
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
tseliotRAOF: bug #1222670 is one more reason to approve bug #1259237 ;)08:26
ubottubug 1222670 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-319 (Ubuntu Precise) "[nVidia GTX645][10de:11c4] Unable to boot to desktop with nvidia-319 driver" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122267008:26
ubottubug 1259237 in screen-resolution-extra (Ubuntu Precise) "Hybrid graphics enablement in 12.04.4" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125923708:26
RAOFtseliot: Hm. So you just need screen-resolution-extra, bbswitch, and nvidia-prime for Precise?08:44
tseliotRAOF: well, the drivers need to be updated to, so that they can work with the new nvidia-settings08:45
RAOFtseliot: And those things all need to go into main, don't they?08:50
tseliotRAOF: yep08:51
RAOFWell, the nvidia-graphics-* want to be accepted into restricted I guess.08:53
RAOFtseliot: Enjoy08:53
tseliotRAOF: right, restricted for the nvidias. Did you also approve nvidia-settings and screen-resolution-extra?08:55
tseliotRAOF: oh, and lightdm too please08:57
tseliotRAOF: can you accept all the packages listed in the bug description, please?08:59
tseliotRAOF: (3rd line)08:59
RAOFAh. I'm missing lightdm, nvidia-settings, and nvidia-graphics-drivers-173?09:01
RAOFOh, and screen-resolution-extra.09:01
tseliotRAOF: and nvidia-graphics-drivers-304-updates09:01
tseliotI know, it's a lot of stuff09:01
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RAOFtseliot: You've got a .git tree in the screen-resolution-extra upload09:10
tjaaltonDEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-i -I" in .devscripts already :)09:11
tseliotRAOF: let me reupload09:16
tseliottjaalton: I use -i.git09:16
jcristauyou need -I for native packages09:17
tseliotjcristau: right, I mixed it up09:17
tseliotRAOF: the package should be there again now09:18
tseliottjaalton: but if I can automate it with that, that's a welcome addition ;)09:21
tjaaltonyes, add that to .devscripts09:25
tjaaltonwhat I pasted09:26
tjaaltonworks with every vcs09:26
tseliottjaalton: no need to specify I.git?09:28
tjaaltonone of those things that should be the default..09:29
jcristau.git and .svn and CVS and ... are included in the default ignore patterns for -i and -I09:29
tseliotah, nice09:29
tseliotRAOF: oh, and I didn't see any notifications about lightdm being approved either09:45
* tseliot -> away. brb09:47
RAOFtseliot: I don't suppose you could combine the two lightdm SRUs that are in the queue?10:46
mlankhorstah ah10:48
mlankhorstRAOF: mesa, libxi, libxfixes, unity, unity2d, qt4-x11? :D10:54
tseliotRAOF: do you have a link to the other SRU?11:30
tseliotRAOF: oh, I've found it. Yes, I can combine the two11:34
tjaaltonk, upgrading panda to trusty.. see how it breaks with llvmpipe12:25
RAOFmlankhorst: Sigh. I'll look at that tomorrow, I guess :)12:33
RAOFtseliot: Ok. I think I've accepted everything except lightdm now.12:44
tjaaltonhmm, so OMAP doesn't even try to load swrast13:30
tjaaltonmodesetting should be better13:31
tjaaltonnot really13:33
tjaaltonloads swrast but unity doesn't work13:33
tjaalton-omap needs to go in any case13:33
mlankhorstbut omap still has EXA acceleration i think13:34
mlankhorstor something13:34
tjaaltonwell unity doesn't work on it either13:35
tjaaltonfix it to load swrast then :)13:35
tjaaltonlibEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate13:35
tjaaltonnautilus works, so get to open a terminal from it :)13:37
tjaaltonglxgears doesn't work13:41
tjaaltongives just a black window13:41
mlankhorsttjaalton: can you recompile with llvm 3.4? :P13:41
mlankhorstif using llvmpipe13:41
tjaalton3.4 is the default already?13:42
mlankhorstno, still using 3.3, but 3.4 enabled build is on https://launchpad.net/~mlankhorst/+archive/ppa/+packages 13:42
tjaaltonah, i mean default llvm is 3.413:42
tjaaltonit'll take ages to build13:46
mlankhorsttjaalton: you can grab the debs from there13:46
tjaaltonah, right13:46
tjaaltonnow nautilus ceased to work13:55
tjaaltonso those didn't help13:55
mlankhorstbut does glxgears work?13:56
tjaaltonno way to test yet13:56
mlankhorst    swrast: fix readback regression since inversion fix13:57
mlankhorst    13:57
mlankhorst    This readback from the frontbuffer with swrast was broken, that bug13:57
mlankhorst    just made it more obviously broken, this fixes it by inverting the13:57
mlankhorst    sub image gets. Also fixes a few other piglits.13:57
mlankhorstthough that fixes classic swrast, not llvmpipe13:58
tjaaltonyour deb works, but only because it's not using llvmpipe14:01
tjaaltonglxgears runs with it14:01
tjaaltonanyway, llvmpipe breaks unity tests, so disable it again then14:01
mlankhorst sure14:02
tjaaltonbut moving to llvm-3.4 is fine too, since it's default14:05
tjaaltonI'll test it on panda later14:05
tseliotwhat X abi do we use in Saucy? 1.14?14:06
tseliotok, thanks, I'd better update fglrx for that too then14:06
tjaaltonsurely it installs on saucy?14:06
tseliotsorry, for lts-saucy (12.04.4)14:06
tseliotand Linux 3.11...14:07
mlankhorstmdeslaur: curse you, again preempting my uploads! (qt4-x11)14:18
mdeslaurmlankhorst: ugh, sorry about that :(14:18
mdeslaurmlankhorst: get your own archive! :)14:19
tseliotmdeslaur: BTW did you see my email?14:19
mdeslaurtseliot: yes, sorry, didn't have time to look at it yet14:19
tseliotmdeslaur: ok, good, just checking that thunderbird didn't play any tricks on me ;)14:20
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Guest67170tjaalton, having a, eog problem where images are all blacked out and whatnot in saucy. the developer says it's the intel graphics driver talking to cairo and something getting fouled up. know anything about that?14:36
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tjaaltonGuest67170: "the developer"? dunno, file a bug against xserver-xorg-video-intel22:35

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