=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss [08:07] robru, hey, if you still around - any word why u8 wasn't released overnight? [08:12] morning, all [08:13] moooornign [08:38] tsdgeos, wanna do a nasty review? [08:39] mzanetti, ↑ or you? [08:39] Saviq: the cleanup one? [08:40] tsdgeos, yeah https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/clean-root/+merge/199314 [08:40] tsdgeos, it's basically moving stuff around [08:40] yeah that one i was refering to [08:40] Saviq: can do [08:40] tsdgeos, thanks [08:41] tsdgeos, the tests pass, so that's 95% confirmation it's fine [08:41] tsdgeos, but stuff like ./build, ./run, ./run_on_device would be good to verify [08:41] yep [08:43] tsdgeos, one other thing that I want to do, but not sure I want to do now... is make them all QML imports, so import Unity.UI.Dash or something, instead of "../Dash" or so [08:44] hmmm [08:44] now = in this MR [08:44] or [08:44] now = after this MR [08:44] tsdgeos, in [08:44] tsdgeos, will prolly wait for dednick's indicator refactoring, though [08:45] wouldn't do it in this one [08:45] tsdgeos, +1 [09:04] Saviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/regenerate_pot_file/+merge/199413 [09:04] we need to get better at catching this stuff [09:04] tsdgeos, true [09:04] tsdgeos, but actually... that should not be our string to translat [09:04] e [09:05] tsdgeos, it should come from whoever asked for the SIM dialog [09:05] tsdgeos, so let's see to fix that instead [09:08] that i don't know D: [09:09] asac: [09:09] err [09:09] asac: sorry [09:09] Saviq: sure [09:09] damnit [09:09] run_on_device updated the libc7 of the phone [09:09] and is now stuck in that "do you want to restart serveices" ncurses window [09:09] tsdgeos, ouch... why would it upgrade it :? [09:09] libc6 i mean [09:09] Saviq: because there's a new version out :D [09:10] tsdgeos, yeah, but we're not doing upgrade [09:10] tsdgeos, well [09:10] tsdgeos, probably something we're installing as deps [09:10] something must depend on it i guess [09:10] got built against the new one, yeah [09:10] ok, let's reboot the phone and do this manuall [09:10] y [09:10] tsdgeos, no need to reboot [09:11] tsdgeos, can do second shell and kill the dialog [09:11] too late :D [09:11] rebooting was easier ;-) [09:11] Saviq: so you opening a bug for the "we should not have this text" thing? [09:12] tsdgeos, fixing it, even [09:13] cool [09:15] mzanetti, you get a slap on the wrist for the fullscreen notifications, there's reaching out of scope all over ;P [09:15] Saviq: ? [09:16] mzanetti, NotificationMenuItemFactory reaches to notification and notificationsList objects directly [09:16] ah [09:17] Saviq: I'll fix it [09:17] mzanetti, almost there [09:17] mzanetti, you'll review / test [09:17] ok [09:17] Saviq: btw almost everyone's going to get a nice conflict after your clean-root thing :D [09:17] tsdgeos, actually not really [09:18] tsdgeos, I was expecting it, but bzr seems to deal fine with renames when merging [09:18] nice thing [09:18] * mzanetti is afraid of merging the appmanager rework with that [09:19] the one feature that works well in bzr... renames [09:19] Saviq: can i complain against the src/include thing? [09:19] tsdgeos, yes you can [09:20] Saviq: at least you should move src/Panel/Indicators/client/indicatorsclient.h to include to make it equally painful everywhere :D [09:21] i'd prefer we'd do away with that artificial separation [09:21] but oh well [09:21] let's be artificual everywhere if we are going to be [09:26] tsdgeos, I just didn't want "src" to be in include paths by default [09:27] tsdgeos, while paths.h should be available virtually everywhere [09:27] tsdgeos, so can we say that stuff that's only a header (paths.h, ApplicationArguments.h) would remain in include/ [09:27] tsdgeos, but h+cpp would go into src/ ? [09:29] ApplicationArguments.h is cheating [09:29] since i could split the code over to a .cpp and then you move it to src/ :D [09:31] and it's only used by main.cpp so it would not hurt either [09:31] if you want to leave paths.h.in in include, i'm fine with that [09:31] noone ever edits that file [09:33] Saviq, ehm, any idea why https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/demo-stuff/+recipebuild/610784/+files/buildlog.txt.gz failed? [09:34] mhr3_, which one is that? [09:34] scopes-api in demo-stuff [09:35] mhr3_, I only just built unity-api in there, restarted scopes-api builds now [09:35] Saviq, i did that 5minutes ago, resulted in that error [09:35] mhr3_, hmm maybe unity-api wasn't published yet? [09:35] it was [09:35] at least that's what the ppa page said [09:35] mhr3_, in other words, no, no idea [09:38] mzanetti, here's my diff, can you please take over, then - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6593292/ [09:40] Saviq: so what do you want to do with the include thing? leave it as it is? or rework? [09:41] tsdgeos, true, AppArgs should be .cpp really [09:41] tsdgeos, I'll fix those [09:41] ok [09:44] Saviq: yes [09:45] mzanetti, I'll have another one, that one breaks something [09:45] mzanetti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6593326/ [09:45] Notification vs. Item made it not start at all, for some reason :? [09:46] mzanetti, are there no tests for the fullscreen notification btw? I don't even know how to trigger it? [09:46] Saviq: there should be AP tests for it afaik [09:46] Saviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/StrFTimeFormatter/+merge/192343 ? [09:47] dednick, on it [09:47] Saviq: and there are qmltests for the content (tst_Lockscreen.qml) [09:47] Saviq: ta [09:48] mhr3_, built now [09:48] mhr3_, so must've been too early [09:48] Saviq, grrr.... [09:48] dandrader: seen that i added the "try" thing [09:48] ? [09:50] mzanetti, no tests added in https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/notification-fullscreen-support/+merge/196308 at least [09:50] tsdgeos, yep, will check it out now [09:50] mzanetti, so it doesn't look like there are any [09:51] dandrader, hey, re: the unity-api test crash... I got it on stable just as well [09:52] dandrader, unless I did something wrong when building, but I tried not to [09:52] dandrader, you made sure to test under i386? [09:52] Saviq, yes [09:53] Saviq, only if stable went sour since the last time I tried it [09:53] dandrader, no, I actually tried the day after you tried or so [09:53] Saviq, do you at least get the failure in testApplication? [09:53] * Saviq will try again [09:54] dandrader, don't remember, let me rinse&repeat [10:10] Saviq, is there a command to reload all unity7 indicators [10:10] ? [10:10] dandrader, yeah, start unity8 and Ctrl+C it ;) [10:11] Saviq, no [10:11] dandrader, you might also want "restart unity-panel-service" [10:11] it does not bring all the original indicators back [10:11] dandrader, the only remaining one should be "start indicator-application" I think [10:11] dandrader, which one are you missing? [10:11] indicator-multiload and the network one [10:12] dandrader, start indicator-[TAB] will let you know which are not running and can be started [10:12] huh, what's indicator-multiload? [10:12] dandrader, network is nm-applet [10:12] dandrader, no upstart integration, so just Alt+F2, nm-applet [10:12] Saviq, "Graphical system load indicator for CPU, ram, etc." [10:13] dandrader, k [10:13] Saviq, "start indicator-application" does the trick. thanks@ [10:13] ! [10:13] dandrader, cheers [10:20] tsdgeos: thanks btw for nudging towards syncqt, it has solved all but one of my snapshot module problems [10:20] cool [10:21] so I'm running syncqt and generating a patch out of it, which fixed qtfeedback + qtsystems + qt3d, but qtpim seems to have some additional problem [10:23] tsdgeos, pushed [10:23] /food [10:23] dandrader: noooo, i have a todo :D [10:23] dandrader: or maybe we can do it after the merge happens [10:24] tsdgeos, what todo? [10:24] dandrader: as a smaller review? [10:24] // TODO Add support for additions/removals at end that are not reset calls [10:24] ah [10:24] maybe we can get this big chunk merged [10:24] and then iterate on this small thing? [10:25] it'll be an easier review too [10:25] since it'll be smaller [10:25] tsdgeos, yes, it won't break anything anyway [10:25] oka [10:25] thanks for the review :-) [10:25] dandrader: btw don't know if you realized you can write a number in the try thing [10:25] in the area below the add button [10:25] i did not make it too obvious :D [10:25] tsdgeos, it did. but just from reading the code [10:26] ok :D [10:27] tsdgeos, indeed looks almost like a hidden feature. I though about commenting about it but I concluded that I have already harassed you enough in this review [10:27] and the buttons also look like they are disabled because their colors are washed out (greyish [10:27] ) [10:28] mzanetti: I can fix your flicker by adding a longer delay to the grantFocusTimer. I tried 100ms [10:28] greyback: yeah. but doesn't sound like a solution [10:28] mzanetti: the flicker was that Mir had changed the focused app before you had even started animating [10:28] greyback: yeah. and that's what I don't understand why [10:29] greyback: as I set the image to be visible and everything, then start a timer and only when the timer timeout is done, I tell Mir to actually switch the apps [10:30] greyback: so in theory there shouldn't be a timer needed at all. however I could understand that I have to trigger the event loop to reflect all the states. but for that an interval of 1 should be enough [10:30] greyback: the fact that an interval of 100 works around it, makes it even more scary imo [10:31] mzanetti: sure, I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, there's just some subtle timing issue cropping up [10:32] greyback: so you'd vote for going with an interval of 100 for now and hoping this will just vanish when we use real surfaces instead of screenshots? [10:32] (well, I'm sure this particular isse would go away using real surfaces...) [10:34] mzanetti: am wondering if it's due to the 2 separate event loops, one for Mir and one for Qt. Calling ApplicationManager.focusApplication causes Mir to immediately switch focus. But Qt hasn't yet generated a frame, that Mir composites, where the screenshots are visible [10:34] greyback: ahhh... yeah that would make sense [10:34] so Qt's event loop is actually done, but the results not yet processed by Mir's event loop [10:35] yeah, that would explain this behavior [10:35] and also this sounds like a thing we'd run into more often as more animations are implemented :/ [10:36] mzanetti: when we switch to scenegraph, this won't be an issue, as there only 1 event loop will be managing all drawing [10:36] +1 for that [10:36] so it does sound indeed like I should go with the increased interval workaround for now [10:37] with a big fat FIXME to drop it again once we use the scenegraph stuff === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [10:37] switching focus at the end of the animation work maybe? Or at a preset stage during the animation? [10:38] yeah... I thought about that too... I guess I can do it. [10:39] greyback: but I really wanted to understand what's going on... thanks for the explanation. [10:39] mzanetti: you're welcome [10:49] Saviq, who's a good person to talk to about CI issues? [10:49] Saviq: hmm... for some reason unity8 doesn't seem to register the notification service any more with ./run. It used to work if I did export `dbus-launch` and ran it in that shell. has there been a change you're aware of? [10:50] nic-doffay: what's the issue? [10:50] mzanetti, I'm not sure. [10:51] nic-doffay: :) ok... so why do you want to talk to someone about CI then? [10:52] mzanetti, because I think it's an irregular issue. [10:52] nic-doffay: any link or something? [10:52] mzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1242647/+merge/197176 [10:52] Not sure what's causing the two fails. [10:53] nic-doffay: hmm... according to the logs it seems to be a real issue, not some flakyness.... [10:54] mzanetti, yeah but I can't pin point what exactly it is... [10:54] mzanetti, there's no need for dbus-launch any more [10:54] mzanetti, it takes over the name from notify-osd [10:54] right.... you see my problem :P [10:55] Saviq: so it seems there is an issue if there is no notify-osd running before? [10:55] mzanetti, shouldn't be [10:55] mzanetti, /me tries [10:55] so in theory the dbus-launch thing should still work, right? [10:56] nic-doffay: building your branches... gimme a minunute [10:56] mzanetti, yeah it should, works here [10:56] hmpf... [10:57] mzanetti, well, just don't do dbus-launch, it actually stops unity8 from launching here for me [10:58] mzanetti, and it makes sense, as it will wait for all the services that it expects on the dbus [10:58] Saviq: it starts fine here on a new session bus. just doesn't register stuff any more [10:59] Saviq: last time I tried it was starting too, but took like half a minute before it gave up connecting to the hud service [10:59] now it starts up immediately, but not notifications [11:00] mzanetti, sounds like something weird in your env, any reason why you still want it under dbus-launch? [11:00] Saviq: yeah, s/notify-osd/knotify4/ [11:00] mzanetti, right, and knotify4 does not give up the name when asked politely... [11:01] yep [11:01] mzanetti, kill it, then... [11:01] it's respowned by kded4 immediately (which I think is new too) [11:01] ok... I guess I can shut down the whole session for a bit [11:01] nic-doffay: that AP test fails here too [11:02] mzanetti, or just switch to unity7 like a good employee ;) [11:02] Saviq: yeah... did that for a while. but it really sucks on this screen [11:02] mzanetti, ah right - good thing is that bregma is working on it this cycle [11:03] nic-doffay: can't you reproduce the failure locally? [11:03] nic-doffay: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6593603 [11:04] Saviq: to make up for not using unity on the desktop yet I started dogfooding the phone with the MWC release :D [11:04] ;) [11:05] mzanetti, I didn't run them locally, I figured the logs would be the same? [11:05] nic-doffay: yeah. but definitely easier to change to code and run the test again === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk [11:45] Saviq: ok. running unity7 now (it did improve a bit already) but notifications still showing up in the desktop. even if I kill notify-osd [11:45] with unity8 latest trunk, doing a fresh ./build -c [11:45] mzanetti, I was suspecting something's weird with your setup... [11:47] mzanetti, can you see anything related in the log output? [11:47] Saviq: no... all fine in there [11:49] mzanetti, sounds like you need to start looking into monitoring what happens on dbus [11:49] mhm [11:51] ok... got it... qtdeclarative5-unity-notifications-plugin was borked [11:52] duuude :D you broke the fullscreen notifications completely :D [11:52] mzanetti, I'm sure I did :P [11:52] mzanetti, couldn't test them, remember? ;P [11:54] noooo. qtcreator doesn't pick up fonts dpi inside unity7 [11:55] mzanetti, ouch === alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g [11:57] Saviq: can we merge this one now? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/lockscreen-default-variable-pinlength/+merge/197848 [11:57] mzanetti, wasn't it merged already? [11:58] mzanetti, got it, ACK'ed [11:59] cheers === dpm_ is now known as dpm [12:07] biab [12:11] dandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/verticalJournalImprovements/+merge/199446 [12:12] tsdgeos, saw it. will wait for the original one to get merged before I review this one [12:13] ok [12:39] dandrader: there? [12:40] tsdgeos, ? [12:41] dandrader: just pinging ;-) [12:41] dandrader: so i am doing the horizontaljournal [12:41] that shares lots of code with the verticalone [12:41] how would you prefer to review [12:41] in two steps, horizontal journal is a "copy" of the verticla one and then introduce a class which both inherit from [12:42] in one step that introduces both the horizontal journal and the class they both inherit from? [12:43] tsdgeos, one step [12:43] oki === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [13:24] * greyback having his half day, chat tomorrow === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [14:23] kgunn, humm, weren't you supposed to be on holidays already? [14:23] Saviq: not yet... [14:23] are you trying to send me a hint :) [14:24] kgunn, no, not really, but was convinced you were gone :) [14:24] only mentally [14:29] kgunn, we doing hangout today? [14:30] Saviq: yes, let's do hangout...it'll be quick one i think [14:30] let's do round robin first...then cover off 1/2 announcement + deeper dive on some topics [14:30] it'll be quick i promise [14:32] nic-doffay, hangout? [14:32] Cimi, hangout? [14:32] Saviq, one sec. === rachelliu_ is now known as rachelliu [14:59] Saviq, I got stuck.. I'm in now [15:12] who can test ubuntu-ui-toolkit compilation on qt 5.2? === dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch [15:15] dandrader|lunch: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/verticalJournalImprovements/+merge/199446 the parent branch has been aprroved and CI passes [15:33] Cimi: i think you missed the part where we discussed some manual autopilot testing to dry run /pre-test side stage re-enabling [15:34] Cimi: i'm putting together a list to divide that effort amongst the team...just didn't want to confuse you :) since some items got assigned to you [15:34] Cimi: if you have questions feel free to hit me up [16:02] Saviq: hi! You have a mako/maguro, right? [16:07] Damn, what's wrong with my mako [16:15] Saviq: i don't understand why you have columns for with and without sidestage [16:21] sil2100, yes, I only don't have grouper [16:22] tsdgeos, for comparison [16:22] Saviq: but don't we have the official numbers for that? [16:22] tsdgeos, in case there are failures, we need to know whether it's regressed or not [16:22] tsdgeos, not for manta [16:22] right [16:22] kgunn, right ↑↑ we don't need "without sidestage" for mako/maguro [16:23] kgunn, we have "official" results for that [16:23] Saviq: yeah...you're right [16:23] thanks.... [16:23] kgunn, tsdgeos done - two columns less [16:23] that'll save some time [16:24] Saviq: hmm... since I am using 'almost-latest-trunk' and I can't run all the tests, suddenly after some tests unity8 goes black and unresponsive [16:24] Saviq: that happens relatively often [16:24] Saviq: but it might be my device... [16:24] sil2100, "black and unresponsive"? [16:24] sil2100, as in you see it or not at all? [16:25] sil2100, check if apport's not collecting .crashes for it maybe [16:25] Saviq: tsdgeos ...just added one note...if you do get a failure on mako w/ sidestage...might want to back it out and retest the image [16:25] but only in case of failure [16:25] kgunn, yup [16:25] Saviq: I see a black screen - no backlight, tests not moving - after pressing the power button first the backlight appears and after a few lazy seconds I see unity8 appearing [16:25] But tests don't move forward [16:26] Saviq: you guys didn't see symptoms like this, right? [16:26] sil2100, no [16:26] Let me try downgrading and seeing if I get the same, since as I said, I stopped trusting my device [16:27] kgunn, I made the branch "needs review" to get packages out of CI [16:27] kgunn, so that we don't have to build them ourselves [16:28] Saviq: another excellent idea [16:33] tsdgeos, how do you tell qt to not build qtwayland? [16:34] Saviq: don't know :D [16:34] never built it for me :D [16:34] lol [16:34] you're building the supercheckout thing? [16:35] tsdgeos, ah, qt.pro should do ;) [16:35] tsdgeos, yeah [16:35] Saviq: ok, i just build the modules one by one === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader [17:25] dandrader, I take that back, indeed it seems like release fixes - and yeah am getting testApplication failure [17:25] dandrader, I'll do some bisecting, then [17:28] Saviq, reported a qt bug on the testApplication failure, btw [17:28] dandrader, cheers [17:31] dandrader, which QTBUG? make sure Mirv knows about it, please [17:32] Saviq, I wrote about it on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1258057 [17:32] Ubuntu bug 1258057 in Unity API "unity-api fails to build against Qt 5.2" [Critical,In progress] [17:32] dandrader, ah great thanks [17:33] Saviq, but, discussing it on qt-quick, that question made me scratch my head " aalpert-thoth: is importing singletons to a "global" namespace a supported use case?" [17:33] Saviq: do we have a PPA that will let me build Unity 8 on Saucy yet/ [17:33] ? [17:34] mhall119, there is a ppa, not one that will let you build unity8 on saucy I'm afraid, folks are looking into it, though [17:34] ok [17:34] mhall119, i.e. unity-scopes-api fails to build on saucy: https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/desktop-deps/ [17:35] dandrader, yeah, it shouldn't be asked ;) [17:35] dandrader, like WTH not? [17:54] mhr3_: ping [18:13] hm. so can't play videos on tablet yet? [18:29] Saviq: is there something i'm doing wrong? ....i can't seem to download output.zip from them mp ? [18:29] i'm on vpn [18:31] kgunn, trying [18:31] kgunn, the job failed to publish [18:31] how does one come to know that ? [18:32] kgunn, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-mir-trusty-armhf-ci/48/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip [18:32] kgunn, jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com is only a public frontend - it doesn't execute any jobs [18:32] thanks... [18:32] kgunn, the results get published to it by the real jenkins [18:32] kgunn, but sometimes it fails [18:33] kgunn, so if you get 404 from jenkins.qa.u.c - that's most probably that [18:33] damn....jenkins and his evil twin not-so-public jenkins [18:33] kgunn, published now [18:34] kgunn, so the MP link works now, too [18:36] Saviq: i was just antsy i guess [18:36] is anyone able to play a local video on device? [18:36] dednick: you mean manta/nexus10 right ? [18:37] kgunn: yeah [18:38] dednick: i don't have a manta... [18:42] ricmm: ^ should we be able to play video on manta? [18:42] rsalveti: ^ [18:43] hm. I manually installed gstreamer1.0-libav so that mediascanner would pick up videos, but was crashing mediaplayer-app. I removed it and now I'm getting some audio, but no video... [18:43] ....sigh [18:43] hello [18:44] Is it possible for me to inigrate unity api in my distro??? [18:45] ??? === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [19:01] kgunn: no, there's no video support for manta yet [19:01] dednick: ^ === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [19:09] rsalveti: ta [20:35] hmmm....anyone tried mako yet with sidestage ? [20:35] going to reflash in case its me [20:45] Saviq: how can I make an app respond to a user tapping one of the HUD's toolbar icons? [21:01] mhall119, that's the wrong side of the integration you're asking me for ;) [21:01] tedg, ↑↑? [21:01] mhall119, Ask a QML guy like Saviq [21:02] ;-) [21:02] I'm not sure of the QML way to do it exactly, but you need a "hud-toolbar-item" property on the Unity Action. [21:22] ricmm: so i just took latest trusty image on mako....dumped unity-mir deb in from jenkins build...installed it, but i don't get anything rendered onscreen [21:23] ricmm: i double checked, even used devel-proposed...same thing [21:24] tedg: so http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components.Action/ needs to be expanded to include a hud-toolbar-item? [21:24] ricmm: running top i can see unity8 running...and the screen is auto blanking & turning on from power button...but just no rendering [21:25] ricmm: is this something you would have expected ?? [21:25] or just a bug on mako that needs fixing? [21:27] mhall119, I'm not sure what the property name is exactly, but something like that, yes. [21:29] ricmm: or...am i doing something wrong ? [21:36] tedg: is that a DBus property name? [21:36] mhall119, No, gmenu property name. [21:40] tedg: Saviq: where can I find the source for Ubuntu.Unity.Action.Action? [21:41] mhall119, I think this is it: https://launchpad.net/unity-action-api [21:42] kgunn: not sure, my mako is charging right now for that matter [21:42] I havent tested it yet [21:46] well, over my head [21:46] tedg: Saviq: do either of you know of plans to make this possible via QML, and who's behind it? [21:48] mhall119, The action-api was done by Wellark_, he'd probably have more ideas there. [21:49] ricmm: curious what you find....i'm reflashing & going to build natively... [21:49] just in case [21:50] Wellark_: ping about unity-action-api, QML and HUD toolbuttons === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk