyJStalin, 12.04 works well if you want stability, and that has 5 years15:24
MonkeyDust12.04 <315:24
JStalinphunyguy: thats why I'm waiting 14.0415:24
JStalinits also LTR afaik15:25
phunyguyLTS*, and yes15:25
phunyguyregular releases aren't designed to skip releases anymore15:25
phunyguyThey give you a few months to upgrade, and that's it.15:25
JStalinanyway its still more stable than windows7 on similar machine, I mean friend at work, have to restart his system few times a week, whole system crashing on my ubuntu is extremely rare15:27
phunyguyI have a super stable Xubuntu 13.10 laptop, and Ubuntu 12.04 desktop.  No complaints here.15:28
phunyguy12.04 server is rock solid and never dies.15:28
* kenetik agrees with phunyguy 15:28
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
codepython777does anyone know of a good web based ssh shell? I am looking for putty's web dual?15:30
Aikarso does anyone have any ideas about Xinerama being enabled in nvidia driver (304, 313, 331 all the same), freezing on loading NV-CONTROL ?15:30
codepython777I'd like to ssh from the browser to my ubuntu box15:31
Aikarcodepython777: why web?15:31
codepython777Aikar: I can use it from my tablets? I can use the same look and feel from anywhere? I want it html5/css based.15:31
Vi|lanIm trying to run ubuntun on my sony laptop it has 8400 GS gpu and it installs fine boots to login screen/ welcome screen looks great but when i login scren starts flickeriing and its not readable15:32
jhutchinscodepython777: There are ssh clients available for Android.15:34
jhutchinscodepython777: I have juiceSSH on my phone.15:34
kenetikjuiceSSH is awesome <315:35
Superdawg+1 for juiceSSH15:35
kenetikI've got a 'widget' on my homescreen for my dedicated servers, direct access, boom. <315:35
kenetikAlecTaylor: HI!15:36
mike-irssijhutchins: terminal emulator too right?15:36
AlecTaylorI installed some KDE stuff by mistake, so I removed it. Now my login screen is all white (but still functional). How do I revert back to the Ubuntu one?15:36
ariel_17AlecTaylor: try to reset lightdm as default window manager. Check this http://askubuntu.com/questions/58023/how-can-i-make-lightdm-the-default-display-manager15:38
AlecTaylorThanks ariel_1715:41
Moorehello floodbot315:51
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=== hf is now known as Guest46896
Anarhistwhy is 13.10 the most unstable version so far? my computer cannot boot with less than 2 errors, and thunderbird just starts crashing every so often (something with libxul library)16:08
=== Nothing_Much_ is now known as Nothing_Much
Anarhistdoes reporting bugs actually help? mine normally get unanswered for a few years, and then closed as 'won't fix'16:08
lirakishey all16:09
lirakisI know that the keybinding changed in 13.10 for vertical window movment, and i have changed my keyboard shortcuts to be the same as they used to be16:09
lirakishowever I am also experiencing a strange issue in terminal16:09
lirakisthe default shortcut for new tab (ctrl+shift+t) works intermittently16:10
lirakisso much so that I have changed it to ctrl+t16:10
lirakiswhich seems to have no issue16:10
lirakisi would prefer it be the standard ctrl+shift+t16:10
imghostAnarhist, unstable word is not good, i think 13.10 comes with latest kernel and latest kernel means better hardware support16:10
lirakisdoes any one have any information on why this keybinding is having issues ?16:11
imghostlirakis, !pastebinit | lirakis16:11
MonkeyDustlirakis  ctrl alt t works fine here16:11
imghost !pastebinit | lirakis16:11
ubottulirakis: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:11
lirakisno no - not control alt t16:11
lirakisMonkeyDust, once I am in the terminal, ctrl + shift + t intermitantly works to create a new tab16:12
lirakisimghost, ... im confused, what am I supposed to pastebin?16:12
Anarhistimghost, but should i continue reporting bugs? is it even relevant any longer?16:12
MonkeyDustlirakis  works fine here16:12
imghostAnarhist, you should report the bugs :)16:13
lirakisMonkeyDust, like i said, it works intermittently for me, some times it works great, then it will just stop and not start working again16:13
imghostlirakis, now its working? ctrl + alt+t?16:13
lirakisimghost, that was never the issue16:14
Anarhistimghost, i'll keep bombarding the void wit them then16:14
lirakisimghost, i can open a terminal with ctrl+alt+t16:14
lirakisimghost, creating a new tab within a terminal is flakey16:14
imghostlirakis, under terminal16:14
lirakisimghost, aka  ctrl+shift+t  seems to work fine for a while, then it will just stop working16:14
=== Guest46896 is now known as Duderino222
imghostlirakis, ok, Anarhist, good luck and if the bug is realy serious then most probably it will get fixed, just report it at luanchpad.net16:16
MonkeyDustlirakis  i think it will not have a high priority16:17
imghostMonkeyDust, agreed seems like no one will even try to solve it :D16:18
lirakisim just wondering if anyone else has experienced this on 13.10 because i know there have been other keybinding issues such as the vertical window movement16:18
lirakisi wasnt sure if there were some other gnome changes that made things behave strangely16:19
=== nxfrx_ is now known as nxfrx
Gr1mDoes anyone know how to copy python modules/packages installed using apt ?16:25
* Nohboard is now in ubuntu installation screen.16:25
lirakisok then ...16:25
lirakisnot very helpful16:25
Nohboardthe Screen reader dude is reading everything without stopping o_o',how to shut him up?i'm in ubuntu installation screen16:27
Nohboardeven repushing on 'Screen Reader' can't make it16:27
MonkeyDustNohboard  ctrl alt F1 > ps x orca > kill pid16:29
MonkeyDustNohboard  or use a terminal, enter 'ps x orca' (without quotes), then kill the pid16:30
gvikaskccan any one help here on installing printers?16:34
holyguyverCould someone please tell me if there is a libre font similar to diploma or olde english? I already checked on google with no luck in getting an answer.16:36
asshat@gvikaskc what is the problem installing printers?16:38
holyguyverAre there any libre fonts similar to these http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=401 ?16:39
gvikaskc@asshat i successfully installed canon lbp2900B..but everytime i restart the pc, i have to remove and register the printer16:39
asshat@gvikaskc are you using default drivers?16:40
gvikaskcyes downloaded from canon website16:41
holyguyverWhere can I find a list of the fonts included by default in Ubuntu?16:41
asshat@gvikasck try this guide and get back to us16:41
gvikaskc@asshat: followed the procedure mentioned on ubuntu forum...i.e. installed both the packages and registered the printer...printer works fine16:41
holyguyver!Ubottu, you are my only hope16:42
ubottuholyguyver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:42
asshat@gvikasck but it does nto stay registered on reboot?16:42
gvikaskc@asshat: problem arises when i restart the system..it shows two printers and none prints...i have to remove printers from system settings16:42
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/16:42
gvikaskc@asshat: it stays there...but doesnt print... i have to remove and add16:43
holyguyverAm I invisible?16:43
asshat@gvikasck try reboting then do the ccpd start command16:43
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem16:43
asshat@gvikasck if that works then add it on startup16:44
holyguyverApparently everyone in here is an asshat16:44
asshatasshat is a helpful guy16:44
holyguyverasshat: You haven't helped me yet ;)16:44
asshatholyguyver: what's your problem?16:45
xevworkDoes preseeding RAID work? It seems like I've tried a dozen suggestions from the web, but nothing works. It keeps making swap partitions that I'm not asking it to make!16:45
holyguyverWhere can I find a list of the fonts included by default in Ubuntu?16:45
holyguyverAre there any libre fonts similar to these http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=401 ?16:45
holyguyverCould someone please tell me if there is a libre font similar to diploma or olde english? I already checked on google with no luck in getting an answer.16:45
OerHeksholyguyver, ubottu gave you an url to the ubuntu fonts16:45
Rory!patience | holyguyver16:45
ubottuholyguyver: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/16:45
holyguyverOerHeks: No ubottu gave me a link to the official ubuntu font16:46
asshatholyguyver: i'm not sure what fonts there are exactally but you can add fonts to libre office pretty easily16:46
Roryholyguyver: The Google Web Fonts perhaps16:46
asshatholyguyver: add fonts from any font website to /user/share/fonts16:47
JoshuaPis there something i can do to blacklist tor connections?16:47
asshatholyguyver: restart libreoffice and they will show up16:47
holyguyverasshat: Rory : I am not looking for fonts for me, I am looking for what fonts I can use in css that everyone will be able to see on their systems16:47
Roryholyguyver: Then use Google Web Fonts that's exactly what they're for16:47
Roryholyguyver: http://www.google.com/fonts16:47
asshatholyguyver: then you're looking in the wrong place, you're looking for general css fonts not ubuntu fonts16:48
Roryholyguyver: Were you aware this is the Ubuntu support channel?16:48
asshatjoshuap: are you trying to blacklist all tor connections or just some/a specific ones?16:48
JoshuaPall, please16:48
holyguyverasshat: Rory : I figure libre fonts would be on all systems16:48
Roryholyguyver: People can only see fonts they have installed, or that you embed. The Google Fonts site allows you to embed the fonts and they are licensed for that16:49
holyguyverasshat: Rory : also I wanted to make sure ubuntu users could see my website as I intended it to look16:49
asshatjoshuap: you can use ufw to do it16:49
asshatholyguyver: fonts wont be an issue16:49
holyguyverRory: Thank you16:50
JoshuaPasshat: sorry for asking this, but could you explain it as if i was a noob?16:50
RoryJoshuaP: Are you running a server?16:51
JoshuaPRory: yes16:51
MonkeyDustJoshuaP  #ubuntu-server16:51
RoryJoshuaP: You need to find a list of TOR exit nodes, and add firewall rules to block these IPs16:52
RoryWith respect, you ought to know how to do that if you are considering running a server16:52
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JoshuaPRory: you're probably right, but yolo :P16:53
RoryJoshuaP: Why do you want to blck all tor connections? what sort of server is it?16:53
JoshuaPRory: eh, whatever me and my partner decide to run on it :P16:54
JoshuaPprimarily we have an irc server right now, but im picky about the proxy connections16:54
cortexA9i need support16:55
cortexA9for install ubuntu16:55
nxfrxhi im new to ubuntu16:55
k1l!details | cortexA916:55
ubottucortexA9: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:55
fwl731how to use fcrackzip to crack zip file with brute force attack16:55
fwl731any help16:55
nxfrxhow can i change the locale to english16:55
cortexA9how to install in dual boot with windows ?16:56
bazhang!locale | nxfrx16:56
ubottunxfrx: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/16:56
k1l!dualboot  | cortexA916:57
ubottucortexA9: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:57
bazhangcortexA9, uefi system?16:57
cortexA9bazhang no16:57
nxfrxok it dint work16:57
bazhangnxfrx, what "didn't work"16:57
k1lcortexA9: as sum up: shrink the windows with the windows disk utility and choose the free space in the ubuntu installer16:57
nxfrxhow else can i change system language via console16:57
bazhangnxfrx, did you read the link16:58
cortexA9k1l can i use wubi ?16:58
nxfrxyes i did16:58
AndChat399636Does the server iso have unity gui?16:58
bazhang!work | nxfrx16:58
ubottunxfrx: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:58
nxfrxi read alot of websites16:58
bazhangAndChat399636, no gui with server16:58
xevworkAndChat399636: Ubuntu server does not have a GUI by default. You can install any GUI that you want, though.16:58
dtcrshrcortexA9: I wouldnt go on wubi if I were you16:59
cortexA9because i tried with wubi16:59
nxfrxwell ill get back with details16:59
brendan`anyone know if its possible to install 13.04's imagemagick on 12.04?16:59
cortexA9and doesnt work.16:59
nxfrxmaybe pastebin them16:59
k1lnot with wubi :/16:59
nxfrxk baz16:59
ActionParsnipAndChat399636: the server install is pure CLI. If you want a desktop OS, Install the desktop ISO16:59
AndChat399636Thank you16:59
AndChat399636I actually don't want gui16:59
ActionParsnipAndChat399636: or if you dislike Unity, install Xubuntu, Kubuntu or Lubuntu and you will get a different default sessioj17:00
cortexA9so there is not a good installer for windows ?17:00
ActionParsnipAndChat399636: then server is great, or ubuntu minimal17:00
DLCbrendan`: You can compile imagemagick from source. This is useful in case you need support for 16-bit images for example17:01
k1lcortexA9: what is wrong with the way i explained?17:01
Agent86Hi all17:01
cortexA9k1l: because i dont know if i can shrink..17:01
AndChat399636Thank you action17:01
brendan`DLC, but the package install won't work?17:01
dtcrshrAndChat399636: and if you pretend to run any games at all, ditch unity17:01
otakIs icedtea the recommended java plugin?17:01
k1lcortexA9: if you cant shrink you cant install. thats it. you need at least one partition17:01
DLCbrendan`: sorry, i mixed it up with libgraphicsmagic17:02
AndChat399636I don't use unity17:02
brendan`np, im inquiring about imagemagick package17:02
jhutchinsbrendan`: Generally it's a bad idea to mix releases.  You get into problems with different versions of dependencies being required, and if package names change between releases you can end up with a real mess.17:04
xevworkcortexA9: It is possible to shrink your Windows partition with tools like Parted Magic. Judging by your questions, it seems like you're at risk of breaking your Windows installation by attempting to install a dual-boot setup. I suggest you install VirtualBox and create a Linux virtual machine in order to get started learning Linux.17:04
cortexA9ok k1l done17:04
cortexA9500 GB k1l17:04
cortexA9for ubuntu17:04
MonkeyDustxevwork  yes, always backup first, if you start changing partitions17:05
cortexA9i don't shrink a windows partition.17:05
cortexA9but another..17:05
MonkeyDusti use windows in vbox17:05
brendan`yeah, im not in favor of it17:05
jhutchinscortexA9: Linux installers have supported shrinking a Windows partition and installing to a new partition on the same drive with dual-boot since the 1990s.17:05
k1lcortexA9: choose that for ubuntu (best is to make on extended partition and put one partition for / one for /home and one swap if you want swap, into that.)17:06
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jhutchinsk1l: There is no reason to prefer an extended partition, and for a new user it's usually best to have a single linux partition so you don't run out of space where you actually need it.17:07
imghostcortexA9, always keep a live cd or usb as a backup on physical device:)17:07
fwl731guys how to use fcrackzip to crack password protected zip file with brute-force method17:07
fwl731need help17:07
ActionParsnipcortexA9: or resize in Windows, which I find favourable.17:07
cortexA9so there is not a good win installer right ?17:07
ActionParsnipcortexA9: wubi is a try before you buy, not a long term solution17:08
k1ljhutchins: you never know how much primary he already got there.17:08
OerHeksfwl731, this channel does not support cracking, thanks.17:08
k1lcortexA9: there is a excellent installer. just like you would install windows.17:08
jhutchinscortexA9: The Linux installers have worked well enough that there has been little reason to develop an installer that runs under windows.  Just boot to the installer instaed.17:08
jhutchinscortexA9: Installing to a windows filesystem has some serious compromises and is usually not a good solution.17:09
cortexA9better to do a DVD right ?17:09
k1lcortexA9: take a usb-stick17:09
jhutchinscortexA9: A CD with netinstall is a good way to go, that way you only download what you actually use.17:09
jhutchinscortexA9: usb works well too.17:10
imghostcortexA9,just fyi linux use ext4, windows ntfs so keep that in mind when ever you doing partition17:10
cortexA9ok thanks17:11
cortexA9downloading ubuntu right now17:11
ActionParsnipcortexA9: either is fine, the DVD just hasd more apps available on the install media17:12
imghostcortexA9, read the installing instructions from the ubuntu website and then proceed :)17:13
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Aikarhas nouveau gotten to the point of direct rendering yet?17:14
csst0111a few days ago wireless zyxel G-202 was working. I just changed to wired connection the last days and now I'm trying to connect wireless but doesn't seems to work. Can't find the adapter.17:17
csst0111I'm using 12.0417:18
LiENUSanyone use the hangouts plugin with chromium on ubuntu?17:18
RoryLiENUS: Ask your real question17:18
LiENUShow do i get the hangouts window to appear?17:19
LiENUSRory, its quite vague unless you use a specific combination17:19
RoryDid you install the plugin deb?17:19
LiENUSif you alt+tab to the desktop17:19
LiENUSthe hangouts window disappears17:19
ActionParsnipcsst0111: what wifi chip does it use?17:20
csst0111ActionParsnip, how can I check it ?17:21
ActionParsnipcsst0111: sudo lshw -C network17:21
csst0111ActionParsnip, I just got the Ethernet interface :(17:23
ActionParsnipcsst0111: is it a USB device?17:24
ActionParsnipcsst0111: then run:  lsusb   and use the 8 character hex ID to find guides17:25
csst0111doesn't appears with lsusb ...17:25
deletedsteveDoes anyone know much about EXT2/3/4 and UNDELETEing files? I have some questions about what is possible and what is not.17:25
bazhang!undelete | deletedsteve17:26
ubottudeletedsteve: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:26
pepper_chicohello guys, anyone has a link for how to build mesa and load it instead of the system default? I'm running ubuntu 13.10 (just upgraded from 13.04), I'm also using xorg-edgers PPA, I'm trying to run Metro Last Light on my macbook pro with an intel hd 3000, I've seen this game runs on this graphics, but on windows, and by now, even with the current xorg-edgers I was unable to make it run, so, I'd like to try building my on mesa and17:27
pepper_chico see17:27
pepper_chiconever done that, but I17:27
pepper_chicoknow git and stuff, programmer here17:27
ActionParsnipcsst0111: is it plugged in?17:27
csst0111yes it is17:27
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jhutchinscsst0111: If lsusb doesn't see it it's probably a hardware problem.  It should at least see an unidentified device.17:28
jhutchinscsst0111: Try different ports, check dmesg after every plug/unplug event.17:29
csst0111jhutchins, dmesg gives me "hub 1-1:1.0: unable to enumerate usb device on port 1"17:30
pepper_chicohello guys, anyone has a link for how to build mesa and load it instead of the system default? I'm running ubuntu 13.10 (just upgraded from 13.04), I'm also using xorg-edgers PPA, I'm trying to run Metro Last Light on my macbook pro with an intel hd 3000, I've seen this game runs on this graphics, but on windows, and by now, even with the current xorg-edgers I was unable to make it run, so, I'd like to try building my on mesa17:32
pepper_chicoand see17:32
pepper_chiconever done that, but I know git and stuff17:32
pepper_chicos/on mesa/own mesa/17:32
Ubuntu_Problemhello i dont know if im correct here but i have  a big problem with ubuntu 13.1017:35
DLCHello mr Ballmer17:35
Ubuntu_Problemubunti have started to delete programms and libs self and i dont know why, after 2 reboots i have now a complete black screen with mouse only17:35
ShadowslasherAny on here successfully add wicd tray icon in Ubuntu 13.10?17:38
Ubuntu_Problemi want know why my ubuntu started to delete libs and programms self up to blackscreen and mouse only17:39
ShadowslasherAny here use wicd network manager?17:39
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k1lUbuntu_Problem: ubuntu will not destroy itself.17:40
notebookwas just trying the connection through proxy17:40
notebooki have a question17:40
AvengerLivesUbuntu_Problem: care to be more specific? What was the last user action?17:41
ShadowslasherMe too17:41
ShadowslasherInstalled wicd on Ubuntu 13.10 unity 7.1.217:41
notebookhow to start torrent downloading in ubuntu under any torrent client via proxy connection17:41
ShadowslasherTray icon missing17:41
notebookthe port 6881 seems to be blocked by our college admins17:42
AvengerLivesShadowslasher: did you manually edit <Desktop> entry?17:42
notebookwhile in windows it works fine17:42
Nohboarddoh..i got a sys errors in ubuntu when updating the software17:42
ShadowslasherYou mean gsettings desktop?17:42
Nohboardmay changing the updating server, e.g USA's solve it?17:43
imghostnotebook, thats depends on the  torrent client configurations only17:43
ShadowslasherAvengerlives: gsettings?17:43
Nohboardand omg..I'm getting 100% cpu usage i guess17:43
AvengerLivesShadowslasher: no i mean the config file17:43
ShadowslasherHmm no where is it usually located?17:44
Ubuntu_Problemi have install only a music station and had also problems before with the new nvidia grafic driver 331 and have blacklistet nou...(i dont know the compete name). but the last action was the music station (like fl studio and called audore ore something)17:44
AvengerLivesShadowslasher: yeah, gimme a sec17:44
ShadowslasherNo problem thanks17:44
pepper_chicoShadowslasher, have you tried this app? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/saucy/alacarte/17:44
pepper_chicoI've used it to remove icons from top bar successfully17:45
pepper_chicoyou can edit and stuff17:45
ShadowslasherHmm let me check it out17:45
imghost!info alacarte17:45
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.10.0-1 (saucy), package size 80 kB, installed size 1161 kB17:45
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Ubuntu_Problemfirst the softwarecenter was deleted, than rhythmbox, than gskg (i tthink thats thename and beeso ?) and than after restart the complete desktop and after 2. reboot black screen and mouse only17:46
AvengerLivesShadowslasher: /usr/share/applications17:46
deletedsteveOk, so.... I know Undelete on EXT3/4 does work... sort of. My question is is it possible to recover files without the journal?17:46
xtrizanyone has any idea, that i have an wireless mouse but i don't have bluetooth for it, can any bluetooth device i buy from the market will support that mouse /17:46
asshatxtriz: what's the mouse?17:46
AvengerLivescreate a .desktop file there, set proper permissions, search for the app in unity and drag to your unity bar17:46
xtrizit's an wireless mouse17:46
AvengerLivesShadowslasher: explanation here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles17:47
xtrizbut i have lost it's bluetooth device that came along with it17:47
asshatxtriz: then probably not, but what is the model of the mouse17:47
imghost!testdisk | deletedsteve17:47
deletedsteveok.... how about this.... Where is the journal actually stored? (part of the hdd, i had a drive with 3 partitions, grub/user/swap)17:47
imghost!info testdisk17:48
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 534 kB, installed size 1269 kB17:48
xtrizit's amkette optimum wireless mouse that's what written on it17:48
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ShadowslasherThanks avenger17:48
AvengerLivesnp man17:49
asshatxtriz: no, you will have to buy a replacement reciever, reprogram a different reciever, or a new mouse17:49
pepper_chicohello guys, anyone has a link for how to build mesa and load it instead of the system default? I'm running ubuntu 13.10 (just upgraded from 13.04), I'm also using xorg-edgers PPA, I'm trying to run Metro Last Light on my macbook pro with an intel hd 3000, I've seen this game runs on this graphics, but on windows, and by now, even with the current xorg-edgers I was unable to make it run, so, I'd like to try building my own mesa17:49
pepper_chicothird call, and last17:49
deletedsteveok... so.... no one seems to know where the journal is stored, how about how "deep" it goes before being over-written? Months? Days? 100 file entries?17:49
pepper_chicothen I'll close this damned xchat17:50
xtrizasshat, ok thakns for the info17:50
Ubuntu_Problemgive it a way to recover any? i dont want make ll new because i use also windows encrypted and have ubuntu encrypted and than i need to decrypt windows, make all manuual again etc17:50
deletedstevenow I remember why I hate IRC so much17:51
imghostdeletedsteve, did you try to recover the data with "testdisk"17:51
deletedsteveimg: I don't have the drive anymore. I'm asking for theory17:51
k1ldeletedsteve: your issue is not in any way trivial17:52
deletedsteveak1l: I don't want a solution per se, I want to know how possible it COULD be to recover my data17:52
deletedsteveI want to take zero action.17:52
k1ldeletedsteve: so i would recomment to make zero drama out of it17:53
deletedsteveI had files on that my ubuntu PC, i deleted them, then for 3 years ONLY booted up to run XBMC off of my network... how possible could it be to receover those files?17:53
mike-irssideletedsteve: i dumped 1tb accidentally and recovered all but probably 10gb17:53
imghostdeletedsteve, theory says that whenever you run a live cd or usb then you can use preinstalled parted so first you have to check whether your all hard drives are mounted or not? if mounted then unmount first then mount that hdd  from which you want to recover files17:53
deletedstevemike: but that was quickly recovered right?17:54
mike-irssideletedsteve: within minutes17:54
jhutchinsdeletedsteve: Are you trying to find out how to recover files, or to find out if someone else could recover them from your drive?17:55
deletedstevejhutchins: exactly17:55
jhutchinsdeletedsteve: Exactly what?17:55
mike-irssideletedsteve: it will kind of toss the scraps in a pile and then you can look at it and figure out you need to dump the programs or hat have you from that17:55
deletedsteveI'm trying to figure out if someone could recover my files, I sold that PC and didn't get a chance to wipe it entirely, only go to wipe 150gb off the top of the drive17:56
jhutchinsdeletedsteve: Given sufficient motivation, yes they could be recoverd.17:56
imghostdeletedsteve, recovery of files can be possible to some extent when there is no over write17:57
mike-irssideletedsteve: truecrypt17:57
k1ldeletedsteve: i suggest you better talk about that in the offtopic channel #ubuntu-offtopic since we dont have an actual support issue with it.17:57
jhutchinsdeletedsteve: Even a DOD wipe is not 100% guaranteed to make them unrecoverable.  We generally require a DOD wipe plus physical destruction.17:57
deletedsteveimg: that's what I'm wondering about. If the journal is equired or not to receover17:57
deletedstevejhutch: yea, I'll need to look someday how a  drive that's been wiped could still be recoverable, never understood that. like the bits could have a memory17:58
jhutchinsdeletedsteve: See PM for some references, this is not on topic for this channel.18:00
deletedsteveOk... so I put 100gb on my ubuntu box. Deleted it. Spent 3 years running XBMC off of network files. Fsck ran every 2-3 months, I did one big update once, formated the drive to NTFS and wiped 150gb off the top...... Chance of someone recovering my files (work and taxes).... seems pretty minimal18:00
gordonjcpdeletedsteve: testdisk/photorec maybe18:01
asshatdeletedsteeve: just do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX a couple of times and unless they are ridiculously determined they can't get anying off of it18:01
urielvigilantWhat it is the easyest way to install Lubuntu on Asus eepc and wich version ?18:01
asshaturielvigilant: use a usb stick18:02
deletedstevedrive is gone, I can do no more wiping. If that weren't the case I'd take a 12ga slug to the drive.18:02
gordonjcpdeletedsteve: seems excessive18:02
gordonjcpdeletedsteve: a single pass of /dev/zero is enough to utterly destroy the data on any drive beyond all hope of recovery18:03
urielvigilantasshat :  some people say i will find problems installing lubuntu 12.04 in machines with less the 4 gb or with 4gb ram18:03
asshatdeletedsteeve: it was in ext3 or 4 as i understand it and then you formatted it to ntfs and wiped some18:03
urielvigilantops 4 gb harddrive like eepc18:03
asshatdeletedsteeve: you're good18:03
cyberputzi sledged a hard drive once.18:03
cyberputzit wasnt my drive.18:03
deletedsteveasshat: you think?18:03
asshaturielvigilant: you can install with even 2gb of ram and have a decent install, are you talking about hdd space?18:03
deletedsteveI'd really like to be able to logically reduce my axiety about this'18:04
cyberputzwe had a big degaussing coil at a hospital where i worked.18:04
asshatdeletedsteve: yeah, someone is more likley to dig through your trash and piece together bits of paper to get info18:04
cyberputzthat sure nuked the everliving daylights out of them.18:04
deletedsteveasshat: sold the whole PC after partially wiping to a kid who said he'd try and make it a hackintosh18:04
cyberputziirc the drives werent ever even usable again18:05
gordonjcpdeletedsteve: I don't even bother wiping drives any more18:05
asshatdeletedsteeve: it's probably gone but even if it's not people looking for that sort of info will see that it's an ntfs drive and look for something with that fieltype, if your data was in ext3/4 the they wont know to look there18:05
gordonjcpdeletedsteve: I just chuck 'em in the mixed metals pile at work18:05
deletedstevegave me concern that he's not dummy. I never told him it even had EXT3/Linux so he's have to be REALLY good18:05
asshatdeletedsteve: you're good18:05
=== GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY
deletedsteveI just seem to have worked myyslef up into a mess thinking about the extreme tiny possibility of this kid getting my work files18:06
deletedsteveAsshat: thanks, that helps18:06
asshatdeletedsteve: np, next time use lvm disk encyption18:06
deletedstevenext time..... No joke. 12ga slugs.18:07
deletedsteveI'll never sell a hdd again18:07
asshatuse disk encryption anyway just in case it gets stolen or broken into18:07
ClientAliveI need to know the dpkg command to get redmine/debconf configuration launched again. I thought I had copied it to the clipboard but it wasn't there when I went to the command line.18:08
asshatdpkg --reconfigure18:09
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem18:10
gordonjcpdeletedsteve: handy hint - no-one except you gives the tiniest amount of a toss about your work files18:10
gordonjcpdeletedsteve: I'm sure this is a crushing blow to your ego, but I hope it sets your sense of paranoia at rest18:10
asshatgordonjcp: but i'd be looking for all sorts of funny pictures in there18:11
ClientAlive dpkg --reconfigure18:11
ClientAlivedpkg: error: unknown option --reconfigure18:11
mike-irssifirst thing they're going to do is wipe it to reclaim the maximum ammount of space18:11
cyberputzspeak for yourself, i photorec all hard drives and flash media i find in the garbage :)18:11
asshatcleintalive: you have to specify a package18:11
cyberputzlove people's nude tumblr selfies18:11
asshatwell this support chat turned weird real quick18:12
cyberputzoh, errr.18:12
* cyberputz behaves.18:12
Madkissthat escalated quickly.18:12
cyberputzsorry, thought i was chatting in ##systemadmins, its a little looser.18:13
asshatmadkiss: your mom escalated quickly! I'll kill you in your sleep18:13
hawacan sbd figure out wat this error is caused by??? i tried to install redshift and compile from tar.bz2... it gives error: \n "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" the config.log file is here: http://pastebin.com/L8BDfjdC18:13
shmuptrying to recall what may have changed from this morning, when i first booted up at work, till now. 13.10, Gnome 3.10, boots to login. after i log in, screen goes black with blinking orange cursor.18:13
asshatshmup what does the console show?18:14
Madkissasshat: I can live with that.18:14
asshatmadkiss: i'm sorry, that was uncalled for18:14
kcjHello. I'm having trouble updating. Even if I try to select another download server it just tells me to check my internet connection. Could anyone help me with this?18:14
shmupasshat: console as in the console with blinking cursor? or a TTY i switch to?18:15
ClientAlive~$ sudo dpkg --reconfigure redmine18:15
ClientAlivedpkg: error: unknown option --reconfigure18:15
Madkissasshat: haha. I mastered OpenStack, and you're trying to make me afraid? Srsly? ;)18:15
asshatshmup: ctrl+alt+f6 i believe18:15
Beldarshmup, Try a nomodeset boot or a failsafe x from grub recovery and check the graphic drivers, are you using proprietary graphics?18:15
shmupyes, i am using the 319 nvidia proprietary drivers, Beldar18:16
asshatclientalive: sudo dpkg --purge redmine18:16
asshatclienalive: then install again18:16
shmupi've had issues with switching ttys on this os x keyboard.18:16
shmupBeldar: i will try that, one moment18:16
Beldarshmup, From the ubuntu repos or nvidia, or a ppa, sometimes a kernel upgrade will cause this problem, you can try an earlier kernel from the grub boot.18:17
mike-irssishmup: function key18:18
ClientAliveI may not be asking for the right thing or was unclear. I was in the process of a redmine install from the official ubuntu repo. I was in the second step where you are to select which database to use. I selected mysql, was told (by debconf I think) that it is not installed and to install redmine-mysql. I want to use mysql not sqlite. I saw there was the command I am to use to relaunch the setup/configuration listed at the bottom of the screen,18:19
ClientAlivetried to copy it to the clipboard but it didn't, closed the window, ran sudo apt-get install redmine-mysql. Now I don't know what command that was to get the thing launched again.18:19
hawacan sbd help me install redshift from tarball???18:20
ClientAliveasshat: "--purge"  <-  I think not18:20
Beldar!find redshift18:21
ubottuFound: gtk-redshift, redshift18:21
Beldarhawa, Hace you looked in the repos?18:21
bazhanghawa, redshift is in the repos, isntall from there18:21
urielvigilanti dont want to install that DEbian because i have zero experience on it, then my friend wil come to me to ask for help to handle it on begining. Please tell me can i follow exactly this instructions for Ubuntu same has on Lubuntu ? http://gobitech.blogspot.pt/2011/06/install-ubuntu-1104-on-asus-eee-pc-701.html18:22
hawaBeldar, for some reason the update from repo doesnt work... i mean i cannot update from apt-get...18:22
Beldarhawa, Update meaning a specific release?18:22
hawaBeldar, "W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/jonls/redshift-ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found18:23
asshatclientalive: you don't want to edit the config files manually? have you tried sudo dpkg redmine --reconfigure?18:24
Beldarhawa,  that is a ppa, it is in the regular repos, and you did not answer the question.18:24
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asshator it might be redmine-mysql --reconfigure18:25
OerHekshawa, that ppa is old, up to Natty. , use ppa purge to remove it and use redshift from the repos18:25
shmupnow, hm. booting with nomodeset doesn't seem to matter. i add it, ctrl+x, goes to gnome login (like always), and after logging in: black screen, orange blinking cursor18:25
ClientAliveasshat: same output from that command18:25
hawaOerHeks, sure...18:26
asshatdid you get the mysql clinet package?18:26
hawaBeldar, i dint get the question... sorry..18:26
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Beldarhawa, that ppa stops at natty always check the ppa for releases covered and recognize ppa's are not supported or generally suggested here. https://launchpad.net/~jonls/+archive/redshift-ppa18:27
jilI'm using Ubuntu LTS.  How can I remove a half install package?18:27
asshatclientalive: sorry, real job calls18:27
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jilI tryed dpkg -P php5-xcache but I get an error #127..18:28
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Beldarjil, This a broken package situation?18:28
hawaBeldar, tnx...18:28
jilI tryed installing the dependencies but same.18:28
Beldar!ppa-purge | hawa best way to remove a ppa18:28
ubottuhawa best way to remove a ppa: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:28
jilI tryed resintalling the package but cry about a depency..18:29
ST0RMHAWKCould anybody give me a command that would remove all "-" and "_" from all filenames in all subdirectories in 1 specific directory?18:29
jilyep, that sounds clear.. thanks18:29
Beldarshmup, You try a previous kernel from grub?18:29
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Beldarshmup, Use nicks here if you are addressing another.18:29
jilstormy98_:  how about rename 's/-//' * ; and $rename 's/_//' *;18:30
shmupBeldar: you know what, i did not. i do have two versions, and i should hilight nicks. sorry. trying older kernel now.18:30
jilsory that message for ST0RMHAWK18:30
ClientAliveasshat: np18:30
Beldarshmup, Cool, I suspect that kernel will work, proprietaries generally don't follow a kernel upgrade.18:30
ST0RMHAWKwould that work for all subdirectories though?18:31
mike-irssiClientAlive: what about sudo dpkg-reconfigure redmine18:31
mike-irssior is that just the same command18:34
shmupBeldar: okay so here's all i know: two diff kernals, and i've tried both with and without nomodeset, and it always results in Gnome login, logging in, black screen with blinking cursor.18:34
D3M0NCR0Whi killer18:35
Beldarshmup, Not sure than my self you might look up a a compiz unity reset for your exact release if you are running unity and have tweaked the desktop.18:36
Nohboarddoh..couldn't finish the software update however i retried that18:36
Beldarshmup, You using the gnome shell? Is it a ppa version if so?18:36
shmupBeldar: yeah, using ppa gnome shell18:37
ClientAlivemike-irssi: brings up a gui but I've gotten that before and it isn't the one. What I had was not a terminal based window but a window of it's own with the system theme. It was a a step to configure the database for use with redmine; and, from past experience, it would have then asked for the admin database password, then created a redmine database for redmine with that database program (mysql in my case). From there idk, never gotten past that18:37
Beldarshmup, Probably the problem, you can ppa-purge it.18:37
shmupBeldar: oh wait no i am using official gnome-shell, so when i said 3.10 did i lie?18:37
shmupBeldar: not sure what gnome official repos are using18:37
Beldarshmup, what ubuntu release are you running?18:38
shmupBeldar: 13.10  i was using 12.04 at work and almost wish i still was, hah18:39
Beldarshmup, gnome shell 3.10 has to be a ppa , I'm in 14.04 right now and the stock shel is 3.818:41
Cluckerim installing ubuntu on an external drive for the first time-- how should I format the drive if I want one partition ubuntu and one partition shared files with windows?18:42
Beldarshmup, I use the shell and honestly have found the ppa versions problematic, but that is only my experience.18:42
BeldarClucker, gonna run slow on an external at best.18:42
shmupBeldar: okay so lets say i'm in a root shell, and wanted to purge the gnome3 team's ppa18:42
Cluckerwhy is that?18:43
shmupBeldar: looking in sources.list.d i see gnome3-team-gnome3-saucy18:43
Beldar!ppa-purge | shmup18:43
ubottushmup: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:43
Beldarshmup, use the purge follow the instructions.18:44
pgar231hello all, I am trying to install an older version (12.04) of ubuntu because the version installed (13.10) apparently does not support my wifi card. Ubuntu 13.10 is already installed, but now my laptop will not boot from the usb that has the live cd on it...any suggestions?18:44
ezra-spgar231, do you get any errors or it simply starts ubuntu from the hdd right away?18:45
Beldarpgar231, You aware of the per-session boot menu outside the bios? You have checked the sum of the ISO, and know the usb boots?18:45
sda\Hi all! I would like to access my desktop from another device. I would also like to be able to choose the resolution at connection like RDP. Also I would like to be able to connect with different users. Do you have any Idea? VNC doesn't seems fit my need!18:45
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shmupBeldar: after purging this, i'm not entirely sure if i'm thinking correctly: do i have to install gnome again?18:46
pgar231ezra-s:  no errors, just a blank black screen18:46
pgar231like it does not even try to read from usb drive18:46
Beldarshmup, Nope the stock shell should be there.18:46
pgar231but it prompts me do i want to install or try ubuntu w/o install18:46
Beldar!nomodeset | pgar23118:47
ubottupgar231: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:47
pgar231Beldar: where do I put that in? I tried entering that as per suggested by some1 previously but no luck18:47
pgar231I am entering it in....18:47
Beldarpgar231, The link shows you.18:47
pgar231doesnt tell you where18:48
pgar231I just checked it18:48
Beldarpgar231, Note I asked you two questions as well.18:48
Beldarpgar231, Yes it does look closer.18:48
shmupBeldar: well that was less than satisfying, hah. rebooted and same results.18:48
Cluckerbeldar, why would an external HD run ubuntu slow? It's just a 5400 rpm drive, usb 318:48
pgar231Beldar:  you r not being helpful18:48
pgar231i said it does not give any error. blank black screen18:48
pgar231doesnt boot from the hdd18:48
Beldarshmup, Try the original options, I have to assume you ran the purge correctly, have you tried any other desktops installed if there are any?18:49
BeldarClucker, usb 3 will run faster than usb 2 however not like an internal, and you did not mention usb 3 till now.18:50
shmupBeldar: yeah purge seemed to run correctly: ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome318:50
shmupBeldar: all right, i'll go over the original thoughts18:50
Beldarshmup, The older kernel may work now, you want the stock desktop anyway, and graphic drovers from the repos in general, others here are more up on what appears to be a graphic problem.18:52
Beldarpgar231, Really, I asked two pertinant questions you have not answered and gave you a standard response to a black screen.18:53
pgar231Beldar: So I have tried this usb on another laptop and it prompts me to install ubuntu and goes through the processes. So i know it is a working usb. When I try it on my laptop, it does not install ubuntu >> once I choose install it is a blank black screen. I tried entering "nomodeset" after "set gfxpayload=keep"18:53
pgar231Beldar: what are your two pertinant questions again, my apologies/18:54
Beldarpgar231, on a live setting it is f6 at the gui that says try, install or check memory then choose nomodeset.18:54
pgar231it does not even get that far18:54
pgar231i dont get the GUI annd opt to hit f618:54
pgar231that is my point18:54
Beldarpgar231, How did you load the usb?18:55
pgar231also downloaded the Live x64 iso from ubuntu18:55
pgar231no success on both18:55
pgar231but again, when I plug it into another laptop it loads and boots it from usb18:55
pgar231I used this same usb to install the 13.10 version18:56
Beldarpgar231, Ah, unetbootin skips that gui, you might try another loader, or find the tweak that gets it shown, and we are assuming still a nomodeset boot will get you in.18:56
pgar231thx man18:56
pgar231do you have a suggestion for another loader?18:56
Beldarpgar231, YOu in ubuntu to load it?18:57
pgar231Beldar: I can be in ubuntu if necessary, but I have my win8 up now18:57
Beldarpgar231, Use ubuntu and this multiloader. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/18:58
Beldarpgar231, There are usb loaders that work from windows that will show that first gui, I have W8 as well but this loader works well.18:59
pgar231Beldar: thx again18:59
Beldarno prob18:59
shmupBeldar: yeah i've tried ubuntu-desktop and same results, on both new/old kernel, both tried with nomodeset. curious, though.. if it was a graphics issue, driver issue, wouldn't nomodeset still get around that?19:00
mike-irssii'm still wondering about "it gets to try or install" and then "it doesn't even get that far"19:00
Beldarshmup, Generally I would think so, have you done any tweaking to the desktop in general, themes, any other ppa's?19:01
shmupBeldar: numix theme and thats it i guess19:01
pgar231it got to try or install part, then when I choose either it is just a black screen...like it does not proceed to the GUI option to hit F619:02
pgar231but I will try Beldar's suggested loader19:02
shmupBeldar: i wonder, when its just blinking on a black screen, is there an error being output somewhere, logged, something, that i can maybe read into?19:02
mike-irssibut what Beldar said was that before you choose either of those two options press f619:02
Beldarshmup, Might be a problem, I don't really know, graphic stuff I have not had to really deal with, I have been just following channel norms on this.19:02
Beldarmike-irssi, unetbootin skips that first gui and goes to a secondary install gui.19:03
jhutchinsshmup: Can you boot into rescue/single user mode?19:04
shmupjhutchins: yeah i can19:04
jhutchinsshmup: nomodeset addresses one specific video problem, it's not a universal fix.19:04
shmupjhutchins: all right, yeah, i can boot into recovery and get into a root shell if you have any suggestions19:04
Beldarjhutchins, Thanks for looking at this.19:05
jhutchinsshmup: /var/log/Xorg.0.log has a lot of "noise" in it, but you might find something there.19:05
Cluckerso i'm installing 13.10 on an 1 TB external drive-- half will be NTFS and the other EXT4, does this sound right and how much space should I allocate to swap partition?19:05
jhutchinsshmup: Can you just switch to a console with Ctrl-Alt-F119:05
koelldoes someone work with shotwell? i have some problems importing my photos from a different folder on my desktop. shotwell always freezes on import so i've to kill it via terminal. got these error on terminal ""** (shotwell:14310): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-VzAbRRQiEw""19:05
BeldarClucker, For hibernate equal slightly larger than the ram for swap.19:06
jhutchinsClucker: 2x RAM up to 2G, 1X to 4G, stop at 4.19:06
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mike-irssiBeldar: gotcha19:06
jhutchinsClucker: Unless you need suspend-to-ram, in which case you need at least 1x.19:06
CluckerI have 819:06
shmupjhutchins: see no i can't and i was wondering why. i've always been able to at other workstations. this one has an osx keyboard, and i've tried ctrl+alt+f1, but then ctrl+alt+cmd+f1. nothing. not sure?19:06
shmupjhutchins: also Xorg.0.log is empty19:07
Cluckerjhutchings: so if I have 8, go with 4?19:07
jhutchinsshmup: Ok, it might be frozen at a different level.19:07
jhutchinsshmup: Are there any other Xorg.* logs?19:07
Cluckerjhutchins: so if I have 8, go with 4?19:07
shmupjhutchins: yes a .old one19:07
jhutchinsClucker: Yes, that should be plenty.19:07
jhutchinsshmup: Suggests that X is starting to load, writing a new file, then failing.19:08
shmupjhutchins: ah all right, i'm parsing log. lots of lines about contradicting itself at some resolution mode, then moving on, says it again at another resolution19:09
shmupjhutchins: i'll keep parsing19:09
pgar231Clucker: I would dedicate about 2 GB to swap19:09
Cluckerpgar231: not 4? I'll be doing graphical stuff mostly, not sure how that relates19:10
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pgar231Clucker:  you have a ton of space, so go ahead and make it 4 GB...but that partition can always be resized later too19:11
jhutchinsClucker: The theory is that managing more than 2G of swap space makes a system so unwieldy that it might as well just run out.19:12
jhutchinsClucker: Having a larger swap will also help with things that use tempfs.19:12
CluckerOk 4 it is19:13
shmupjhutchins: all i'm seeing are issue related to EDID and resolution contradictions then log ends with a pile of reuse xkmfile lines19:15
shmupjhutchins: i wish i actually had something useful to say heh19:15
shmupjhutchins: i made a new user and it works19:17
shmupjhutchins: wtf does that mean, should i just deleted my Xorg config?19:17
LordNedI installed the AMD Catalyst drivers and now when my Xubuntu machine boots, I get nothing but a black screen. I can SSH into the machine so I can do things to it, but I can't get any display. It looks like X doesn't start, and running "startx" returns: "xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/mewtin/.XAuthority; X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting."19:21
sabayonusershmup: that means 'sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf' dont worry, X11 has abilities to autoconfige if there is no xorg.conf :)19:22
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sabayonuserLordNed: are you sure, your card is still supported?19:23
LordNedsabayonuser, It's a Radeon 7950, and I installed fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates fglrx-updates-dev and rebooted and now I get no display :(19:23
NuSuey how do I know that with the radeon drm I have the power management enabled correctly? in a previous distro, with the same kernel, I didnt hear the fans so loud. here they are constantly on full yet I have [    0.975962] [drm] radeon: power management initialized .. but why are the fans so loud :X19:24
shmupsabayonuser: and to not have a xorg.conf would mean?19:26
sabayonuserLordNed: have you tried to reconfigre your X-server?19:26
hassenDoes the used software for making a ubuntu bootable usb stick affect the ubuntu OS after beeing installed? The thing here is that I installed before Ubuntu with LiveLinux app, but later had to remove the ubuntu partition,then i made a bootable ubuntu usb stick using YUMI,and after running the OS,i mentioned that many pieces of softwares were missing so i had to install them manually(this is the case of YUMI)19:27
LordNedsabayonuser, I've re-installed it, as well as run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. I looked in the X log, and there odesn't looke like anything wrong, it says it shut down succesfully19:27
hassenbut with LiveLinux app,The OS was full with its features once i ran it19:27
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sabayonuserNuSue: on what kernel are you now and what kernel did you have when your fan was quiet?19:27
hassenfeatures like Launchpad/MPEG mp3 layer/etc were missing with the installed ubuntu via YUMI19:28
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shmupsabayonuser: i only asked because i was missing one, so i ran nvidia-xconfig but i still don't understand how i didn't have one :P19:29
sabayonuserhassen: in theory that only effects the boot-up of the ubuntu stick. missing software is either intended by ubuntu or a bug...19:29
sabayonuserhassen: maybe its caused by the stick?19:30
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hassensabayonuser, it's the same stick used for both of the cases:YUMI and LiveLinux19:30
ice9odesk team application crashes when I start the minicam19:30
sabayonusershmup: as i know nvidia is not using the xorg.conf, but the xong.conf.d19:31
shmupsabayonuser: heh :x thanks19:31
lotuspsychjeim working on a 12.04 laptop that doesnt wanna shutdown, says failed to shutdown services19:31
Calinousudo shutdown -h now?19:31
lotuspsychjeCalinou: shutdown: time expected19:32
shmupi need an understanding in something, i suppose, because i fixed my problem and....19:34
shmupearlier today at work when booting up and typing "plank" to start it, i decided to add . plank to .profile19:34
shmupi guess i'm surprised that a mistake like that can't offer any output, but i bet there is a logical reason19:35
shmupnot sure why i tried sourcing that heh :x19:35
sabayonuserhassen: to be honest i would suggest using pendrivelinux's UUI. but YUMI should be OK too. but MP3 is not installed by default due to its license as i know19:36
wallzeroGreetings. I am trying to install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit. I am having a dependency issue with nvidia-opencl-dev and nvidia-libopencl1-331. How can I install nvidia-cuda-toolkit with the 331 drivers?19:36
sabayonusershmup: congrats, that its working, always ask if you have questions ^_^19:36
hassensabayonuser, anyway everything was incredibly perfect when installed the ubuntu from that LiveLinux app,19:38
hassenforgot wheter it's LiveLinux or LinuxLive19:38
hassenthe name19:38
monhi all. any way to check my system for hardware errors? i'm thinking something storage or network related is causing hickups and changing OS didn't seem to help19:39
kdzcan i ask a question ?19:39
sw_hi. how can I set up on my Ubuntu install that whenever some user logs in via SSH the history is cleared when they exit SSH? I want it to be for all users19:39
HellTigerhello. is there a software to turn a sim card reader into a fully working phone, or even a virutal android device?19:40
sabayonuserhassen: thats strange... but you should use what works for you i guess ^_^19:40
kdzso i loaded ubuntu from usb and chose the "try" option, if i update and upgrade and power down pc will it revert back to original ubuntu when i power up and choose try again ?19:40
hassensabayonuser, that's too late,,just knew the difference after installed ubuntu :p19:41
HellTigeri think "try" means simply the live cd functionalty, all stuff is loaded into memory then, harddrive isnt changed or even needed kdz19:41
kdzHellTiger ah ok19:41
kdzwasted bandwidth19:41
sabayonusermon: you may try iotop and nmon to look for the causes19:41
HellTigeranyway if any serious changes would be made, you will get a explicit warning message before, kdz19:41
kdzok so i have to install it onto a hdd19:42
monsabayonuser: i did. nothing sprang out but maybe i cant properly read it19:42
kdznow to figure out how to dual boot, openelc and ubuntu19:42
monsabayonuser: user added precesses are: sabnzbd, sickbeard, couchpotato and transmission19:42
sn33zy__is it just me or are we having server problems today?19:42
monso a couple of python scripts mostly idling19:42
k1lsn33zy__:  freenode is very unstable last days19:43
sabayonuserkdz: that depends: if you enabled persistance, changes remain. if not, they dont19:43
kdzsabayonuser where can i enable persistance?19:44
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hassenIs chromium the know google chrome,but rebuilt for linux/ubuntu or what? I didn't find google chrome in the software center,nor could I install it with terminal after downloading its .deb package19:44
sabayonusermon: i would love to find what causes your hickups, but i pitty you cant tell in general...19:45
k1lhassen: chromium is the free part of chrome.19:45
k1l!chromium | hassen19:45
ubottuhassen: You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa19:45
monsabayonuser: no measury-kind of app which could stress-test or something?19:45
monsabayonuser: i'd even consider a login for you if you'd like. i'm desparate :)19:46
hassenwas confused about both of them19:46
lotuspsychjeim working on a 12.04 laptop that doesnt wanna shutdown properly, any hints to force it? says failed to kill processes19:46
sabayonuserkdz: there are multiple ways to do this, depending on the OS in which you create the stick...19:46
kdzsabayonuser windows 7 and i used a program19:47
xavierio07short of compiling each component seperately, is there a way to get a more up to date LAMP package installed in 12.04 than the one currently available through apt-get19:47
sabayonusermon: never give your login away in an IRC ;P nmon and iotop pretty good monitors if you ask me ^_^ you might consider them...19:48
sarsaeollotuspsychje: 'shutdown -h 0' doesnt work?19:48
mlliewhat is the best to be able to send mail from php? Which mailserver is easiest to install and configure?19:48
xavierio07I was considering XAMPP which seems to have more up to date versions of apache, mysql and php19:48
k1l!xampp | xavierio0719:48
ubottuxavierio07: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.19:48
sabayonuserkdz: when you use UUI from pendrivelinux.com you are able to enable persistence with a single klick. but keep in mind, that it really is for testing and uncomparable to a real installation ;)19:49
xavierio07so the short answer is nothing available other than whats in the repo... ok thanks19:49
k1lxavierio07: if you need some newer version of one file i would look out for a PPA19:49
kdzsabayonuser thanks!19:49
lotuspsychjesarsaeol: holdon lemme try19:50
xavierio07k1l: thanks I'll look into PPA's19:50
monsabayonuser: i'll try that thanks19:51
sabayonuserkdz: not a problem ^_^ keep asking :)19:51
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sabayonusermon: i wish you good luck finding the misbehaving process ^_^19:52
lotuspsychjesarsaeol: same issue, FAIL in red (killing all remaining processes) and freezes19:52
lotuspsychjei tryed with acpi=off but same result19:55
CluckerI'm about to install 13.10 on my external HD, I have a primary drive and swap partition, what mount point do I use for the primary?19:55
h00kClucker: probably '/'19:57
sarsaeollotuspsychje: can you log out of your account, then access a terminal window with ctrl+alt+f1 and then issue 'init 0' a little harsher but may do the trick19:57
h00kClucker: unless you have a separate /home, in which case mount / where you want the OS, and /home where you want your separate 'home' (user) data19:57
lotuspsychjesarsaeol: lemme try holdon19:58
iri--I've just booted an Ubuntu 13.10 usb-stick, and it doesn't see my LVM partitions. They show up as "unknown partition". vgscan finds no volume groups. Nothing interesting in dmesg. Any advice?  They were showing up before I installed a couple of disks (and possibly reordered them so they appear as /dev/sd{a->b}, for example)20:00
iri--(did I exceed the line length limit there?)20:00
iri--(I finished with "example)")20:00
lotuspsychjesarsaeol: ctrl alt f1 seems not to work20:00
sarsaeollotuspsychje: have you tried… a hammer?20:01
lotuspsychjesarsaeol: lol20:01
sarsaeolsrry out of ideas, good luck though =/20:01
lotuspsychjesarsaeol: tnx20:02
iri--So the partitions are showing up as "Linux" rather than "Linux LVM". Why might that happen?20:03
hassenstrange..now i'm getting a very low download speed,while others around in the house's LAN are getting good bandwidths20:05
Cluckerh00k still there? got disconnected20:05
tankerkiller125Cna any one help me with my problem of my top most right menu (the logout and shutfown menu)20:05
tankerkiller125has dissapeared20:06
h00kClucker: yep, in and out occasionally20:06
Cluckerh00k, alright so / for primary partition, is this ok if I'll be dual booting with windows? Windows is on my SSD and ubuntu will be on the external20:07
h00kClucker: that should work, yep. Consider putting the bootloader on your internal drive, then, so you can boot Windows nicely without the external plugged in20:08
grendal_prime /join #eclipse20:09
SJrAt 2:47:05 this morning my laptop syslog spit out this message:  usb 4-2: device not accepting address 22, error -62 . It then spammed xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Timeout while waiting for a slot. When I got in this morning my USB 3.0 ports are dead. I'm pretty sure a reboot will fix this, but I was wondering what else I should do.20:14
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SJrActually it is spamming this until this morning when I disconnected everyhing:  http://www.pastebin.ca/251096920:16
wallzeroI can't install the Cuda toolkit in Trusty. The nvidia-cuda-toolkit relies on nvidia-opencl-dev, which conflicts with nvidia-libopencl1-331 from the nvidia-331 drivers. Please advise.20:19
OerHekswallzero, join #ubuntu+1 for trusty 14.04 support until release20:22
wallzeroDerHeks: Thank you.20:24
aca20031Trying to setup a samba domain to test something. Its a VM. My windows client can access the samba share at \\servername but when I try to add it to the domain it says "Windows cannot find an account for your computer in the DOMAINNAME domain". If I try to continue anyway it says it cant find or contact the domain. There are no samba logs showing the connection that i can see20:25
MonkeyDustaca20031  i have a samba share with XP in virtualbox, lemme try20:26
aca20031another fun note, the ubuntu VM cant ping the windows VM20:27
aca20031but the windows VM can ping the ubuntu VM20:27
gordonjcpaca20031: can anything ping the windows VM>20:27
bekksaca20031: are you using NAT for your vm?20:27
fortinuxcould it be your firewall?20:27
aca20031the host cant ping the windows VM either, but it can resolve its hostname20:28
aca20031and theres no NAT on the VM no, the 2 are connected to a virtual switch20:28
Agent86I am certain that you can't have more then one return statement in the function but want to confirm ?20:28
aca20031windows firewall disabled, i can ping it now20:29
aca20031Agent86 you can have more than one return statement, e.g. if (something) { return a; } else { return b; }20:29
MonkeyDustaca20031  first thing on my mind: is the vm set to NAT or to bridged mode?20:30
Agent86aca20031: oh right that, but what about just straight return x, return b, return c or something20:30
aca20031yeah so i can ping it now. same issue though.20:30
Agent86I mean you can't just have new lines with return, the print something then return and print some other stuff right. once it returns once it's done isn't it ?20:30
aca20031Agent86 no you cant do that20:30
Agent86ok I thought so just wanted to confirm that thanks20:31
MonkeyDustaca20031  same here, can't ping the VM20:31
aca20031MonkeyDust the VMs are connected to the same virtual switch and connected to the host in bridged mode20:31
aca20031i can ping it now, killed windows firewall20:31
josePHPagodaanyone know how to fix the wacom intuos 4 puck mouse buttons?20:32
josePHPagodait worked in 12.10, but broke in anything more recent than that20:32
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MonkeyDustaca20031  ok, can you rdesktop to the VM ? or you don't know what that is?20:33
aca20031MonkeyDust the windows VM? uhh maybe, probably20:33
aca20031meh sec20:33
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reconmasterim having trouble with my gnome terminal and nvidia drivers, found a few bug reports on it but I'm not sure what I need to do (change my drivers or mess with the xorg configuration files?), possibly a sync rate issue?20:34
reconmasteranyone have any experience with this issue?20:35
MonkeyDustaca20031  i can rdesktop to the VM, but not ping, it's odd20:35
reconmastertext in terminal disappears at random intervals20:35
aca20031MonkeyDust yes, the host can RDP to the windows VM and ping it.20:35
aca20031and the ubuntu server and windows VM can ping eachother now20:35
aca20031but the windows VM still complains when trying to join the servers domain20:36
aca20031only thing in the logs is "Samba name server is now a local master browser for workgroup DOMAINNAME on subnet LOCALIP"20:37
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osbingood ewening got laptop Compaq Presario CQ71-401SA Notebook anfd cant find video dirver any help lads?20:42
osbinim new in ubuntu please hellp someone20:43
lickalottwhats the video card model?20:44
osbin<lickalott> mate i dont know :) i mean intel graphic or some things like that20:45
lickalottyou've installed ubuntu over windows or are you dual booting?20:45
osbini will try find the name one moment20:46
lickalottif you're dual booting, just go back into windows and see what it's titled.  If you only have ubuntu type lspci and find the make/model of the video card20:47
osbinhere is Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family Driver20:48
osbin<lickalott> im not dualbooting at mom20:48
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mathszhello! looking for some help on ubuntu and virtualbox20:51
Barack_ObamaI have questions20:52
josePHPagodahi Barack_Obama20:52
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:52
=== Guest867 is now known as home555
mathszAllright; Question : Running ubuntu 12.04 LTS on virtualbox. After installing guest additions and restarting the computer, I cannot boot into the VM.20:53
KamuelaI'm running 13.10 and I have a display issue. What are my troubleshooting steps?20:56
=== Guest51477 is now known as SuperLag
moondoggyCan someone give me a hand burning an iso image onto a USB stick?21:03
moondoggyI'm getting "800MB copied", but the stick still just has the files on it that it had before.21:03
jhutchinsmoondoggy: How are you attempting to do this?21:04
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moondoggyI'm trying to burn a bootable linux image onto it with my Ubuntu machine.21:04
moondoggyhere's the dd commmand I'm using:21:04
josePHPagodahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom/LatestDriver <-- I see that, but the PPA doesn't appear to be updated for 13.10.  Am I understanding that properly?21:05
moondoggysudo dd if=blahblah.iso of=/dev/sdb1 bs=16M21:05
jhutchinsmoondoggy: Ah, of=/dev/sdb21:05
jhutchinsNo need for blocksize, let dd figure it out.21:05
moondoggyI tried dumping to /dev/sdb, but that did the same thing--nothing, apparently.21:05
jhutchinsmoondoggy: Are you positive that sdb is the right device?  It's not mounted anywhere, is it?21:06
moondoggyOh, it's still mounted!21:06
moondoggyI have to "umount" it first?21:06
zzxc_afkmoondoggy: Yes21:06
jhutchinsmoondoggy: That'll make a bit of a mess.  Yes, unmount.21:06
moondoggyThanks, jhutchins, zzxc_afk.21:07
jhutchinsmoondoggy: Did you check the md5sum of the iso?21:08
sharperguyAnyone know if theres a way i can slow down a video in vlc but resample the audio so it doesn't sound lower pitch?21:08
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lickalottanyone here have any experience with rsnapshot?21:10
lickalottit gives me the finger when i try to backup /boot /sbin and /bin21:10
moondoggyjhutchins: no, but verified the signature key.21:13
ab2qik_Precise pangolin needs network-manager. Cannot get online with it. Any ideas21:13
moondoggyStill not doing anything except changing th volume name.21:13
Agent86http://bpaste.net/show/MDAkzj0amhaTtlArmEnb/   row 2 gives me binding errors says i'm only giving one, but that return is 521:14
ab2qik_can a package be downloaded and installed on a ubuntu21:16
Agent86incorrect number of bindings supplied, current statemetn uses 5, and there are 1 supplied,21:16
Agent86oops wrong channel sorry21:17
BluesKaj_!apt | ab2qik_21:17
ubottuab2qik_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)21:17
SteveBellhey all. anybody some experience with plex on ubuntu? I'm trying to access movies on an ex hdd connected to ubuntu for access in the plex media server. not sure about what drive permissions should be used for that to work21:18
salohi everybody, i need help with an ubuntu install, having trouble with UEFI, can anyone give a hand?21:21
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Bray90820How would I run a terminal command at startup21:21
BluesKaj_SteveBell, how are you running plex with xbmc ?21:23
SteveBellBluesKaj_: did I say anything about xbmc?21:24
Bray90820BluesKaj_: there is a plugin for xbmc called plexbmc which allows the plex media server to be used with xbmc21:25
salo"The best place to start for general help with Ubuntu or just to meet other Ubuntu users is #ubuntu or one of the many local language channels"  - Can someone PM me to help me out with an issue?21:25
BluesKaj_ok ,nm SteveBell , i don't need attitude21:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:25
Pessimist!ask | salo21:25
ubottusalo: please see above21:25
SteveBellmaybe I'm doing something stupid but was going to try setup plex to get access from outside wlan networks to my media files. and since xbmc can't do that was going to try with plex. BluesKaj_ not sure what you mean21:25
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vlad_starkovQuestion: Is it fine choice for os SSD: http://ark.intel.com/products/74949/Intel-SSD-DC-S3500-Series-80GB-2_5in-SATA-6Gbs-20nm-MLC ?21:26
Bray90820salo: you will prob get more help if you don't pm21:26
BluesKaj_Bray90820, ok fine that's sort of what I asked21:26
Bray90820more users will be able to help21:26
SteveBellI heard of Plexbmc but am unsure how to use taht21:26
Bray90820BluesKaj_: i am a long time plex user so ask me any questiosn you ask21:26
AikarHi - I just got a SLI setup, trying to run triple head (Friend sold me his build really cheap, couldnt pass it up). I'm having trouble enabling xinerama. I can get the login screen fine, but logging in hangs with black screen and mouse cursor. Starting X from TTY does same and last line printed is loading extension NV-CONTROL. Ive even tried using the nvidia-331 drivers, and modified Xorg.conf to have SLI=On and MultiGPU=On too, same problem21:27
SteveBellBray90820: so what would you recommend if I want to access my music / videos from an outside wlan? plex or xbmc (which I have already setup) with plexbmc?21:27
BluesKaj_it's not me , Bray90820 , it's SteveBell who needs help , i just use VLC21:27
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jpedroza2kIn 13.10 there is an icon in the menu that allows you to switch between performance and powersave, is that actually functional? I am not seeing a difference in battery usage or screen brightness when I switch.21:30
Bray90820SteveBell: plex has a really nice service called myplex witch can also be used with plexbmc21:30
Bray90820or a web player if you can't install any apps21:31
Bray90820SteveBell: myplex intagrates with the plex media server just like you were local21:32
saloThx! Sorry! First time here... My knowlegde is limited on this, so here it goes. I just bought a new laptop asking no OS, but it comes with a crapy Win8.1 Pro asking for activation. It has this UEFI thing, that i’m totally new to, meaning it comes with 1 partition for OEM, one for EFI, one C: for the OS and one other for something else. I got to ma21:32
saloke it to BIOS and set legacy mode, making it run USB with 13.10. Question is: If i want to make a Ubuntu installation (and possibly a win7 dual boot in the future) can i simply wipe this EFI and other  partitions, and part the drive from the start, and make a normal BIOS to OS installation like my previous laptop?21:32
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
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Bray90820How would i run a termial command on statup21:35
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BluesKajsalo , go into the bios/uefi and setup the uefi to legacy , and choose the boot legacy first option . I used gparted to setup the / and /home partitons , and make a ntfs for W7 at the begining of the hdd, the ext4 for/ and /home for ubuntu21:38
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MonkeyDustBray90820  in a terminal, type    man screen    then scoll down to '-d -m'21:39
salobluesKaj , so this whole UEFI stuff is "optional" as long as i keep it in legacy?21:39
BluesKajsalo, then ext4 for/ and /home for ubuntu on the remainder of the drive21:39
BluesKajyup , you got it , salo21:39
Cawa_hi, maybe someone can help me http://askubuntu.com/questions/392279/kernel-panic-not-syncing-attempted-to-kill-init21:40
Guest6412Anyone know how to fix issues with Sources.list?21:41
BluesKajGuest6412, what are your issues with it ?21:42
Bray90820MonkeyDust: No manual entry for screen21:42
saloBluesKaj thx a lot! Cheers!21:43
Guest6412I manually removed some entries in sources.list.d Which corrected sudo apt-get update issues.  But now when I use the command Sudo apt-get upgrade i'm left with 30 that wont upgrade21:43
BluesKajsalo, good luck ..hope it works out for you ;)21:44
k1lGuest6412: please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get upgrade"  and "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"21:45
Guest6412just a sec21:45
BluesKajGuest6412, you probly need to remove them from the software center sources as well21:46
PessimistGuest6412, next time you add ppa I suggest you remove them with ppa-purge ;)21:46
BluesKajppas tend to hang around , Guest641221:47
Guest6412yes I forgot21:47
Guest6412yes they do just a matter of where they hand around lol21:48
Guest6412So the sources.list file isnt the only file used/referenced when making an apt-get update/upgrade call?21:49
jhutchinsGuest6412: No, anything in the sources.list.d/ directory.21:51
jhutchinsGuest6412: plus sources.list itself.21:51
Guest6412so only those two ok21:51
BluesKajGuest6412, package managers like synaptic need to be edited too21:52
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k1lGuest6412: are you gonna show that error messages?21:52
Guest6412Apt-get update reports all ok but apt-get upgrade reports 30 failed attempts to connect to the PPA url21:53
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k1l!paste | Guest641221:54
ubottuGuest6412: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:54
mechtnhey guys21:58
mechtni just got a dedicated server running ubuntu desktop21:59
jhutchinsGuest6412: Find something unique about the ppa, grep -r <unique string> /etc/apt/*21:59
mechtni can ssh into it and install xrdp but when I RDP i get a blank screen21:59
jhutchinsmechtn: Did you configure and start the rdp server?21:59
sdaHi all! I would like to create a remote session on my desktop from another device. I would also like to be able to choose the resolution reconnect. And be able to connect multiple different users.22:00
Guest6412Actually I dont think there is anything wrong with my sources.list file I think its just a connection issues i'm having here22:01
Guest6412Yes i'm right it was just a connection issue22:02
Guest6412didnt make sense for the apt-get update to report correctly but apt-get upgrade not about to establish a handshake with the resource...unless of course there was a connection issue22:03
mechtnjhutchins - yes.  it's like there is no desktop running22:03
jhutchinssda: There are several ways to do that, vnc, rdp, xdmcp.22:03
jhutchinsmechtn: Some configurations of rdp require that a session exist and be logged in to connect.22:04
Guest6412Thnx for the help anyway : )22:04
Bray90820How would i run a terminal command at startup22:05
sdajhutchins, xrdp i have problem with reconnection, vnc i cannot chose the resolution before connect, now i'm checking xdmcp22:05
asdf32432Hi, I just installed 13.04 but am not sure whether I did it in UEFI mode. How would I know? My system boots straight into UEFI Windows 8 atm22:06
Guest6412Deleting the resource within the sources.list.d was ok but required an apt-get update -f to correct the failed reports22:06
PessimistBray90820, search for 'startup applications' in unity22:06
mechtnjhutchins - if i only have ssh access how would i start a session?22:06
Bray90820Pessimist: i was not thinking at all22:07
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asdf32432Anyone know? Or could anyone run me through doing a an update-grub from a live install CD?22:08
mike-irssiBray90820: somebody mentioned putting them in "profile"22:09
rizqibintangada yang bisa bantu saya22:10
Bray90820mike-irssi: i think statup programs will work for me22:10
k1l!id | rizqibintang22:11
ubotturizqibintang: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia22:11
jhutchinssda: Remember there are three or four different vnc clients and several different servers.22:12
jhutchinsmechtn: You can forward GUI programs over ssh with ssh -X22:13
rizqibintangokay gyus,, thank22:13
jhutchinsmechtn: That's often faster than loading a whole desktop session and forwarding that.22:13
jhutchinsmechtn: There is also nomachine's nx, that's supposed to be faster than VNC.22:14
gordonjcpmechtn: what are you trying to run remotely?22:14
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rizqibintangall,, can you help me,,,, please22:19
rizqibintanghelp me please22:20
mike-irssiasdf32432: well if you have grub installed at for example sda1 instead of sda--just for example, i think updating is gonna repeat your problem22:21
mike-irssialthough tbph UEFI, i've never heard of it22:22
jmgkrizqibintang:  quit spamming22:22
jmgkyou've spammed n Mintchat I think22:22
MonkeyDustBray90820  install screen first, then read the man page22:22
jmgkhi there mike-irssi22:22
LordNedkenetik, got X to work finally. Had to run some command to change the user group on uh, /tmp/.X11-unix22:22
k1lrizqibintang: "/join  #ubuntu-id"22:23
lar4How can I copy a folder excluding one subfolder with its subfolders?22:24
kenetikYou got the command saved?22:26
lickalottguys whats the command to show installed packages?22:27
MonkeyDustlar4  rsync --exclude22:27
lar4MonkeyDust, ty22:27
kenetiklickalott: dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall22:28
Bray90820MonkeyDust: I found a different way of doing it22:29
rizqibintangar......... i have problem ,, my system setting no sign / in sonal and hardware, which makes it able to connect the internet22:29
lar4MonkeyDust, all I get is "skipping directory ."22:30
rizqibintangar......... i have problem ,, my system setting no sign / in sonal and hardware, which makes it able to connect the internet,,, kenetik, help me please22:33
kenetikWhy are you calling me out? Why did you repeat yourself with shitty grammar?22:33
Bray90820So now I need help with silincing the fans on my MacPro tower22:34
TuxBlackEdoWhen I make a UEFI disk, the EFI partition has to be formatted with fat32, do I need to put something into the efi partition?22:34
mike-irssii think he means he's got a no smoking sign where his internet usually is22:34
mike-irssihe's foriegn22:35
rizqibintanghehehee,,, sorry22:35
theotherguy6does anybody know how to run backtrack 5 r3 ?22:36
k1lrizqibintang: was told quite often, that in #ubuntu-id he can get help in his native language22:36
k1l!backtrack | theotherguy622:36
ubottutheotherguy6: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (now end of life - see kali-linux)22:36
=== adrian is now known as Guest25476
k1lbesides that backtrack is deprecated and not based on ubuntu anymore22:37
lar4I do a  rsync /dirA/  /dirB/  exclude=/dirA/sds/  and I get a "skipping directory ."  output instead of anything copying22:38
PessimistTuxBlackEdo, bootloader goes there. Ubuntu installer takes care of that for you22:38
TuxBlackEdook good22:38
PessimistTuxBlackEdo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:38
rizqibintang I find it difficult to use bugtraq,,, then I want to ask her22:39
jmgkrizqibintang:  stop it22:40
rizqibintangsorry if my language is very annoying,, bye22:41
aca20031why is aptitude refusing to install dependencies... aptitude install sernet-samba-ad -- The following packages have unmet dependencies...the following actions will resolve these: Keep these 3 uninstalled packages at their current state. Accept? Y - 0 packages installed22:42
aca20031makes no sense to me, why isnt it trying to install the dependencies22:42
theotherguy6Okay I got the gnome back track 64 bit I booted it with VMware and it looked like it was working and it said boot at end of the end and just set there and did nothing22:42
k1ltheotherguy6: no backtrack support in here. see the bots message22:43
k1l!backtrack > theotherguy622:43
ubottutheotherguy6, please see my private message22:43
lar4I do a  rsync --exclude '/dirA/sds/' /dirA/  /dirB/   and I get a "skipping directory ."  output instead of anything copying22:44
muchdoge1Hey everybody! I could use some help, ill post my question below22:46
Pessimist!ask | muchdoge122:46
ubottumuchdoge1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:46
aca20031so no thoughts on how to slap aptitude into installing the dependencies?22:47
DLCaca20031: i usually do apt-get dist-upgrade when I run into similar problems22:47
aca20031seems broken but ok :P22:48
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
ubottuberardino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:51
muchdoge1So I just installed Xbuntu 13.10 yesterday, and have no exp with it at all, so any instructions will need to be pretty basic. I have a NVIDIA graphics chip built into my mother board, and a AMD HD 6770 plugged into the pci slot. The computer dosn't see it at all. I thought the pci-e slot might be disabled, but The BIOS does not allow me to mess with PCI settings at all, nor dose it give me options about graphics. So, here is what im th22:51
ikoniamuchdoge1: use one or the mother22:52
ikoniamuchdoge1: you're going ot have problems missing those cards with good results wihtout effort22:52
muchdoge1ikonia: er, what do you mean one or the other?22:52
ikoniamuchdoge1: either the nvidia or the amd22:52
FormatCompletelyIs it possible to format the disk ubuntu is on while running ubuntu? without a live usb22:53
muchdoge1ikonia, I would love to tun off the NVIDIA, but the problem is it wont recognize the AMD.22:53
muchdoge1so if I do, I have no graphics, also I dont know how.22:53
ikoniamuchdoge1: so run off the nvidia.22:53
ikoniamuchdoge1: what's stopping you using the nvidia ?22:53
muchdoge1ikonia, the nvidia is a piece of crap. The amd is a very nice card.22:53
ikoniamuchdoge1: ok, so disable the nvidia, and you'll probably find the amd will come to life, you will probably need to configure it better than default22:54
muchdoge1ok, how would one disable a chip that is intigrated into the motherboard?22:54
ikoniamuchdoge1: in the bios ?22:54
lar4I do a  rsync --exclude '/dirA/sds/' /dirA/  /dirB/   but nothing is copied. I get a "skipping directory ."  output22:55
muchdoge1no options for it.22:55
ikoniamuchdoge1: seems unlikley22:55
muchdoge1ikonia: I know, but I ran around the bios for 4 hours last night, checking every option22:55
ikoniamuchdoge1: check the manual22:56
lickalottlar4 what are we talking about?22:56
lickalottjust a straight rsync?22:56
ikonialar4: man rsync - LEARN how to use it22:57
lar4lickalott, it's an rsync command, it's supposed to copy a folder excluding a subfolder22:57
ikonialar4: instead of guessing22:57
jhutchinsmuchmoist: No option to turn off the graphics in the BIOS?22:59
jhutchinsmuchmoist: Sorry, I guess he gave up.22:59
aca20031really, I have to do a dist-upgrade to get aptitude to install samba4? lol well thanks.23:03
aca20031seemed to work23:03
lar4OK now I did  rsync /dirA  /dirB  and I get "skiping directory dirA". I don't get it23:04
ikonialar4: READ the man page23:04
ch1pasahey all23:05
ch1pasaanyone familiar with vnc23:05
lickalott!ask ch1pasa23:05
ch1pasaanyone familiar with vnc23:05
ch1pasai activated vnc with ubuntu23:05
ch1pasahow do i find out the ip that i need to connect with it23:05
ch1pasawhen you activate a vnc server23:06
ch1pasayou connect to an ip correct?23:06
lickalottyou have vnc running on your ubuntu rig, and you want to know which IP to connect to from another system?  (non ubuntu)23:06
ikoniach1pasa: you can connect to an IP or FQDN - it's up to you23:06
lickalottwhats does ifconfig give you23:07
lickalottyou should have another interface name now.  or...just try the ip of the system + port# that you are using23:07
ch1pasait gives me a lot23:07
lickalottOR.... use openvpn <--- much better imo23:07
ch1pasaifconfig doesnt give me a port nor does the remote viewer23:07
lickalottlar4 are you just trying to back stuff up?23:08
lar4lickalott, yeah23:08
ch1pasawhy does it not give me the option?23:08
lickalottifconfig won't give you a port.  the port, unless you changed it, stays standard with vnc.  so if you don't see a specific interface in ifconfig for your vnc then try the main IP (prob eth0) + the default vnc port (i.e.
ch1pasa192.168.1.130:943 doesnt work23:09
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lickalottlar4 - two options: Rsnapshot (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-rsnapshot-on-ubuntu-12-04) or a script (https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/serverguide.pdf  Pg 294)23:10
lickalottpastebin your ifconfig ch1pasa23:10
ch1pasait worked23:11
ch1pasanow how do i find out my external ip?23:11
lickalottmy stuff always works sometimes23:11
ch1pasafor remote desktop viewer23:11
lickalottis it windows or *nix?23:11
lickalottopen a terminal and do ifconfig23:11
lickalottam I missing something there?23:12
lickalottare you good now ch1pasa?23:13
lickalott<ch1pasa> it worked <------??23:13
ch1pasai pasted my pastebin23:13
ch1pasano external ip?23:14
DLCch1pasa: are you connecting through a wireless router?23:14
ch1pasayeah and i selected forward ports automatically23:14
lickalottyeah, but you pasted that after you said it worked.23:14
lickalottis this all on an internal network?23:15
ch1pasaoh oops23:15
ch1pasathe desktop is not on a wifi router23:15
lickalottshouldn't matter23:15
ch1pasaits direct connection23:15
lickalottnetwork is network23:15
lickalottso desktop is vnc server and <?> is the client23:15
lickalottjust so I can paint the picture in my head23:16
ch1pasai want to use my iphone to see my ubuntu desktop computer23:16
jhutchinslickalott: Whatever vnc client your phone supports.23:16
lickalottI meant which machine jhutchins23:17
ch1pasaiphone wont connect23:17
lickalottch1pasa, your phone has the vnc client software on it.23:17
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ch1pasamocha vnc lite23:17
ch1pasai entered my external ip and i dont know what the port to remote desktop viewew is23:18
lickalottare you using wifi vs CDMA?23:18
DLCch1pasa: try pointing your browser to to find out the external ip23:18
ch1pasabrowser keeps loading with that ip23:19
lickalottokay, so its NOT internal network.  Then you will need to forward the ports on your router to allow outside connections23:19
Ice_StrikeI am getting error when I do: sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon23:20
Ice_Strikesee http://pastebin.com/PN79Crjc23:20
lickalottconnect to your wireless network and try your internal IP to see if it works.  If that is successful, you need to forward the ports in your router and you'll be putting the ISP given IP address not the internal IP23:20
ch1pasanow i am forwarding the port23:21
ch1pasawhat port should i forward23:21
ch1pasaokay so its 590023:22
lickalottjust an opinion....teamviewer is a pretty stout program for what you're doing23:22
lickalottbut...handle yo bidness23:22
ch1pasayeah but everytime i install something through terminal it doesnt work23:22
ch1pasalike for example i cant even install tor23:23
lickalottssh enabled on the ubuntu machine and connectbot on your phone23:23
lickalottdo you man....do you23:23
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WikiWillAnyone here not too tired to help me with installation issues?23:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:27
DLCIce_Strike: it seems there is a problem with your sources. You can try setting a different server through synaptic23:30
WikiWillMy mistake. I installed Ubuntu "alongside windows", and it seems to have written ubuntu over it , improperly installed grub, and while i did fix grub, I cannot access my windows files from ubuntu, nor can I detect my windows partition with anything, and the windows recovery CD says "wrong version of windows", and reboots.23:30
hitsujiTMOWikiWill: can you pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l23:31
WikiWillhitsujiTMO: here you go: http://pastebin.com/fHXdumbQ23:32
ch1pasai forwarded 5900 and it says timed out23:32
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ch1pasaany ideas?23:33
resc_user_3019is ther anybody to help me ?23:33
lickalottWikiWill looks like sdb isn't formatted.23:33
lickalottno parition table23:33
somsip!anyone | resc_user_301923:34
ubotturesc_user_3019: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:34
lickalottsda = your stroage drive?23:34
WikiWillI believe it is a storage drive23:34
lickalottresc_user_3019 ask your question!23:34
WikiWillI'll remove and re-paste23:34
resc_user_3019i have ubuntu dual boot installation problems with my new laptop23:34
lickalottthat's fine WikiWill.  you can leave it.23:34
WikiWillyes it is a storage drive. weird, because I'm booting on sda and it says only one partition23:35
lickalottmy opinion - launch the live cd and once you're in open a terminal and run gparted.  Format /dev/sdb and try the install again23:35
lickalottneed to be more specific resc_user_301923:35
lickalottch1pasa are you sure it should be 5900?23:36
lickalotti didn't read up on it23:36
resc_user_3019while installing ubuntu it my acer e1 530 laptop, it can not recognise my windows 7 and partitions23:36
lickalottch1pasa looks like you need 5500 forwarded from 1.130 and 5900 as well23:37
WikiWilllickalott, I'm actually running ubuntu right now off of my hard drive.  there are multiple partitions as there is another copy of ubuntu installed that i can boot into as well. But, my problem is that ubuntu seems to have over-written my windows partition.23:37
lickalottwell....that stinks23:37
resc_user_3019if i try to install it will earase all the hdd and there will be anly linux after that23:37
WikiWillAnd i clicked "install alongside windows", is there any chance it is still there?23:37
Bray90820what is the owner where no one is the owner23:38
resc_user_3019i have searched the net and was not able to find a suitable solution and still in truuble23:38
Bray90820if that makes any sense23:38
lickalottprob not.  (based on that fdisk output)  You can try a program called photorec to retrieve your stuff23:39
lickalottWikiWill ^^23:39
lickalottBray90820 nobody23:39
Bray90820Thank you23:40
resc_user_3019i think it might be caused by uefi bios23:40
lickalottcould be resc_user_301923:40
WikiWillAlright, I left a post on the ubuntu forums to see if anyone could help, but in the meantime i will try photorec. thanks for your time23:40
lickalottWikiWill photorec will run on ubuntu23:40
kandinskiI want to sync dropbox-like betwen a local directory and a smb share23:40
kandinskiit's so I can work from home, then sync to the work directory automagically when I come in to work23:40
salotrying to install 13.10 on a i7-4700MG, nvidia gtx 650m. Have set legacy mode (to bypass the win 8.1 demo UEFI crap), and got to the purple screen with orange dots going on. After a while screen flicks to black (pc doesn't go off). Any help?23:41
kandinskiwhich is the recommended option these days?23:41
somsipkandinski: what sort of work are you doing?23:41
kandinskiall and any23:41
kandinskifrom programming to writing openoffice documents23:41
somsipkandinski: then I'd suggest git23:41
lickalottsalo - dual boot or single install?23:41
kandinskiI just want it to be automated, not have to think about it23:42
lickalottI think you can choose your destination for the dropbox folder locally kandinski23:42
somsipkandinski: then you are walking a line of balance between control and functionality. Dropbox is simpler. Git offers more23:42
lickalottyou can with winblows installs23:42
kandinskiyep, but $company, while happy for me to take work home in a laptop, absolutely forbids using dropbox23:43
lickalottch1pasa where you at homey?23:43
DLCkandinski: git / svn is pretty neat23:43
kandinskihence the "dropbox clone"23:43
somsipkandinski: IIRC dropbox is built on something git-like23:43
DLCkandinski: there is also google drive and ubuntu one23:43
kandinskiyeah, I use git all the time23:43
salolickalott - My goal is to end with a 13.10 / Win7 dual boot.  Current status is a newly bought pc with some sort of DEMO of Win 8.1, which i want to erradicate and replace with ubuntu. 2nd phase would be to add win7 as dual boot23:43
lickalottkandinski can you run openvpn from work so you can have direct access to the files from home?23:43
kandinskiDLC, and by extension, any storage of data outside company property23:43
somsipkandinski: so you sell the benefits of version control to your company23:44
resc_user_3019hope you got it.23:44
kandinskisomsip: yeah, we have git repos too, what are we, peasants?23:44
lickalottI would add win7 first salo, then install easyBCD, then install ubuntu23:44
Fouhello ... i have a question about permission when using fstab mounting or mapping a drive. I have the .cred file but its still giving me issues with permissions. What I am trying to do is mad a drive on another computer and have my downloads go there. It works and sometimes does not work23:44
DLCkandinski: even encrypted?23:44
resc_user_3019do you need anyhthing more regarding my issue23:44
Foudo i have th chmod the cred file ?23:44
somsipkandinski: nah, just sarcastic to the point of rudeness. EOT for me23:44
lickalottwho was that for?  <resc_user_3019> hope you got it.23:45
kandinskiDLC: regulatory constraints affect us. Anyway, sparkleshare is hmm23:45
resc_user_3019somebody ask to post my problem. i have typed it and waiting for a solution23:46
salolickalott - Made a USB with win7 but can't get it to boot... (i'm kinda of inexperienced with this EFI, UEFI, BIOS, bootable stuff, etc.)23:46
saloonly the Ubuntu usb boots23:46
glitsj16kandinski: what about btsync? nothing gets stored, machine to machine23:46
ch1pasai installed teamviewer23:46
lickalottits a bear salo.  iirc ubuntu then windows is a lot harder than windows then ubuntu23:46
kandinskiglitsj16: in this case, it would even be in-machine (as far as the smb share is mounted locally)23:46
lickalottyou want me to look at it ch1pasa? or are you just gonna go with TV?23:47
lickalottresc_user_3019 - repost your issue pls23:47
ch1pasatry and connect to me it doesnt work23:47
lickalotton tv?23:47
ch1pasait says unable to cionnect could not be established23:47
lickalottwait 1.  need to update23:48
salolickalott - what do you mean a "bear"? I trust you being easier with the first install of win 7, but i can't get to boot it...23:48
lickalottdo you have ssh enabled on your ubuntu rig?23:48
resc_user_3019while i am trying to install ubuntu on my new acer laptop having windows 7, ubuntu cant recognise win7 and other partitions23:48
lickalottbear - getting win7 to boot with a win8 designed laptop23:48
Bray90820How would i find the current owner of a directory23:48
lickalottls -lrt23:48
lickalottBray90820 ^^23:49
Bray90820Thank you23:49
lickalottBray90820 are you on EFnet?23:49
ch1pasalickalot did it work?23:49
resc_user_3019am newby to this chat.and dont know your rules and regulations. sorry23:49
Fouam i doing something wrong with fstab23:50
lickalottch1pasa pm me the pass23:50
salolickalott - so bear is good thing or a bad one? i mean, isn't it as easy as building the usb from iso from within windows (with one of those googled apps) and boot with it? Am I missing something?23:50
lickalottbad salo23:50
lickalottno....there is much more to it.  You're dealing with effed up bios issues going from 8 - 723:51
lickalottresc_user_3019 how far do you get into the install process?23:52
salojesus lickalott. you got me scared with the 8 - 7 .... =)  so what are my options? Can I get a win 8.1 FULL version on top of the current DEMO one, and add Ubuntu on dual boot with this UEFI thing?23:53
Ice_StrikeI am trying to install avahi-utils and it keep failing23:54
lickalottit's not impossible salo, just not easy.  windows 8 is a big fail imho.  So i think it's worth the research.23:54
Ice_Strikesee http://pastebin.com/wXMTrs9m23:54
resc_user_3019i can install linux completely. but it will erase the entire hdd.23:54
lickalottbut yes, to your question.  You can install ubunut side by side with winblows23:55
Fouhahaha winblows23:55
lickalottyour drive it partitioned resc_user_3019?23:55
resc_user_3019it will give a messgae. no operating systems is found in your comp23:55
Foudoes any one know if i can install quickbooks on ubuntu and do they have drivers for some of the devices that i have ?23:55
lickalottwhat ver of ubuntu Ice_Strike?23:55
lickalottafter bios post resc_user_3019?23:56
lickalottno clue here Fou23:56
lickalotthere meaning me23:56
resc_user_3019linux installation starts23:56
lickalottdid you already install resc_user_301923:56
resc_user_3019i have installed win7 and softwares to c drive and there i kept free space for ubuntu23:58
resc_user_3019 but when ubuntu installs it is showing that no operating system or partions23:58
lickalottdid you partition the drive?23:59

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