
mhall119daker: oh look, soccer :)02:13
dholbachgood morning08:10
* jussi waves to dholbach08:13
dholbachhi jussi08:24
=== ara_ is now known as ara
dakermhall119: that's Football!11:09
dakerdholbach: see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMOwsXvmIYw11:09
dholbachdaker, looks like a happy soccer team to me ;-)11:15
dakerdholbach: that's first time and the first african/arabic team in the finale of the world cup11:17
dakerand the second time on the WC11:17
dholbachah ok, I had no idea11:17
dakerdholbach: that's Marrakech :D https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=74861780514929411:20
dholbachdaker, 'un truc de fou' :)11:21
dakerdholbach: with a coach pointed two week ago :D11:22
dholbachdaker, when is the final?11:23
* dholbach is not too much into soccer :)11:24
dakerdholbach: this Saturday http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2526130/Raja-Casablanca-players-Ronaldinho-boots-Club-World-Cup-game-vs-Athletic-Mineiro.html11:26
josejono: ping16:46
jonohi jose16:47
josehey, I have some tickets stuck on the RT queue16:48
joselet me get the numbers16:49
jose#23170 and #2316216:49
josejono: hey?17:24
jonojose, hey, have you contacted IS directly?17:24
joseI tried a couple weeks ago but I can try again now17:24
dholbachsee you tomorrow!18:07

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