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mnjhas anyone been successful in installing on droid x204:56
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jnhghyin theory, if I'll have on my phone "ubuntu for android" will I be able to install a vm software and run windows on my phone as I do on my desktop?08:07
RAOFjnhghy: Probably, yes. Although performance will be terrible.08:18
jnhghyRAOF: I assume performance depends on the phone's capabilities right? so with 8 core's or more and big ram it might run acceptabily ... (I'm thinking at samsung S5 as a realistic hardware wich has 8 cores and enough ram I think ...)08:19
RAOFNo phone hardware in the immediate future is going to give acceptable performance for a windows VM; you can't do any of the HW assisted stuff that desktop VMs use, because you need to translate the instruction set.08:21
jnhghyRAOF: sorry but I don't understand what "HW" is can you explain?08:23
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dholbachgood morning08:24
RAOFDesktop VMs run at acceptable speeds mainly because there are a bunch of specific CPU instructions that allow you to run an x86 VM without actually emulating an x86 processor. x86-on-arm can't make use of that, and will be slow.08:25
jnhghyRAOF: I see, thank you for your effort to explain this.. . :)08:30
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asacdoes android 4.4 support the old nexus 7?09:50
Beldarasac, I have 4.4.2 on mine09:53
Beldarasac, https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images#razorkrt16s09:57
pittisil2100: good morning, how are you?09:59
pittisil2100: FYI, I did a manual no-change upload of autopilot-gtk this morning to make it installable again09:59
pittisil2100: apparently it got built against a newer xpathselect in the PPA, but that xpathselect version didn't land in trusty at the same time10:00
pittisil2100: so the copied ap-gtk was uninstallable10:00
sil2100pitti: morning! Oh, ok... I could have expected that, sorry about that! I'll sync up the changelog later on so that cu2d is happy ;)10:26
pittisil2100: thanks; I hope re-syncing isn't too much trouble; also, that changelog entry isn't really valuable, so it's fine to just drop it on next auto-upload as well10:27
FuLgOrEGood morning! Some weeks before I asked if the Nexus 5 will be supported in the future. I was told to wait, because one management decision was missing and the developer would have to buy the hardware. Some days later I got the information that a rebase for 4.4 is ongoing. Any updates for these topics? Last information was that the Nexus 5 could be supported in the end of Jan. or beginning of Feb. Is that still the plan after one manuf10:27
FuLgOrEacturer will build a ubuntu touch phone?10:27
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asacFuLgOrE: we can only give you an outlook about what we know for sure for the next month or so. the android 4.4 rebase plan as of today does not involve nexus 5 in the first batch. we will do the move using emulator and N4 primarily ... what happens then is yet to be defined :)10:55
FuLgOrEthanks for the information. I hope the N5 will be put on the plan in the future10:58
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mhr3_sil2100, what's up with https://launchpadlibrarian.net/160195168/buildlog.txt.gz ?11:13
mhr3_sil2100, afaict unity-api is very much correct version - https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/demo-stuff/+packages11:13
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sil2100mhr3_: let me see11:16
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* sil2100 pokes Mirv about the merge request12:02
mhr3_sil2100, so... what's the conclusion?12:07
Mirvsil2100: mumble, I'll look after that12:08
sil2100mhr3_: does the error happen all the time? Where's the package that the build is happening from?12:09
mhr3_sil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/+recipe/unity-scopes-api-daily-newscopes12:12
mhr3_sil2100, and the best part, when you look at the last successful build (https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/demo-stuff/+build/5357846), it actually did use the 7.80.512:16
larsemilno image for nexus 5 yet?12:19
nik90hey guys, when do I an update, I get a partial upgrade where it mentions that the "qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-cordova" is no longer needed. Every other package is being upgraded. Is this good?12:21
sil2100mhr3_: normally it can also mean that one of the dependencies of the dependencies of the dependencies failed to build, but I'll look into that - now I'm doing firefighting with Ubuntu Touch so be with you in a bit ;)12:26
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dakerthe mediaplayer-app is crashing http://paste.ubuntu.com/6599421/12:36
dakerwith r7512:36
Ursinhadaker, should be bug 126260012:43
ubot5bug 1262600 in mediaplayer-app (Ubuntu) "mediaplayer no longer plays video in image #76" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126260012:43
dakerUrsinha: yes!12:44
sil2100renato_: hello!13:01
renato_sil2100, hey13:02
sil2100renato: are you still working a bit on mediaplayer-app?13:03
renatosil2100, they asked me to implement back the scene selector13:04
renatobut I did not start yet13:04
renatosil2100, why?13:07
sil2100renato: since hm, with the latest images we get mediaplayer-app segfaulting when trying to view videos - LP: #126260013:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1262600 in mediaplayer-app (Ubuntu) "mediaplayer no longer plays video in image #76" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126260013:07
sil2100renato: it's not an issue directly in mediaplayer-app though13:07
sil2100renato: we suspect it's caused by the new android bits we pulled in13:08
renatosil2100, jhodapp is working on that13:08
sil2100So it's a known issue already?13:08
sil2100jhodapp: ^ ?13:09
sil2100renato, jhodapp: could you guys comment on this?13:10
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jhodappsil2100, the gstreamer backend hasn't changed in any of those images...so something else broke playback13:10
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sil2100jhodapp: right, we think it might be android's fault13:12
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jhodappsil2100, yes...that would make sense...did anything get merged at the android level of things?13:13
sil2100jhodapp: yes, but sadly it's nothing that could cause such a big regression13:13
sil2100jhodapp: but maybe something in the toolchain13:13
sil2100jhodapp: since we observed it first on image 75, and on 75 we upgraded android13:14
om26ertsdgeos, hey what does verticalJournal look like ?13:14
sil2100We'll try to downgrade and make sure13:14
jhodappsil2100, upgraded it how...to a completely new version?13:14
ogra_jhodapp, just a rebuild ... with minro changes for the emulator #13:15
ogra_(i'm not really here :P )13:15
ogra_hybris changed too though .... and the headers moved into a new package (not sure if they also have new content and things using hybris might need a rebuild or ao)13:16
mandelbarry, I have a fix for #199656 I would really appreciate if you can take  a look and let me know if it is good for your use case :)13:16
mandelbarry, if it can be today 'cause is my last day before xmas break better, else I can always take a quick look tomorrow13:16
sil2100jhodapp: to some other snapshot13:17
jhodappsil2100, I added a comment to the bug report...if someone with that image could try what I suggested that would be helpful13:18
Mirvsil2100: aaand done. the merge, that is. also marked the qtbase part of the bug as fix committed.13:18
sil2100Mirv: thanks!13:19
Mirvthanks to you :)13:19
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* Laney attached the output13:22
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jhodappthanks Laney13:36
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tsdgeosom26er: it's like a grid but with variable heights13:47
om26ertsdgeos, got a screenshot ? :)13:47
tsdgeosi mean it's not used anywhere inside unity813:48
tsdgeosi can give you a screenshot of rectangles13:48
tsdgeosif you want13:48
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tauntedhey good to be here.  has anyone succeeded with Ubuntu on nexus 4.  how do you connect to an external monitor, keyboard, mouse ?14:33
ogra_you dont14:35
ogra_the desktop mode is only planned for 14.10 or later14:36
barrymandel: hi, i don't think you mean LP: #199656 ;)14:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 199656 in Inkscape "Inkscape is changing CDATA section to &something; notation" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19965614:37
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tauntedbut there is a Ubuntu for phones download available right now on the Ubuntu site ?14:52
barrylet's try LP: #126199914:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1261999 in ubuntu-download-manager "When downloading a file to a partition with no space left no error is emitted" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126199914:52
popeytaunted: yes14:54
popeykenvandine: how does one undo the wallpaper on the phone?14:54
popeyis there some gsettings fu?14:54
kenvandineyou could reset the gsettings key14:55
kenvandineone sec14:55
kenvandineorg.gnome.desktop.background pictureUri14:56
kenvandinepopey, ^^14:56
kenvandinereset that14:56
kenvandinegsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.background pictureUri14:57
popeyNo such key 'pictureUri'14:57
kenvandinehang on14:57
kenvandinegsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri14:59
popeykenvandine: is there a separate one for the home screen?15:00
kenvandinepopey, just a sec15:01
kenvandinepopey, oh, that doesn't come from gsettings15:02
kenvandinethat's accountsservice15:02
kenvandinepopey, just check use the same15:02
popeykenvandine: that got it, thanks!15:03
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ahayzentimp, ping15:06
timpahayzen: hello15:06
ahayzentimp, Are you the right person to talk to about SDK components?15:06
timpahayzen: I am one of the right persons, yes :)15:07
ahayzentimp, I was wondering if reordering support within a ListView was expected to land this cycle or not?15:07
timpahayzen: you mean drag-and-drop to re-order list items?15:07
ahayzentimp, yeah15:07
timpahayzen: I don't know, but I think there us a bug report for that. let me check15:08
ahayzentimp, I am asking because i'm half way through adding scrolling support to the music-app's custom implmentation but thought there is no point if u guys are gonna add it this cycle anyway15:08
timpahayzen: I found the bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/119535315:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1195353 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "SDK should provide support to rearrange items in a ListView" [Medium,Confirmed]15:09
timpahayzen: nobody is working on it yet, and we currently have a bunch of bugs that are higher priority, so I don't think that feature will come soon15:10
ahayzentimp, thanks, ok i'll continue with our custom implementation and see how far i can get :)15:10
mandelbarry, true, I probably got the wrong bug, it is bug #126199915:11
ubot5bug 1261999 in ubuntu-download-manager "When downloading a file to a partition with no space left no error is emitted" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126199915:11
timpahayzen: if your changes can be useful for other apps too, feel free to propose a merge request for the UITK :)15:11
barrymandel: i have meetings coming up, but i will try to test it after that15:11
timpahayzen: if you need help/hints on how to do that feel free to ask.15:12
ahayzentimp, I think one other app was using our code before... i'll see if i can make it a bit more generic cause it is tied to our other elements quite tightly15:12
timpahayzen: can you comment on the bug that you're working on it for the music-app?15:12
ahayzentimp, cool, thanks for ur help :)15:12
timpahayzen: then we know apps that we need to support, and if you don't propose an MR, we will have some example code to see how it can be done :)15:13
ahayzentimp, yep will do, we have partial support at the moment15:13
ahayzentimp, you just can't scroll the viewport when u move the item to the top/bottom and the code needs cleaning up a bit :)15:13
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timpahayzen: sounds good already. If you can comment on the bug what's working for you and what you need, and point to the code, that is useful too15:16
ahayzentimp, ok, i'll see if I can abstract it out a bit as it is embedded into our listView...and we had to do a custom swipeDelete to get both to work :/ although i want to revisit this15:18
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timpahayzen: swipeDelete and reorganizing should work together, they both use different dragging directions.15:20
timpahayzen: but maybe they'll need a threshold so you don't start deleting instead of rearranging if you start by swiping 1 pixel to the right15:20
ahayzentimp, i think they were stealing each others mouse events...although I know a few more things like mouse.accepted tht i didn't when i did this last cycle15:21
sil2100dobey: hello!15:27
sil2100dobey: I just noticed that unity-scope-click FTBFS on all archs in daily-build:15:27
sil2100dobey: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/536572315:28
dobeysil2100: yes, i have a branch in review that should fix it15:29
sil2100dobey: excellent, thanks!15:30
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cwaynemardy, did you see ssweeny's MR about loading qml-plugins from ~/.local/share?  with that + app-access + click-hooks-rebase, we will have account-plugins as clicks :D15:49
pmcgowancwayne, really? cool15:50
cwaynepmcgowan, yeah, we'll have the proper click hooks, plus ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts will be looking in the right place, so it should be good to go15:51
ssweenythis is rather exciting15:51
pmcgowancwayne, do you have any slimport adapters?15:52
cwaynepmcgowan, yeah15:53
pmcgowancwayne, any at the office I can borrow?15:54
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cwaynepmcgowan, probably, ask AK he controls a bunch of them i think15:54
pmcgowancwayne, thanks15:54
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cyphermoxrsalveti: sergiusens: joining the hangout is going to be a little tough for me considering I'm breaking my audio trying to make HFP work.16:01
Laneymardy: Doesn't look like the online accounts tests are running on the device16:20
LaneyRan 4 tests in 0.172s ...16:21
ahayzentimp, you still around?16:26
mhall119bzoltan1: ping, I have a request for something to be added to the SDK that allows for detecting if a keyboard or mouse is available16:29
timpahayzen: yes, for 2 more minutes16:29
ahayzentimp, you around tomorrow? i may have figured it out16:29
timpahayzen: yes, I will be around tomorrow16:31
timpahayzen: perhaps not any more at this time, so to be sure ping me a bit earlier16:31
ahayzentimp, cool i'll continue playing about and see how far I can get...ok thanks :)16:31
bzoltan1mhall119:  it is on the roadmap already :)16:36
Saviqpopey, I seem to be reflecting your bugs recently: bug #1262611 ;)16:42
ubot5bug 1262611 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Should use an icon instead of "No signal" label." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126261116:42
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popeySaviq: \o/16:43
popeyI'll try harder16:43
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popeySaviq: try bug 1262711 ㋛16:44
ubot5bug 1262711 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity crashes with lots of music displayed in expanded music category in home scope" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126271116:44
Saviqpopey, the music crash one - that I won't deflect ;)16:44
Saviqpopey, OTOH: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/124040816:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240408 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in QCoreApplication::postEvent()" [Medium,Confirmed]16:44
Saviqpopey, we had it on our radar for some time, but never got to actually fixing it16:44
popeyI'm not opening the preview, just expanding the category16:44
Saviqpopey, we hope it's gone with Qt 5.2 ;)16:44
Saviqpopey, yeah, expanding category was enough16:44
popey"It's fixed in mir"16:44
popey"It's fixed in qt 5.2"16:45
popeySaviq: is it known that the apps lens jumps just after you click an application icon?16:47
Saviqpopey, sounds like it's opening the "Running apps" category16:48
Saviqpopey, but yeah, I've seen that - please file16:48
mhall119bzoltan1: can you link me to the roadmap?16:58
dakerSaviq: it's been there since the addition of the swipe bettwen previews, you click to launch an app and unity8 opens the preview too16:59
Saviqdaker, hmm interesting17:00
timppaAnyone happen to know if things will go bad when new ringtones are added to RO image -> make image RW, add ringtones, put the image back to RO mode17:01
ogra_timppa, they will be gone after an OTA upgrade17:01
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timppaogra_: :/17:02
timppaI would love to add some new tones...17:03
oSoMoN_Saviq, hey, how do I run unity8 with introspection enabled on my device? I know I’ve done it in the past, just can’t reme17:20
oSoMoN_remember how17:20
SaviqoSoMoN_, `inictl restart unity8 QT_TESTABILITY=1` is enough17:24
SaviqoSoMoN_, there's helpers for doing that in unity8-autopilot, if you want it17:24
oSoMoN_Saviq, thanks!17:25
ffelgenhdoes anybody has experience with running ubuntu touch on the Nexus 7 tilapia? I was confused by the supported device list an page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install  Is grouper =  nakasi or nakasig really correct? Must it not be tilapia = nakasig?17:33
popeySaviq: added a crash file to bug 126271117:38
ubot5bug 1262711 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity crashes with lots of music displayed in expanded music category in home scope" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126271117:39
Saviqpopey, awesome, thanks, /me retraces17:40
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Chocantopopey : Hey :)17:42
popeyChocanto: hey there!17:43
popeyHow are you?17:43
Chocantopopey: good and you ?17:43
popeySaviq: is this where you see my dodgy music collection? ☻17:43
Saviqpopey, ;D17:43
popeyChocanto: great, ready for holidays ☻17:43
Chocantopopey : Oh yes, when will you get your holidays ? :)17:44
popeynext week.17:44
Chocantogreat :)17:45
popeyChocanto: so when is a good time / day for you to do irc meetings?17:45
Chocantotoday, if you can/want17:45
popeysure, what time?17:45
Saviqpopey, which image number, btw? if you could apport-cli, "View", "Keep" the .crash file next time, would be real nice17:45
popeySaviq: #7617:45
Chocantodo you have any time where you are free N,17:45
Saviqpopey, thanks17:46
popeySaviq: ok17:46
popeyChocanto: 20:00 UTC?17:46
popeyChocanto: actually, 18:00 UTC - in 10 mins or so?17:46
Chocantopopey : so at 18:00 UTC :)17:47
popeygreat, I'll add it to the calendar17:47
popeysee you in #ubuntu-touch-meeting in ~13m17:47
Chocantook great17:47
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sforsheekdub: I've been poking around at bug #1258655, but what I see is unity8 hanging, not crashing17:57
ubot5bug 1258655 in powerd "Abort when blanking/unblanking screen; exception thrown from mir::graphics::android::HWCCommonDevice::mode(MirPowerMode)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125865517:57
kdubit manifests itself in different ways, depending on what step of posting the frame mir is in17:58
kdubi saw some hangs too17:58
sforsheekdub: when I look I see a thread block in uninterruptible sleep in mipi_dsi_off(), which is inside a driver related to the display17:58
sforsheekdub: when it does crash, do you know exactly what unity is trying to do?17:59
kdubits trying to post the first frame when it wakes up17:59
kdubunblank the screen, post, wait for the frame to appear on screen18:00
popeyChocanto: joining us in #ubuntu-touch-meeting ?18:01
sforsheekdub: so it looks like it's doing a syscall when it gets the signal. Do you know which syscall?18:02
kdubmaybe FBIOBLANK18:04
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kdubsforshee, it could be doing a few18:04
kdubMSMFB_BUFFER_SYNC is another likely candidate18:05
sforsheedid you check dmesg to see if there's anything interesting there when it happens?18:05
popeysergiusens: do we have a click package for the docviewer?18:08
kdubsforshee, yeah, i didn't see anything suspicious18:08
kdubsome timeout in the fb driver, but i'd expect that18:08
kdubthe driver logs didn't have anything obvious, other than failure to use the FB18:09
kdubi can find the exact log18:10
Saviqpopey, can't seem to collect the data here, fails with "not enough space" :/18:12
Saviqpopey, could you go apport-cli _the_crash_file, go "view" and then "keep", see if that works for you?18:12
sforsheekdub: oh, I see that the signal is SIGABRT, so that isn't actually coming from the kernel18:12
popeyok Saviq18:12
kdubwe throw when the ioctl fails, leads to the sigabrt18:13
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popeySaviq: i said "view" now I have "yes / No / cancel" to "do you want to continue the report process anyway"?18:15
Saviqpopey, yes18:15
sergiusenspopey, yeah, they get built, but not added into the image18:19
popeySaviq: so i said "k" keep - it now still has a 24MB .crash file.. is that right?18:22
Saviqpopey, yeah18:22
Saviqpopey, it collected some minimal additional info - still the core dump is the significant chunk18:22
Saviqpopey, but now I should be able to retrace locally18:22
popeyshould i re-upload to lp?18:23
popeySaviq: ^18:24
Saviqpopey, or somewhere where I can get it18:24
popeySaviq: http://popey.com/~alan/_usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash18:26
Saviqpopey, thanks!18:26
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dobeykenvandine: can you trigger daily-build PPA build of unity-scope-click please?18:55
kenvandinedobey, sure19:02
kenvandinedobey, triggered19:03
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neokoreHi, Kaleo. I got a question for you. How can I detect the current device resolution from a QML app?19:40
Saviqneokore, not the device, but your app's - just look at your root object's width and height19:42
neokoreHey, good answer! Thank you Saviq!19:43
Saviqneokore, what do I win?19:43
popeySaviq: my eternal gratitude. Priceless.19:52
Saviqpopey, yay!19:52
* Saviq hides under the bed19:52
Saviqpopey, does it get stale?19:53
Saviqpopey, what's the maintenance instructions?19:53
popeyI wouldn't drink on it.19:54
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fishsceneHow are Mir milestones reached? Are they reached by tasks accomplished? or is it by date/time? Relevant link: https://launchpad.net/mir20:37
dobeykenvandine: hey. can you trigger another unity-scope-click PPA daily-build please? :)20:50
tedgfishscene, Perhaps #ubuntu-mir ?20:54
fishsceneah- I'll ask in there. Thanks, tedg21:01
kenvandinedobey, i'd love to :)21:14
kenvandinedobey, done21:15
dobeyplars: ^^ kenvandine did it :)21:15
plarsdoanac: ack21:16
sforsheekdub: I just added a comment to bug #1258655, I have a pretty good idea of where the race is21:20
ubot5bug 1258655 in powerd "Abort when blanking/unblanking screen; exception thrown from mir::graphics::android::HWCCommonDevice::mode(MirPowerMode)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125865521:20
sforsheeunfortunately it's a little complicated21:20
sforsheealso unfortunate is the fact that I'm nearly EOD and then am on vacation until Jan 221:21
dakerjdstrand: tedg my app starts working again! thanks21:21
tedgCool, great!21:22
dobeyis it appropriate to include a qt5 qml componeent plug-in in a source-named package, rather than in a qtdeclarative5-foo package?21:44
jdstranddaker: nice!21:44
dobeyi'm not sure how to avoid a circular dependency otherwise21:45
tyhicksAre the preparation and tests documented in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Testing_your_Ubuntu_Touch_Code_before_submission expected to work under the emulator?22:02
tyhicksI'm adding '-s emulator-5554' to all of the commands, as documented at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Emulator#Using_the_emulator22:09
tyhicksbut preparation commands are hanging and a previous run of the tests all failed22:10
cwaynetyhicks, couldnt you also just do -e instead?22:10
tyhicksI don't have the error handy at the moment22:10
tyhickscwayne: oh, I didn't realize that the -s command was just being passed to adb22:10
tyhickscwayne: yeah, -e should work fine (but that's not related to the problems that I'm hitting)22:11
tyhickshmm... phablet-test-run won't accept -e22:13
kdubsforshee, great :)22:17
kdubrsalveti, where do the headers in android-headers come from? I'd guess (from the versioning), they're supposed to be android-4.2.2-r1, but i'm hitting snags with compiling mir against that package22:44
sergiusenskdub, android headers have been split out into a different package23:08
sergiusenskdub, ah, never mind, I misread23:10
kdubsergiusens, yeah, i just see a mismatch in some of the files when I compare to google's release http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6602379/23:11
sergiusenskdub, in the source package there's a debian/extract-headers.sh and it relies on an ANDROID_ROOT; so it's not really reproduceable; could come from wherever the package author decided it should come from23:12
kdubsergiusens, i see23:14
sergiusenskdub, a good improvement would be to use git repos directly to import (either phablet.* or *googlesource*) <- rsalveti23:20

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