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MartijnVdS | ... http://cryptojunky.com/blog/2013/12/19/getting-started-with-dogecoin/ | 05:03 |
MartijnVdS | https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=361813.0 | 07:36 |
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popey | Morning | 08:39 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Why's my keyboard suddenly gone all @US@ on me? | 08:42 |
MartijnVdS | because that's the Right Way to do keyboard layouts | 08:43 |
DJones | TheOpenSourcerer: Blame the NSA, its easier for them to understand what you're saying | 08:43 |
TheOpenSourcerer | It was fine last night - now I have @ where " should be? and \ should be # | 08:43 |
MartijnVdS | none if this silly UK layout stuff | 08:43 |
DJones | TheOpenSourcerer: I'm sure I've seen quite a few people making similar comments over the last few days | 08:44 |
MartijnVdS | TheOpenSourcerer: is it also wrong in the keyboard layout preferences thingy? | 08:44 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Great I open the Language tool in settings and get: | 08:45 |
TheOpenSourcerer | "The language support is not installed completely | 08:45 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Some translations or writing aids available for your chosen languages are not installed yet. Do you want to install them now?" | 08:45 |
DJones | TheOpenSourcerer: This seems to be typical of the comments I've seen mentioned with 13.10 http://askubuntu.com/questions/367209/saucy-keyboard-layout-changing-from-uk-to-us-not-showing-as-changed-in-settin | 08:45 |
MartijnVdS | TheOpenSourcerer: yeah it doesn't install en-gb by default, just en-us | 08:45 |
TheOpenSourcerer | But it was fine yesterday when I went home. | 08:45 |
MartijnVdS | did you upgrade anything? ARe you on trusty? | 08:46 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Nothing changed since then. I turned my laptop off, went home, came in, turned it on and now I have en_US | 08:46 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Nope. 13.10 | 08:46 |
DJones | It seems to be a bit of a random bug | 08:46 |
TheOpenSourcerer | The Language Support gui thing is all greyed out too. | 08:46 |
popey | thats not keyboard surely | 08:47 |
popey | thats language | 08:47 |
popey | its in "Text entry" in system settings here | 08:47 |
DJones | bug 1245379 seems similar | 08:47 |
lubotu3 | bug 1245379 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout changes to UK on 13.10" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1245379 | 08:47 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Dunno - all I know is my keyboard went all USA on me this morning. | 08:47 |
popey | yeah, click the cog, system settings, text entry | 08:47 |
popey | add uk in and make it default | 08:48 |
TheOpenSourcerer | That's the only one I have in there ;-) | 08:48 |
TheOpenSourcerer | English (UK) | 08:48 |
popey | try flipping to us and back? | 08:49 |
popey | odd isnt it | 08:49 |
TheOpenSourcerer | OK - Dicking about with that Text Entry widget seems to have restored normality. TY | 08:51 |
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MartijnVdS | Stränge | 09:13 |
=== Guest20876 is now known as msm_ | ||
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Friday and happy Human Solidarity Day! :-D | 09:25 |
* Laney pokes JamesTait | 09:29 | |
Laney | yep, pretty solid | 09:29 |
MartijnVdS | but is he also ard? | 09:29 |
MartijnVdS | arid* | 09:29 |
foobarry | seem to have a leak on the rear passenger side of my car. any suggestiosn where to look first? window seals? door seal? | 09:37 |
neuro | does your car run ubuntu? ;) | 09:39 |
foobarry | this chan is my go to place for clever people | 09:39 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: I'd look at the entire rubber door seal first | 09:40 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: see if it's old/crusty/visibly leaky | 09:40 |
foobarry | are they easy to replace? jsut pop out? | 09:40 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: depends on make/model really | 09:41 |
foobarry | focus 2006 estate | 09:41 |
MartijnVdS | but usually, yes. Watch a few youtube HOWTO videos first though | 09:41 |
MartijnVdS | before you ruin it ;) | 09:41 |
foobarry | cool ta | 09:41 |
TwistedLucidity | foobary: Gaffa tape around the door. Job done. | 09:42 |
foobarry | might wanna open it at some point | 09:42 |
MartijnVdS | TwistedLucidity: how.. ghetto | 09:42 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: so? Just remove the tape for a bit then re-apply | 09:42 |
Laney | climb out of the window instead | 09:43 |
MartijnVdS | Laney++ # pragmatism | 09:43 |
TwistedLucidity | foobarry: Brick the window, enter "Dukes of Hazzard" style-ee. | 09:43 |
TwistedLucidity | Next question from foobarry: I have a leaking window.... :-) | 09:43 |
Laney | clingfilm the car | 09:43 |
MartijnVdS | TwistedLucidity: cling film | 09:44 |
foobarry | silly season in here today | 09:44 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: it's Friday, Friday, etc. | 09:44 |
foobarry | all the door seals on ebay are used :( | 09:44 |
TwistedLucidity | My head is permanent silly season. The name is for a reason. | 09:44 |
diplo | foobarry: Used is fine as long as they are not cracked and are still suple | 09:45 |
TwistedLucidity | foobarry: Not a big deal if they are used; so long as they are complete and in good nick. You might be better off popping down to a breaker's and seeing what they have. | 09:45 |
foobarry | yeah | 09:45 |
foobarry | need to identify the leak source first | 09:45 |
foobarry | carpet under passenger seat is v wet | 09:46 |
foobarry | its been raining a lot lately | 09:46 |
TwistedLucidity | foobarry: Do you have a sunroof? | 09:46 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: maybe your kid is leaky instead? | 09:46 |
foobarry | TwistedLucidity: nope | 09:46 |
foobarry | i experienced that with my mk2 golf though | 09:46 |
TwistedLucidity | foobarry: Mad idea here. Get some chalk, rub on car. Close door. Open door. If there are patches of seal with no chalk - there's yer leaky bit | 09:48 |
MartijnVdS | blow the car full of smoke. Points where it streams out = leaky bit | 09:48 |
TwistedLucidity | Anyone here an Inkscape ninja? | 09:49 |
MartijnVdS | TwistedLucidity: not a ninja, but I know my way around a bit | 09:50 |
TwistedLucidity | MartijnVdS: Know why it refuses to print small object which have a stroke set? Remove the stroke, object prints fine. (e.g. small square or something) | 09:50 |
TwistedLucidity | Thinking I might log a bug about it. Took me an age to figure out why my chrimbo cards looked like butt. | 09:52 |
TwistedLucidity | Even the offical GNU logo needed hacking to get it to print. | 09:53 |
MartijnVdS | TwistedLucidity: No idea.. I haven't done much printing with it tbh | 09:53 |
TwistedLucidity | Really, really annoying 'feature'. Tried the SVG in LibreOffice Draw as well, it failed to open it correctly and lost a lot of the gradients etc. Hey ho. Maybe another bug there.... | 09:54 |
MartijnVdS | TwistedLucidity: what if you open it in a web browser? | 09:57 |
TwistedLucidity | Not tried in a browser directly. | 09:58 |
ali1234 | try printing to pdf or summat | 10:00 |
ali1234 | also, did you put the gnu logo on your xmas cards? | 10:00 |
ali1234 | i think i'm going to need to get a new hard drive for steam games | 10:01 |
MartijnVdS | join us now and share the christmas? | 10:01 |
neuro | stop that | 10:02 |
TwistedLucidity | ali1234: But that's the problem. Inkscape will not print small objects with a stroke set; and you only find out *after* to try to print (to any media). | 10:02 |
TwistedLucidity | They don't even appear on export or print preview. Inkscape just ignores them | 10:03 |
TwistedLucidity | ali1234: I put a Gnu and a Tux on a design I did for the local LUG. | 10:03 |
ali1234 | so it's a inkscape bug then | 10:03 |
TwistedLucidity | ali1234: Yup, pretty sure it is. | 10:04 |
MartijnVdS | TwistedLucidity: what if you scale everything up, so the small object isn't small anymore? | 10:05 |
TwistedLucidity | MartijnVdS: Then it prints. Take soemthing big that print, make it small; no printy-print. | 10:06 |
TwistedLucidity | Remove the stroke (i.e. border) then it prints. | 10:06 |
TwistedLucidity | Really damned odd | 10:06 |
ali1234 | try to construct minimal test-case... | 10:06 |
TwistedLucidity | ali1234: I have with nothing more than squares. Asked Team Inksapce about it on Launchpad; answer there came none. | 10:07 |
ali1234 | you need to go upstream | 10:07 |
ali1234 | also you probably need to hassle people on irc if you want it fixed before christmas | 10:08 |
TwistedLucidity | ali1234: Only location I could find to ask questions was Launchpad | 10:08 |
TwistedLucidity | Not to worry - I'll knock up a few more test cases and log bugs for them. | 10:08 |
TwistedLucidity | ali1234: Don't need it fixed before Chrimbo, now I know the 'rule' I can workaround. | 10:09 |
brobostigon | good morning everyone. | 10:14 |
neuro | I HAS CUPASOUP | 10:16 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 10:19 |
diddledan | cupsoup <3 | 10:19 |
MartijnVdS | \o bigcalmster | 10:19 |
diddledan | morning folks | 10:19 |
neuro | it's a minestrone one too | 10:19 |
diddledan | wow | 10:19 |
diddledan | going for the win | 10:19 |
bigcalm | Hi MartijnVdS, good to see you in a cheery mood | 10:19 |
MartijnVdS | much luxury. so soup. wow. | 10:19 |
diddledan | MartijnVdS: no. just no. | 10:19 |
neuro | luxury, lol | 10:20 |
foobarry | croutons | 10:20 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: No doge? | 10:20 |
neuro | i poured dehydrated granules and bits of bread and veg into a cup, then poured boiled water into it | 10:20 |
diddledan | doge is one of those memes that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever | 10:20 |
bigcalm | Much no | 10:20 |
neuro | and i've been stirring it for the last five minutes | 10:20 |
foobarry | diddledan: and thats what makes it rather funny | 10:20 |
neuro | height of luxury | 10:20 |
neuro | diddledan: name a recent meme that does make sense | 10:20 |
MartijnVdS | neuro: well, you could have someone stir it for you instead | 10:20 |
MartijnVdS | neuro: if you want real luxury | 10:21 |
bigcalm | neuro: have you tried Mug Shots? | 10:21 |
neuro | actually no, i haven't | 10:21 |
neuro | but i've heard they're rather nice | 10:21 |
bigcalm | neuro: they are indeed. Get the Tomato & Herb ones | 10:21 |
bigcalm | Or the Roast Chicken | 10:21 |
neuro | mmm, herbs | 10:21 |
diddledan | I don't get the premise that a dog would 1) spell dog with an e, and 2) is so stupid they can't even speak proper like what I does | 10:21 |
MartijnVdS | neuro: erbs? | 10:21 |
neuro | hoibs | 10:21 |
bigcalm | Or the Chicken and Sweetcorn. All the others are a bit meh | 10:21 |
diddledan | MartijnVdS: we can tell you're a dutchlander :-p | 10:22 |
neuro | i'm liking batchelor's deli boxes at the moment | 10:22 |
diddledan | erbs indeed | 10:22 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: we prounounce "h" properly. It's Americans (and the French) who don't | 10:22 |
neuro | broccolli and cheese pasta ftw | 10:22 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: and Belgians, too.. they speak Dutch with lots of missing "h" sounds | 10:22 |
diddledan | I'm working on a site for the belgians right now | 10:23 |
diddledan | it has both french and dutch translations | 10:23 |
diddledan | I have no idea what either says | 10:23 |
diddledan | and even less idea whether they're correlating | 10:23 |
directhex | diddledan, you're surprised at the idea of people thinking dogs are thick? | 10:23 |
directhex | diddledan, have you ever *met* a dog? | 10:23 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: I was at a concert on Saturday, and the singer went "This song what I wrote" (jokingly, it seemed).. is that really a way people speak? | 10:23 |
foobarry | some dogs are clever, some are stoooopid | 10:24 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.nl/2010/07/dog.html | 10:24 |
neuro | jings, the whole premise of cheezeburger was that animals can't spell properly | 10:24 |
foobarry | also, poor spelling could arise from english not being its first language | 10:24 |
diddledan | I think I met a dog once. but it might have been a squirrel | 10:24 |
neuro | SQUIRREL! | 10:24 |
directhex | e.g. http://imgur.com/PEztslL | 10:24 |
neuro | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSUXXzN26zg | 10:25 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doge_of_Venice | 10:26 |
diddledan | lol @ video | 10:26 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: that page is locked, because of lots of "doge"-related vandalism | 10:26 |
diddledan | lol | 10:26 |
diddledan | don't you just cringe at the thought that there's a thing called "doge-related vandalism"? | 10:27 |
popey | I still don't quite "get" doge | 10:27 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: welcome to t'internet | 10:27 |
foobarry | i think its just funny with not much to get | 10:27 |
directhex | humble weekly sale! all linux compatible! source under BSD license at $150k in sales! | 10:27 |
foobarry | think like a stoned 16yr old | 10:27 |
MartijnVdS | popey: you're a cat person, aren't you? ;) | 10:27 |
diddledan | I'm a cat person | 10:28 |
diddledan | meow | 10:28 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: no that's a *furry* | 10:28 |
popey | no, i just dont think it's funny after the millionth time seeing it | 10:28 |
* diddledan licks his hand | 10:28 | |
popey | maybe after the first few times | 10:28 |
foobarry | most memes are designed like in-jokes when there isn't in fact an in joke | 10:28 |
neuro | foobarry: so you're saying you're a stoned 16 year old? | 10:28 |
neuro | popey: agreed ... the first ones are usually funny, but then they just get done to death | 10:28 |
neuro | or used incorrectly | 10:28 |
foobarry | then new memes start and the 4chan/reddit type say MEEEH that meme is so old | 10:28 |
MartijnVdS | those are the worst | 10:29 |
foobarry | slashdot memes have largely died thankfully | 10:29 |
popey | hm. stanley parable | 10:29 |
directhex | so, has everyone invested heavily in dogecoin? | 10:29 |
foobarry | or did i just stop reading comments | 10:29 |
popey | could be a game to play at xmas maybe | 10:29 |
popey | played the demo and it was quite fun | 10:29 |
neuro | in Soviet Russia, slashdot meme kills you | 10:29 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: I was reading comments last week, they were STILL going on about Natalie Portman, naked and petrified, and something about hot grits | 10:29 |
directhex | popey, more than i want to spend on interactive fiction | 10:29 |
MartijnVdS | it's like going back in time to 1999 | 10:29 |
foobarry | and its not nice MartijnVdS | 10:29 |
directhex | popey, Gone Home was good though, as an interactive fiction | 10:30 |
MartijnVdS | foobarry: well that's slashdot.. | 10:30 |
neuro | so much ageism going on here it hurts :) | 10:31 |
MartijnVdS | neuro: feeling old? | 10:32 |
neuro | actually yeah | 10:32 |
neuro | i turn 40 in ~ 3 months | 10:32 |
popey | pfft | 10:33 |
neuro | shut it | 10:33 |
neuro | :) | 10:33 |
foobarry | getting slightly numb feeling in lips today | 10:33 |
foobarry | really worried that means a tooth infectino | 10:33 |
diddledan | ergh | 10:33 |
diddledan | tooth infection FTL | 10:34 |
neuro | a tooth infection is probably an abcess, so you'll get a dull pain initially in your cheek, nose or chin | 10:34 |
diddledan | is it just me that reads that as "faster than light"? | 10:34 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: For Transport London? | 10:34 |
moreati | diddledan: no | 10:34 |
neuro | MartijnVdS: unless you're dyslexic, no | 10:35 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: or.. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=French%20the%20Llama | 10:35 |
popey | FTL always makes me think of http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0002882 | 10:36 |
popey | which was an excellent shootemup for the speccy | 10:36 |
neuro | oh good lord, yes | 10:37 |
popey | I'd quite like some interactive fiction on the ubuntu phone | 10:37 |
popey | wonder how hard it would be to port over one or two of the well used engines | 10:38 |
directhex | popey, unrealengine3 runs on smartphones... | 10:38 |
neuro | probably not that hard | 10:38 |
directhex | iirc stanley parable is Source, so is Dear Esther. Gone Home is... Amnesia engine? | 10:39 |
popey | i liked dear esther | 10:39 |
popey | but then I didnt pay for it | 10:39 |
* neuro spies frotz and frizmo in the repos | 10:39 | |
popey | yeah, that kind of thing | 10:39 |
directhex | ah, no. prototyped with Amnesia engine, final game is Unity3D | 10:39 |
popey | only needs a scrollable buffer and keyboard input | 10:39 |
directhex | so Gone Home could be on mobile trivially | 10:39 |
popey | http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Maemo | 10:40 |
popey | needs SDL.. interesting | 10:40 |
neuro | ya | 10:41 |
neuro | and libgl | 10:41 |
neuro | wow, beneath a steel sky is actually in the repos | 10:42 |
moreati | http://clb.demon.fi/html5scummvm/ | 10:42 |
directhex | a couple of scumm games are freely redistributable | 10:43 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
directhex | lure-of-the-temptress | 10:43 |
directhex | flight-of-the-amazon-queen | 10:43 |
directhex | drascula | 10:43 |
directhex | beneath-a-steel-sky | 10:43 |
neuro | aye | 10:43 |
neuro | that's pretty awesome | 10:43 |
popey | http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2013-12-20-104536.png | 10:45 |
popey | hehe | 10:45 |
popey | hmm | 10:45 |
neuro | oh dear | 10:45 |
MartijnVdS | connection defused! | 10:46 |
popey | oh yes | 10:46 |
neuro | you've broked it | 10:46 |
popey | i shutdown my webserver last night | 10:46 |
popey | it was running amok | 10:46 |
popey | need to investigate | 10:46 |
diddledan | skynet? | 10:46 |
MartijnVdS | popey: if you have fail2ban, you can enable its apache triggers in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf | 10:47 |
foobarry | mining lihtcoins? | 10:47 |
popey | looks like wordpress issue | 10:47 |
popey | i dont use apache | 10:47 |
foobarry | lots of people reporting that their servers were turned into chinese mining platforms | 10:47 |
popey | 2013-12-19 19:46:35: (mod_fastcgi.c.2701) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4194304 bytes) in /srv/popey.com/www/blog/wp-includes/cache.php on line 457 | 10:47 |
MartijnVdS | popey: just set enabled = true on the relevant [apache*] blocks | 10:47 |
neuro | popey: whoops | 10:47 |
MartijnVdS | popey: that sounds like someone trying to upload something huge, or a memory leak | 10:48 |
neuro | popey: you tried using super cache? | 10:48 |
diddledan | hmm. 256MB should be pleny | 10:48 |
popey | yeah | 10:48 |
* AlanBell sees popey's screenshot | 10:51 | |
popey | yeah, restarted it | 10:51 |
AlanBell | so that is scumm cames on Ubuntu touch? | 10:52 |
popey | its the url moreati mentioned | 10:53 |
diddledan | I hate drupal | 11:05 |
diddledan | it's official - I have no idea how to work the thing | 11:05 |
directhex | did you recalibrate the dilithium matrix? | 11:06 |
diddledan | directhex: the problem is i don't know where that is | 11:07 |
diddledan | so I've got a "view" which displays correctly in french but in dutch it complains that the categories don't exist (they're the same categories as the french side) | 11:08 |
darrenF | edamato, ping | 11:28 |
edamato | darrenF: pong :-) | 11:28 |
knightwise | hey everyon e | 11:35 |
popey | yo | 11:37 |
brobostigon | morning knightwise | 11:41 |
knightwise | hey guys | 11:44 |
knightwise | anyone have any experience with mediaplayers (the setup box kind) and Linux ? | 11:44 |
knightwise | i'm thinking about getting something like a popcorn hour | 11:45 |
diddledan | setup box? | 11:45 |
knightwise | yeah , like a boxee box or a popcorn hour | 11:45 |
popey | i think you mean "Set-top box" | 11:46 |
diddledan | I'm not sure what you mean by setup box but I guess you're referring to an HTPC | 11:46 |
diddledan | aah set-top | 11:47 |
knightwise | popey: :) I stand corrected | 11:47 |
knightwise | indeed | 11:47 |
popey | friend of mine has a popcornhour | 11:47 |
popey | has had for some time | 11:47 |
diddledan | I know nothing of popcorn hour | 11:47 |
popey | thanks for your useful input ☻ | 11:47 |
knightwise | aide from spelling .. does anybody have any valuable contributions ? | 11:48 |
popey | can you be more specific? | 11:48 |
popey | i mean, what do you want to know? | 11:48 |
knightwise | I was wondering if a popcornhour had any issues in accessing samba shares on linux | 11:48 |
* popey asks friend | 11:49 | |
popey | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwS7_7BQ4bc | 11:51 |
knightwise | bless you popey ! | 11:51 |
popey | 11:52:28 <@darksatanic> I think so. I don't use it any more. | 11:53 |
knightwise | ok :) looks like it does pretty much everything it needs to do | 11:55 |
* knightwise is getting rid of the pc in the living room | 11:55 | |
terminalclient | popey, detected, but read squat | 12:08 |
terminalclient | can't* | 12:08 |
popey | sounds like it needs formatting | 12:14 |
popey | or its knackered | 12:14 |
diddledan | or it was formatted without a partition table | 12:14 |
terminalclient | formatted with gparted just fine | 12:15 |
terminalclient | brand new drive too | 12:15 |
terminalclient | damn it | 12:16 |
diddledan | try `file -s /dev/yourdevice` | 12:17 |
diddledan | that might be able to determine whether it was partitioned or not | 12:17 |
terminalclient | ok | 12:18 |
terminalclient | it's just hanging | 12:18 |
diddledan | hmm | 12:18 |
terminalclient | still hanging, I'm killing the terminal | 12:19 |
bigcalm | Humf, OCZ have sent me a replacement SSD, but it's marked as "Refurbished" | 12:39 |
diddledan | bigcalm: I had the same | 12:42 |
bigcalm | Not sure how I feel about a refurbished SSD. Thing is I don't know if it was pre-used (fewer writes left) or just damaged packaging repackaged | 12:43 |
popey | bigcalm: what does smartctl say? | 12:52 |
bigcalm | popey: it's still in its packaging :) | 12:53 |
popey | you *may* need to take it out | 12:55 |
bigcalm | ;) | 12:55 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
diddledan | for zealots among us: http://www.fsf.org/news/gluglug-x60-laptop-now-certified-to-respect-your-freedom | 13:17 |
* diddledan wonders just what exactly the word "zealot" means | 13:17 | |
diddledan | aah, that would fit | 13:18 |
diddledan | noun 1. a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals. | 13:18 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: "My life for Aiur" | 13:18 |
MartijnVdS | http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Zealot ;) | 13:18 |
diddledan | so Dicky Stallman is good at hand-to-hand combat, eh? | 13:19 |
diddledan | so. when do we get the "Free Software Movement" classified as a bona fide religion? | 13:21 |
diddledan | I mean if thingy who invented scientology can do it then surely we can? | 13:22 |
diddledan | el ron | 13:22 |
diddledan | ref: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/11/woman-wins-marry-church-scientology <-- if a court believes a scientology chapel is a valid place of worship then the court is surely also legitimising scientology as a religion, no? | 13:25 |
shauno | things not to do on a friday: typo < vs > in a bash redirection :( | 13:27 |
diddledan | eek | 13:27 |
diddledan | which file did you wipe out? | 13:28 |
shauno | nothing hugely important I hope | 13:28 |
diddledan | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fws4UYFyftA nice | 13:30 |
diddledan | well-done linux voice | 13:31 |
foobarry | linux voice sounds like some political wing | 13:33 |
MartijnVdS | the linux vice 8-) | 13:34 |
MartijnVdS | like miami vice.. but with linux instead | 13:34 |
diddledan | maybe it's part of a movement to getting a voted linux representative in parliament? | 13:34 |
diddledan | "and the representative of the 'free as in beer' party mr moo" | 13:36 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: Moo Doo? | 13:36 |
diddledan | lol | 13:36 |
diddledan | moodoo'll doo | 13:36 |
MartijnVdS | moo doodoo? | 13:37 |
diddledan | as if we didn't know that was gonna happen... the editor dude who quit linux format at the same time as the already known linux-voice people has joined linux-voice as their editor | 13:38 |
diddledan | he had to wait out some gardening leave first tho | 13:38 |
diddledan | damned contracts insisting you can't work for anyone else within 3 months | 13:39 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: 3? My previous month said 6. But only direct competitors | 13:39 |
MartijnVdS | my previous contract, too. | 13:39 |
diddledan | is the phrase "have you mooed today?" a direct rip from windows 95's "where do you want to go today?"? | 13:42 |
diddledan | note: apt-get moo | 13:42 |
shauno | http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92185/whats-the-story-behind-super-cow-powers :) | 13:45 |
ubuntu-newbie | hello there | 13:48 |
diddledan | moo | 13:48 |
ubuntu-newbie | Can somebody help me to repair ubuntu 12.04 | 13:48 |
diddledan | depends how you broke it | 13:49 |
ubuntu-newbie | by mistake I changed file permission for all files | 13:49 |
diddledan | :-p | 13:49 |
diddledan | oh god | 13:49 |
ubuntu-newbie | chmod -R 0775 ./ | 13:49 |
ubuntu-newbie | :( | 13:49 |
diddledan | that's gonna be a difficult fix | 13:49 |
foobarry | from which directory | 13:49 |
diddledan | I assume / | 13:49 |
ubuntu-newbie | from root | 13:49 |
foobarry | sounds kinda deliberate? | 13:50 |
ubuntu-newbie | luckily I can access command line | 13:50 |
ubuntu-newbie | it was mistake | 13:50 |
diddledan | I don't know of any way to fix it wholesale other than to reinstall | 13:51 |
foobarry | i mean, were you following instructions or something? | 13:51 |
ubuntu-newbie | no, it was command in history | 13:51 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
ubuntu-newbie | and happened by mistake | 13:51 |
foobarry | do you regularly use root session? | 13:51 |
foobarry | or sudo | 13:51 |
ubuntu-newbie | actually I installed ubuntu as guest on virtualbox | 13:52 |
ubuntu-newbie | yeas I use | 13:52 |
shauno | reinstall kinda is the best fix for that. you can get back to something that appears to be working fairly quickly, but you'll forever be hunting down the exceptions | 13:52 |
ubuntu-newbie | ok.... thanks for your support | 13:53 |
diddledan | the main exceptions that'll hurt you are things that should be suid | 13:53 |
diddledan | you can get away with chmod 755 /usr/bin for e.g. but you can't do that to /sbin because some of those need to be rws (I can't remember the octal for suid) | 13:54 |
shauno | suid is one of the easier fixes, since the easy fix would be wrangling it through dpkg | 13:54 |
diddledan | 2755? | 13:54 |
awilkins | Yeah, but how do you run sudo if you chmodded it off suid? | 13:55 |
awilkins | You don't own the files :-) | 13:55 |
awilkins | Single-user-mode beckons... | 13:55 |
diddledan | awilkins: reboot single user | 13:55 |
awilkins | (or a reinstall) | 13:55 |
diddledan | exactly | 13:55 |
diddledan | reinstall is pretty much the path of least resistance | 13:55 |
shauno | you can get dpkg to reinstall each package, but it won't touch config files that way. and some things (/etc/sudoers is a great example) are very fussy about their permissions | 13:55 |
foobarry | sounds hardly worth it. system is tainted forver - reinstall | 13:56 |
diddledan | as an aside - why aren't ACLs used. at all? | 13:56 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: they are used, in /dev | 13:56 |
MartijnVdS | diddledan: the sound device, for instance, gets an ACL allowing the current desktop user to use it | 13:56 |
* MartijnVdS learned that at a UDS years ago :) | 13:57 | |
diddledan | I tried setting a webapp's permissions using ACLs but it complained that it didn't have the clearly obviously applied permissions because I guess it was only checking the standard user/group/other permissions | 13:57 |
diddledan | shared web hosting is an obvious use-case for ACLs but all the standard webapps will complain that they don't have access when their access is supplied via an ACL rule | 13:59 |
bigcalm | Current background is relevant to me :) http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/1366640 | 13:59 |
diddledan | -_- | 14:00 |
diddledan | I don't "get" dubsp | 14:00 |
diddledan | dubstep* | 14:01 |
shauno | I need something that slaps me every time I try to write javascript :/ | 14:01 |
diddledan | shauno: I'd gladly accept the task but you tend to do it at such random times that I'm likely to miss it | 14:02 |
bigcalm | shauno: there might be a jQuery plugin for that | 14:02 |
diddledan | as an aside, I wrote a node.js app the other day | 14:02 |
diddledan | it does very little | 14:02 |
shauno | the whole thing of just dropping functions absolutely anywhere fries my brain | 14:03 |
diddledan | I like that | 14:03 |
shauno | no-one does doSomethingWith(theReturnOfThis()); they just write the body of function right in there. my brain can't handle that. | 14:04 |
bigcalm | htop is showing uptime as: 103 days(!). Why the !? | 14:05 |
diddledan | o_O | 14:05 |
bigcalm | That's on a production server | 14:06 |
shauno | it just does that when you get past 100 days | 14:06 |
bigcalm | Oh | 14:06 |
bigcalm | Maybe it indicates that you need to install a new kernel and reboot | 14:06 |
diddledan | that's a windws mentality | 14:06 |
shauno | http://sourceforge.net/p/htop/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/UptimeMeter.c like 40 | 14:06 |
shauno | er, line 40 | 14:06 |
shauno | just to show it's not panicking about anything, it does just celebrate a round number | 14:07 |
bigcalm | Click the line and you get an anchor :) | 14:07 |
shauno | oh, duh. I tried clicking the line number itself | 14:07 |
diddledan | I was just about to ask why sourceforge is so ugly but then I remembered that two seconds ago I read this: http://tech.co/jason-fried-design-2013-12 | 14:09 |
bigcalm | shauno: yeah, github & gitlab do the line number clicking bit | 14:09 |
diddledan | literally two whole seconds ago | 14:09 |
diddledan | I'm hungry | 14:09 |
shauno | looking at that, tells me I shouldn't bother watching it tick over 1yr either (I have a box at 340-something days). it's going to be an uneventful birthday | 14:12 |
bigcalm | Anybody here made use of nut? | 15:02 |
MartijnVdS | bigcalm: nut? | 15:02 |
bigcalm | MartijnVdS: Network UPS tools | 15:02 |
bigcalm | I have an APC UPS hooked up to my server. I'd like my desktop to show the battery notification information | 15:03 |
popey | http://news.spotify.com/int/2013/12/20/spotiamp-long-live-the-llama/ | 15:14 |
popey | thats just delightful | 15:14 |
neuro | holy crap that's awesome | 15:15 |
bigcalm | Cool | 15:15 |
popey | they said there's plenty of people in the spotify office who would be willing to port it too | 15:16 |
neuro | i've been listening to stuff on spotify today for the first time in months | 15:17 |
neuro | been paying the full whack for it every month, might as well use it | 15:17 |
gordonjcp | popey: nice | 15:18 |
* MartijnVdS gets free spotify with $isp (xs4all) | 15:18 | |
neuro | bah | 15:18 |
gordonjcp | anyone know how to stop things sticking to the top bar in Unity in 13.10? | 15:18 |
MartijnVdS | gordonjcp: unity-tweak can do it | 15:19 |
neuro | use OS X instead | 15:19 |
neuro | SORRY SORRY KIDDING | 15:19 |
MartijnVdS | +-tool | 15:19 |
gordonjcp | neuro: I use OSX on my macbook, for things that OSX is appropriate for | 15:19 |
neuro | gordonjcp: speaning of which, ello | 15:19 |
gordonjcp | neuro: hi | 15:19 |
diddledan | I use to love the visualisations of winamp | 15:21 |
popey | i used to love the simplicity and fast start of winamp | 15:21 |
popey | throw a bunch of mp3s at it and away you go | 15:21 |
popey | no faff | 15:21 |
diddledan | popey: that too | 15:21 |
neuro | i used to automate pls generation for albums and stuff, and just drag the pls file(s) in | 15:22 |
popey | IT WAS ALL TREES ROUND HERE! | 15:24 |
popey | WHERE'S MY EAR TRUMPET ‽ | 15:24 |
neuro | oi | 15:24 |
neuro | bloomin' interrobangs, indeed | 15:24 |
neuro | in a way i do miss winamp, but itunes match for the win | 15:26 |
bigcalm | Today's the day to get company xmas spam | 16:20 |
bigcalm | supplier xmas spam that is | 16:20 |
bigcalm | Welp, I've managed to get nut working | 16:22 |
bigcalm | Unplugging the mains from my UPS (plugged into server) means that a message appears in syslog on the slave (my desktop) machines | 16:23 |
bigcalm | Though it's not doing a broadcast message | 16:23 |
bigcalm | And I don't know how to get the battery indicator to show in unity :) | 16:23 |
diddledan | bigcalm: nice | 16:33 |
bigcalm | I am still waiting on the distribution block from Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gang-Mains-Extension-Sockets-Cable/dp/B005KCGUZC/ | 16:34 |
bigcalm | Meaning I can't actually use the UPS until it arrives :| | 16:34 |
bigcalm | diddledan: http://discworld.cuth.eu/ups/ | 16:35 |
bigcalm | Having nothing plugged in means a 2% load. Fun | 16:36 |
bigcalm | The on LED must be power hungry | 16:36 |
diddledan | I'm currently using 16% load on mine | 16:36 |
diddledan | 16 percentages | 16:37 |
diddledan | that's a lot of them | 16:37 |
diddledan | for some reason every manufacturer only gives you the option of using up to 100 percentages | 16:37 |
diddledan | you'd think like marshall amps going up to 11 there'd be at least one manufacturer who thought it would be a good idea to let us have more | 16:38 |
shauno | now that's not true. mine goes up to 800% :) | 16:39 |
diddledan | if marshall can make 1 louder noise than everyone else then why can't manufacturers of leccy things give us more percentages | 16:39 |
diddledan | shauno: not fair | 16:39 |
shauno | er my laptop; didn't read that far up | 16:39 |
diddledan | I'm thinking more in general - why must everyone insist on only giving us 100 percentages? there must be more available somewhere?! | 16:40 |
shauno | I was going to ask how you're connecting to the ups, but it's a backups .. it doesn't give you any choices | 16:40 |
diddledan | if I want to run heavier equipment on my ups for example I will need more than 100 percentages to cope | 16:41 |
diddledan | even if I buy a "bigger ups" it'll still only have 100 percentages | 16:41 |
diddledan | ! | 16:41 |
shauno | have you ever considered a career as a children's entertainer? | 16:42 |
diddledan | now that you come to mention it, no | 16:42 |
shauno | we should work on this. I'm sure I Can find you some ill-fitting clothes and an oddly coloured nose | 16:43 |
diddledan | shauno: you could punch it? | 16:43 |
diddledan | actually, bad idea | 16:43 |
diddledan | ill-fitting clothes is easy | 16:44 |
shauno | I'd by lying if I'd say that had never crossed my mind in the last 10 years | 16:44 |
diddledan | just send me to primark | 16:44 |
diddledan | :o) | 16:45 |
shauno | anyway, I was just curious because I've got a handful of scripts for abusing the snmp-enabled ones | 16:45 |
diddledan | mine's a smartups | 16:45 |
diddledan | no network tho | 16:46 |
diddledan | it's got usb and serial only | 16:47 |
shauno | we have an appliance that mass-configured them. over time I've collected a handful of scripts to undo the damage before anyone notices I put it on the wrong network | 16:47 |
diddledan | by serial I believe they mean rs-232 | 16:47 |
diddledan | wait, it's got a "smart slot"? | 16:48 |
neuro | i keep meaning to buy new UPSes but i've had 2 power cuts in 13 years so the impetus to do so is low | 16:48 |
diddledan | what can I plug into that? | 16:48 |
shauno | an outrageously priced card that'll bring it onto the network. let you manage it via snmp/http/ssh/etc | 16:49 |
diddledan | aah | 16:49 |
neuro | must ... resist ... innuendo response ... in family ... oriented ... channel ... | 16:49 |
Laney | giggedy | 16:49 |
diddledan | neuro: I tend to fail at that endeavour | 16:50 |
bigcalm | Guess what I did? | 16:50 |
neuro | i have a self-imposed filter that i have to type through to talk in here | 16:50 |
diddledan | bigcalm: innuendo? | 16:50 |
neuro | otherwise i'd be effing this and essing that | 16:50 |
neuro | bigcalm: fnar | 16:51 |
bigcalm | Because I don't have the distribution block yet, I thought it would be a good idea to turn off the UPS as it wasn't in use | 16:51 |
neuro | wheee | 16:51 |
bigcalm | But because I had just set up nut on the server and my desktop, the server broadcast the alert that the UPS had gone away | 16:51 |
bigcalm | Thus my workstation shut down | 16:51 |
neuro | whoops | 16:51 |
bigcalm | Shortly followed by my server | 16:51 |
shauno | good news, it works :) | 16:51 |
diddledan | lol | 16:51 |
neuro | lol | 16:51 |
bigcalm | :D | 16:52 |
bigcalm | Yep, it works :) | 16:52 |
neuro | \o/ | 16:52 |
neuro | yay, nearly beer o'clock | 16:52 |
bigcalm | I feel dumb | 16:52 |
neuro | which means it's nearly battlefield o'clock | 16:52 |
shauno | pretend you did it on purpose, it's a pretty good dry run | 16:52 |
neuro | :) | 16:53 |
neuro | "OF COURSE i MEANT to do it" | 16:53 |
shauno | that is the best way to handle oopses. "sorry, did I forget to mail you about friday's generator test? my bad" | 16:53 |
bigcalm | As the server powered down, I thought I'd plug that into the UPS. Appears to take 16% load while starting up. Now on a steady 14% load | 16:53 |
diddledan | shauno: would an mge galaxy 9000 be suitable for my flat, yathink? | 16:54 |
shauno | goes over much better than "ohhh THAT's what that does" | 16:54 |
neuro | mge, nooooooooooooo | 16:54 |
shauno | suitable? for heating it? | 16:54 |
diddledan | lol | 16:54 |
diddledan | I was thinking of keeping my pc running | 16:54 |
diddledan | yaknow when there's a slight blip in power | 16:54 |
shauno | I actually know absolutely nothing about the mge units. they're still handled in france | 16:55 |
diddledan | aah | 16:55 |
bigcalm | Ooo, glad I got transmission-daemon set-up. directhex's torrent is still seeding. Now at 3.11 ratio | 16:55 |
diddledan | well the 9000 is listed as 800-900 kVA | 16:55 |
diddledan | it's "robust" apparently | 16:56 |
shauno | I haven't even got their numbering scheme figured out. eg, I can't tell the difference between the 300 and the 3500 | 16:56 |
bigcalm | I'm going to spend some time during the xmas break next week to dismantle my desk, clean everything and sort out my power usage (I think I have 4 x 4 way adaptors in use)) | 16:56 |
diddledan | what about a symmetra MW? | 16:56 |
diddledan | I can afford one of those, surely | 16:57 |
diddledan | it's ultra energy-efficient | 16:57 |
diddledan | mission critical, that's me | 16:57 |
shauno | lol | 16:58 |
shauno | I really hate those | 16:58 |
diddledan | :-) | 16:59 |
shauno | I've never yet found two sites with the same firmware. I have no idea what on earth they do to them | 16:59 |
shauno | and it's not just revision numbers. you'll find entire menus missing, or not where they were last week, etc | 17:00 |
diddledan | hmm | 17:00 |
shauno | just makes you sound pretty clueless on the phone. "go into configuration, and look for something that starts with alarm .. or notification .. no? take a look in network .." | 17:01 |
diddledan | perhaps they didn't read the instructions that said "this patch must be applied after that patch" and applied it anyway thereby getting the new features of the second patch but missing out on all the stuff from the previous patch | 17:01 |
diddledan | so the problem is they've got an inconsistent patch history | 17:02 |
shauno | I have a customer in dublin that has our settings under config->notification. and one in the netherlands that has it under config->network->help->notification | 17:02 |
diddledan | some patches got applied but others didn't | 17:02 |
diddledan | that's just backasswards | 17:03 |
shauno | it is, very | 17:03 |
shauno | it's two problems. one is that it's all touchscreen-drive, and the touchscreen can't scroll | 17:04 |
shauno | the second is that almost every install ends up requiring a customized firmware. so if they want to bring anything forwards in this, they shuffle around everything else to fit somewhere else | 17:05 |
diddledan | hmm | 17:05 |
shauno | the hardware's rock solid. the software makes we want to hurt people | 17:06 |
neuro | most software is like that, to be fair | 17:06 |
diddledan | we're back to my funny coloured nose again, aren't we? | 17:07 |
daftykins | do you have a funny nose? :D | 17:08 |
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet | ||
knightwise | hey everyone | 20:05 |
popey | Evening | 20:42 |
zleap | hi | 20:46 |
diddledan | hi dr nick | 20:51 |
keir | Hello | 21:12 |
keir | Is anybody able to help me figure out why my Ubuntu is booting so slowly? | 21:13 |
AlanBell | keir: I can guess at a few things, maybe trying to mount some device that isn't there? | 23:27 |
AlanBell | or your computer is just slow | 23:28 |
AlanBell | how slow is it compared to what you would expect? | 23:28 |
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