
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
developmentcan someone help me out with a boot problem  , i have made a port and get adb but i cant work out why it doesnt boot past boot screen00:38
developmenti have dumped all /var/log files to a zip  if anyone wants to take a look  and my dmesg is on pastebin00:38
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development http://pastebin.com/S8CzzhNj00:44
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developmentanyone alive here?01:32
dufludevelopment: Sometimes01:38
developmentcan you help me with some log files ,  mine wont boot anymore01:39
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kpbirdWhat is current status of Touch SDK - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/SdkFeatureStatus06:07
kpbirdIt was edited long back - last edited 2013-06-27 21:25:15 by dpm)06:07
=== tvoss|dinner is now known as tvoss
tab2can i ask about ubuntu touch?07:55
tab2can samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 p5100 install ubuntu touch?07:56
tab2my tab is wifi+3G07:56
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aquariusis http://www.droidviews.com/how-to-triple-boot-nexus-4-on-android-firefox-os-ubuntu-touch/ anything like sane? I rather like the idea of having my N4 triple-booting between those three OSes. Will it break Ubuntu Touch if I do so?10:16
ubot5Ubuntu can be installed on a Nexus 7 tablet. The installation tutorial can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation10:17
aquariuslotuspsychje, I'm already running Ubuntu on my Nexus 4 (not an N7). What I'm wondering is whether this "multirom" thing is a good idea, or whether it makes a bunch of wrong assumptions about how Ubuntu works and so will, for example, break system updates.10:19
lotuspsychjenot sure mate10:19
lotuspsychjedoes ubuntu run smooth on your n4?10:19
aquariuswell, as smoothly as it currently runs, yes. That's going to improve with newer builds, I'm sure.10:22
lotuspsychjecan you surf the web properly?10:22
lotuspsychjeuse terminal?10:22
aquariusOf course.10:23
aquarius(although I don't use the terminal.)10:23
aquariusthe N4 is one of the primary supported devices.10:24
lotuspsychjeaquarius: what are the lags on it then?10:24
lotuspsychjeaquarius: what could be better in your opinion?10:24
aquariusI'm not worried about Ubuntu's support for the N4. I'm worried that the triple-boot approach is actually a wrong idea.10:25
lotuspsychjei hear dual boots are possible with android right?10:25
aquariusWhat could be better? Opening and closing categories in the Dash is slower than it ought to be, and the Dash takes time to render icons for things.10:25
ogra_aquarius, while we might need to support multiboot some day, it is not in  focus today, so no guarantees that an OTA might not wipe your other OSes10:26
aquariusI hear that dual boots are possible too, but I've not heard that from the Ubuntu phone team; if ogra_ or bfiller or popey tells me it's OK I'd be happier. :)10:26
aquariusogra_, ha! just the information I was looking for :)10:26
aquariusogra_, you know as well as I do about all the horrific hacks that people do to make stuff work which isn't ready yet, and I don't want to try out some dual-boot thing and then have it break because it was never supposed to work in the first place :)10:27
lotuspsychjewould love to buy me a nexus7 and try it, but need to know if its decent to run..10:27
ogra_right, so it totally depends on how hackish the approach is ...10:27
* lotuspsychje never liked dual/triple boots anyway10:28
aquariuslotuspsychje, I don't know about the Nexus 7 -- I don't have a tablet -- but I believe mhall119 has the N7, and there is lots of tablet focus going on for 14.04.10:28
lotuspsychjemhall119: awake mate?10:28
ogra_lotuspsychje, N7 has issues due to being tegra, but the focus for this cycle is to get the tablets best supported ... (they have been left behind a bit last cycle)10:28
aquariusogra_, see linked article -- I have no idea whether that's a hackish approach or not :)10:28
ogra_lotuspsychje, so you can kind of rely on it being well supported on release day10:28
lotuspsychjeogra_: so what would be the best tablet to buy, for ubuntu touch?10:29
aquariusogra_, which is exactly why I'm asking here so clever people like you can tell me :P10:29
ogra_lotuspsychje, N7 of the old generation (new one isnt supported at all currently) or N1010:29
lotuspsychjesounds to me ill have to wait longer :p10:29
lotuspsychjeany news of legit ubuntu devices?10:30
ogra_aquarius, heh, that install uses the zips ... no OTA, no readonly fs .... not actually supported10:30
aquariusogra_, right. So that's a no-no then :)10:30
ogra_lotuspsychje, there will be a phone in the first half of next year10:30
lotuspsychjei thought that project didnt raise money enough last time?10:31
ogra_aquarius, right, if you want to test your stuff under real conditions thats a nono ...10:31
ogra_lotuspsychje, not the ubuntu edge... just a normal phone with ubuntu preinstalled10:31
lotuspsychjegot an url on that?10:32
ogra_no specs, not even the manufacturer name10:32
ogra_i know canonical made a deal ... thats all10:32
aquariuslotuspsychje, the Ubuntu Edge project was for Canonical to build a super-amazing phone designed specifically to be the best of the best for Ubuntu Touch. Next year there will be, according to Canonical announcements, deals with existing phone manufacturers to release phones built by them with Ubuntu Touch. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/ubuntu-touch-signs-first-hardware-partner-will-debut-high-end-phone-2014 h10:33
aquariusas the summary.10:33
lotuspsychjeaquarius: tnx!10:33
ogra_the edge wasnt "for canonical" it was "for the community" ;)10:33
ogra_nobody would have earned anything on it but the coommunity wold have gotten their desired device :)10:34
aquariusogra_, ya -- I didn't mean that the Edge was being built for Canonical, I meant that the Edge kickstarter was for Canonical *to build it* for the community :)10:34
aquariussadly there were not 40,000 people who wanted it.10:34
lotuspsychjewell meanwhile ill use my ssd netbook as tablet alternative10:34
aquariusstill, phones from manufacturers next year, which is excellent.10:34
aquariusMeanwhile, no dual boot for me ;)10:34
ogra_and an edge like phone will happen too ... i'm sure10:35
ogra_in 2 years or so .... when the HW is standard10:35
lotuspsychjeits a matter of time, your right10:35
lotuspsychjefinally safety on mobile devices10:35
lotuspsychjecause android..fails hard10:35
lotuspsychjei cant believe someone would actually use pc banking apps on android10:36
ogra_many do apparently ...10:37
ogra_phones are even used as wallets nowadays10:37
ogra_NFC and all ...10:37
* ogra_ guesses there is a reason that the abbreviation for "no f*cking clue" and "nearfiled communication" are the same .... 10:38
lotuspsychjefirst i hear of10:38
lotuspsychjecommunication method10:38
aquariushey, what's wrong with NFC?10:38
* aquarius starts a fight with ogra_ ;)10:39
ogra_i have no f.... clue !10:39
lotuspsychjeon android it would be a security flaw10:39
lotuspsychjelookup how many malwares/ a day invented for android10:39
lotuspsychjethe wiki mentions rfid10:40
lotuspsychjei dont like the sound of that10:40
ogra_aquarius, but since you are here and more of a QML pro than i am .... i'm writing this QML app, that is supposed to pull an svg from a server, modify it and display it in QML ... do you know a method to had raw svg data to QML ? Image only seems to take a qurl for "source:"10:40
lotuspsychjetell me not all mobile devices got an rfid chip inside?10:42
aquariusyou could XHR he image10:42
ogra_(i want to extract a curve and dispkay it inide an ubuntu shape)10:42
aquariusand then construct a data URL of the SVG10:42
aquariusand then give that to Image as its sourc10:42
ogra_server side you mean ?10:42
lotuspsychjeok got the list: http://www.nfcworld.com/nfc-phones-list/#available10:43
ogra_hmm, but that would mean i need to store it on disk10:43
aquariusXHR the SVG off the server;  dataurl="data:image/svg," + svgdata; myimage.source = dataurl;10:43
ogra_hmm, will try that10:44
aquariusI do not know if Image supports data URLs, though. It ought to, but it might not.10:44
aquariushttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/6747434/how-can-i-convert-binary-codes-to-png-image-in-qml suggests that Image does support data URLs.10:44
ogra_ah, sweet !!!10:44
ogra_googling usually only gets me blackberry docs ....10:45
ogra_which is really annoying10:45
aquariushowever, this does mean that you'll need to parse the SVG yourself, which might be annoying10:45
aquariussince QML doesn't give you a decent XML parser, only XMLListModel10:45
aquariusthere are javascript XML parsers, though.10:45
ogra_well, i actually want only one element from the svg and construct a new one around it from a template10:46
aquariusalternative approach: use a webview, render the svg into the webview, write JS in the webview to parse the SVG using decent XML parser (DOMParser) in the webview, then send the data out of the webview with JS and pick it up in QML10:47
aquariusalternative alternative: write a custom C++ QImageProvider, if you hate your life10:47
ogra_nah, no C++ for me10:47
aquariuser, QDeclarativeImageProvider10:47
aquariusyay! that is the CORRECT response :)10:47
ogra_i'm actually not even using the sdk ;)10:48
aquariustough guy.10:48
aquariusno headers for you :)10:48
ogra_vim is enough to do good development ;)10:48
ogra_i installed the libs metapackage indeed10:48
ogra_totally enough for QML10:48
aquariusoh, you're using the SDK *libraries*, but not the SDK *editor*? That's so confusing. Yeah, I broadly agree with you, except s/vim/Sublime Text/ ;)10:49
* ogra_ is writing a frontend for his heating control system .... 10:51
xnoxogra_: glad it's useful ;-)10:51
ogra_absolutely :)10:51
ogra_there is one small annoyance though ... seems i have two qmlscene apps installed10:52
ogra_only callinig  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene ./main.qml works10:52
ogra_using the one from $PATH doesnt ...10:53
aquariuswhich is the one on $PATH?10:53
ogra_qtchooser brings in /usr/bin/qtchooser10:53
aquariuscan't for the life of me think why you'd have two qmlscene apps.10:54
ogra_ /usr/bin/qmlscene10:54
ogra_and qmlscene brings in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene10:54
aquariusya, same here, but it works for me10:54
aquariusand it can't be running a qt4 qmlscene because there isn't one; it was qmlviewer back then :)10:55
ogra_i'm on trusty FWIW10:56
aquariusI'm on saucy10:58
aquariusso maybe it's changed10:58
aquariusyou're on your own there, dude :)10:58
ogra_might be a release specific breakage10:58
ogra_well, i'm fine using the full path for the time being10:59
aquariuseasy workaround :)10:59
ogra_and i'm close to the point to roll a click, so i will move over to test on the phone soon11:00
ogra_the svg issue is the last one (and a settings page), then it should be functional enough11:00
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/fhemtouch/ is the app btw11:36
aquariusoh, this tracks a million little devices in your house, does it?11:47
ogra_well, it coulld, there are a million sensors fhem supports ... i currently only use it for the heating11:47
ogra_it controls about half the rooms yet, i just got new valves and recievers that i havent installed yet11:48
ogra_(there are radar and infrared movement sensors ... light sensors .... humidity and smoke ensors etc )11:49
ogra_if i'm done with the heating my next project is our post box :) it is outside the house at the fron gate, i want push notifications for new snailmail on my phone ;)11:51
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xnoxogra_: .... all what's left is to stream the updates to twitter: ogra left office, ogra is going down the stairs, temperature and humidity increases in the kitchen, coffee is brewed.11:54
xnoxi bet you'll have 1kk followers =)11:55
ogra_i think there is actually a twitter module ....11:56
ogra_the server is all perl though ... painful ...11:56
ogra_but its the best SW i found for my purpose and it can run without any configuration but just querying the devices ... which is cool ... setting it up means a minimal ubuntu-server install, installing one deb on it and you are ready to go11:57
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ahayzentimp, ping12:21
timpahayzen: hello12:21
ahayzentimp, The reorder support is coming along, FYI it has moved to lp:~andrew-hayzen/music-app/reorder-support-001, but I did find some issues with the UITK swipeDelete while transitioning away from our custom version and have provided a patch - have I done it correctly?, https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/19990612:21
timpahayzen: let me have a look12:22
timpahayzen: I think your code changes are good, but I'm trying to understand why it did not work correctly before12:34
timpahayzen: I left a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/19990612:34
ahayzentimp, idk why it doesn't work we had the same issue12:36
ahayzentimp, we have transitions changing the height so don't know if tht affects it12:36
ahayzentimp, and for the second part the animation just doesn't occur if I have set the height for the listitem, unless I add "height", both are a bit strange tbh12:37
ahayzentimp, i've reported the bug 1263682 and linked it to the branch12:47
ubot5bug 1263682 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Swipe delete label not aligned at vertical centre if height of listitem is changed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126368212:47
mlankhorstis nexus7 broken?12:48
timpahayzen: thanks12:49
mlankhorstwas trying with --channel devel, but it stops refreshing the screen after a few seconds12:49
mlankhorstand then just flashes12:49
timpmlankhorst: I think the "old" nexus 7 is supported but the new one not (yet?)12:49
mlankhorstI'm on the old one12:49
timpmlankhorst: ok. I don't have a nexus 7 to verify your problem12:50
ahayzentimp, i definitely seem to have to add "height" for the listitems which have height  manually set12:53
timpthat's weird, Empty.qml has     height: implicitHeight12:53
timpahayzen: do you set the height in your code somewhere?12:53
ahayzentimp, yep for eg.... ListItem.Standard { height: someHeightValue } }12:55
ahayzen*minus one of the closebraces :P12:55
timpahayzen: I don't want to cause you to have extra work, but is it possible to attach a small qml program to the bug that shows the issue? then I can easily test it and verify that the changes fix it12:55
ahayzentimp, ok i'll build one, it'll also make sure that it isn;t something in the music-app :)12:56
timpahayzen: ah. ok, when you set the height then animating implicitHeight doesn't do anything12:56
ahayzentimp, where should I attach it?12:56
timpahayzen: great, thanks!12:56
ahayzentimp, yep12:56
timpahayzen: if you can make it a really small qml program (just one file), you can paste the full code in a comment or bug description12:57
timpahayzen: but if it is not that small or you prefer to attach it, there is an "Add attachment or patch" link at the bottom of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/126368212:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1263682 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Swipe delete label not aligned at vertical centre if height of listitem is changed" [Undecided,New]12:57
ahayzentimp, isn't this a separate issue from bug 1263186 though?12:58
ubot5bug 1263186 in Ubuntu UX "Reorder design pattern" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126318612:58
ahayzentimp, ah wrong bug i meant separate from the one u posted12:58
timpahayzen: true. They are two different bugs. Do you mind reporting the other one also?12:59
ahayzentimp, will do, i'll see if i can get an example then report it up :)12:59
ahayzentimp, done :) bug 126368813:09
ubot5bug 1263688 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "No remove animation if the height of the list item has been set" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126368813:09
ahayzentimp, i'll try and do an example for the label shifting up as well13:12
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
timpahayzen: confirmed.13:39
timpahayzen: implicitHeight does not need to be animated to 0 if you do that with height.13:40
nerochiarotimp: can you do me a quick favor and test this ? (read the comment at the top for info) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6623252/13:41
timpnerochiaro: test on trusty desktop?13:41
nerochiarotimp: on trusty desktop yes. and the comment is "if you scroll the list you don't see any log messages saying the distance has changed, but if you remove itemDistance from the StateSaver list, then you see the messages as you scroll the list"13:42
timpnerochiaro: indeed, I only see the log messages after I removed the itemDistance from the stateSaver.properties13:44
nerochiarotimp: sounds like a bug to me13:44
timpsounds like statesaver does something naughty13:45
timpnerochiaro: can you report the bug? you have the example code already13:45
nerochiarotimp: certainly13:46
nerochiarotimp: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6623252/ please confirm13:52
nerochiarotimp: any ideas for workarounds ?13:52
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
timpnerochiaro: wrong paste?13:54
nerochiarotimp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/126369813:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1263698 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "StateSaver prevents property update" [Undecided,New]13:55
timpnerochiaro: as for workarounds I don't know. Perhaps property int itemDistanceForStateSaver: itemDistance13:55
timpnerochiaro: I confirmed the bug13:57
timpnerochiaro: contentY is of type real, so I think your itemDistance should also be (doesn't fix the bug though)13:58
nerochiarotimp: thanks, and yes, good catch. and your workaround seems to work as well13:58
ahayzentimp, thanks14:00
ahayzentimp, anymore info i need to provide?14:01
ahayzentimp, i've changed the animation to only animate "height"14:03
timpahayzen: no, I think it is all complete.14:03
ahayzentimp, cool thanks :) let me know if u do need anything else14:04
timpahayzen: I'm flashing my maguro now so when jenkins integration test created packages for your change, I can test them on the device to verify that nothing else broke (and run the ubuntu-ui-toolkit autopilot tests with it)14:04
ahayzentimp, awesome :)14:04
timpahayzen: testing the change with other apps is always a good idea, so if you have a device or other apps running on your desktop you can test with that14:05
ahayzentimp, ok will do... just wondering how to u change the UITK on the device? do u manually overwrite the files or make a click package to install over the top?14:06
timpahayzen: there are several ways. What I do is wait for jenkins to run the tests, and it creates an output.zip that contains the .deb packages for uitk (+theme+autopilot+examples)14:09
timpahayzen: I install those .deb packages on device then.14:09
ahayzentimp, i see, thanks14:09
timpahayzen: it is possible to compile them on device, or cross-compile for device, but that's more of a hassle for me14:09
timpahayzen: ah, in this case it is only one qml file that changed, so you can replace that file on the device with the new one14:10
ahayzentimp, ok14:10
timptim@ideapad:~$ dpkg -L qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin|grep Empty14:10
timpthat one :)14:10
timpahayzen: if you do additional testing, please comment that on the MR so that we don't need to do the same tests14:11
ahayzentimp, i'll see if i can get it across... i usually don't have much success patching things on device lol14:12
ahayzentimp, i have managed to run, on mako, the two examples I attached with the expected behaviour occurring14:28
nerochiarotimp: if the same logic for the StateSaver that I use in that example I sent you earlier doesn't work in a real application (in the sense that the same properties don't seem to be restored by the StateSaver), how can I report that as a bug ?14:31
timpnerochiaro: what do you mean? describe it like you just did.14:35
nerochiarotimp: yeah, but it is something that can't be reproduced except by running a specific branch of the app14:36
timpnerochiaro: you can link to the branch. But it is better of course if you an reproduce the bug in a small test program14:37
nerochiarotimp: that's the problem, the small test program works fine. i guess i can strip down the application until I get to the point i don't get problems anymore14:38
timpnerochiaro: the smaller the better :) and if you figure out which line breaks the app that's of course useful for the fixer of the bug :)14:39
nerochiarotimp: ok14:51
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=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
aquariusogra_, ha! http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013/12/announcing-ubuntu-and-android-dual-boot-developer-preview/ just been published ;)16:33
K_RoytherWhat's the difference between devel, devel-proposed, devel-customized, trusty and trusty-proposed channels? The Wiki isn't quite clear about that.16:37
K_RoytherAh, whatever... Gonna install anything...16:41
dakerK_Royther: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install16:55
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Saviqrsalveti, hey, do you know if having to downgrade the radio image to 4.3 is required to get WiFi on mako?19:25
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
maoursudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools says  Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:phablet-team/tools'. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.20:00
xnoxmaybe it fails to talk to launchpad?20:03
xnoxmaour: you can expand technical details about this ppa, to see the apt-config to add & the signing key.20:04
xnoxmaour: https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/tools20:04
xnoxmaour: just follow instructions provided on the ppa page itself.20:04
xnoxmaour: which release are you running?20:04
maour13.10, maybe my ISP have problems with https20:05
maourok, i'll try manually.20:06
rsalvetiSaviq: after flashing 4.4, yes20:08
Saviqrsalveti, yeah, people already answered on various other places I posted it - added to the wiki, too, where it was missing20:08
Saviqrsalveti, other than that, I've all my Nexuses... Nexii? dual-booting just fine :)20:09
rsalvetiSaviq: awesome, was going to give it a try in a few as well20:10
rsalvetigood to know :-)20:10
UTcan anyone solve this error ? http://pastebin.com/nZJ9jHJD20:33
UTanyone ?20:43
maourWhy there is no https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SuperUser page while there is a link on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation to superuserApp20:51
maourhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SuperUser  >>>> This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.20:51
awe_maour, the Wiki auto-links InterCap'd words; it's not really meant to be a link, but someone missed this when creating the page20:53
UTcan anyone solve this error ? http://pastebin.com/nZJ9jHJD21:01
dakerSaviq: it seems that bug that opens the preview when launching an app is now fixed21:40
Saviqdaker, cool, thanks21:41
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
nebket1Why does the nexus device have the most support?23:02
nebket1Is there a way of getting rid of Android?23:04
Beldarnebket1, The touch is half android, the desktop is not I believe, I'm not sure how much of the touch is apparent with android though, you might give you end goal here.23:06

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