
psivaainfinity: we have amd64 install failures with libc6-udeb segfaults. ( i kind of remember you asking libc6 to be tested..?)12:58
psivaainfinity: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/Smoke%20Testing/job/trusty-server-amd64-smoke-default/49/consoleFull for further info, if needed12:59
cjwatsonIt was, but maybe d-i needs rebuilt against the new version or something12:59
cjwatsonThat wouldn't be especially surprising across a major version bump13:00
psivaacjwatson: ack13:00
cjwatsonI'll grab an image to make sure I can reproduce it13:00
infinityIf d-i has nss bits, I could see that.13:06
* infinity looks at the log.13:06
infinityOkay, that log is mostly useless, would need to actually spin up a d-i env to test in.13:08
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