
cprofitthello all00:58
IdleOnehello cprofitt01:38
cprofitthey IdleOne01:41
cprofitthow are you01:41
IdleOneDoing alright, you?01:41
cprofittyeah, pretty good.01:42
cprofittGetting ready for Christmas01:42
IdleOneBig plans?01:43
cprofittNo, just my parents coming in to town02:17
IdleOnequiet lunch/dinner with the parents also02:19
ubottuimghost called the ops in #ubuntu (calinou)10:56
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (VitoCorleone,)11:08
tobitobsyhi, is the webchat generally banned in #ubuntu?11:48
tobitobsyi "can't send to channel" there11:48
tsimpsontobitobsy: it's because you changed your nick after joining, if you part and rejoin you should be able to speak in the channel12:11
tobitobsyconfirmed, thanks tsimpson12:12
tsimpsonno problem12:12
cprofitthey hggdh13:51
hggdhhi cprofitt15:27
phunyguy!guidelines > zarkos_18:09
phunyguyhfsplus in #ubuntu-offtopic (I think)18:24
phunyguyDragonman, Myrtti18:36
Myrttiyes, I noticed18:36
Dragonmanhow do i get a booty like kim kardashian?20:40
AlanBellwell that should certainly go on the list of questions that the #ubuntu channel doesn't have a particularly good answer to21:00
PriceyAlanBell: I can't even figure out what to name the factoid trigger.21:15
LjLam i on ignore again21:15
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )21:19
PriceyAhh it msg's21:21
LjLhello again22:36
LjLhow can you entertain us today?22:36
DragonmanHow do i get a booty like kim kardashian?22:42
LjLthat's not entertaining22:44
LjLthat's just old at this point :(22:44

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