
ypwonghappyaron, ping?17:11
happyaronypwong: pong?17:17
ypwonghappyaron, what's the name of the configtool package?17:17
happyaronypwong: fcitx-qimpanel-configtool, it's stucked in NEW queue, so not in alpha117:19
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ypwonghappyaron,  waiting for ftpmaster?17:20
happyaronypwong: ubuntu-release or ubuntu-archive I believe17:23
ypwonghappyaron, when was it uploaded?17:24
ypwongnot a problem that it's not in alpha1, but just curious17:24
happyaronDec 18.  details: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126182517:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1261825 in Ubuntu "Please sponsor fcitx-qimpanel-configtool/0.1.3-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Fix committed]17:25
ypwonggood night17:30

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