recon_lap | got a few basic question about ubuntu phones, can it handle duel sims? one for pay as you go phone and one with a data plan? | 00:39 |
TheeCodfathr | anybody put this on an AT&T SGS3? | 02:55 |
doomlord_ | is there a wiki or something explaining how well it runs on various devices | 03:01 |
doomlord_ | it would affect device choice | 03:01 |
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo | ||
cheezwiz | m e | 06:34 |
=== vying is now known as Guest98278 | ||
FuLgOrE | Good morning | 09:17 |
FuLgOrE | would it be possible to flash ubuntu touch to the nexus 5? I would only need basic functions like phone and sms | 09:22 |
FuLgOrE | is the 4.4 rebase usable for that? | 09:23 |
amitkecian | hi. i just flashed trusty build today, the phone shows only blank screen | 09:35 |
amitkecian | adb devices and shell works fine.. but no UI, anyone faced this type of issue? | 09:36 |
=== ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB | ||
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc | ||
patricehadoc | touch | 13:31 |
PaoloRotolo | Hi all! | 16:55 |
PaoloRotolo | Any news about support for the Nexus 7 2013? | 16:55 |
=== vying is now known as Guest82790 | ||
adra1992 | Hi, I'm working on making an image of ubuntu-touch for Nexus 5, is there anybody working on this same project? | 17:28 |
ogra_ | adra1992, you need a tree that is based on android 4.4, ubuntu is at 4.3 currently ... libhybris needs proting to 4.4 too | 17:31 |
ogra_ | once the ubuntu tree is at 4.4 and hybris is ported getting the N5 to work should be trivial though | 17:31 |
=== vying is now known as Guest40606 | ||
=== jono is now known as Guest49214 | ||
adra1992 | thank you very much for the answers, I'll try to do my best to help porting those trees | 20:55 |
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