
=== xnox is now known as doko_
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pittiGood morning05:22
Fudge~/j andlinux06:31
darkxsthi pitti07:42
darkxstok to update gsettings-desktop-schemas?07:43
pittihey darkxst, how are you?07:44
darkxstyeh good, you?07:44
pittipretty well, thanks; cleanup on last day this year :)07:45
darkxstpretty sure all removed keys, have been reverted in my package. don't think there is anything that will blow up the world07:46
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Laneyhappy last day!09:19
sil2100Morning! Happy last day indeed ;)09:21
mlankhorsthappy 1-day-before-shortest-day!09:30
Laneyyeah then it's basically summer right09:33
* RAOF basks in the evening sun09:36
Laneyyou crazy upside down people09:37
Laneydesrt: hrm, the gdbus-names test has started being unreliable: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0/09:39
Laney& the log: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0/37/ARCH=i386,label=adt/consoleText09:39
Laneywhat could be up there?09:39
larsuLaney: can you reproduce this on your machine?09:45
* larsu tries09:45
Laneyhaven't seen it there09:50
Laneylet me run it under gnome-desktop-testing09:50
LaneyI ran it 50 times and it passed (not under the testing runner)09:55
Laneyhmm, it eventually ran out of inotify watches09:56
Laneywell, "Cannot initialize inotify"09:57
larsuthe gdbus-names test?09:57
* larsu is confused09:57
LaneyMight have been my fault for running dbus-launch n times though ... :-)09:59
larsuthe test launches its own bus btw10:00
Laneyyeah this seems saner10:01
Laneyran it 1000 times, passed10:01
larsuso the connection that g_bus_get() returns is marked as closed10:01
larsuand then signal_subscribe() prints that error on stdout10:01
larsuLaney: same for me, I'm going by the log10:01
larsuis there any way to get at that backtrace?10:03
Laneylet's see, maybe there's a crash file10:04
larsulooks like there was some error uploading it10:04
Laneyhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0/37/ARCH=i386,label=adt/ there's one linked here10:04
larsuah cool, thanks10:05
larsuhm, not very helpful10:08
Laneylarsu: you shouldn't g_source_remove (id) after g_main_loop_run (loop) returns, right?10:59
larsuLaney: that shouldn't be a problem11:01
Laneyoh ok, I thought that might remove the sources for you11:01
larsuno, it doesn't. Sources are added to main contests, not loops11:02
larsuthe problem in that link is that somebody is removing a source that was already removed11:02
larsuglib started warning about that recently11:02
LaneyI know the problem11:03
Laneylet me get the code11:03
larsuthe one in line 150 is the one that causes this warning?11:04
Laneyno, lies, it's the one at 207 isn't it11:06
larsuya, I was about to say11:06
larsutime sources need to return something, g_main_loop_quit() doesn't11:06
larsuif they return FALSE, they're removed. You can't call g_source_remove() again on those11:07
Laneythe 150 one happened locally11:07
LaneyI think, it's kind of hard to read11:07
Laneyso I think you could make them both return FALSE and then not g_source_remove() i t11:11
larsuyes. That might leak the source though11:13
larsuwhen it never gets triggered11:13
larsubut I guess that's okay for the test11:13
Laneyya, otherwise I could pass a boolean in to track that11:14
Laneynot sure it's worth it11:14
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larsuaren't these callbacks just to timeout the test?11:15
larsuso that it doesn't run too long? You could just assert in the callback11:15
Laneyyeah but I don't think g_test_fail () stops the test11:15
Laneystuff happens after11:15
larsuah, okay11:15
Laneythe second one doesn't g_test_fail () actually11:16
Laneynot entirely keen on unwinding the logic :P11:16
larsuah, because it waits for two seconds to test that the callback is never triggered11:18
larsuso it shouldn't fail in the timeout11:19
larsukind of a weird thing to test11:19
sabdfljoin #yandex12:19
ochosioops :)12:20
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Laneybuh, glib-networking is failing too13:46
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desrtLaney: i hate unreliable tests :p14:01
larsudesrt: speaking of which, do you in which situation g_bus_get() can return a connection that is closed?14:01
larsuI thought it returns NULL if it can't establish the connection14:02
Laneythey were all super reliable until 2.3914:02
* larsu done with duolingo for the day. Back to work!14:02
desrtlarsu: i can't help but wonder if this is something wrong with our tester rig14:03
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Laneyattente: the 'preview' thing seems to have gotten broken16:18
Laneywhere it changes the language on the selection screen16:18
attenteLaney, yeah, that's been broken for a long time now16:19
Laneyoh ok16:19
LaneyI thought it worked16:19
attenteit did16:19
attentebut something changed in the toolkit and i didn't figure out what it was16:19
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Laneyalright, I'll file a bug16:22
Laneythis looks good now, will approve16:22
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Laneyhappy holidays desktoppers!18:03
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=== KURWA is now known as sil2100
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-holiday
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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