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RAOFduflu: Do you have any suggestions for shorter test names?04:30
RAOFThey're that long because I think they need to be that long to describe what they're testing :)04:30
dufluRAOF: Not sure. I'm happy to ignore it if the other minor issues are fixed04:35
RAOFduflu: They are now.04:35
RAOF(I think)04:35
RAOFOr, at least, have been thrashed out here (const-ness of make_current, etc)04:36
dufluWoo, Jenkins is landing things!07:51
RAOFOh, wow. Do we really put the { on the next line in *assignments*? Yes, yes we do.08:17
RAOFThat's really silly.08:18
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alan_ganpok_: thanks for fixing cross-compilation!09:13
anpok_no problem09:21
RAOFduflu: Those names any better? :/09:28
dufluRAOF: I will assume yes. They don't stand out as obviously crazy any more. So I closed my eyes and hit Approve09:33
alan_gduflu: why don't you want to publish the demo_standalone examples?09:36
duflualan_g: Because they contain very bad practices of mixing client and server code in undesirable ways09:37
dufluHence bad examples09:37
anpok_why do we have those examples then?09:38
anpok_if the source is there, people will see and copy from it09:38
dufluanpok_: Because they pre-date having a rich and functional client+server architecture09:38
alan_gduflu: http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/render_surfaces-example.html09:38
dufluThey were necessary to test things earlier in Mir's life09:38
duflualan_g: I'm not sure that's a helpful example. Though it does make me think we need better demo-server examples/docs09:42
alan_gThere's nothing wrong with using the server APIs to put stuff on the screen. If we want to set a better example we should improve the code, not hide the executables.09:42
duflualan_g: Functionality used by render_surfaces such as setting rotation and using a buffer initializer and examples of things I expect to be eliminated eventually. We shouldn't encourage people to copy that09:44
dufluAlthough, if we all agree demos may be removed from the mir-demos package at any time, then I guess it doesn't matter what goes in it09:45
alan_gduflu: it's inconsistent to have the code and publish it to the website but not put it in the package.09:46
duflualan_g: Well doxygen's automagical publishing is something less controllable than packaging :)09:47
alan_gduflu: I do agree that the code in several examples is less than exemplary.09:47
alan_gduflu: only because you know the incantations for one and not the other. ;)09:48
duflualan_g: True09:48
dufluAnd now I have to go sit in traffic. Hurray.09:48
alan_gHave a good evening!09:49
alan_gRAOF: you about?10:27
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alan_gkgunn: you've just approved "build-options-for-tests"? Have you co-ordinated putting the changed options into jenkins?14:41
kgunnuh-oh, alan_g maybe i misunderstood14:42
kgunnalan_g: got it...i missed alf's comment above duflu's14:43
kgunnmakes sense now14:43
kgunnthanks for the catch14:43
alan_gBTW we're able to land stuff today14:43
kgunnalan_g: it does seem like we are now passing ci reliably14:43
kgunnalan_g: so...thinking we might be able to promote lp:mir/dev to lp:mir....can i ask for some advice14:45
kgunnseems our deb change is back about 2 revs14:46
kgunnshould i revert and then reapply ?14:46
kgunnor just bump again ?14:46
* kgunn knows debian has black magic involved sometimes14:47
alan_gkgunn: it is about time. Anything outstanding you'd like to land?14:47
kgunnlet me skim again14:47
* alan_g leaves debian foo to others. Is there any reason to do either?14:47
kgunnalan_g: ok...there's 2 branches up for merging...may as well wait for those to get in14:51
alan_gkgunn: one just failed14:51
kgunnbesides that..there's "ping" and then the "build opts for test" (that requires coord)14:52
kgunndang it14:52
kgunnalan_g: sorry...which one are you referring to that just failed ?14:53
alan_gkgunn: https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/check-for-surfaceless/+merge/19851014:53
* alan_g feels guilty as he just wrote the test that failed: DemoInProcessServer.client_can_connect14:55
alan_gkgunn: Looks like we just landed a flaky test.14:56
kgunnalan_g: hopefully that'll make it simple to fix :)14:57
kgunnlooking for the bright side14:57
alan_gkgunn: There's some useful looking test output. But so far I can't reproduce (but only run it n0000 times)14:59
alan_g\o/ running under valgrind I can reproduce after on iteration 2052115:00
alan_gs/after //15:00
kgunnhow much luck must it take to have hit that15:01
alan_gkgunn: I think it is an unforseen interaction between alf_'s work to sync across processes and my test that runs in a single process.15:06
anpokhm I have a crash in mesa15:12
anpokin platform_drm.c15:13
alan_gkgunn: want a quick and dirty fix to unblock things? (With a cleanup fix a few hours later)15:15
kgunnalan_g: nah...go for the cleanup fix if its truly just few hours...15:15
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kgunnalan_g: i'll work my afternoon to queue up the merge to lp:mir once it lands15:16
alan_gkgunn: It truly is - it just means we need a new class in the testing configuration hierarchy. (I've a working POC that extends the hierarchy to disable alf_'s sync stuff)15:18
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kgunnalan_g|tea: sounds good...i'd rather just do it right and avoid sinking your time into band-aids15:19
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anpokneed a break..15:50
anpokis the mesa inside the trusty archives (10.0.0-1ubuntu4) working for you?15:51
alan_gI assume that's what I'm running.15:53
alan_gkgunn: as promised (less than 2 hours later) - https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/fix-1262754/+merge/19968816:53
alan_gThere must be a better way to represent moved code than large swatches of red and green16:56
kgunnalan_g: thank you16:59
kgunn...i quite like the red/green representation17:00
alan_gBut moving code doesn't entail the same risks as deleting old and writing new17:01
kgunnmmm true17:01
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* alan_g wishes once more for a VCS that understands refactoring17:03
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anpokalan_g: there is a vcs project that does that ..it parses the source code and is able to detect certain patterns, like renaming a method, moving it up or down in the inheritance hierachy17:56
anpokor detects similar fixes on different levels of the hierachy and presents logical merge conflicts..17:56
anpokcannot remember its name17:56
alan_ganpok: once upon a time I was told bzr would do that.17:56
anpokstories with a happy ending that way17:57
alan_gif I rename something and someone else adds a use of it the VCS should sort be able to it out.18:00
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anpokok it was my error my self built mesa version was interfering ..20:48
anpoknow with current mesa from trusty i get an unsuported platform warning in the nested case20:49
fishsceneHow are Mir milestones reached? Are they reached by tasks accomplished? or is it by date/time? Relevant link: https://launchpad.net/mirĀ 21:01
kgunnfishscene: you might have noticed we're working on a dev branch which gets promoted to our "sacred trunk" which feeds the archive/touch images...22:35
kgunnwe're promoting approximately fortnightly22:35
kgunnalthough...every now and then22:35
kgunnlike...the last 2 weeks :)22:36
kgunnwe've been wrestling with our ci infrastructure (our automated testing)22:36
kgunnwhich we need to be fully passing to promote22:36
kgunnat any rate that's the rough correlation...so schedule based more than task based22:37
kgunndriven mostly by the fact we don't want the dev to get too diverged from whats in archive22:37
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fishscenekgunn: Gotchya. Thanks for taking the time to fill me in. :)22:52

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