
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
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dokocyphermox, mlankhorst, whoever, ... still somebody here who could merge totem from experimental? blocking a tranistion15:41
mlankhorstno ta core-dev :P15:41
dokomlankhorst, pushing llvm to you next time ;P15:43
mlankhorstfine I'll take a look15:43
mlankhorstmerge from experimental to what? :p15:43
dokotry saucy ;)15:43
mlankhorsterm saucy's frozen15:44
mlankhorsttrusty would make more sense15:44
dokowhy do you ask at all? ;)15:44
mlankhorststalling and hope I hit EOD of course15:46
mlankhorstbleh it doesn't say what debian version it was synced to, but I'm guessing 3.6.0-  something15:52
cyphermoxmlankhorst: did you take care of it?15:53
cyphermoxcurious if you're deep enough in totem to finish it or if I should take over15:54
mlankhorstno I only checked out the bzr and debian svn branches yet. I should be done shortly though :P15:59
cyphermoxok then16:05
mlankhorstok I gave up, and made git run the resolution. :')16:05
mlankhorsthm still a mess16:10
mlankhorstcyphermox: if you want it, I ran into issues with merging the control file. :P16:15
mlankhorstbut rest should be ok16:16
mlankhorstand it seems to be mostly reshuffling dependencies...16:25
mlankhorstto alphabetical order16:25
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mlankhorstalmost done :P16:47
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mlankhorstdoko: https://mblankhorst.nl/etc/totem_3.10.1-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz17:33
mlankhorstseems to  build in pbuilder17:33
mlankhorstI have absolutely no clue if it works, and since it's EOD, EOW, EOY I don't want to find out. ;)17:33
dokomlankhorst, can you or cyphermox upload?17:33
dokowe have autopkg tests for that =)17:33
mlankhorstI'm not core-dev17:33
dokothen please sign it, and put all four files there17:34
mlankhorstdoko: ok, I've re-uploaded that file, and added the rest too17:36
dokomlankhorst, no extra b-d for the vimeo plugin?17:38
mlankhorstI don't think there was, because it showed up as missing17:38
mlankhorstd-x doesn't install with --fail-missing, so it may have missed it17:39
mlankhorst(all I did was git merge and put conscious thought on zero while fixing conflicts)17:40
cyphermoxmlankhorst: honestly it would be better if this was tested thoroughly17:43
cyphermoxdoko: you've uploaded it?17:44
mlankhorstcyphermox: well it still starts, what more do you want. o:-)18:10
mlankhorsteven seems to play videos18:10
cyphermoxwell yeah, playing videos with sound would be good ;)18:10
cyphermoxjust to make sure it doesn't explode with gstreamer18:11
mlankhorstthough in all honesty I didn't test it before uploading18:11
cyphermoxthen there might be reverse-depends broken though18:11
cyphermoxI can't remember if the youtube plugin was in the totem source18:12
cyphermox(or if it even still exists)18:12
mlankhorstthere is a totem-mozilla built18:12
mlankhorstfrom the same source18:12
cyphermoxyeah, looks like it's part of totem-plugins, in the same source18:12
mlankhorstbut that kind of thing would be caught before it gets moved to trusty18:12
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whitehawk-wb_I have ubuntu installed, but it freezes all the time at boot if I use the normal bootup, but with the advanced options it work ok22:19
whitehawk-wb_so there must be something between the two, although I never use any advanced option just press continue22:19
whitehawk-wb_now after some update probably saucy the grub menu is not showing up at all.. and I can't choose...either it's something with grub2 or uefi but it makes using ubuntu hell...22:20
cyphermoxmterry: hey22:31
mterrycyphermox, hello22:38
cyphermoxI found out about module-switch-on-connect, very nice! :)22:39
mterrycyphermox, pulseaudio?  oh yeah.  I did that way back22:39
mterryI'm glad it still works  :)22:40
cyphermoxconsidering suggesting it for touch, for instance for switching over to bluetooth headsets when connected22:40
mterrycyphermox, ah sure22:41

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