
axwhey wallyworld_, did you see my message on Friday about authorized_keys?01:15
axwabout modifying for the ubuntu user01:15
wallyworld_if i did i forgot01:15
wallyworld_i don't think i saw01:15
axwwallyworld_: maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't see where the ubuntu user is specified when the worker modifies authorized_keys01:16
wallyworld_it's not01:16
axwshouldn't it be? that's what we log in as01:16
wallyworld_the current auth keys file with the key from bootstrap doesn't specify the ubuntu user does it?01:17
wallyworld_so i'm just adding additional keys in the same way01:18
axwwallyworld_: I'm pretty sure cloud-init will put it in the ubuntu user's one01:18
axwwell, it must, since we log in as that during bootstrap01:19
wallyworld_i assumed that the auth keys would be added to /home/ubuntu/.ssh/...01:19
wallyworld_i guess it depends what ~ resolves to01:19
wallyworld_i'm sure i checked though01:20
wallyworld_and the ubuntu user auth keys file was the one that got updated01:20
wallyworld_but now i'm doubting myself01:20
axwwallyworld_: I didn't see it getting updated, but I did see /root/.ssh/authorized_keys had some updated keys in it01:21
wallyworld_hmmm. maybe i didn't check then. but i thought i did01:21
wallyworld_i'll do a fix if necessary01:22
axwI'll have another look in a bit01:22
wallyworld_i could have sworn i checked etc but maybe not01:22
wallyworld_i guess if the processes are running as root, the ~ will not resolve to ubuntu01:22
wallyworld_too bad that they are running as root :-(01:23
axwI was wondering whether we should be using something less generic than "ubuntu" now01:23
wallyworld_i sorta assumed perhaps that we would not do something that silly :-(01:23
axwlike create a "juju" user at init time01:23
axwthen manual provisioning would be less of a special case regarding key management01:24
wallyworld_that makes sense. get ready for a whole lotta bikeshedding though :-)01:24
wallyworld_well maybe not, there's always a first time :-)01:24
wallyworld_so cloud init does explicitly rely on a specific user being set (default ubuntu)01:28
wallyworld_so looks like i need to do a fix01:28
axwokey dokey01:30
axwwallyworld_: will things break horribly if the ubuntu user doesn't exist?01:31
axw(manual provisioning doesn't yet create it)01:31
wallyworld_i don't *think* so, but am not sure01:31
axwno worries, I can test later01:31
wallyworld_axw: i fixed the ssh auth keys user issue. turned out to be a bit of a bitch cause of the way our tests override ~. if you get a chance, could you take a look? https://codereview.appspot.com/4065004905:24
axwwallyworld_: cool, thanks, will have a look now05:25
wallyworld_i tested live on hp cloud05:25
axwwallyworld_: why not use osenv.Home() on Windows too?05:28
wallyworld_axw: does windows support $HOME? i wasn't sure and didn't think it did05:28
axwwallyworld_: just had a look, osenv.Home() does different things for Windows05:29
axwnot $HOME, but $HOMEDRIVE05:29
axwor %HOMEDRIVE% at any rate :)05:29
wallyworld_but will that return the user home dir05:29
wallyworld_or the drive letter?05:29
axwwallyworld_: it's %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%05:30
axwwith a slash in between05:30
wallyworld_either way, our tests won't work on windows as is05:30
wallyworld_so i think a todo is ok and we can fix the tests wheneever we want to run on windows05:30
axwfair enough05:31
wallyworld_our tests also just assume all paths with ~ are of the form ~/foo05:31
wallyworld_axw: thanks for looking, i'll fix the little issues05:47
axwwallyworld_: nps, thanks for fixing05:47
wallyworld_including nuking bob :-)05:48
wallyworld_axw: that's merged now06:16
axwwallyworld_: thanks!06:16
axwI'll test it with manual later06:16
wallyworld_np, thanks for letting me know about the issue06:16
wallyworld_i'm off for a bit to take the dog for a bath. he rolled around in some shit at the park yesterday and he stinks :-(06:17
axwgrr, my wireless keeps dying07:41
wallyworld_try another channel?08:18
axwwell it recovers if I restart networking, so I don't think it'd be interference08:51
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natefinchfwereade, are you around?16:34
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