
Kilosmorning all and inetpro 05:29
Kilos50mm so far and still dripping05:29
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:20
Kiloshi superfly 06:54
inetprogood morning06:57
Kilosohi inetpro 06:58
inetproKilos: we had yet another 60mm06:58
Kiloswow you in the lead now06:58
Kiloslekker ne06:58
Kilosthis is how it used to be when i was last here in 84 i think it was06:59
Kiloslotsa muddy roads06:59
Kilosno 197406:59
inetprosjoe, you have good memories06:59
Kilosi remember having to use a tractor to get a car to the road so we could go to work07:00
inetproKilos: where was that?07:00
Kiloscar tyres used to pack so full of mud the wheels couldnt turn07:00
Kiloshere on this same plot07:01
inetprowow! you been there for a long time07:01
Kilosthey were here about 15 0r 20 years before that07:02
Kiloseverything was veld with here and there a house07:02
inetpronow everything is houses with here and there a veld07:04
Kiloslol ya07:04
Kiloslike a suburb now07:04
Kilosused to get over 600mm rain every summer07:05
Kiloswas great for farming07:06
Kilosand tools left outside didnt rust, rain was clean not like acid rain we get now07:07
Kilosits called progress07:07
Kilostoo many factories07:07
Kilosoh btw i think i remember having them taskbar probs with 13.10 kde too07:08
Kilosi remember making each workspace different07:09
Kiloshi psyatw 09:38
psyatwhi Kilos09:39
charlhi Kilos 14:02
charlhow's it going14:02
Kiloshi charl ok ty and you14:03
charlnot so good14:03
charlfreak accident - fractured my elbow14:03
Kiloswow how?14:03
charlone arm in a sling14:03
Kilosyou fell?14:04
charllong story... completely stupid14:04
charlyes fell14:04
charltotal freak accident14:04
Kilosthat sucks14:04
charlarm in a sling for a few weeks14:04
Kilosone hand typing14:04
charlit happens :)14:04
charlyup exactly14:04
charland it's slooooooow14:05
Kilosdidnt you know it would hurt?14:05
charleh kinda didn't have a choice :P14:05
Kilosif it makes enough of an impression in the suc conscious youll never do it again14:06
charli would not mind it not happening again14:06
Kiloswell you can still make smileys so you not too bad14:07
charlheh i like to stay positive14:07
charllife happens14:07
Kiloshave some coffee14:07
KilosMaaz_, coffee on14:07
* Maaz_ washes some mugs14:07
charlfeeling a lot better now the pain is gone14:07
charlMaaz_: coffee please14:07
Maaz_charl: Done14:07
Kiloshow can the pain be gone14:08
Kilospain only goes if you dream about getting hurt then wake up14:10
Maaz_Coffee's ready for Kilos and charl!14:11
KilosMaaz_, thanks man14:12
Maaz_Kilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)14:12
charlKilos: dunno it stopped hurting a few hours later14:14
charlMaaz_: thanks14:14
Maaz_charl: No problem14:14
Kilosinetpro, nog reen kom. vliee baie byte wat begin skuiling soek14:27
Kiloshi nlsthzn wb16:55
nlsthznhello uncle Kilos, thanks :)16:55
Kilosi can see smileys now on konversation16:56
Kilosnow i can vloek the ous that stick out tongue at me16:57
Kilosyou naughty nlsthzn 17:04
Symmetriasamsung has 1TB SSD's out now18:14
SymmetriaI want a coupla thouse18:14
Symmetriathose I mean18:14
=== Arcanum_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosinetpro: vliee het gelieg19:29
Kiloswb Xethron sick connection there hey19:49
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:17
inetprogoeie nag oom20:17

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