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Quintasan | I NEED A NEW HARD DRIVE | 00:44 |
Quintasan | LIKE NOW | 00:44 |
yofel | what happened this time? ^^ | 00:44 |
Quintasan | somehow | 00:44 |
Quintasan | I managed to make partitions that way so A is partly aligned on B | 00:45 |
yofel | *blink* | 00:45 |
Quintasan | the end of A covers like 10% of the beginning of B | 00:45 |
Quintasan | I have like absolutely no idea how did I make it so | 00:45 |
Quintasan | Gotta buy a HDD, copy everything and set up an RAID + LVM fianlly | 00:46 |
=== Quintasan changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.97 WIP http://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | ISO testing http://goo.gl/cRAawa | ||
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ahoneybun | hey ovidiu-florin lordievader | 02:46 |
valorie | ahoneybun: I couldn't open your link above | 03:43 |
valorie | same message as Riddell got | 03:43 |
valorie | no object or whatever | 03:44 |
ahoneybun | oh can't remember what I sent | 03:44 |
* genii sips coffee and wonders when jussi will have hoodies | 03:45 | |
ahoneybun | valorie: http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Contribute this is a good example of a great page | 03:45 |
valorie | it looks spiffy | 03:47 |
valorie | have you checked all the links? | 03:47 |
ahoneybun | believe so | 03:48 |
ahoneybun | also fixed the ones on the main page | 03:49 |
ahoneybun | as I made them | 03:49 |
valorie | awesome | 03:50 |
valorie | you are tearing it up! | 03:50 |
ahoneybun | software is almost done, installation is not started | 03:51 |
ahoneybun | http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu I made a Advanced page and moved some of the none basic things there | 03:51 |
ahoneybun | best thing is that I'm off from work for 2 weeks so I will have time lol | 03:52 |
valorie | yes, I noticed that | 03:54 |
valorie | I think the basic page is now actually just basic | 03:54 |
valorie | which is exactly what we want | 03:54 |
ahoneybun | excellent | 03:54 |
ahoneybun | just what I planned | 03:55 |
valorie | I'm so happy about this | 03:55 |
valorie | as soon as we have a few pages with no Construction tags on, I'll write to the translators | 03:56 |
ahoneybun | the move or how the docs are shaping you, or both lol | 03:56 |
ahoneybun | I love those tags lol | 03:56 |
valorie | yes, they are awesome | 03:56 |
valorie | the whole system is really excellent | 03:56 |
ahoneybun | this is nice http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Advanced#PPAs_.28Personal_Package_Archive.29 | 03:57 |
valorie | they've worked really hard to get everything easy to use, clean of spam, etc. | 03:57 |
ahoneybun | the warning note | 03:57 |
valorie | the warning box? yeah | 03:57 |
ahoneybun | love it | 03:57 |
valorie | although that won't exactly translate over to html | 03:57 |
ahoneybun | oh | 03:57 |
valorie | but we can hack up something | 03:57 |
valorie | a box and change in font | 03:58 |
ahoneybun | as long as it is noted to the user | 03:58 |
valorie | there may even be scripts that do that, since mediawiki is so widely used | 03:58 |
valorie | no one works on moin, since it's basically dead | 03:58 |
valorie | except for the ubuntu wikis | 03:58 |
valorie | which are nice, but you can really appreciate the difference now | 03:59 |
ahoneybun | yea do you have the email for the admin people | 04:00 |
valorie | which admin people? | 04:00 |
ahoneybun | ubuntu people | 04:00 |
valorie | oh, no | 04:00 |
ahoneybun | to get the kubuntu.org/doc things off | 04:00 |
ahoneybun | oh | 04:00 |
valorie | I've never corresponded with them | 04:00 |
ahoneybun | ok | 04:00 |
valorie | just remove the pages or put in a redirect as you are done | 04:01 |
valorie | redirect would be best, actually | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | been told I can't | 04:01 |
valorie | in case someone has linked to the old pages | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | ubuntu sys admins have the access | 04:01 |
valorie | well, you can put in the new link at the top | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | http://www.kubuntu.org/doc/7.10/index/C/index.html | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | this | 04:01 |
valorie | and say that that is where current docs are being worked on | 04:01 |
valorie | I don't see a reason to get the ubuntu admins involved | 04:02 |
valorie | just remove most of the content of each old page and give a link to the new one | 04:03 |
ahoneybun | http://www.kubuntu.org/community/contribute I changed the link on the Documentation part to the new one on userbase.kde.org | 04:03 |
valorie | when we stop adding new ones there, we can go back and fix all the old ones remaining | 04:03 |
valorie | most will stay just for historical purposes | 04:03 |
valorie | and we still have an LTS going | 04:03 |
ahoneybun | is kinda confused on what we are talking about>? | 04:04 |
valorie | the old wiki documentation pages | 04:04 |
valorie | I don't think we can move *entirely* off the ubuntu wiki system | 04:04 |
ahoneybun | http://www.kubuntu.org/doc/7.10/index/C/index.html this are old things that we need to remove | 04:04 |
valorie | just the docs | 04:04 |
ahoneybun | oh wiki.kubuntu.org? | 04:05 |
valorie | I'm looking at that page, and don't see exactly to what you refer | 04:05 |
valorie | on www.kub.org | 04:05 |
valorie | which old things do we need to remove? | 04:06 |
ahoneybun | http://www.kubuntu.org/doc/7.10/index/C/index.html | 04:06 |
valorie | we have access to www.kub.org | 04:06 |
valorie | ask Riddell for keys | 04:06 |
* valorie doesn't have the password | 04:06 | |
ahoneybun | kubuntu.org or kub.org? | 04:06 |
valorie | kubuntu.org | 04:08 |
ahoneybun | what admin-kubuntu.org? | 04:08 |
valorie | often called ko | 04:08 |
valorie | um, I don't have an account to edit anything on the website | 04:08 |
valorie | Riddell or jussi do thought | 04:09 |
ahoneybun | I do | 04:09 |
valorie | though | 04:09 |
valorie | oh, ok | 04:09 |
valorie | cool | 04:09 |
ahoneybun | well passwords | 04:09 |
ahoneybun | Riddell and yofel gave them | 04:09 |
valorie | super | 04:10 |
ahoneybun | we have the feature tour getting worked on as a google project | 04:10 |
valorie | ah, GCi? | 04:10 |
valorie | that's great | 04:10 |
valorie | I got a lot of the Amarok Handbook done in the first year I did GCi | 04:11 |
valorie | with the help of the students | 04:11 |
ahoneybun | jose is doing it | 04:11 |
valorie | ok | 04:13 |
valorie | ultimately, I'd like us to comb through the whole website and wiki, and get rid of old crap | 04:14 |
valorie | but that can be done as we have time | 04:14 |
ahoneybun | yea' | 04:16 |
valorie | lots of old garbage on the KDE system too | 04:18 |
valorie | but all in good time | 04:18 |
valorie | lots of the old kde.org pages should just be deleted or archived, but again, no one has time right now | 04:19 |
valorie | ok, time for tv news | 04:19 |
valorie | ttyl | 04:19 |
ahoneybun | yep our main goal is going to get the Docs ready | 04:19 |
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Tm_T | pkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kopete_4%3a4.12.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10~ppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/kde4/kopete_cryptography.so', which is also in package kopete-cryptography 1.3.0-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu5 | 06:18 |
Tm_T | so kpt-crypto isn't on separate package anymore? | 06:19 |
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=== doge_ is now known as jalcine | ||
soee | good morning | 07:11 |
kubotu | ::qt-bugs:: [1242633] unity pointer barriers sru bug @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1242633 (by Maarten Lankhorst) | 07:59 |
=== jalcine is now known as doge_ | ||
=== doge_ is now known as jalcine | ||
jdrab | aww god i love kubuntu.. | 08:12 |
lordievader | ahoneybun: ping | 08:48 |
lordievader | Good morning btw. | 08:49 |
BluesKaj | hiyas all | 13:02 |
xnox | apachelogger: retried a few failed neon builds with new cmake, they are now passing. closing the cmake bug. | 13:14 |
apachelogger | xnox: thanks <3 | 13:14 |
xnox | apachelogger: i think https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/kf5/+build/5370150 this might also be exposed to cmake changes, can you confirm if "./debian/rules build" works with those dependencies installed from the PPA? | 13:14 |
xnox | apachelogger: also, is it known that a few things are depwait on kdelibs5? | 13:15 |
apachelogger | xnox: that's transitional | 13:15 |
apachelogger | kdelibs was split into a bazillion repos | 13:15 |
apachelogger | been boostrapping for days :S | 13:15 |
xnox | apachelogger: lovely.... i think?! =) | 13:16 |
apachelogger | more atomic dependencies, also it means that qt applications can use general purpose awesomeness like solid or sonnet without dragging in half of kde | 13:17 |
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse | ||
tester56 | does nepomuk clean indexed data if a file the indexed data belongs to is removed? | 15:26 |
tester56 | this would make perfect sense ... for example i got sent a file over skype that contained links to pornsites and other stuff I do not really want to have on my computer which will be indexed by nepomuk. As nepomuk stores many stuff like tags etc. cleaning the whole database does not make sense ... so it would be nice to know that removing a certain file removes all the index information ... | 15:35 |
tester56 | this way the database would not store unnecessary information ... (as i migrate the whole database all the time) | 15:37 |
=== greyback is now known as greyback|food | ||
=== greyback|food is now known as greyback | ||
cyphermox | Riddell: so, ModemManager. Do you know if debian has the updates plasma codes and all of that to support it? | 19:03 |
soee | hows trusty woks for you guys with KDE SC 4.12 ? | 19:08 |
genii | Fine so far here | 19:15 |
soee | geni some annoying bugs maybe ? | 19:16 |
genii | soee: I had only one during updates, it had some issue with upgrading sendmail and got into a loop on postinstall. Had to remove sendmail. Installed postfix instead for now. Otherwise no complaints ( no new ones that is, which are different from 13.10 or such! ) | 19:23 |
soee | ah nice :) thanks genii | 19:25 |
jose | Riddell: ping | 20:54 |
jose | or valorie, ahoneybun: ping | 21:09 |
valorie | hi jose, what's up? | 21:17 |
jose | valorie: hey, I was updating the screenshots for the feature tour on kubuntu.org, but let's say, games. the kpatience one is the same one, and I cannot find the other games preinstalled | 21:17 |
valorie | kpatience is the only pre-installed game, afaik | 21:18 |
valorie | and yes, I don't think it's changed for awhile | 21:18 |
jose | I've been quite busy as I just got graduated but read on the backlog that ahoneybun was going to take some screenshots and send them to me | 21:18 |
valorie | ok | 21:19 |
valorie | if the current screenie is good and current, you don't need to replace it | 21:19 |
valorie | imo | 21:19 |
jose | that's what I was thinking, just wanted to confirm with someone on the team :) | 21:19 |
valorie | we're all about good results, not needless work | 21:20 |
valorie | congratulations on graduation! | 21:20 |
valorie | that | 21:20 |
valorie | 's a huge accomplishment | 21:20 |
jose | thanks, now the next step is university :) | 21:20 |
jose | still a looong way to go | 21:21 |
valorie | I found that a lot more fun | 21:21 |
valorie | now you have built the foundation | 21:21 |
jose | we'll see how it goes, I should be alright | 21:22 |
soee | hmm i have 4.12 here on saucy | 21:27 |
soee | now i see several packages to update like kde-workspace | 21:27 |
soee | it says i have 4.11.3 and wants to update to 4.11.3 also | 21:28 |
soee | ant other packages the same | 21:28 |
valorie | did you add the beta ppa? | 21:29 |
soee | the new version is with ~ubuntu13.10~ppa1 | 21:29 |
soee | valorie: i had it from ninjas ppa | 21:29 |
valorie | I did updates yesterday, but still have 4.11.3 | 21:29 |
valorie | oh, ok | 21:29 |
soee | valorie: 4.12 is in backports | 21:30 |
soee | https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports?field.series_filter=saucy | 21:30 |
valorie | ah, I wonder why I don't have it then? | 21:32 |
soee | what was the command to do release upgrade ? | 21:37 |
soee | saucy -> trusty ? | 21:37 |
BluesKaj | soee, sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 21:38 |
jose | ahoneybun: hey, around? | 21:52 |
noobie | Hello | 21:53 |
valorie | ahoneybun, Riddell, apachelogger: updated https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu a bit, basically by copying our good new wiki page | 21:54 |
noobie | I would like to ask, if it is possible to disable password typing when on login screen on Kubuntu | 21:54 |
valorie | some nice screenies are gone, of the ancient kpackagekit | 21:54 |
noobie | in Kubuntu | 21:54 |
valorie | noobie: this is the devel channel; support in #kubuntu | 21:54 |
noobie | OK | 21:54 |
noobie | Goodbye | 21:54 |
valorie | hope to see you in #kubuntu | 21:55 |
valorie | ha, I didn't have all of backports enabled | 22:11 |
valorie | see, working on documentation teaches the workers too | 22:11 |
valorie | ok, time to restart to a new kde version! | 22:15 |
soee | this looks cool http://dot.kde.org/2013/12/20/plasma-2-technology-preview :) | 22:18 |
valorie | 4.12 is awesome so far, btw | 22:33 |
jose | hey valorie, have some time like to check some text I corrected on the webpage? | 22:40 |
valorie | sure | 22:40 |
jose | valorie: on http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour-new, I polished the parts of 'Email made easy', 'Chat right from the desktop with your friends' and 'Surf the Internet safely' | 22:42 |
valorie | shouldn't there be a divider line between surfing and email? | 22:44 |
valorie | and the chat part | 22:44 |
apachelogger | kubotu: order some divider lines | 22:44 |
* kubotu slides some divider lines down the bar to apachelogger | 22:44 | |
* apachelogger hands out lines | 22:44 | |
valorie | with no divisions, the text isn't staying with the images | 22:44 |
* apachelogger leaves for booze now | 22:45 | |
valorie | oooo, sip one for me | 22:45 |
jose | hmm, lemme check | 22:45 |
valorie | jose, those divs or whatever makes those dividing lines are really needed | 22:45 |
jose | because even in the current webpage they're not there | 22:46 |
jose | I can try an add them, for sure | 22:46 |
valorie | hmmm | 22:46 |
valorie | the upper sections have them | 22:46 |
valorie | copy that | 22:46 |
jose | what I can do is align the text, but the divider line is in fact on its place | 22:47 |
jose | as aaaaall that part is 'Internet' | 22:47 |
valorie | hmmm | 22:48 |
valorie | phone | 22:48 |
jose | hmm? | 22:49 |
valorie | ok, back | 22:51 |
valorie | vet called, appointment made | 22:51 |
jose | oh, cool :) | 22:51 |
jose | hope your pet's all good | 22:51 |
soee | :) | 22:52 |
soee | upgrade to trusty a1 finsihed :D | 22:52 |
valorie | I think she might have a UTI | 22:52 |
valorie | nothing serious, but I'm getting tired of cleaning up pee spots everywhere | 22:53 |
jose | well :) | 22:54 |
valorie | since when is mail "internet"? | 22:58 |
valorie | mail preceeded the creation of the internet | 22:59 |
valorie | harrumph, cane-waving, etc. | 22:59 |
soee | when can we expect PMC 1.2 for trusty ? | 23:01 |
jose | valorie: no idea, but right now the images are not displaying | 23:02 |
jose | no idea what happened | 23:02 |
jose | valorie: the two images that were on internet are not displaying anymore, should I poke IS about that? | 23:05 |
valorie | More open-source browsers are available through Kubuntu's software repositories. | 23:07 |
valorie | </p> | 23:07 |
valorie | <img src="/themes/kubuntu10.04/images/feature-tour/internet/feature-tour-apps-browsers.png" class="center" /> | 23:07 |
valorie | <img src="/files/Kmail640.png" class="right" /> | 23:07 |
valorie | <img src="/files/KDEtelepathy640.png" class="right" /> | 23:07 |
valorie | <br /> | 23:07 |
valorie | looks like mis-named files | 23:07 |
jose | hmm, they were like that a while ago and it's not showing anymore | 23:07 |
valorie | ok, I guess check in files and see if they are there | 23:09 |
valorie | all the other images seem to be in /themes/ | 23:09 |
valorie | the ones that are correctly displaying | 23:09 |
juancarlospaco | hello can somebody help me validate a bug?, need a minute and Kate... | 23:13 |
jose | valorie: looks like they're not there, I'll poke IS in a while with my other changes too | 23:14 |
valorie | ok | 23:14 |
valorie | maybe check in /themes/ too, and see if they are already there? | 23:14 |
valorie | I've never worked on the website, so I don't know their setup | 23:15 |
soee | juancarlospaco: what bug ? | 23:16 |
juancarlospaco | soee: anyone with Kate can paste this and tell me if it brokes up: เปิดด้วย | 23:16 |
jose | well | 23:16 |
jose | if ahoneybun or Riddell are around maybe they know | 23:16 |
valorie | juancarlospaco: it pastes fine in Kate for me | 23:17 |
soee | juancarlospaco: brokes up ? works for me | 23:17 |
ahoneybun | jose: know what? | 23:17 |
juancarlospaco | try on a text file with text in int | 23:17 |
juancarlospaco | in it* | 23:18 |
jose | ahoneybun: hey, the images for kmail and telepathy are broken on /feature-tour and /feature-tour-new | 23:18 |
juancarlospaco | like paste it on the middle of the text | 23:18 |
jose | they were working all right a while ago, which may mean they were deleted somehow | 23:18 |
soee | juancarlospaco: works fine | 23:18 |
valorie | I saved it, closed the file, called it back up and it is still fine | 23:18 |
soee | as valorie said | 23:18 |
ahoneybun | jose: you update the site with the new images? | 23:19 |
juancarlospaco | ok thanks soee valorie , I was thinking it was bug | 23:19 |
jose | ahoneybun: didn't touch anything apart from text, was about to push some changes to a branch | 23:19 |
juancarlospaco | its "open with" but on Thailand, I mean Thai | 23:19 |
ahoneybun | brb | 23:19 |
yofel | jose: those are the only 2 images that are attached to the current drupal page | 23:19 |
yofel | ... before that broke | 23:19 |
jose | maybe I can put them on the theme? | 23:19 |
yofel | go ahread | 23:20 |
yofel | *ahead | 23:20 |
jose | now let me remember and try and get similar images | 23:20 |
valorie | yay, I still remember how to debug html | 23:21 |
juancarlospaco | good no bugz | 23:24 |
ryanakca | If I remember correctly (I haven't touched the website in a few years), you need to include any images you want in the drupal theme, and then link to them from there. | 23:24 |
valorie | juancarlospaco: always good to check stuff out | 23:24 |
juancarlospaco | True | 23:25 |
ryanakca | The catch (unless this has changed recently), is that you need to nag the Canonical sysadmins for a few months before they get around to updating the drupal theme. | 23:25 |
valorie | that's bizarre | 23:25 |
valorie | the KDE sysadmins are amazing | 23:25 |
valorie | people ask and things are fixed/done in like 5 minutes | 23:25 |
yofel | I did manage to attach those 2 images to the website a while ago - but either that broke or the sysadmins removed the permissions | 23:26 |
valorie | geez | 23:26 |
ryanakca | valorie: Hence my retirement from dealing with the website :) | 23:26 |
valorie | well, we can always set up our own drupal and run it on our own space, i guess | 23:26 |
valorie | drupal is reasonably secure and non-spammy | 23:26 |
ryanakca | When you made major changes to the theme (i.e., introduced a completely new theme), the whole thing had to go through a security audit, blah blah blah. Getting changes applied to the website was the most labour intensive part. But things may have changed since then; I haven't really had anything to do with the website since 2010ish. | 23:27 |
valorie | weird | 23:27 |
valorie | I worked on teh linuxchix drupal system, and while it was a bit wonky, we just did it | 23:28 |
valorie | the | 23:28 |
valorie | I guess Canonical has multiples of traffic and attacks, though | 23:28 |
valorie | bureaucracy is good in government | 23:29 |
valorie | not so good in companies | 23:29 |
valorie | and grrrr in free projects | 23:29 |
soee | the global menu widget is a bit broken for GTK apps | 23:30 |
valorie | you mean the kmenu? | 23:31 |
soee | valorie: Window menubar | 23:31 |
valorie | hmmm, what do I have that's gtk | 23:32 |
valorie | maybe ff | 23:32 |
valorie | define broken? | 23:32 |
Noskcaj | Can someone check bug 1212848 | 23:33 |
ubottu | bug 1212848 in ktp-accounts-kcm (Ubuntu) "Sync ktp-accounts-kcm 0.7.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1212848 | 23:33 |
soee | valorie: it is impossble to open some menu item at first click | 23:34 |
valorie | in FF for me, the window menubar, if by that you mean File, Edit etc. | 23:34 |
valorie | work flawlessly | 23:34 |
jose | valorie: hey, are you a KDE mentor on GCI? | 23:38 |
valorie | well, I'm one of the admins | 23:39 |
valorie | not really actively mentoring this round | 23:39 |
valorie | I have done in the past though | 23:39 |
valorie | why? | 23:40 |
jose | it's just that my current task (which is the feature-tour site update) includes poking IS to get it updated | 23:41 |
jose | and I want to get some approval while Riddell is not here (listed as the task mentor) to finish the task and then submit it | 23:42 |
jose | while IS is being poked | 23:42 |
ahoneybun | back' | 23:42 |
valorie | ok, let me look at the page one more time, and then give me your task link | 23:43 |
jose | sure | 23:43 |
ahoneybun | so images are not working? | 23:43 |
jose | two of them aren't | 23:43 |
juancarlospaco | Ive made a Dolphin Service Menu, Its working ok, but it appears on Dolphin Context Menu --> Actions--> Open with , and I want it to appear like Context Menu --> Open with , it is possible?, Im missing something ? | 23:44 |
ahoneybun | oh but they are on the site? | 23:44 |
ahoneybun | but you edited the site? | 23:44 |
jose | ahoneybun: I edited the site to poke IS as the images I have now put on the theme | 23:44 |
yofel | as I said, they're not part of the template but attached to the page in drupal - so they need to be added to the updated template | 23:45 |
jose | yeppers | 23:45 |
ahoneybun | yofel: was it you who said that the feature tour needed to be readded? | 23:46 |
yofel | ahoneybun: well, we want to update it, and only way to do it is updating the template (only way to update the images) | 23:47 |
ahoneybun | poke IS? | 23:47 |
yofel | not sure what you mean by readding? | 23:47 |
ahoneybun | oh | 23:47 |
ahoneybun | it to the template | 23:47 |
yofel | ah | 23:47 |
yofel | weeeelllll. We *could* only update the images in the template and keep the text content in the DB | 23:48 |
yofel | not sure what way would be better | 23:49 |
ahoneybun | yofel: not as simple as adding a file attachment and changing the image name? like in moinmoin | 23:49 |
yofel | that's broken | 23:49 |
ahoneybun | I see | 23:49 |
ahoneybun | host images else where? | 23:49 |
jose | btw, I kept the text on the DB | 23:49 |
valorie | ahoneybun: did you see my note above? | 23:49 |
ahoneybun | how far up? | 23:50 |
yofel | the 2 images we talked about are actually attached to the page, but now I get errors when trying to attach new ones | 23:50 |
valorie | about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 23:50 |
ahoneybun | oh packagekit you mean? | 23:50 |
valorie | yes | 23:51 |
ahoneybun | I saw that | 23:51 |
ahoneybun | I'll add it to the pages that need to be refreshed | 23:51 |
valorie | I removed all that text, and replaced it with text from our wiki page | 23:51 |
ahoneybun | oh | 23:51 |
valorie | thank you | 23:51 |
ahoneybun | so add it? | 23:51 |
valorie | so there are no images, anymore | 23:51 |
valorie | well, it should at least be checked | 23:51 |
ahoneybun | oh | 23:51 |
valorie | I did check links, removed the old text | 23:52 |
ahoneybun | added | 23:52 |
valorie | and replaced with our new stuff, but I'm sure it could be better | 23:52 |
valorie | what would be good is an include, but I'm not sure you can include from a different wiki | 23:52 |
ahoneybun | I'll see if I can get new images and add them to that page as well as our doc page talking about repos | 23:52 |
valorie | cool | 23:53 |
ahoneybun | did you see the pic of websplice? | 23:53 |
valorie | um | 23:53 |
valorie | sounds familiar, but I'm not sure | 23:54 |
ahoneybun | the docs fix better in it | 23:54 |
ahoneybun | the home anyway | 23:54 |
valorie | anyway, feel free to blow away my 'improvements' -- it is better than it was | 23:54 |
ahoneybun | going to tes t plasma media center soon | 23:54 |
ahoneybun | installed it | 23:54 |
valorie | cool | 23:54 |
ahoneybun | get my notebook up to the tv and try it | 23:54 |
valorie | jose: I need your gci task link to sign off on it | 23:55 |
jose | sure, sec | 23:55 |
ahoneybun | valorie: http://ubuntuone.com/1QjBspLYq2XeYmuD6Np4v5 | 23:55 |
valorie | as long as you promise to follow through with those broken images | 23:56 |
valorie | ahoneybun: how do links work from webslice? | 23:56 |
valorie | do they open up in the browser? | 23:56 |
jose | valorie: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2013/5012065370505216 | 23:57 |
valorie | it lookes excellent, btw | 23:57 |
jose | on that branch, if you go through images/feature-tour/internet, they're there, as Kmail640.png and KDEtelepathy640.png | 23:57 |
jose | I can claim the review for on the MP, did it that way as it'd keep the MP page | 23:58 |
valorie | okeydoke jose, your task is completed | 23:58 |
valorie | thank you | 23:58 |
jose | cool, thanks to you! :) | 23:58 |
valorie | pfff | 23:58 |
jose | lemme poke IS right now to get it all fixed :) | 23:58 |
juancarlospaco | wow that screenshot looks cool | 23:58 |
soee | valorie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQQ09IhcSo8 | 23:59 |
soee | this issue | 23:59 |
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