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rsalveti | sergiusens: kdub: it's reproducible with our branch :-) | 00:49 |
rsalveti | kdub: we're using the headers from our current phablet-trusty branch, to avoid incompatibilities | 00:49 |
rsalveti | kdub: but I might be able to revert some of those CM specific changes for you if needed | 00:50 |
rsalveti | let me compare why the gralloc and hardware ones are different (probably adding some old function calls to support older devices) | 00:50 |
rsalveti | sergiusens: the goal is to make this aosp compatible (importing from aosp), which should happen with 4.4 | 00:51 |
kdub | rsalveti, my immediate problem is hwcomposer_defs.h needs HARDWARE_MAKE_API_VERSION_2 in https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/libhardware/+/android-4.4_r1/include/hardware/hardware.h | 00:52 |
rsalveti | kdub: oh, so you need something that is defined in the 4.4-based headers? | 00:54 |
kdub | sorry, gave the wrong link | 00:54 |
kdub | same statement, but with this link: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/libhardware/+/android-4.2.2_r1/include/hardware/hardware.h | 00:55 |
rsalveti | kdub: cool, let me compare and apply the diff | 00:56 |
rsalveti | kdub: any other file? | 00:56 |
kdub | not sure, didn't look past the first error | 00:57 |
kdub | lets see what else needs to be done | 00:58 |
kdub | rsalveti, okay, mir can build if HARDWARE_DEVICE_API_VERSION_2 and HARDWARE_MAKE_API_VERSION_2 are added | 01:04 |
rsalveti | kdub: cool, let me upload the new package with that header fixed | 01:04 |
kdub | rsalveti, thanks! | 01:06 |
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rsalveti | kdub: just uploaded it, should be available in ~15/20 min | 01:23 |
rsalveti | kdub: diff: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/160245552/android-headers_4.2.2-1-0ubuntu2_4.2.2-2-0ubuntu1.diff.gz | 01:24 |
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kdub | rsalveti, thanks again | 01:38 |
cwayne | jdstrand, hey, i gave it a go fixing lp:1261875, does this make sense? https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/ubuntu/trusty/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/custom-themes/+merge/199737 | 01:41 |
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jdstrand | cwayne: it does make sense, but I've already got it prepared with a landing ask. I'm waiting on the landing team | 02:00 |
cwayne | jdstrand, oh, great! | 02:02 |
cwayne | i'll delete mine then, sorry, i was jsut really curious as to how the templates worked, then figured i'd try and add 'em in :) | 02:03 |
jdstrand | cwayne: happy to take the patch next time :) | 02:03 |
bray9082_ | How is the performance of ubuntu on the nexus 5 | 02:53 |
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pitti | fginther: if you are still awake by chance, would you mind re-running https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/maguro-tests/+merge/193774 ? It once again didn't run on maguro | 06:20 |
pitti | fginther: ah, I tried myself in http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/3126/ , let's hope I got the parameters right (the previous runs aren't in jenkins any more) | 06:24 |
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pitti | fginther: ok, I can't figure it out; it doesn't seem to run the tests from the *.zip file, but the ones from the archive | 07:30 |
sasi | HI | 07:43 |
sasi | i am trying to port ubuntu-touch on EVK | 07:43 |
sasi | i downloaded preinstalled ubuntu-touch image for ARM V7 | 07:43 |
sasi | able to boot the kernel | 07:44 |
sasi | and i am getting erros | 07:44 |
sasi | Freeing init memory: 240K Mount failed for selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux: No such file or directory init: ureadahead main process (1492) terminated with status 5 | 07:44 |
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popey | Morning | 08:39 |
dholbach | good morning | 09:04 |
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hardy11 | hi | 10:00 |
bray9082_ | How is the support for the original nexus 7 | 10:06 |
RAOF | Pretty good | 10:10 |
RAOF | Mostly. | 10:11 |
dholbach | does anyone have an idea why qtdeclarative5-friends0.2:armhf depends on libdee-1.0-4 (>= 0.5.22)? | 10:45 |
dholbach | it seems to make ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev uninstallable on armhf | 10:45 |
dholbach | (that's at least one reason why, still investigating if there's others) | 10:45 |
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dholbach | seems like that's the only issue AFAICS | 10:52 |
popey | we totally need scummvm on the ubuntu phone | 10:58 |
popey | http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2013-12-20-104536.png | 10:58 |
popey | http://clb.demon.fi/html5scummvm/ | 10:58 |
lag94ms | hey, trying to setup ubuntu phone on my galaxy nexus. all worked up until the flash command. now my device is in fastboot and terminal shows <waiting for device>. just keep waiting? | 11:02 |
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Yousaf_ | Hi | 11:15 |
Yousaf_ | Does anyone know when i can get ubuntu for android on my phone Huawei y300 ? | 11:16 |
popey | !devices | Yousaf_ | 11:17 |
ubot5 | Yousaf_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 11:17 |
popey | is it listed on that page? | 11:17 |
Yousaf_ | NO they are only supporting Huawei Ascend G300 thats smaller device than mine thats (ascend y300) i am wondering why they are supporting that device and not mine. | 11:19 |
Yousaf_ | by the way thanks for help but for example i have one of supported device than how can i get ubuntu for android ? | 11:22 |
hardy1 | !devices | 11:27 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 11:27 |
lag94ms | hey, trying to setup ubuntu phone on my galaxy nexus. all worked up until the flash command. now my device is in fastboot and terminal shows <waiting for device>. screen was on for about 20mins. | 11:28 |
hardy1 | nobody here knows the link for install touch on sony xperiaE? | 11:33 |
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fginther | pitti, are you around? | 13:29 |
pitti | fginther: hello | 13:29 |
olafh | How to enable adb over wireless running UT b79 on mako? A adbd seems already running, listen on 5037 as per lsof but that seem the Ubuntu one. As per container flip announcement from ogra, we do want the Android one, listen on port 5555. I did tried "sudo setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555" already but that alone does not do the trick. I also tried to add that prop via init.rc in overrides, which will set that prop but still it does not s | 13:31 |
olafh | eem to invoke the Android adbd. A find on / does not even spot another adbd. Any hint? | 13:31 |
fginther | pitti, the automatic maguro tests had to be disabled because the hardware had become too unreliable. I also think I see why your tests didn't run. let me try something and get back to you | 13:31 |
pitti | fginther: thanks, appreciated; did I mess up the parameters? | 13:32 |
pitti | fginther: also, jibel says the lab has some networking probs ATM, in case you run into something strange | 13:32 |
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fginther | pitti, this is where the black magic comes in to play. The dialer-app-trusty-armhf-ci job doesn't modify the version string when generating packages, so the version probably matches what is in the archive. What you want to use next time are the artifacts from the generic-mediumtests-builder-trusty-armhf job which does bump the version number. | 13:37 |
fginther | pitti, I've triggered http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/3129/ for you | 13:37 |
pitti | fginther: ah, I used the output.zip URL as given by the MP comment by jenkins; so that's the wrong one? | 13:38 |
dholbach | diwic, ogra_: I think I found the source of the problem which caused me not being able to hear anything in some calls, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dialer-app/+bug/1263100 - it looks more like the dialer-app is still running even when the call is over | 13:38 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1263100 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) ""dialer-app tel:///+49<redacted>" still running after call is over" [Undecided,New] | 13:38 |
dholbach | (the call ended like 3h ago, the app is still running) | 13:38 |
pitti | fginther: thank you; ah, you used the internal URL, I had the jenkins.u.c. URL (if that makes a difference) | 13:38 |
ogra_ | dholbach, awesome, poit bfiller to it | 13:38 |
dholbach | ogra_, aren't you on holidays? :-) | 13:39 |
fginther | pitti, right, that zip file uses a different file layout (for reasons which I've never taken the time to look into) | 13:39 |
pitti | aah | 13:39 |
pitti | fginther: thanks | 13:39 |
fginther | pitti, no worries | 13:39 |
ogra_ | dholbach, i'm fiddling with my heating control (and write an ubuntu touch app for it ) | 13:39 |
ogra_ | ;) | 13:39 |
dholbach | nice :) | 13:39 |
pitti | fginther: the broken permissions? (directories being 0666, etc.)? I sent you some patches for that the other day, I think | 13:39 |
pitti | fginther: I think I used the public tarballs, and they indeed didn't work with the test runner | 13:40 |
pitti | fginther: thanks, will watch the job and comment on the MP | 13:40 |
fginther | pitti, yes, I remember. I've been working on a new test runner to use phablet-tools to make this simpler, but it's been slow progress | 13:41 |
fginther | pitti, shortly after the first of the year, this will be converted to install as click packages | 13:42 |
pitti | fginther: ah, no more writable fs for testing then? | 13:42 |
fginther | pitti, that would be the ideal case, yes | 13:43 |
fginther | pitti, haven't really put much thought into that aspect yet, thanks for bringing it up | 13:44 |
diwic | dholbach, I don't know the dialer app very well so cannot tell if that is related to your problem or not, unfortunately | 13:51 |
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dholbach | diwic, sure... I just wanted to keep you updated :) | 13:52 |
maxiaojun | will ubuntu touch provide l2tp vpn connectivity? | 14:03 |
inashdeen | thanks | 14:07 |
inashdeen | hi there, Is there a way to install ubuntu-touch in 64 bit ubuntu | 14:08 |
datandroiddude | Did I replace Android when I installed Ubunutu Touch? | 14:14 |
dobey | datandroiddude: almost certainly, yes | 14:21 |
datandroiddude | SO i have to re-install Android?? | 14:22 |
datandroiddude | is feeling sad | 14:26 |
ahayzen | timp, u still around or am i too late? | 14:38 |
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timp | ahayzen: you are on time :) | 14:48 |
ahayzen | timp, i built this last night (it isn't complete but is getting there) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/+junk/music-app-reorder-support-001/view/head:/common/Reorder.qml | 14:48 |
ahayzen | timp, the issue is trying to get it to work when u turn on removable: true, either the swipeDelete steals the mouse events or I steal them | 14:49 |
timp | zsombi_: ^ | 14:50 |
timp | zsombi_: is that something your mouseFilter could be useful for? | 14:50 |
ahayzen | timp, this is an implementation of it http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/+junk/music-app-reorder-support-001/view/head:/MusicPlaylists.qml#L798 | 14:50 |
* ahayzen has never used mouseFilter | 14:50 | |
zsombi_ | timp: yes | 14:51 |
timp | ahayzen: the mouseFilter is not finished yet | 14:51 |
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ahayzen | timp, if I put onMouseXChanged: mouse.accepted = false; in the reorder code it passes them down to the swipeDelete but then it cannot detect the pressAndHold :/ | 14:51 |
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timp | ahayzen: the problem is that when you accept the mouse pressed, no other component will get it.. and if you don't accept the pressed, you cannot detect moving/releasing the mouse anymore | 14:51 |
zsombi | ahayzen: yes, the MouseArea is like that... | 14:51 |
timp | ahayzen: so the only way I see now how it can be done, is by putting detection of moving and deleting a list item in the same component, using the same mousearea... | 14:52 |
timp | ahayzen: that is not possible for you now unless you make changes in UITK or copy the UITK components in the music-app | 14:52 |
ahayzen | timp, thts wht we ended up with, hence the custom swipeDelete component we have | 14:52 |
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timp | ahayzen: I'm trying to run your branch of music-app locally (on trusty), but it hangs after the window opens | 14:54 |
timp | oh and I get a segfault after a while :s | 14:54 |
timp | oh wait, that's not your branch.. let me check the correct version | 14:54 |
ahayzen | timp, ok so is it best for us to continue how we are just extend our current support until u add reorder support?...or would this mouseFilter thing help me out? | 14:55 |
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ahayzen | timp, erm to test it u will need the mediascanner, scanned for music and setup a playlist | 14:56 |
zsombi | ahayzen: the MouseFilter would be as its name sais: justa filter. so you will get events and the items under the are will get those too | 14:56 |
ahayzen | timp, the scrolling is still WIP | 14:56 |
ahayzen | zsombi, timp, can u chain MouseAreas together? | 14:57 |
timp | ahayzen: nobody is working on the reorder support in UITK yet, but you can propose an MR to get it in UITK | 14:57 |
timp | ahayzen: what do you mean? you can put multiple MouseAreas on top of each other, and if you don't accept an event in the top one, it will go to the next MouseArea | 14:57 |
zsombi | ahayzen: what you mean chain? | 14:57 |
zsombi | that's stacking... | 14:57 |
ahayzen | timp, but how would I get it working with the swipeDelete.... or because it is within the UITK would I then be able to put them in the same mouseArea | 14:58 |
ahayzen | zsombi, yeah like have one main one that then calls a child depending on the event | 14:58 |
zsombi | ahayzen: not really. if you have MouseAreas above each other, the one who does accept the event won't let it go further underneath, but if it passes, in onPressed, then the one passing won't ever get any mouse events anynore | 14:59 |
timp | ahayzen: yes for that you would have to propose a patch to the UITK. And if you don't want to do that you'll need your own implementation of the swipe-to-delete | 15:00 |
ahayzen | zsombi, u can do like onPressAndHold { child.pressAndHold(mouse) } ? | 15:00 |
timp | ahayzen: so, you can branch lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit and propose the changes for that one | 15:00 |
ahayzen | timp, ok i'll have a look at tht route as well :) | 15:00 |
zsombi | ahayzen: if child is a MouseArea, then it might work. | 15:01 |
ahayzen | zsombi, yeah | 15:02 |
zsombi | ahayzen: but have never tried this kind of setup, so I cannot express. The problem is that child may also trigger an event, so you might get the same pressAndHold twice... | 15:02 |
ahayzen | zsombi, ah i see, i'll have a look at how I can add it to the UITK and see if I have move success doing it that way | 15:03 |
zsombi | ahayzen: and that may cause problems in your implementation, so it may not be reliable... however you can try it, but have a pretty stable testcase guarding it | 15:03 |
timp | ahayzen: where does the music-app expect to find the music files? | 15:03 |
timp | ahayzen: you can try to show something like a little icon (for example) in the left of the list item that catches the event, and can be used to drag the list item up and down. | 15:04 |
ahayzen | timp, u have to run (to scan ~/Music)... mediascanner-service ~/Music | 15:04 |
zsombi | ahayzen: we will release this MouseFilter somewhere in January, but yes, till then you have to deal with a bacpkup solution. | 15:04 |
timp | ahayzen: so you only catch the drag up/down event there. everywhere else you can detect the swipe to delete | 15:04 |
ahayzen | timp, thts a good idea | 15:04 |
ahayzen | timp, so pressAndHold to enable reordering...then a mouseArea is enabled which is then used to drag up/down | 15:05 |
timp | ahayzen: like that you can get the playlist-ordering to work and there is more time to try out other solutions | 15:05 |
ahayzen | timp, it does require two touches to preform a reorder though | 15:05 |
timp | ahayzen: yes, that can work too | 15:05 |
timp | ahayzen: are you discussing the possibilities with the designers? | 15:05 |
ahayzen | timp, the current music-app has reordering just not scrolling while reordering | 15:06 |
zsombi | ahayzen: but, one thing is sure, it won't have drag support! it will be a simple filter, not a complete mouse handler. So if you need drag support, you will still need a MouseArea! | 15:06 |
ahayzen | timp, a pressAndHold then drag was in the spec last cycle | 15:06 |
ahayzen | zsombi, i only need onMouseYChanged | 15:06 |
zsombi | ahayzen that will be onMouseMoved :) | 15:07 |
ahayzen | timp, while i'm adding scrolling support I thought I would try and get it working 'properly' so we don't have to have a custom swipeDelete | 15:07 |
ahayzen | zsombi, cool :) | 15:07 |
timp | ahayzen: I got your branch running on my desktop :) | 15:10 |
ahayzen | timp, I like ur idea of press and hold which then enables the drag, because that will work with the current swipe delete and is the least hacky :) | 15:11 |
ahayzen | timp, yey it is WIP so watch out ;) | 15:11 |
timp | ahayzen: ok | 15:11 |
timp | ahayzen: you have the pressAndHold to enable drag already now right? | 15:11 |
ahayzen | timp, if u look at lp:music-app that has basic reorder support in the play queue and for tracks in a playlist | 15:12 |
timp | ahayzen: that could work with the current swipe delete because it doesn't have a dragAndHold first | 15:12 |
ahayzen | timp, in my branch I have removable disable and just using a mouseArea | 15:12 |
timp | ah, ok | 15:12 |
ahayzen | timp, yeah if u use the pressAndHold u have to lift off and then click again to allow the mouseArea to work | 15:13 |
timp | ahayzen: you could try something like clicking on the album art and dragging to re-order, and swipe-to-delete to work anywhere else in the list item | 15:13 |
timp | ahayzen: for that you can just put a mouseArea on top of the album art | 15:13 |
ahayzen | timp, but if the pressAndHold is just for (dis)enable the reorder support it could work | 15:13 |
timp | yeah | 15:13 |
timp | ahayzen: now that I try it out, the drag-to-reorder should not work immedately anyway (without changing mode).. that would conflict with scrollign in the playlist | 15:14 |
ahayzen | timp, i have listview.interactive=false :) hehe... | 15:14 |
ahayzen | timp, ok i'll have a play about with it, the new swipe delete (with the cancel support) is only in trusty correct? | 15:15 |
timp | ahayzen: don't wait for the UITK to have drag-to-reorder support. I think it is good to try it out first in an app, and then when we know what is the best way to do it (and users tried it), we can use that implementation in the UITK | 15:15 |
timp | ahayzen: I'm not sure. I think it is in PPAs for other releases | 15:16 |
ahayzen | timp, I think i have a plan.... use ur swipeDelete... then onPressAndHold enable another mouseArea to switch to 'reorder mode' then perform reordering, then on pressAndHold again disable the mouseArea | 15:16 |
timp | ahayzen: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa/+packages?batch=75&memo=75&start=75 for saucy we have up-to-date uitk versions there | 15:17 |
timp | I'm not sure about raring/q/p. There are some errors listed.. | 15:18 |
ahayzen | timp, hmm i'm on raring getting the old one... i'll test it on device/on a trusty VM | 15:18 |
timp | bzoltan: ^ do we have new UITK packages for raring somewhere now? | 15:20 |
ahayzen | timp, zsombi, ok thanks for ur help are u guys on holiday now or will u be around next week? | 15:20 |
zsombi | ahayzen: welcome... will be on holiday till January the 3rd | 15:21 |
timp | ahayzen: I'm around Monday, probably Tuesday, maybe other days ;) | 15:21 |
timp | ahayzen: I'm not making guarantees, but you can try to ping me | 15:21 |
bzoltan | timp: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=raring | 15:22 |
bzoltan | timp: Missing build dependencies: libthumbnailer-dev | 15:22 |
timp | bzoltan: ahh. I thought that was fixed | 15:22 |
bzoltan | timp: it seems it is not -> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/152875688/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.thumbnailer_1.0%2B13.10.20131008bzr56raring0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 15:24 |
timp | bzoltan: shall i re-open this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1237045 | 15:24 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1237045 in thumbnailer (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu UI Toolkit no longer builds on precise, quantal and raring" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:24 |
bzoltan | timp:yes please | 15:27 |
ahayzen | timp, zsombi, cool have a merry christmas if I don't speak before :) and thanks again | 15:28 |
timp | bzoltan: done | 15:28 |
zsombi | ahayzen: thx, dude, same 4 U ;) | 15:28 |
timp | bzoltan: and I mailed jussi | 15:29 |
bzoltan | timp: Satoris knows about it | 15:29 |
timp | okay | 15:30 |
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bensocket | question,does ubuntu touch support samsung galaxay victory 4g lte? thanks | 15:33 |
timp | bensocket: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices lists all the devices | 15:35 |
timp | bensocket: I don't see yours listed there | 15:35 |
bensocket | ok thanks | 15:35 |
olafh | ? how to use androids adbd instead of ubuntus. I would like to use adb over wireless running UT b79 on mako. Anyone? | 15:40 |
ogra_ | olafh, why woulld you want to use androids adb at all ? | 15:48 |
ogra_ | (use ssh ... and if you really need to enter android for whatever reason, use lxc-console -n android from there) | 15:49 |
aquarius | the Ubuntu web browser doesn't handle javascript: URLs at all, as far as I can tell -- if you enter one in the address bar, it uses it as a search query to Google, and if you put one in bookmarks.sqlite then it gives an open error. This means that I can't use bookmarklets at all; is that deliberate, or just something that isn't done yet? | 15:52 |
ogra_ | aquarius, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/trunk/view/head:/src/app/AddressBar.qml | 15:53 |
ogra_ | builting pattern matching :) send a patch | 15:54 |
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ogra_ | *builtin | 15:54 |
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aquarius | ogra_, I tried that. I can reasonably easily patch AddressBar to allow javascript: URLs (and have done so; it's one line) but the rest of the browser then doesn't allow you to open them anyway; I get the open error. I don't know how to fix that :) | 16:02 |
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ogra_ | ah, that would probably be a question for someone from the browser team | 16:02 |
aquarius | ogra_, hence me showing up here to ask it. :) | 16:05 |
ogra_ | :) | 16:05 |
olafh | orga_: to simple reboot into bootloader|recovery .. I tried what u suggested (lxc-console -n android). It connects me to tty 1 but I don't seem to be able to do anything at that terminal except to q | 16:12 |
aquarius | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/1263153 filed, anyway. | 16:13 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1263153 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Can't load bookmarklets at all" [Undecided,New] | 16:13 |
ogra_ | olafh, no, that only works properly from the running ubuntu indeed | 16:16 |
ogra_ | not from the bootloader/recovery mode | 16:16 |
ogra_ | oh, wait i misread | 16:16 |
ogra_ | adb shell reboot -f recovery | 16:17 |
ogra_ | adb shell reboot -f bootloader | 16:17 |
ogra_ | works with upstart ;) no need for adb's recovery/bootloadrr mode bits here (apart from the connection) | 16:17 |
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olafh | orga: I'm aware how to boot into recovery | bootloader with adb when my mako is connected via usb port BUT I was after how to perform the same over tcp, for example what u described back in July here: | 16:25 |
olafh | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-July/037443.html | 16:25 |
ogra_ | reboot -f recovery | 16:25 |
ogra_ | reboot -f bootloader | 16:25 |
olafh | ah.. let me try | 16:26 |
ogra_ | that uses upstart | 16:26 |
ogra_ | (i.e. the ablve adb command runs this in a shell) | 16:26 |
olafh | nice | 16:26 |
olafh | thx a lot | 16:27 |
ffelgenh1 | I used "phablet-flash ubuntu-system --bootstrap -d grouper" to flash my Nexus 7 ... In system settings I see 13.10 not 14.04 ... did I use the wrong phablet-flash options? | 16:33 |
mhr3_ | 14.04 is in development, you got "stable" | 16:40 |
ffelgenh1 | mhr3_: The "phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --bootstrap -d grouper" is correct? | 16:45 |
ogra_ | either that or on the device just run: system-image-cli --channel devel -b 0 | 16:45 |
ogra_ | that will switch you over to devel | 16:46 |
ogra_ | (add -v to the command if you want to see any output) | 16:46 |
ffelgenh1 | ogra_: thx | 16:47 |
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josh__ | looking for htc droid dna setup and file list any help would be great | 17:34 |
josh__ | looking for directions for ubuntu setup for droid dna | 17:37 |
timp | josh__: all devices are listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 17:41 |
timp | josh__: including a link for htc dna: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/dlx | 17:41 |
josh__ | thanks | 17:54 |
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josh__ | ok i tryed to sideload adb sideload quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip and nothing happend | 18:21 |
josh__ | is there more files i have to download for my htc droid dna to get ubuntu to boot | 18:22 |
josh__ | ok im getting nothing for my phone for ubuntu | 18:39 |
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mhall119 | popey: pmcgowan: udraw and graphite still don't have usable drawing areas on the nexus 4, has the cause of this been identified yet? | 18:55 |
josh__ | looking for someone that knows the droid dna install | 19:01 |
popey | mhall119: pass, do we have a bug for it? | 19:01 |
popey | bug 1229287 | 19:01 |
ubot5 | bug 1229287 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Drawing apps show only a black screen where drawable component should be" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229287 | 19:01 |
mhall119 | not on u-draw, maybe on the sdk | 19:02 |
mhall119 | ah, yes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1229287 | 19:02 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, hmmm? | 19:11 |
mhall119 | pmcgowan: we have two touch-drawing apps that don't work on touch devices | 19:12 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, that bug doesnt say what apis they are using very well | 19:13 |
mhall119 | nope | 19:14 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, I cant tell if its a bug or misuse of the api | 19:14 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, I could believe we need something in qtubuntu to hook into the gl stack | 19:15 |
timp | a small example program that shows the canvas not working would be helpful | 19:16 |
pmcgowan | timp I was going to looka t what settigns does to graph the battery history, that works fine | 19:16 |
pmcgowan | timp mhall119 fwiw settings using Canvas as well http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/ubuntu-system-settings/trusty/view/head:/plugins/battery/PageComponent.qml | 19:27 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, is the implication that these run ok on the desktop? | 19:28 |
mhall119 | pmcgowan: I tested u-draw on the desktop and it ran fine,yes | 19:31 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, as timp says a simpler example would be helpful to narrow it down | 19:32 |
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mhall119 | pmcgowan: who can put that together? I'm just a lowly user of these apps | 19:34 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, where is graphite and udraw code? | 19:34 |
mhall119 | lp:u-draw | 19:34 |
pmcgowan | do they all use a graph object? | 19:34 |
mhall119 | I haven't found graphite's yet | 19:34 |
mhall119 | Canvas | 19:34 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, not obvious to me where the issue lies | 19:37 |
mhall119 | renderStrategy: Canvas.Threaded | 19:38 |
mhall119 | if I comment that out, the drawing works (but presumable saving doesn't) | 19:38 |
pmcgowan | aha! | 19:39 |
pmcgowan | that would be useful info in the bug indeed, not sure how though ;) | 19:39 |
popey | we should provide a "we'll comment out bits of your code till it works" as-a-service | 19:40 |
mhall119 | lol | 19:41 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, the docs say that the default renderingStrategy is Threaded and cooperative, on the same wiki page | 19:44 |
mhall119 | yeah, I've tried every combination of renderStrategy and renderTarget, some will allow drawing, but those don't preserve the drawing | 19:49 |
mhall119 | those that don't allow drawing (give only a black screen area) seem to preserve the black screen area | 19:49 |
pmcgowan | mhall119, stuart had a simpler example here https://plus.google.com/+StuartLangridge/posts/aKfi1VBxcxR | 19:52 |
pmcgowan | its something with the threading | 19:53 |
mhall119 | pmcgowan: I've added the results of all the combinations of renderStrategy and renderTarget to the but report | 20:00 |
pmcgowan | loicm, are you about? | 20:02 |
mhall119 | fginther: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ubuntu-api-website/remote-importer/view/head:/import-qdoc.py | 20:22 |
mhall119 | fginther: that's what we're going to want to integrate into the CI process to put new API docs on every successful build | 20:22 |
ajalkane | Hey, which library I should install so that autopilot tests work. I'm getting this error: | 20:27 |
ajalkane | base.get_qmlscene_launch_command(), | 20:27 |
ajalkane | AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_qmlscene_launch_command' | 20:27 |
mhall119 | balloons: ^^ ? | 20:27 |
fginther | mhall119, how is that intended to be used? | 20:28 |
popey | ajalkane: what version of autopilot you using? | 20:29 |
popey | (hi btw) | 20:29 |
ajalkane | popey: 1.3.1+13.10.20130906.1bzr330raring0 | 20:29 |
ajalkane | Just updated everything yesterday | 20:30 |
ajalkane | and hi also. I'm trying to put my dev environment in some order again. | 20:30 |
popey | excellent. | 20:31 |
popey | python-autopilot: Installed: 1.3.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1 | 20:31 |
ajalkane | hmm | 20:31 |
popey | from the saucy repo | 20:31 |
mhall119 | fginther: you get the whole branch, make a local_config.py with your service target and auth token, then run: | 20:32 |
mhall119 | python import-qdoc.py -t qml -r sdk-1.0 -s "Platform Services" -i ../../sdk/qml-friends/docs/html/friends.index | 20:32 |
mhall119 | as an example | 20:32 |
popey | however, I'd suggest asking in #ubuntu-quality or #ubuntu-autopilot | 20:32 |
popey | although given it's late in the day on the last working day of the year.. good luck ㋛ | 20:32 |
ajalkane | My virtual machine is running raring... is that out of date for Touch development? | 20:32 |
popey | yeah, I'd jump to saucy at least | 20:33 |
ajalkane | okay, I'll dist upgrade and try again | 20:33 |
ajalkane | thanks | 20:33 |
popey | nice one | 20:33 |
popey | np | 20:33 |
popey | happy holidays ☻ | 20:34 |
ajalkane | aye you too.... btw. the next two filemanager meetings are on christmas eve and new years eve respectively. | 20:34 |
ajalkane | It's pretty slim chances I can attend those | 20:34 |
popey | yeah, ditto | 20:35 |
popey | I'll drop you guys a mail | 20:35 |
fginther | mhall119, will you be supplying the service target and auth token? | 20:35 |
mhall119 | fginther: yes | 20:37 |
fginther | mhall119, ack | 20:37 |
ajalkane | ok good stuff, with saucy the autopilot tests start. But fail eventually. But that's something I can ask later in meeting if that's only my environment's issue. | 21:42 |
txreplay | hi | 22:34 |
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