
=== GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY
jrock2004Installed nvidia current. nvidia-xconfig. Checked xorg.conf and its says to use nvidia. rebooted and did sudo nvidia-settings and it told me I was not using nvidia04:40
jrock2004lsmod | grep nvidia shows the module is loaded04:41
rogerhcHi, how can I disable or delete the Guest login account in Xubuntu 13.10?06:30
Unit193Add allow-guest=false to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf06:31
lennard_can someone help me? my live usb stick isnt starting up it always says: "xubuntu gfxboot.c32 not a com32R image" and if im trying to trying to boot with this solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1964207 it gives me a Blackscreen12:21
cfhowlettlennard_, sounds like a nomodeset issue12:23
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:23
lennard_ok gonna give it a try12:31
xubuntuim lennard_12:35
xubuntuit worked fine thx12:35
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Guest15356im lennard_12:36
Guest15356it worked fine thx12:36
xubuntu623i installed xubuntu 12.04 and it doesnt detect lan, any advice?12:45
cfhowlettxubuntu623, turn off and turn on networking to force recycle.  check the plugs.  check the cable12:48
ObrienDavecheck the router12:48
xubuntu623it all works here on winxp12:52
xubuntu623and used to work on some other xubuntu that i installed on other comp12:52
cfhowlettxubuntu623, I had a similar situation with mine.  I don't know what setting I messed with but one day ... no ethernet.  A few months later, POOF!  It came back.  Wish I could tell you exactly what/where/how but I don't know how I broke it or fixed it.12:55
m1chaelwhen i plug in an external USB drive to my xubuntu 13.10, the desktop freezes for about 5 minutes... during this time, nothing is clickable on the desktop, but all apps, internet, all work fine... any ideas on this?14:24
holsteinm1chael: i would look for and apply all upgrades, reboot if there is a kernel upgrade.. i would test the usb stick on other machines.. i would load up a live CD of anything other than ubuntu 13.10 and test on the same hardware. i would try and tail some log messages in TTY15:00
junKaI missed the question15:03
junKaplz c/p cause i face a similar problem15:03
holsteinjunKa: this is the question m1chael has posted 09:24 < m1chael> when i plug in an external USB drive to my xubuntu 13.10, the desktop freezes for about 5 minutes... during  this time, nothing is clickable on the desktop, but all apps, internet, all work fine... any ideas on this?15:04
junKaI have a saucy kernel bug where the first time I plug my usb 3g modem is is not recognized. I have to unplug and plug again for it to work.15:06
GridCubem1chael, is this freeze the first time you boot the computer, ie. you have not opened thunar yet?15:07
holsteinjunKa: i have seen that with usb networking devices.. is it a bug? or is it that the device is not supporting linux?15:08
junKaMy usb modem worked perfectly with every previous releases and spins15:08
junKaI believe it has something to do with the saucy kernel15:09
holsteinjunKa: 12.04 is still supported15:09
junKaholstein, my usb works alright. It just not being recognized the first tiime I plug it in. I have to replug it to get to work which is kinda annoying15:10
holsteinjunKa: and, ideally, the device manufacturer would gurantee you support for the latest linux kernels.. but, that might not be the case, so you may have to work around some issues15:12
junKaSaucy also has memory leaks15:16
junKathe xubuntu at least not sure for others15:17
holsteinjunKa: the kernel is the same.. the sources as well..15:17
holsteinjunKa: could be certain applications are problematic15:18
xubuntu069Hello everyone, trying to get tor working and it says something on their site about about quantal, editing source lists and bla bla but I already installed it from the software center, just want it to run16:19
ObrienDavetor is in the repos?16:20
xubuntu069Whats that? Ive had xubuntu 12.10 for two days now16:21
ObrienDaveummm, that is NOT a good way to run tor16:24
slickymasterxubuntu069: please take a look at this http://www.webupd8.org/2013/12/ppa-updates-tor-browser-bundle-35.html?utm_source=chrome&utm_medium=popup&utm_campaign=chromeext16:28
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl16:39
holsteinObrienDave: ^16:39
holsteinactually, i suppose that should be for xubuntu06916:40
ObrienDaveyes, i am aware ;P16:40
ObrienDaveLOL he seems to have *poofed*16:40
xubuntu069Yeah Ive tried that but problem is I know jack of linux and ubuntu, I dont know how to edit my source file etc16:41
holsteinxubuntu069: its in the repos.. you dont need to edit the sources16:41
ObrienDaveactually, if you want to run tor, I suggest looking into T.A.I.L.S.16:42
holsteinxubuntu069: i suggest getting a live CD that might include tor already configured.. or just give yourself a bit more time to get used to the OS before trying to do advanced things.. or set something up similarly on the network side16:42
holsteintails is a live cd such as i suggested.. that, AFAIK, works well16:42
* holstein +1 on tails live CD16:42
xubuntu069So any usb tails works on any OS?16:42
holsteinxubuntu069: its not for an os.. its for the machine.. live, just like the xubuntu installer16:43
ObrienDaveit is a stand-alone distro16:43
holsteinxubuntu069: it will run without a hard drive in the machine.. with nothing to do with the OS that is installed16:43
ObrienDaveyou install it to a USB and run it from there16:43
xubuntu069Yeah ive read about it, seems less of a hassle until Ive learned more about ubuntu16:44
ObrienDaveyou installed ubuntu, right? tails is almost as easy16:45
ObrienDaved/l the ISO, burn to DVD, boot DVD, Install to USB stick, reboot, configure persistence16:46
ObrienDaveeasy peasy16:46
xubuntu069Alright, downloading it now, almost 1gig, is the entire tor network in there or something lol16:47
Artemis3hmm i would skip the dvd part :)16:48
ObrienDavethat's the easiest way for someone so new to Linux16:49
Artemis3there is a windows proggie to put isos into usb sticks including unetboot in, can't be easier (in fact burning might fail, or they do the typical copy .iso into disc mistake)16:50
Poisoned_DragonI've gotten spoiled with using dd with hybrid ISOs.16:51
=== GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW
* ObrienDave has never had good luck going from USB to USB install16:52
holsteini have had no issues installing from a source to a destination.. even if both are USB16:52
Artemis3yes, that often works, there is even a windows dd thingie, but i found some machines actually need unetbootin for some reason16:52
Poisoned_DragonI managed a couple of usb to usb installs.16:53
Artemis3and in a few cases, unetbootin would fail but dd worked, its crazy enough (with older machines)16:53
Poisoned_DragonOn my eeepc 701, I have Linux Mint on a 16gb stick, and backbox on an 8gb SD card.16:54
Artemis3i have bodhi on mine for whatever reason, heh, it works. whats the use of backbox when you can just put the ppa and install all the programs?16:54
Poisoned_DragonI don't like using E17. But, that DE is really stupid fast.16:55
Poisoned_Dragonprobably the only strike against bodhi.16:56
Artemis3and small, mine has 4g you know...16:56
Artemis3bodhi takes like 2g of space16:56
Poisoned_DragonYeah, my eeepc only has a 4gb ssd. Hence the usb stick and SD card16:56
Poisoned_DragonI've tried. It's 3gb max.16:56
Artemis3i also use a sd card but its for bulk data16:56
Artemis3im sure it was like 2.5 tops last time, could have grown later16:57
Artemis3the sd can be used for things like those annoying dictionaries16:57
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xubuntu383can someone help me out?18:14
holsteinxubuntu383: just ask, and see18:15
xubuntu383i am trying to install xubuntu, when the installation starts it gives me a notification that i am  offline, and the installation freeses18:17
xubuntu383i have tried the 12.04 and 13.10 amd64.iso18:17
holsteinxubuntu383: i go to "try live", and see that the desktop is loading.. then, i install without installing any additional packages or codecs18:17
xubuntu383i only have this problem on this motherboard18:18
holsteinxubuntu383: in all the "do you want to download extra" questions, i untick, or say no18:18
xubuntu383ik will try that18:18
xubuntu383xubuntu live also freezes18:22
poeticrpmhow do you get notify-send to work with a command? I can notify-send 'Hello World' and it will popup fine, but what of commands? Im trying to do xbacklight -get and I cant seem to pin the syntax18:22
holsteinxubuntu383: is the issue something is freezing?18:22
holstein!nomodeset | xubuntu38318:23
ubottuxubuntu383: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:23
holsteinxubuntu383: you can try that from the live CD and see if that helps18:23
poeticrpmive tried this: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/12/ubuntu-notify-send/ but it doesnt seem to work18:23
holsteinpoeticrpm: when i do "notify-send something", something is printed. what are you trying to have printed?18:24
poeticrpmholstein: by 'something' do you just mean a word? say I try: notify-send uname -a18:25
poeticrpmit just says missing argument with -a18:25
holsteinpoeticrpm: notify-send "uname -a" prints literally "uname -a"18:26
holsteinpoeticrpm: but, if you are trying to get it to print kernel info, thats not a problem with notify-send18:26
poeticrpmholstein: yeah, trying to get a commands output. I used uname -a as an example. Im trying to actually get: xbacklight -get18:27
poeticrpmxbacklight -get returns 100.00000, but notify-send xbacklight -get returns "unknown option -get"18:28
holsteinpoeticrpm: this should get you started http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-get-notifications-your-scripts-notify-send18:30
poeticrpmholstein: thanks18:31
esphDid my previous message go through? I D/C'd right after.18:33
holsteinesph: i see no messages from you in the scroll back18:36
poeticrpmholstein: must be an issue on my system. When I run the uptime example I just get 'uptime' as the printout under the title. Least I know its the computer18:41
holsteinpoeticrpm: well, you can start looking in the proper place, instead of troubleshooting like its a notify-send bug as well18:41
esphholstein: Thanks. Guess I'll try again18:44
esphI've got a Lenovo U510, and Pulseaudio doesn't recognize the built-in mic. I've found a solution online that involves getting rid of Pulseaudio entirely, but that isn't ideal. So, any other ideas?18:44
holsteinpoeticrpm: i made it a little further with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1411620 actually18:45
xubuntu383holstein: i disabled intel rapid start and XHCI in the bios and now the installation seems to be working18:45
xubuntu383it only gave me a message about MSDOS GPT table18:46
holsteinpoeticrpm: yeah, {notify-send LINUX "`uname -a`"} (witouth the {}'s of course) prints uname -a18:46
holsteinesph: the device will be supported, or not.. its not an issue of isolating the internal mic18:47
holsteinesph: i would install, apply all upgrades.. reboot, and try using "pavucontrol"18:47
holstein!info pavucontrol18:47
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (saucy), package size 140 kB, installed size 953 kB18:47
xubuntu383now grub failed to install18:48
holsteinxubuntu383: if you have custom partitioning, that could be likely18:48
xubuntu383can i fix that by formatting?18:49
holsteinxubuntu383: if you are new to linux, i suggest sticking as much to defaul as possible.. if you want to try to install grub now to the installation where grub has failed, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair18:49
poeticrpmholstein, yeah, the only command I can get to work right is tail. I could just create a 50mb filesystem in ram, have a script touch a screen brightness file in it, then have my keyboard shortcut print the results to the file and tail that file with notify-send, but im looking for a more elegant solution18:49
esphholstein: I've got pavucontrol already. As far as the device being supported, do you mean by linux, or by Pulse? Various sources say that it's supported in linux, so it seems that Pulse is the problem for me.18:51
holsteinesph: i dont agree. you are assuming pulse is the issue, and there are many other tests still to do18:51
holsteinesph: when running pavucontrol, you get the software in quesiton running, then you go into pavucontrol, and try to connect the devices18:52
holsteinesph: you will either see the mic or not.. i also dont trust *any* labels.. i try and connect *all* possible connections18:52
holsteinesph: the support im referencing is alsa specifically.. you can see the ouput of what alsa is "seeing" by running "aplay -l" and/or "arecord -l" in a terminal18:53
holstein!audio | esph18:54
ubottuesph: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:54
esphholstein: There are no available mics other than the internal monitor. Should I try that too? It seems extremely unlikely for that to be it.18:54
holsteinesph: yes.. try *everything* trusting no labels18:55
holsteinesph: it is actually extremely likely for things to be mislabeled... since the device vendor likely doesnt supply alsa with information about how to communicate with the device18:55
esphholstein: Alright, so the monitor was actually just a monitor. And alsa is definitely seeing things, but how do I know if they're the right things?19:08
holsteinesph: i troubleshoot til i get the results i want.. try different settings everywhere.. AFAIK, lubuntu still doesnt ship with pulse, so you can fire up a lubuntu live CD and see if pulse is the issue19:10
holsteinesph: you need to have the software running.. what are you trying to do?19:11
holsteinesph: what would i do? open something like audacity or a capture application that i know well and that is supported well by linux and in the default repos, and get it running, then look in pavucontrol19:12
holsteinesph: i would then plug each capture device and track down what it is, and how to use it19:12
holsteinesph: is this an issue with the bios config? is it working with a microphone plugged in to any jack? etc..19:12
esphholstein: Like I said in the initial question, this is a built-in mic.19:13
holsteinesph: sure.. try another one19:13
holsteinesph: the folks directly responsible for providing you the support you need are not going to be able to, so, its really up to you to actively troubleshoot19:14
esphYou're throwing things at me pretty fast now actually, lol. I'll get back to you when I've tried some of them.19:14
esphThanks for offering so many suggestions19:15
holsteinsure.. its challenging, for sure.. or can be..19:15
rogerhcHi, I'm going to test install the Nvidia driver for my Nvidia GeForce GTX 645 video card on a Xububtu 13.10 fresh install. Default driver, nouveau, is working but not playing Minecraft as well as it might. Think I will try Settings > Additional Drivers > nvidia-319-updates, as Nvidia's website says that driver supports my GeForce GTX 645 video card. Any advice before I dive in?19:53
holsteinother than knowing how to revert.. go for it19:53
rogerhcholstein, exactly my thought... how would I revert?19:54
holsteinrogerhc: i always keep reinstallation and complete failure as option19:55
holsteinrogerhc: i would try to get to TTY, or the recovery kernel.. or use an xorg.conf, or remove an xorg.conf19:55
rogerhcThis is a fresh install of Xubuntu 13.10 and I have the live DVD on hand. Nothing to lose but some time... here goes... (I'm in IRC on my laptop and doing the test on my desktop)19:58
holsteinrogerhc: sounds like a great place to start from19:58
rogerhcholstein, after I click "Apply Changes" for Settings > Additional Drivers > nvidia-319-updates, should I do anything before I restart? Do I have to make a xorg.conf are something first?20:16
holsteinrogerhc: i dont think so..20:17
rogerhcokay, I'll try the restart20:17
rogerhcoops, I rebooted and after grub I get only test colors cycling on the monitor. How can I undo what I did?20:22
holsteinrogerhc: i would try the recovery kernel20:23
rogerhcholstein, to try the recovery kernel, do I reboot and select it with grub?20:24
holsteinrogerhc: correct20:24
holsteinrogerhc: or, try TTY from the login or before it20:25
rogerhcso I reboot and select "recovery mode" in grub menu, right?20:28
holsteinrogerhc: the tty method might work. the recovery kernel gives you that.. a recovery prompt20:28
holsteinrogerhc: in the grub menu, which, either in preperation for potential problems you unhid or, you will show now with the shift key at boot20:29
rogerhcInteresting! My grub menu comes up automatically on startup. Is that not normal Xubuntu 13.10 behavior?20:31
holsteinrogerhc: normal all depends on your configuration20:31
holsteinif youa re asking "is something wrong?", nothing you have said makes me think anything is wrong20:32
rogerhcI did not configure it that I know of but just maybe a prior Debian 7.2 install configured it?20:32
octetcloudmy laptop volume control stopped working in the last couple days after an xubuntu update, anybody else seen this?20:32
holsteinrogerhc: i dont know your system.. but, if you are dual booting.. or who knows why20:32
octetcloudboth the laptop keys no longer work, as well as the xubuntu volume control indictator plugin in the titlebar20:33
holsteinoctetcloud: i have seen things like that in the past. i would troubleshoot by trying as a different user.. if you think it was an upate, try booting the older kernel in the grub list20:33
holsteinoctetcloud: i would look in pavucontrol and in alsamixer in the terminal for a simple mute issue20:34
octetcloudok, if it works as a different user, any suggestions?20:34
rogerhcYes, I have dual boot setup with Windows 8 and a couple Linux distros20:34
holsteinoctetcloud: yes, i will have some20:34
holsteinrogerhc: so, thats the simple explanation then20:35
octetcloudholstein: pavucontrol works, I can adjust the volume (it wasn't muted, it was just too low)20:39
rogerhcholstein, I rebooted in "recovery mode" and got a menu from which I selected "resume normal boot". That booted me into a monitor color test again. Any tips how to undo the video driver selection I did with Settings > Additional Drivers? Or what may have gone wrong?20:40
holsteinoctetcloud: cheers!20:40
octetcloudso, I have a workaround, but I'd like to be able to use the widget and the keyboard...20:40
holsteinrogerhc: resuming normal boot will resume into the problem20:40
holsteinrogerhc: you can try tty20:40
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution20:40
holsteinrogerhc: or, te recovery console.. where, you will manually remove the driver and try again20:40
holsteinoctetcloud: not sure about the widget.. and the keyboard control20:41
octetcloudholstein: ok, too bad. but thanks for making my laptop not a brick! I do a lot of video/audio conf for work... it was going to be a dealbreaker for me20:43
holsteinoctetcloud: you can try the older kernel trick..20:44
octetcloudanybody know how to quickly change display output configuration? I have to run settings manager, scroll down to display, and enable/disable my miniDVI output every time after/before I hook the laptop up to my monitor... pretty slow20:44
rogerhcHm, I did Ctrl + Alt + F1 and logged in as my user, the initial user with sudoer rights. How can I get back to the neoveau video driver?20:44
holsteinoctetcloud:  i use arandr.. but its manual like that..20:45
octetcloudholstein: i'll try the kernel. its a bit bemusing, because I wouldn't expect the kernel to effect the indicator widget. but when in the land of bugs... anything is possible20:45
holsteinrogerhc: you will undo whatever you did.. removing the driver you installed20:45
holstein!ati | rogerhc20:45
ubotturogerhc: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:45
octetcloudholstein: arandr? where do I get? is it equivalent to directly running xfce4-display-settings?20:47
holstein!info arandr20:47
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB20:47
holsteinits in the repos.. its similar to the other tool if its working for you20:47
holsteinoctetcloud: sometimes there are keyboard shortcuts which do this with the bios.. but those may not be working for you20:48
octetcloudholstein: ok, just found, thanks. yes, similar.20:50
esphholstein: Well, after a bunch of messing around, I've been able to confirm that it works, but I can't get the volume to a useable level outside of Audacity, no matter how high I put the volume in pavucontrol and alsamixer. Do you know how it could be so much louder in Audacity than in other programs?20:59
esphIt's even quiet in pavucontrol. Sounds barely register on the meter if I have it all the way up.20:59
holsteinesph: what program? i mean, the device works if it works with audacity.. you can move on from "how do i make my mic work?" and look directly at said application, such as skype or whatever20:59
esphIt doesn't work in skype or pavucontrol. I'd guess there might be related, since Skype uses Pulse for its audio21:00
esphthese might be*21:01
holsteinesph: where does it work then?21:01
esphJust in Audacity. For clarity: if I tap forcefully directly on the mic, it barely registers in Pavucontrol, and I can barely hear it in Skype.21:02
holsteinesph: then, maybe you need to open, in the terminal "alsamixer", and again, trust *no* labels21:02
holsteinesph: what i would be looking for is "micboost", though, i would tweak *everything* there21:02
esphLike I said, I've already tried turning things up in alsamixer. I guess I'll go through it again.21:03
holsteinesph: you will be looking for a way to boost the level of the microphone. you will be doing this independent of any applicaton, and system wide21:03
esphToo bad I can't look at what Audacity is doing :/21:03
holsteinesph: turning *all* things up in alsamixer? after pressing F5 to show all?21:03
holsteinesph: you can look at what everything is doing.. audacity is grabbing the mic input21:04
holsteinesph: could also be that mic boost is needed, but not supported by your device in linux21:04
esphWell, Skype, pavucontrol, and Audacity are all grabbing the mic input. It's only at a useable volume in Audacity though.21:05
holsteinesph: ok.. so then, it *can* be made a useable level then.. pavucontrol is just for routing.. and level controls.. there are many sliders in there for you to try21:05
holsteinesph: test with something frome the default repos.. not skype21:06
nyRednekif one is running precise, and wants to upgrade to saucy, need one update through each version?21:07
holsteinnyRednek: thats the only way i know.. a fresh install is always preferred21:08
nyRedneki meant through the version upgrade utility21:08
holsteinnyRednek: correct.. through that upgrade utility.. 12.04 to 12.10 to 13.04 to 13.1021:09
holsteinnyRednek: if you wait, you can go 12.04 to 14.0421:09
nyRednekbut if i waited for 14.04, the thing would just update from LTS to LTS21:09
nyRednekholstein: i'm having video issues...they never bothered me before, but they are starting to bother me now21:10
nyRednekholstein: it's directly related to the kernel version used in precise21:10
holsteinnyRednek: then, use an older version.. sounds like it used to not bother you21:11
holsteinshould be many older ones in the grub menu21:11
nyRednekholstein: it always existed, but for a while, i didn't care21:12
nyRednekfrom the initial release of precise...21:12
nyRedneki think it last worked correctly on 10.04?21:12
nyRedneki've been using LTS for a while21:12
holsteinnyRednek: i would have to have the hardware in front of me to confirm or agree with that21:12
nyRednekintel cedar bridge21:13
nyRednekwith the 2.6 kernel, worked fine21:13
nyRednekthe 3.2 kernel, not so much21:13
holsteinnyRednek: try something live and see if it matters21:13
holsteinno reason to assume 13.10 will be better21:14
nyRednekit was better on suse(different partition)21:14
holsteinthe partition difference is irrelevant21:15
nyRednekyeah, i know21:15
nyRedneksuse had 3.5, i think21:15
holsteini would try a live CD for whatever you intend to use.. maybe even 12.04 as well, to remove your current installation from the equation21:15
holsteinnyRednek: all the kernels have access to the same intel drivers21:16
holsteinnyRednek: its easy to try 13.10 live.. and whatever reason makes you want to upgrade rather than a fresh install is a bad idea21:16
nyRednekholstein: maybe so, but cedar bridge wasn't a normal intel21:16
holsteinnyRednek: you should have backups, and this would be a great time to get them in order21:17
holsteinnyRednek: intel is intel.. intel is typically well supported.. intel provides the drivers to linux.. not just suse21:17
nyRednekholstein: i keep my /home separate from my installagion21:17
holsteinnyRednek: which might be a good reason to try 12.04 live, to remove that from the equation21:17
holsteina seperate /home is no safer either21:18
nyRednekholstein: has same issues with full screen video21:18
holsteinnyRednek: ok21:18
nyRednekwhere 13.10 doesn't21:18
holsteinnyRednek: whatever your issues are. you can test with 13.10 live21:18
nyRednekalready done this21:18
holsteinnyRednek: ok.. so, a fresh install is the way then21:18
holsteinthats my suggestion21:19
xubuntu991Xubuntu docs en español?21:35
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:35
xubuntu991 Where I can found Xubuntu 13.10 manual in spanish?21:37
xubuntu991 Xubuntu 13.10 manual in spanish?21:39
holsteinxubuntu991: i am looking please be patient, and see the above link21:40
xubuntu991thank you, I`m sorry21:40
holsteinxubuntu991: estoy buscando. por favor sea paciente, y ver el enlace de arriba21:41
holsteinxubuntu991: the spanish irc channel would be the best place to start.. also, the browser offers to translate the wiki for me21:41
holsteinxubuntu991: if you are looking for a general "getting started", i would just get started.. just install, and start using it, and ask questions in the spanish language channel as they come up21:42
IlmenYo también esta buscando un poco.... encontré eso [https://wiki.fic.udc.es/_media/alumnos:reciclaxe:guia_xubuntu_2011-12.pdf] pero es para Xubuntu 10.04  :/21:42
xubuntu991Ok, I can do it in English too21:43
xubuntu991thank you21:43
holsteinxubuntu991: when you visit http://docs.xubuntu.org/1310/ it should offer to translate in your browser21:43
xubuntu991is not for me, is for somebody in her first time in linux21:44
xubuntu991but, thank you for your help21:44
holsteinxubuntu991: for any modern web browswer.. it should offer to translate21:44
Ilmen^ eso parece bueno21:45
xubuntu991it is; si que es21:45
xubuntu991Good night everyone, Thanks21:50
IlmenYou're welcome21:51
esphholstein: Just reporting back to say that it turned out to be a quirk in how Pulse handled the mic. I fixed it by unlocking the input channels and silencing the right side, while keeping the left side at normal levels.22:04
xubuntu336hey is anyone here? I have a question about installing xubuntu via USB. im building a computer and when i boot from the usb, the installer runs. i select "install xubuntu" and then i get this black screen with my mouse cursor.. is it installing..?22:56
knomeunlikely; you should get a dialog that informs you of the process22:57
knomehave you tried to go "try xubuntu" and install from therE?22:57
xubuntu336crap. umm let me see hold on22:57
knomeor even first, see if the live environment works for you22:57
xubuntu336just reset22:57
xubuntu336ok im trying it without installing now22:58
xubuntu336im getting the xubunto logo with a loading circle under it22:58
SlesaHi all, is there a howto for installing Oracle's JDK?22:59
xubuntu336yeah damn same screen now..22:59
xubuntu336cursor but nothing else22:59
knomexubuntu336, please, no need to curse22:59
knomexubuntu336, what are your pc specs?22:59
xubuntu3368 GB ram, 2 7950 GPUs, AMD dual core 64bit processor23:00
xubuntu3363.2 ghzi think23:00
knomexubuntu336, have you googled if your GPU's are supposed to work with ubuntu/linux in general?23:00
xubuntu336yup, they definitely do. its for virtual currency mining.23:01
xubuntu336im gonna try to back up to 12.1023:04
AndroUserHi all23:12
xubuntu336woo it workde!23:24

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