
=== administrator is now known as Guest24918
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ovidiu-florinanyone here?01:03
ovidiu-florinI'm trying to create a unformated partition01:05
ovidiu-florinand I can't01:05
ovidiu-florinwait, I think I got it01:06
ovidiu-florinrebooting :D01:06
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
WalzmynI updated from 12.04 to 13.10 (a mistake) and now my system keeps locking up when I reboot. Anybody else seeing such?02:23
soeelocking up ?02:30
Walzmynat grub, I get a warning that some file is not found, press any key to continue. Then it will lock up before I see the login02:43
WalzmynAfter restart I get to the login, but it locks up before I can do anything02:43
Walzmyn3rd time I can type my password but it locks up instead of going forward. This will repeat 4 or 5 times before it actually logs in02:44
Walzmynhas done this every time I've had to reboot since the upgrade, maybe 20 times.02:44
ekAnyone here experiencing strange speed fluctuations with the latest 13.10 release?04:57
ekAfter some recent updates, I can only upload 10-20MB/s on my gig-e network. Download seems fine (110-125MB/s).04:57
ekPerodically, however, it will hit full speed on upload.04:59
mysteriousdarrenI was and upgraded to the 14 and it stopped05:01
ekDid you happen to figure out what the issue is/was?05:02
ekmysteriousdarren: Perhaps I'll give that a try. Thanks for the info. Otherwise, maybe rolling back might fix it as well.05:07
ekI just find it odd that it happened with updates and not with the initial release.05:07
ekPerhaps my Google-Fu is lacking a bit. I'll keep looking around.05:08
=== vegard is now known as vsop89
=== ip is now known as Guest84262
Guest84262using kubuntu 13.10 , whenever i hit trash icon or trash in the menu it takes me to home folder , how to fix this07:05
Guest84262can someone give a remedy pls thanks07:18
ip_using kubuntu 13.10 , whenever i hit trash icon or trash in the menu it takes me to home folder , how to fix this07:19
=== ip is now known as Guest74154
Guest74154hi need help with trashcan shortcut hit leading to home folder instead of trash folder08:29
Guest74154do i need to remap the icon route , how to do that08:30
=== max is now known as Guest86696
ip_hi need help with trashcan shortcut hit leading to home folder instead of trash folder08:45
ip_hi need help with trashcan shortcut hit leading to home folder instead of trash folder08:45
ip_hi admin pls help08:46
ip_using dolphin , kubuntu 13.1008:46
qdatathis is trashcan in Dolphin and not a plasma widget?08:47
qdataright-click on the icon and select Edit 'Trash'08:48
qdatathe label should sayTrash and the Location should say trash:/08:49
ip_in the dolphin its fine , it leads to trash:/ , but the plasma widget or trash in the menu leads to home08:51
=== 45PAAUV34 is now known as rexxster
qdataOK - I didn't have a trash in my menu so I put one there, and I see what you mean - mine does that too08:54
qdatanever had a trashcan in my menu before, don't need it when there's one in Places08:54
ip__i put a shortcut on a new panel and it leads to home , why , where can a change the path of the hit on the icon08:56
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lordievaderGood morning.10:27
=== albhert is now known as glasz
ipany help is welcome11:15
=== ip is now known as Guest35435
Guest35435i put a shortcut on a new panel and it leads to home , why , where can a change the path of the hit on the icon11:16
=== johan is now known as Guest49564
Guest35435hi admin could u pls help11:24
BluesKajHiyas all11:43
kdepepoHow can I reach the Kubuntu QA team?12:02
Guest35435i put a shortcut on a new panel and it leads to home , why , where can a change the path of the hit on the icon12:11
Guest35435need help with this pls12:11
Guest35435trash icon12:12
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marcellushi. when I used to use ubuntu, there was an applet for the performance of CPU where I could choose high performance or "on demand". does any one know if there is such applet for kubuntu?15:04
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=== martin_____ is now known as Kronkels
Kronkelsany one home16:42
frank67BluesKaj: I solved the trouble I had with my old ati radeon board, are you interested to know how I did?16:46
frank67BluesKaj: FYI16:47
BluesKajfrank67, yes , clue me in16:56
frank67BluesKaj: Hi :) it was relataed at a wrong OpenGL driver version support of kwin16:57
frank67BluesKaj: kwin doesn't pick up the right OpenGL driver for my board16:58
BluesKajahh, ok good to know , frank6716:59
frank67BluesKaj: it used the 2.0 version but the OpenGL version that my board it 1.316:59
frank67BluesKaj: so I had to create a .kde/env directory in my home17:00
BluesKajati graphics drivers are sort of all over the map17:00
frank67BluesKaj: then create and made executable a file (I called exports.sh) that contain the kwin enviroment variable17:01
BluesKajreally , so you found a tutorial or some good advice ?17:02
frank67BluesKaj: yes I found it on ubuntu forum17:02
* BluesKaj nods17:02
frank67BluesKaj: but on that forum told about enable OpenGL 2.0while I need to enable 1.017:03
frank67BluesKaj: the tip was to pass at that variable the "O1" string in order to get kwin started with OpenGL driver version 1.317:05
BluesKajok, so no OpenGL 3.1 options. frank6717:07
BluesKajwith raster17:08
frank67BluesKaj: not for my old board :( the script is #! /bin/sh17:08
frank67export KWIN_COMPOSE=O117:08
frank67BluesKaj: that enable 3D effect17:09
BluesKajok , sounds like you have it figured out , frank67 ... good job!17:10
frank67BluesKaj: I tried with "O2" but didn't work on my hardware these it's good for old ati radeon that lack recent OpenGL driver version support17:11
frank67BluesKaj: that's all! :)17:12
BluesKajfrank67, is this on 13.10 ?17:13
frank67BluesKaj: yes it is17:13
frank67BluesKaj: I don't know why kwin needs this setup but without it doesn't work17:14
frank67BluesKaj: 3D effect doesn't work17:15
frank67BluesKaj: I had to go17:15
frank67BluesKaj: merry xMas see you soon :) bye17:16
BluesKajfrank67, Merry Christmas to you too!17:21
slawkohi all18:27
slawkoi have a problem with calendar in KDE, and I'm looking for solution18:29
slawkoI've got a problem with calendar in Kontact - how to sync it with the calendar in system tray? (that shown after clicking a clock)18:29
slawkoit doesn't do it by default18:30
slawkoat least in my case18:30
slawkoI want my events, saved in calendars in Kontact to be showned i this calendar18:33
=== black is now known as Guest93600
c_smith_is it possible to change the User Agent string in Konqueror?19:10
c_smith_if so, how would I go about doing that?19:10
c_smith_BluesKaj, I've already given up and installed Firefox.19:15
c_smith_Rekonq  has been a toughie for me, buggy at best.19:16
c_smith_now Konqueror is a solid piece of software, why it was dropped I don't know.19:16
BluesKajc_smith_, ok , konqueror isn't well supported anyway19:16
BluesKajunfortunately yes19:16
c_smith_only thing I needed the user agent switched for  is Pipelight.19:17
BluesKajnot familiar with p19:17
c_smith_BluesKaj, it's a plugin loader for various Windows plugins such as Silverlight, Flash and Unity3D19:19
BluesKajc_smith_, Silverlight ? hmm didn't think there were any apps that would run it in linux19:20
c_smith_BluesKaj, it basically loads it in Wine and uses the plugin loader to pipe it to the native Linux browsers such as Opera, Firefox, or Chrome.19:21
c_smith_less overhead than  using the older Netflix-desktop which would load Firefox in Wine.19:21
c_smith_another reminder why I don't use Rekonq: frequent lockups. >.<19:22
BluesKajdon't use netflix , tried it a couple times in windows , but the selection wasn't my cuppa tea19:22
BluesKajrekonq is hopeless19:22
c_smith_BluesKaj, amen to that.19:23
c_smith_and I use Netflix mainly for watching Scifi movies when I'm bored. lol19:23
c_smith_any other time I'm either working on bugs, my own projects, or playing games.19:23
BluesKajwell, netflix might be better now , but when it became available in Canada they didn't have the rights to show a lot of movies here yet.19:25
=== Steakanbake is now known as Steakanbake|slee
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mapyth./join #amarok20:28
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c_smithhey, does anyone here know how (if possible) I can set up my @ubuntu.com alias in Kontact?21:08
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bjrohanin 13.10 what is the gui for scheduling cron jobs21:51
bjrohanI thought it was in System Settings Task Scheduler?21:52
MmikeHello. Anyone having issues with Kubuntu 13.10 while trying to transfer files wia mtp using dolphin from samsung galaxy s3 mini ?22:31
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