
tony-smlrSMLR E115 Live now!  Video http://youtu.be/2kdsiusMCS4 Audio: http://live.smlr.us:8000/streaming00:12
cmaloneyI've got dishes and dishes and dishes and dishes00:25
cmaloneyand dishes and dishes and dishes and dishes00:25
cmaloneyand dishes and dishes and dishes and dishes00:25
cmaloneyand dishes and dishes and dishes and dishes00:25
cmaloneyand dishes and dishes and dishes and dishes to wash.00:25
rick_h__you too? wife made school cookies, holiday cookies, casarole for dinner, and the boy helped so what a mess00:28
cmaloneyJoDee made some shortbread cookies01:36
rick_h__waf what was the lispy web stuff you showed at MUG?02:10
rick_h__nvm, closure got it02:11
wafthe clojure -> javascript thing is clojurescript, the server-side stuff was compojure.02:12
* cmaloney is playing with Panda3d, which is a library for creating games in Python and C++02:19
cmaloneyThere's a Blender exporter that can export the meshes and other blendery things into the .egg format that Panda3d uses02:19
cmaloneyIT's called "Chicken"02:19
cmaloneyI <3 Developers.02:19
rick_h__waf: yea, my boss is prepping a big chat around functional programming and linked us all to http://swannodette.github.io/2013/12/17/the-future-of-javascript-mvcs/ tonight02:22
rick_h__so I'm writing up my rebuttal email...which is getting quite long :/02:22
cmaloney"and furthermore..."02:25
jrwren rebutting what?02:26
rick_h__well, not rebuttal, but balancing out the blog post02:27
jrwrenthat blogpost starts out in crazy land, hello! clojure!02:28
rick_h__my boss is a BIG closure fan02:28
rick_h__and comes from a 'worked at zope foundation' background02:28
jrwrenclosure or clojure02:28
rick_h__sorry, clojure02:28
jrwrenJVM is evil02:28
rick_h__but hey, compiles you some JS :P02:28
jrwrenclojurescript does02:29
jrwrenclojure is YAJVML02:29
rick_h__http://paste.ubuntu.com/6603154/ in case anyone cares what I think about the future of client side JS dev :)02:29
rick_h__see you next week02:30
jrwrenthe flame graph comparison is pretty damning of backbone02:30
jrwrenyou hate angular?!?!?02:30
jrwrenbb but02:31
jrwrenwhat about backbone?02:32
jrwrenwhat about ember?02:32
rick_h__backbone was ground breaking, but it's old, needs a lot of love. It's gotten a lot better over the years, but it's an incomplete solution that you'll constantly be working around at larger app scales02:33
rick_h__ember I can't speak to intelligently. I've never used it, only looked at it02:33
jrwrenhow old is backbone now? 2 or 3?02:34
rick_h__over 3 yrs02:34
rick_h__I looked it up for my reply :)02:34
jrwrenhehe, nice.02:34
jrwreni didn't know it was that old.02:34
jrwrenbut I guess I've been completely away from that world for almost 2yrs, so over 3 makes sense.02:35
rick_h__yea, it's got a lot of history to keep up with and things have changed a LOT in client side MVC in the last 3 yrs02:35
rick_h__I do agree with the original blog post that we're entering a world of "browsers and things have changed enough over XX years we need a new revision"02:35
rick_h__unfortunately angular could have been it but fubar'd it all up02:35
jrwrenI think the biggest thing isn't any one framework, its how much it all has schanged in the last 1-3 yrs02:35
rick_h__really it's browsers, networks, mobile, and user expectations02:36
rick_h__they've all changes a TON in 3yrs02:36
jrwrenits a huge reason i'm glad I don't work on some big web  app02:36
rick_h__anyway, back to the dishes. I just wasted the last hour plus doing this02:36
rick_h__heh https://github.com/juju/juju-gui02:37
jrwrenbecause if you make a decision to go with one of these, in a year, you might regret it.02:37
rick_h__definitely, though most of these have a decent lifespan I think02:44
rick_h__I mean people have been using backbone for years, just don't get sucked into making it your dev world02:44
rick_h__and SOA ftw so you can change things up as you need :)02:44
rick_h__though that's more backend thatn client side MVC02:44
jrwrenhow do you SOA your SPA js MVC framework?02:45
rick_h__yea, just meant trying to keep apps split somewhat.02:46
rick_h__nothing says admin app has to be servied via same JS as front end reading app/etc02:46
rick_h__then again twitter's done huge re-arch's what 3 times?02:46
jrwrenah right02:47
jrwrenbut then... single knowledge base for devs, need to know N frameworks instead of 1, yada yada02:47
cmaloneyI think I'm in love.03:16
cmaloneyJust exported an old snowman mesh that I did a long time back03:17
cmaloneyand had the panda3d hello world program spin around it (in glorious white on gray, but still)03:17
rick_h__wrapping done woot!03:34
brouschHoly crap. I have never seen a road so icy. It's a skating rink12:44
brouschMade it 1/4 mile from home before I gave up12:45
rick_h__yea, slick out there13:35
rick_h__this coffee will taste better because of the drive out for it13:35
cmaloneyI'm glad I don't have to drive to the office for the remainder of the year.13:38
brouschSalt trucks are in the neighborhood now13:40
* cmaloney just created a smart mix called "prog metal explosion"13:45
cmaloneyusing Animals as Leaders as the artist to riff on13:46
jrwrenraining here :(13:56
jrwrentoo warm. i wish it had stayed below freezing.13:56
jrwrenhigh 20s is a great temperature.13:56
jrwrencmaloney: i've never heard of it ;)13:57
jjessemorning how is the ice out there?14:22
jjesseon that side of the state14:23
rick_h__not as bad I think. Little warmer.14:28
jjessei think every school in kent county is closed today14:29
jjesseapparently it was really bad this morning14:29
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
jjessehrmm looks like my corporate vpn doesn't play well with IRC :(14:37
rick_h__kill it14:40
jjessewell need it to access some servers today14:42
jjesseinstead of driving into the office14:42
jjesseyeah i know its like 10 minutes away :)14:43
jrwrenlots of corp block IRC ports, for good reason.14:48
jrwrenbots on infected machines use IRC as a phone home for C&C14:48
jjesseyeah but my corp is very loose as to what it allows and doesn't, joy of being a small shop full of consultants14:48
jrwrenah, bummer.14:49
jrwrenI mean, awesome company, but bummer about VPN14:50
jjesse95% of what i do i don't need VPN anymore14:51
jjessebut when i'm building servers these days i need it14:51
rick_h__for cmaloney http://www.stgraber.org/2013/12/20/lxc-1-0-blog-post-series/14:55
rick_h__might want to watch that one <3 lxc14:55
cmaloneyjrwren: Animals as Leaders? Some awesome musicianship in that band.14:56
cmaloneyrick_h__: Oh, I'll have to check my rss feeds to see if I'll get those.14:56
cmaloneyI don't understand this, but it's awesome.14:59
cmaloneyBack to subscribing to the Ubuntu planet.15:04
cmaloneyThanks rick_h__ !15:05
brouschjjesse: It is very nasty, until the road is salted, then it's perfectly fine15:32
jjessewell then i'm glad i'm heading out later15:43
jrwrengood morning!16:09
greg-galright, who has an awesome home nas that wants to help Debian: https://identi.ca/debian/note/BFn7ViBMSgWqNX8XMrow3g16:28
brouschArchive.org wouldn't do that?16:30
cmaloneyI wish16:30
greg-gbrousch: might be an idea16:31
greg-gso, I set the LastPass hashing cycles thing to the max, which makes Fx lock up for ~3 seconds on my laptop17:11
greg-gkind of annoying, but, security?17:11
rick_h__ah, is that why it does that?17:14
cmaloneyI'm having some garlic and garlic with garlic for lunch17:14
rick_h__I noticed when I started using firefox lastpass hangs for a bit when I first 2fa17:14
rick_h__didn't think about the hash cycles I've set17:15
cmaloneyaka 2Booli leftovers17:15
rick_h__chrome has no issues with it17:15
cmaloneywonder if it's because Chrome can handle multiple processes better than Fx.17:15
greg-gprobably yeah17:17
cmaloneyFew things make me feel smug like ordering recordings that are releasable in other countries because they're in the public domain but aren't available here because of the clusterfuck of a public domain we have here.18:02
cmaloneysee: Naxos Historical18:02
greg-gcmaloney: well done sir18:04
cmaloneyAlthough I don't like the copyright grab that Naxos does18:05
greg-gyeah, see also: Bob Dylan's bootleg 'release' of only like 100 copies to extend the copyright18:07
greg-ghe didn't do it, the publisher did, of course18:07
cmaloneyYeah, which is horseshit.18:07
greg-gcopyright as incentive has failed, we need to get over it18:08
greg-git's too broken, causes incentive to do anti-useful things, so get rid of it18:08
brouschMoney is useful!18:08
greg-g(as a gov regulation, there is no natural state of copyright, it's all made up anyways)18:08
* greg-g rants18:09
greg-gbrousch: it's a little more complicated than that ;)18:09
cmaloneyIt's about having a stable of artists that can be entered into races18:09
jrwrenhow does that bob dylan thing work?18:32
jrwrenone of the most disturbing things to me is how brainwashed the masses are about (C). for a country which claims to love freedom. we don't even challenge that we should not have (C) freedom. We just give it up and hand it over.18:33
brouschYou buy it and are free to play it18:34
jrwrenno i don't and yes, of course I am.18:34
brouschI think if you charged per play, the restrictions would be more obvious18:34
jrwrenfreedom means being able to do whatever I want with it.18:35
jrwrenfreedom means I can make 1000 copies and sell it. Why should I not be free to do this?18:35
jrwren... or a million...18:35
jrwrenfreedom means there are no limits to this.18:35
jrwrenanything else is a restriction of freedom18:36
jrwrenbut in the US we don't even think this way. We have been programmed to not think this way.18:36
brouschWe have been programmed to accept that whatever technique makes the most money is the best18:39
brouschSee Apple18:40
jrwrenbrousch: i've no idea what you are talking about now :)18:46
jrwrengreg-g: debt!18:46
greg-gjrwren: that was the second one, yeah18:48
greg-gand debt ~= slavery (historically, especially, now it's just fuzzy handcuffs, but still handcuffs)18:48
jrwrengreg-g: i'm making biblical references.18:52
jrwrengreg-g: "the borrower is slave to the lender"18:52
greg-gjrwren: oh right, that18:52
jrwrenProverbs 22:718:52
greg-gjrwren: did you read Debt by David Graeber?18:52
jrwreni did not.18:52
greg-gyou'd like it, I think. Though it was badly edited (could have been cut down from 500pgs to 300, at least)18:52
jrwreni wonder if I could find cliffs notes :)18:53
greg-gthere's 3 chapters in the middle you can skip18:53
jrwrenreminds me of when Bane kills his bankroller in that Batman movie.18:56
greg-g... his dad?18:56
jrwrenthe most recent batman movie18:59
jrwrenDagget. when Bane kills Dagget.19:03
jrwren"I'm in control here"19:03
jrwren"Do you feel in control?"19:03
jrwren"I've given you money"19:03
jrwren"And this gives you power over me?"19:03
greg-gdark knight rises?19:05
greg-g2013 IRS 1099 Forms will be available beginning January 31, 201419:07
greg-gDear Greg,19:07
greg-gThis email is to remind you that the 2013 IRS 1099 Forms from Lending Club will be available no later than January 31, 2014.19:07
greg-gthese two things do not agree19:07
greg-gmutually exclusive, even19:07
jrwrennot, it works. you get them on Jan 31.19:07
jrwrenthey can't legally get them to you later than that IIRc19:08
greg-goh, right not mutually, just one day of overlap19:08
greg-g(speaking of debt, heh, I'm a slave owner)19:08
greg-gjust very small portions of many slaves19:09
jrwrenhow does that worK?19:09
greg-gyou 'invest' in personal loans (mostly consolidation loans) in increments of $2519:09
greg-geither 3 year or 5 year loans19:09
greg-gyou get your prorated interest from their payments19:10
greg-gif they default, well, you lose your $2519:10
jrwrensounds risky19:10
greg-git is19:10
jrwrenwhat are the returns like?19:10
greg-gthey do all of the verification of income/credit score stuff19:10
greg-gone sec19:10
greg-gsorry, had to hug someone19:11
greg-gif you're safe, like 7%19:11
greg-gif you're risky, around 13%ish19:11
jrwrenthat is really good19:11
greg-g(that's including the historic default rate, too)19:11
brouschLike Kiva19:11
greg-gyeah, except you make money19:11
brouschBut you get some interest back19:11
greg-gkiva you don't19:11
brouschYou are a micro credit union19:12
greg-gkinda, only it's for-profit19:12
brouschDo you have your own knee-capper?19:13
greg-gthe thing that got over my incredibly high moral standards is that these loans are usually consolodation (credit card) loans at a much lower interest than the credit card companies19:13
greg-gbrousch: DIY19:13
cmaloneyWonder if I can sign up for a Kiva loan. ;)19:21
greg-goh people eating breakfast at 11:20am19:21
greg-gpeople == coworker who decided to sit right behind me19:21
brouschAnything after 10:30 is lunch19:21
jrwreni take it back. 7% is crap :p19:24
cmaloneyjrwren: compared to my savings account, 7% is princely.19:24
cmaloneyI couldn't shave a bitcoin more than my savings account rate.19:25
jrwrenthere are many stocks out there which pay well over that in dividends and aren't insanely risky19:25
jrwrenand arguably are less risky than being a money lender.19:25
cmaloneyjrwren: Awesome. Be my broker.19:25
brouschDo you not have a 401k?19:26
brouschJust bump it up19:26
cmaloneyI have a 401K19:26
cmaloneyit's about as bumped as you can get19:26
jrwrenbump it up! :)19:27
cmaloneyI have an IRA that consists of (most) of my 401Ks from over the years.19:27
brouschYou are putting $17,500/yr into your 401k?19:28
cmaloneyI'm puttin ghte max percentage rate from my check19:28
cmaloneywhatever that is19:28
jrwrenholy shit! 17.5k!?!?!  i should do that!19:28
cmaloneyHonestly what I really need is a financial advisor that will tell me what to do with my money outside of "pay down those fucking credit cards"19:29
cmaloneybecause I'd like to evolve at some point. :)19:29
brouschWell until your CCs are gone, that is the best financial advice19:29
jrwrenerr wait, no, don't max your 401k cuz mutual funds are a scam.19:29
cmaloneyjrwren: You're sounding like a nutritionist now. :)19:30
jrwrenhow so?19:30
cmaloneyDon't eat fatty foods, except these fats are OK, but only in moderation but not with these carbohydrates and ...19:30
jrwrencmaloney: any one who says don't eat fatty foods, is misinformed at best, and a fool at worst.19:31
cmaloneyjrwren: Right, but it seems nutritional advice (and financial advice) are like fashion trends.19:32
cmaloneyInvest in your IRA except after labor day. ;)19:32
jrwrenexcept after tax day! :p19:33
cmaloneyI'm convinced that no matter what I put into 401Ks or IRAs some jackass in govt. will get a bright idea to do something incredibly irresponsible and J and I will be utterly fucked19:34
cmaloneyor in banking19:34
cmaloneyI'm not even concerned if it will happen, only when.19:34
rick_h__hey, don't rain on my 401k parade. I've already written off anything from social security in my planning19:38
brouschBuy gold19:38
brouschrick_h__: Yes, I assume Social Security will not exist19:38
rick_h__you can't take that away as well or I might possibly only be left with my house by then19:38
brouschHouses not in the urban center will be worthless because there will be no way to get to your job when the petrol dries up19:46
cmaloneyThis catches me at my weakest point20:06
brouschBut PAckt20:09
cmaloneyYeah, I'm holding my nose while downloading the two Panda3D books I've been eyeballing.20:10
cmaloneythe cookbook book is actually the one that I wanted, and it appears to have good reviews20:11
brouschThere has been a professor giving PAnda3d talks at the last 2 pyohios20:13
cmaloneyYeah, I sat in on one of them20:13
cmaloneyI had a change of heart about it20:14
cmaloneyI used to think "Oh, but Panda3D makes it too easy, and it nerfs the development process. I need to make things from scratch to truly understand things"20:15
cmaloneyAnd that's just dumb20:15
brouschThere is a game engine built on kivy if you're interested20:16
cmaloneyHow am I going to learn if I have to fit the entirety of what prompted them to create this library into my head before getting off the ground20:16
cmaloneybrousch: Yeah, it looked interesting20:16
cmaloneyI really wish I had my epiphanies sooner. :)20:17
cmaloneyBt I recently watched that Indie Game documentary and realized a few things20:17
cmaloneya) I'm not getting any younger20:17
brouschIt takes a while of beating your head on things before you give up and move up a layer20:17
cmaloneyb) I really despise the glut of platformer games out there20:17
cmaloneyc) I'm not making any headway under the current model of thinking.20:18
cmaloneyI guess I come from a mindset that was all about purity in rolling your own20:19
cmaloneyand that's frankly bullshit.20:19
cmaloneyThere's a level of understanding that comes from knowing the tools and being able to drop down a level if needed20:19
brouschIt comes down to rolling your own or learning someone else's. How do you want to spend your time?20:20
cmaloneybut honestly if I need to invent the universe in order to bake a pie from scratch I'm never ever baking that pie20:20
cmaloneyand that makes me sad20:20
cmaloneyWell, I'm in love with the idea of learning OpenGL because I associate that with 3D graphics under Linux20:21
cmaloneybut if the last CHC is anything to gauge it's going to take me longer to learn the ins and outs of OpenGL than it is to get something useful out of it20:22
cmaloneyand by ins and outs I mean figuring out how to get the fucking cmakefile the OpenGL Superbible uses to compile anything.20:23
brouschYeah, I have not touched opengl in Kivy, even though it's there20:23
cmaloneyI dunno. Maybe it's a phase. But frankly I'm tired of getting down on myself because I can't shit out awesome right out of the gate.20:23
brouschWell that's because you don't use Django. Switch to Django and you shit awesome all day long20:24
cmaloneyI thought Django allowed you to shit ponies which in turn shit awesome20:24
cmaloneyit's like the awesome-shit-by-extension shit.20:24
brouschI joke, but that is my primary reason for using it. Whatever I want to do has been done, is relatively well maintained, and was done better than I could have done it20:25
jrwrenddjango really is all that21:14
jrwreni never knew about this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntuzilla/21:48
jrwrenkinda a cool idea.21:48
jrwrenwould be a cool way to do nightlies or aurora21:48
rick_h__lmao "Sorry about that, how about we give you a deal to come back and give us more of your money...kthx" https://twitter.com/mashable/status/41416977452108185623:35

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