
Dragonmanhow do i get a booty like kim kardashian?00:02
Dragonmanwas kim kardashians marriage staged?00:09
LjLgood question00:09
LjLi will have to research it00:10
Dragonmanhow do i get a booty like Khloe kardashian01:20
Go|dFish_how do i get a booty like kim kardashian?02:36
LjLi liked it better when you were about filesystems or whatever02:39
Go|dFish_LjL: if your not saved you will be thrown into the lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone02:59
LjLthen i guess let's consider me thrown03:00
Go|dFish_why risk your only soul03:00
LjLit's too late now03:01
LjLi can't go back03:01
Go|dFish_when you repent and make Jesus lord the Holy Spirit will come down and make you a new creation and fellowship with God is restored03:02
LjLsome things cannot be repented because they are part of you03:03
Go|dFish_well if you dont repent you will be thrown into the fire at your death03:03
Go|dFish_how do i get a booty like kim kardashian?03:29
fluffbraunmilkHi there, Sorry I new to Xubuntu .. What £channel do I need to use to mount a SD card using KDE-pendrive and Xubuntu 13.10 ?  ...must have been drink last night , sorry .10:49
AlanBellfluffbraunmilk: #xubuntu possibly10:53
AlanBellfluffbraunmilk: maybe #kubuntu if KDE-pendrive is more of a KDE kinda thing10:54
fluffbraunmilkAlan Bell,  Ok right-so  .. i need a workaround for the doing a mount .. sorry perhaps yur not the best person to be speaking to at the moment ..could you ping .. someone in ubuntu-devs and I will see them in Xubuntu & kubuntu £channels as you suggest , thank-you.10:57
* fluffbraunmilk shudders10:58
ubottuaverage called the ops in #ubuntu ()12:36
averagebeen banned...13:17
averagecuz I told a guy "your mother is the answer"13:17
averagebig effin deal13:17
LjLoh lord13:19
averagethat's what I said..13:19
LjLyes but, i think i meant it a different way13:20
LjLanyway, not an #ubuntu ops, so i just ohlorded out of sympathy13:20
fluffybraunmilkAlanBell, Could somebody please copy Freddy-collins askubuntu.com Profile into this channel as I need to see one of his posts's from 11th December 2013, and I have no access as I am using a G2 pendrive, that has no sudo priveleges.13:49
fluffybraunmilkFor example  askubuntu.com/users/2######/freddie-collins ,13:49
fluffybraunmilkoh wait, I have it :http://askubuntu.com/users/210984/freddie-collins13:49
fluffybraunmilkk so .. I can't login to askubuntu.com .. sSooo how can I see one of his posts from 11 December 2013 ?13:50
fluffybraunmilks/11/11th December ?13:50
=== fluffybraunmilk is now known as WMb6-ollie
ikoniaWMb6-ollie: how is this an ubuntu-ops team issue ?14:24
ikoniawhat do you need/want rom this team ?14:24
ikonia(sorry if I'm missing past context)14:25
WMb6-ollieikonia, your right , I was driftsome .. sorry . OK now tough , thanks .,14:30
ikoniaWMb6-ollie: no problem, just didn't know what you wanted from us14:30
ubottuBeldar called the ops in #ubuntu (aghinugrohod)20:15

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