
xnoxinfinity: doko: please bin de-new openmx package, it's an autosync from debian.01:39
infinityxnox: Why don't you allow SSE on x32 as well in that openmx upload?04:28
cjwatsonxnox: fwiw you don't really need to ask for binary NEW processing of autosynced stuff - there's a script that does it and I pretty much run it every time I log in in the morning or there seems to be a need09:25
infinityI also do it manually from time to time.09:26
=== doko_ is now known as doko
xnoxinfinity: as i have mentioned in the other channels, i didn't think/know about x32 before the upload, i've only been pointed that out after debian upload was done. and openmx compile takes forever =)16:37
xnoxcjwatson: infinity: ack. sorry about that.16:37
dokofor the python3-defaults autopkg tests: please overwrite the one for python-csb. test is wrong, trying to write test data into the file system22:40
infinitydoko: Skipped.  Can you file a Debian bug and/or fix it, thouhg?22:53
infinity(bug's good enough if you don't want to waste time on someone else's broken test)22:53
dokoalready done22:55
dokoinfinity, can you have a look at the ocaml test failure?22:56
dokosucceeds locally22:59
infinity    |  [| _ |] -> false, [| Sys.argv.(0); "caml.inria.fr" |]22:59
infinityIt's trying to contact the internet.22:59
infinityJust disable the test.23:00
infinityOr rewrite it to pull something from an archive mirror. :P23:00
infinitySince all it's doing is a "GET / HTTP/1.0", and not checking the result, it could contact anything, it doesn't really matter.23:01
dokoand all debian buildds still have internet access?23:02
infinityI was under the impression that some didn't, but maybe they all do right now.23:03
infinityEither way, a testsuite contacting random internet hosts isn't sane regardless.23:04
infinityOne could rewrite it in a Debianish way to pull a hostname from /etc/apt/sources.list and use that for the test.  But that's not upstreamable.23:04
infinity(Or build-dep on a web server, start it, and contact it on localhost, but that's pretty heavyweight)23:05
infinityDisabling is probably the easiest thing for now.23:05
infinity(that one test, I mean)23:05
infinityI guess the most upstreamable thing would be to write an ocaml web server and test talking to itself. ;)23:06
dokothat's blocking a lot ...23:16

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